' ': -777..:'T-rXT i 1 - ., i ! W ,- y -T riifi in r -- rl I- ' ! I' - ' " -" - - - ' vol UJlK XII. ;;.;KOTINGTON. NORTHrcAROLINAv,NOALi'IJGUST 28; 1881; - ; !1 Coles' 5 Ceitj 1 -j- , .. s.r.. i... " Ltf"-- ...... A -f . : aT1 I I I - -r-U .S r --i I 11,-1 I I I I X I I A. ?'i A i ' ' ' .SSSrSi; .L uiLl 7 ' ;7 'VM- i .;.lf-.' 7 r -' i Cjf,;..'iyi V.'i '..j ;.M - : i " "' v - IX- '7'7..' t j -, , r , y . 1 -3f' - 1 ' - - r : i . 1 1111 ' r i-1- ' - ' ' - '" ' 1 MLNfTON POST .Vii'miwtox, iV. (., as Becokd Class i i'mthrF.I) .AT Itift iU3iuriiV0 ai Matte ii RATJCS OF ADVERTISING. Fifty lent per line for theTfirst in ',erti' a,nd twenty-fire cents per line foreaicltadditional insertion. j j Vllcoraraunication3onl)U3ine3ahoul he .addiWied; to. The Wilmington I'ost, Wilmington, N. Cl - , ATI advertisement will be charged a the above rates, except on special con -tracts. "A 'j ' " - - l THE PReSIDENT. Hih i'.jse not Kniirely Hoiieleaa Th Jfttint lboulit to be a aliade Hftter. . : : ' . OFFICIAL J-.VLLET'N. v i;tivk fVlAsioT, Aug. 2G, ,8-30. j .4-1 Le I rcsicient- sievi itioi oi the night awakening at intervalrt of hall huiir to an hour- On first awa kening LluTo wat, as there has been for n ilits pHdt, some iriental cou wbich disajpcared when he fusion, was fully aroused,, and occasionally he mntlered iu lis sleep, .these syinp I. loms hiJve abated this, morning, as' on ' j.rcTKiUH days. At present his temper ' ature islslightly jaboyo normal,' and his i pulse iijiittle more frequent than yes.- .'It'rdny' morning- : . '' ; . ': (y.gntu) : lh W, liLias,-, . J. K. Uaiines, J. J. Wood w Aito, ? v llolir. llKVBL'UK. : : F. II'. Hamilton. ' Kxeintive Mansion, August 2tJ; 10 1. M.-The surgeons report that the very uligbt improvement noticed in the President's condition; late this afterr noon is still maintained. It docs not, however, as yet afl'ord any. solid ground fir eucoiiiragement. . The l'resident has !fit suine diirfng.tlie evening, and his juilse wHien lait taken was 111. There lias .been uo noticeable change in the :llcuraiice of the swollen parotid gland. Exccui.ivc JMansion, Aug 20.' .Mid night. Infrmation received from the surgeon' room is to the" effect that no ttuliecab e change has occurred duriiig llnv-Iasl ln.ur. " The physiciaus ai'pre : Lend im material change in (he Presi dent's condition during the night. The iftcot Lews frpm Washington is very d i iieouragiug, auu we lear very . ouch that in cur next wu i shall chtori 10'u the Jicatli of the President, though . we Siincirely trustwo may l e mistaken. i Til I'. ! Ul.nXATllV I.KTTKIt. 4Mi-rriON OF BENATOlt VANCE. WHAT ilKTltlNK.SOtf THE MAJORITY tr llll: t UKEMEN OF THE BTATE O l'V(J8ED TO THE JPROHIHITION , 1 j(' k'HTUN. . :- "' . .'-;!'. We believe every vublic man ought to le i!accil rijht on the prohibition 'ijucMt ion, wo .therefore publish from the Ka'k'iuh ijtatc JoXtruaf a short article concerning Senator Vance. Mr, fc'pell- man, 1 he-able 'editor, is a Democrat. Rud, would not do a bfotber )emocrat ;a: h justice. . 7 .-' .N; . ''' J' v " 7 The following letter first apxeared' in the, prV'ite Inhibition , Organ of this city, ne called upon benatoT ance .' to know if JUv. Mr. Abernathy repre . m ulea Mux aright, aud by his silence til nl away with them. ... 1 1 j ... Mu. El - rroit nl'jn't, the Ml!i4!:ll h.W j.'jjce upon the cars between the 'vetntr and myself; some four weeks , , ,7 ., .. - "A. .. . II : y . v: . : : " : 1 ' '"t 'J' lieTOa43i 1DU ; BIICF CUUTtrsiuj( I ui..in iUt.,.Mitinni 5ntrt nf th I ! d,ty, he bid, to me. "Abernathy, how w rruhibuum. goinjtin your countyT , 1 you ishd urori that question? " I t" Well," .maid be, "Abernathy, I have I herd ynz anvthine upou either wo. i mavp learcu mat it miirnt ne a i . ... r .... - . .u-i Ol POJUIcai mOVB lO injure tue I h.r h... , . LSuL, r ii. ihtMata. Itut -cuiiH rajic iriT i idu. aa iuu auuw, a. i i ... - i i te oihef day they bad an anU-Prohi- bi meeiim in llaleicb. composed of I hikey 8cikr from the north.lhe Miri inauu arowua xvaieiRu, rcicuuoi .i.-t.' H . ri-iw .... I id to nysvlt. 'My God, Vance! to I may not hate quoted the Uncusge r lnitim, but this wa it as ; near as 1 could collect it upon the rumbling We talked for some time upon the u ject ' He duUnctly said that the rovd and pute men were upon the k k ,a -ot but be wit tnesa in tne treat qaee- . . . ..... iia l.i.. f their motlet crew, and Uey wish to WUur their side with the aamee of re- rwulilaaisJ rood men nca mea as avie ciiiiaesceoa eoiow as to aeu U wtih tuck dirty, filthy wl . . law-. 1 taerb are oae men ia western Nonk . Carolitla who can and Ji stoop so low i tX7 ii they belong to morally ted bm4. Ibvy are rnta wao act ,v tro ttolitv sad nat frnra vrincltd. tvtry rrrmtaUtitt toaa laortk wrir. 'lion; As I see couUiclipg om puonc tue are max. niei, aoiw u, unfaTorably recarded by a large in the papers as to Governor tucci, liacntjena and the Duke de Ubrti0n of the community, among them ,.t ...rrtion wh eh wwriiw "f 'Niias v Saenz ana tion- rancisco ae 10s i!hi-iI. Vr,tm th. mmmtaina livUie. sea- I lHiinrttuict ill A mrrt. anil AI -Albrt I toard, aLd a large quantity of negroes; 1 Mua (lioylt) Ue IVpaxtmentl wuch dn WM caused in Lisbon ri ZYn -.k11,01!8.5 utVL Xr1? of Morbihan. ThelbllowioglLVf uUet Jj the;dUrve pwSre of the repub readout wun one side or. the other. 1 . . . .. . ' T 1 1;.. i.iu iwintm lM4innL Tim Carolin must and. will' 4e read mtl upon one or- the other Bid in this too men to us contest; and I do -.think thai even policy ought to piace each upon the : feide of prohibition: for. it " it fails this year, it , will ultimately succeed, and then woe to the anti-prohibition office aeeeker. B. I AbeenATHY," X Prorlamatlori' by 'ttte C!dv- ernor. . State of Nouf h Uaeolina; Executive Depabtmext. i I, Thomas J. Jarvis Governor-T iNorth Uaroiina; do issue this my pro clamation, declaring the result , ot . the election held. on the 4th day of"ABgust, 1881, to take the sense of the people on the question of prohibition, to be. ac cording la the returns; made to the Hoard of btale Canvassers, as follows: There were cast at said election two hundred and twelve thousand one hun dred and ninety-four (212,194) votes, of which lorty-eight thousand and sixty one (43,001) votes were cast; "For Pro hibition' and one hupared and enty four thousand one hundred and thirty? three (104,133) votes were cast "Against Prohibition,'.' . the majority : VAgainst Prohibition" .being one hundred and sixteen thousand- and 'seventy-two (110,072) votes, j ? Done at onr city of Raleigh, this twenty-filth day of Augu$t,.in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and eighty-one, and in the year fit ; American independence the one hundred and sixth! '.; -J I Thos. J. JARvrs, Governor. JJy the Governor: ' i G. L. Dudley, Private Secretary. And so the excitement oyer the farce is at hut over. The cflicial vote shows that for every vote cast for prohibition four were cast against it. "Let us have peace." : ';. , '-'"'" ; '. ' T 1 1 K FISKCtl EIECTIO.NS. We puolibh below the very Iate3 election news from some of the Euro pean state..) Frompain and Portugal which hhow; grand Republican tri umphs,' Gambetta's Buccess is certainly very gratifying: , '..' ; ';; Xofdon, August 24, 1S81.; The latest accounts of" the elections, minutely verified, show the following rrsults. . .;' .: Number of elections held : - - - 547 Deputies elected r'r - ' - i - - - 4S3 fcfecond ballotB necessary - - .04 ,.l i' ' .'i "'',.; divisions. -'a ;The 183 members who arc elected comprise the following r Monarchists - -i - '- 38 Uonapartists. - ---.- - ' 42 Republicans - - - - -I - -403 . ' . unours. '7- : '.. The Republicans are divided jnto tfce following groups; - ! ; ' Left Centre - t - - ' - - - 34 Left ' .)- '- f ,i - - -; - 157 Extreme Left - - - - - - r 20 . ... losses and oains. The gains and. losses are as follow?: Republican gaiu p - - - 08 - .- - . - 10 jvepuoiican lesa Monarchical gain Monarchical loss Bona parti t gain ...,. - - - 11 '.' - - 18 -r;.v-7,--'.:-;3 ..:, ....... - 40 gain includes cigh- Rouapartist Joss- The Republicaa teeu seats formerly belonging to ; the monarchists, thirty-eight to tho Bona- partisis, anu iwoiye were uuuuhu iu a i '- t newjeicctorat uwtnew. , . -; THE LONArAUTIST UKFEA1V One of the. most- signal features of '..' i. . V. r.lt .nwk.B..7r' fi.a the 'elections of the Chamber of Deputies is the defeat, of j mc wun'' i""" -w.iv.i I the noted BonapartisU who disappear I been fur lhcone)(vatives of all shades a defeat from which it will take: bog to recover. According to independent estimates the reactionists in the new . ... . , Chamber will, even after the second ballots, be below one hundred in num jQ ue Departmeuv pf , Lot the at Cahra in spU of the recent !)! liant reception to M. Gambclta Uxere. A Y.r..;ilM MM; Pain and La :'iville- .. ... . ... ? a. uer.wcu anown vioiens iniransiKvania.i . .... . .1T. A mnncr ih randidalaa t --.- . e - nf Krt .Wul .r XI JOxMino t (Rf pubtwan Union), M. Chailia Ferry j 7 i t v I trl . ' 1 : Z. .rT 1 7 r I KKMih u Lulll 1& lut la la lh I "t- - t ..- - M. La HochefoucanM (I .'r"r r wh .'r?-T. ntie AiL TharU YSaWneL Ml l '.--- 1-temtfd and i-rax-lan apatv i "V "7 h "X. V" of u. go.', clothing store. Uatead oX Ueiae- tldatt. of of Tarn-et-Uaroone; mi ae aiaaier ae i -T i " ' : . . lwrrr, 1 l i , i" li.Jn ...... n: :...tt tu.flWiu?MWiw wiv tiaiH - toaioue tuoaapmrw.!. I!- , ,r : "T . usrecn joatwr wmaparr - i . . " i ,w . ,r vf VBoatpanwi I Vaaa alaHatl l -lllaiaJa fY..alaaAf a armw" " -" - -wwsw ami'wtisie I tierf. - Loxox, Agt 1S&L "The Paris ctrrareadeat f Wf Haw points out; that M. Gambetta'a popn- larity has ibeen I undermined: of late years, owinc. to his keeping aloof from j officio i Several candidates whom he recommended; for election, hare been defeated. The Berlin correspondent of the Times says the fact that M. Gam betta only obtained a small majority at Belleville has caused some satisfaction here. .Tlief Temps J referrinir to the election in BelJetille, says: "M. Gam betta has become the representative of a'Jarge majority tin the; country. jThe elections have placed him: almost un der 'Jiie necessity o assuming power. ahd will necessarily reBUit in the for mation of ; a! Ministry with Gambetta a t its-head ; . 7 , -, . i . The Eepuftlique FtahcaiseK discussing jthe yotingrin Belleville, says: i':Whn we'reoail all the calumnies and scan dalous devices to which 5the coalitioh of irreconciabies and monarchists re-' sorted, when we recollect that they did not shrink from even the most unwor thy stratagems . to persuade the people that the real jauthor of amnesty is the enemy of democracy, we think the fee ble majority no email triumph and :that it does lonor not only to the de puty elected, but to his electors." j - . v i ; ; THE SJ'ANISU ilJSCTIUKiS. . Madrid, August 21, 1881. The ' latest returns of the elections lor members lof the Cortes give the mip asterialists 301 seats, 'the conservatives jlG, the democrats 37, the independents p and the ultramontanes 0. Nothing js yet . known of a single Catlist suc cess in the' elections.; ' Seqor Canovas tier-Castillo and other conservative peadera are very bitter about the elec toral returns; Their papers complain jloudly of th action of the authorities. come reports received here state that a arge majority ' ot tweniy-two newly sleeted Deputies from Cuba and of the iffcepn elected from Porto Rico! favor .he ministry.! ' XI1 12 i;trir IN CUHA. A correspondent in llavana sends the ibllowinfr: grand opportuuitv was resented id, the liberals to dispose many voters in their favor, and to bring about a change in the public opinion n regard to? the advantages to result torn a triumph of liberal ideas. The iberals recognized the. opportunity and I they made "vigorous exertions all over the island.. -Many things favored them, the moral support of a liberal ministry eaders of the conservative parjy, the i vtter impotency of the so-called dein )crats, and above all thq. unpopularity )f several of llie principal cohservatiye tandidates--ali: these were tremendous advantages 1 to be utilized; but they Wore used by ihe liberals as supporters of autonomy, and this, explains why the result ftflheir efforts fell short of the opportunity offered. The eloquent speeches delivered by many talented i i a : 1 : t . . i.in - atora have failed to impart life to the fodifTerent and convert conservative I voters ;to ideas of liberty, which they might have done if the speeches had I ladvocated . piire liberalism instead of I guipectcd and altogether premature autonomy, . ceverai oi me priucipai jcapdiaatea . of the conservative i rarty jgattos Gurnian, for haviog voted the 1. pfsti4'te9i'Do&'FancUco do 'P.' ji,nenCft and FeUpe Malpica, candi- dates for the! province of Santa Clara The former! a banker of Madrid and the riatter some lime ago . prociaimeu third y ice president of the democratic TUB rOHTUOESE ELECTIONS. i Madbid, August 3. ine eiecuons i in l'ortnpii vesteraav were moss am-1 --i-f . . . l;ma TKf liVar.1 nrtv rnalMWMHl r --" l tr'v -Wu w repuucana Eaiik uo u..u- .. ..- iv. I er!U candidate, but the regenerators as eonsetvatiTescaie stvled in I'ortural, I . m.inrit. i mat ni ... ..,. v....k.i.. y' - ' r a La ua a a - " b ceoaidered the representative o ! lrear r nvecaoent, the more so as it i ,IB . .i, te .w. rofl .tw . , . .. k r.r- . k. abaadoacdlia prtuamas to carry oetUr-. .c fW illsanart. and ki.! ihe warakr iv!ic Mawae. Ireaij i - - . , n ' .1 i ivitiaa tuxcatona ta . tau raruca'or tv, Mrml fra. liabM ta Ms 1tWaM mw. - -- - - ikl ef iliakter Motisr, who aegotiated the dmaxktft IrtatJ.UTt caiaed Pnt II rveaMicaas hi Avrtaga are xam rnw i issl wwajoten of liulua. r 7 i - . . Vui friend IVassopi o f a VWS6?,1 Enterprise', is making. Jh'is fsfrap pf A ' . A f ' a" A 1. J t ' ise liveliest irxtne. suiie,.au.4iv cer tainly will succeed, in Wtfrrtaking; from the fact lha't Tie )&&SJ&jtejg prised and" ablltyC tope "To eeel iqore 'of the youn colore mp oe I suite enter pusiness 105 ncmseivqsaaci . prove V to the Wofld,1 as tieycant they have administrative ability as.weJV as i executive, .Pluck and goj J??6r. ment is bonnd'towc We learn froiaVthei Chicagtfjliter Ocean of the - great oodma which have strnck ' Fargo; Daka' and St. Paul, Minn. Labor ii scarce' and dear me chanics average fbAir' for fire dollars per day and laborers-two. In ! Fargo I present wheat fields will be tjtnediinto blocks of solid brick buildines as soon as the wheat is cui and gathered !: fi The Jennie Cramer case is. still ex citing the people of New Haven. . Pub lic opinioh, which has heretofore been strongly against the two r Malley boys "has begun to change, and the cooler heads now Bee that too much haste was shown in arresting the Malley's. 7 . ' ' . - The Republican parly is - the true friend of the whdle country, It is a party 01 progress of free schools and equalrights, of internal improvements and protection to home industries a broadly national party adapted to'every state and upholding the national char acter and dignity. Elizabeth Cilu. Car olinian: . '- . .7' ' QChicago and other western cities are greatly excited over the grain market.; Fortunes have been lost and fortunes have been won during the last two weeks. ' ''- -7'.' In an evening party at Saratoga dur ing 'ibeNpast week over two million dollars wofLh of jewels alone were worn as ornaments by. the ladies. CIT X 1TEMB. All subscribers to the Post tnot re ceiving the same regularly, will please report the same to Air. W. E. Sellers or at this office. ' I MeBsrs Dyer & . Son, of this city, have been avarded 'the contract for making the police uniforms. . ; j " 7 .- The colored man shot by Dr. Stevens ait Lanes' Mill, near Clinton, a few days ago, wasn't much hurt after all. ' -f.r: K The ranacitv nf.lh. Pnrvl miu3 is to oe nearly uouDieu ic or the work of the fall and winter season. Tbe ricebirds made their appearance in the rictfields about this city on Sat urday the 2Qth inst., according to a long-es'.ablished custom, A new pair of substantial wheels for the fire i-1 earner Cape Fear, arrived in this city f 1 Tuesday from New York by the steamship Benefactor. . .; ;i. The Teat hers' Home near the cor- ner of Seventh and rsun streets, is last approaching completion.' It "is cer- tainly a credit to tbe southern portion of the city. ; 7 i Mr. I. B. Abbott, editor of Ihfe New- bern Lodge was in the city, the past week. lie is a splendid fellow, full of pluck, and deserves, as he will certainly receive, siiccess. :; : ? 7- 7; : A correspondent in Brunswick coun ty informs us that a: curiously devel oped chicken, having; three legs and fifteen toes, . was hatched . out - on the farm of Air. Joba Bryanf, on tbe0th instant. u. ' - The run of September mullets ii said to be very fine this season. The fish are said to be as fine as are ever seen. . Thuesday the llewKtt seines m de . h-ul tnJ ct0bt about 3.000 R m... uuu.mitu. lne river ra rrincu one - . i inch lower mt Fayetteville than was ever known b forW parties in that town wishing U .... iW, ih no: w "-v- .-. . - luairau ui wa vw wa itrmm w ford the riw who heif teams, f - . ' jan W .7 J Mr. George R. Pyer teoose Buai- timral Jaa. IF. Laae. who aas mads his mtdtnea la? Wilmlegtoa1 fot Che " ""Z""lt.- i, iMd ImM aMUI. fill Mtl I I . 7i7 77.7-" . T '.T-I .vls i ltalai. ""rT. i "I , i ma. aauon hws aaiaia arrived r - u fc. i city a yaetardaT aaaaag tana la - 1 ia maabcr. JL few, Jt St i ar i rv 1 txrcUag eOars aaoa. , w 77 I . ... - ni.....L k.;.iMl('it ti InlrrmutMl br in atorm. The .American schooner, , W...B. Macirie7Ca'pt."l)awling, which cleared uum fjii port jast aionaay, me zza inst.",' for Port-au-Prince, Hay 0 with a cargo of lumber and ahingles by Messrs. 'p. drjyV & Sons returnjsid to this city thk orn irjg ; in a leaking condition; r4er ltdfinaeirgo Repairs.' .The schooner is con sign eu to iessrs. i;;. u. .Barker ,11 fh SReVeilne CUtter Obtfax;d left Beinfort" Friday morning and came in at fetoritntllle "ridajr; night, f Captain Gabriilsbn; the commandibg officer,' re- ports experiehslng very 1 heavy land weather. ' rile says tke' peas were rough running higher than he has Been it for year. V lhe 6ear broke' in eight fathoms of wateKf t The Cu Iter is a first-cUr 8 vessel and her commanded a Splendid seaman,' -therefore sbie came through aU safa : r - 7 J - U, S Marine Hospital. The Nor wegian, and Swedish Consul,) Hon. B: E. Heide, with the" Collector of Cus toms paid an official visit " to the U. S" Marine Hospital on , Monday last. They iound J everything in first class order. In fact, Dr. Fairfax Irwin, the Surgeon in charge has one of the very best fitted and regulated establishments in the service. Jjihe building frond cel lar to cupalo has been thoroughly ren ovated and entirely refitted with the very latest improved hospital furniture. Thftf sailor patients, .uqder Dr. Irwin looked as comfortable and, happy as it is possible for sick people to her Both of these .officials expressed themselves as highly gratified at the whole estab lishment, and said, in their opinion the hospital would -result iu very great con venience audj benefit to the commerce of Wilmington. ! " The monument to be erected to the memory of Captain Ellerbrock is com pleted and willle placed in position in Oakdale Cemetery asr soon as the weather permits. It is of the finest Italian marble.. It is composed of se ven pieces, as follows: Bottom base, second base; dye, flint, column, cap and urn. The monumest with its base stands ' twelye feet liigh. , On the face of the dye1 is the following inscription: "The citizens of Wilmington, the several Fire companies and the Chris tian Association of St. Paul's Evaneel- .- .(--- t;; i , - - -T- monument to tbe memory of Captain Wa A. Ellerbrock, a native of Ham burg, Germany, who hat his life in do ing service at a fire corner of Front and Dock' streets, April 11th, 1880. Aged 24 years and 24 days." On the reverse side of the dye is dog in a crouching position and just above it the following inscription." "Faithful unto death." It will be1 remembered that Captain EI lexb rock's faithful' dog died by his side, apparently aware of tbe impend ing danger,' ' for wnen the ' remains of the "urifortdnste' young man were ex humed ' from under tb debris of thf failea walla Lhe sagacious dog was iound by bis master's sideiwith a piece of hii coat ! in his . mouth, which was evidence' to every Vmiud that the dog tried to pull building. ' his master out from the TrjtE Srotilr-.The tbreatcucd whirl- wind .broke upon the city .on Friday night Gen. Jlizcn, the Chief Signal Officer, says in the official bulletin is sued t jesterday morning that it Has pursued a northwesterly courie and entered the South Carolina Coast. The wiod then ahtfted towards the north and was soon felt oa the North Caro lina Coast. Early yesterday morning the barometer' at Charleston, S. C, was 291 inches, a fall of 37 of an inch ia twenty-four boors. The maximum velocity "iT tbe . wind repoHed at i CtarTeton wa 48 miles, blowing from tbe east, and. at Snutavuie vO milea muoicatiot akmr the North CaroUea , , .. . .. . . . . , . . . Cablbnarv algnals were displajed all along the coast as far Nona! as Sandy Honk and the shippteg were cautioned the storm. In the Signal Ob- BoUSed all mariners informed tbcm cf the tons... 7' ;;,.'. SfiulnvUIe art ia efirct that i-m btev vs very severe lf " FV A 1 70 a. tac wied 4 reaehti a vt'icelty cf j&0,aiij;"aj was la UaesA kaewa repartrd aa Wvakiag l W Oak. I4a4 lttaf ef Fm lrfv.Ln t i rf. -.-:J i ? a rij;aw .v . . . - ' '. 1 avvera. JIU wa W akaM l aaiita kave rracaad tie Laaka llacaa a I r -. - 1 ,l4ka.j itf 37;,wt"' OfflcUl ' Vote v .: ronlbltion Alamance... Alexander,. i".-ssr edyi res ;a.fl . t) ess i ?' lm Alleghany. Asho..fa.., BeaaforU. Bertie Bladen i' t Bninawlek. gancomtxi.. ,j.ii,rjjui si mm jimi 7175 Barke-w i IZ 12R8 wnrroi . - j t k j v - i uuweu. camdeiu. Cartereu. uaiweil.. Catawba I - wow Chatham., Chowan Clar i) 133 Cleveland C6Iombua. uraven. atlA ' Camber tan' 2377 uurrti Davie i4.. CbvUUos. Pare. Xtapl: . 113- .. 217S. 1008 2X8S 4-aa 2214 2Sio 1170 1U4 124 27M6 1249 58 5075 1544 25 vm less 883 Dlln- Durhaia.. . . SSI ;...'6l., r a -; Edgecombe Fprytlu. Franklin..... uaaton Uatca. Oiaham-... 113 , : 79 " -! .'.V.:i,3!aA s 1111 t 7" fa 238 , "1 i : 67C -, : -S28 ' iJ jr--.7 '-'7! Jl- uraavUe- uaiirord, Halifax Harnett. ....,,....1...,. Z2- nertrord Hde........ Iredell..., Jackson 23o8 a 47 : S7 20 llt .1953 ine 8 . 817 em 7WJ JS1 3hl 1W4 Km -wo 2l lt , 1709 96i 880 1512 M05!) 2018 JI29 460 tlSO , 'Mi 2501 9U58 2519 '1699 . a20 1245 SW2S 2l7 ; aui 2i3 7 im ' 1710 2rt7 ' 1W7 731 .tnoe 2129 M21 9118 361 John son ,. nt UW......... 8 11 Lenoir.P.. Lincoln . Macon ....... Madison ...... Martin....' ; :8! 653 i . 257 719 :. . im . &i ' xm 7-awi 3r 7'' 7 f j t'.-i McDowell Mecklenbnre..... aiiLcneii. Montcomery ? ... Moors .4 .!.-..-:. Nash -.........J. New Hanorer.uw Northampton ;:''o.i u , a 7 -' 2it. . ! . l' ' 490' 1 1 '. 13 ' HfA .-,' . 1203 7: ti? 4014 7 552 ' arj ; unaiow, Orn Pam" atlco.... FasqnoUink, Pender Perquimans. ntt. Polk. Randolph... Kicnmona.. Bobeson.. KocalnKham.... it itowan Rutherford. Sampaou... ...... ....... taniey Stokei.... il su 116 2: 72 in Surry Bwain Transylvania . xyrreii... Union.. ance. 1000 Warren.i...... i.....i . 4.TT ' . 228 "'.72tw aw ;r7 r 422, . 0U2 48,001 Wahlngton....:v. Wyn&.i......-.....Li...i.... Valjt4 IWIHWMMMWHW Wilson ...... i... Yadkin.... uicey.j.... . loi.i-n 4S,01S MaJ 'itri- unlce a Washington, dated a( 9 A.M. Wednesday, aud addrtssed to ''All Ob servers at Seaicoast- Stations," states that it is reported to the Chief rJignal Officer that a J hurricane t was. central Tuesday night a short distance ; north- west of St. Thomas, West Indies, with; maximum hourly wind velocity of sixty miles; the wind backing from northwest to southwest. , One vessel, was ; blown ashore. j Wv:- -y-il 7ot7f :?' -,;7. ' The atorm aignaiiwas hoisted Thurs day morning, at. jJO.SO o'clock, and , floated all day, .Tere n alao-a gale, of wind during the most of the day, but nothing like a hurricane, taoogh it reached a velocity , of i about; twanty miles. ? : c ! . et. .i-r ' 7'i The bform 6as been tery severe for the past three day alonglhe Ssnln Auanue ; vwasi wM;iun wo- I ween . Wilmington and , Hatteras .Ss down, therefore if there hs been skip- wrecks we have' noi yet learned of it Fonrtla A uaaal Tleliag at" slse "V rtls aralla Nanslar lirtioal .iNSsetalisa. t .! ;-, t v The annnal BBeeUBg'of IkeAlaoeia- Uon will b beld year W the Moraf vian Churck at SaXea, . CL.and co&f tinue two days, Septeasbev 1st and 2nd. All persona acti vrfr enraged ot' ta- Unsted In the Sundav tfckoorwMk are considered dclcialca, and we would respectfully call their aUeaboa to the fact lbs, aooetr tbosw exaeetod (as ner rrccramml are rresMect BslUe of tb University of orth, Carclina, Mr. E. rayson I'orter. rhUaddphk, IV Suiistieal Secretary of tba lateraa lional Saodsy School AsWiaUowtllev. L, C. Vy, Sewbern, X. C, Qea. b ert Vancr, Aaaeville; 2f. C, aad If sL Robert ItiDgkam, of Bagaasaa CcaaoL The oVject of eVlf tit cnday School acikert ia.lo coMGlldafa itt cceru of ail dcaosaisatJoas to eariat the best ways aad meaaa If lafprove tie prwt aselkods ef teacklr, aad fsirest tack pUat it rSl atit tkf steaday ikJaoal proiluUa aad akaaaal lW sctvalara, l WRh a vtew to iccma tka aluod- anc, tk t Exccave CiiU Itvt precaml ra4 Idp. tkkrU mtvt tit HkksMwd aad nasrvi'.U FsilrsaJ, ia t:iicg tat avtt 'CkraCaaJUJclBVv Sortk H ester orta Cartix Esi twai, Wattora : Xafik Caraa ra, akt CarCsm CtraL aai TT3- - ' t ' f I Wi Ja avffca cf C3a --- i - " ' J ICS ii . u p is ss V s s . 1 t A" . -i JZi i OS Tf? the Government Store at tho Custom Hi '?; t vTrJ S p,nbii MUoa oaaaayiv wvxiaX MO&m AUCTIOMKEBS. f4 '"I boa. uexeeai oTlie71 reari-e Ri-i'ii' 8jf.c?jW;ia 511. JAMAICA BUM, - nJphUmcd. In excess el on year) . j l7PACKAOJE,,27 QAUUi. WEST JMWA 1 TACKAOE, ix UALIiS. WESt INDIA . BUM. V s ,; .' ' ' '.:'' Sample of the goods may bo seen at the; OnlloKti.'. nm -- . , to, and on day pf sais. :i ia W, P. CA2 aiiay; . u- 1 Collector. ng7-5t ";t:4 -EUa! -iJss)taler o r : t BY VlRrUE and tn pursuance or an or- . . f of sale mads by lbs Superior Court rDiii! 111 P1 proceeding pendla r ' -Vid ?urt btwen William Lark in as , diulTBlrtruiT of John A. Parker, deceased. T. . Tkomi Parker, Nichola.-p: Krte "TVoliis - lugmmon. nnvifA ni lalntlffii ami John O "oicuuuwb, me unaersiirned as , Administrator of ald John A. Iarkr, and y"1"" appointed in said cause, will; ' 'J bT la, auction, to the hirbewT bid-' ' vJffiL6 Court House door; in the City ot irUlJ??to,1'Countr of Hanover. SfSTSSHl1 M??u.r. the Mtt day of Hep ,Lmt 12 o'clock theTollowliic ' ?i1tfi?i,,f.pieoe" ' P of land" ; ' S'tli?- lo V JI Wtnnii. t ' rZ. t X. JT .f " r-icToniu street. Its 2rt?wrd,y nwn lulnterseoUon with !S2 Jtrth,r" l? o Prlnsess street, rua .w?"16"0 .'twardly parallel with flT'rt P fee thence Northward 1? panllel with Uevcnth street about 10 feet to Macomber's line, thence with his line fif:. ef.twrd1' bou-1 feci to Eleventh i vRV Jhenoe with-the Western line of! Klaventh iiUect alniut 60 feet to the bealn-l nlng; also a certain other lot or parcel be-1 f. ' r-le Northern line of l-rinoo.i fSfU J&LFf".lw"y from Inter? u "ia western line of Klevtnta Jis'-K. then- Welwanl!y aioojr aid Northern line of Prineemi treei es Iteet, HV2n.?i?,orlh.w?aiJr PJ11 wlUi Uavcnul SiTSf Vi?1 eet- thence Kastwardly parallel with ftlncess streem.ret, thence South WMJy Parallel with ClevenUi street 1 feet to Ui binninK also a certain other lot or Darcel. hoinnin. in it.. of Eleventh street W feet Northwardly from its Intersection with the Northern lino U LZ??? , utnh rnnlB thence Worth l. Uie Kaatern Une of Eleventa . V"; ineoce CJUtwardly parallsl with Prineess street 133 feet, tbeuee . ttouuT wsrdiy parallel wlUi Klevsnlh street tect Westwardly fmm its intersection wllh the Hestern line of Xw-irthxtreet. running thence Weslwardlv lnnir lli Vnnl..n. line p Priacsss street n feet, t hence North J ward -y parallel wllh-TwclXlh Hrecl I&j jrt, . thenoe Kastwardly parallel wllh Prlnonu ' r tatiijce HouthwaJKlly warallel With Twelfth strees 103 feot in nine: and also a certain oUuv lot at bohi the begin- begtnnlnc in the Northern line of Prlnrean I street, at a point 1 test Westwardly rrom f ' its intersection with the Wmrn iin nt j Twelfth strt.runalnt thenee Weftwsrdly -we him wruiera tins oi rnsMw sirvet Wfeek tbenee Northwardly parallel with Twelfth street feet, thence fcaaiwarthy parallel with lrlnces aUeet 21 leei. uora bpathwardly-. parallel with iTwelfUi street i ui iTmrm street ii lee ly . parallel with Twain the beginning; -alao a parcel, bertnoinr In li Eleventh street, fuel m Its lntcrmectlon m aoj ieet to tc other lot or eerlain the KuU era line of fuel Hoata.. wsrdly from lotersectlon with the Soatbern line of Ptieeess sweet, rnnnlns thsnee Ksstwardly parallel with pruseaa street l&S ret to tditu.1 Km.i.'. it.. taene(osiiwaraiy wiw his uoeaboat US ? ' feet to Eleventh streefthenCeNrtimMli f along the Kastera Itnaof Eierssta streA va aoouteo leet 10 um occiasiBt;: also tain other lot or rarcvl. betrtnnlna In tha i ' Northwardly from It inurterUon with the ! ' I KaAlarn . lln - i 1 . oortaera use or lrtnoesa street, naulas thence North ward It ilnn. ik V!mn at KlsTsnth street sn fes4. , UMoe East- wardl psmllel with IMaoess street m feet.- thenee Hnothwsrdly parallel wHo lasrentb street S3 tsek thease Wsslwardlr psrauei witn rnnwu street, 13J icet to the aesTlaainss aad also a aartmin Mk La psre-!. beinnloi at the lntereeUoa of Ut Northern ltn of iTlseeaa stseec with tho Kastern line of Eievenia street, rs an lac thence ttasiwardty aioos the Northern nn iTtncess street iu last. Utease motu i - wardlr parallel with Eleventh stre sc f", laenee Weaswardly parallet - wtlSv 1 , Princeas street 122 feet, to the Ksetera Use V , . EltfiuS Mrfl.tliMM HnmliMMi. i hel EasMra Has ofUtvvaUi avert at as j , . to bebecinarDr. aJo a certain other lot or 1 fww, tm iv ntwuiai no es 4. InscranratOB wtta taa Western line arfU.i Twelfth street, ran a Ins thettr HoalbwMtijjr . teulel WlUi Twina elree taj SiwS. Uem 1 ' Wet wardl parallel wuit Catawt Uwv I , U3 fn, tace Northwardly parallel wita ! Twe4IULetreet UZ teat Is Meerw Ha. 1 tasoce Nena Eastwsrdly with MMgmWi fF Il ow sbea t fttlwtVo CtMaetast Mrert. uesw j . .' Eestwarwly wlta the rt-rm Use of t af ! 1 nsHmsosstwieiwutftclsaia; ' Terms of salei tfa4kird W Lt mower to Sw swi la . aad Um wim 1 taertot m t we jraawfa, utw i n tares aad ut xU. rswueXy fen ise,' est mt sal, wlta is teres, thssemi troesi tast date at tbe rale of sis per eeat per a. ansa. Now wttt W fmUl of U se. 1 sas ier er Ibe ar-errwj s'SKeass. MM 1 real estsis will be M elc a lb Bratalioe. o Ik tmn, sad IM luie wills i Tkte elk y es Aew . twj. TTj 1 v WM. U4RKt5t 1 AdaUnislaie asxt TVesnsweljain. oitxce otmk ooMMtMBUujrtla or ! tlW ITttXTMAjr t ftATtXs) A TJOaT ' f W4fiatow,l'tija , avunrxi kesy mm w n U - is aiwjui rstlW Vo 4 pr miiu. aiiar :.,. : sw wwM e TiiorfcxcattjToajiArcTiT a tWrv ei J I-mi. aA t. lsw7Hiir 111 aaaaeVy Jt?;t'resty teseawsst .i - - ' iw .ii. 'mi e SJ asSwetlSllllLef twewa . kst e3rknac sfWfcTr ..-17, . wn-ffc-, tartUT wiMe 1 wfsa..'l ta-vrTssS-T se sTfnareis. mt wsh u ?-tee' Gl2t?r,sss frr7,i,if r v an tfcSJMJ 4" "t f; 1 -7 i; A. s ;1 J ; ..I "

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