" .Ti ri 5 . ,r A 1 1 M fl-V t i Jiir ..." I- Ay m WW-. 1 VOLUME XU. fWlLMINGTONPOT ' I EXTEBED AT THE rOSTOjFFICE AT ' Wir-MisGTox," N. C, as Second Class Matter. RATES OP ADVERTISING. Fifty cents per line for the first in- - Jerti'n and twenty-five cents per line lor escfo additional insertion: j Eight (3) line?, Nonpareil type, con uitute a squar. . ! . ; L'he fiub.-fcription priocto i'HE,' WlL min'otox Post iia. $1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. , i - ' Allcormnunicationsonbuslnesaliould bn addressed. :to Th-e Wilmington J'o.jf, Wilmiutont N, C, 1 , All advertisements will be charged a - the above rates, except on special eon jracla. . ; . . " i j.--. - - " S s Latest: ! .' , j.r : ; -. . : A -titeuieiit has been prepirnd at tbe I'osttjUice Department chowingi the to-. ImI amount of raail matter of all kind?, i by oflicial count, of tbe United 8tates, . for' Uiej year ending December 31r 880, 10 be 2,720r,23204J. The whole punir bir of le'ttera in tLe same year "was l,(i,j:i,252,87U,t or an average of 21 to rach man, woman aod child In the r-uited StalcfV 32 1,550,4 10 postal card?; s : 2,0:12,000 newspaper 10,148,792 mag .ii.ines and other periodicals, and 2', .'il5,S.l2 i-acklges of , uierchandise. li.eo u alou a taulp ma4 Irowipg j the number of letters mailed iu each 1 hlato aijd territory to each' person. The liTglu'dt number of letters per annum is T4 iien York, 211,4,GWand loweaXis Hyoji"g- terjitori'. except Alaska, which is, barbarous and frozen. The liueit number mailed by each person 1 1 any fcta'e i' Colorado Vping 55.2. Tlie lowest toeach person of any state 44 Nitu '.Carolina: being "5.8 1 to each person. The Southern General Treaty terian Assembly" have been discussing with t:i)bsiurab!e aliimatipn ' protest fO' h-r&l by Dr. Mallaly.against the, tender f of iratcroHl gctaiug rccen'ttf jsent by the irtaiuitt 11 As sembty to Jhe Saratoga j-emMv. vr; " ' ; .';-:J J- -- ' 'tiff, iiiiwadroju K'4both City, N. (, It Norfolk,. Va., ,wns opened on ' l bur.vl.iy ti(U 'natch. .ceremonial glbri- lira:ioi, by an excur.siti over its iergth (f'o.'kliolders and guests, the waving of ti.u's. liiiag ttf caunon and apecchca ly railroal and town officials ; . roirii,lor iiray top, of Coluuibia, re j.oits tyx Commissioner llaura-'that a - moonshiner Darned Alexander, near lrkens Court Uoue," was shot ini " the "back on Thursday, L ; ; ; - ','1'ho Tostoaiand 1'rovidence Com- manderies are; vfaitins Richmond. ' Ka-ly on the morning the-JJoaton Com andf y m&jchcd to te bronze statue pf rtonewaU. Jackson in the Capitol .'grounds, gathered around it with ittt tovcred kc:uJs acrt.prcsented rapiers, V"d wrfathel the statue with ever fcreenj. This tribute occurring on Memorial Day moved apecUtora to tears, ' :.;V,'' -':---;";:. ' j"'.'.- ;- )ur column of the J'oer is surren uncd this week to an article which ap I'fir in the Xorth American Jfrrifii, ;tmui?ing the 'Color LineV and writ ten by Frederick Douglafs. This moet ir..m..' wKa.l . nralnr wr mm hnrn A ktavf) in Jlarfland, about 1817. About 1838 1 lit ceipcd fromltis 'inaater, went to -New KnglaoU, aql soon rose n fame yoai Lis yiiiq sketches of jm jife as a Ujrp, his escape and career as, firee JUt in. Hs subtienupiit carter ha v been uU.?ly draatjc, l;lj rtjctilatioa of . tlic' Knglish'-t'angue iiot surpasaedj y rpeakcr in the land, and hi arta pf 1 hctoric, his io, and hi eilter usurfd voice chaining and leading iMj'tirc.ihe tuoat oliahed audience. Atlanta, liA.r May 23. Nearly all ' the children have been withdrawn from the schools here on account of an epl-if-ati which begsp by carrying off Mr. , c:Unst wife, an4 three cbiMren in litty tdxjieura.-... i F.(gMeen hysicUna Hclare it tu be scarlet fever and one plluw fvycf, , " ry : (;' van REYIIl tiksTAlilsriT, The rev talon o( the New TeUmeot on which a nuaeroua tut of acholara have been at work for more! than ten mr. was bautd on the 2Mb of this ... i month, la America and KasUnd. . The , liktj the actf reiMua it f . ' i The New TcaUment of out Lord and Saviour Jesus Ctrit, tranatated out of . the tireek. Ikior Ue tmton tt fotta V. l Ifill, cowMtred with the moat : ancient auihorittea and revised, A. D, 1 V1. I'riated for the Unirersitlee of vtford aod Caaahrtd. I i The barit or tVe rrrlloo It what i -embraced rn the above' tairacti, 'and Ut itantoc poinl of iarrortneat ' lt tra;!alon ' authorised land n kttd by King jamta the . of )gUnd h mi. That' U the coajmon LUhli nowla: e, allhettjh there are aaaaj ohtr tranaUUona. The change are . -i err t aUeal e, and nit a hole earioea. ThttetielnUe new retbiotf tiaptcri of all tbe books of the New Testament, bui no verses, but the Wading matter like the Crucifixion or thebermon on the M(5untj goes on whh the pargraph ing of ordinary books. Fur iuslanc,' the Siilh Chapter of Matthew the Sermon on the Mount is changed in the revision asJbllows. The reader can see by" looking at. the stand ard Bible the difference. : . sebuOn on the mount sixth CHAr- TEK OF MATTHEW . Revised Edition. Tke heed that ye do not your right eousness before men, to be seen of them, else ye have no reward with your Fa ther which is in heaven.- : When therefore thou does t alms pound not a trurnpetbeiore thee, as, the hypocrites do. in the synagogues -and in tbe streets, that they may have glory of aen. 'i Verily I 'ay unto Toa hey have received their reward. , But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in . secret: and j thy Father which aeeth in secret shall 'recompense thee. ', And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the hypocrites for. they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corner of the streets, that they raay jj Been of men. Verily X say unto you, they have received their, reward; But thou, when thou prayest, enter into' thine Inner chamber, and having shut tby door, pray to tby Father which is1 in secret, and thy father which sefth ' in -secret shall recompense thee. And in praying use pot vain repetitions, as tbe . GfiUtles do: for they think that they lnli be heard: for their, much, speaking d not therefore like tynto them; lur ' yout Father knoweth what things ye havlj need of, before ye ask him. A Iter this manner therefore pray ye: )jr Father which art in heaven, 'Hallowed be thjr name. Thy kingdom come. Tiiy will be done, as iq heaven ao on ?arlh. , Give us this day our dai ly bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also nave forgiveu pur debtors: And briu ! us not into temptation, but deliv er u jfroni the evil out-" For jf ye for give men their trespasser, your heaven ly Father will also forgive you. -But if ye (prgive not men their ."tresspasses) neither will your Father furaive your trespasses. ' ';. j ' : s. -. ;- pRCr'i pi 1 x jfA TiijEW Jlyil 27 5Q: ' . Kctitctt ''Ftliiio'fK-;.. '. , , Theu tlr:)sold crs" ot'the governor took Jesus into the pa'ace and ga'her-j ed unto hiai the whole band. And they stripped hirOj Bud pvi on him a scarlet robe. And ihey plaited ' a crpwi of thorns and put on his head, and a greed iu hU ' right hand; aud j they kuceled down before , hitu, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jewj! And they spat upon him, and took,: the reed j and srtote him on the head. And when ' they hlad mocked' him, ihey took 'off froniibini the robe, and put on tm hi garRjrnt's, anj led uiqa 'away to crucify J biml ; v . And as they came out, they lound , a man ol Cyrene, Simon by name; him they compelled to go iptA than, 'hat he might bear his crossi And when they Were come unto a place called Golgo tha,' that is to say, The place of a skull, they gave him wine to drink imingled with call; and when he bad tasted it oq would not drink. Aod when they had crucified him, they par ted-bis gar ments among Vhem, -casting lots: and, they sat and-watched him there. And they set up dyer his head his agcuiation written, I Tuts is TttE Ksa or TiiB JtWa, I hen are " there cruet nea with him two robbers, obc on tbe right hand and one on the leA. And they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, Thou thatde stroyeth the temple, aud buitdest it in j three days, save thyself: if thou art the ' Son of God come down from the cross. In like manner alio the chief priests mockintr kin, with the scribes and eld ers, said, he saved other; himself he cannot save, He is the King of Israel, et him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on him. He trust eth on God; let ; him deliver him now f ha deireth him: for he said, i am the San of God. And the robbers also that were crucified 'with him cast upon him the same reproach, - . IflRST ClIlpTEB OJ' J'N '''-,: ; Rcicd W$ivn' ' In the becinninc was the Word, and the Word was with God, and tbe Word was God. The; same was in tbe begin ning wiili God J All things were made by him: and without him was not any thing made that hath been made. In him was lite; ana the life was me lis-hl of men. And the light ihipetb, in (he darkness; and the darkness apprehen ded it not. There came a mn srnt from (od, whose name was qohn; The same cane for witness that he plight bear wliaesj of ln light, that all might believe through him. He was not the ft I k . ?. f f L la' lignr, out eo? uutnt migni sear neat (,( fti ItlUK theie I was the true Tight, tv iA Hglu w(hich lighleth every man, coming into the world, lie was; in the world, anil the world was made by htm, and the world anew htm not. He caaae unto his own, and xntj that were his own received aim not. Uat aa many as received him. to thes; caTe he Ui liaht ta be come children of God, Vren toutem that V-t!-- L Lt.L t ; netieve on nis name; wnicn were wro, not of blood, nor of the will of tbe nesh, nor of the will of man. but of tiod. And the word became fieshand dwelt among u (and we beheld his the only befottea from the rather), trala. " . t". " We repeat Ua; wt print thee sam ples of tte mlted matter .withoQt jriaUcg b; Ctt e of it Use original last of thetrtnalaOon or Kinje James I. X earlj tttrjnod whV em read aat aTesUmeat axi caas U la mas leg the comparison. We are not ex- preeaiar sar cpiatoa m war or tie t&er. aho& tilt Bodtta rtvUioa ol WILMINGTON. NORTH the sacred scriptures. We like our old Bible well enough as it is. Aod with its quaint figures of speech,, and per haps loosen es of translation, it is after all the greatest classic of the world- DKATII iF COL.. TJIOS. A SCOTT 1 Those who have seen Colonel Scott jvcould not fail to notice the evidences of languor between these late years and those buoyant days when he moved armies with such speed and repaired so rapidly terrific . disasters. He was born in 1824, in Franklin county, Penn sylvania. In early life he had. to make his own way at low. wages, but he moved Bteadily forward, so that be was a station agent in 1850, was soon the superintendent of the Pittsburg Divis ion of Pennsylvania Central. Railroad then was -its Vice-President, and- final ly its President ori the death of Edgar Thompson, Born poor, he has just died worth $13000,000, and known all aver North and South America and wherever a railroad blowed its whistle. While he lived in palatial style, his: charities were "yery! lavish, 'at the later part of his life' up among 'th.e $50,000 at a timel When he married his first wile he was getting only $50 per month, and when ,he married the second time ho lived, in a saiid Btone froht, and swayed vast railroad interests. . At the age of..57 he died full of honors and covered with' the' maturity of achiev ment, ' j'- - . ..'' . ; .v: STAT kWjiLE AlIfelitUAN. The editpr of tm American- an attack of indigestion, is the only way we cm account! fr the ill-tempered bphayior toward the colyred people of Xorti Carolina, The htatement con cerning the jcaus of the falling off of the vof. of New Hanover county, ta November last is entirely incorrect. Vp arc Hurprisel at a paper,- which is so. uniformly cotiserv'ifiive and jcorrect in i:s- rditctials, )iibiisliirig an'1 article so rjdicuJoiH, aner;ur3jt'ru?v j I The cjlortil people have long borne the ir j'ifjUc and iuii treatment' put Upon fheinsiy the jyvhite KepublicaDS, with the. nssurancfelhat the time was c'onxing w bin they woyld receive their rejwarJ, but the time whI never come if t hey -Wait oh sue a., Amrictii Xo givci H as the Statesville o tliem. That pa- peT.wauts Lhjeni to "cioctiuue '0. wait. If thO; ce lCrcd 'people1! had been treated differently wc wyulelj have 'polled flO.OOO; mbre votes l;Ut yeajr. thau Wis castjior tlic li--inijc.-u viiudidatcs throughout! the stale, atid that would have made them successful. . j f ; , 1 o . m' '', secretary V indom has niadei-a suc cess of furidijig the $2)0,000,000 of 5 per cent bons into 3 per cent.i- As slosely jas canibo ca.'calate there are about0(00oo00 of coupon five per cent bonds outstanding whichfiin der the H'ord call oi";May 12. can be pre sented for .cgtuyersioibto three and a half per cants until July 1. The cou noin bonds. nt presented by that time become redeemable bn jAugust 12, Af ter cart'lir,l!y: estimating the amount bt coupon 5 per ejent bo nJswhich have been converted intja registered fires previous to the issuance of the! 103 J call, and the amount en route to jthe Department in I excess ejf tbe $250,000,000, it is thought there will be left for redemp tion bv call or otherwise about $70,000, 000 registered five per cents. This es timate refers to the bonds left after the present transactions! are; concluded. In addition to this there ar about $1G,000, 000 of six per ceut I bonds registered and coupon under thie 102nd call upon wluch iatcr.'st ceasc July 1, yet to be heard from btTerc tl e tcrics is; finally disposed bif. ..- j : . It is main'.aird with a reasonable de gree of certainty by prominent Treas urjf ofiicials that a:autning the reve unes continue at the present average, the enttrp series jfve per 'cents not converted will; be well in hand, if not entirely covered by- calls, before the convening cf the iLVIIth Congreia in JUeccmber uet. should pirV0 "true If this prediction there will bno bond, extfpl the ctiutcrtcd S jcr cts, vrhich are! at the ."option of the govern meat, to be cared lr until Among the - five per cent regUtered bonds received fcr cootinuance which which tic h!ppd previous to the date uon aUkh the limit of ft) CCT.OwQ iu na,tur4 w4 : a package from aa Fratciscoi containiof aboat $10,C00COO. Tbce Mcds will cticoarsc be continued at SVpce cnt, as lhey were shipped rrcvtvui to Monday last. It I ak1- bv Trtisarv o.ctals that t&crc bars icva a nwberef iaiUr receipts,', j.:-- , islxta: yean p$ on Monday lt a ha ad red thou&d oldicra, sua-brown elbcfvtaimrd a4 M, tbelr tittrrtd (rnmpeta bUsUss hWrsely c the air. and lfcir brcl bo;Us sftill slcaaUf in the sas. Never before did the dome cT tie CipisU W dw oa nck a smtacie.VIvr th.W saatVe caaw i aed atthe ecirt t ee welcome. !CAROEINA;.SUNEYL' MA"K29. 1881. . ' f DECORATION DAY lit. !. "TTT J - 1. Honor To The : Union HUE AKKUAl 'DECoiXTioar. OT 'tUX , . . ,1 ..1 r . -' v - GRAVFS Of TBE 8OLDIXK8 WnQ tELlt ; ON THE FIELTJ AXD DIED CAMP AND PRISONS. . - ; -- . . 1 v Booms Natiokal 1 . t :J f ' Memorial Association, ' WiwiVQTpv, May 25, The annual service of decor tin the -.'. - - , .-. - i.t r ,t ;..!. graves of, and paying a proper tribnta of respect, and doles reverence to tta ixauon a aeaafUtroosQ waose aeaui we are to day a united people, and a great and prosperous . Bepublic will take place at the National Cemetery on the 30lh instant. '.. , . '' . The - public are respectfully invited and requested to assemble, in such manner they may choose at the Nation al Cemetery on east Market street at 4 O'clock, on Monday May the 30th, when the following services will be held. ' '':;:' ' f; ;v :"' '' "' i-.;' . Hon. W. P. Canady will djrwl the services.. ; I'uogrammk: 1 1 MUSIC, '?; - ';'. St. STEPHEN'S CHGJR. ; I x " Pkaveb, - - ' Eev. A. M. conwa y; ; Music. . ' -j "1 ApDEESb, j ' SENATOR. M. E. ScOTr. "' ;,;'.,; . Music, - - , , : i; BENEDICTION. DECQRATIQN OF GRAVES. V Captain Qabrielson will fir j minute guns from lle"7enie. Steamer Colfax during the service, .. ; i E. R. Kkink, 1 . Geo. L. Mabson; ' t ' J. C Hill, - . -f , Committee. . mW I .1 . TllK KKPDBLICAM ' STATE i H.X- JSCIJTiYlS pQaVlTTRK MBisT- I a U , , .4 . ; t ! .-!. ',: ': ,;',; . ,; ...;v The committee convened ai the Yar- b?rough House, Raleigh, N. C, May 2 jib, at 5 o'clock p. m. The chairman, Mr. Thps. N. Cooper called committee to order, and' stated that the committee had been, convened for the purpose of consulting on the prohibition bill which will be voted on in August next. After a full interchange of views on the part of the committee it was1 found that a arge majority of the committee were opposed to the bill, and a committee of Are, consisting of the chairman, Dr. , and Messrs. Cooper, Canaday, Keogh and Jenkins was appointed for the pur pose of taking the matter up and re porting apian of action at the next meeting of the full committee. ! The following . reaolntions were of fered: '. , : 1? . Whereas. The colored voters in the state of North Carolina, numbering 70,000. a large anare of tne Kepnbucan vote in tnis rute are entitled to. and deserve a greater share of the patron-. age 01 tne party: therefore tie it xetoivta Anat ;n ait cases wncre tne colored vote is numerically stronger in the matter of county elections and offices, that it is the sense and wish of ibis committee that the county conven tions would do well and serve; the best interests ef she party by nominating none, but colored men to office in these counties. - . .M-. AVsomf, Further, thai we also re commend and desire that the President appoint none but efficient and capable colored men to Federal offices in sec tions where the colored voter are in the majority, j On motion of Mr. Thornton, member from the Second District, lae resolntiea was laid on the table. ' 1 ' -v Then the foliowlog resolution was offered ; by W. P. Canaday, who stated IX there waa any opposition to tbe tea- olutioa be would tall the yeas and nay 00 the question,' but it was waaa- Imoualy adopted: ; :y - v:.: WhxreavTb colored people of North Carolina east a eery targe pro portion of the Tote of the state, and, la the past tne? &2tb c.eca muomu in me Eoaniica party: inerewrw net as kamttL Thwt UM riat T th Uaited States bs rraweated to nlxa the colored Toters of ue ute ay a bestowal a eon Urinal of an eqaluhie proportion of Ue ederai plri-e 04 1 NcrOt Carolirx. t I n T. N. Cooper tendered Ida rtalgna nation as chainnaa ef Ue lVraVlicaa Ccmmittee C Ue stale, sad Dr. J. J. Uou eras aaaniaaWy ekfted u Vh Uad. s " ' . f " A Walioa ef UaxLj u ccrrd by Jadge ileove to Col. Owf er, ht Ue n bie saajuter U wkkh k knd eosrfsfct Ue last S?5. V?7 aaeanij aapea. -; :i . , - j ... jt-u SX&saxACroa.iinfarab aawn ! -V; urh x ITEMS. ! Chew Jaclson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. S " ' ly Hon. O. f Dockery is in Washing- ton. ' 1 . Col, a Hlocker is in South Carc-1 itna, i ! Colonel 15 W. Humphrey is in New York.- . . f : OhipwoHa O. Hubbs is at Ha home in Neifbern. The interi(r of tne City Hall build log is being Impaired. ' - h ' " ' -' i Rosenthal Bas a splend-id stock of ahoes for aunSner wear, ;V- -j. -.- . . 1 ,, , ....' , . " . ' , CoIb;el Ttmas B-LonKi iaveati gating his Str Konte Service in North Carolina,' : ' Gen. R. EtiColston has so far recov ered from hisprecentattack of sickness aa to be ahleto appear on the street?. He will lectule in Ncwbern on Tuesday next. , . . - Hon. Willtn. A. Moore cf E Jentbn, N. C, waa irthe city on Friday last, on his way Aoouth Carolina for a bu siness trip. Tjie Judge is lookia fresh for a RoanbkJ man. . ' ; . Died In flruoswick couhly- Mon-j day, 2ad Dstnt, Mr. Duncan Harrcll, aged about. years. He leaves an aged widow several children and grand children, to mourn his.loss St. Augustine's Catholic. Churcbj, at Chur Laurinburg; s dedicated last Sunday, the eclebrantpeiug Rev. Father Gross of thisity. large number of per sons went frojhere to witness the ser vices. IS' , - -. " , ; .,- The chaogef schedule on the Caro liua Central Milroad went into Iffect on the 3oth., U!ht day train leaves at 9.45 a. m, andXrrives at 6.45 p. m., and the night trairleaves at 5.00 p. m. and arrives, at 0.30. m. ' A Stale Contention of liquor dealers will be held irSthe city of Raleigh on Wednesday t, June 1st. The. Coc vention will bf ;tlw initiatory; step to warda organiagtfor the coming. cam paign. j ! - -'A ..: : Tbe sale of mps at the Postollice an increase cf 17 per cent over the ISnd the money order of- year previous fice exhibits a norease of 22 per cent. 1 his is const red an excellent show- ing. ; The Ukiosetebajss will assemble at their headquarters, (on Water street; next door to Egjah Land's barber shop.) at 3 o'clocd n Monday - next, and march frOm ptence to the National Cemetery. TN Excelsior Rose Bud Band will furrpsh music lor the occa- -. ' '. -..5 sion, uou Aicsisjn requests us to say that the Uuioie will be pleased to -re ceive from theipublic any. contribution of flowers whi may be sent to their headquarters, M Treasurer rth hss just rendered Ue following decision, which lis of in terest to the sESrriffs in tbe stale: Since the ratincationfbf tbe present machine ry act, Marchjpj, 18S1, land sold for taxes and bid p by the sheriff must be bid in for the buht ry, and not for the late, as forcserly. The committee which perfecK-d "tbe present- revenue act no doubt emetj tbia a change for the better, as md also the Legislature wh'ch passed li M At the ano minr ol .Ue Chil- dren'a MemoriM Avsiatioo, held last Wednesday sqteroiiD, Ue following officers were ellctedfa serve for the en tuiogyeanj f H ' President iss jrtha French. ' Vic-pTajdt iM Mary Cowaa. Secretary Us C-nie Trice. Treasurer Qm )UuJ Chaffin. Maaajrer-4lis9f Sarah Upr-iU, Besiie Ledfor, llQr French, Jennie Bernard, Johlnie elice, BUe An derson, Mary ftaas&ty, Mai Cowan. Mrs. A. L. Prroit was. el sett d boa- NoTlCE.Thsmttabn of tie Usdort Vetelaiosi Uabw revpectfally era4 .cordial taeitatiez U Ue diSeteng pcerga'aose, 8ibbst lje, a4 Hhtr aatocutwna.kaM MiliUry.tojfia tikes la a rati Memoeial Day, (Mesaday, Maulgsil) at S cii, p. aa, to do aSeT. li nation's dead. 1 rvv 's yr- ef Third and Kakfpuets, and a4rr asnwtefUlsClabta rrocced U Vti Xatiaste! Cksar kfatc la tW wtjri txlldtsiu. Ue dewcatlesi af lie gjratesli Taej ptmbtn M h CaJoa i3 Mt U Vtfi il l kckskrp! frV I '- - i SfT 6?T'W' '"''"Ht , Crit lMccretary. Singh Copies 5 Cents TiLEsTOjr Normal . School On Friday ; evening the TUcajton f tTppar Room was jammed with' the friends of that excellent school, to witness Ue exercises of Ue graduating class, who were all ladies and four in number.' Miss Bradley was at her best, in pre siding oyer the exercises which ahe did with even more ! thanf her her- usual grace and dignity. r " ;JJ Alter a duet on the piano' by Prof. Van Lear, and Miss Whitehead, ex quisitely rendered. Master' William H. Chadbourne, Jr., a; student; la. the school, delivered a salutatory In tery excellent LaUn, written by himself and repeated verbatim almost, without a halt, "Hsgar in the Wilderness" ' bir Miss ' Alderman,- well done and The Great Indignaiiea Meetinsr br Master uasyrbwsjksii tion. '-"':' --"1 'r ! 1 i :.-' -r. V After a solo byIrs. KahnVcilier.lv bo was . iatroduoed felicitously ;' by Miss Bradley aa the "Sweet Singer of Israel," and who is so entirely, an artist, Miss Greenwald, as unique as anybody could be, with a manner so captivating Uat she quieted tbe bad-mannered noise in some of Ue back -seats, repeated An Order for a . Picttire," inimitably. Chronicles was "very attractively (lone by Miss Runge, and "Bees and Bee Hives" by Mies j Yarbdrough, - original-"Our bee-bivfcM the grand Tileston School ook the house. "The Boy's Story," by Master Yarborough, f'Clasa Prophecy" by Kate Bissett, and a solo by Arthur Sullivan. 1 I Scattered all along the Programme were so many bice things, such ; as the duet by Mrs. Kahnweiler and Nathan Mayer, R. iH. G ran f!s rich basi .( eolo, last! was the Valedictory by M Lss Fish- blate, model of .correct speech, ex cellent suggestion and i accuracy f style, accompanied by admirablni com posure! of countenance. The evidence of the high character of the instruction of tbia school was apparent in all thing?, little and great, iu matters of itiste, as well as that of closeness and accuracy of scholarship and severity of disciplin which constitutes the basis cf the best training of our American youth.! After the close of the exercises Miba Bradley iu a gracelul style of baccalau reate npeech distributed the diplomas to Misses Ella Fishblate, the valedicto rian, Caroline A, Runge, Alice' jj. Yar borough and Kate) Bissett. t I auu iu tiipy Jainers Ami luuiuno and cousins and uncles,! and 'aunts and brothers and sisters drew out ol Tjlcston Upper Room. I s I Rev. G.- D. Bernheim has tendered his resignation as pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran.Churcb'. The Church Coun cil met Friday afternoon nd appointed Monday, June 13tb as the Jay for the congregation to act upon Dr. j Bern heioi's resignation. ; )! . ',, , m j , . y Bishop Lyman a dniiiiini end the Apostolic- Rite of confirmation at SL John's Church oa ThursJay eveoiog and'at 8t. Paul'a on Friday eyenipg. He will make his spring! visilaHon to ?L James Parish on this- mornfag and St. Taul's this eveoiog.1 Notaries Public are.reoewin'g thir commissions : as required ' by the act passed at the last General -.- Assembly.' Mr. A. S. lleWe kad his renewed 05 the llth f A.'iil, and was the first cu luUeioit; iceued to a Notary Public under the new law. Mr- L. Smith, Jr., renewed a day or two sgo. ' j Thursday last, knotra in the Church Calendar aa ' Ascension Pay, was ob served by the Roman CatholicKiUeco pal and Lutheran coejregaUotu in this city As its name-Impcrts, it. ccUlraif s the ascereion of Christ iato Hcavca before the cyea of bis disciples la Beth any, after having leV.cwcd upon thtm the power ( to work miracles, eat oat dcvi!$ heal the akk and apeak with new tongues or laatftagra, ' -; ' : , m .' '" ; 3J aaisK HorrrAi, lr lfwia,tct surgeon in charge of tbia Ucc pieted the repairs on the eulihsrat and aaeved in o.th ICtk .f May Everythie la nw firU-efain enftir, fur airbed a tin every thing ecaarj to male It a Cri-laja hcapitxl ll Ii very grauSyiag to the aojaaaercial iaterrsu of this ci;y a have iatorrM kakesi la the Marine Uovpiul $emc j here, as Dr: J. IX Uas2io, SarxeosCesvc. rl tsf ihw Caitrd Suu Uanae H pital Senate, ta tW: He t si:V a delerssWalio) to saale ksa IXcnan oee frf tV aaaea twtxrmUl la iVe eraatest; sad w htf CSbswat v) gt Ue tXactet sWsd SMKvwtry ta Uf vsitrr. He ts etrtl?y eUrl a It, aJ it Wkta at taaaveA4 tioert wtvi be rrj'pSaatA. ; ' .. f : A aenalicnart4 ay recked LW$uh era hmi f saaeegtr twit ca tte tVi 4 Xfm VL H. at ftftX aa XVxsaZsr ta4 U Xa efici.ie Uig KSAi m sjst Wat latssaL , NUMBER i2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . - . MAKYT.ANn -EIE AHD EAR IHFIRHART. T.-- 1 TvIpZr Cfc xiumore Aia. 1 jATf or Dim-tow take this opportu- QOeriBE from Ey and Ear aflecUoSiL IaBUtutToahaa koea in opiraiioiibr T b2 For special Information apply to " ! v UIU UBCftfeUUKO ' Snrgeon In caarsv. - , , may a w ? MAKT? TTOME TtTf ATlTiPTTr Flo. HATE TOU. EVEB "KNOWN i . Any peraoa ta be laerioosiy ill wit hoot i And when these tloa do tod not 1 7"" or iBacl(TllTror kiUoev? t I nr.... n r. f . 1 1 . 3 ln good health T d health? irarfcer'a OlDgar Toule rerniRtea these Impnrtaut'Orir&n. S wtr falls loMtka th blood rich and una ' Uietr poesMsor nJov' a 1 way a n and nT para, and 10 6trenKtben very part f the lu invalid, as, four nelBiiHr about it. BEA' OtUJA NS IV Hlnn. A flmt. a I ilMil I iknn A .1 - . .- mmy uiw E For law-aiUb, raiMlrte, mm .Tlaekhtc MioiMt. ' i'mt cirottia... atittf.tf. Tint TAXTT SCO. . Sroubloinr.- EafSRV WHEELS ORIMDINQ MACHINES Mocrue Co., J . may 22-lw . GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THf AUTHOR. vnmt4 Um tmm aad chm b late," boand ta Cam tWk 1 wua.miiaMMl,iullciU.aM traatamabMuhtlM4 . Mutnm!3MHriMieM. r;r'ml,.s1 NASBYl EUROPE. . May llth Mr. D. R. Wke. (Rev. TVtro lum V. Nash.) will atl lor Kurop. fr tb purpose or conlnbaMng a apnea of l etter to the. Tolh-S liiwVDK. These te terv will cover a period ofalx tiioaUia, coniuiciielna Jmdc 1st. : i f r-. ,: . . Tbey will be wriltea in Mr. Nrkly mn. liar vein, nod will be.au lively as bo rau make tbau. . m . . - THE . Toledo Weekly Blade is the LARQKMT Political and ramlty pa per In tbe United Htaie.and la MOition to this feature, rtuitalqa a dpcen oihrra, krinwu lo and approved by a nkiority of iha mini ilea In every bUla and Territory. i' :-' ..: ;' TERMS? :' ;. .-j. 'A For Three Months, poet-paid, CO eta. For Six Months, - . tl.0O. Kvery ulerlbc to tbe'RCAwk dartcc tbe publication or Mr. Lorka'a vfcoropeau ijittr, tv either tbrev or Mi months, wtll receive rnre of chr a uplendld FOUTRAIT OK MK.UK KE. id alse and otyia iruilar to the onaof Pre I. dent Oarflald which we Usued last auramer. TbU portrait In tbe picture atorea would aatl for&Ort. It will uoi be put npoa lh market at all, and ran only bt had by ub arrlbera to the Blaqr. , Thoa aeatrlng thce Irtu ri complete and . the portrait will do well to aeod their oi ilu early. We khalt print an extra edition, lo aoio 1 Ken ly wllldoabtlfM bf)eiliaoll to a moo Hpecinien coplca of the Ulahc tnailed U any.adiirea upon application, bend your abncrlption at once 'Addra ' .- 1 ULADKCt).. i. I . Toledo, O. u j out uiuem iiiiiievini;iy, j Wiliulntun, Columbia V - Aiiiitla Railroatl, ..... , rASSENOtit 1ETAUTMKKT. WiLwtKCToy.H.Cn March 6,IL Eg 4 irrmrs AAA. TflMIT v .. .. .jj 1 lOMMtTATloy TiCKEP of dcaotal- j nations of ioas and 2i' Mllre, mart put over tbe coaaeeUoa f:b Mriliblacto ' i '- - : - '!' ColaubU a. Aaa&sta It. iU, at ilernrw aalCwlambla an itipefially alpleJ t .'. '-.--iW ' -! - -' '...- i - ( - the twmlliw of sow antrrUl, are iaaoed l-y Ue WilsBiectoa.CniaMMa Aiwta R. tt, and are on at IU r'ajKbtt-r ttu m j. i" - ',. witanlntoa and Cfetnfcia, i . a. rw; i j ; . ' tX-r I 1 Va A t s Wimlnrfon V Incldon ) Hall road ' rJLSSCXUKJI 1'CTA.RTKCTt. vtuior.XCi urai,ti. - " : r ;- I '-. ; . -.': aiia 4 vm a4 9mt eesyai wleaatifc4 Uao WliaW-ifctUe d a aa See tfaa, 0 atabaa jla AMafeeV&w adtpear,raAiif44 t tae" aeotia. t a ovaiMMtal tret,ar SavetOf .fib 3Cjtj a Ytti C are a He raeet trl asakaw - .; -' ;tirefiT' JLtmim:-y: eatS rf OlO F a Sense, Arfs wto4 Vle oa-ila4Mfavetra. TZl sia.M -a tk ach Kits rtzrzjzz e? Faw aweawF V Praeaja) 1. C rt-SttT a rr - tw ' . " v-i.. jrwaa&.l Hf 3 :- -i' ! i" ' r . 4 ' ? . . . - - "t ' ':c;;.. v--; h 1 .' .' . .- Im . - 5& : 2- -i - 1 iT' ' k!

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