i Or. C4aifJixi .win ' ,- .if - -v . . i 4 . i. J' i r,tC -JJt,t ;t si i : j tA ,TiraoH TAHCJ3 VOLUME XII, it. U.HI iirt! -" rs ! -,jlm -I ,i ii.li. . -. AriL,MINGhTON,IoST I EfTEEED ATS THE POSTOFFICE AT KL C- as Hecohd Ci4aa -.; . t 13, M. v i w , & s a a 11' " A I 7 - i 1 Jl ' . i " S I, IM ! li' r R w :l.i-1f 7 RATES OP ADVERTISING. Piftv cents ber line for the first In iertioa tnd twenty fiye' cebts 'per Hoe or each additional insertion. Eight (8) Haesf Nonpareil tpe con jtitute a square. ; f ! Th subscription price to Tflt WtJL- Mtsaxos Post is II w per year; six months 75 cents. All comma aications oa btfineshouId be addressed tq TB WiLMiKf TOH POS.T, Wilmington, N. C . All adrertisements will be charged a (he above rates, except on special con (raeta. J Latest. The state of North Carolina has waked up from its iiideous nightmare and (shaken its clacking limbs, as Rip Van Winkle did , when he waked uu after his-tn-enty years' sleep on the. Cabtkills. The people have declared their independence. There was not much policy abou. it. They simply shook themselTes free from the incrus Utions of cliques, disrobed themselves from the still' and stained garments which they had been wearing so. long, ' aud jumped out' of the old, rickety, . reakiog, rusty vehicle in which they had so Jong ridden, without, caring much where they .landed,1 only so be it, that they could draw a long breath, take leaps in the: air unmolested, and limber up their stiffened musclex, in mnrtricted gymnastics. 7 ' 1 John W. Daniel has been nominated by the liourboni bf Virginia for Gov - frnor, James Barber, of Culpepper, was. , nominated for Lieut. .Governor, and P. W. McKinney for Attorney Gen- ' Standard silver dollars to the amount of 92,300,000 are to be coined at all the mints 'during August, of which $400,000 are to be coined in New Orleans. - . 'ibe estimates based oa returns re ceived at llaieigh ftre 00,000 or 70,000 against the prohibition bill. The Iter. Dr. liurkhead sailed in the City of 13erlia on Saturday, for the Methodist Ecumenical Council at Lun dpu.; . . i '' Secretary Blaine informs il .ail ot Uranvitle, Foreign Secretary, that iMtiona), state and municipal authori ; lit are seriously endeavoring to dis coer tue'authoM ol the-plot to ship iljnimics t'o Eogland, in whish he' has rrasou' to believe very few were cn gsged, iand tht no pains would le spared in discovering and prosecuting them. I , J:'-- :- : , ; ' ; : IV are now firlv inside the reiirn t f he i Dog Days, when Sirius Uat thj hottest, and biases ; night and day on her fiery orbit.-LV.e never kuewJiow much thi brightest star inHhe constcl- ' latien of Cani Major, the Big Dog weighed, nor hew many thousand miles a day she traveled, according to Tlole mr, but we did know that about the Utter part of July and the first part of w Angatt these torrid suns began? to tarn blood red, and the, Fahrenheit leaped amoag the ninetUs, showing- that we had arrived : ' -: - "At what time Ui suUry !yrUii sur. liiatnvtl to her wUecU U hrnecd Uob of war." , ' ' Yon may go on the sea-shore, or among the cold brooks of ThewUy and it is all the same. :. ' ' DI1 It- rf. WOUM EST. -, This gentleman baa proven to the state what he can do in the county of Uobeson. He ha4 worked Manfully, and cannot be : too blcMf praised for his work in behalf of 1 he right or the people, ' i Mr.. K, rroctor aaya Robeson has gone J.SOOmsjorlty against the bill.-r-Bolters and diaorganiaers stood no chance la Robeeoo. Uolouel.O. II. Blocker has been in the state lor the past ten days on btu!-- am connected with . the Revenue De partment. The Department keeps Col. Blocker all the tisae oa the go Ue ia ooe of best potted fficiaU cooatcted with hla Department. And. his superi or offlctre say he 1 one of thevtty beY . -.I-.l-rW.: . Colonel Gerore L.iIaboo, we desire to particularly mention aa one who baa done treat aerTlce ia tbU campaJgn. Ue ha wtxkcd nirht and day and the graad tklorj wo, ahowa Ue ealwe of , aia ervtcea. - i Uoe, George W. l'rke, Jr, U eoti Ued to credit let the Ible canvasa mada tgalaat the prohibition bill and ImU- half of UernhUcans. - I Uceare. Joeeah C HiU, C P. Lock ty. JL, V. HomlV Job XaweU and W. E.03waa,d.4 vAlxxJtUwnke tit the caoae of aaU-prelllUiaa. AaeUier attt?tof lUhUkUoa tke tor rfaTiify bated: .Ik'WAffllitfhiot btofcntlhis tine s thouffh (wenf pohW S&Um Mrt Uon itf'tiie rixt b5lltlt'iriir IK-mWw rXia&wl&t &te wed fU' eveorogCnaher&ttM -;..f....':3,.j -.9 Vis.ltoitT.Brur(f; ? 1 ? t , 'F. H HAMILTON. Executive MAKiok, Augnst! 5;' 7 good .day. ::Tn appearance the. wound and the character and amount of the discharge of pus continue satia- fkctory. ,Ue baa taken; an ; adequate I quantity of nourishment and has had several blenskht natwi durlnir ' thir daV. At 12 30 K M. his pulse was W, tem perature , 98.04, respiration ! 18. Aher r 1 a .. - I 41. M. bid temperature began to rie as usual and without freeptible idry ness of the skin, f At present his pulse is 102. tf m peril ullOO.respiiration 19. , ; (Signed) 4 D. W. Bus. .? h , ; J. K. Babkes, , . .' J. J. Woodward, ':. I-! ; t Robt.' Re yiu&ir, . " ; 'Hr''-. : F. H. Hamilton. 1 Executive MaksioxJ August 5, 130 P; M. Little can be added tc to' the detaila of the 'President's night case given in the official bulletin. He has passed nulte an tneventfuldaV. lis wound continues to' present a healthy appearance,-, and , there is , a strODg probability ,althougU not founded on positive evidence, that the bail is becoming encysted. ''Tbe patient's tem perature at the tvenioc. examination was'2-10 of a degree higher, . than yes terday, but the febrile pte fwas of short duraliorj, and at this hour his temperr aiur sna repiratiOD are normal, and his pti'se has f. Hen below '.100,, The surgeons report that his progress to wards recovery tc-iay baa been entirely satisfactory. '", r.V-:v " 8.30 A. M The president continues to tmprnre, , . He slept well during the night and this morning locks and ex presaes h i maelf cheerful ly . ; A not her saUafActory day is anticipa'ed. '.At prfut his pulse ia )), temperature 9S.4, repirallou 18,. The uext bulle tie wilt be issued this evening, and hereafter tba nootbulletin will be dis pensed Wlh. ; ; ;" ;'f '' v. ' (Siuned) D. W. Bua. ; - , J. K, Babkes, ' - J. J. Woodward, , i It. nr Rcybubjt, : y: F.H. Hamiltox. . UKOfFtCtXt nULLETIS. i ExEt'Utivk Maxsiow, Aog. 4, 12.30 1. JJ. Df. Bliss authorizes the state ment that the President it having an excellent day. An eiamlnatioa has just been made, with the Allowing re sult: Iulse , temperature and respi ration normal. The. President contin ues to take increasing quaalitica of nourishment, and is daily gaining atreogth. VA wpoU t)f unfavorable changes should be discredited, anlesa they have official authentication. The President's condition at this hour is better than at any time since his ,in- QIFiOAlBUJLLKTIS. ExKccnvE JlAJtaioy, Angust 4, 7 P. M. As the morning bulletin Inti mated would probably 1m the case, the President baa passed another good aj withoot drawback or unpleasant ayap tons of any kind. He has taken kit nourishment and shown little fatigue after his dressing end change of posi tion. The wound ia doing well, both In appearance and ia eharactef and tko amouet of dlsckarge.' At liSO pc m- kla rulse was 00, temperature 5S.4 re- nirauoa . The aitero ttaorof temperature came oa laMt and waa moderate la degree. , At T p, avua polae U ViX teeipcraUre U&S, tpU 'it J. K. BAJtSEA j ; J.J.AYcDWAW?., Coat, r? at. ax, F. H. ILUIU.TOB I VJrOIHCAt. BVXXMXtS. J ExixVTiTtc llAxeto-f, Aag 4U4 r. M.-The , rrcsUeat . kaa kad aa ex tremely . om&rtahle and ealkfasSoty day, aad If Uttev at tab Wat tkaa at any time be lore. The aT.traooa fivrr aabuded early la Use eveatag. aaa ia fltv f the patkava acUiad tavora hi eaadltkMi it eraa H tealt tkVaaaal ljrc!tfi l?slba ef rJ- pkate - of morpiUt avs4 ite U tZtz? eU aotesrae vUkestiU Hre I TBeefwn ' of tbeRepnblican Btate eaplela8 forty-nine oa! of ietery fifty Republicans Toted sgsiarttUobflK the men whoMtetftW part M'cr, re have i littlfi tbaay aW possible. "Wrf m wiu wr uio iumre i am wuo, tier maaiog me rema-ir inat rair good Kepoblicans will always stand by their organization and vote the straiffht ticket. liable to trust Would- when V Cou i that. will ens. wuo i foiea , wua tnem. iney -1 the habit of misrepresenting their as sociates ; on committee?; t bey will get .Democratic newspapers to aid them in doing so. But ,4hey invariably faiL from ani tbeu) their the fact , that the people know , absolutely.; refuse A to trust We have taken no notice of attacks onfttr Mr,Canaday, from the fact that the people have uniform ly vindicated him. Ue goes on, taking not the slightcBt notice vl fellows who are barking at his be cI.h, but strikinir sledge-hammer blowsr.'or tle fause of. the , people.; Anl when the voiea are counted be i utiiformlj found on the side of a very larg-, C, uiiKty-nipe one hundredths ! the Repablicank.'..'' Suchv men a Mott, Cooper ."Hoore, Blocker and Canaday Lever run to out out aid res lor aid. Ttey do m t carry a correspondent of tbe .New Ycrk Times in their pocketa to abuse -and nuisrep resent their aasociate. They make a square fight, ah honorable war : for what they believe to be right, and usually succeed. ; y The people sh ujd hold no mglice to deceive them into ting for prohi bition' but Mliey' should not, and we are contl lent win no, lorget tnem. Which.atlcaat.tnry are not to blame for, as self-preservation ia the first law of nature; therefore the success of the great principles of equal, political rights csnnot be mail tained uuless we stand isolid by cur, crganizitibn, and make; traitors and bolters take a back seat. We rosy pave our ii dividual opin ion, but the msjority must rule, and iwhen a majority of our party speaks, it baa been, and will ever bj, good law Ito us, I and' we shall ybey jtut aa reli- iously mh . though it Was a statute law Efthe stae or. nation. And we be ieve. every good llpublicaa wilt do ikewise. ' The Republic u party of the state. jte-day, Is stronger than it hps b'ten for years. We have at least lO.OOOmajor ity in the state, and arc constantly re ceiving new acquisition And now, we advise that every man fall into line and march Tor wau!. We advise that the diborgsnixers jbe forgiven, but not forgotten. . But in 'future we sha'I be In favor 'of shooting all deserters or jmntlneeis, for discipline mast be main kaioed. . ' H TUB WILMIKUTOif tjTAls , Two much praise cannot be bestowed npen the editor of the Sfrt Mr. W. H. Bernard, for the manly stand takes by kia In the pait prohibition campaign, Jor ataading by the people in their fight lor rights that the fanatics' were 'trying to deprive them of, Mr. Bernard is one the beat posted men la the state ia the Democratic party. ..The party would be much belter off tc -day bad kb advice beeo foltowed, but a few goard beads who have no knowledge of poUUcal managtiuent, who woaM ke better plow koya thaa leader of a great party, hav charge, and will not follow good advko-the fact are, they tare set brains eaowgk to take advice. So they will go on making Render la tka falire a they have in the past, drargtng dowa Uberai Democrat, of ability witk tkem. Tha S!mr h tke aaoat ably managed Democratic par1 la this sute. and jrt is k4ag party polky it aas the k to aay Erery aaU-prokibiUoabt and Repablkaa will lata aa la thaalle MrJkfuard for ais gojod.erotsV - v y . Ia maliag fmada caeneict sreil first; mA wkim va are taedwhw trasao M.ro &l rrrerv. aor demtiar la !irf;isu for t&ai lecrsees ac tke gxd az4 Tlrtaoo, - ! rv. : of rivias skewe tk riir sf tko ilw atoretkaalke J Fortrdjlnff Hint I voted against prohibittottv fwjli lO- aiQll AlOOre, I I ana iSodgerBj v . . J HALIFAX AND EDGECOlLbE. COUNTIES LIBERTY. 8,000 IN FAVOR OF NORTH CAROLINA 100,000 MA JORITY AGAiNST PROHIBITION T?EV HANOVER L200 MAJORI TY GAINST, PROHIBITION. TMXJS. J.. J A r.Yi8 UKTTIKU THE . A'BWS 1IY TEltBURAPII, . Wh-a-t ! North Carolina 1 OOjOOO against my pet scheme.. I shall never go to ' the Senate." I am. iso so sick "pnt me ia my little bed : i ; The ToSt feels much gratified, and we invite our friends to i io with us in iollityiog a little over the grand result. We bve been lully indorsed . by the action of the people. We hare tried to properly represent the wishes of the people at all times, and at no time have we felt better orer their indorse ment. A bandred thousand majority is aayaiactorj to us., , t . Tha Third Congressional Dislri t has indorsed the action ot its member of the Bute committee, by giving 10,000 majority against tke prohibition bilL We feel exceedingly gratified that tke metloa of oar Mr. Canaday kaa been so anaalmoosly iadoraed. Whea the peo ple apeak, aa they have la this case, there can be no doubt of their wUhe. Not a Democrat made a speeck against prohihilioa ia this coaaty, aad ww know ot hot two i tke diatrkt, Merars. N. A. Stedajaa and Richard Standford. Thete two honorable ex ccpUoas wtr - tke oaly Democrata ako kad tke aaoral courage to figkt tke ia famoas prohibition bill, to oar kaowl- edgo. There may bo others, bat if so. wo dol know tkem. Tke fgkt was made by lrblicaas, aad la a eery great aseasare thevtctoey beioaj a Who daire tocay tkat tkeactioa of tke lUTbUcaa ?Ute Cbmmluae W att lo act Wcf all ika coed aad liberal people f tie eire; slauf AjsdakeiAnatowcsCcatlattlIU- rUka yny, ky sack actiaa, doe ae deacreeoba ate eX U eaykt at U 2Ctli Carsu. aad Ititt IzUtcsU t tie era titJ La . tie kl!s parxii af itrrt Vaaarirg 361 talT.zj ' ----- . m " 1 f f '- is- "J .1 ! .- WA660M j-;fVClloUe; August 4, 1881. f : Charlotte has gone five hundred acd five .against pr'ahibiUon. , The'county is. claimed by one Umimnd mapritr against the bill. 6- O. H; Blockek. 1 ;$tatesvillcr August 4 1881. btateayille ;. gives two. hundred anid forty f even majority against prohibi- lion. Indkatiocs are that the county has majority the diflerent wards arid 'townships com posing the; city U Wilmington1 and county of of New Hanover, CITY OF WILMINGTON. WARDS. ;, Foil. AfjAtfsT!. First WaraVU.r). 311 4ir i , . 1 : 1W : 413 JfiiO ' tux ". . hi. AoAl!fri .,..4.... Ii5 Second Ward . Third w.ni , im Foartli Ward.-. Fifth Ward...-. -.in ..180 m TOWKSHIPM. . Towssmrs. . Fob. itmg n noro..A-.-.-..-. -, 7 ;( lateral fOlnt......:....... - 9 Afl ay - if 575 ; Duplin county 1,200 majority against prohibition. -.,;"( , ; 'Sampson county has' killed "moral political reform" by '900 majority. ; 1 Onslow county, too, is against mori alityha -gone,- anti-prohibition by 1,000 majority. i ' t- Sk Brunswick county is estimated at 700 msjoiity against prohibition, though we think the majority is not so Bladen county hat gone about SOO anti-prohibition. , . ' render gives J,0o4 against prohibi- tioo. -' ", . ; Columbus county ia said to have voted 800 majority against prohibition. CITY ITEMS. All aabecribera to tbe . Post not re ceiving tke same regularly, will please report the! same to Mr. W. E. Sellers or at-this office.; r. ; - Seven gentlemen took dinner at the Porcell House Wednesday whose ag gregate weight waa 1,8T9 pounds. A telegram has been recti red iron BJchsBood.aUUog that Maj. J. H. J1UI, who received severe, injuries on tha bead by a fall is worse, aad that: bis condition has beea very oa favorable aiece Taesday last, at which time he became At the laying of the corner stone of tbe Caswell Moaameat, st Kisstos, X. CL, oa Wtdaesday last, Capt- Gabml aoa, Lieatenant Manger and Second Amktaat Eagiacera Weber aad Hall, of tbe Revenue Cutter Colfax, acted as honorary aid ca the Governor's staf by special iaviutioa or Uk ExcelJeary, Gov. Jarvia, Tbe oacers of the Cattcr appeared la tktir aaiforma,aad weat iroa Eeanlort ia tke vpecial car wkkk carried tke Goecrar and bin ieC : StW U a sovxa Tt3rT-.At tke iga- lar aaeetlag of New llaaoser Tei, No. la Jn i aileat Ordee of lUchahas, Wednesday aigVt, tbe sUoic .oS- cere www duly lastaBed lot tke eawaiax ievaC i " . J-:"-.' PC B L M Oattbtvg. : , -r 8 J it Newvsw . - J v-.T O Skirpee T " . D B E TirkB. Tiaaaam Tiafllipsi, O . gone against the; bilj by f heavy gencies, shuldany arise;? ?K i? ? r V iotw ri M.iUab -)- . . ..y , . 1 I Tlrt'i ,n iw ri..-J. ii.Vi I S?-1?'"1" ll rf -trloea.hlrait, ut- t. OFFICII; VOTK UP JEW 'IIA'KQ- r"ff VUV"' iStf-OT"1"1 Plrt;wft,u, The foflowing i the official . vote ol Magistrates tor -th& cop nty; according Kh2tl.!.?l:.nl,,,., .wooia oe iinaemooa that, m ac- cordahce w th law'. Ibe 'city ii .V pay two-flfths, $9Cl for and so Uon so cover air estimated exnens-s and - T . " I Justice Jno no:; &'-;'J2mea, lai tabaeat city;jJn,ticV from tbe Jr. upbn'morbh 'of JasUce-J Cowan,'was.called to the chair,- Beven- teen Magistraiea being 'present out of thirty-two.' a quorum 'vnur declared to be present, and the meetinVpfonounced jl- -i.i.i I' -Ltlt -.t'. nt:,- j wuico iDB vuair- i mtn nnwtoit !.-' iW-' -V: v v v 1 1 1 e a uu irau a nev w rriBLinw i GommfaiidBer iogeiher awnwally; oa the 1 fi M ! Mbnaay ia "A ngnst, for the purpose of levying taxes, and so forth. The Board ot Oounty Commissioners, who were present in joint convention, then through their Chairman. Com muuioner H. ''A. Baeg, made their regular annual report, from which we make the following extract: Esti mate of expenses for the fiacal year ending in August, 1882, $20,000. ;-. It is recommended in or?er to meet these expenses that there be levied for the ensuing fiscal jyr on pmierty, for gpersl expenses 20 ci Mi-; fur Crimiral Court IS cenU, bonded, debt 15 cent, hospital 5 cents; total oa $100 valua tion of property, C3 J centa; on polls, far reneral expenses 7i cents. Criminal Court 54 cents, bonded debt 43 cents, hospital 16 ceats; total 03 each poll, tl.90. The state levy is a 1 follows: For general expenses '6 cents, ay!oma 11 cents,' penitentiary 5 cents, bonded debt G cents, schools 12 cents. Total oa 1100 valuation, 40 centa, and oa pet for actaal expenses 84 centa, aad for :hoohi 371 ceats. Total oa polk for atate 1.21 J cent; eggiegite for atate aad county 00 polls 3.12 J ost ice John Cowan thea moved that the report of the County CommksSoaers be received and adopted, ilotioa car ried nnanisaooaljv Justice E. D. Hall tkea, aiUr a few approprUle' remark a, iatrodaced tbe foltowiog rrsolntioo: ?nvm. That hereafter wbca a joiat coercatioo of the Coaaty Commlaiuoa' era and Jasticea of tbe reace aball be held for j the purpose of levving taxes or for any other oartose rvnvinat! tbe eollectioa or ds&arseateat of maaey,- the Board cf Coaaty CosasaUsioaare caae to be prepared a detailed atate- scent or wbst Is reqamd. so as to eo abW the JasUeso to act fatetUrwtty wbra the coarewtMa ajcaMe. aid stslcmeat to bo f araisked ta rack Ja. tice at lrai five days beiote tke aam ieg of sack coav-cnuoa. Cusnmlisisarr Werlk csietjai Ja tke Maira moist ioa sad tboorkt it a good Urt wkkk ttt U be carried eU Tk molatiaa) was tkca, apea wtiow, aa lairaowsiy ; adgpted, after abkb, apem mcUoa of Jotke dag tbamrvtiag aoaraod.' ' Another Crcnd Crcur- vo aammtu: Airr m tBTa. a Mi nfcr ts kaar. IM a-a,aa w . tar tM viaiatss. jam u r"- fATTW tne maintenance o! " ihV hoaniul. IrttSESttZ'Xr. the countv threefiflharor I'll' in l2i3&?tUi John a. I.Mrr .ill : ft will e Pcen that the Vpnropria. 2S" JJi? l.'o thTKlW Swl . . qf tl&mm be imply , undent auow a fair margid for nnlohee'n emer- I koaSh. r j -. - m . I ( - l " . . T -T " V SM VOIII in thejContf House Monday morfaing, SaWuWlS SSetSt -i-abont i 10:30 o'clock: "The Cha rman: JtJL,1?"!'8 Mrnmm o5C tlS -l &StUl - i i 17'.. .- v ' "v i a ternir Tr f 1 " .axl f P- j . . " . . " wr. m vum nn nr 20IT",JY Wsata: i) ,7' S&J h "iltln?lnr , certain othi? fn&' ,W!.I?! Ll,s twartf slAB. thV viVrVnX"vI,rrrf n.rv r r . : ""ran With Prlnrou itnwi im7T.w7L- 'pSTrlJtr ' rswk aiian-ve w AaiarsrHiv w ni ... Us Wsstfra 11ns of Ttrcirth street. rnnBlDitT . line of PrlocoM itmt aa re?t. t"r.,c Tj3&o!r wd r mrallot with Tweinaxaust isa 1hl f t trMKt See. Ummcs WauttiMrdly niJUtJ'1 with Tweirih ftlrees JUi fMt la th bwb.ki nlos; d also eartatn other lot or farl bectBBlsg in the Northern Has ocrrtasssMiNt lret. at point IB ftrt Wntwardlr frwT " J InUrteeiloB with tbs WMrm ttsw off " Jons ssld Noitlisra linsof rrliMM relf't it, thenes Norlhx artUy Mraiial viu.... TwelOh tlmt IM fwt, thneM KlrJ4lT,,", ' parallel with. frtnr mtnhiim id-.i J Uwartlr paraJltt with TwalOU street i ISi Vest ta iha awtBatn- tn m.i. f - other lot or parrel, bc)nuuig ia the aatr. era tin of KJ errata ut. Si tot HmUi. . wardly from Its !atrMnLiin tk. .. ,. Soathera line or mcea auH: ntaalaa 3 . trt Igj rm to 4rard KMOers line. I .t thrnos Hoaibvardly wtih ht llasahotld feettoKl7eaibUettbo2iartBwar4ly . ' w :-j,r""" wimm-m aw V V tSB mUW'A !' ahoutflvt 10 tha bactaalat- aa mji 'f tala oilier lot or r-rftU heciaaiag la Aha , . Klru Una of Klsraatli atraaCljS It Northwardly rrora lialatm(Uaiiihta Ll Worthem Una of tMaeaas runalox Uotcs Korthwardly alaag Ut KMaarji lta rn 1 of Werenth traet si fret. tbnr r-Ju " wardlr parallel wtih iMaetaa autrt ta nl tf. lbeaf (MMitbvaraiy iNmltoi Hit H Devsath street Snm tbe&c UwartB4' paraiicl alia lYinctw Ur, U: r tU:U, hestsBlaa; aad alaa a cartala 4hee kt T rareaUfarctaalag atthtataraa(teN a tbawi ?ti Monhern Una of I-riorrvi atraet aim ) Kastars) itsa of )aUi sirrn. ia laj h 0 thwe cart wrdiy aloe ba Nihrn iaa 7 el rriact atreal us teat, Uaae Haethl fdl warlrj afaarl with rJcvcath tltavavL ft, lhnca waatvaritr varalhrt wtif i tidcw kiwi mi raw. IB Kira llaa rjavaata s.rect. ueac NtLMMi at art. theaca ttoaUiwarviiy aioac I it aa a SJrveata trri as aWS f alas: !MtwruitMia i. iala ta tha fhoataara rtaa nn rinm til to haoartaiaii panrl. Biaa!a cweata at atravt ftt a aMwarST I l.-if itUnMM wtth Iha Watm l 1 weina avaasrwaa i taawcvMvatk wtta MtaJM alia Tw.iru tr4 K. fcua i . Waxwarsly aaraiM artth CaMiTiXir ! - IS am. theaca Northaaralr hmiuI i.k ' TwalfUi street t fail t Uw a lia. f thaara Bortb 1 raatwaiwiv ata ttaapaaaVr1 rtaaaboat Si sm i tlunataat lrrrL. ihiM f Last wartfly wttatha aaata a fia-mj !' WW! i real eatata Taraoaaf aalat (Jaavtaxr t taa raaaa aaaay ta ha aaM Sa caa. mi ta tAaa.a 4i a. tharaof la twwqaa frl. r7aa la T three aad ata aaui r m u ata r fcaaa tha M data a aal. wtt latcrrat taeraoa !: thatdaiaUaaiaafateaaea( aava srerasrthwJ,, HiiiAimiAiMi awztaaiaa. r i ana ha aaM a tM ara. i Braietiaa a ta Oaan. 4 it uu aSi v Tt(heayeAai.KKl ? . . aiiajawaMr aai 11 mr ianr g.'S-ai - omen 0 rnt auuu'avoxMttr; 1 ; v ortiX at aawaBy f tea aa Jt ,., V iX. a4 ataa r-iimr mt r tut t.in... s . ataji w Bwaiaa m iair tonraar,! -: taxaa aa r ta T,t, i"' aanSua Sutatwa, iui set tja a. 3 V'y SMBjaso yxsataada. aa-saril nmwreitw BCTtfx Jtctrr? . sa. taw, Oa haeaaa. aa4 tU B4 Wtto.4 M law aai ain 1 naaaaa-i Sl iw-&. ATfyfr sataaBar aaaJti l i hy aaa, tiw-Bt.a ! a iiafftel nfw. f. iTiata at 4 J - i -- -i tw . t f Bfcf-faxai - . Caaajaa, r S B aa wars tte, s ii a - 'laV.a V- r;i- or - -