THE WILMINGTON j POST. W. P, CAN AD AY, Proprietor. j: WILMINQ Toy. IT. !C., Sunday Mpbiko. May 8, 1881., And bow old Simon, Cameron, sere :- -.r. onmsa fhaVf like f BOme Old tween the President, who is acting, cot I THE from any selfish motives, bat for the good of the party that elected hira, as well is for' the nation, and a man who is controlled by the extreme malice of a' rival, as Senator Conkling hat shwn himself to be, every man who loves his party and fair dealing, will decide in favor of the President. CWPUbIOII in this BMT- r.j ATE. ..- ; . The dead! -lock which hcs presented the confirmation of the President's nominations I is not very nearly -as proachiog a solution. There has. been a Committee 6f Safety created and they have consulted and reported to a Re publican caucus to the effect that the . " - ; . Senator Conklinir is a -. man f verv Senate proceed to .executive business i . : o .. - 0 i a, . - r t . a. -t-?l!i f? J a . 1 in f h fnliAvinff Arriart 1 jl: 3 Yeatigation. "He closed with a strong axiuuius nanuesiu. - statement of the issue between tie BMjy,?May S.-IntelUgenceftom parties as to political mthods in the &. reteraburg reports tnat a aianuesto lathT!He dscL-sd that it it were not 1110 xyniuas jixecuuye true V it re a were murdered forpolit-1 printed on the 17th of April says: ical tt 'sop in the south. and that fraud .Tbe yerdict against the Nihilists who - I haiva. i raar vaVAAiwau a XIavtvra I Tmwn I MarHM eaaawaanau and Tiolence existed there, then most Uted aV'weil w co'nfi by PJL irrefrfrTi1 , vSrinr tat had filled I Um n... tu. ... t.:. .ntwntio I Wi Vf n ww u-v vmi xug lust a hw ... v volumes of records of Congressional I will thus has been the banging of wo- intestigaaoii committees was a tissue men. witnout waiting ior nis coru dftorti. iould not It was es- SH09" t0e NEW AUVERTISEilENTS. Wllnicston & Ucldon 11. if. in. OFBtCK UXXBAA L SCYKKIJfTKXOKXTjl I 1. Wilmington, N. C Kov. 57, U1M. if CHANG OT BCHKOULX. Acestes peopling, ind l.ghtg moaern but fw, if any, equals to-day in point I- "ere erence of nominations now TaaM Kyiiff a UonallightsTove; graves of our nNiKoWWrtS skies rlth briUfant and blazing arrows. f oratory and elegant, is the Uni- on the table, to appropnate wmnut, bg it m&&WtiXm oi coUeaguet we publicly afiirm that we kateiS'.Sw?? 7 His gray bairs and unerring archery are ted State. All admire buVeatnev, Pkf jdenyapolnt aiy longer of the subject wiU. owiUntte our effort, for the libera nAV.f.n:inrYprPn.l1a the cazb of fresher but not' hZt th. fa(.t .i,.. t,. nuts nn no mgDT 2. The consideration of pendiDg trea-1 ..a .tmni.. f.ot r 1 tlon of the people. We will no mote UAi uail.aixi ixjo xiwioxi v J-7 - rriors - , ' - jL," 71 " , u;J m. ties v " ; v 3 Tt J "I"" -TV ' I deterred by the callows toau were Daily-Noa 47 North and 43 South. I harder warriors. airsj and is so dictatorial in his man- .fr-. rr -.i'?-. v- ,r t - j tory.They f migbl t. wett deoy the BoloTieir and the other champions of 3 ' ' . i i T"- s !i u -J "Iners .he has but few Dersorial friends !3.- The . consideration Of AlLoominal,. i,AitiMv iTnla'ar'theanor. IthAlant ni(m - . I Leate Wilmi.jnou, Trout Btrect t land Bidered article as to whlilhe real, just and aaciats. Bu mities of the - Inquisition as : to deny ;3 Jgi ArriTtdonaV::::::::::'::! ? i! If vrVni omk to ihe con- "words this time-with a' man equaLto from the Senate committees, which are Uieoutrages In the south. StilUhey ExecuUre Committee informed the weldoa a.. ..S:9lMi debtof Virginia is comfs to tbecon . . . . . n p,,ne, not objected to bv one EeDubUcanSen vflr."!-lL .It. iw ,i Emperor.that the only means of revert- Arrive at Wilmington, Froat 8u 'm'. h. .n rat. ft ia s2 .44UL7H3.Z0. xnis i - j ,v r." ' . . - -. . . . - -i "wfw; w wu'ius. t-w - i insr to LDe Datn or Deaceini aeveiOD I ? uDOt.....4.w.........KNr. ja t vawJvu . w, --- I r.' ' I . - . ... I DIBECTORT OF LODGES. ' ' - MAjtf)aiafWITkJ j onicruui. r . u. Wllmlngtoa Lodt Si) a t . Uoodax ia each num l5. l V.! fu Wllmlnjrton Oonmaadarr i KSIQHTs OF" HOKOB. ' day. in eh moa?o1tK, CmbeH Encampment Ka.L kM.'i . ltd 3d Friday events? or sskrK n.AK . l t - a . mIim a. m onn nra the TPA claims is less tban the. Bid-i ru.wuw iuw, ir,rr Kill aaaumed in it oh nly I AU who come in conUct . with Presi- i iKSi "Rut 'it inaistsrihat the real Ucnt Garfield admire him lor his supe- d'ebt of the state is fl5l352.6S9.20L if frior abilities, respect him for his gen- Kir r,Pr .it r interest is exclu- Uemanl manners, and love; him lor ded. The Whig islhe organ ofMahone bis purrity of character. Between two -i i ,innnaa ti,t thlis the Ma- Jsuchmen,one trying to drive by.his UUU i 1 W WW B-' i-'WMW . ; - 7 ator irom tne state to which the BiceJ charges were false by a Icmg conUnued meat was by appeal to the people.- appertains or from which, in case-of a I -nj enn.f.ntw titerated-denial. Tuis 1 Judrinr by tte execution the supreme oaiioDai or a territorial appoint the nominee is to be approved. .. to the national or a territorial appointment. 1 i,i A Jt 4 ft r.n1 mmr th I power has elected to J appeal - I .... - - .auk UV A ' w - . . . f a -. . lSt T- f committee defers pronouncing argument,' and pnblic; simf ly;lost con-1 , fg0 Ui was lurlner expressly provided I t?- t fiir Thv must I .n ;nm.nt An v Zi Mi;..f wut.-. 1 - U VU .U. ' - 1 . . . -" J -J I lUUKLUUL IJU k I 1 . 1 A IHJ11L. T u. .VaI.Iah 1 - r, . ... - , ; I O O I - I yVX 1 1 1 U It . CtUVU L ... - - . FAST TIIROUGIX' MAIL! AN1 PASSKC- 1 . 0 EH TRAINS, Dally Sob. 43 North Leave Wilmington, Front Street that as soon as the uncontested I take 'another tack, and cease denying I the Emperor, but ic declares that a re- I LcveWeiion tii.n. I :ii " . - . "' s s I artinmrv rwlirv will tr nnmnRn I Arrive at W lln 8.M P M shall have been disposed of, the caucus what had been proyed time and again ;.v . , - - -r , RKn Kf.mmMrnrtUnnF;,r . - .. - - ... .1. ce8.moro atsastrous tna; hone basis to be assumed jin discussing aiciawmai pomoast, tne woer irying w " -73-7 "r;"1" w couia T."!' which took place in March d debt -bribe I o-wn ny tne gentleness or nw argu- vu..,6 .. w.uvu,;VWi of the outryr f,',s' $i lifesto concludes .by appe Wim itliiDlmnnl nf tfin ffAl nuter: and those allied withfthem. ment, no true man fill be long m de- LGlUlUJg WU1CU U6 Will 1U1IUW. I shall then be considered by the Senate, i and that although in the meantime the Noah WebBter came very, near being Senator Conkling had. a fight with contestea cases, as aoove defined, shaU Washington's private secretory. Some President Hayes, and ... failed; but he De aowea 10 impeae tne traoBac- old letters show it. It was about 1783, had the sympathy of a majority of the "on 01 oiner nusiness, me caucus is wheir' Noah' Wefister was ;teaching KepubUcans of the country at that left wholly unpledged as to its 'future school," that a. mutual friend applied to time, from the fact that all looked upon aclion witn regard to them: f i coining was oone aoout ;tne contest- I Jn Memory of Creneral Uary. A northern lady sent last week a wreath of immortelles '' to be placed oyer the grave of General M. W. Gary, as a tribute of a northern woman to a braTe .'man. ' No higher mark of re actionary policy will lead to consequen ces : more disastrous - than, ' the event rTheMan- ppealings to all who would snake .on slavery to , co-op erate in the struggle for liberty. , , Depots llmlnjvou.Kront Street lWO PM j T rain No. North will stop only at Rocky PGlnLtturgaw.Houlh Waeblnitoii. Mcno 3I.1U Olive.: Uoldsboro. Wllcon, lVocky ixiint, taineiu auu xtauia. . ; ; . , . Train No. W Foath will Hop only at ttocky Mount, Wilson, Uoldsboro and Magnolia. .. ' '. .,v - !" NIGHT - PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPKESS Traus, Dailj-Noa, 4$ him to take the position pf tutor, jand Hessrs. Arthojr , and : CJorneJl as good private secretary in ithe family &f VVa8hr: officers, and men who were entitled to ington. A correspjsndence was begun better treatment at the hands of the and five or six letters were exchanged, PresidentBut this time he has not the Washington stipulating thai tlU appli- sympathy or respect of even a respect- cant should keep his books, teach three I able minority of the Bepublicans of children (the Custischildrenrprpbably) I the country, for we all look' upon Gen.' ana act as nis secretary. ed cases nor the Senate offices. ; North and 42 South. Leave Wilmington, Front Street Depot, at....--..- Garfield as a stalwart, and a man who believes in standing by his party of the whole country. He has the conficence of all true Bepublicans, which Presi dent Hayes did not have, his actipn toward southern Republicans, in for Baking them after they had imperiled their lives for his election, was suffi cient cause. ' But the difficulty between two such emminent membeis of the Republican party is to be very much regretted by every member of the party. ; And it is to be booed that such able and conser nave ueen aoine. cenator juanone w .fQi.-rfe poni.hlican R.n. , . - j I 1 J MM-Vlr ..W. seems to De reasonaoie on tne wuoie ti.n rnx,n rk-.--- .,a mo-ft Congressman Dezendorf, the Repub lican member from the Norfolk district Virginia theCommittee of yafe ty thatjthe Republicans j hold their or ganization intact and that Jorgeii8n, Hugehs, ex-Senatior Lewis ;id other prominent Republicans agree with him. Why, of course. Dissolution f an attempt at absolute union, on the part of the' Republicans' 'o$ Readjuiters, would beabsurd. - Let them maintain their integrity and act together, as they Chufa culture. W. L. Goodwin, of Sampson county, writes to the (M ton as follows: "Four years ago I broke us some broom-straw spect has been paid to the disUngu'ished old field intending to set out some South Carolinian, who has so. recently I vines on it and did so, this being yery This is the status on the morning of M :enly gone from among us. Poor ana sanay una it woma not maxe . uiuiumwii, . , - . s o n mnrA thin hPA hnshpU Af rnrn intne Aitnougu , everj newspaper id duuui - . : - - t - - Carolina, without exceptiooi has done acre.1 Hearing o! the chufa and tt-be-bonor to the gallant dead, nothing inS recommindedto be adapted to poor mAro fmichfnv than InSa haa Kon tfrtnff. I land. I set out and. obtained seed. It will be manv a ' o ni-' . t J I anlt wnt T fat nprl fwn tlinnsfind nonnda see auouuer vxnncrai owuuy - - - --r--,- 3ay and Friday at SJO 1. M. knew how much be was beloved until V- on the two acres. The next! . , 7 , v. t 115 PJM. 4.15AM the 4th of May, as per telegraph to the Southern Associated Press, and the news in the metropolitan papers which nowadays comes close 01 its heels. There " seem? to be a belief on the part j of Mr. Conkling and' his friends that be can hold the Senate. He thinks that the votes stand thus in the committee on Com mere: For Ro bertson's j confimation Senators Con ger, Coke and Vest; against .confirma- mationT-fcjenators Conklitig, McMillan, 4rrli.r WpJdoa at Leave W. Won daily, at 1 43 A M Arrive at AVllmington, Fronl tueet j Depot, at .8.J0 A. M i . 1 ........ u , ; ..... I - Trains tta T rboro Branch Bond le7 ti v v Kt. ,11 1. 1 fur Trboro at 6dW P. M. j. t - I nlnntprl tvrri fifra in rhnfa nri thfl re- I mrwi, iu.n uav uciuie wc euau I r . 1 u.t vim A. M. Kelurnlnc leave laruww 1 at.50 A. M. dally, and Monday, ; Wedn- ! ltebocea Lodse meeu U and W itn,! venlnofeaninaathV W'lri,,b , 1th ThurMay evincing of each taoata. ' '4 I ' : ' , V Am 8. B. Manhattan Lodre Nol. W.' . . 4th sanday la each month, at ajodoei Corn di Harnett Oonncil Knw 2d and 1th Monday evealai of each mTi: Hall on Third between I-TineTad effl nnt atreeta. 7 r i i ' KNIUHTS OP "PYTHIAR. 1 " -Btofl wall Lodf No. 1, MeeU nn Mo day at CaUe Uati, on Tnlrd treC: Uermanla Lodre No. 4, mmitnti n. dy eveaiac at Oatl Hall. - Kndawmsnt litxak No.2Jl, urrtM fnd. ineaotr month. at UatUeUati, . v I.O.R.M. Wyoming Tribe No. 4, raeeU evetv Tbm. day evening, at thlr.llall on Trian b. tween front and Heeond atreeU. ; M A.SUN !U-OoLAamn. 1 MU Nebo Lodge nee. lt a d d Mmiu In each month, on Ktx In between and Ked Crosa ctreeta. Ulnlem Lodge, meet 3d and 4th Mondr ' la eacn month, onrnar Klshth and li lae4 J- o.u.o.o. r. Free Love Lodge, meet 1st and at TumA.. l. in each month, corner Dock and Yuf m uoi to iMjrw unn, wm muaii Haa. ) day la each month, vomer Mrkft aa4 ; he was dead. iVew and Banner. year I let that two acres lay out and planted two ether .acres with, tne same i result, and last yeaf I planted the same two acres again with the addition pf ; one half acre and the result is I have killed two thousand five ; hundred and Senator Wade Hampton's ad missions' concerning the impurity of the ballet in South Carolina seemed very frank. Bat the attitude of the' Democratic Jones, of Nevada, Kellogg, Ransom Judges of the Supreme Court of that thirty-five pounds of pork and have state w quite as aignmcam. me court 0QQ aog yet to tm, J used one bag of has had before it an appeal on wnat is pacic guano 0n the two acres each known as the Charleston count; elec- year. Remember this, farmers, two tion case, ine oary quesuon invoifea thousand pourids of pork fattened on was wnetrer mree unscrupulous pon- tw0 acres- ot or sandy 3and ucians 01 voaricBwu conn 1.7 iuuuiu ue Train No. 47 makes cm connectloa at Weldon for" all points Nortlt lially. ;A rail via Richmond, aud dally except 8un day Via Iiy Line. t irni. Va u turn via lUcUmond mnd n'..hinrtnn. andmikM close connection dally to Richmond, and dally except Hat- mond. 1 x W- NEW ADVEBTISEMEXTS. Wiluiintun, Columbia & ' Augiiiln Hillroad, rASSEWUEtt DETAUTJIEfT. WiLU ISOTOW. N. iX, Marah A ISH. 1 tiT'-'ill subject. The Richmond llfti7,jin answe to a correspondent called "Civis'' givei the following statement of he purpose pf the Riddleberger - bill:! The Illddle berger bill proposes to pay this jnst debt of Virginiar-thei amount it as sumes even covering the war interest and, if t fixes the future rate of Inter est at 3 per cent, that certainly is a proposition which the b6nest creditor, knowing our past bistorir and our pres Edmunds, may be able to so arrange the matter that it will not damage the party at large. , . ' .. and Farley ; They say", therefore, that Mr,. Conkling can very easily prevent the consideration of this nomination ' at the present session,' because "Sena torial courtesy" and precedent would prevent the'success of a motion to dis charge the committee from it3 conside ration should such a motion be made. TAlnkmaJynV.r GOMJ,l,nm5, TICKET nnecUonforiUpolnU norlh via leh- u , flww and )ui MUciv Georgia.; vtn mond and Washington Ail irairic run. aolid between Wilming ton and Waahlnston, and . hae lnllmaa Palace lcePer --VDl VINE. ; i - : General Bup'L A. rOPE, OeS'l Passenger Agent. ( nov ai-u ; ... , j of ataeari. over the' connections tf ina t"Unilafia Columbia A: Aucusta IL R. at llarcata and Coluiubia; and wprclally a4apli H the nne!.lUca of eommerciat,arJkMw4af too WUmln(lon,ColambUaAuuUK.t, allowed to transgress the law. These men threw oat seven boxes at the re- J The new 'King Manufacturing Com- I . BUPXKINTINDKNT'B OXF1CX J aBd e on al U ri atnger irra' la cent election, thereby disfranchiaintr I nanv at AuErusta. to which we referred I va IS MAHONE IN TROUBLED It has all alone been understood that the administration was friendly to Ma- hone manages gnsU R. Rt CoBptnj.j ENTERTAIN IJXU A DUKK- " " , " " " 6 J f"' ' , I TO,iB.,H1.lin rlamhU Jlr Sn ' . . 3 G37 Republicans and electine Ihe en-1 last week, has a capital of $750,000. It I WilEliIlCtOn, i OlHDDia & aU- I In lha invilafinn r t Sorrofa r aF I I ' I 'I lira TleinArpohA rVtlinlv tnrt Taw 1 i nrnnhaful ihof fhft tQ rif V fT fflA late Blame, the Duke of boutherland . ... ' .. --.v.;.,. r b- t .m Li u m tuxn r ana parly, Lord Thorntoo and most of w at r i a i,t . v ocratic politicians was on the other number of very fine ones are yet un side. " The Judges were in a dilemma, occupied. The corporators consist of The Constitution of the state requires I a number of the most prominent and Wilmington and C lumbU. the Diplomatic Corps, the Yice!resi- dent, Admiral Porter, Gen. .Sherman, the Cabinet, several Senators, Solicitor mixh tstr t i , a. rvrr; l ' r - - ' t ' ..--..! general raaieetrtta'. Vimln,;toii & llridon r;;;-"?j Hal I road iges to say that there is strong others, proceeded on board the U. S. shall file their decUioc Supreme Court lhpir APAinnn. within aiTl' opposition in various quarters to placing 8teamef Dispatch from the Navy Yard day t after the expiration of the term. TVluuSGTOSr, . C, Nov, ln. the entire patronage of the state at the ent condition, will glaJlj accept Is net di"P0Sf 1 f f MahoheV friends.' We only fair and equitable, but as a final settlement which saves him ( Jivis) from the sharks that would devour him and Virgiaiif alike withj impartial vo racity. : . !' . . . I ' ; . UJblKLU Yd. COWKLIISO never heard that anybody ever dreamed of so absurd a thing as a political com bination where four-fifths of the voting was Co be done by one element, and all the offices and patronage were held by the other fifth i The Readjuster vote of Virginia is about 24,000, and the Republican vote is about 84,000, as by the last voting. It would . be to sup pose that the ' Readjusters, including Senator Conkli ng When General James A. Garfield was nominated at Chicago by thje rep sentatives of the Republicans ojf the. United States the largest convention I Mahone, are demented or imbecile if ever field in this country -j-no was.made they would consent to any such unequal the head of the party, of the cojuuty. division of patronage themselves. , Of And when he was elected in November course any rnan of sense who under 1880, he ws made Chief Magistrate stands the political situation in Vir of the Republic and head of the nation, ginia, is aware that there is . no possi It was not' intended by the convention, bility of either the Readjusters or the or the people who elected him, that be Republicans, combining with the" Bour ahould be a subordinate to anyjother bons. The two remnants of tbe)td man; but it was understood that he factions are deadly hostile. 1 Tbey, hare should be the arbitrator in all mattjers nothing in common,.in a political sense. coniingiupfoTseitlement. Ille was not They will no more mix than oil and nominated and elected! aaVTSction water, i The Republicans and the Re President to be bossed by certaiiu am- adjusteTscd byiIahone, are liberal .bilious and dictatorial j politicians. all over, and progressive to Ihe back The pwple had confidence in General bone, ; - ..w-.--; : 7 -. , Garfield or he would not have been There' is always more or less difficulty successful; therefore the people will be in bringing two or more factions, here- very much disappointed if he should J tofore at loggerheads into that fort of be bulldozed by the lordly threats and j harmony out of which will be educed a bombastic utteraucea of Senator Conk- I majority. It was a lonr process in all sv ! j I the northern states previous to the war. went to Chicago Out of it came John P. Hale, Hamlin, with his candidate, but a verjf large Sumner, Wilson, Chase, old Ben. Wade, majority of the convention did not in- I and others,, in the earlier times, and, dorse him. And, uoW, fter the con- i indeed, the whole conglomerate known vention has given Senator Conkling I as the solid Republican party in the and his lieuteuauU to understand that I north. The possibilities are now in the country did not desire their leader- the south , as they were then ia the ship, lor ihem to come forward and dc- berth. The southern population is not mand the tight to dictate to the Preai- always to be hide-bound, sore-headed dent is an outrage upon common de and thick-headed, holding on to old cency. f resident' Garfield has done notions and antiquated theories Even eTtrjthing that he should do Ui har- jdow there are evidences of a new thak mony. He Las pot one of Senator I log up among ber people. There is less Conklings favorites (air. James), in bis I fear of the ostraciams 6t parties and Caluaerpanother as Second Assistant I cliques and factions, and more freedom lMlmaaUr-Genera, and all the- state I to the young and buoyant aoutUrn appointmenU from Xew York bare I brain to think a ita own atcuuai, ibaa been taken from Senator xanklintfa I ever before. The llaboaca and the taction nf the party, except Judge Ro- Gary's, who bate appeared in two dif bertsou. And Senator Conkling pro- ferent sUtes, and those who are not poses to $ht, and, in fact, ia fighting now afraid ot shadow, not lamcnU- rreAidenl GarEcM on account of the I tiona, nor tloemy foreoodinr. are nooinaUon of judge Kobtrtsonj to be j breediag new and seething Tolumee ef uaiector or customs tar in port of I free opiaJona, and lighting new and asw a oik. J uoge i.o&eruoo is a lead-1 more glorious torches of aspiration. vepi tne ucuoa ia ew iotk politics opposed to Senator Conkling. He led An Italian writer nays that oar nod- th Blaine delegatct j from New York era mUUonalm are nowhert U ccm- aate " at Chicago, and it is due to hi parboa wiUi some of bit couatrrmef, able Banagemeat as much as any otb- as loUowse Mark Antony spent fl,- er man for wiectssfaUy defaiag Sen- 000,0,000 U mertly sowias his wild ator Coaklios, and iaDoiMiintQa, ataKerogTttlOCCO.Uimnts uarneu; ana in our ofo uxo rreai-1 to nis frkndK Utikribaiaa rate uet wenU battf acted Ttry baily to- j dlaatt tbatcoU I iCO,CO0; tbe toilet tf ward this ctaUcmia ll ne aad Conef arfrifiaMa7cUIoccaaka leis for him Oaa the CoUcctonUp I to tlC3jRr aad bcrWxeX levels I rriL.' j ? i i t i f -r the Pott I AniBPer,oa naaciapseu, anaiaejuages . - nana aanamA nn airn a nw n a vta Where tbey embarked down mK r.f, ininn . ZT'Si i " " l"17t . zrl il -j: oavannan ana unarieston witnin tnirty .vu.v. .,-obvv oeoswr uanJiHuu a- uuuoua, vney nave I .(v..) Salutes were fired, various flags of suppressed the cause in order that ThJe raiid rise in stocks induced manr the Diplomatic Corps were displayed, I ernmeni ,8D1, P?Talt iaro j to sell out, and there is now a large with. Ihe flag of the. Secretary of the f r "J'' " ? I nmount m the three cities seeking good Navy at the, main. . The party spent ! Oae by one the -Radical lien" of the "Lif? Ihra. WnMMrMt f ha Dan.Bfl wtwm ni(a n I . TT 1 jV . I ... " L - Ml " Muuia yu .u( itviuvi(o ui past am uxiug iauiakcu. i ucu uie gtes believes that the entire water successful men of Augusta. The char ter will be filed at once. It is said there is reasonable hope of $350,000 to, start witn, ana u is oeuevea vuat me 1 at ". 1. M.,Ttb foiiowia laano(er enure siocc can do piacea in Augusta, I ooiicamo win ue ruaon vnirua CHAKQ K OF 8CHKD ULK AN AStl AKTEU yoVEMREJt ti, Mount Vernon, and returned at about dark up the river, amid salutes from Navalessel!, having lunched on the ku klux outrages were unfolded in Re-1 powerof the canal - will be utilized in Dublican newspapers, the whole Demo- M9 than five years, and Augusta will then: be not only the greatest manufac turing city in the south, but j one of the greatest ki the United States. hani)Ojj iffJis; V Reports received at the Treasury De part men t show that the exports cf mer Do not spend your precious time in wishing and waiting for something to turn up. Ifyoudo,you may wish and watch and wait oreTcr. Y ou can do cratic party north and south denounced this horrible statements as "Radical lies." A lew years later the members' of the ku klux confessed their crimes, and it was then -seek that the only de fect in the "Radical lies", was that they a ra " a a chandise from ths United States for the not paint we picture niacr enough j. -.i. .. . . r AJter tae au aiua came tne oauot-oux I ., ... . " :-,- year. endmg with the. beginning of -tuffers with their bands full of tissue 14 lt Ju wlH. bat you must! put forth April i the largest of any year since ballots. When the Republican news- I the effort. ; Idleness and indiffererite tbe foundation of the government The pspers exposed the crime, the same I never accomplished apv thing. It takes fc.itk . :a .. i uemocra ic coorus was neara a?am i i . , . . , , . 85'V6 ' uicu iuyuU. i ..n.j- ., x? I energy ana pusa to mase oeaaway iq l P...r. inrnjnlb miA alt hotnti tof912.257.02;estimatine the eiDortsl u.rrrfL IrZT. ' .L.. IZZ ;.,, tli wnrll nA n .riiv. ; nrfr.i;. I on u.auii. ILC.U A A. ILIL ruuo, I - . ., j r . 1 .i a,uPB . i I I 5 ' "'V-' -I Alacn Jonrtloa. and all rn for April, and the, sggregite for the were simple truth, , and the leadint; I persevering man is sure to eoccced. boo;duaeo.tbiJpfeam. thirteen months ; amounts to fully Democrat journals of the South cry I If he cannot do nn th!n- 1a will do I ' iL..inil.,..MM.'rLn. DAY PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS Trains, Daily-Nos. 42 i jj : "West and 45 East, 't ' I Leave' Wilmington. ....... 8 40 A.M Arrive at Florence.,. ........... i-" r. m Leave Florence,. . . r. Arrive at WllialBrtoa.4..... . T f H N1GUT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dallyl j t Noa. 47 West and 48 East, f Leave Wllmid'rton.. .... ....... ..10. 25 P M Leave Florence.. ,...........v.. 5.01AM i Arrive atC. C. fc A. Junction"... 6,00 A. M Arrive at Colombia..........!., e.10 A.M Leave Columbia.. ........... 4 l.W r. M Leave 1 C Jc A. JuocUon..J.. 10 580 F.M Leave riorenea at. ....... ...i. 3.00 A. M Arrive stWUmlntton.. CJ0AM ' Tlila Train atona - only a ruinklev'a. Wbltevllle, Kir m 1 iiUmi . 1 r tlan.)arta j rioreoce, Tlmmtmavtlli, ftiafavHIo, KOI tar, Camden J neUou ana r aaiev a. ae, 'JA'9K2COEJt PKr-AltTMr.JtT. -WiuaisuTo.t.K.C- Mrvht,U. .JOMMUTATION TlCKaTM r 4tra aauoaa or it vi and ym ,m:r, ttntfum ever U connection of tUa WHmtal Weldon IL tt. at Codbvro aaa WtkAM. and ea peel all r adopted to IU nrtwla W coatnervhl travel, art lantd.y Ue mlngtoo A Wcldoa lL K; andaoaWti Its raaacnstr Ipo I -wMyaliistaa' . i- i i -:. ; t,'. - v. ' ivrr, ; j ." is- Uaaaral I'ju Acai " j tarn w ix ft,WU,WU,uw, or more the public debt. . ;; I Tbe Hon. Robert C. than half of I a m . m . . w ameu to nio. iet tne peouential work something else. If he cannot succeed go on. ;xne nortnern democrat still in one direction, he wilt in some other. i , p. 7, 1 noias aloof, out wnue tne lamp holds 1 n win d nm.ti,m it riii nt Wiothrop of I out to bum there is hope even for him. I waata his tima in i,M.n TLera i Massachusetts, who delivered theora-i rt0mf' : . .. .;' . : I no lack of work, no lack of ppportu Inities. 1)9 what comes to your hand, and do it well. True i progress leads, Signs of the dUtreesful gricultural K1"6 ,e8 lhc Tlfr-1 . yV?"1 rfhartontoa aal hx Ata oa traU.a ti and M. i All trala rou aoUd betweeft lliaical ra ana V Mmtuiton. - . j i ' - ie tion at tbe laying of the fcundalioa atone of tbe : M asbiogton Monument. was opon tne lop oi tne uonaisnea A. IiHT.llen! raeejr -kenL novv-u en reduced from 25. to 1 If. per .... , " ' " . . fTT - i i mm i It 11 ' ' :ten years' lease, free for the Cist fifty years, dredged, as an' explorer, all 1 1 I ,i .!ei rrr- t. . shaft the other day with his wife and "mca ""lumu Work is ordinarily the measure of sue daughter. The shaft at present ia high- 11 P" "1 w nt cess, tuit resolving and rf-reaolving: er than Bunker Uill Monumentj The mues ,rom l-MWo" nn y0.00 wnieining uy-cr. final heieht will be nearlv or more than hM rBC fr0BI 25s. to . 1 If. per 600 fee:. . 1 ! lha Mil nf th llrilitkl 1.LI. , i.. r- 1. r - . . t i icmuu- i - ..v.v ui vuiii, niruu, ui .uc vinerataare ,i . . .... . . . , . ; . der of the term the rent will be 7s acre. pressing him fur that Ministry. But . , i r . . . fk. t -r ' r ri'i v Another large farm, witb a good resi- the friends of Mr. Osborne of Kansas, deBcei , letfor 70 a year, and the have convinced the President that the tenant rtleU the shooting for 60. In Chilians prefer LU re'entiou In the ap- the Midlands there is not tbe same in- pointment of any new man. During fiinUo?,t,te.i iSf U iW. w.r .:p uteh' Here it Is that SO 000 acres in the war bet a ten Chili and Peru Mr. Leicestershire are said to be .til Via uporn a periormance ot delicate du ties intrusted bim by the State Carolina, Central JHatl- way Com p any.: era! bop'L rail NOllCH. 14. rr-nmu vUlllkt TV m etfwraaaia. woaM - lalnaar. lUta alvartM lata conaiderabie part of those oa tbe coast of North America, Greenland, Norway. France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and Italy, be never found anything of value except to a natralist, s.or any human uone, although many thousand human I taia iiauwajr t a i . t -'.... . . I ! tmag bbum nave pcrooea in tnose I PAMIJG1JL 'Wa. - - ats a . s - jiuo KXBBs, ucau voscs etc. i i orrncE ukn'L nrKaijrTEirTi WiLJttauro., J. 1X, im. ti, IM.. j CIllNGE OF SCnCUDLC. mmm SSU,. o iMiowtac nclMaM WUI kt UaaUaW UM ofmaualow rate du- hbndV Rents in that eounty have been retly iT the t . : ' " : . " . ,r"r I imarinauon oi me i poets. Ko. Tbe nnt case ef triduaosis ever de- vtlopcd bere made its sppeaxance la Allegheny last Tuesday night. Frank KAIL AD TEAUI nnt r. Viirh I ,V- I WBUl OWrT IUfl 1100.) OKI D IV Iff lO authorities, o 1 ha record ia the diplo- i ' ' aatkaertice ha be n ra eUcDt. i V Adrertlataar Caaaua. ' - . ' r i U ia staUd thk a t,,r Urr .hr 1 1 libas becocBt aw cocamoa to write I K1 tbateTtniag ate frtiljr of pork of negro tacapede tod nstfn from north- kinaiag of aa elegaat, UtemV-1 not well cooked. 1 About two T i v . . . .... Ilavtntfta mmA iImi. It I.). I boUTS after b XTTW iai stTa aleVi anJ wiwumu aAiv awn via., aaSHa I r-" wwi , . r - v vLaaWfllalaoaal CUSeo. tHaceu in box cars ami i wnwrm. mat we avou au suca I t -i-.-; wtm w uiwi s..AfriTaiiiua oaca to tne piaatatiooa, powerieas and 1 " a"r7 4cwwai w i .-.T"r f " I I tasartu under tb ttolence. Tbe exodus from I MiaaLatinru ia mwMli mtlW ilia ! temt ) Leave w4lAi too i Arrive at CbarWue 1 Leave CfearioUe , 1 wnTe aa 'iagvp a r a Tif iaa Xa. 1 aa4 af at mcitar atatiaM oaiy. 4 r-ta )tw ui a) a Itaaa lavie. . IAmSXuCS. MAIL AXD TUUvCutl rmavirrTa-tix ever before, tbey are teiied oa some I to ?.IH' ?'! a atmpiy can aueauoa to ue ca iua raaa. ; - rt,. Uotp Ktters ia as plaia boa- AT pnrgiag,1 pI blool aad . tiri umm 1aaablt9Wlt;'r ltm ef tsa.j A rby&ia wet xl J TI letiS AM a- waiaJHI atJ!! Uj J lMfltTAIfl TV AIWa,-tlt Ll ocr. JAnca a. o Anntta., Pr aaaaj ivm. jsvj;' JH; wbara . Oat aaa4 ha t ffaaaiatal AMa- rw a-aM-V , tatl. aual a-rtH Vf Ha Ll-- a 1 AMta Waatad. nt t uuu 111 at US wuaaaa a -, aaw mi nnnnc ft TO - a. r i I as A M f if it- at who poaomacf4: iLe ,4la-we troBM b chair of del aa I nows Uestl falaa wiil ettt ase any-1 casw uTtainaa, aa trpoa tm&atiaiag a Uing and drggt4 back by the ruling lai elsajaeaee Aiterimr f to tbe aurrtuccf katl cUas with great eieleace, r . . Tbe at ScllaMwSwTS .tbe-irtefragable-nnder ia4 JIalu. wUcSi aaik4 fiosalim! aScail2?rS toreytoSeaatorrryeollW t a'TTfe Teraatt.tboa- a bfT buying aptinfraadL Seaator aaadeAifaaaMesraeaiara tW- -.TT soa r Frye beiag absent la Maine ca baO-. eigaen; a lar-w trsUr brie Swe&a. - ; : .'n 'T --" seas, k!a etxjue, SaJr Hale, U! ta CtsxrJ Cfesr?y ixs inui fcr K wUl rl wsSj l? I grapbei bt, rreJ ajrpaxd iitjaScbisj -few rati ta Asscrka 5S?i aif 0r ""J CeaUleltaeat atxt weti. a3 aXjeLkit aru exrr ,ll.a wr-.kai gxla and aa!.' t f rO ir fa2 U-! t H fci tts. I U tufrl'T Al ? a r.M i.'.wntwt atL-4 ma. M fT t.aAr. tat aav.vUa 3to.f traia tetany avft a aaiariaj HUCLatT SYS&2$3t MAIL, tttSOttTM rAaauamAs&cLtiuaia cuturajt or r, a s at SI iwM . laaMa. ' ' i aaf a-a aiMei. .1: ;' --. - t LwCarts, JLm at aw? . -jk a a. M i AfVTwat tirtfawia ... M .r.M a4L aa. t a act faatata to reaw XarUi I tarabM aa4 ta Artii. ' I ' ... .. t ? : ' -H ft i i . mm 1 1 .ail - i - i ii ' .aaeir a er,ia li 1 aa S fa tZ Mt f a " Al SU4 ria j ' YT&ea ut matter cirrowt dywa fct- Itx heme waa wta 2?3,CCiCC3ik 1-av -av.- r wa a ffr