T- I ' " "llll HI m mm '. ..'. I I L J If V -r .- C '.I L WILMINGTON, NORTH iClROLlJSEA SUNDAY, JULY J 7: 1881. f fr Single Copies '5. Cents NUMBER 29 iff'. '! I III ' 1 i; I -- :;' " !-U"f-; a"J -OJW,, fti 5-44 ',''f,'''' :- '-' vyiJJMjNgTQ3Sr POST METERED AT THE POSTOFFICE AT J$to. N- P.. as Second Clas1 .UiTTEBl "BATES Or ADVERTISING. Fiftr cents per line for the first in ,erfm and tvreaty.five cents per line !,, each additional insertion. Eijrht (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. : ' ; ' ' . f i: The subscription price to The WlL miXcto Post is $1 00 per; year; ,ix months 75 cents.- ' , ATlcoinmanications on businea should bif addressed to The Wilmikgton PnT . Wilminirton, N. O. v All advertisements will be charged a thfe abbre rates,! except on special con. tricts. Latest. On Friday at 8.30 . m. the pulse of the President stood 90, temperature 98J, respiration 18 w j - At 7 p. m., pulse at 98, temperature -j 100.4, respiration 20. . . ' i On -the Dight of the fifteenth, Dr. ' i Reyburn, one of the President's at ' . lending physicians "said, i "The Presi- lent has not a single unfavorable symp tom. We are not only hopeiul for his . fetovery 'but we; are, beginning to be Koguine of it. . At Albany on- Friday, Lapbam, (rep. fur short term) 70 Potter, 53 (dem.) ' . Conklingi' (slalwart.) 32, and twocat leriflg; Necessary to an election, 79. For loDg term, Miller, (rep.) 74 . Kernan, (dem,) 53, llamilton Fish, 11, ' Wbceler; 7, 12 faltering. Necessary to a choice, 79. , , , : ' It will be seen that Laphain, upon whom tbe administrallonists concen trate for the short term, lacks 9 jVotes dI election, and Miller, upon whom the long term conceuirate, lacks only 5 TOtei. j ' . :j . .. .-"' i : - ' ' - An election wiil not be very impos sible In three or four days, The crisis " may lave occurred before ! the Post go:s to press. v - : Vice-i'resideD t Arthur willnotgo to Albany again. Conklyig. gives no in Jica'.Ion of resigniug. t tjeveu cases of yellow fever at Pena- ' I V - ' ' I'be Deoiocrats of Ohio have nomi- . ualed au unheard of man named Book- waller for Governor. jNobody lyiows who ho1, andjUjey say he bought bis ; ' nomination. The Boston Journal of Qimmcrce, opeaklng ot the fact that Mr. Lafayette Holt, of Graham, North , Carolina, be came afr apprentice to the Lowell ma chine shops about three years ago, and is now made .superintendent of the Layfayette Mills at Company's Shop?,; ' jokingly says that, northern manufac turers .must look sharply aAer their j burets, or the south will get ahead of t ' them. The Joria says the day is past , when ''professional nincompoops, the I . favored son of some wealthy stock' r holder" only, ride the southern mills lo mae failure?, b,ut that the .''msjori If of the cotton m ilia of the south have ' hfcu very prosperous," do the business bn a large scale, "advance rapidly in the accumulation of wealth," by giv- i tug their own sons " practical and thorough education, which is certainly - commendable, and could be imitated 1 wih protU to the itockh jldera by some or the older manager of New Kog land." ' " v. , ' Victoria Woodhull's . daughter, Miss Uerirude BloQ, it Is said ie to marry Ird Colin Campbell, the filth son of the. luke of Argyle. V . j ?l 7 UK 1ST it 13. ' v We agaiQ address you.' We do ao to arn you of the very great harm that - U i assured I y opme to - you aad the holy cause, by the eourae of many of your colaborers, by their present deal ings in politics. We know it is only a very small number who are engaged : . in this unholy political course. But te appeal to yo who have kept your owQ Uiits dean, to advise the others. ' The good people of North. Carolina . love and reverence their preachers, ana obe of the grttel cause for their ad miration la owlet to the heretofore rare character of the miolaters.'and their total abstinence from everything of a poliU " ral nature, : French temperance, we all advise, b when you leave yonr sacred stand ta the church for the stomp, jo 1 lower yottmlTfe In the ryti of nil, toa thereby teestn roar inflaenc for good. k ' Those people who are ndvUlog yea to Uke np the' cause of rrnhiwuon are your worst mmiea, and the day m not 1. 5. i far distant when Hyoa will admit it. rrehibitioa U a poUUeal e.uesUee, and no edacattl man will dear it; and joa can ' not cch it witLon siUior your Ceptala John & Leary ef Comber Uad eoonty, is oot against prohibiUoa, aa4 i vUl $9 all he can 19 defeet the THE PRE8IDEMT. Dr. Bliss stated1 on the ovening of the 10th that the President was, doing aa well as could be expected; and that he was highly gratified with the man ner in which the patient was progress ing. The President' diet consist principally of milk, which he appears to relish, lie suffers no internal pain from the wound but experiences con siderable soreness of the muscles: - ' - UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. ' " s Executive- Mansion, July 11," 9,20 P. M. The President's - temperature, which at the date ot the last official bulletin -as higher than at any time during the day, has since steadily fallen until it now stands at about last night's figure. No especial importance is attached by the attending surgeons to these daily fluctuations in tempera ture and pulse, which, at this stage ol the President's case, are to be expected. The general tradition of the patient at this hour is favorable and satisfactory. I . OFFICIAL -BULLETIN. Ex ecutive Mansion, July 11,7 P. M. The President has had rather more fever this afternoour In other respects his condition is unchanged. Pulse 108, temperature 102.8, respiration 24. UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. , lix ecutive Mansion, July 11, Mid night. The President has passed a quiet day but has had a little worse fever than usual this afternoon. He has taken twenty-fiye ounces of milk, an ounce of rum, and' a piece of milk toast during the day, without any indi cations of gastric disturbances, and has slept at intervals fairly well. Since the date of the last official bulletin his uulse and temperature have fallen to about the mean of the past three days, and he is now sleeping quietly. His room, throughout the day, has been kept at a steady temperature ot to de grees, the refrigerating machine in the basement working considerably below its full capacity ' OFFICIAL BULLETIN. IWashingtonJi D. C.,' Executive M ansion., July 12, 8 A. M. The Pres ident is comfortable this morning. The rise of temperature noted in last even ing's bulletin began to diminish about an hour later, Pulse Ub, temperature ; 99, respiration 22. ! -v . " V (Signed) ; L. YV. liLisa, )s " - J. J. WOODWABD, J t J. K. Barne, ' 1 ROBT; K.EYBURN. UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. ? ExKv unvE Mansion, July 12, 8 A. M. The unfavorable symptoms which made their appearance yesterday after noon nave entirely suo&iuea. . ne Pres dent passed a very comfortable night, and this morning his pulse is 96, and temperature U9.tj. This would seem to indicate mat . tbo Breecl pplse and temperature of last evening was merely temporary. The fluctua tions are due, as the surgeon supposed at the time, to some momentary tax upon his nervosa system, rather than to any permanent unfavorable change iu'hw-condilion. J" r J. S. Brown. I viPrivate Secretary. Al l B. 41. Uomiortaoie puise iw, temperature 100.8, respiration 24. ' ' UNOFFICIAL BULLETIN. Executive Mansion. 10.30 P. M. Since the 7 o'clock bulletin the Presi dent's pulse has dropped to 102, and his temperature to 102.1. At this hour, 10.50 1. Mi, ne is sleeping quieuv, ana all his symptoms show au improved buuuietvu - s Washington, J uly 1 2. Dr. : J. J. Woodward, one of the four surgeons who are in constant attendance upon the President, upon being asked to night what he thought of the latter's condition, replied: This has been on the whole trie best day tne rresiaeat has had since hm injury. There was less disturbance during the febrile rise this afternoon than on previous after noons, and by actual maximum tern oerature was less to-day than yester day. It still represents, however, con siderable afternoon fever, and it would not be safe as vet to declare the resi dent out of danzer: but his reneral symptoms are very eneouragisg and villi Terr aav we leei increased nope. Burgeon, Menerai jurnei pjpon oeing Li m . . asked this evening his opinion, of the President1- caw, said; ttu maximum temperature has been leas to-day than yesteraay ana nu general cooaiuoa h - . S-J:. 2- muca improved, no uaes nounsn mant in conalantlv Inereaainr auanti ties, and his stomach performs Its functions well, it is not only netter lo-nicht than las; nigat but bu conoi- lion as a whole u ncuer than at any lime since the abooUnr. Dr. Bliss says to-nifbt that the Pres ident's afternoon fever began later to dav than oa prtvioua Uaya. and has been characterised by leas intensity. Ud to 4 o dock nu poise ua not co abete a'nodreu and it has begun to fall again since toe Colo of the last bulletin. Tha Prtaidtnt's con- diUon. Dr.lSUs said in cooctol6b, U im unrr wit buiuciutt. : : yiceiwiaeai Anaar oautu uii KtecuUTe Mansion Vhi evenleg and had a short but pleasant Interview with. omciAL actutrix. ExrccvttvB Maxmon, July 13, 8:50 P. M.-The l'reaMent is doiag well this moralBg; pulse 00, teaptrataxe W, mplrauoa 20t UU gradnal pro crese towards iscovwt ta saaaUcst aad tin Car witaeat setioos cocapliciUcs l 5 s. 4 OtWWAIJP, Con. ExTBtrur. orrtaAL kcujcns. Vuxxx&ro3t. IX CL Exscrmi Ijixtyc, Jary I J. 1 1. XL Tae rws I4f ecsdiua ecauare BTwawa. Pulse 91, temperature 100.0, respiration ' (Signed) D.,W. bliss, ,u J. J. WOODWARD, ; J. K. Barnes,' v Ex)bt. Beyburn. -" - Washington. July 13. The attend ing surgeons report that the President's fever at this hour 4 P. Mvr-is much lower than at the same time yesterday afternoon; that his general, symptoms are favorable, and that his; condition is in every way satisfactory.:, ;,' : official; bulletin. : Executive Mansion, 7 P. M. The President has had less lever this after noon than either yesterday or ; the day before. He continues slowly to im prove. Pulse 100, temperature 101.6, respiration - 24. (Sigaed) D. W. Bliss, J. K, Barnes, ; . 1 J. J. Woodward. , - v Robt. Beybubn. Executive Maksion, July 13. The following telegram was sent by .the attending surgeons this afternoon: - Executive Mansion, July 131 ii if. Te Drs. Frank H. Hamilton and D. II. Agnew The febrile rise yesterday afternoon was less marked and occurred at a' later hour than en the previous day,! and to-day for the first time the President's morning temperature fell to a normal point. Yesterday at 7 P. M.,his pulse was 10 1, temperature 102.4;" respiration 24. To-day, at 8.30 A. M.,1 pulse 90, temperature 98.5, respiration5. 20; 1 P. M., pulse 94, temperature 100.6', respiration 22. 1 1 . . D. W. Bliss, . J. K. Barnes, ; i J. J. Woodward, v Robt. Reyburn. Executive Mansion 11 P. M. Although the weather has been ex tremely not the President in the arti ficially cooled atmosphere of his room has J passed a quiet and comfortable day; sleeping naturally and restfully at intervals, and taking more nourish ment than in any previous correspond ing period; The maximum of the daily ferbaie rise has steadily decreased, since night before last, when in the jijdgtneut of the attending Burgeons, the crisis of I the Surgical fever was passed." The pa- 1 vf lAnl 'a I-nm nara I a onrl mi Ion wnra 1 imr iaau a t&uiiatuio auu puiao nviv ivy w er last night than on Monday uigut, and are. lower to-night than they were last night, while his general symptom j have correspondingly improved. Dr. Bliss, upon being questioned to night with regard to the President's reported weakness and debih'y, stid "There is no danger te be appr bended froai weakness. The .President i no weaker than any man would hi with such an injury, and after such lever. He is day by day taking more and more nourishment, and although it . cousins irincipally or milk, it is well atfcinur ated and is" amply sufficient to ruaiu tain his strength until he is in the con dition to take solid food." Dr. Bliss' attention was then ! called to rumors which have been prevalent here and elsewhere this week to the pfloct th&t thAMirceons are concealing from the press and the public the gra ver, and more dangerous aspects ot the President's lease, and that the official bulletins do not fully and truthfully represent his actual condition. In re- Sily, Dr. Bliss emphatically and with eeling: "There was never anything more unfounded and unjust. Ye nave reported all the President's symptom?, good and- bad, with perfect frankness and truthfulness. Bulletins more hon est and judicious than ours have never been issued, and any .one who makes a contrary assertion says what is uutruc. The President is making slow progress towards recovery, and that is tne truth. Although he is not yet out of danger, I think it comparatively safe to say now that he will probably recover' After some further conversation, Dr. Bliss returned to the President's room, saying with a smile and a nod of the head as he closed the door, "lie h go ing to got well," r " ( OFFICAL BULLETIN. - 8:30. Pulse 90 temperature 9,8 respiration 32. ,' J - At one p. m. about the same. Dr. Bliss reports i this afternoon that at 4.80 p. m. tne l'reairent nas naa better and .more comfortable day than he has passed since he received his in jury. His pulse, since mornipg has. ranged irom V2 to va, and is now y, with temperature normal. Up to this hour there has been no recurrence oi - - m the daily fever. Hie condition contin ues in every way encouraging and sat- laiactorv. 1 I Washington. July 14, 11 P. M.- The President's afternoon fever was late arain in making its appearance to day, and its intensity as compared with that or previous days showed a ruxuer decline. Ud to 5 n. m. the Patient's temperature, which is the surest test of r ..72 ferbile disturbance, remaioed normal and the range of range ot pulse was oolv lrom 92tod5. After 5 o rlort the temperature etaduaUv ib creased until 7 o'4lci. A& examination was made when it was found to be 101. binca that time it baa again fell, leaving 1U as the maximum of temperature and ?3 as ll Maxiiuuai cf puhe 1 for the day. This w a matted Improvement upon the record of yesterday, aad a farther proof, if prcof vjejj afejled. that the fever has rassed its crisis and is slowly subtidinf. Dr. "Reyburn, at 10.30 to-nbtbU said thai tt President baa beea raiains coaataatly siaca yet terdar and U bc;tcr new than at any time heretofore, Dii Dcem's Punnet School at Ureca- wood Lake, has be epintd by aa ad dress by aimtelf, la whka he explsieed the reason fbr stanief aad Ce wpe fiV dttcui04 ViU It vol re the hiiktst' e.alsUotV Ve'trtatnl Vy tosM of le Wt ptopari r ia OAaH. IXxieryboat r-takiI agaiaattka nWseCthe rT UostbUL An act to prohibit negroes from sell- ineliqnor. should be the title Of. the so-called ' prohibition' law thjit we shall vuie uu in .ugusi. uj;.b. I If the prohibition bill should become a law, there; is not ar? -colored r iaan iq North Caralina Who. can sell liqtior; bui 5,000 white men - can ell ;by,rnnning drus? stores, k -idipoka dT j : Colonel George IT.' Mabson.r .Hon Joseph C. HiD, Judge Stacy ringe," and, in fact, every other le Republican' in, iTew Hanover county, are opposed to the prohibitipn ibiit,. Big time at Rivenbark's MillsPen- der county, July 21, of all anti-ProbJbt-D tionists; Hon.' H.1 E. Scott; and others; will speak, and they will tie at! Burgaw on the 29th. All should turn out and hear the truth.' :: ,-''''' ' The following members-of Che stale CommitUe haye authorized their names signed to Judge W, A. Moore'sj address,' published on editorial page:- Dr. J. J. Mott, Chairman,Thos. N.Cooper, Esq.,' Col. I. J. Young, M. Rodgers, Esq., Capt. John B. Eaves and W. jP. Cana day, which i makes seven .oat of the eleven members. ' ,f : V;' Mr. A; V. Horrill, chairman Of the Republican Committee of Pender coun ty, says his committee 'stand unani mous against the prohibition till. .'.He also states; that the mass meeting called for the 22d of July hss been put off until the 29th of July, when all are in vited to attend. This was done to pre vent confllicting with other meetings, :K,.i.. : Rev. I. F. Alrrtrge- requests us to Bay that he is not, nor does he intend hav ing anything to liay concerning the prohibition' bill. He is in favor of temj perance, but opposes ministers having anything to say on political questions; , and he thinks certain whitefprbhibition- iats are trying to get colored ministers to do what' they reluse to do on this "po political matter, the prohibition bill oition c of the We publish below one of the most beautiful prayers we have seen for the restoration of President Garfield. -It was made by the Jewish Rabbi, in the Houe of Israel, in New .Orleans, on July 9th, 1881. ' ' ' ; ' ; J J Great. Mighty and All-powtrful God and Sovereign, Praised and Exalted be thy name, lhou art tjie solejKuler of i he Universe, vJ .Lord of Hosts! Who is like unto Thee in might and mrrcy? Thou graciously hiearkenest nnui the prayers of those who are af flicted, thou sende8t llieui wJTatian. through thy loving kindness. ) With broken and contrite hearts,' we approach Thy throne of Mercy and pray in behalf of the Presid,ept of the United ottcs the God-fearing man, who eeks the wellare or nis people, JAMES A. GARFIELD, who is now visited wjtll pain and af fliction, lying on the bed of 'suffering. King ot Kings, in tuy mercy we be- seechthee, grant him a perfect cure, annihilate all violent and evil decrees against him, and beat his wounds. U King ot Kings, in thy mercy we implore thee, remove from; him all manner of painful sickness, ordain his speedy cure, increase the years of his life, and make his rule prosperous and glorious. , i V O King of .Rings, in thy mercy we pray thee, bless his faithful wife, with thy justice thy favor and thy reward, restore her also to a perfect state of health; oh Uod, do thou heal her, we beseech thee. ! O Lord, O Lord, thtu who art gra cious and merciful, behold the atfiic- lion or tne people, wbtcn oppresses them, let evil counsels be j frustrated, and the stones of iaJuity'jbe, - turned away tram mem. , -. Look down from Thy heavenly habl tation and graciously accept our petit tions. Oh God, grant it. M.sj tUU hetft willof God. Amen, Amep, Ed. Poor: Please tell the - ministers of the gospel to return to their pulpits and stop dabbling in o'ili, It it their duty to v,ra us of evil, not give us the example of their evil doings.; The people are opposed to prohibition, andif appearances indicate &ojhicj;, will vote ar-aim, thf adoption of inch a law as was passed by the last Gene ral Assembly. ours truly t CttaTON, NIC, July, 1SS1. En. lsr: The Republiracs ol old bampsoa are wo; a, Jvtr txf the prvhl UMa btlt ( te ' dotsg all I eaS against H, and thrve-lvurtV of the people are araiaU . i W 1 f was glad to tee Colonel Pickery's commnaicaUoa ta the last fam cf the TVsr, nrjlog. with good reason, every KepuUkaa lathe state te vote sgalast tha prohi- bitioa bill, and I am eae who believes la Colonel Docktry. I indont the tctioa afthe tuu Cos fciiuW."aad ixa satis, td tie iUpabU- cans ef tkts ceeraty do the saxae, aad that they will roll p a liaadjosse ma- joriy agalast the pee&ihUiea Hit. YerT tra?y ytars. Uywe waai ta ba ereU tcxlba to tPcr, advised, . T ... i... . . - V aaxtiiAg t aiitiwi v avvat - Ed". Post: A few days ago, while at Warsaw waiting . to take the train for Goldsbore, tne question of prohibition or anti-prohibition came up in discus sion, and 1 was asked by Dr. Owen on which Tside tne Lord was, and replied, brrtfie - side' of anti-prohibition, be cause -that side was the side of rignt. Dtrplinl will give is- msjorfly of 1,000 against "the prohibition bill, 1 ; I cordialljr indorse the action of the state . Committee, and have been in strncted 16 say the Republicans of Du plin also indorse said action; r ; . , -m?YmtiirMA: TL Middleton l ihtvt in: - iChmi County Eep. Com. ''l t GlXX ;ITEMB. Chew r JacksouV, Best Sweet . Navy iler. Dr. Bernheim returned to the -City last night and itl fill his pulpit tc-day.; ; . - T - ' i - .. . .j.-; The foundation wall of the new wing to the Court House has been ' fioished 'and left to harden. y'". "' The! University of Nobtu Caro lina. It is an actual pleasure to say a kind; word ef that old and. rejuvena ted Institution f Bee ad. !. " Mr. J. L. Winner, who was awarded the contract for keeping the city clock in repair, has. given it a thorough over hauling and the clock is now slrikine' tho hours. . . ' i . : Samuel Arcrum showed a peculiar fondness for poultry and robbed bis landlady of all her stock of fowls. He now languishes in jail awaiting his trial for larceny at the next term of the Criminaf Court. ' Rev.! Morgan C. Turrentine, of the Alabama Conference of the M. E. Churcbj ied in this city Friday even ing at! the residence of his son. Mr. John R. Turrentine, at the advanced age of 81 years. f : ' ' j : - " I, - .!. ..!'' We use the remark that' the Custom House at Smithville is a disgrace to the Government and that . the gang way leading to it is a mantrap. We walked over it a few days ago and it shook to that extent as to make us feel very un comfortable, -j.-- ' j . i .'I", On Thursday a terrible thunder aud lightning storm passed over Goldsboro and vicinity. Two colored persons were killed at Goldsboro by the elec tric fluid, and one man two chickens f dog a DudUy', twenty miles this aide of Goldsboro? : . f ien. Bender, who has been an in mate of the county poor house for the past three years, leftths Institution in high dudgeon a few days ago, because the Superintendent would not allow him to keep four suck-egg dogs. Ben- der said if-his dogs couldn't stay he WM going to leave too , going . .-j. : . The Wrioutsville Mail: The contract for carrying the Wrightsville mail (has been awarded to John H. Whiteman. The service began yester day, the 10th insL The schedule is as follows: Leave Wilmington at 8,30 a. mi, and arrive at Wrightsville at ia30 m.j leave Wrightsville at 4.30 p. m., and arrive at Wilmington at 6.30 pL m. Friday afternoon,! a lioue on the corner of Ninth and Castle stnela, oc cupied "Vy tSen. 'SoithJ colored; was struck by lightning acd was badly dameged. The roof was torn up and the chimney cut half in two by the electric fluid. . The bricks of the chim ney were thrown into the room in which Smith and his wife and five children wera sittiog, but tof ' taem were j Tme Dixie Fna. The Su BOW Fair of the Dixie Agricalturai Society Ukes place at the Fair Ground at Wacuboro on Wcducsday and Than- day Of this wecklhe 20th and 21at int. There will be a tearnasnenL glass ballf shooUsg, trials of peed, balloon atcenaloa,; fcc. A dramatic perform ance will be given Iq. tha maia betid ing each day. ' y" : j ; Mar. J. t. Branch has been atpct&lrd Chief Marshal; Dr. U. W. RobUoo, Ueaeral Supervisor of Ealritf; S. C Alexander, Jr., SapcrvUor of glass ball skooUsr, W.A. Ules and D- L. tiaylor, tsipcrvMora of asnaseseaU. Divito rua BatCBU. Fit years ago a iigktcr ioaa4 wtta tmk was saak at Mtasr. Kerckaer ft GJdet Craa. whirf, atas tLe & of CWsaat MA- fo aaam tare denaA tha jrb, -oa tkdr en boo." gvttia tkata Wkka. TVey axvt adptd pvlsii&iva atttaod. Eaaalag a torn: po3e dowa by a tLaaes raft snaaei ta tiy &.t u the boCaca; rvmai aad rrtara wila aa ana fall ef kakka, Ta&a4dy Cky wtmtdsem tkey gat Icgi aWst t-M U om Im ai tWaslt kaa aiaca etreCtd MAKE WAY 1 . DOWN-WCTH- FJi. NUbLTTJ. CISM .!.-. Those citixens of New Hanover coun ty in favor of preserving' the lights 'we tQ-day enjoyj axe hereby notified J that there. wDl-be an U-pronlbitloi con ventioa Jiejd in tha City Hall; inWll mingWn, ,N.C on? Wednesday, July ?0185U.-C - .!.;f.-. i e r-)"i ! r The Cenyentiorl wUl be called to or der t 3 o'deck,. p. m.Beniember fa natics are making another raid oh the people's; i rights.-; We oppose this so called prohibition bill becanse it is an iayasioo: on the ; Ume-honored tights and privileges of the citizens of Nortli Carolina; ; lecanae it is an attack on civil and reUgious liberty; because it ; removes Uxatioa; Irom liauor and places it on the necessities of life; because it is detrimental to the material prosper ity ol NorthJarplinai ?r Of course there is no' politics in it, of course not; Jndge Merrimon, Thos. J. Jarvis and Albert son ought .to know. k-:: Sons of Liberty, awakeT'A ronsbg meeting at night at the old - market stands Colonel ,'L jYming, i of Ral eigh, N. C, and ; other eminent speak ers will address you. ;"' v . H. E. Scott, President. JM. McGowjtN; Sec'y. r; v - ; . PU BLtCSPE AK1NG. ' ; ; Hob. George Wr Pxice, ir'will ad dress his fellow citizens in ; behalf of an ti-prohibition at the following times and places: ;' '". : s ! Newbern, Monday, July lSih al 8 o'clock, p m. J- '': '; ': ;. , j Kinston, ' Tuesdayj July . 1 9th sat 8 o'clock, p'mi ,.,!'f: v-: '''i;.-';r'.;. .j' j Goldsboro, Wednesday, July 20th at 8 o'clock, p sa. ; -' V--;vr" J;.." ' ' j ElijibethiCit; Friday; July 22d, at 8 o'clock, p m. : ; ! ' ' .' ' ) ' f Edenton, Saturday,. July 23J, at noon. ' ;.; ":; -;Cmy' V Plymouth, Monday, July 25th, at 3 o'clock, p m. .' : ".. Wilson, Tuesday, July.T26th, at 3 o'clock p m. ; - "' :y j; ' Magnolia, Wedacsday, July 27th at 2 o'clock, p m. 1 " Clinton, Thursday. July 23 to. at 12 U 1 UCK m I Buifaw, Triday, July) 2Utb,' at 8 o'clock, p m. Town Creek, Saturday, July 30lb,jat 12 o'clock m. ; . ' v Elissbelhtown; Mondsy4 August 1st, at 12 m. - ti'ZlJ. ;- - Abbottsburg, Monday, August Ht, at 8 p m. ! 1 - Anti ProhibilionisU are requested to have thes meetings fully advertised and all arranreinents made for tha speaker, and places, for the meetings. Thojj.' N. Coopeb, Chairman. I'll ABM AC'EL'TICA l AKkQIATIOS. Ihe lint annual meetiu of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association, will take place at Newbern, on August 9th. Tho local committee have secured Accommodations for members and their families at $1.50 per day at the hotels. Reduced rstes on the rx'doads have been secured for Members and visitors attending Ike meeting, as follows: ' Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Kail road, round trip tickets for one fare, Raleigh and O v ton Railroad, 8 cents per Mile, ei.ch iwey J North Carolina, Wilmington and Weldon, Atlantic and North Carolina, and Western North Carolina Railroads, round trip tickets, 6 cents per mile, la order to b pres ent at the peeing ses members i wuet Uke the 3;i p.m. lrJa0at Oolds boro oi Monday. . NOTICE KepubllcAM of th FeoriU W la, 1 Wtlialnjrua. ft. .' J t LAwaxaccJilAM July 0, 15 I. i 7i vAoat it may ronrmt, For all necessary aaactings of the IU- pablicaas of j Ward Four; City of WO- ingtoa.'N.C.a P. Lockey, LV)is hereby aatherised, duriojt my abtcsce, to Usne adttcea? calling tettther the Republicaas of och Ward, far oonal- taiioa Bd attlon, ccecrraiag party aauer. 1 csth ' call ta W atada ovtr his own name, or la coa section wiu soch otkrn as he sssy anociata with hisa. . Lawso C Cicx. t Of ike CbcaaltU t A Ward. By authority :ct th above, which was received Ut vk, we, tha n&dcr Ajraed Cfpabticaas af aaU 4th Ward, a a i - - acreey au ; a mteuag r Lae aaa a tia'ciock, at the Cape Tear Eagtaa Kttsse,; oa Aaa aiml, hetwtcs Frcct aad giteal stmts STaadiy algkt tU Itta tsacaat, t eatttUer latpartaat saaUcra. i.gwLI arfixowaaa 4 D Oarxa; XSm Josnesaar, C DJjscsrr. w "y Sla rva rca airtriW la was was. A OA1SD. ; We have fiftt dollars left with us to bet that the state will go 20,000 t majority against Prohibition. Who will take it? Oasis good, but' money talks. - '' " Ed. Post. . i i . . , i ,-i MnMMHnHeivPHWM I - .The Second Presbyterian Church hie beea. supplied , with .a large and rery powerful organ. The instxnmeat ia ! said to be a very elegant one and was purchased from Mr. a W. Yates. 4 . ; ' " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PROPOSAL. SERSOMH aeslrinr are reqaestod im bW on building- a Picket Veoc aroaad Foreat Cemetery, -6 feet 10 inches, ao mneh per pannel, 9 feet lone material fur nished to hand. Hand In by SHU InaL (noon) to the President-- - ;; - J. W. TEXPA1R. , - per J. O. MOB WOOD. . julyrrxt .-V , , i Beo'y nndTrwa. :Thc uriiycnsiTY N0ETH : iCAROLINAr ' HEXI SESSION -WILL BEGIN" " AUGUST.' 25th, 1881, ,v .Cbmbtnestbeadvaataesot trra old ctir rjculum, wlth-apoclai and exteodd In- trncuon aeoordlnr to the University -' O?""?5 with It ara acbooM or LAW. or MEJDiCU E. and Qfl'lURliAUV, Bpeclal faclilUea given for practical atadlef. , : -. nch aa- . , . - Analytical and AjrNcnltaral Cheiautry. ' uuia snrveylnr. Drawing. Book-Kaen-Ing, Bnalness, Law. Phonograpliy, kc. Expenses, lnclndlna tuition and roont rent, IDvj to 92J0 vet annnin. Address, for catalogue and particular. . .. ! , j JvKMl' V. BATTLE. LU 1. Chapel Hill, N. C. July. 1. Fraaldenl. Jyl.-st " t M TREASUREIt'S OTTICE, " ' ' f " WILMINGTON, K. July 1st, 1"W. 1TOE DIRECTORS rf the Wilmington Woldon B. IV. Company have thl. day 1 S2el.d. aemlnnnal dtvldead or TbrV . i ter CenV. on Uia Capital Htock, payable at f the offlct of the Trtaanrer, on the lita of i July, 1881, to all who are Slock bolder. 01 . record on the Books of the Company on the 1 U.t!l.0falT- - J. W. THoldJftSON, - Jyl03t . ; Beefy and Traas. HORNER SCHOOL, " OXFORD, N. C. - 4 rA Classical, Mathematleal. Sclentinc. and . i English bchool. with Militarv oinitin. ana kHPH??- J. M. BORNSUt and J. r. 1 ORNEJl. rrlndpaia. TH. v. JASMUNlt " HORN1 Ph.D.. tiartuaa.. Freneb. Qeotrtnhv. and' history. J. I. SALE, Commandant o'f Ca- Xr' """""awe na naiurai Heleneea. The next aemkm will begla U UtXtondax The buildlogi are new and ootumodloua. and the beat educational advantage in ait PPnl,n,nU of the aebool are pro vlded Circulam oantalnia fetUnoalal and other particular furnUhed on appiica. twa July le lm RicUinonuiilPelersr?Eailro2i do. CKMME'CINa Koudar. JL'Nii lili trains on tbls vad will raVa ssliw.: LEAVE BICUHOl--SOUTn. X WP, Mn Vnat Mall dally. m tl,nr,f,t I, connection for Havana, mom only at ,. Petrbnrg. l-uUnjio tv a Wlllord. Va. and CUarlamlon. -ll.i0 A. M., Tuaovna Mail dally eonneei v tB(forKlelgb,CnarteUn,AM ; guaLa. Alken.Haraanab.aiM'k. on villa, tUope at aitops, tluw. ter, Oantralia, brewry itintr. onalgval. Pullman Hiaepera ; awwnNtw York and Caaileto . . oa thla train. fi w - il?'1 'IT lexoept Monday). Kkj a. rrelf nt cWiy feaeept Nu4r. Ill A. lM Mall daUv. Ulopm only at iwni. i"Biimma Nffrm U- V'aT 4; Mil lUSA.M. VrmAt dallr (tireot ttao4VL a.ti 1'. M- Tbrooxli Mail dally eoonertiaA ; wita Kicnmooa. r4ervcfcuerc i " and rototaoa Kaitra4 fur mi potnU e l and out. aimmu. 'IS eoaoeoe) wttJi ieaaavMMio mm iMilo liatlroad tor U ir. gtai Oprta aad all wMnta nortb and mX. TkH Ualn atopa at Maaeaooar OHMtr aad l'a trait, rntimaaftoyntaae train btoewa CofioMo d -Mew Tora . U P. M, rteixbt. dally '! xionday.) A dirc4 towlwvi roaa.-oo aa oetveon Ktebaaood and leavlag fUokaeoad tU0 UJ I. M. id t ?MVrfa. r US iA.ja,ad norfoia AU trjW teaviag IV UI atari artm tne Art iaiiin t"Hi. aa'BAV KacvawHM Tmim te mood at t.av a. M aoa . r m hrterUnui at JI A- MUnod Ms r. M. every a4y. - .-... " . T. ty ur. i I a. rorR.. r,AT. AaeTT1 CAStOUXA CCrrttt BAItnOAH. OX3TA& r AjaX90L UETA r MEXT. WlLMIXOToy , X. May 3kls 1 ActarkonjOT jv aixrtJtcre or ixxm i ttttt ! MdUraaaalcw.' IS nod nr iku ta . . 1 w ' a.s tmm n ii,m uaa, rsianiti i Maeto W fd- d AftMip sjnaalat TtruV ViSnratf-riiuia o - ----- ! sxMLt rr.tAA.r.a