Jr A 1 L.NflNGTON lOST . s :' i;sir.KKl AT Matter 1 THK PoSTOFFICE AT C. as Second Class KATES OP ADVERTISING. , Fifty cents per line for the first in ;Ttiim and twenty-five cents per line lot each additional insertion. - Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. . , -f- The subscription price to The Wjl- MrNGT'oar l'OST , is l uu per year; six months 75 cents. 1 . ; . - All communications on busiues should Us addressed to The Wilmington rosr, Wilmington, N. C. All advertisements will be charged a the above rates, except on special con tracts. !.-.' v. , Latest. There was a debate the other day in the&euate, induced by some reroark- Itble statements of Senator Vance, and replied to, firsU by Senator Kellogg of. Louisiana, andfterwards by Senator Kulliusof New Hampshire. We thank both tliene Senators for jHincturing the airiness of Vance. We shallpublish both Kcllogg's aod Btrrftitti's speeches i full next week, and givesuch ' cits-, lions from the local history of tbe; state of North Csroinnras may. give addiT I R u it V, light to a now smoky subject. Tl.e late brilliant General Assembly North Cotiua oo the 12th of March, 1 38 1 passed an act, which re .i d Judge Bennett to bold Court at Anuevillo and. Marshall in Madison oiiuty, alt outf'and the same time. The icU-alae required the Judge to lounge about two weeks waiting for Henderson (Uiu-fi. If Governor . Jarvis bad 'no1 c ue to the rescue with a term of dyer itn'j Terminer they, would baye bad6 utut lit Madiann. -lv ;' . ; And tli 14 ia alio rcfreihiug. , What Senator Vance calls the fraudulent i'.:irpt-baggers, limitcdr by the Consti tution of the etaU iiBtaatiou '.'to 'CCj cents on a hundred dullard Thi as s 'nibfy of Solons that recently met hare 1ut tbe echt ol' tax up to 11 tents on the one hundred dollars, which leaves for all other contingencies otily 20) cents. 1-ufllctin issued on the Sth of A'pril iiajb: A bullctiu issued at 11 o'clock tbii morning say0:" Lord BeacontIield leased a good night and had refreshing sliqv lie has taken his nourishment I lie i-J Die (ymptouis caucu ty tue lAtitiitua,rclai)3e oro passing i away. The condition of the. patient, is 'more ' Iwpolul tliairit was yesterday. Tbo JlHike of Argylo Iord of the r lrVvy Aral, and oup pof the most m liihtcucd, greatest and ibcral of the lOnsHsh peerage, has broken fiom Clad .stone with whom, as be said iu the Huuso of lords, tLat he "regrcttel to liavea .'paraictl from my friends, espe cially Irom Mr. Gladstone, with' whom I hao had a i connection of ever in crcaiing icspect during twenty-nine l, yea -a." Mr. .Ulalfstene- bad defended his Irish hnd bill in' a speech of two Lours and twenty minutes, ot unabated vigor, jrcmarkable for hia well known powers of lucid explanation of detail. The Duke declared himself in favor of the ioctcase of ownership of land in J rcland, and that this scheme of Mr. tJ!iidtouo; will teud to paralyr the omicrah'ip of laud by restrictuns known "in no civilizjd country.. , '' Tbo trjal of the aasaasinspf tho late CAt is going on without result. . , si-; Iroit vakck sriiArr Df. 1'ho pccch of Senator Vance deny '.iiig rejudialioni catchea it on all aides, ,uJ well it migbt. Up charged that tin? Ute debt wa created by tho car pet baggers, n b knew that there were but eiSU "carp:-b3?th " in the ute Seuate, and nine in the House. . 1 le k new, too, that 1 16,25600, bond ncro Instigated ..by Democmta, and went into their handa. These were tho iiamea of th Democrats, and' they are the persons who received theeo bond: llLCgwau,. W. J. Hawkiu. U. W Swepson, Wnr3ohnson, r. Pclo, - ? P. Mallctt; ' J. 11. Stubb, - $ 000.000 - ; v 3,200,000 - - C,66V,(W0 . 2.000,000 1,410,000 U ? 500,000 Total; r t!6,2W,000 another shot next We week will hart IVaatilujctoa'a ruiaoaittw v At the last mectiog of tht American Muommatic.and Arch.loxical society tbo followior autccTtrb mcmaraaduia of Watkinston. wiiUeii ooo kundrtd Tar ago, via exkiWted. It Wloam U Profcwor Chatlft E. Anthoo, of thia city, and ia corloat aa Uaiin; tise Gtnerai'a aignaiure la two focma, vbiia it lUostratea hia private babiu, kit mi nuto tartfulacaa and bit orUiograpliy Haas cot arratl la print, aai tht Colonel Laurens wilt be so Rood as to bring the following things fori v ; (Jeu'l Washington ' A Irave-liug razor ease withjevery- thiog complete To be etJong-parta ble & compendious Leather perhaps would be best. - - I. A best pocket rccouuoitercr brTcl escope. . " - - . .' ,: i A very small case of Pocket austru m'u, containing a scale, dividers, &c A goad Saddle,! bridle & fupiiture (excluding Pistols) .fit for a republican General. 2 doz'n ditties sized 4 doz'n Soap & 8 doz'n Shallcr A watch string aotti Jau'y,1781. of Tin or some' thins very light rj ji for the J; flu. Uo. Washington. The Col. Laurens ' to whom the document is addressed was John, son of Henry Laurens. .-. In regard (to him Jppleton's Cyclopedia - furnishes these facts : Born jn booth Carolina about 1756 r he was killed! there August '27, 1782, in a skirmish on the Combabee river with a marauding party of British. He was devoted to Washington, to whom, he was aid-de-camp, and was be- loved br bn commander, lie was-; Washington's principal medium of com munication with foreigners in the ser vice. After tbe fall of Charleston he i i was designated byWashirgtooj as the speda.1 representative of the aiiny to proceeto France and appeal to the king forsbeccr. He set out -ia the au tumn of lTSJVuccocded iq his mission and, returned to nja military duties. It was ia contemplatioKofi this jrisit to Lurope, therefore, that hi chief in- trbsted bin with the commissioi .above cited.-ATcw York Eteninj Tost. I JUDGE BUXTON. We publish the communication be low. and we desire to state that we en dorse every word of it: there could not be an appointment made which would give such unanimous Eatisfac. ion to North Carolluiacs as tbe! one recom mended: ' T : -N Smith i ieu, "if. C, April C. 1H81. To the Editor Pcst:: !, I: - It seems to us there is aii important duty devoSyfng ; on thi Republican party; wlliph. seems to be soiopwbat overlooKed, or.at least, but lit tie. said about: that is the promotion ot" Judge Buxtoc He Is ijwtd tnanub better in tbe state, aud re 11 ects credit jon the party. And alUr the sacrifices made, by him in the last campaign jin this state, we think he is entitled, tb some good appointment at the bandsof tbe Republican party'; The Hon; S. IV Phillips bavin? declined the appoint ment tendered him as Judge j of the Court of Claim?; wo would bo !pleased tb see the same tendered to Judgo Bux ton, lie sbpulj haTe some good posi tion by all means. We thcrpfore hope you xvm urge nis claims ihrougu your pncv auU.Alaniarannalljr ;Th nnrtv will be derelict in duty unless an; ap pointment is tendered him. i ; ; P. T. Maspi:y ; ' , i CUFTOX WATwD '5- K. W. Vov Washikgtox, D March 2(ith, 1SS1. To the Eitltor the Viiunqtm Post, Wilminyton, A'. C.' i 1 Dear Sir: At a meeting ojf promi nent colored Republicans from North Carolina, held at the residence of Mr. W. F. White, 15 11th st;, N. W.,Wed ndday evening, March ICib, resolutions were adopted expressing JLho jgrateful confidence of the colored- Republicans of the state in the Hon.W. P. Canaday, and In behalf Jt?f the colored people ex tending thanks to him for the interest he has ever raanilesttd iu our elevation as a people, and pledging him dur sup port, I baye been 'directed! by the chairman, and others of this meeting, to request you to publish aai J resolu tions, &&, in your most excellent pape I am ever yours, trulyy - ' ?.-'.':' V TlXEH. Vbeieas, It ui customary for a gratelul people on occasions similar to this, to giro expression to their senti ments and the cause inereior; " XVD TTHEJiEAS, Hon. Wxixiam P. rrisiDiY. of Norvh Carolina has ever proven a true, trtea ana ieariess menu of the colored people of ouratate. bo- ine aivraya, ana at au umca, a wu u- fender. of their - richta aa citbens; al wavs recoenialng the equity in a just distribution of patronage among nier- itonous mcmbera or the lwpuDucan nartT vdtliout daUocUon as to color. Thereiorek i I SwlttJ, By this bod Vol centkued. from the tld Korth Sute," exprmite of the eenUmesta of onraelve and thos we represent, that Hon, William P. Canaday is entitled to, and doea eu- tha rrartfal conftdeace of the He or oar peopie wvj ncixoy wu iw nun oar taanu lor toe interest ne nas man ifested ia our elevation, ana we nercoy rledse him our hearty support in every tr.tft K mii make to eniorce a joai recoenitioa four nsaahoodfaad our rtrnta as ciiuena. - j j Itx V. Ttssr,Sec; Deaa Stanley reUSea ia a aertwo, re cently prtachtd laWttainster Ah bey, Chat, at a Uma when public stairs were canalag mcch aaxktf, ha aaked Thomaa Caxtjla what he thecxht a persoa la hia posUioa ahookl da -Whatsoever thy bar) n4ca todo, do it with thy Bright." was the lacoak STATKNEWS. i The Abbeville Acu'j fills six of its columns with the report of a murder trial, Bnd the jury only returned man slaughter, j ."' ; '; : '' ;'. Says the Iklcutou Cl-irhn: "We are soon to have a railroad. The Suffolk & Albermarlo Sound R. R. Company, assigns its Charter to the Nansemond County Narrow Cauge It. R Company. Judge Scherck has tendered -his re signation' to take ffict to morrow. Gov Jarvis, hs appointed Judge Shipp toaerve, the unexpired tsrm. Judge Shipp enters upon hia duties at North ampton court on Monday morning. The Spartanburg and Asheville Rail road was sold otf'Mopday fast to the bondholders.; - The new company with R. Y. JIcAdeii as President, took pos session and resumed control of the property. The- road will-; be pushed through to Asheville as soon as possible.- . : j"'. ' ;'-.?.". ; The Winstbn AVpafiican.- Hon. Sam uel F. Phjllips, appointed Solicitor General by General Qrant, and con tin Ked in the same osition by Mr. Hayes, has been tendered the Judge ship of the Court of Claims by Presi dent Garfield, Mr. Phillips declines te appointment. We desire to nomi nate another son of North Carolina a$d a stalwart Republican for the position; 'we: refer to Judge R. P. Buxton. - 'Spirit of ihe South: : Hon. O. II. Dockery and 1 his son A. V. Dockery, consul to Leds England, wera in Washington Ciiy a few days ago. r The Messrs. Led betters' prox(edjcot .ton; mills at South Union, in this vicin ityss io19 of br1ck,.ii6 by 04 feet, one story riKheiglit they cxpeet to, begin operatiohaXoon. -A monk of tbe Greek CburchVho seems to lead a no madic life, and lives cut of dours, is encappinj in ilichauRd county. He is a Balgarian, an JspeakVm?eral lan guages, carries a gun, has a setter dog, hair black and luujr, does his ownCQok- ing, has dirty hand, and ' bis name A. N. Experido." ? i ( Alamance GLancr. The Dauviile and Haw River R R. is to be opeued" bo-, tweeu-the counties of Alamance, Chat; ham and Caswell, and Danville, Vii. T'c Ea v rivr teeius with cotton, tobacco, "whea't and rice. All along Haw . river, in Alcnjauce county, the busy hum of the ?pindlo and loom is beard.! Larj;e ijuantities of yarns and other cotton goods aro manufactured and shipped to iiiarkets which pour their tribute of wealth into the lap of Alamanco. More cotton mills are be ing byillVaud still others are 1 in cen- er to siurc, a Diocaaae sua. was - ! " . t ' . . " I broken up by some revenue officers the other day. There was not enough evi dence to convict the fellow, ;. ' " WclJou Af (('. -A negro, tobert Via- son, was, sometime in) aiarcn, arrcstea on a charge of violating tberHpited States revenue law's inv Belling Whisky id Northampton cburity without li cense. He.was brought to WeMon on Monday by Deputy Marshal E. N. Pe terson and Jtried before J. W, Mullen, Esq., United States Commissioner. He was, in, default of bail, sent, to North ampton ' jail. Col. J. It. Davis, the proprietor' of the Weldon Hotel, and who makes everybody happy, offended a conjure " coloiei doctor, yand he threw a j stone through 4 the window, smashed the glass, and came near knocking that caterer's head off. Statesvllle Anttrlcan: Col. Tom Scott, the great railroad man, has donated $50,000 to .Washington and Lee Uni Tersity, at Lexington, Ta. Who next for a real liberal donation to the N. C. University at Chapel HJll-not of the cramped, restricted Vapderbut-Deems style, but a fair gift for the benefit' of poor boys. That's what we are willing to praise. Wo don't think Tom Scot ought to glye half a million ta the tiniver&ity. jiWe' wculd be glad to. see hua cire the poor and bright boys of the state hare a half a mililoo, so they might be made hapry by superior learninp;- Hid: People cannot be too cautau cspecialiy ia wipdy wealh- la rjardiug against fire; A very mall spark at sach a time may burn un a ;ho&se, or even a town. Caution is the bot protection, acd next to that an iosuraace wlky, and next aa or ganized fire department. Stoves, lam ps matchei. asbes.' and old roofs arecs- i-M-i!) dinrr roua. and should be TCIT iricUv i. watched.? . Fortwaroed. fore armed. " , , , . "' Gere EUioU did not caw a gttat deal forjokes but site relished that referred w her cwa Tolaae. H is the well known story aboat aa ' tgaeraat Eaglish bookseller who pat ap the ao lice-- "Milt oa tbe FfcK; diUo oa IV iucal lkoaoaiy. I:t. Arthar ChapUia. ef soatbera Africa. av: I aerer saw theeasl at a god iala ChmUaa aaywaeta for seal ta seeking the atdvaUaa cf his ewa breihrta.' It ill Fia wiibhlm. Senator "Garland, of Arkanias, dis closes an amount:oisciiso . which may cost ? hitn hu pbiceas iaBemocrat SpeakiDg of the quarrercrer the Sea ate ofSces, be says: "J OLlzlk that, since we have surrendered the ' !oore impor tant part of the orgaaiziL!3B, there is not much use la . carry incai the fight for a few luinor offices of so real con sequence to anybody bcii those who hold them and those who Ont them. In my opinion, the loonerthe Senate eeta through with the kesiaess for which this session was called, and ad jouns and goes home, the better it will be for all concerned" It will; no sUtes man, living or dead, ever got closer to a great truth than that -'l Somebody says that "the devil Jonly came into the world after woman was placed here." If there had been only men in the world -the devil would not have come into the crowd. He could have found better company at home. err items.- -.--; ------ i - Chew Jackson's Bestl; SweeV Kavy Tobaccoi 'Zlrk EasterMSnndayt is just one week off from to-day. , i . Eggs are scarce, and sell for twenty cents per dozen. j There are seven iu the county jail. prisoners confined There were no interments in Bclievua Cemetery this week. I Criminal Court was fat for the court oliicers this time. Tbo Criminal Court adjourned for the term 'yesterday morning, i ? . i : 5 River boats are compelled locarry head lights on this, river. ; Now is the time r for the Souud Rail road. DonTyou forget it. ! The pipe fortthe water works arrived on Sunday last bv the schooner Joseph Souther. :.': -.. . t. - V ' -u:' . Dr. Fairfax Irwin has ' relieved Dr. Bailhacbe, at the Marine Hospital, in his CitT., ' ' ,' ' lier. IV D. Pitts will preach oU'the sin of drunkenness this evening at St. John's church. i .1 y . Two adults were interred in Oakdale during the week, here for burial. One was brought S?nator Kellogg! is showing himself too much for Vanco, Hill, Jones, and the whole gang. , ! t ' . . , " i Bishop Hood ia in tbe city and will preach to-day at the church corner of 7th and Cborch streets. ' j air. kj. iu. xiottu iu jjituting- ham. Alflham. last Fridav nifht. to gather the fact relative to the death of I his brother. The Postmaster General has ordered the railway mail Service to, be reorgan ised. ' We suppose that is to get clear of decayed timber. . . ' i -" i m j- The Passport will commence her re; ular summer run between Smithville and Wilmington on the iOth day of May next. . .-" Mr. Mathiensen, mate of the Norwe gian barqne Marvic, has been missing for a week. The supposition is that he fell overboard and drowned. ! Mr. Thos. C. Harris, a son of the late J. M. Harris, Esq., was accidentally shot at Birmingham, Ala., and has since I died. . His remains were brouabt to this city for interment. . Six cases- against W. J. Peatou and Geo. McDougal were settled ia the PCriminal Court this week. The origi- nal charge still remains on the docket against them. Mr. Octanes A. Wiggins qualified as a member of the Board Of Audit and Finance from the First Ward ia this city, aad immediately tncreatter ten dered his resignatioBV : Gerrtt Walker. Tu of Harnett township, has tendered his resignation as a Justice of the Feace. Mr. VanAmringe, Clerk ef the Sa- rxrior Court wtu noi arnoiai Air. Walker aacceasor antu next week. We learn that a mectiag of our (or- eiga-bora fellow citisca, irmpective of natienality, ia ta be heU al the Gty Hall at aai early day, ta form a Pro tective and Beneficial AsaociaUoa. This is a ttcp ia the right directioa, as that class of our citixaaa hare' no general Mostslt toW.-Dr. J.UWali. i er, iruperbUaJeat of Heal , aaalcs - 1 th filowlrg . mortsxry report foe the tthef lurch: Whiles l levaalea, 4; i ada?, i; cMidrea, Total, 4. CakrrJMaks, 3j fcxaake, aiaiu,12; caiMrta.3: TeUI,lL Tout, waiie aad colored, tor tit ta,ll- The Rtgister of Deedi issued only one marriage license during the wee and (hat to a colored couple. " Flee.- The fire alarm about upon u Tuesday last, Was caused by the burn ing of a roof of a bouse on Seventh, between Church and Castle ; streets, owned and occupied by David Williams. The fire was .soon' extinguished with but little damage to.tho, house. ; Wil liam's damage is covered, by 'insurance. ' MEJEXisa or HooK axd ia)d4; Co. Ko. 1. At a meeting of the Hook and ; Ladder Company . held at their Hall Monday night, the officers of , tho company tendered their resignations which were accepted, and an election immediately field, which resulted as follows: ; ;-..-'j ; : ;; 'r;..,-j"V --j',- . Foreman-r-Kogr Miwro. . . 1st Assistant R. lLGraut. 2d Assistant Albert Gore. ; Naeiiow Escape. Messrs. II, C Smith and,WIk-Smith; of Colu'mbui county, made a narrow escape from death on Friday. They were stopping at the PurcelJ Hense, and, cu jjoin to bed Thursday nighr, blew out the gas. They were discovered Friday afternoon about 4,o'clock just in nick cf time. Respiration with them was very weak, and they were unconscious. Restora tives wcrc administered, and they are now all right pgain. . COMMlTTEIi'.CF FinEJliTX. A cemf mittee . representing the different fire companies met Friday morniDg ia Kas- prowicz's Reading Room ,fpr the pur pose of dralting resolutions and Jdraw- jing up a petition to be presented to ine ioara oi Aiuermen ana. Licara ot AUdit, & Finance, asting fui the re moval of the fire-alarm bell to the City Hall, assigniogas their reason j that at present, the : bell cannot be beard throughout the city. i 4 i ! WiLitisuTOii Mutual ISscr.Ai;cE COiirAXY. At the annual m'eeting of this policy holders of thia-Oompany, all the officers of the Company were re elected, as follows: President W. A. French, i Vice-President J. K. Brown. Secretary and Treasurer Samuel N. Cannon. . ' . Directors Vim. Larkius, J II. Free man, B. .E.Hcide, II. VonGlab R. J. Jones, Ii. S. Cadcliffe, R; E. Colder, V,'; P. Oldham, U. M. Bowden, j. 1J. Chad- bourn.1 "C ' lOB. THE BESEFIT OF TUE SlTEr.3 Meecy. The good Sisters of Mercy and the ladies of the congregation of St. Thomas' Church are getting ready for a grand bazaar to be given! for the cing women, ton Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Easter week. contributions, we hear, have been re ceived from cities north and south of- us. The undertaking deserves to be welji patronized. fl Timber Market. Tho maikct has been well supplied with timber during the past week. There was a. steady sale, but no active demand lcr it. Wc quote as follows, the market closinrr steady. ' J Common Mill, . $ 0.00 to $0.00, Fair Mill, t C.50 loSS.00, Trime Mill, $ S.SOJtolO.Cp. Extra Mill, $1.0.00 to ?I2.uO Extra Ship, $13.00 to.$15.00 2 There is Tcry little uiisold timber o the market; but mills are pretty well supplied. The tendency in prices seems to be upward, but there is no pro nounced action in that direction The Criminal Court has been in jci- sion during the past week.! Many cf the continued cases were gotten off tho aocaet. xne loiiowing genuenien com pose the grand jury : Chas. 21. Kiag, foreman ; W. B. Orr, George Mo?!ey, F. Baines, W. H. Snecdeu, W. II. M- Kocb. J. Wt Hodges, Alien Evan. Thos. Brinkley, Washington Howei IL L. Uatcbins,' A. D. Love, S. IL Mer toa, Joo.V. Hewlett, Sylvester Bar- riss, J. H. McOarity, J. AV. SHrauss, J. ILItslUrd. ; I The case ef H. IJectlej litiiic cd considerable attention. The defendant was charged with conduct icg a lottery: He had been granted a fcrtaie, Ccucty, aad City license So h11 prius photo graphs, bat the grand jury Jadlcied bua ior carry iag oa a lottt ry. . Jlr. Ueniley was trkd ia lo case aad ac quitted. There were' &irty-t vthef sea oa the docket ajiiait turn, wakh were coaaprcaiited, tbe deiiFXHlaat pi y- iag the crat. "I , - Troet, si ih; To taua it at six locg year, vf U J 1 riidea slckacts, cse4i- tT3 per j tu. total IL2-aU cf this espvtwe was stepped j Cottks ef lf Put, u- tta by say sue. he Las Ccae her own aeastraorx m a year rc. a hh- oat the less ef a day, aa4 I sat every body to kacw It, f Heir U t it. A, I K, Ihnaer.' CoLLisjoy. Tho ; schooner li. B. Gibson, Captain Bturgis, while sailing down; the river Sunday collided with the Norwegian barquo Mediator, lying at anchor at Five Fathom Hole. The schooner lost her foretopmaat and jib boon by the collision and the, bark her jibboon. The schooner returned to the city for repairs. . . I -1 - ; . Badly : Bchxed. Wednesday af ternoon Martha Foster, colored, who lives in Price's Alley, between Fifth and Sixth acd Church ;and Castle streets," was severely burned. The un fortunate woman, Vibo is about 50 years -of ?ge, was lying on the floor asleep in front of the fire. She was aroused by her child 'and found that her clothing was on fire.' Before assistance , could arrive. the clothing of the woman was burned off, and her body was a mass of shrivelled 0,esb. J ' ! " Wo learn that our German Idlo w- ciiisen intend callm a, meeting at an early day to revive the old German Association which was' such a -strong organization a few years ago. The ob ject of the Association, wej understand, will be to advance the interest of that class of. our fellow-citizens in every thing appeVTanJiog to their advance ment. The intention of otir friends is a laudable one, and we hope to be able at ah early day to notice the. reorgani zation of tho German AssQciation'. A Rux Off. Thrco :cars ot the height train on the W , a & A. 11. li., were thrown from tbetrack' at Atkins' Turnout, 13 miks irom! Sumter, ou Saturday last.' The train stopped to wood un at Atkins', and as it proceeded on its journey these cars were thrown from the track and one was wrecked. it is not known whether the accident was caused by a broken rail or by a piece of wood which fell from tb.3 ten- dgr across tho track. .There was no uamago other jthan the molishmeut of tho' car, delay to tho train. - v complete de- and a slight The Rem a iks of rnq Latent. C. Haebis. The remains of Mr. Thos. C. Harris, who met Uls eathi by accidental shooiiiig-'at Bermingbam, Ala., on $at-. urday last, arrived in this city, Wed nesday iuorninij on the 0:20 W". C. & . It. 11. train. 1 The remains were con veyed to the residence of his brother. Mr1, (i M. Harri?, on Fourth, between Nunu and tliurtb 4 streets.: At if O'clock the iuuerd ' set vices of the Methodist Church were read oter . the remains,', which. . were thlcn carried to Oakdale Cemetery fvMowcd by a large concourse ' 1 frienda., I'caco to! his Axo thee: Jf iVE.-ii,a Jjionuay evening about 11 o tloct, the stables and barns on the -old Downy place. about two' and a half miles from this city, jon tho tuurnpike, owned and used by MrxThes. Edccs, w.i rti!rstroyed by. Crc. 1 1 ii cot known boiy the lire origA inatcd. Besides tbo loiof testable arid bsrn, iff.i -Eden'! lots was very light, consisting cf a'.liiltle provender cud farm tocls and ' implement. Mr. E. ha3 some insurance, but what amount we could Cpt learn, tllis dwelling uisdc a na rraw esca pe jfrom . destine Boa:;i vy r---r.' J tf 'I a i ST r. ates. The - i -- . t : I'jii .Mir uauuirr ia the lou it House on liuudjy at 12 V'dlk,) in accordance with the pnltlUbcd notice, for the pur pose of eketing Couaiy Comniiwwdn er tii Cirthe - vacancy created iby the resignation tf Wei. L. Smith, ; the re cent Chairmsn cf the iDcard of Cam ttiisioaers.; J,?'-: ? . . ' K ? J Bsiice J & u Cow an, StcreUry, called tLe roll, aud 23'MaUtralcs answered Lto their niuu. ThenBaber of Jmii- cesi present Ixycga full quorum, the Chair prccecded .y 'bttstaess by i a farm ing the Board that he had been dally Botiacd of the Couaiy Coamlisioorr reigaatioa ef W. tm Smith , and thereupoa stated &at ih obitct of the preheat ceeting was to eltcl a -ic-ccJar t 3Ir. mSti. A'ba'K ws:lia had i;d C t K,r Li Latji - t cfe,! i'i k-i'.ts; ' was ' declared da!y c!(vtr--i i wsirtr of the Board of Cuaa ty CvKaaiwktrrs. .Vpvi' scotioa of Juttlce Cias.' D. Jyt r, the llla was ta3 ecaals&a- f . . He fUrd ikea aJj-'iirsL ' Eoi.a: or- A rtJttsf .--The, Baud act l rrir atth?y evka st the CfyjHsIl last Mosday ait. There .! prr at Hsyee' jfaih aai AUer- i beia,TeUUr,mpk(r-i al WtSH. I AUT?rt3 UMlavKirrJ thai taailcf cf rtaisttsg tVe prtx ef tie Fins Ns:iKAl Baak b-42-g oa Frsel amU .be la'ejfirfeeKdL-'-'; Ow- - 1 U ret ry jmt UmcA &tiAt 1 j U ywae WjKfOaa t tie PcHft. Alderman Werth read a report cf a Committee of the', Gommissionen of -Navigation recommending thai the dock foot ;: of Chestnut street, be not opened. 1 'i-Vf"'" "vl-.i Alderman Bowden moved that' the matter be deferred until the next meet ing of the Board, the city attorney to be consulted in the meantime as to the , power of the Board ia the matter; Alderman Chad bourn moved Vt tho . said wharf be immediately repairers fad the Committee on Streets and AVaame be empowered "to act in llhe premises. Camed. v -:;;-;' ,-f ; ; .'. ; The applicaUoa of Cape 'Feii Firo Engine Company wugrantedi. j " The Ifayor called the aiteatien of , the Board to tho list of delinqaente lot license tax amounUsg to over 14,000, and oa motion he was litirtnreted to ea force the collectioa ol the aame, aa well ai theBttkherslmoathly tax, :1a erears, x The Finance Conmittee attbaxiUed. the followTng report ; of appropriations foe the ensuing fiscal rear,irhich ie' ' port ws adopted and ordered tobe re ferred to the Board of Audit, and Fi- nanc For Streets and VTiarres, 18,600; PoUce, $15,500; Public Building, $200; Fire Department, $0,000; IMeoners, $200; Lights, $3,740; Printing, Station ery and, Advertising $000; ; Sanitary, $3,C0Q; Miscellaneous and Extraordi nary, $1,000; Water Works, $2,000. auo contract for, printina the Citr Laws was awarded to Mr, S. G. Hall; and the; con tract for city printing to Messrs. Jackson & Bell; their bids fet the same being the lowest, ; 1 Tho contract for feeding prisonem was awarded to York Moore,! at six cents per meal. . " -.' . ' : . - Reports from the Superintendent of Health and the Chief of Fire Depart ment for the month of March were read audprderedon file. j r ' . Alderman Bowden offered the follows Ing resolution, which was unanimously adopted . :;'"'-I- . Acsohrtl, that for the able and effi cient manuer in which Coli 1W Moore has discharged the onsroua ties of Chief Enirfneer of tha Fim De partment, ho is entitled to the grati tude, not only of the Board of j Alder men, but also of the community at lrge. ;- ; ;. .. . i . ! . ' Gh motion the Board adjourned, County Commission titiil-The Board of County Commissioners met in regu lar monthly session Monday afternoon. Commissioners Worth, Baggj Pierce and Montgomery being preseniv ; Ane resignation of Comaussioner Smith mado on the SOth of- March was read and accepted. 1 ' Col. lidgcr Aloore : who Waal elected - oath and was duly installed, j The Board, then proceeded! to tha '" election of a;hairman. Cbmmiisioner Bagg was put in nomination Sod was elected by acclamation. -; ' ' Commissioner Moore was appointeJ on the Finance, Public Building, Beard of Managers; and City Uoepical Committees.- i ':- i The report of Messrs. Brawa aad McRae, Surveyors, relative to the bona dry line between the roor House track and Garrell's land was accepted. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report. Balance of general fund on hand $2722.09, balance of special fund on band fm20. One bond of $500 Nor 133 with all coupons 'attached aad GScoupons of $3.00 each, aad thirty two coupons of the denominatioa ol f 13.00 each wero surrendered, aad de stroyed Ja the presence of the Board. The Treasam'a report showed balance on hand ef edoeational fand of IS,- The Begi-ter of Deeds Report far the month of March showed neid orcr t theiTrtasortr; receipt for aaroe was banded in. . THE WONDkBHTL KEHEWXS. K irtK AM cttia. fa.t-..tll..t t--..rrrfTT tnm' Is b rT. 1 hol'mri t m Lir mi mm ' '.ilU ffimm umMrm k AUaC.AM.Art30-SstJt I ii HiBiM, la vTi rTm - tii. ' - I rtf tut ttet K. Mil i ftif it mm o -. AMMf rsMa-w. uw x. rujjvMi r rjs u u M fit - ft rriaa Hi 5C AH fA Ls 4 mEtmQmX slaVAtf rcAc xsir. jranacriptU literal: rrpij the act mttTtd. which pats easy of as to Cusaa."

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