X .'..;; ; X X -' "-H;: '-V ::v . . ' xv ' -. ' , j : ' -. - ' ' " : . ; '! ' - -, - ; if : ft -V 'X - S. ; - - ' - i : - . - . : i . I i SW ' ' . ' I - . ' . ., " : - - 2 I Ml I II I :! r 11 . II I I 1 1 . .-.j su.i ';'U J. i;.,:,trrr; 7V- IT US.1 If a r, ? ' , m VOJJJME XI J.i ir.NfOj'BlJl 'AT. THE roaTOFilCK AT WiwiiwrivNi N. U, A3 Second Olah Mat i En. I ,.-'V tV'V u- V, 'Latest. ! . The Nihilists were niarcuea lo exe t milioii nilh drum aud fife, ami tie '" iacbraenU of troops j uirrpuoded tlie gcaflblJs. Thitj ' kissed tlie "cross and i rach other," a'nd'all were firm but Rous- s.ikolT, who fainted at the last inoment. Tlie Irieunial 'scBsidn of the Society uf the'Cincinnati cloicd the 8th. The following cfficer4 r$k elected jo serVe lbrJ,hcei)suiDg termji rreeideutVGoT. Hamilton Fish', of New York;. Vice V lVcsidcut, (Jen. Woi. AJ 'Irvine, iof i'euDsylvauia; Secretary, Oea. CI. W, II arris, of 1'eiinsjlTaiiit; Assistant bec rrlary, Hen. 11. I: Manning, of Mary- - IhihH Trcaiurer, (Icn.. Jno. Schuyler, of New Vork; Aeuslant Treasurer, . Hen. IlerinoM liarfiinl, of New York. Heavy 1oBlsVin I'leias, damaging oru, colto, aud vegetables. .; V Tin; advance Bbeejls of JefT. DaTis ljwk jiroon. .I'-' ; ".' - . r .: :i ' There are 5,0'JU destitute irsous iu Dakota iu conseiuence of the flood, ; and greaU sufferiog prevails. j ' (Jeueral Uarey, who recently died of kidney disease at his home in Edce Jiulil, fsouth Caroliu'a, "wan more than mi average lawyer, aud with him dies . iIia lant bupc of independence in iSouth ' CnruUtia Democratic politics. - ! I licueral Mahoiie Rays thai Ike auti' 5,juibo uioveinent will carry Virginia tti'is fall; that begets news from Texas, Arkausas, thtj Cirolinai ipd Florida . I'tidoisiug his altituJe. v , I'Jiero.arriyed'iu tbe cuslonis districts of lialtiuiore, robloo, Detroit, Huron, Key West, Miuueswta, New Bedford,; New Urlcaus, New York, rassaiuk ijuody, rhiladclphia and San Frajii Viaco, during the mouth ended SIsrcU ol, 1SSI, lSSJl 'pasHCugers, of wEoni 4 t,rJ5 were Iiiutuigratits. Ui" these there nrrivcd from Fnglauaiid Wales, 3.1S?; hcjtfaml, Ireland, :J,i73crmaoy, l,.,3l7; Austria, d,0y0; Sweden, L'S5; orway, 1.71'; Denmark) 113; Uelgiuni, uO; France, ' ;i71;- bwitzeHaudjl,lt)0;, Ncthl.ind v G1L; Italy, Kussja, V IK; rolaud, 1G1; luugary, S57; Do mini jii of Cauada, S.Cli; Chiua, ami iVoin'aU olhcir countries, 171.. a W v ittMilOx, April H.'Ut uuHo 1a all our anticipations." -said HccrcUry Wiudoui to a 'Tribune orrcs poudcnl this aftcrnoou,' rclerring to the piospccl f success in ' refunding the called sixes "I have oflorcd to bet a 4hat." aid i bigUrt,t?ca8ury official, ' that we do not pay out ten millions in cah under the last call." . 'There io iudica'.iousV' said a third Treasury otlicial, "that tbo moTemeut will bo liko tiist wheu (ho fours were sold; that it will become rush before the limit spire.". TIiojc Dcuiocraticcnaton and Mem bers of Congress from the aouth, who re Iraudnleutly in their seats by" the aid of shot guns, tissue-ballots,' kuklux inl bujl dozing, abow , ignorance worthy of a Modoo chiei or the King of the FtTjcelUlatuN. Senator Brown uflieorfcia declare, that while there is no pUcti but' the sotitU where there la . rclly it free ballot aud peacefulness 'at tMf there are 'loD.'WO diafraii- rliHcd citieps in Massachusetts, who ate iviadg ao by inability to read and write; pau ier ism and drunkeuess. This Ltnuase illustrates the collossal !au ".'dacitf of tboae brgswt, whtt rod lo , their; reats through bloody paths of tdiol-guu, iitlc-club, aud over dead . blie. -. ' '-.' - V .,:!: ., . - ; r ; - ,;.-. I When Uod, swiUns Ihe first born of i-yptians, directed that the' bousee of .tli Inaelte?,wUve doorposts were mar- 4 fcd with tlie bN of the paachal lwb, k pawd oTcr, od this aared the t'irl born of lwael. The people of Hod lutttituted acisiorihe passoter; , luw ft cu dywa all through, the days frou Moses to Sobmon, and 0Ta to thUday awouglbe Hebrew. It ebo, r after the death end rtaurreclioii of VOhmt, .was adopted br ibe Aixietlee, the Uuod of ChtUl being la aimUhude I vt the paccbal lamb, ' The tcUl number ol all amUif pu - i'Ui lu tbo civilized world, as shown by v lb UailcdtUtca Bureau of EJucaUoo, auiouuta lo il,C5?,US poplU. 4 Tbe larccst rvilbE I Ibe UaHed lsUU, ?.S73 105. and tbo llrti la pritiaa Coleoibl. ZML The nt U number of pepiU U France, 4,7ia,53 ; the aut liuaa, t.OOT.TTS J lbt ljUad aod Wle 3.710.5S3; Japan, AudiU. 2.UI.CS3 j Italy. l.tJ5l.lT; Tac dxmxre to tbe steamboats, tall roads, machine afceps, and cellare la laU, by Ibt lata ptl k bet ttt VVP..u I mil.liuli a InOer ifl tliO-Wll 1 Kington I'oST,. or April lUcb, rocom mendiug 'Judge Buxlou for the posi tion, ot Judge of the United Butes Court of Claims, declined by IIop.S. F; Phillips. It js well; known .that Judge Buxton has mad great acri ficea for the! liepublican s party, and if they do not reward him for these, they will ahow themselves an ungrateful party. 1 Up baa had much . experience in the administration of justice in the courts of this state, and is well quali fied for the position in question . We boije he will get it, Ifjettivillc Ex aminer. V-- -i; fr Vl . . . The change of Mr. Thilliiw from the- Solicitor-Cleneralship to the Court 6f Claim! anf bis refusal to. accept it, took; everybody in this 'state by sur prise. There was no chance for any concerted action, and we are not aware that any.irnited mcycmpnt.'whateTer, has been made. Besides' Mr. I'hillips, to whom all feel kindly, there is Judge Buxton, whose elevation would give as much gratification to the liberal public heart pf the stato which he honors, as anybody, and more than "a ; dozen lie publican lawyers who are; iitior the place. It would be a fitting thiog if theFrcsident could see the propriety of putting Mr. Fbillipi oil tho sup poml vacaniy that is to ctur ou the Supreme beucb, aud then put Judge Buxton ouf the Court of Ciaruii. The kind words which we tiutelrom our Democratic colcmoorrav mtaa 1 m.w !.." -'rttr tinvurwaol U1UJD VUC1II 1URI ntVlUl JLIU'I V . . ! a ioiiln-:il uronriplv. wnicu Wouia naver been jnore annrourialc. thau lo have! made Judae Builon Governor. If tho circurostaDccs were loo hackneyed toj pertnit his efeclion as Cotcruor, ccr- taiuiy we may believe that, any Bulla- ble honor which the I'rcsiflent might; bestow on '' Jwdge 'Buxton, wovll grati fy all people. . i The aodula, wbth war popped. iu nj great i moRsure . by the hh; and co!q I - 1 " .... r , s .... '2 1 winter liaa slsrtfU again, a ueimnu paper Bays: J' ive iiunurwi oiacK icu HuutiDjrton, Tcuii., a few days siuco in4 teudiug U settle in Kansk Siuallc parties are made tip for eiBi-rratipn Id other plafcca." .Thecbargej thatjhes persuidcl to their .courkj 1 til I 1 1 .-L v uortherri J emissaneii win namiy uo? belicved'-t That there is sotoeihing radically wron in the oulh, wlucu makes lopuIation willing to leave; ne epiorea tbo Homes lo which tuey are allacne, ami Luucnaure the HUU.riiigs of tbo cold north, reh niiires no argument. 1 1 lio nioycnicut is ot l lit 1 1" own cliooinp, auu is like the emiaraliou from the dym&licH o'f the dynasUrs of the old I world- Tlie col orcd : 1 oo re r s ol too soutli are seeking h6wcs here they "hope Ifor pcrsonsjt liberty, and the right to lijve in peace under 1 he law. I ' -glider OtMH. The colored,. cop i nbtlh because they are cheated and deluded out f their hard earniugs;iand. bulldozed odt of their ; polilicafght! - The Jnltr Ocean need not be surprised if hu - dreds of thousauds ! seek the ' cold ell- climate of tho north. These ;pcop 0 bad rather endure the cold of tbe north pole if they find warm hearts (a they believe' and exfrxt they will in tje v i i .' r a. ".j -; ', ..- 1. north) instead of suflcrg tho cruU treatment longer they have had to en durq from tbe cold-hearted demons qf tbe south. K'ght here iii this city jf Wilmington, 1,050 of them wero de nied the privilege of voting lor tlie man ol their choice in November last. In Halifax county, i -2,800; in EJgie- i i j . i ,um. j nir.-i. comba counlr. l.OOO: in xkasu countr. 2o0; iu JVoaon pounty, 50(i and iu ollipr Aunties of the sule about 4.000. ma - Uog; at least 9,000 colored- men bull- aoxed ..ml defrauded o( hclr pbUtickl rignts., aa vncy ai votfu orm var- olina would , have elected the full lie - publican ticket, and lour republican vDgrcBsmcn. , lF'e oi vne orui w rcvei vw iucj pvw bii- ferine rooplc tbey have big bear faithlul and Uue. ! f t r TUK MllwM TO IlAl'aS Dr. Marlia L. Dulauey. of North Carolina, iu the city, auylng at 171 K street. It ia understood tbal vt, IJuIa- Dey is au applicant ibr the mission to Uaytl, now hlUd by Mr. Lanrston, who . a - a- . k m m it w aaiu, wwnea to do recaiicu. air. Dulancy is a leadiog eoiereu man in hia sUte. of much' ability, and itt ia claimed that be, being much darker than ltufeteot LAngston, will better lwxvu, ... vv lf, -" w 1 .Iia i llr I Hi la no ifta ladinf - " . -' ' m f N"irth tWlna? TCrn T,- . .ku u..iJ L.. .M. kaarJ ht lM 'la4ilin' j,i.'.f .k t. ni siiT but then there are to mxny icauiog m- - J- .i7T;J -1 Li never beard ofdanos tbe f ghtin day a of the cawpaigu, that je cannot place them at:. , . - - V:.- ' - ' V - . Tboee who wUH the latest Mew Voik new, from a reliable Republican fa- pcr, aboaU aabecribo for tbe 7nbt. j nna hnndrtd and fifteen ihoasiad daUara k available fee tbe coTtrameat dredge; of tbt Cape Fear tivtr fe: ow WILMINGTON, NOKTH SECKKTAltY WIJfDOI.l'S- 1'LAWj. Ttic cEUKAiruoM or axj'U ccnJ: 1; OR AX E-rtiitO.V (illAiSTKU AT 3V 4KR ckxt. : ' l. The Secretary fcf lhj Tea5&Ty an nounce?, to holdei's cfO per vcat bonda that tho Department will pay thoso maturing on the firs', of July in cab, (fr, Comt2;ncin,jon the-.ipiU.iif 'Ma;r. SSI, exchange 2 per cents. The registered bonds , iasued iu ac cordance" with request? of holders of six jef cents will bear a trtamp express - in j the fact that tucli boud' aro conj- tiBuea during" llic pleasure ol lac . govj rnment, with iiitcrest at theTrate of 35 per cent per annum. Holders a re ra jjuircd to pay. transportation expenses, bn bonds ta tbo Treasury, . ltegistered bonds,- issued' 'am lib'jv.e;. will. "bo sent to jthem prepaid liy roistered mail uulcs jtheyMherwiso direct. The amount of jsix per ccnt bonds wibjtct to payment or excuang, unuer . me coiiuuions aboye described, U ?IU,251,550 c'Oupon and $155,44S,S50 nistert -d; total, U'Jo, 000,400. This doe.i not include the "Oregon Wadcbt, of which 38,200 was . out8tacdfbg April i, lS-Dl. .this deb4will.be pr.id ft ickurity,uy 1; JitlT Fr.om -tfssuraru iH, vvlsich ho- ready received; Stcretajry, .Wiudi' . is justiiied-iu Le!kvii:g that a very coii- J"v"s"p 1 "wtJ luu v" wo .ITeatSUlCU Wf O&CUilUKO under; the - Ha . . .CI ' . .1 terms oi lue can. me amouni. 01, sixes nV deposited by National bauka to secure circulation is about $40,000,000, Probably ni03t of tbei bonds will be exchanged; aud tlie Secretary undoubt edly anticipates thai many holdvrV ol the iemaiuingVrc-i Will prefer. " per cent iuterc&t to' their uToney. It U thought; that ilUiOiOOO'l jnI!.' wajf thus be taktu' au c f. tho l.-t of July the h'ferctary 1 1' ii ? ;"f rcasury probsbly will be abb to-puV'' fur . OOojJl'O or f.O,y0.H..'W.-,t;i Ljiids Ironi theurp)uy revenue; aud. lliii amount .A)lu . ,. . : . "v 1 tne bonds presented 1 r rcdeois tion at that time, provided C1CO,000W Hhall Uflve been ciflia'aircd. If tins ci'rcc- fcatv1 -UUU4 w a Kj.uici-ijr wouiu sin ve. at uis cooimasu .uu,f 000.000 of f.;ur or leur aiid a liidl vvr ccnt bonds wnkh ho iufcht sell aud . . ..uuh,.,,. rrf-ind il. ri" .. " fives, .Whet.her,-4u.c3?e-. k '..'t-tali bo fduud necessary to sell bondj.to.mcct dcaand3 under thecal)' issued to-day'oittor four and si half per cents will bo sold is a iuestou nil vet dtt i Jed, laud re f garding which- the "' Secretary 'declines to'ex-prcsa au opimon.- v ben "ho iyat. ter .was discussed in tat nut tuc opiu- ioii was advanced that tho.:- option of redemption was a thing 'o. mucli less importance iu laet tuau tho ntaioiiiy iLi?? time wtiieh a boud might havo tu run, j iu value -suppoiiug tbe inoiicy market 1 to remain unchanged would constant- lJ """CT . v r, " hand, tbe premium which thocovern- ment would receivo would be so much money in bacd lor use, or -might be Put out. of ' 1f cst ,1 h,f constantly increasing. It would tucrelore be withia tbc powcr of government at any time to Like that premium, and, addius; to it the par value of tho bond, go into the market aud buy bouds, paying something less that it had orig inally received :or tnem. it is known that Secretary Wuulom entertained tbis view of tbo case, but tlrU c-aunot It i. It 1 - - -i . V . P inierpreiea as a p-es.ig3 oi .u m- I icnuou io-'teii-iour icr.. cents in. ine I ... r i: , I rew money at all. ; - 1 V ' -' A to lik,Jr.m lnj Jau.c H rcnlito ZT -i? thai that subjett will remain undecided ua- 1 til becretary lndom shall, navo an opportunity to, forecast tbo result of bis win find it wracticiblc not oulv to Pro- i Tije for.all tho sixes, bat aiao tof edeem or extend the Sres beloro Congress as sembles next December, "isccrctary Winuom expects that the ctl'cct of his policy as announced to-day w ill bo con servalive s far as the luuacy matket is couccmed, auJ that tio $uddn c-Ku tractiou or.expansiou ol lao current y nil rcsu.t Irotu tu , ; ": Tho able Irish -kaucr, '.objects to the i land bill ax iaautiicicnt, and advUc's the lUh people to continue their orgaahx- itn rr m I i-rvi'f c!ioa. II believe;! , - , ' , . I " o' - -- - uaS W o rcmxia ia irtinn .. . . . i ... I 1 build up their owa cOisUv: Mi Far Ilia uU ia a tftlcsa ud !cr. I . j ; . . aider! fry tbc IrwU rop!e. Ataiple, pt Lamlca itiucdy, that cure every Uaic, stod evcaUdt- eaoby kcvploi tbc tUvd .pure, tU&a an rtsuUr, iidccyi aad hvr active. is tbe CTtilot bwesic- cur vctucrrtd UNO tSAU. 11 P 11 Ur U lliil rr sie dr. ara i rrcpric: are Ixisb: ol by tbcawaia to. live, been aarcd and C3rt. by iu Will y uj W . CAHOLIKA, SUNDAY. Tn E WEW YOBK TIMES LYlINU ' . AUAIN.! r h We clip the following fttAi it Aa- iMial JLicpuOUaitu a;pap i. Tery way reliable:, q .'. . " 'f.-'X" , '..-' - Iu the New Y'ork Ijiwoipf yesterday is an editorial article headed "Missis sippi Mail Scandal," which declares : that the goyernment and the people are being "swindled" 1J unscrupu lous contractors," who "aeem to be at least indirectly in collusion with the postofficials." This is followed by a long string of pretended facts to sus tain the libellous words abore quoted. Having taken pains to tbtain cor rect information frOBXthe records of Postoflice Department, we are prepared to Bay and we do poajtirely assert that every statement and, suggestion of an injurious character contained in tbe Time? article i reference to postoffice officials is absolutely find unqualifiedly false, and the writer tfcereof cannot mate good one word of If The arti cle bears the ear-marks of having been written in Washington. It is crammed with ignorance and malice, and the proprietors of the Times bad better as certain why their contributor so indus triously busies himself to get up such false reports. ."- . . j '.. -; :". " " : , So it will be seen that the licpublkan knows , the Washington Lying Editor of the p'ffi'cff, and many of the black mailing articles are written by this same fellow-fhe has beeu at it foryears. He will a use any person wbora his era ploy era desiro blackmailed. Jhat pa per cai not stand longer uch articles. They lave been going from bad to worse jbr Some time, and there is noth ing -left of it but! the very essence of the slime of the vilest order oi billius- The jliepubhcau papers of tho stale should! be supported. The pxrolinian, at Elizabeth City; the Male, at Greens boro; tjhe American, at SlatesVille; the Rcbucticah, at Winston, aud our own paper, the Post. These papers should have at least 50,000 circulation. The Cdvoliniak is published iu thetich corn country of the east. ; The Slate aud the Heptd'licaii are published "in the very best, tobacco country in the south. The American circulates among those good and rich farmers of tho west. While the Pqst ia published in the lar gest and inoH prosperous city in the state, and circulates wjlh the ; rich w heat growers of the CapeJFar valley. "ow' lDer0 18 100 vow, there is room for us all, and even good niany.more. We should all MippofJreacU other, and the people iiouid sustain us with their lnllucnce and liuaucial aid.r-Nomau should be alkm tsl to read a paper if lie i ioo e4:iiii us i'.v for it. , Personal. Ijic.ut. tr.iv. ill. . lfoskins :of New York les very Tho Hiitumcr residence, of Senator lolliusj at Holliiisford, New Hamp shire, together with, the surrounding buildings,, were burned ou Saturday week, it is thought by an incendiary. Lo3S $10,000. Prince Pierro Napoleon's death is announced. He is the third- son ol Lucciu, the first Napoleon's brother. " iSenator Carpenter's remains were only buried at Milwaukie on Sunday, under very imposing ceremonies. Mr. Labouchere says that Mr. T. Bowles who used to be editor of tbe London Yanliy lair, has been replaced bv Lord Desart. Mr. Bowlra to Parliament and has thoughts of servi ng a Metropolitan con?lttucncjy at r . the next general election. - It is said that ex-Judge Cloud de sires a Judgeship in one qf the Terri lories. ' v . : ' . Senator Edpiuuds has rcluruedVrom his southern tour in improved health. tnxretary of Stale Blaiue by advice of bis physicians Las gone to UM Point Uomlort for bis health. 1 Mrs. C. P. Spencer, the sister of Hon. 6. F. Phillips, and theauthor of "Tbe Last Ninety Days of the Avar," rites a pleasant letter, from Washington for the rrtrff!crijM, whic h closes in the follow log patriotic style: Washington City looks a city worthy ' of its name. and worthy to be the capital city of a guat nation. - Surely we areaNAnoy. 1 observe that some of our bet Nortb Caxuliua paper repudiate that idea. but for myself I rather cupr i-t .it. - It not a Nation hat then T 1 believe to bcioug to a.NaUoa,ib greatest oa carta, in txilougios Uj ibe jbeat aute that Nattoa owaa, la bciootter tu the bcslcountyia that autte, and U lae beat tow and pecpie ia Laal tvuBty. i au t ooe i av aevenu crecuv J vrdaa Nixoa, a worthy and qoaliSed ixskrcd taaa,ba bctt appointed by ucy YanAauiortv Jadeef lroil a J astke of tbe lcxce, ia pUcofCcr rcU Waller, ralcacd. Tbh la a very exedkat apfniaiaKBl. la Cmx lit. Niaoa wttlttak averr atttckUtfcr &tt Uxaa aaoat ef Ctm rectal aniat cacau, aad Mr. VanAnris kaa ilsae bijtke ia &lis tie vacauacy by tie pTialacal 4 a cokred citksa. APETL' 7; 1SSJ. STATE NEWS. . Contord Jkgisiqr says: i sWc arc glad lo.uear that Mr. J. 1L Neisler, Ute of Kocky lUyir Factory ,'in thw couuly, is about to start a new Cotton Factory recently built by a Company atj Bock Hill, 8, C. Hr. Neialer i one of the beat manufacturers in, tbc state, .m1 is a skillful machinist. '.- XV The trial of Bcnj. Ivey, charged with ueiBg an accessory io iue murucr oi E. M. Hicks at Weldon, N. a,! has been continued to the September term of Halifax Court. - The murder, was committed about fifteen months r ago. After the murder Ivey made his escape, and remained at large until a few weeks ago,, when he voluntarily surrendered He places the corn crop at , 0600 bushels, valued at $22o,000. Cotton, lfiOO bales, $7300; - wheat,1 40)00 bushels, $10,000;' oat?, 23,000 bushels, $10,000; Xrice, 12,000 bushels, $1,800; sweet potatoes, 100,000 bushels, $25, 000; Irish potatoes, 5,000 barrelsi jlO, 000; llax-seed, 12,000 bushel i, $ 1 1, 100; peas, 5,000, bushcV, $2000; bo'uiim syrup, . 15,000 gallof i0J0O Total, $031,200. ' -.-' -;H X Newberu- 2ud Lhtil; -,', Corn iti I con tinues to ...a rri ve i u this city, in - vast quantities, and day .by day thousands of bu.sbelre Viiifpcd over tlie AIt lantic aiid No'ilh Caroliua llailroud fur points luUtio interior. It is some what aj rcllectioa upon "the git iip and gif ol ourmcbantJ, Ibal tbc mtito corn trade of this city should: be directed and controlled by a "foreign corpora tion," and it is equally complimentary to the energy of Wilmington that tine of ,hcr gen llemanly . nicrchaa Is ' should compose such foreign coric-ratici3.w Gastonia Gazelle;. It suo'.Vcd bcre on the Istand the thermometer wai as low as 24 oif tho 2d, and i has been freezing cold every . morning for several days. It has knocked spriug poetry j higher than a kite. Col. Pope, CJeucral Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Air Line liailroad has stopped the sale of emigration tickets west. X lie holds the sensible idea that Kbcst to keep the people here and not throw out .Induce ments to run them away. Puttr dow n in one corner of your memory fcrfuliue use the fact that iu tho year ll'O", Feb ruary w ill havo but twcnty-tieiit days, although a leap year." Thi3 pLcaoftit nou occurs onca only in two hundredlytar?, and ttl ways iu the odd hundred, --- Two mcu from Lowcii, MassatLu;etl.-, named' Glenn, havo bought land in Gaston and gone there to live. -4 Iron for tbq Narrow Guagc Bail road i com-i ing in cleadily every day uor. Capt. Wraddill informs us that ke laid down ten tons last Wednesday in tw4 Iwurs and a quarter. The work will bo pushed rapidly now till; finished to the Central Bailroad. "All aboard for Liucolnton." i i ; Llizacetuto vjt, April 11, 1 $S 1 Editor Wilmington Tosl: : i ! I have ju3t received the l'jr, h.iy i;:g previously read at Faycttcvillo, last Friday, the cohtempible article iu the New York Ibncs. I was suro you would fight back, and I was m6re than anx ious to see the l'osr. If the Bowery people in New York think -they cau run ine country tuey aro mistatca. If they think in New York that we can't soc Tom Keosh through his red headed friend in tbe Times they are mistaken again. , ; 1 ,, If thev think thev can' hutv a man like W. l (banadajijwho spend all Ire can make or borrow, to build np tcuookS and RepublicanismXin tho south, and who is stalwart to tie bcVbr.e, ttiy are again mUlakii. J Wonder how much Bcpublku .litk- rature the 7Ttt s e preadi Porta before the southern people, eicept for pay? You are right, the ZZoci cauuvt Lari you at home, lu the Third Cecrn- aional District you are too wdlkuowa and your noble work for the party! is Ioj well recouued by Icudi as wtll Uemccrats, to be bclitlled by New York rtd-bcadcJ cditsmC 1Tc Kir., ey? will testify to thai. Cr t;i,c ; . Ut?ri: U ill. Camber land CV. II . v Aptairui,m!,X'f . We uesir? to ay tbl wtf; i4J?t.c every wd ibal appeared la Jwar Usl Uoe, rccommcndls Ucu, IL V. Bax- tea fx Jodje of Uc Ciatl cf iLuk$, Judge Baxtca tat dne w& Ut li people of this ccaatrr, acl tlrm tc weH; at lite kukls cf all lias ';Kysb3- am as we &ate taure c ;o deaoe iat liarU, we cwt io e dull a aa mc&ltxd. at Coed, apptaa: ; tcadctd t l IVj d lT tutf ' Ui. C M. lUru. BaxWa, hkh ttalwaU Ul.dWaa c' iha ukcxic4 ,Ua Ut U eatiihnvhcraUALwaby j Urtaixa a&l kf4 .du Us . ; Vi Vk jxztx Cixt u, ; Isrkla 'isaj4a1 mu ca -' raslmx Jiww Urstxattr, I rn -Si'H -,W wai jmm W, M. Pr, mi'3A 1 V iv;-. i t !;i.w, i .-.it" BfunsniokSaperioe Court convened astVetlncaday. ' f ' J " . fc'caatur Wiliram M ah one will accept bar thanlai for public 'documenji v f,A ful I r'i . ' I. - : r ' inv ns j !nw proved verylruccesiiful this KMoiu" 1 Y ,, 4 " ' I " ;'f Jhreo'cat fish "and twopaifs of shad havo been caught a MwerUjdiur? tug ui9 sprutg. i ine steamer rtonn otaie lias re- C3ived her summer jdress, and has taken bet place .on the" lib& V: fV4 f ! f TTie ladiea of StJohn'a Chihro uly preparing torfi graadi lealj vVl to be glxeii ajRet -Eaetefcxat l.ik j J GcnrRTEi Opftton- is in tbisjity gn a visit THe Is Btavlnwith hm ao'n-in-lawyMr.A BL 14-. X Any of our city Subscribers whv fail Lo get their paper regularly, will plense uolUy tis Wt our office at once. 1 X r ' X . m j. . Tho TTristecs of Carolina Lodge, No. i:;i,!KoigbU of Honor, paid iorcr to jM rs S 12. Hill bi Tuesdaytho benefit duo ion tbo life of hr deceased husband. f 'f -X H U)' Thc Bleamer Clinton, which! sank at (MrXpriiigcr's wlrarf somt six weeks ago, has been raided and i3 gain ai work. ! ller reiaiis are not qjaite fin i died, but workmen are still engaged on her wood work, f 1 V : ', X B:1I Mack and Diuiel Middicton, w hile engaged iu tirau3ferring tho truck of tho sleeping cajr . vcre severely iu- jurcd vn WednesjlayXiast. .Their iu re. iu uo way couaideired. dan juries gerous. Middicton may losoiLis arm,; but hopes arp ,cntcrtained of saving it.i Koscnthal'a stock of new boots shoes and jsiipiKrs cxkrcl auvthLnr ever Jbreught to tbc IViimlneton; market.' He keeps tho very best ' goods the Northern or European markets afford. Don'tj Fail to exajiniao before buying elsewhere. i There has beeu fcrveral alartU3 of lire during the past w cek, but there was no very great amount of damage done. Capt. IJno. L. Be atwriht's residence on the corner of Fourth aud Orancre stretts was damatcd to ..IMS- extent of ' 1 A. A.-v . k 1 - a a ' a . aooutjow. viuqr liouscs wutcu were on iird tin ring tbe wetk wero damaged t'.it vt ry little. . litkmau w ba lives iu liisl l'iori- da, on ct. John's tivcrhad au oraogo trcawLkh boro IJ.000" oianirbs. aud there r.rc. many which bear- 10,000!. w h it'll. lriug G cci is apiece. There are I .... .. - . X.' - : groves ia f iortdu wbicu yield their owners $1000 per year. A Irco bear ing O'pO orancrj weighs o, U5 pounds. At tbo anuualj uicetinglof the Pro- du Exchange ih'c'd on Tucsdar, the louowiug ouiccrs wero elected: .. Prcsidciit-l;. B. Caldcr. ' y -;' Vice President? llogcr Moore. , . i Board of Managers A. JIartin, C. 11. Kmp, B. F. llall, Il I'cUau., Tiios. B. Bond.: '' X ,. ' Inspectors ol lilcction Ukcar Pear- ?all, John, D. Woody, G. J. Boney. , ; (Ioveuxok WoRTii. lbe sLcamcr Worth has been raised, and is now on the Marine BailWay in this 'city, . She w3 bronjrht down tkc river -under sti.i:-i. 1 he nvaia bole which Caused her to ti uk wis 7x1 2 laches, and was in her tow.. Hrr tipper wiod wojk is' entirely ;g'M'.. ugh her jcDgiac and mi Unery i bat very 111 tie damaged. TiJiiFiopR FiaJCiius, n addition I j 5Ir. Geo. II. French, fcr.. long Umc a citizpn here, now in his SOth year, there are now visiting bimjMr. Asa V, French,', who is. in bu 'ilsl year; Mr, Stephca A. Prciich, iu Ll T5tUycar, and. M. J. II. French, in bis 7Clh year. Tbe arfr'ejg.aJ'c'sie'ir the fyfur brothers IsCl i. 21 r. .. P. lrtuch the elder, roMci at . MnelJ, Ma-, aud J5. A, and J, B lVeuch midc ia Pall IUvcr, .cbd a mvo'.li. ; Jt ,ixrar!o that four Lry.bti arc tccaef aJtaoccJ, and biaricj iu tptif rpuro ruth ciidcncs hit aiud iiWX laicd, they arc fcur fiac bld- country pctlc ULi: A l;it7Ma,i.i.JUi,' papr ki beta ttciircd tu Vltlly OfSUiains jaosae news rvlativ Ui the abkig ,f the Utc ItzsM C Harris at list place ca the nirbt cf thcl 2ad lawLl The paper 4a: thai Mr. Ujuiu was W ly cat l:!tls ted twm. Baiiy warr4Ud!afidiiiet U jaiL itrifCt e lie !Ubrtiaf'c Jary was Hat lie -deceased cacto ! - iia tUiit fivaa a yd iafacud byj ibe actaaed xsl lUJ tic exicwLuted ! Zaxj, lkh esd U ht lie frrr. I cxita tt urn sa-ar.crx pf3.1 T Deajii 0F HuTOuiJt. Tbe many flcndi i and uUncoa of the7 gentlmau whoso namo hcadsiiis arti cle, and who" was highlyfeaLccmcd in this community, weip pained to hear ol his death, which occurred at tbe Com mercial .Hotel, i this city, on yester day miniuig; of crysipeliLs ia the bead. The deceasedrwaa born ,inQl$dbrfr.j i onautrmany, . and came to Jhi country in J850 ana : lor al few years lived- in the city of .Uiarlceton, from which city ho removed te Wilmington aboutj S7. years ago, where he lias since resided and becu in buuncaa pursuits. During tho late war ha served in the Confederate army in tbo cavalry branch ef thcBervjco. At the time of his death ho was .Trtasurcrxcft thohHoard Bc- llltf Jfire-tfcdgino: Company; of which QiSaniiaoU boThaa i been a: member for t&ft:p&5t ISj&tx Tho deceased was known Jot his ; honesty and probity of charjvctr.nud many aro tbe fceal friends who' wUl this morning pay the last sad tribute to bis memory, sorrow over his early death, and remember with pleas ure tho days whu ho 'moved m thoir midst- VPeaco to his aahes." lu thin city, yesterday tuoruiug, of cry- montUf 9l"r,uayi "S H. yar aud .11 i Friends and acqnatutaaors kt rowel-' i fully invited tu attend JUh liuifral thu '! (Sunday) mom Idr, at it ovioek, lruui tlio. Oouiuicreial Hold, front - the dgo to M. U1 ' laul's Lutheran Cburcli : tUcucc tuOaXdalo i tiuctcry . . f . NEW ADVEKTISIISIENI'S x 1 v ';": c'- -.a" ' An ' ' ' X CANCER REMEDY I Will bo sent to any part of tlia country, ly h forwarUluc 13.50 to Trol. Wm, II. Jlocrel f corner l'roat aud Mulberry etrotta, AVll i mlnstoa. N, C. I refer to the foUowts nrrt dorscmeats t f. - DaTrk(ya'ii Tmlinir ' Elaaea Couuty, N. Cn Jau. 7, M&U i 1 lial baeu suffering with Dyspepsia au ! Kidney aiscaae for tbo la&t Sj ycaia, una it ! Kucmcaimpocaibloformcloeftcurod. but 1 tried a botlio or ITof. Wtu. A. Moon's i" LJuiiueut and Trco of llio. uu J li. rhmi .n .' entirely; aud 1 f l lttnyduty to rctxm ' uicuu ii most muiv lor those ooini'llil 'AV'llnilnston.Jf.C., Ic. -V .'. 1'owhoiiijt may concern: -'1 This it torcrtifv that I liJ bnon ami.-ir.l f -with a very bud cauccr ou tho ball uf uir ! foot lor flltceu years, ltrU aome called Latiur Cancer. .1 LrlMl (hn tinrtnn i nd abroad, aud thoy uocr could cur u. s i aoaiiy xrieu a fsaivo rreparcit by Trot. Wm. II. Moore, or t jl niv hth i Moil happy to iluto. liaji lirli .l it im WrelMuiil I da iuot.tAruuiv mnmu. ..i It lo any ouo with liko anil. Uou. . - aiaokii VATAMnrt;i' wltncs; J.W.Wiiiuh,.. ' ; ( ' Wituilustou, X d. Maro& .i, IkL ' 1'iof. Moore Dear Rlr 1'im' i...im... .. Tree of iar. Salvo aud Uulmcnii loullt' ir you. ceruiuly hum vttcrtirt a Krc:i rutmy iu my caf. It kiid my lu.- llciorc I uro.: curcdour medicine, 1 w.- l.tlpU. ' mni tulauu Could not walkaateti. Myliml-ii and one fool wa tcrrlblyw.licu. Uyiuiuf' low ikhuc oi your 1 re e or Idle, Li ,i1ii,l and a few boaoj ot your bal ve, it liu mad itt m m . mna am ...... h. . entirely rrklorod. My Umua.waa In una condition forVl ycara.nnd I ncrcr iiovvti uuui i so y-ouF itiCHiiciae. I rram- iucud.lt to icrous with like mni. it,,,, 1 Witnvs: sai.lv lUaocaoar, i - j 1'rrtu Wuitk. '. '..';," ; -. i : :"-:' :. " X . Cure of an ulcer ald turo fxit ui K Viu year (land Jog. f Wllmlnstoa, y.C., April J,i4. ' lrof. Moor-Dear Sir? My taJili r..r J cn year waa mUcrabJe, envied by an ulcr4 "'" WOW W 4IMtf Vi If I(NIF nicdlrlncm, and after taklne la butt your Trco of Ufc and Ore of your Loi went, and rniui Uvc Uoulaaof yourNalvrJ I found., to my treat dcUilil aiid autar Uou, that my health wan rapldlr rrlurn lu. aud I Ml Uly MkUaflcd Of 11. lrl., and moat dieerfally rccommtu1 jrour Vn-l of LUcUuinicnt mad Halve, to mi wUow w b ao uatortuuaio aa to tw afHlctcxl iW complalnu of Uili cliarart. My rt t cnUrcly well, i , wlk wa mt ,j,.t aa wil aa before I fflK-i. ? tsixucdj M13.M-UIV n;WaKT. ! Witness: T.M. Mii.tr b. - 1 Lrp ty &iriurw llaaocr v. . f Curo of a bad caw of ScroftOa ou u.e Ut . Wllaalaaloa. N. I eh. la. 1m.- : m Vtot. Moocv-.Dcr Sir: I ihlak U a 4m jr I owe you and tay tailowrcatar wira at fcuBcriue. ta inaae known tte wooden al tltecU )our tnaicl baa riuno Uf turn , lloM all b are UuMd wltl lixtoor io Uiir blnodirUl flxm it a trial. I aa U fekw Uto duwuott. amlf 1va II a fair irtaj. tlat liwtH ruiv aa a.4 ' that baa Uikmm (lk clianaer. i w iwrofuU fwr 19 rtrv la tw t cava me no mortal jmm kM. ta asuoy au Um time, i ml i luae irt did uoi uvxtrj rctaedy.aod 1 ay p., H T UMnr omm t cwfw m. Lat at. la tt aoct-t arratl i yvtt fi eci. visa. 4 aa tmi Uprf in mAMtm y.r '- acTtb!al;.eaMWrrrw - u oata an i tu r a uw wuA It.-- .---i -i - THE WODlTKl'lL lK.Ui;l OriJ? JrS cna. 1 M, nlXl. HIm-,4j of f.4w tt. f? ." Ura e. I1"" w-La l m fM-n m M4iI W t-rr i timiinl ft.. narylnwty ta lsaJw t:- tl 1 ui Ji. j'. .--,-11 waai wwa uti. aei waar w keuoval cr. nr, amcc. kn WweTttst' ia.. etJafral ,T ATY'PUMeaBV b LiauA a --. I ; i r i si iv au r- wt fif '-; : - .--": X..V. ':xrf ; 1 i A'

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