A f . .0 : Mi J: AW ..,:,r -r -n't . j ! ' . I'."-,' . . - V'.- J - ' - r !.'.:; . . - I . " ,'. ' " :- ' '" - -"' '...' ' j. " , '' - : ' .. ' ' ' s ' " M ." v . - . i . : .,. i 1 . - '-' : . 1 - - ."I" . - ' .; : -? ' i" -j -'!' . .4 6M til i V ' ! Tt U I , , 1 '.ar i .. ,.".,.v v , . VOLUME XU. V rTTTHTSI POST ' lESTERED AT THE POSTOFFICE AT : WiLMISOTON,' N. C, AS BEOOND CM ',;!-,. Matter. 1 'V ": - RATES OF ADVERTISING. : Fifty cents per line for the first in--Herti.mand twerity-fiye cents per line : or each additional insertion. ( y . ; Eght (8) Unes Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. . :. . 1 ;"'; The subscription price to The Wil- ; MiNOToN Post is $1 00 per year; fix months 75 cepts. j:.; . ?i Allcbinniunicatibnslonliusincs should he addressed to The c Wilmington Post, -Wilmington, N. C. - 2. t ... OOWl'ENH. . The bron.V tatue-of Morgan un . veiled at Spartanburg, South arolini, ' on the 1,2th of May,' was contributed by '. yCongreHnd the granite base and cdes.tal ofjbe monument were built by the joint contributions of the old ?- ttirleeB ta tea aed Tennessee. KevVA. Toomer Porter, of Charten : ton, opened the proceedings with prayer, reading from a prayy-book found on the battlefield. Thirteen hundred tol- : uuteer troops of the state of South ." Carolina were reTiewed by Gen. Henry ilunt, U. 'S, -'A, :. Gen. , A. M. Mani- guult, Adju(aut CJeneral cf South Caro lina, BervedT ou Gee Hunk's Jstaff by ' .'J fecial rcqifcsi; also, he " following de .. meudants of the chiei factors at 5Cow. : pene: . Daniel urorgad Taylor, !.'. A. . McUenry Porter, M, U; S. B. Pickens " aud John H. Wasbington, of South Carolina. ' ;' C;'t '.Siieechea.v'werfc made i by Senator ; Hampton, representing Maryland, Vir ' . ciuia. North Carolina, South Carolina, .Georgia aud Teunessep; Hon Thos. W. 1 Vl I igKiu'oti, rcpresenti ng New Hamp- l ihlre, Massachusetts, Ihoue Island and j tpnecticurj and Jloti. Wm. If. Fran- V'S ciJr representing New ey, reuDpylvaDiaand York, New Jer- Delaware. Music H pai-furufshed by the I'ifth tlU'ery band U. S. Ar- '.' -This iUu'el Morgaii, who fousbt the batt'e t Ccvpeos t'n the American i s .: VidV, was born in New Jersey; and had . .brto t the surrender of Burgoyne, . . ifj wa a Brigadier at the lime ot the bill 1 j of Cowpeu:", and commanded ; . about a thousand rnfn who were M- TJitaclel in an open -field, ar4 Tarle : ot the British commander wilh more (It in 1,000, noeir, dr'niog them, came :i- d mn on Morgau's flank, and they re- " treated. Very soon Morgan got the idvauta-'e bf Tarleton. and drove him " v into a complete rout-fa signal victory Congress gaie him a gold medal. De- sceudanti of all the t ld thirteen states ; ' J were ttiere;; and they had a banquet iater in I he i!y and somewhat of con- '-jAT,iTiaJity.',- -1 ,'1 ' : reported unfavorably. on the -confirma ; tio not Stanley Matthewji for Judge of 1 1 the Supreme Court, nominated first by 1 fay es which lapsed and now by Preai . cieiittiarficld. It is understood that the Ktil'TOtip.-alcMl: In favor i $9n6rmjUon--'tV'Uwar.' Again4 coowrmation Kd- ruuuJ, Login,. McMillan, Davis of .llltn(jW; and Bayard. Absent Conk-- ln and Garland. It; is understood r ' alio that this vote doe. not affect the latlhewsv confirmation; 1 v Mr. Uanrom called up the resolution . I'lltrcd by him, on March directing 1 be pomnVltee o? Oojfimjjrce to inrjuire iuto the condition of the 1'otomac river lu rront" jf the city of Wshingtob,.ihe natigation of said, river, and the effect , ot te bridges across the same with re ; rm1 to , navigation, floods and the health of the city, and to report at the oeil csiou what hteps If any should be Ueo with reference thereto. Adopted. !r. Kellogg .offered a resolution call on the Piitmaiier General and the fcVfretair of War,, Navy, State and Turf j'for jhe'nainr f;a clerks ud other Yttpyc in their ' rective drMrttmenti, togttuer with the date of Uicir appvinlnicnt, the state to which each U , charged, and the persona on ho recommendation each waa ap pointed, On objection Irota Mr." Ferry he reoliUo waa Ud ovr undc tl.e . - "' ; - f - . I -lVe folU)log Introduced by Scnater : Moreaa fromiheCAimmlUceon VS ; Attw, M tUff Maarot docUlne,. and elU c-f the Panama Mmlon: i?,W.f. Thai the tnUmti of the wotte of tha United &UU. and the wrlLra aad auritv ol Vheir KOTOS atc&t. ar ao lBTolrd la the tabjeclof tfce coaaUQcUoa of ahlp i canals- aad " ief vara tor the trattporUlkB of K ioiai Veatvls acros tho Ulfimtu - taat tha cortmncat cf the United tvuu, wUa m fraasncsa which U da all othtf people a,nd romameata, htreb nMerulhat.tt will InsUi lhalita tew condition pre cedent to the execution of such a pro ject, end aim to the raise ana rfjia tksos nnder vhkh other nation aha!) rnlclpte la the c of each cai&Ii cr tier waya, elthtt la race or war. other caucus Ibis afternoon to decide course should now bt pursued wUh rppard tn lhat class of txecuuve buaiofs. which - was unprovided fir a adontcd last . week. left temporarily the i programme Although the caucus was in session until 6f o'clock, it finally adjour ied ' without reaching a point of action on ihe euject under consideration. J ; : 1 1 At 4 o'clock Mr Conkling took the , v ?floor, and proceeded to make a speech which occupied ine remainaer oi me caucus session. : It was devoted to, a hiatory of the nomination of Judge Robertson for the New York collector ship and to a comprehensive statement of the rrasons wbv this nominatten was particiiiarTy objectionable and ffeosive j to nim." in ine course oi n is he entered unreservedly, into thef sub ject of New York state politics aod JuJgej Hobertson'ji Connection with them, particularly at the Chicago conr vention. H& also gave a detailed re cital of bis conferences aud understand ifigs with tW President in regard tji New York nominations, &c, at various times antecedent to the nomination of Judge Robertson, from alt of which circumstances he argqed that he and the party whom he ad bis colleagu represented in New jfYork, bad been dealt with in bad, faith and treated most unjustly. In relating what ocf curreU at unicago Mr. uoniciing in formed the Caucus that Judge Robert bod, 'among other exhibitions of per sonal hostility then made by him, wen so far as to declare be would nt 8UP port(i n. Arthur if nominated for Vice President. .. . 1 . I' At lli close of Senatpr Conkling's soeec!i the caucus atl purned Until to morrow. None of the! Senators whose Dcsiticn is doubtful on the main sub isct of the controversy1 participated in the debate to day., and as no vote was . . ..... j-j: I taken on any proposuion, go muici tions were afforded as to what may be the i result of tbe deliberations to morrow. ' ! ' ' - ' May 10. The Senate in Executive j Session-to-day confirmed the; following nominations; James Longtreet, U. S. Marshal for Georgia; Absalom lilyiuc U. 8. Marshal for South Carotin i j Sanr uel i W. Melton, , U. S. Altorncy foi South Carolina. I f ' " i Stanley Matthews' :ciLje was net ta ken'! up. -to-day, but will probabJy be considered to-morrow. - . . : - : The Jaiiciary committee this muru- ihg agreed to recommend the confirma tion of Don. A. Pardee, as U. J. Cir cuit ! Judge Jo .the lifih ' Judicial Cir. cuiti and subsequently reported the nomination favorably to the Senate. The 5 nomination of Michael J. Cra mer, now charge d'affiires to, Den mark, to be charge d'affaires to SwilzerUnd was reported favorably from the. Fori eiga llelations Cornmittee during thd Executive Session this afternoon. The Judiciary committee rencheel the nomination of W. E. Chandler, as Solicitor-General at their meeting to-: day but laid, it aside for consideration at another special meeting to be held probaMy to morrow. 7 . ,j ' The- President withdrew from the Senate tcday tbe nomination of Wd. Jerse Graut, as postmaster of Terrell, .Texas, acd Jno. Grant t bie postmas ter at Brackettsvtlle, lexas. ; The Republican Seuatcrs reajem- blei in caucus this afiernoon, and re- aumed their private conference iq re gard to the oantestedt numfdation for the New York eollectorship. A dis cussion as to the expediency of bring ing this ce before the Senate for final action at the present session followed the same lines as yesterday, but it was more colloquial, and was characterized also by less animation. As a result of this supplemental interchange of views, it was finally ascertained Jto be the sense of the caucus to lurther harmon ize matters and avert a threatened con Hict in the party should be made by all the I members of the - caucus prior to tax in k caucus action upon any phase oT the subject as now presented. A resolution to Ibis eutn was unanimous ly adopted by a rising vote.j I i If-is siaicu inav trcuaivii iuia4aqq withdrew' bis resolption by which $t was Dro nosed to declare as the sense of the caucus that it is inexpedient for the Senate to take aetioo at this session upon any contested nomination to fill any office not now vacant, file with drew it, it is said, - because1 a careful canvass showed that il passed for adop tion it would be dereated by a vole of about three to two. The work of peace- makior ordered bv tho caucus jUj day was not delecad o a cotmi'ee bt to all of the Republican Senators Indi vidually. , , . . : : j ;; ,- t ;WK4SISUAV4.- - The conttrwation of William Chandler, for SolicltorGenralf. discussed and laid over. . ' ' i . The followior southern nuainatiens were to-day confirmed by the Senate in ExecntiT Session: joho lVUckcy, Attorney for , lh Northern Di- UkV of noiMaCharlea M. Wilder, lWmaUer at Columbia, C,. A. New ton imfcU, Cecnitet of lihc Mob- ey Jackson. Ml. tu wa firmed, the nonloaUoa of Michael J. Cramer, f Kentucky, now Charge dAffair at lenmarkt to be Charge d'ACair to SwittuUbd. tice C Tub, "... i -- - i; rr!rnH. Tat' tuctct at uaovlag the la; jonctfc of tfmT troa thj Ut Chtam utat? uata and uu our. During the dbcnsUoa of the case of Stanley Matthews for Jostice tf the Snpremt ConrV, aa ohiec'Jon was lande to wtU known Tkwi conctraiag the coosUtaUoaallty of Ike Padlc UaUmad fandlag act, so& a mlU ChrtaU tnt ftvtml of the UsX CtcUiifS axd txm was hl m. WILMINGTON. NORTH May I2.i-The Secretary of the Treas ury to-day issued a call, with provision for continuance, of u per cent, bonds issued under the acts of 1870 and 1871, Notice "is given in the call that . the principal and accrued interest of 5 per.; cent, coupon bonds outstanding will be paid at the Treasury on - the 12lh. of August next; but the . holders of these coupon bonds may have them continued during the pleasure of "the government with interest at 3 per cent., provided the: bonds are received at ihe Treasury on or beiore the 1st of July next The Secretary also announces that until July 1st next he will receive for con tinuance in like manner any of the un called five. per cent, registered bonds of the 1870 and 1871 loan to an amount uot exceeding f 250,000,000, the re mainder of the loan being reserved, with a, view. la. its payment froi - sur plus revenues. ; The amount of coupon bopds above referred to now outstand ing Is about one hundred andf twenty millions. The total amount of regis tered five per cents.; is about three hun dred and twenty five millions : It is believed at the Department that . more than two hundred and fifty I millions of registered five per cents, wilf be offered for continuance, ' but all, applications received alter the maximum I of two hundred and fifty millions shall: have been presented will not be entertained. The entire executive ; session of the Senate this afternoon was devoted to the consideration of the nomination of Stanley Matthewsi The principal speakers were !3enators Edmunds, David Davis, Logan and McMillan, in in opposition to confirmation, and Sen ators She-rman, fendleton and Beck in favor of it. The debate was siimilarlo that of yesterday, At its conclusion a vote was taken to confirm and it was carried-ryeas 22, nays 21. ' It will not be the first instance of the confirmation of a Supreme Court Jus tice by a small majority. . Justice Clif ford was also confirmtd by a. majority of on". - - i t ' , Smith viLLii IS, t!.; .May 13,11881. ; Mb, Kmt'or: I; have uoti4ed two communications in your paper 'criticis ing Mr. Iouis Galloway in regard to his oluciarduty, your informant either m-isuuderstowi the cases, or did it to injure Mr. Galloway. Ih thefir?t case oi .Boyd ami More Mr. Byd applied to Mr. prieleau - for a warrant, and I suppose il was granted and probably tried; but whether it was or not Gallo way could'ubt act unless' ho had been called on, or been ah eye wLtness to the cae. ' j : :. Jn the Ciss of Morse, Dan it is and St. George for disturbing the Church, it was '-brought before Galloway.- There was no proof against any of the party except St. George. The Only charge against him' was that he halloed; twice in front of. the. Churcb, the. congcega tion was not djsUirbfd the Minister requested sonic one to! have' it -stopped. I have known M r. G fur some time and believe ho will decide any case that comes before Liiri ;rccordiog to- law and evidence. ' :.-'';' ... ' Now, Mr. Ivlitiir. I da not know who your iuforniaiit is in the matter, but if be is a ivep'Ubucau, Be has a poor way of showing it. Mr.",G. has stood the storm and abuse cf the Democratic party for years, atid-now to be m isrep resented by some one In his own party Who, per Raps has had some little diffi culty, and 'for Ike sake, f reverge they misrepresent him to. tlie public. - -i - : A 8"vi;t. ' Our corrrsjxMclontj "Scout" from Smithvilie, levins to have taken off his f;!ojxes in dt-fenss .f Mr. Louis 4- Gal oway. , o. admire his pluck very much, mprethau we dio his judgment. lie has eviuentrv allowed bis good ieel- iogs for Mr. Gallowavito get the better of ,h? ' dUcr;idu. 'Tho a-oof that we have ot Jlr. tailoA.iyi neglect of his msgfsterial dics is too abundant. Ana while wetlalre yt fy great pleasure n publishing any defense that may be made for htm bv our esteemed corres- wndeut, yet We have hot said half thatt mi j i'uuiisutu annual iiitn wun 1 ' .: . l i . L . 1 . . i ' truth. - - - - We are ruliaklr iaiormed bv Teoao- cratvas wfl1 as Republicans, that the defendants, Morse atid Daniels, went to tne magistrate w ho issued the war rant for the row at the church, and fouua that he would eitorce the penalty in case tu?y wereloiind guilty. 1 hen they went to liailoway, interviewed him. and be informed them that he would not fecKc6.mpelledto Ho so, whereupon trey took their case, ...before Gallo way; aud notwlthstandiuz the fact that the law ta vs the ttae. iball cot'be !eas than fiO, Mr.'O. rcidje it les. lie has ma'gesterUUy violated law himself. We do nut think Mr. Daniel a Will deny, over hi own. fignatyre, having a nght atuUhyiuc oa Sunday ' night.- t rom lb cnaracter let .our iuformant we btlieve it i cVtrf reliable. ; But we pubttsh, Mr. r.jdcn card at his own' request: I j ' tlHTwx lTDSt.-Jt vcur Sun day's issue, uqder tae head of ?mith- viuc xicBta. you wrre nrrongif ictonaeu. that Air. Ldrard 1d:u bad ecrsfrd in a fijrht near a chuijrh wun on of the to bKiidctUJ thl hi ahUeeand driakindays arowr-.tht he leads a Uaruuan lit, and wvukl not be caught in a d.&cuUy pAincnUriy witlk boy. The anther off A fW rjraad'' is to talk to the I'oitn 1a pt about education tn ie c r, rather, about the lack ei ed down therr. The snr-ject h an imne eae, for what h called nhe u!il wNiikT taUta only becani the saaje ef cutbrsxncf both cv4ors are d-plMrb.y trav. In Wercrster's m hScUMrj,jaef 11 words adaUlet, tke word hooaa has a pace- U is dciaed as Keanltf an tnthusUttk asd sfpcaUacccs BOTt- meat U Cam el a rcrwa. CAROLINA.' SUNIJY: 1 A meetin j - of colored i EeptSlIcana assembled at UteliayoWGoort Room; City Hall,: ori Thurday titnht -lliif :y Mr. - Owen -Burney was chosen chairman, and Alfred Robinson, Esq., f Secretary. George IW Pricey jn, x-1 pTainea the object of lie meetin-; after which a resolution was aopteti isaors-1 'ax. n '.t-Uil; ;lt. Ungthecan - for tie ctitona Uie mh inst. After 'remarit j speral Of a UDited Sbrt beinr Bad? 6 tie i colored people to secure thelrrfght the following delegates wertfelected to attend the contention: f ' " : Owen Burney Geo lirabsofilGeo l W$ to thm aty,.In. wnere he re w p,i ' un.rA kr "ded With his family until 1878, when W Price, jr.; Edward Hewarrj, . K . . p;Anvun h Robinson," J UUiII, Jos bampsow, j Ben Merrick,' N G Sampson, PanI Me 1 Knight, Wash: Howe, Jno -Stacker, G " the taanu&cture or. cotton, and dur u i t rri rt r:n tt r - I Ine bis life he had charge of many im- rrrV- John U Brown, Jacob Johnson, J noil J Holt'J H Price.' A Jordan, George P I Sadgewar. J W Moore J P Dudler. J I D Sampson, N Sparrow; J L Dry. T O - ' m Ketta, J H IJavw. I.wi I errand. Kred Andrews, Munro Bird. Burl Amy, Hen ry Taylor, J K Cutlar, J W Telfairj R L Hutchins, Jos Willis, U Brewington, Capt Cooper, Kmanuel Nichols, Samp son Richardson, Geo il Berden, Jos N Hostler, Jno G Norwood, Tony Maults- by, Aaron Kellogg, Uhas H. Ward, Jas A Iiowery E E Oreen, Jno H White- man, Jas Carraway, Jno H Howe. - CIT x ITEMS. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. - ; :'. Ir The t Railroads hare agreed to sell tickets, to delegates to the (colored con vention at Raleigb, at three cents per mile, each way 5 . Mr. Wescott, or Smith ville, was in the city the past week looking in splen did health. '--:!"- Look out for them I A number of counterfeit ten cent coins are said to be in circulation. ! , It has been vary dry for the past 41 J . I- U.J , turcc nceu, iuc uui m yci uau, uu the digging tip of tbe streets for', the Water Works makes it ten times worse. The city has at last put a gate to the sewer at Fourteenth and Market streets, which will afford plenty of water for that portion of the city in case of fires: The Rectory Clnb of St. 'John's Church held a Bazaar and Festival at IhA ITiIv Hall Ihrpn nitrhta dnrinir Ihft p isw wee. -' r" : " - . A couple of very handsome bridges are being bnilt over the Lumber river near Lniuberton by the Carolina Cen tral Railway Company. A valuable milch cow, the , property of Mr. J. H. Grotgen, was badly injured by being knocked off a railroad trck by a passing train a few days ago. Andrew J udge, colored, r fugitive from Duplin, was arrested about three weeks ago and lodged in jail in this City. Friday, Sheriff Wallace of Duplin took bis man to JtenansviIIe where he will be tried for larceny. A little son of Mr. Hansom Bowden fell from the limb of a tree on Thurs- day' last and broke his collr bone. The little fellow though is getting along very nicely! under the circumstances, A camp meeting is in. progress at the Camp Grounds about 12 miles below the city and is conducted by Bey. J. G. Frye, pastor of St. 8tepheni A. M. E. Church. The steamer John Dawson makes regular trips to the UronndV. The debt of the First Baptist Church of this city waa cancelled last Sunday morning. The usual service of the church was had with, the exception of the sermon. The pastor, - Rev. J. B. Taylor, apoke ef the indebtedness of we essres m vo. wpwww P-J' log u ato.ee. Beeeraii ue memoersj made soggeatloM as to the best means 01 so aotnr. naa a specnu iracnpuM I vras assea tor. ane woig. "' .puau my, mm noortoe wsew snessi wn hivsikh. w.i 1- twT- v. . ,.1 " r irtv.., ttiA TrcvZZ: r 1 .TTIZ:; - r - . : : . ; T'- i ' CuAX. t IX xtsx VtttvJk The honr f r epeeisi and cloalag tbe eaail were changed, coamcwdag with ts-dty. the IStb IssUaL Tbe acrOerm liroetb ssaiUsww clUm; ntbrntcTdsy, csrUzkATy erri that tbroexb and way malls and ml2a fee! eeta tbe 'mm, cmrwry UtrJca Raleicb, at 5; W a, StM sa 1st tbeK. C. sUHre! and tie JL. A XC. CalneJ. aX & t) a, Tb wntiere unswHte ready l&tts? a rv v Tbe geacrsl Ct-rtry tO be rte frea a. ra. U TJ w nv, al ea Sffitlaji f-ta IJ U7j a. n, MAY ,15. 1881. Mr. Li Meginney died at his residence in this city on Sunday; morning last. He was in the 69th year of his age. He has., been a resident of this . city for quite a number of years, and his death will be a sonrce of sorrow to many of his friends and old pupils. . - . u. t 4 , . , . .. - , : t UHATH OF A x OBSEB UITIZES. tbsmuCL Serross, formerly of this dty. died in Brooklyn, N. Y. , rery sud- 08 rwnemoerea nere yery gen- , n office which he filled with per Meet fidelity, honesty and judgment. He came and where he has resided ee4 since. He had spent much of his life portant enterprises of an industrial character in yarious portions of the country. His deportment and urbanity in his intercourse with men and society, m m. :i l : i ."T'" S." v or: ernment of which he had charge, his singularly bl tmeless personal charact er and almost entirely unruffled Chris- tian character, will be long remember- ed by those with whoiu he associated here, with sentiments of sincere respect' and kindly regard. j d Handsome Testimonial. Through the liberal donations of Mr. J.J. How ard Gregory, of Marblehead, Massa chusetts, and others, a very handsome three story brick building is being erected On the same lot upon which the new Congregational Church stands, near the corner of Seventh and Nun streets.' The building is intended as a residence for tbe teachers employed in the New Hampshire" Memorial Insti tute, which is a large and flourishing school for the colored people. This In stitute has dene much good for the col ored children of this city, and its refin ing influence can be seen and felt al most daily. It is under the charge of the Rev. D. D. Dodge, who is assisted oy an aoie corps 01 teacoers, -r ine building, which 13 now used as a dwel ling and school ' rooms and recitation rooms is to be remodeled upon the com- iht I The new building is to be made of ,, ....v.. & . the best pressed brick and heart timber, and will be finished off on tbe inside with cypress, juniper and curly pine: and is to be supplied with all modern8 improvements. Its appointments! and conveniences , are to pe first class in every respect, and when completed will be a model dwelling. Air. j. u. Wes ton, under whoft directions i the Con gregational Church was erected, is the master mason in cnarge or tha con struction of the dwelling, 3Ir. Grego- n nAn liia-wiaifr liAPA aft m A nnlh. I . . . ,r .. . , . ag0j expressed mmseii as wen piessea 1 with the cnurcn ana me good worK ne I ing done by tbe school, and as an evi- dence of his appreciation of the efforts I of the Rev. Mr. Dodge and bis ab, assistants, has decided to make them home supplied with all the improve ments and convenience their labors de serve. , .-! I DVKSTISpIET. 1 1. :"; A CARD. . ;-' -. j. As I have been a citizen of Wiluiiog ton for many Tears, and during that time have derived from its good people a liberal and encouraging patronage, as well as, have enjoyed among them a character for unquestioned integrity, I deem it my duty not only to myself, and the community in which I liye and which has so generously patron ised and sustained me, hut mors espe I dally to those In thjs .'.community who have allowed long acquaintance to ri pen into friendship for me, to mile this1 publication. I am a private busi ness man .and expected that I would have been spared -this necessity, but ly own feelings cf justice to those who hsve been vilely slandeed with my self, concerning the matter in this publication, leaves me no roOm for hes itation, no matter bow different from the usual course of my private btii- ncss life this action nsy be. With Ibis preface, thereiort, which I hope may not be deemed inappropri ate, I have this to say: The report has beeneircnUtdthatI,aisoperiatdeni, Ut9 been goilty of mUcoodnct, not to 9 rttn1tt!tilia t- tum .B.wment of .e . , of MatlM UkpUmX at tv--i v- .k . f-,i ..i,.. I p Vr .wv v wne iww i m there are some) who whh to BlicT m 4 .bo will, if possible, dls- , . 1.:. nn......k respowiW J n-d.poKd mledX I I have neUieg. ror wiU I bereener have wythieg pwbticly to say. ; reasoMe and .W. wbe. they beer the teke It calemey wUl step and 1 EXWTT, iu hwh wmxwiM 1 iW ttU m!hhiv raieitn. lkw I nddrrss mrfetf. I The UWU;. lUrtUe. aie tbe I facts and frim tf the esre s-aiitt, 1 and ef tbewi I Oantwre Uemiasirrt I 3 natbfy any well aseaaeg rrrwse aJ tbt? art a adj w wteweff!? l bs I rvrard, tut ely tlase I naaes bare Wa jird wkb Ua,Ui I tsjmlf ab have MX ewi n2y. I at eSrfy s4 neest abaaSf I nt ai cvtsywwi " v ' ' Single Copies 5 Certs r To . total amount paid by the U. 8. Government foe repairs of the Marine I Hospital, and 7 labor and aervices con nected therewith under my supervis ion, covering everything, as shown by the, recprds ofthe4Treasui7jDepart; ment t at Washington , is, $5,SS1 77.-- This amount includes the salary of the watchman, who was employed directly frpm .the Departowt at.Waslbgton, before my appointiaent as saperinten dent of the repairs, and my salary. I also being employed directly from, and by the Treasury Department at Wash ington, at a , stated sum per; day, both amounting ito f 1,114 00; leaving the su m of 4,750 77, which was j paidto the fiiJUPgersAOjjUiB. amuta opposite their, nam , for which Ihold the receipts of each person or firmi re spectively, for labor or material fur- niihed, the case may be! leaving therefore, properly only the amount of $4,750 00, as being disbursed by me. The following are the' disbursements; ;FOR MATiiEIAL. j James F." Post, , 740 00 553 64 1 W. E. Hill & Co. ' - . N. Jacobi, , . 1 Jas. H. Chadbourn & Co., : 90 05 51 64 67 87 3G 40 32 ro 24 75 19 56 H 75 1 .Itaffer, Price & Co., ' ' E. G. Barker & Co., ' V Giie & .aurchison, Worth &"Worth, ! ' ' Parker & Taylor, ' S,B."Burtt, ' ' Total for material, -111,651 35 FOft LABOK' . , Perry M. Rice, , Coleman Twining, I 316 50 315 00 101 50 . 205 62 174 75 173 25 178 94 . 81 80 69 00 152 00 29 00 14 00 90 19 (63 81 7 12 4 37 7 31 William Litchey, King McCall, Barton Burnett, ,. . James K," Cutlar, " ' .. 1 Robert Martin, j F.C Sadgwar, Wesley House, , j ' Moses J. Merrick. Henry H. Hill, Abram Betts, ;,' . William Wheldyig, Samuel Clayton, . . James Cutlar, . James Winfield, 1 v John Falson,' ' : . ': Joseph,. L. Roberts and Hen ry Edwards, for plumbing; material and labor, ; t 1 ,080 26 13 099 42 Making for -salary, of self and watchman, . For material, For labor. tl.114 ( 1,651 3.099 42 Total expenditureby U, S. Govern meqt f5,8C4 77 The foregoing is an exact exhibit. It was a simple busicesi transaction, was in full charge and control; and no one in this city was connected with the matter or had anything whatever to do with it either one wsy or the other, except those who wr r pid the sums sisli J ikbeve. The Treasury Depart ment at Washington employed me; I made i my reports to them' Jirtci; re ceived communications and Instruc tions from ; them ! dlrert, and was alone responsibleto them; and no one here bad any supervision, charge, or control. even the mo t remote, over any actions in any manner whatever. The estimates for material, the prices, a , were sub mitted 10 the D- r-irtxeal at Washing ton. and tb -ce were approved and at. t.risd: before any purchases were made. Tb e bills and pay-rot Is were all certified and certified by me to the De partment at Washington, and paid by checks made payable to those who for- &isbed4 the material and to tbe em ploy res. The checks were all terned over , to the' proper parties at once. by me. fa some iosUnces, as the psy ments tof the laborers were monthly, and they niaut d small ivdi weekly to pay their bills and to support 'heir fs"iHei, I advanced small aaoncti tn them4 la tech cases eithotil ay conv- peaasuoa er weertiy wbatcrer, and when their check came baed cabed them at Uetr fiewesl, -apoe their cnctMment, and retained tbe ssa&eau dse me. :'. ' Derieg iWl ei ef NeermWs lat etTer rml in tbe time of icmt vts alWwed, aJtegeibervbt Ue asoostnf ttSM tee moth time. Ie checking S tbe acetate cnslrg thts Uvt, frm my uae-tcat ; I caceTtitd iW sis- take, and I dedaUed Urn aerlasaad seeds tbe accrwery tSUictie tededect tb tatae ia my leal seewt w itV the lrtiutmceX Tbe bewrrtr, e tre el tbe r&bm, tlat tbe reeery WSet-gtd t ilm em tie pvael that tie cbetis wt rt ttU kA l$ Ubca tor! Umh ajax4i aJ te sicw tcsa thai, I bade Imfmmi 4imi Os nutter. 1 veM - Om tie aaaaxa rre- vUWj d4tr4 ail rct-iff 1 tie Dei tertanest, tadZ tie emc3t , f atsmats eborsU be iriward tttn tie tirtli ea tie ksa raystrs, i- U wu NUMBER ioo late.! ; The men IhemselTes, bow- 1 ever, wbea thVy understood the matter I promptly; refunded me. the amoanl , with, onef iexception XkrZi .---VijfV I It is proper for me to state in.this , connecuon, as this is full and abso- ntel correct: statement of the whole trabaacUon. that during my absence as 1 superintendent of the repairs. MK JesV Roberta! was my manager, condocun ihg my business; as r was not snppoUi to shut up and discontinue my basins on account of being employed by" tbe 1 Goyernmeht ; that"' the estimates of plumbing j materia , were submitted to, t department , at ; Wasbiogtod, and authorized to be done, and the amounts or. the labor end material: of the p3tnhbilg waalurniE Into my business; I haying Mr,, J. 22 Roberts and Henry Edwards regulsrly in my employ, snd paying them a stated salary. u -j Somethings has been'sid aboutihey charge f $1.25 for k capstone tor cover , a man-hole in n; teKpol. :Tbe su-ne was j not the proptmy f tbe Govern- . tneot, and the price, $1.25, ws an ejtrj ceediogly ieaou.b.e f ud wna charged in cwunecutm with ihw plumb ing. : It eem tu me tht perou mnt be hard op tu fid lnuit wueu they make charge of iht smrfll lue a cue for it. " ' - - ' ' - J these art ll ibe "fort tu the matter! honestly Hitd candidly siatd, and" to them I fcif I tieuuMI my fritodi and those jof ibo ctuumuuity (who are weii aiafHtmi, ' nd the great niajortty of Ibem-afr) wh tuv bVH heard the vile and utUy uoluuuded siaudeni that have jbeen ciscuUied against OUT lor some time pan. l 1 - i ( ; Rvspecfully, , . I D. M. Danx. 1 D. M. Dart being duly, sw uru, says that the facts net forth in the foregoing sutemeot tare true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before tuo ibis 14th day 6f May,18Sl. S j S. Van Amuisge. . CJerk Superior Court f' New Hanover OuUaly. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, CANCER REMEDY ! WU!bntto any i.art of the coualrr. bw forwardltfc sue 10 lrof. Wn. II. Nf ifi corner Front aud MulWrry iru. Wll mlng ton, N. 1 refrr to the lotto wins la dorseiuvaUi . t ': ! Dawson' lAndlug. i rttadeo Ouoiy, N. Ci, Jau. 7, tvi. i I Iial baen tuDrrtac wtib I)ytmMia u l Kidney UlaeaM for tb la I years, aod u Hcmol lmpoMiblo for m to gi rurd. but I tried a bouie oT roi. Wu. II. Uoom Liniment aod Trea of Uf. od ttrured in nnUrel: and 1 (ocl itmydatjr so reroin- lacudlttagst hlaltly fcr mm vntiitilalaU. r ... ....... .t. .i. . . w ! Wllujlnf too. N.'C March sSl&l. 1 I'lXkf. Moure Dear Mr: The bmliM r.r Tree of IJr. Salve and l.intnteni I bourbi or you, cerValnly baa cOrit great car In wt cm. Ilftavcdtnyiue. Hcfrelpro eared yoar emedlMne. I waa htrHe atii ' IsranU iOouldnoi walkaattip. MyllinlM aod one foot terribly rMira. Iiuiae ' a few boUlea ef jroor Trea ol Ufa, La at and tew buset of yoar Halre, tl baa mada me a new woman, and my htaUa haa atwn eaUrely Tutored. Hr lltu Waa la Um rondtUoa for -J yeara.aad I Mm m n. - 11tc1 nnUl I-got your madldoa. I rtoiau . mend tt to peraona with Itke amttion . i i- ti i a ahi K. WIUTK, Core an blr.Ud Iot of mim years stand Inc. ; wiiwrifioo. Aru ITUw. rroC sfoorv--Iter lrr My a alib imrawj ea yeara waa oiaerabe.raaaed by aa ulri ated 'c SuoVi I waa adt-a u$ tre .m mediclaea. and anae taktaa Mi botuea m your Tree of lAte, aad bv yr i RnvMM name st botea of roarttaUer. I loasd. to MJ araat stll(Ut aad aattanar ko. lUat tny kvaitn w.a rapid! mum. lac. and 1 am rally uaKi iia rrtai and mctae ebaettalty rveowtaaead 7mi Traa Ol lAtm. LiOIOMMtl Bd IOl VMMtl be o afprtaat aa aa acntrta vita rotini4aata of ibia etnrU. (Mf ot la aaiiraiy waii. ad I ara a taa aw tow a vM aa aUe 1 meA , tmiad . MtK.MAY nrrwanr. i IMP IX ikuanff w llawtr oa. ! : Otrs be a wad faaa af aeiVula ta la owe ; ; ' y witaaUasaa, Jf, Cra.' IS, IML, I ttewra.pMrMrT t IbUS Itatfatr imJJfmmmmf lellaw-a ejaberaaabaaer aeaelasv a aaaaa leeea tba eroaene4 ea yoar aeasae baa aaa er mm. HaMaf U W ar Uwaad mum bwaaea la taair ,aan. wit aa t a mi. I aaa okOat, imaa! iraaaa4 taeaa-. Uaat; if aermai Www aa urw i a.: aaa ' ti i a bur uai, a4 n erw aaara aay aaa tbae baa ettameam i u aMur4a. 1 al farad mtvm mi'edaia t- r saara. ra 9 ' Www aaa? aaa aaxata Sav.T ItaaoaraUtiMUaa I aa4 m taa K 1 m aaeay Baaiy.aa4 aaa aay aaa. ba ana U aT mm ba r aa. mS al iMtMtaiarfwniMrMttiwiaau. aa. aa. aa aaaaS bafer b aa aaaae I lea i.Sie. bare evaaa Uw'aaft Sat aaa. tt aa rerH bia4a .aaa t mm aaaav a Btwa.tae JJjaaaj aa I jwa aaSat I area baa a Smlx 1 araaaaaiaaaUaAt I aaa tiaablid aHHse SW fneawtie Sa' yaMaw.'taaraaa-S aa wnub faaaa la tat - iaM r is nana ' Mea aat4 I a4 aw Wi'aa.U lh"en 1 latewat, aaS aaa a hn aaaaa S WW. J aad ea anAttat wta a a-eairi ra 14 taa - -n 1 - - V1 a4ia eat rK wiaaTu a anaaae ed S tiTaaant la t.. taa. Hr4 aaaejaaarsT "J" aAataWaEaStr,'.;. t aaaSai&4 mmf wcuur awwj.a.eaaw Smm. ratM ta aii"4it-aa t- aa mmm i.mmmmj e mm 9 Wf faaa,jev i '.. TV'., .V.&tWSHtaCn,1'''i Oin asaaaa Vlwu Uaateea AS9a aaaaj VlCanakaUb '.-1 4 . 4 Tit Hernias Stsaicn XCl