WltMINGTON, NOBTH.GAbpAlWDATJnDNB 5. 1881. Single Capier 5 Ce-Ss :!! :! NUMBER1 23"" 1 MINGTQN POST ' Ifvtebed at the Postoffice at W&TOK, N- P., AS KECOKD CLASS MATTER 1 ' j RATES OF ADVERTISIKG. Kiftv cents per line for the first in rtwirand twenty -five cents per line lot each additional insertion. . Eight ,(8) lines, -Nonpareil typer con stitute a square. s ,. :,.-;'; ti. .nWrintion price to ,The Wll vtS0Ti)X Post Je 1 00 per year; six months 75 cents. - v :." - uic'omuiunicatlonsonbusinesshould be addressed to Thk WlLMJSOTON Isr, Wilmington, N. C. . All advertisements will be jcharged a 'the above rates, except on special con tracti. i Latest. Ex President Hayes, in an interview on Conkling, seems to flourish intel lectually like a green bay. tree.; He - mvs the ox-Senator is a' monomaniac ,iu ihc subject of his own importance - He is so impressed with bis own great ness that it has become a monomania - with himj Anjbody who ventures to tliiagree w'uh him, he thinks is trying , humiliate him, He thought he was insulted by Ohio, when that state en- ulyred Uaycs administration. He was, in the conspiracy to "throw the state of Louisiana out of the count, when Sen tyr Morion defeated hini,and he was in fact lhi progenitor of the' Potter CQra railtee. ! . , Y. :?' F.t-(iJv. ChamUfrlin,of South Car? ttliTia, aJ counsel for j Whittaker, made live 'umrning up, the opening of 'which -'a us tartliu, aayiDg that it made fffflk page in manuscript, and had lasted Imir ni'tintiip. Hi, argument went on ! luiiculiiKlhe idea that this inoffensive ami njiOtU'W youth shad conjured up , iIks complicated xebvoie to mutilate liiin'iplf, : m - si f 1 lie iate-npeei of Senator Mahone tit the lUaljustcrV (ionvenlion at Rich- djusters' tf mond, hs worthy tbo days of Richard Henry Lee and Patrick Fenry, in the ; rocky h'bility of its proud and patriotic eUtjiM-uce.und the fiery defiance of bis . aticiiucs. , , .; : - ." ,r H :v' : V. ' ' ' : Ui atii-prohtbHjon couvention, ' iMiUi! up of both parjiitv, the Democrats 'icdouiipatine, atid about, one-fourth colored, met at Ilateich on theSnd inst. . A Republican, ColJ-T.' N. Cooper, of ireden, called tne pody io order,, flir. cott, of this city, moved a committee '- of live on permanent organization, on - which all were Democrats but Scott, U C. Badger was inade President, N Alkiuson, Democrat, Chairman cf Reso Jutjons, puQJe, Democrat, Secretary Kxeculirc Committee for districts were . crcafed; First ' disi!ricU-W A. Moore, cf Chowan: second - district J. "E. U'Hara, of Halifax; third district Ed. P. Powers, ;of Cumberland, : lourth v district J. H. Ueufrpw, of Wake; fifth ' d Strict VW. 11. SUflord, of r GuilfordJ sixth district J. J, Si rums, of Meck burtj seventh district C. J. Baily, of Iredell; eighth district Natt Atkinson, oflluucombe, mostly Democrats, Hon. S. . Iloyd, Republican, of Alamance, made a seech, alsojO'Utrs; Respass, Nail Atkinson, Cobb, Carpenter and oihcrs spoke, Democrats. j 1 1 Conkling and Piatt haye had cs: :, suites before them, John, Tyler, Hor co iitirctley, B. Grata Brown, Cart N:uur rt MiaiMr4 of Vwi" went over to the demmys. , , ' ; -'ho Spelman has returned ''The Mate Journal." There are very few tilings which John knows for certain, aud: oue is how q make a' readable ntn pspcr, But be dislikes the average Yankee because he iovcated prohiU . Hurt, and ho dislikes prohibition, be ' CAUio U is the product of the Yankee. ' Mr. fpelman has not decision of char cter enough to dislike the Yankee be ruse he helped to thrash the tooth, or opprfse prohibiUoa because oi aoy theory. Ills doctrine on the subject Is i that he is oot the tdtocjtU of dmok i runcfj, nor opposed to, temperapce, but ( jkiak he has the iricht to take a drink r when he has a mind to, if he don't tt drunk'. His opinion is thaVno people was trtr sobcrtr thaa the Jionh Carp- Uaa japli, tod yet he rales Got. Jar vis, Mcrrlmon and Michu for cettiac up this crasy coo(lomerate of Demo crats, vRepubUcans, negroes, "Holy Uible and "these Yankee emissarke," io,d "John Brova'a body,' at Raleijh. . On this basis, wa appce, Mr. Spelmaa U (oing io ran the resurrected Sat Jrmj!. We hope he will have that tUess Tklci cornea froia not kaowloj tttythlet for certain. 1 Mr. J.U. Whilew j of ShaUotte, haa lis misfortune to loan a fine aom on TaeUay nicat, Msy2tih, from the (Kte of a aaake, at ; the resldenea. of .Stephen Tharrsiaelteon. his way UlkUeity, ' U you wsBt to rn nc adrtrtm In FOLmCAL AXIOMS. I This is among the SarV very best: Tha south should learn a lesson from the way in which the north celebrates its Decoration Day. This year the oeaenraaee has been larger and more JSTtEJSSPfcS. south ouehi never to cease to honor the Boys ia Uray who fought for principle and. honor and country. Wilmington Tbe north has been informed every lar1 by the southern newspapers and -I it.:.. f : J mall.inllalv ye orators, that Mr. Lincolu maliciously lUVW.il v.w..j war .gainst the south, and s no honesty in the annual initiated the that there vss ndaiinm of th Union soldiers. . It is so well uiKlerstocd thai the north in curred the displeasure of the south by the decisive manner io which they ob ject d t Vicksburg, and Gettysburg, sod Apposoattoic to "Boys in Mray S'Vu77 i nA ZZnr ho- lourht "for principle and honor o i. i.. -u;,.!u. JLu aod:oini(ry,bile the north only fought for "the nag," that rag that got so badly torn in the disreputable equabble into which they enticedi the south, merely to pilfer their property and in sult them, and was called the ''Stars and Stripes," waves over, indeed, a country, and conimands respect wher ever i' floats, ' ' ': ; . . M CUAMDLKR'S PLn'. ; We publish again the proceedings of the Naiionat .Republican" Committee. As we understand Mr. Chandler's pro position is to-have all the delegates se- prtfri hr convention thnso at larsre . . . . . a .... .el rona-Kiinff ni two lor eacn neniLor oi i th II,,!t,H StntM to he selected bv ,rinr.n(inn r,H jh tven ' fmm 1 Mrh r.n.rPinnll )Utri-t selected bv .v- .. -----Tf ----- diilrict conventions. There is no doubt but -this plan -would prevent that sort of packing delegates which was seen in sVreral -sUtes at'the Jast Presiden-j tial election, j The , nearer the actual purpose and; voice oj tne people can be consulted in the reliminhry meett ings the better. It might change re- suits from the results ry the present mode, by diminishing the auiouut of I packing; .but it wouid be fairer and more y'cinIsleiit : with the ' structure of the National Gvvrrnment af.d he If i", were possible to git up a ays tern in the primaries whlo,'i w jtjld ope rate as accuratelv d fairly as the ae tual counting of the votes under re- strictidiji of the laws resu'ating voting, the charitctcroi all popular govern- ments would be very much improved. The United Mates it is true moves along its .cumbrous magnitude under the popular system, with great regard for equity and justice, things now are. iut tbere is a yearuing among our vast -population lor a closer au herence to the iudividual will, less of the tyranny of cliques and monopo aes and. a better chance for each voter! to hare his own way. ! NEW YQHJt THE IiAl.IX)TlKG'roi; ("OSKLiXG b AND VLA1T BllCCEiiSOKS LEGISLATURE TO ADJOURN FKOM FRIDAY TO TrXftS 1)A Y IXDICATIOS.S THAT TIIE AD MINISTRATION MEN WILL; UNITKON COB-NELL ANl DEPEW. j By telegraph to tbo Morulo SUr Albas y, June 2. The following is the result of the first ballot to-day; for the vacancy caused by Conkling re signation; Conkling-Jacobs 1 52, Wheeler 10, Rogers 11, Cornell 21, Fen- ion ri, Pomeroy 1, Edick 1, Folger Crowley 1, Bradley l,Tremaine 2, Cnap-1 man I, Dutcher 1, Lapham 1, and Fish The Assembly, by a vote of Cl'to 5C, adopted a cooctirrtnt resolution for a recess from Friday until Tuesday next The following is he rote to fill, the tacancy caused by VlVt' resignation: a iri M TUn..4i r;n.li rr?:l " Wadsworth 2, Geo.' B, Sloan 1, J. (Van Cott 1, David Rutcsey 1, Trenton 1. The Joint session ther proceeded to take anotaer vow io nu tne Tacancy occasioned by the resignation of Conk- lifir. Cowles chanced his vote from iXnklltx to Cornell The vote was as followsr t or uonaunr xj, uneeier u. Jacobs 5i, Bradley. I, Rogers 5, Cor- nelt 20, kenton 3.lheotnera scaUertng. vf 4 Jf" mtt SS, Depew iv, Mnsaa 03,w nelt 15, ana tne remainder scattering. Navr Yoaav Jun i-rAn Albany special to tha l iWaayf The large rains for Cornell for thehort term, and for Depew fer the tocg term. w T ' Indicate that the administration men favor .01 square deal. Take some wlll uaite upon them to-morrow. An thing and kill the nervs df that mean taportfnt conimnce in reicreoce w Uis anbiect will be held to-nlxhu Mr. CoakUBj left by tteaasef to-night for aew vote; being eaiiea inere ny legal bnslneaa, lie will return to Al bany at soon aa It is completed. ! The Board ft Magtatratee and Board ef iMacaUon meet at the Court Uoue to-nsorrew morntag x the prpoea af electing a SnpetJatesMlent of nsbtfe In- traction. I . J ! , ... 1 n. i'm , - The BaptritT Oatftrconvtnea la this city en MeadiiCtCU teat. - i STATES VILLb AilKmua. f " aoeve paper una ua cao u, toothache, fori nothing else ever put a person in bucIi a baOlemper. me editor of the American was i seriously ,jfoted in the issue 6f the 28ih of.il ayV tat t ..Udi incrta.rf to to ani extent his life is despaired of. AVe would recomnieua,; .airs, n insum s 80Dthing syrup; we helieve that remedy n UUi uau ..mww .v. f huinori lhfa the disease would be checked... In ca8e Mrs, Winslow ' could not cure him, .laughing gas pro- coalj n()t CUJre bimj jaU! w5uld aBSwer. mU3t:be admini One 4f these miaisteied at once or the duck (Drake) is dead. . i If the St&tesville American will but turn to the fi!es of the Wilmiogton Post during the: month of November, 1880, he will und the reason wny tne Republican's did not poll their full vote " f . . . W Hanover county. ; Hols badly posted,, for a jEepublicau editor. -AVe have given the reasons at least a dtzm times; but for his benefit we will do so again. -, ' "' V : ".;-'"rv ' ; The Democratic Registrars', and poll holders held a meeting ou Sunday be fore the election in November last and conspiredtogether to keep the Repubv licans from polling their strength in the First and Ffth Vards. Iu the First ward' the Republican vote is upwards of 1,500, and in the Fifth ward it is up wards of 000. It will be seen that over one vote'a-jminute must be polled to cast- the? Republican vote. When a Itpnnbliran would offer to vote 'he many times " z - i would be challenged, aud it would take 20 . rtinutes to goi 111m through, they wou!d. generally ke-Pi ..., n him seven minutes. Dy such syslemat c delay in taking legal ,votis 1,0-jQ Rcr publicans were . prevented from voting ing in this city. : ; The editor of the l'ui l; i; k-s pit as- uro in intormuig xue eunor oi iuc Ainerkin that W. I'. CuiaJay has al ways ri n ahead of Lis ticket an this countv and 'district run " ahead of Judge Settle iu IbtG, 000 votes, and in laSO he poljed tIU0 more vutts ' ban that able and popular leader, Ju-j-j ; Bux- ton. If the American wi.il correspond' with any loadri Rtariiig th .colorif'J j'to'e he will get the iafurmatiou that the editor of lie Posf has at all times done his full duty by ihe colored people, - The colored rebide have now 'a'msjiri hy ' of the patronage in the Custom House ot thisi city, as -they should have, --OviottL, w.it Mabsou - pu hlislied a card some months ago, statinc; that he would not bike the Col'cctorship of this Port as long, as W, P. Canaday would consent to h'old it. And said no other colored man in the state could be induced to- become a capdidate in op position to Mr, W. P. CaUaday. 'The Jwcrictirt 1 is informed 'that the delegates were sent to Chicago from this district by the Committee; and the vote for Messrs. Blocker and Price was. unanimous, every county oeing . , represented The delegates to the otite convention wero not appointed, in secret caucus, but by a county committee mteting, called by Gen.S. II. Manning. Messrs. Scott, Mabson, Summon and Rice were elected delegates The A meri&m is further informed that the editor of the IWt concedes io tie colored people all the rig,hts that he claims for himself. And should the President desire to make a change in the Colleciorship of the Port, we would be glad to seeaolored ma"n appointed. 'Vet well understand , why certain white Republicans are making this fisht upon us; but we sh'atl not be bull doied. We shall continue to do our v. '"... ' duty by the colored men of Korth Car I aIIh. IbI lit. An...Tii.ny. h. mr nit VIIU .uv . VW,MWUV9 w num. they mar. The colored people also understand theVame that certain white men are try jog to plav. 'lft The Statcsvitle -lrfousajs: "Wil I the editor of the iW please recollect that there are while Republic ias iu the west, as well as colored ! a the east, and small doubt jf the sute is ever I tffaia carried for the party, gains must come from tne whites. Put this la your i"r!y- - i , xracr, nop your bosscbjc, ui your doty by all Republican, regard - ica 0f color. A large msrrity of the ,f v. , i- f ui; then vill be all tW Active preparations are being made for a chicken dispute, to take place in this city, commencing Tuesday, Jffoe h aad to last Uree day. The main mU1 between WUaiagtoa and C&a xie wUl U aboat tity eocki tt ye. and mnh fan U xrctd j by those who kve the sport- On W4- I mlb. tha lth. a trvxuee race wUt be I on Capt. SithrUa4s etw, track. t near thb city IIIK VllUilNIA KBADJUZTKnFr Met in eonventioh on; the 2ad inst. Thejdelegaies k'a jaW r'edQ.? first vote tor UoverortoqtfiVameron, azj Massey, 234; Gritf 7j Wfea) J37.; oenaior juanone waa prweuwamwM received witlx a ppjiueriflg ovaon. oi shouts, yells, audt waviogi oi" Thaodkerr chiefs, deafening applause.-Bikirg "up an jjyerwhelming reception., Jl TCWltt- 4ion endorsing his course in the enate was passed unanimously, r There vrere 75 colored mei in the conventJbn; I creet vou Bat friends and fellow- citizeos with mt most earnest compli ments. I bcrft assure rou if -the supreme p-atificatida which I hive at It jfilis the neastir of loyal ambi tion to this people and to this state. it testifies to me in words ,of warmtu, which I will never fonret, that yen ap- proved of my publicconduct . It doubly assures to me that tnera existr ytt in toe bosoms or tnis people a xrue devo- tidn to the Jeffersonian principles of I gorernment. It assures me. that the people of this state in their might and I sovereign power are here to' sa to the states of this Union that thetate is to be , put in cordial relations with the 1 government. It assures me that in the future, ber fate and that of her people are to be identical, and that her march isjto.be for freedom and progress in mis iana. it assures me that freedom of opinion is to be the rule in all mat ters, which relate to men. You sent e to the National Capitol as your representative, chosen without solicita- turn on m V nart. exc.pnt th mriinnil responsibility of earnest de?otion to f serve this people wherever they saw fit J to put mc. No sooner' was I called to the Capitol to answer for vou" than a policy of terrorism, was put in practice to silence your representative. L would be recreant to manhood did I not main- taiu thaf I was there tq voipp the man hood ot this people: there to oppose thp bourbonism .which at-1 tern pa rllh siate aD,d.D fre, 10 i the Bidding of men claiming" to be the uemocrano party, due wno would throttle free opinion and a free ballot. Iwaut no more of that5 Democracy. You are here to give effect to equal right?, a tree ballot aud an honest count; to maintain econocqy tn the state governmeqt and to support the present system o public education. Vou are here to'say to your represent ative in Congress that they must' rep- resent the true interests qt the people of this stae, and not represent a Dem ocratic boqrbpn caucus. You are here to tree those people from bourbm dom ination and to lilt the blight of bourbon liemocracy. wuicb lias set in upon us You are to restore the old state and her people to the most cordial relations with, all the people ;of our common country, aud to put an end to the sec uonal contest and Obliterate race dis tinctions Gen. Mahdne concluded bv 'advisine liancouy, and declaring that to wnom soever theT cave tneir. banner Aher should stand by him to a man in the great struggle. which is to be made for their freedom' and for the freedom of tneir posterity. EM2ABETHTOWN, N. C.,' ' i v My, May 28, 18S1. 1 Editor; Post: The colored people of Biaden county convened here to-day in mass convention, and organized by electing J. F. Love, chairman, and C. P. , Smith, secretary. Speeches were made by. McssM.JWm. J, Su'.ton, J. H. Love, B. B.. Banner, and others. The coarse of. the Wilmington Post was unanimously endorsed, and reiolutions passed thanking Hon. W. P. Caqaday fdr the manly sta.nd he has taken in behalf of the colored people of North Carolina. One of the resolutions read: 1?-.-.; ;! ti.i iki. endorse the name of Hon. William P4 Canaday as the poor man's friend, and a great advocate of fair play, and jus lice, and equity 'to all;., and he has the good will of the colored people of Bladen couutv. The meeting also 'unanimous! v en- . w '..-... dbrsc! Jnd. Newell ihe member of lie legislature - j, ' Wm. J. Sutton made aa able speech in behalf of equity for the colored citi sens of the south. He spoke for an hour, and wlu frequently applauded by the meetiDg. i His speech waaconserva live, but manly, demanding ia behalf of his race flr dtaliug on thej part of their brethren of the Republican jarty. a m- e-.ii.- v was given for the cause, also fer Hon. j , , . ! x ,, .1 adayaad John Newell, and I W. P. Canaday then adjourned, y I COLORED BXTCAUCAI. Mrs BarueU'e Charming Storle. T. II rettison 4k Brokers, rhiiadcl phi, hiye jast pnbbahed new editions of all Mi. F. U. Barnett'e earlier stories, the ones that first broogkt her name and fame, and whkk were origj. nally pubUahed inland expressly writ - tea for s -ttnn' -Maptstmr-. Their names are "Kathleen A )nirt Ufr Pretty lmbertoav-TWo,- "Miss Ucspigay," the forrgoia g are SO cents each, in pnpet ow, ee U each ia cloth, and the followlag are tJ cats each la paper covtra, t "JaiPe Daic hter and liadsaf' XmkJ 0?it ef an? sr all ef th above noeka wOl be sent to aay dim as receipt ef Ue frW ; ly TV B. IHcran 4 Bncr, riaUilfa, Fa, ee Okf aw kek boi ta papa ewveri eQ U Mat an rect'yt afniS,al Ike Erf ClX r items. " . j r .. ' - - ' 7 "Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy TobaCCO. 1 -'. -Y;Yr ly : Col.vl. J.h Young 1! in Washington, d, c. --'-;.: a I ; ; ' -The Board of Audit meet to-morrow afternoon. .'."'-' The Board of Aldermen meet to- morrow evening : '.'"-.;, '".;. '; Mr. L. Tate Bowden was somewhat better yesterday. - , '': " "Tht Board of County Commisioners mcci to-morrow afternoon. 1 Geaeral Robert B. j Elliott of South Carolioa, is in the citj on a short visit. He leaTta for New-Orleana to-night on business. ' " V'XJkr anti-prohibttion convention seems, to ! have beejo, in point of num- bers. an entire success. The delegates f,om hls couhtv all returned, we un , , , 1 r -n- , c, derstand perfectly so emu. Dr. Scott BaJ8 " looked more like a temperance conventiqu thau au enti-proaibuion gathering. BUhop Ionian preached and con firmed at Su James' Church Sunday morning and St. "Paul's at night. At the former Church he confirmed sixteen and at the latter six, all ybtiog ladies. .rid at th latter nix all vounr ladies. rjuriD2 his &tav in Wilmingto'n the "",u " iu.iuiu6vu .u Bishop contirmetl twenty-four iu the three white Churches, all of whom are young ladies, umy in cl alarms (colored) were there aay utiles in the class, - ' . ' A liquor, ' dealer by the name of F D. Walker, doing busiueas at Long Creek, had to come to town, post-haste, owiug to the complete exhauition of his assortment of whiskies; wines, and everything else in the drinkipgjline. during the prohibition meeting held there las,t week.' How is that for prohi bition?, j, , i FfiEEDMANS SAViXUS A!D TlUS? Comtan V,-The depositors in the above lostitytion will do well to correspond with Messrs. Bateman & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 15J7i -Pennsylvania Ava nue, ; Washington, D. C .M e are re liably informed that there are about SOQ depositors in this vicinity, and we take pleasure in saying that we. know the Bankers above referred to, to be entirely1 reliable. ; ; I. Terrible Death. Mr. Jill. Paul, of Red Banks, Robeson county, met With a sudden, death' on Thursday-last l hU home at Red Banks. Mr. Paul was engaged at the time of his death in Coupling some timber cars on a , side track. There was no engine about and the cars were beinij poshed together by Mr. Paul's mill bands when his head was caught between two sticks of tim ber and terribly crushed. He died in a few minutes after the accident. CoL. G. L. Mabson and the Vet erans Usion. The above organixa- tion, under the command of Col. Geo. L. Mabson, turned out on Monday last the 30th of May(aod marched out to the National Cemetery. Great praise is due Col. M. and his brother soldiers for the interest taken by them in the Memorial services. The soldierly bear 1 v -r-"" - inrv ft Irta mmanrl jrAltf r I Via " wc" M V'J ,iiB vunu. xncre I Ttas na attempt made U get up a pro- cession, yet the people woutd'fall into lino behind the Veterans; their desire . . . . .. . being so great to do honor to the Urate I m 1 - mett u 01 ltte VoiQ- We P oIJ M- kwP I ..,. up his splendid organization, as the patriotism of the meVhas been shown to great effect on many occasion. 4 We know we. express the sentiments o( the community in eitendisg cor best wish es to the o;ganiilioa fr their future, and in thaokingi them for past service. U n T II ThU RatUk W K..r. I nrnrtiri i it -i.k tI recenUt organized i ov ciy, with Ue 7 . , vm. . more icerPmideats trom each Church, " , - aTWSiacab Jin. vu &j ucrsaciiB. Honorary rreaideat-MT. C G. Ken nedy. . y; :-tY;;':;Y. Rec SecrtUry M Us Alice FiHyaw Cor. Jkcretary Mrs. H. L. McLeod. Trtasnrey Mrs. . W. Davis. J Librarian Mite oe Mscuaber. Vke-rreaidcnt 1st lYesbyteziaa MraV L. 1 Rcthwrll aad Mra. S. !E. 1 Tona. iwtend rrcbyUfiaa--Not snpplkd. James fbctlMi Addie Mearea. . -I T: - f . l J4aV-Mrs. H IL Brian. Si. ranreNjl tarrJk, rurxwl Mrv tTta. tariUsa. ilara--M LWue Drakiam. Frel rret Mr'Aeik Uhm Ante I Dvm u Miss L'aW Krilj, ms Street eedt-Mcs, Xmfr CnoSe-'AeA sapt-foi. ' ;:- i Tae reraUt weehly aeeetng weabeii a; tho ertxl H e ia4irt UvTs - - . I "STA.wf-There thaa been 'anolhei "Star" sighted,' It made its appear ance! suddenlyv.and is' a fullvgroWni handsome, bright "Star.''3' It was first discovered ? at Goldsboro, soon its rays couid be seeu ia, ail' parte of the ftate. . The influence of its light is yery great, and all gooi 'people artf advised to take a' look at it in act to thoroughly , ciaxnine : it, : ;Tn.oee mko have not already dose so should aend one dollar and fifty cents "to 1 the'As tronomer, GeoC W. Wawom at iGoldsr boro, N. O., and he wifl mail the fStar;" a handsome lour paperj well edited, for one year tor theoh. n i 1 ? f ; 1- Last Suaday afternoon Sarah Swan, colored,-aged abokt COnars, died very suddenly , at her; fesidei?c4', on eond and Harneu' streets, in 'the noribern portion of ; lLa city.. Aboat : l Volock she visited her daughter who resided some few blocks from ,her, and upon arriving said that she would, be dead ia a short time.' Almost!, immediately after she ' finished - her I remarks1 she clutched her daughterV hand 'and! fell the floor. She was then in the throes of death, but was carrion to ber home where she died in about half jan hour from a hemorrage of the lun Uaepor Master's Repokt. From the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Har bor. Master, we glean the following re port of the arrivals here of vessels dur ing the month of May: American.: ! ' .-Tonnage bteamers, Brigs . Schooners .0 1 ' " sss 2,a3i 12 J 18 T - 1 12 i j; Totals ' 7.099 Tonnage ; 4.424 .; ; ,1,93? ' .fl.' f oreign. "gl I 6.422 Totals Grand total, American and Foreign, 28 vessels with 13.521 tons. PAiD.Orr.Last Sunday morning, In St. John's Church, the gratifying an nouncemept was' made by the Rector, Mr. Pitts, that the entire church debt had been cancelled and that St. John's was,now totally free of encumbracce. To form some idea of j what an incubus this debt has been it is only necessiry to state that the church membership is small-, acd that six years ago the debt was nearly 3,000. Its lirjuida iou is due rdainly to the efforts of the ladies. They have worked unceaslng- y to relieve the church of this burden sqd to tuom tho relief will be really the most welcome. It is" proper to state that nearly all of thu debt wai linui- dated dorine the admintatraiion of Rev. Dr. PaUerson, who was so reeent b 1 ly the Rector of jhe Church j and who found the debt there when .1 he first as- ned control of the parUhJ Mail Robbery. -Geo. W. Rianey, colored, who has fqr some ti me past been employed as a' mewnger at the Wilmington & .We'dont TyrJ Wilming ton, Columbia . & Auuau ullkea in this city, was arrested Tuesday pa a wsrrant issued U. 8. Commissioner Mc(imrjr, charged with robbing the mails.) A confederate, Sam Kwrnegay," was kjso arrested during the afternoon aud jailed Blaney was enUosied .with a key to the large, look-box of the railroads at the Pi st office aud U has been amoug his duties to. take tb mail from the box each morning s-i deliver i at the ral- road ofneee. Sme! short time since a peity; ia.i 4lh! Carolina wrote toCoU II! to know what an excursion train would be furnished for. By some meant Blaney beard of this and he thereupon wrote the party in fCoL rope's name, signing that gentleman's name te ihe letter, and staling that! for fm the train would be furnished. An en velope was enclosed hich Blaney had addressed to CoL Ppe and on which be had placed a losrtaln maik by wbicl U woold reeogotrs yi 3ea It came I ialo ' Lie Jkands. The mailer looked to saspicious that the party to mrboea ihe kuer was ad deased placed the matter in the bands of a railroad agent hu f arded the letter and envelope le Cokmel Pope. A decoy was thereopnn arrangtd. The sum of tf all of which, excrti . fire collar; till, eras coanlerteii, en placed 1st: the marked evkrpv mailed and dulr received by Btaaey, who was eratcferd as he took tae dcVry letter, with the others tram 0e bos. This occurred at 7 oclocx and at J 1 CUney was In jslL Tbe ease was henrd before Jnstioe McQetjj, ben Rlanry atade a fail cgnfieo. Tee fesoetm wrre irmaaded so sU f trial at ibe next term ef Use U- 8. Pestfkt Owrt. n UeUaV There k reraare tszk 2il ta ue rf txa pcmtme aa mck ml iatrlaak natha IWy EUawv J-rt ex ait teaeow a mr. wira Vixism4rh an iclar, tie Uel tC famfjiaa. iW cWaaa4 atai rraeidy la U? Lu:r. An alftveisit;) la 'esanh t& imt wall wstHiw ar fimsxj&tA W in tSiaenee Oal ntay lata aaasiae fee yae 4 1 racattt ia-osTsnv eisaa '! KEW ADVERTISEMENTS , ' MARYLAND - ?AM Saratoca StjBaltimWMd. 1 ei 1 ' ' Tne Board of iitir. v. tkte ntiMiii m.. I nltjrof lnrormlDf UiopubUcorthewiperlor A, tTxa El necUoSi". Tho i InMtaUoibuticta la operation fr lh 1 iDdireat Mtianta will fln 1.. iCT : - in "I Of chart. By order of Ihe Board T llreet- i ' . or. O. W. BfoBBlN. rriWent. V v ' V School. Joha 11. 8. Lfttrut. ju. J. J'ulVvYti , ,1 i 1 M..non Stewart, O.r.su.a Ax, bSVj. l I UlnMm, and others, ut j . .. Li - i For special lorormtlnn r ply to Bgrgepn in charge. t , 'r 7 may aw MA.KE HOME BEAUTIFUL, Entravlmti, Cbolce suhjectt.' Low t r WANTED. Addrew J. V AlCCURDYt-O., Any person to bje upri-nslr ill without a" weastomwAh or laaeUv lirr or kldaeyr i f n And when, thpe oreana areinrood coodl- $ uonaoyoa not nnd their posef or enjoy- )' ' IDE KOOd ihMlLh? Prmr', l.lnirr ,! always rrn lat ea' these lip pnrta.it reans. I-.1 and uevtrfaiJe 10 fuake the blod rH-h mtuk -u." io EtrenatDen very- part oT.tbe 1 TOStem. It baa eared hundreds f diialr 1 lag invalid. aav your peishbor aboat U. ! , , may z:-w -r."- ' r TWI A 1 u 1 V"a ORGANS 17 Slops S Set ' l.rr.A GoldeaTwiruerefdsonir HO. Address Daolcl t Ueaxty. Wuhlax. toa,N. J. mtr Mv " For SnwUlU rmmaneek .uaruiuo 9ap. ' sTMKRV WHCCL8M4 GRINDING MACHINES , ' . iuy 2J 4wJ iTnTBTA'-nTECO. . MTTpQaKoarPi Mouroo-OXil'. . wvnamiiiawtuMlMf. , M. WdimaMhl is rorr Bwa,wiUd4 "th BcaWM A vv riHf. ?r?rr'' 1 H. AddMH Wmm1 NASBY IN EUROPE. Mav lltU ' Mr. T. IL.-Fwl iu t'hJ , leant V. Nssby) will niII for Kurope, lor tbf urposeof contnbuUng n series of Luat . , the Tolkdo Uladk. T1ih leiters will; cover a period of six mouths, commencing June 1st. -j ... ,.Th They will be written In Mr. Nrsby's peeiH liar vein, and will be as llvetv u ha rtk 1 make them, j j --Y. 7 .'y; THE ':;:' I mam Toledo Weekly Blade 1 tho LARGEST PoliUeat and Family pa per la the United istates. and in addition to this feature, conialns a doeen others, fe now a to and approvvd by a mslortty or the laraW Ues In every State and Territory.. . I -:.-v 4- i: , tjui& ..(. For Three Months post-paid t 10 dm. For Six Months, - ; - - : 'fl.00. NASBY PORTRAIT FREE, f Every suUcrlbcr to the Bladr. durlntr ' the puhllcaUon of Mr. Locke's Karopcaaj leUcra, rr either three or six uioatbs. will receive free of charge a saiatedld' . -i ... PORTRAIT OK pfyt. LOCKE, laslreaod Rtyiestnailar to the one of Presi- -ft dent UarOeld which we tanned last summer. This portrait In the pieture stores wonM MllftjrjOt-U. It will not be put unou Un market at all, and can only be had by sub scriber to the Blabk. Y t $ Ihoss dealrlnc these letlrs complete &al the portrait, will do veil to soad their o. dees Ve Print aa extra edltioo, U be able in sod baek iismbm, Hut the tT ply Wlt Ooubtiess be eahausUtd lu a mnaO). Send your orders immediately. r Speeiatea eoptcsot tbatlvaiiR ma'. led So anyaddre s upon apftmuon. cail your subscrlpUoa stonre. A(l(ir.ws , I' , HLATi:rxit. 1 . '': ' ' J ;' - I ' " Tt!edt OJ WilmiiifMii, s oiiiinbiasV Aiiiit:t iljiilrmilt , . .A.U.SiEU DEPAUTMstNT. Wimixatoii.N.CL, March i, tt IT "2a4Jla, -1 1. -t " JUMtfATItijr TICKKTH of dcaotul- '-- tI Ml ira, avpl4l le nation of 1300 and over the coaucesious afthe rtlalBgtMi aa-1 Cvlumbla, aod espertaily adaftel Io v 1 j the eccsslUea of otHasaerrtal.are lasoef by the Wi!nilacVe.CurumbUaArttta ti IL, and are 00 sale at tu rerrptroIs WltmU(tes3 aod Cfota- a. rvi. UeatraJ raac AcroU tach lf tin II road TXSX&SQLM VZTXtiTiiLXT. jrtuuMvo. jc. Cm Mansts.rat, rMMt-TAtlOX TJOKSTw of diwSiiiil feuesj r hm al awn mifttHi ' . j 1 ' .4 a i ent lat oiaeMtMiid tlM lrUaa;a4i 6 ' TeUeai ft. & A Cottsawro a4 Weao. mm isr a al travel, are sSioeQv SAi WU. 1. y - 1 asiagjon A VtiAaa K. ; eavl ate em ease a I. 0isrrJ raracr AxtS4. aw n ear SEND etffi: TEACH KIIS e - ae - tow a. Cm 3tvTRTwf a rry U.v fitn r ra avsir. eei