"6- n 1 1 ty -t-ri i--7 . . VOLUME XII WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. NO VsI6. 1S8I. . Sisals Copies 5 Certs NUMBER 45 --.'-.-':: v' - 7" V'7 1, ,7'-: ; r ' V;7''?;''"'77'- -. . : . -i " - -', ,7';-. -7-';.''' 77 C, MS it-"' i v f' . '. : ' ' " I 7 ! f r ' - :7-V .T 7- .. " - Jf"7. - vy77 ' v: j ' 7a""1. .- .7 BOST Urates of advertising. ' Fiftr cents I P line for the first In ' iert o d twenty-fiTe cents per line fr iach additional insertion. -; ; ! A H communications on businea must 'h. addressed, to Thb Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. C. ; : y. ,j ( All advertisements win De cnargea (-x.unwm ftt. exceot'on special - . in i . i ' j ; t. mo i . . . : iMitmctS. I 7" J.1- - ! . -. -"v7 ''a The subscription price to THE Wll v , . ... .:: ikt- j. :i . - , I , i Eight (8J nues, oui-aicucuii- ititutea square. " - Tilt; Mi . ' nnmmanderO. H.' Wadleigb, 14, instant. The commander reports notidiDes.of, the rJeauette, the steamer eDtout in 157,aby tue rew lone xir ; jyjn search ot the North Pole. , E-tC'ITKM EXT IN MINIXCi CIR f CXKS IX COLORADO. (nsTjde'fabi'i'. excitement has betn crtatelcio mUiing circlsv in Denver, (iiprado) bji'tjie publication of results ..,(. !n,l rl-nm 'wnrkinp a recentl r dia V'bIUbU i o. .-- J cowred gold hearths? lode in Summit district, inJthai Btate. j Mining experts jitdpapittliaU lateresieu in ine -nna;' 1 j . l .fit thim.tfaat.irw; tilt prove the largest and most valuable g i - . . , i o!J mine e theUnited fuft. It cUiiiu'drthatrtbe rViull "of .-ho aciuw W'-rfe ir lr one lunoin Vni 1 .'I-' Mil! n?iil 7- was $100,006, Jind -'ihttltW (HiTi i2H are ton. A'ays, t is said, run as high as Lcokvut for the tock, be sold. ' 120,000 per ton! - Dr." Loririg U. S. Commissioner of 'Apiculture, delivered an address In Atlanta, Ga., on statistics and the ad jiBcement of (Agriculture in America, 60 Wednesday last. Ir. L. is au able mn frnm f ukaiioVillst-ttll- &nd W0 h&ve nod'iubt but what his address wps in- itructive. Wo are delighted to see uch.tradinz Yankees down in this wunirj. .vve nope. iney wiu wh oju Rip Van AViukle up. Mr.' Edward Atkinson, uf the same itate, one of the best posted men in the United States j on manufacturing statis tica, addressed the people of Atlanta, in tbe same aat-DrLoriDg did. Georgia U certainly to be congratula- lion: . '! ''.-. " K ; ; . :: - Col. llolt, President ot the North Carolina Agricultural Fair; should see and consult Mr.: John O. Kelly as to the manner of ruDuing ao Agricultural fair to make it a success. And Col. Polk would do well, and add rery amen to his departmentas Secretary, if wI get lion. Jbq. II. Williamson to gife him lessons on canvassing and working up an exhibition. John - is certainly an expert, and we congratu- Ut the colored neonta on their pood isj. , --. - j : o wrtune in obtaining such a man for . tM poaition of Secretary. tev, Vanrc'w Adtlrctss lo the Col 7 T oretl Ntato Folr. Senator Vance advised his auditors r lay too much stress on education, wtaleara how to work. He urged a ewul compliance with contracts, say 5 at character and integrity. were poor man'r caplul. Again he al to the good feeling between the M to his delight at the exhlbi . and then urged his bearera to ac- ;,un,, Bot t0 bo tenant, but own I1 1 woch such good advice and .77 "ntinuourt applause he closed hU Mlrible addres. Xtw$ ad Qbcrverr Got, Vance advises the colored peo? , to lajf too viHch t(m$ en ccfuca p & looks as (if Governor Vance ieatre that the colored iople W educated. We , are aston- tome leading colored ' man - governor Vance' audience did If and there . reply to him. Vlored '"people,' la oar opinion, '"i strive in every manner possible cuuortn Juat a uorouj a fWkm aa It is possible for them Wucateryou children, colored Xorth Carolina, and make.aen V4 f them, able to cope with , Do not take Got. Vance , Wt know, and ao do yoa, that ;nactmi ; t h afraid that tome negro wilt V the Utellrcloal'worU, the f Governor Vance at aoae Uy. ' rfik Ilatoo, tho cow Km Asl(- aaUKleneral, la iiktwls an 1 and U 53 year old, and tdi l lhvitp, .7; -;,; trial haa V-eta postpoiicd feiaKovtaberHft. : -aated Ou cpIasaillU 1CV "--atsettiry laClha. , rT,MlN&TON t OLDHAM T8. KNIGHT. ; Some weeks ago we published a, card of Mr. W. P. Oldham, criticising Very severely the conduct ot Mr. James Knight, the master of transportation of the W. & W. Railroad, in his treatment of his relatiye, Mr. a W. Oldham. The charges were vcrj strong, and we said if they, were true the aboye officer's conduct was infamous. In fact we and the public had a richt to expect a full and complete answer to Mr. Oldham's card, but up to this time Mr. Knight has not teen proper" to make any re ply. If Mr. Knight has any answer to make to these charges of willful neg lect of his duty to a sick and dyine Kman, we will publish it with pleasure, . . . . . i . - free of atl - charge. - In fa t, we 'have always regarded Mr Knight with such high esteem that we are very much surprised at his silence. Many of his friends believe he cannot successfully answer Mr. uidham a card, if tnis is so, he is right in attempting no reply; but we state again that our columns are as oped to Capt Knight as they always are to any of our fellow-citizens. Offi cials never rise so high that they can defythe r ub!ic, and we adie Mr.'. Kuig.lt) to give the public through our coiucuiiK his reason r ibis mniur 11 ne feets ltelias dooe no wroe. :: ;77- AjCARD. duty we owe to humanity, and est peoialty t thje friends of the late C. W.1 Qidham, cauoes us to make the follow ing Mtaviuf at, aud to correct some im-pr-Ki 'i; .witl'lfu'Uy made to deceive the public . ."'. Bridgem having repeat-. td.v to' I t iijme of the most iufljeu tin! vit-aS'Lit ol Wiluiiuuton, that he bad in ventilated the reported neglect of p. W. O'dharu on his arrival her?, and had found no cause of complaint against the Railroad Uomparjy and its employees. On hearing this, we wrote a note to Co). Bridgerson October 26'h, as follows : "The public, as well aa the friends of C. W. Oldham, would like to know the result ot your in realization." We put eight questions to him, which he declined to answer. They were as follows; "Did you find Capt. Knight's statement true as regards the comforts he furnished said Oldham to lay upon under the sbed that night?. Did y;a find out how.loog said Oldham was al lowed to remain under the abed ? Did you find out who was sent for a car riage, what hour he was sent, and what time did he make his report? Was the man sent an employee of the Railroad Company, was he a man tot be relied on f If not an employee, was he paid anything or promised an? pay for his services? Did Mr. Hankins coroberate Capt. Knight' statement made to A. Oldham ? Would t not be well to get seme information in regard to this neg lectjoutside of the Railroad employee?" On the 3d insL we received a reply from Col- Bridgew, declining to an swer any one of the above questions. We are of the opiuior that Colonel Bridgers thiuka an attempt to answer these questions would only inform the public that there was a neglect, or else he thinks the subject unworthy his no'ice. - We will answer some of the ques tions as well for Col. Bridgers as for the publi benefit. This a W. Old. barn's baggage was not aent to- his home that tjight, as reported to Col. Bridgers. Neither were any ot his friends noteed of his arrival and con dition vn til the next morning. Neither Capt. Knight or any one else furnished Oldham anything to lay opoa except the hard, floor, lie was not removed from where he fell under the shed for about two, hours and-a-half, - and then by a negro named Maloy, who assisted him to the watchman, who ordered him put in the office on the floor. The boy seal by Capt. Knight for a carriage was apt aa employee of. the Railroad Company, was not at all reliable, was aot paid or promised any pay, and did not get any carriage that aignV Capt Knight states that he got a message from . A. Oldham, -coming through Mr. Hanhina, the watchman, that he Oldham, would scad for him that night. This statement proved falae. There being no mesaa-e llher received or sent by A. Oldham, and Ur. UaaMaa would not eorooerat CapU Knight' aUteatnU Had Ool. BrUzers been allowed to rtaaio ia tvt owa excrtent lea hours' upoaed to the night als oa the damp groaad and the hard floor, with ao more attention than was snow a the aafjrtalat Old han we are of the opinion that : the of Cut, BtUgce, end the pahlU toCt uU like ta knowj the fcasM. When a lUllmad Sil gu ha ta Clce that he' caaaet coadescead to aaswt r tivlt qitsttes la tejari to ccsrlal&U caii tzit tacee la V tmpby. we tUak U Use that he should U rtiactl at liot t the rtaxh Wilmington, JN.C, Nov. 5,1881. ' iri W. P. Oanaday, Editor .of the ' Post : ; , Dear Sib You will please give the public' the benefit of the enclosed com munication. We applied to both the Star and ' Review to insert this com munication, and were refused by both. Th ;y know their reasons well, and we think we do too, for not inserting it. ; Yours respectfully, . Colored Agricnltnral Eair at ' Raleigh. In sccordancj with a telt graph in vitation from Bon. J. II. Williamson, Secretary of the North Carolina Agri cultural Association, we visited the Fai r ou Friday. We left here on Thurs day iiight and arrived ' at Raleigh Fri day at noon. Was met by a commit tee consisting of Hon. Frank Dancy, Mayor of Tarboro, and Hon. Geo. W. Prifce, and escorted to the Fair Ground, whrewe were delighted to meet a very large number of the leading colored meji of the state, and very many whiter. The Fair is a grand success.' In fact, to ise the language Of every white man who -we heard sp-aV of it, they all jojned in; saying it was much better than the State Fair, of three weeks ago' 1iuai r the charge of the white people. The t xhibition of hogs, shtep, cattle and -poultry hacever been beat some of the finent ever exhibited in the state am a very large number too. The hor ses w-re very fine. Mr.- Wsrren C. Cojtmsnof Concord, had a very hand aoir e team, which Cannot be beat for sty t nn-i beauty anywhere. " 7 Fi'Tai Hall vrH t-xceJingly fiue and c'redi(ai!e.' V- lo not tt i .k that it coiro d be excelled. 7 - - - . . 'I ne officer of tbessuciatiuu atittd e.1 .o vrrything iu ibe very ablebt man r e , The Prettideiit, - Mr. Juhn O. Ks ly, Secretary, John II. Wil liamson, Chief Marshal George U." White, and the members of the . va rious com-nitte s yied with each other in naking the whole display in every particular a grand success. - . 7 1 Ve are under obligaLiors to these gentlemen for their many courtcdes ex tended. " We also desire to thank Hon. Frnk Daucy, Hon, Geo. W. Price, Hon. J. A. Dancy, Col. Geo. W. Was ara, Hon. John S. Leary, Messrs. I. B. Abbot, A. V. Turner, W. G. Colemar, E.jw. Turner, James W. Poe and others, for their many kindnesses in making our short visit an excecd'njly delightful one. We advise these gentlemen lo go on in their laudable undertaking; perse vering in their Association; make it, as they can,-, the most suc cessful exhibition ; ia America, as "Well as the state. Educate their children in the agricultural pur suits as well as in literature. We pre dicjt that Governor Vance and his bour bon associates will be more surprised in I he next sixteen yearsin the rapid advancement cf the colored people, than they have been in the past six teen. On Tuesday, November Sth, The Richmond Whig says: On the day and date above Riven the Read- juslera will sweep the state as they did before us, carefully weighed and exam ined. The Readjuster state ticket Cameron, Lewis and Blair will be elected by a majority of not less than ten thousand, but whicn may be mqcn greater all contingencies being al owed for the estimate of 10,000. -The aggregate majority of the Readjusters in ithe legislative vote will not be less than 20,000, and may reach 30,000. We believe that we shall elect GO out of ithe 1(MV members of tbe House of Delegates, and IS out of the 23 Sena-? iors iu 09 cuooru uum gnrccnaw rial majority 10. House maiority 20. and our majority on joint ballot SO. We give tnese figures as the results of our deliberate judgment, upon wide extended information, derived from the most reliable sources. We make ao pretensions to be either a prophet, or the son of a prophet; but what wt Hon estly think and believe, we here most seriously express and submit We have nut doubt but that Tuesday wiu sao- stantially verify and fulfil everything we have here set down. Meanwhile, let no man neglect hi duty.' God great that there is one state ia the south where a free ballot and a fair count be succeaafal. MaHone, Cameron ami their swUes will be entitled to the thanks of the American Ualoa loving people if they can redeem old Virginia from the heads of the old boaiboa ball dejters. And ahouM they aaeceed wo know of at kt four other southera statee that wiU fall Into line oathe next regaUr eleeUon. fDot lay too mch stress oa edaca lWa.M c;rr ! ti Ckrt "The above iatutUrg iagaagt was usird by the dlaUegalahed Senator from Nrth CaroUaa, la fcJaaddm tethe ccl.rtd peeIe ai thtlr fair oa the! diytf Novtaber, . I .- . - -v.'"' ReHV;a g-avetaaital rtdietd tie etUikii dt Ui: yt t::i,crt:, izX it Is fsltsaiel tlry I t tJ tls OIT ar ITOM Ma. W. . N. Sjxlxss if -,Vail Jaj.i THOaiZED AGENT TOV,TBX POST.: I T. ; r - ' r. 1, Subscription price of the PosridaTy. two dollars send and take it al i nee - - - i ." fe'?rrv ". 7 See fourth page for other localis e j - . . - : , - '.-,'7 Lieutenant'Cbnlonel GraigUUtt XTiyta eer in charge of the U. 8. improcenttt wu in .the city on Monday and Shday last, and visited the vmU at the ohR ifc going to give a thorough invest' latign to the complainti of the tilizmt C&4Q the conduct of Aft, Bacon 4he jed&qifcJ&t ymccr, - xie m rciurn jor mat jtvrjiv about the "litiof Xetnber. Therefore yoe-ehatt not publish-any fnore eptfKtrni. on Mr? Bacon untUth tolontf J&ime ta properly loot after the con.ptainU. j I ' " " 7 See ad. of Mr. B. F. White- He will do all he promises." ' ' K " ' ' - m.,m...m'.i. ,:vi-; Colonel O. H. Blocker- is now. at hi home in Fayetteville, N. C. . Ak Mr. Borneman is reliable, and he of fers the best of meats for sale.' J A. V. Horrell, ex-Sheriff of Pender, was in the city on Thursday last. Tte wife of ex-SberifF A.- B4 Blact, of this county, died last week. Marshal Hill, of the U. S. District Court, wa in the city tnis patt week. Our old friend, Irvio Beaman, of Duplin couuty, was in the city Batur day.;-;77,:''':v ,'.''-,: t-'"''v 7;.1'';i' H"; The l'CST Wlii hnve sir tXt-rrirlM giy lively .:omitiuoicHuU8 in - tiif n it 1 sue. Mr.. W. 1'. Uidham hai overlraulid the machiutry oi his uiill, which is now in first-cla&a condition for buiuies. The sickness of Judge J. W. Brooks prevented the holding of the U. S. Dis trict Court in this city the past 'week. . , . ; SJt Cold. Don't fail, if you want a good substantial understanding, to call and see Rosenthal, the boot andvfenoe man. We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. N. A. Stedman a few days ago, the leading champion of the Democracy of Bladen county. ' ' The new benefit certificates for Caro lina Lodge, No. 434, Knights of Honor, have been received and are noirrei3y for distribution. ', ' ' n Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is 67 years old. He has resigned as editor, of the Christian Union, and will be succeeded by Rev. Lyman Abbott. , ; . Mr. D. Stimsoo. of Newbernwas in the city yesterday; 7 He bad been down to look after 1 tbe construction of the Life Saving Station on Smith's Island. CapU-AY, H. James, formerly of thi city, and of the civil engineering firm of James & Brown, is now conducting the vlork of cleaning out the Yadkin riverJ ; " 7-;:;',- Col. Jno. D. Cameron has purchased half interest io vhe State Jptrnal, That paper will hereafter be aConducted un der the management of 8pel!man & Cameron. ;;-.7 -'-v'Vi'.i ,'" A change of schedule will take place on the Wilmington A Weldon and the Wilmington, Columbia & Anguata Rail roads, to take effect this Sunday even ing, the Cth Inst. " 77 ; v ( ' Sol. Bear Jt Brothers are getting ia their winter goods, and buyers will miss doing their duty if they fail to viait the celebrated house of Bear & Brothers before purchasing. C The last of the cargo of iron brought here for the Cape Fear Yadkin Val ley R. R-, but whkh was aiterwards sold to the Florida Westers) E, 7R. Is being shipped at this port for the latter road. . -! "" " Mr. James H. Ennts, the publisher wDlplease accept our thanks for a copy of Turner's North Carolina Al aanan for ISS2. It is exeeedlsgTy well edited and subatanUally bound. Tor sal by all book aad aewa eeHera. F Henry LjotcU was txrjrd ai TTtii vllle oa yraierday, ia expiatlaa of tTs murder cf Archilaas P. irCUasa. WHUams eras mcrertd ca tie irJa day of Jaly, ISS9, aad LovtU was eoa- victed of the crisse oa Etpt, IHL fLovtU said he was wlUIrj ta 9. till he had repeated, e:& -: v The ctaadcsl Uxzi tt AxztxUi Is the Sclera Ijrca Cspy.s If yea want -job gseia ccrllsi,ssS let the above cssaay gtt tCl cf tlta aad they are gssa. 7 VTa Itc-t sci where they tiatJ H f? tzt 1 sasci, aax vstt lit t. y;:T:ra ctit wiX r-i a Ux a t ta c ; ; ."r. .NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ASSOCIATED RAILWAYS - "-':' ; -i ' " v .... . V YIRGIHIi A8D THE CAEOLIHAS. 7 PASSENGER DEPABTiimn. BICHMOSD,VA.,NovxsiBKRlt,J88U MEMORANDA OP ARRANGEMENT of Rouad-Trlp Rates, Tickets, Kontes of transportation, and Advantage offered for be Information of PARTIES OF VISITORS to tli if ' iileriatioVal-'Cctlcn Eipositioa at From the Territory traversed or reached by ":i-thKallwjsof THE ATI.AFTIC COAST XI NE. O a O 5 2 : Si w , ? & I 1 S : - J-1 t s i 1 : : : s t t r t -i r zii i 1 : : t : r 2 : t 1 Ill j j .: : :i j ; : I : : I ? : r'V: I t r 98 o '7 -.j 7 f' 7 :"'- o o a - . . . . . .: L C - - o ft 9 ra . a e ' 3 s . . . ... . .: . . . 5 5 -3.7.: a.- a j fie " 7v' ',-"- 7J '""7:7 " r 3 e 3 n i? s; t? " - i"1-" i SSS8S88SSSSS m o 2 a O g. a t . . t 5 ?" c w m 3 sc tt. c& ao a g. 2 S a 8 ? O 5 - Q I Q 8 ?' 3 s 3 S 0.0 g, m n 7g s ? Notk. 9 Tia WllmoDirton A Weldon Rail road and Colombia. n. 10 r WilmlogtoDr Columbia : & Aujuta and Oolcmbla. ' Movement of all oartlee oa oo a tract rates In cronpa A, B, C. and D. will be only Tia Colombia. Colombia and Greeny! He and Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway iiTiHOB.ioa ucaeia win reaaaoooraingiy. Tbe Round-T.-iD Tlcketa herein namad. when used singly, are of a specific contract lorm. void iw traksfkrrsd to othkxs tbah OBieucAi. pvhch ASEjia,and authorize ine requirement or ideouncatlon of laid purchasers, at tbe ooiion of the Railwava AtrenU or Con doctors. TO the end otafibrdlnr lnreaMl ftulll. ties for visiting- ihe Exposition, Contract Tlcket.adapied to parties ef the alxe herein named, are likewise offered. They embrace all tbe sttpolaUona of single tickets, with toe aaantonai one, mat. taey are rood for transportation to Atlanta only when pre. vented on Trains in connection with ail OTIUBS OF THK Sl'ETlriC CLASS TSIT BI- IXJ.NO TO, AS FKB TUB FBICK8 O KX. 1 Holders of theoe tickets may return upon them aiacly. withia the period of their validity, provided they are the original purchasers, and identify themselves ac cordingly. An omee for the identlfWttnn nr chasers aad staraplnr of retorn-coapoaa naa oeea estaoiianeu at the Union Depot In Atlanta. It wll be open $) mini) tea prior to the departure of the trains, - None of the conditions of these tickets will be roaoged lo any reDect. - lavesthxatton of the appliance for per so Dal comfort, lodging, and tood. mean of tnuudt betweea Atlanta and tbe Exposition Uroaada, anthoflaea the aasarance that alt eleaaenu exist contributing to a pleasant and economical visit. For all information not contained la this circular, apply to the nqdereieued. or to ihe Station Agents of the Kail wars at la ta rest. t - a. rorE. v General Paneoger AgeaU oovG-tr i . . riiOCLANATION. SHERIFF HANGING! J AM NOT THE SHERIFF, CUT I WIU de the haadaosaeai ' Paper Hanging Gr any maa la the State I fcav Sliad.es Of all k!a aad.qaiOiUef. Th rrettUait laths aaaiact. ; OPHOLSTERHIQ . AND - REFITTING- Of aH ranUtere dcaa la the 1 rarreu cat, aoaU a4 tat TYEXTT TtACS rXTTXSXXOS, GOODS AND WOnX CUAILIN- rrxn. MaHlet aetwt.ea SI aa4 tMt ' Tp- .nwrvvr tnaoAXs n t3 sm f AS-tmm laa I . Immit, : naa ta,. , , , . . Ote rr? r t trntzm t X U -- ! aW Hpaw a aj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOVEMJ3EU 12TH r 1 POBE3PAUGH ; SHOW! 1 1 A f f lVfc ! : I i A: ' jtS- First Reany Great Ghow the Will exhibit ai WILMINGTON SATURDAY, JOVE3JrjB13It 17th consecutive season, and first grand Southern Tonr. ralively larvest tented ex. faibitton in the worid. Everywhere thooandsonatj4e to rain ad mini on At LouUvili Nashville, Montgomery. New Orleans, thousands upon thousands In atteedauc: Thi very beat people, the most eminent and respectable men and women thronging the lm- ?Tei7J;JDTJ.N,l'LM' Dft en. Millions Expended for a Plngle IXoMdsr. The JCw X?,d ,1K?nder.' DOaPBafOBMIMO ELEPHANTS. All appearing TlnNheltoaMT Collossal Circus In Two Great HlnrsIenclolDg an area l&nte enotiih ic T exhibit all thi circosses in, America. And trained Wild BeaTtRhAwanrf ? v-7 lB it hS BEASTS, BIRDS. AND TKAIXED "aMMAISI 3 Great Railway Trains! Seat r IjBOOI Pavilion a Cover Arri iw.ii t.J. rlJ;iil?nlnerlrJ2,ktnd manreloos performances, ,i wu WHEELING A BABY O VES 34 INuH WIliE 100 FEET IN illD-AIRI 'I ' 100 Feet Above the Iliads of the Aodlence. LOYAL, the Mas Mjeteok, BLOWN FROM a CANNON LOADED WITH AM EnrdBS'l (InsiMt Rldm In tba lnmii formlna lions. Tlrers and other an I mala. , derneaa of rare animals and birds. Every 1 . - VA W at am Tmrvt . Na a Ever beheld npon the streeu efan American iALLA IAX)KH. niustraUag ber departure from Delhi. Now prodaced tv the flm Ui la America. SJOO.MO expeaded In ibis marveloas movtnr panorama of Ileaaiv Wealth ia a'uwicb. WW. pwaia in ion marvetoas moving panorama of iieauir W.mit h ndQrandeor. The Pjtneess Lalla Itookn. personated by 'the lIsndatUeTt VVoanegT S ATnerleai For appearing U this pageant during the season ah receives the pr ..aeeiy wm w -wrw mmm reweawa-eis. awess waal ajst Land. - before commencing by the two Great Bands. IS" 5-rrr! STORK, comer Front aad Prince streets., aaca, as ersiomary with some exhibitions. ' i Grand Dress Parade and review of the resources ol the Orvat Forerauca fihow. mas Ins the longest, largest aad moat Uviah spec tern lar street panl ever made by aar show la the land, at Jo. in the forenoon, dally, Usoal admfwon price. " ixhlbltloaa T AfWrl dddu ua crnuu. ai. arou ana i a ciock. annia oun. I'mm.nxi - - -. vast entirety at night as we I as in the aTternoon. . oetWIWnov NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Beef, Sausages. JNO. C. BORNEMAN QN NORTH SIDE OF MAUatET RG- tweea Beeood aad Thtrd streets. lie th piaee to bay ne very best :; , . r r.luttor, ! ; . A . Lamb, !: : . :J ' " ; Veal,. , i ,, ; r.leat ondj s : Caucarrcs.1 ! ! Paivhases dellvert4 jnmpUj, aad fxt of charge, , a i! JOHN a DO UN Ell AN.' Kovft-if ! 1 LOOK ! ;; COST t?ESD 1 CCLUC FC2 CLOTHING Calfl joa kav seta tie ?rxa XTsuav we are crit La t r prrsr go odu, c. j Oar csUre stddr at JLewrr Vvrt Oa 1 - - - tttrir ta exit rcca tr JVJ Cj.V is ' Sim m ii . jh. " -.;J. - , 13 JfTTt- --Tktl a v-it ""' t r I ' riaa t.dt w t& I ' .- - r 1 4 SW Vr. . (e A- a a I 4 u j . t f fcs w-.jwira, ; areat 4 t - U'i it-'" t, -'.. S k-iV.ii a- . "-.? - ' ! 1 L-i L ':1?!fi 'if ; lit f - 1 : a hat Has Ever, VtoitetT South! ONE DAY: Aftmnnn nA v:., In RmanU Rt.M r i Kibla iuhmn k i fniJL J TjL . " - Xorer.non of tbe Exhibition 'day the i a, -se-fc. ? - city. The b a 1 1 ru 1 i TLiV.7Z f V . .n. - r everywhere being acknowledged the Loveliest ldy ia the Excursion Trains and Ixv iute on ell th b. 00 sale. t DY fe.il A HO.tH tM one hoor wa.No en n ailment of the alibi tTx Everybody sees the 'whole show a ail ai f sw a " APAH rOTtFTPArnW. IWlHnr. SEW ADVEttitSEMEXTS. CLOOE GALOONI ,16 Market Gt. rjAPT. JilU MOGO WAS WILL FURNXXC U boat wliUkej tM lb Mooey la tbe CUjr. Flae Clcsta, Oystera, Ac. CaU aad see him. . oct SwUjr - Tirpcntino ; Hanrls. T VANT A STilltn OFASLS BOPfXD Hseds lo work est my Terpeailee Farmve laorriaa4e)tNtaCatwiM, Udaiewt aad eoodeel wlil trit "nvir Was re Its prompt pay aad kUxt treauaesn. as faat aa aqaad mi eibl pr tew haada eve rot to gvttMrr they wul be seat emu Afir . - c a. 11. Vivimrwt m-w r ; OCta WUmlaatoavX. CL HETncrcLrriN norsE. " S. V.--.- : ' ".ii -, r l ' ' . : ' - EUROPEAN rLAN. Jkaard 4 Wgt fsraltWd IU gar w at Ml fcwre-lJ U S vX as tr th 1 a. aa4.ta t-eevy aorta. ,Care tjMM4 LB ejvatag the aaataes a&jeea, . - V we trvs r ui J aad awasSe seat tossy pert e tawe.ty ds-Atad a sees a 'T atuacv 'tsswt aia ta mi' i a asu'. -e -. , - - t ain- rar alas anMr wt'a tW t;$asa. f f a iw,f raAAMa nta saeaoa. eiy. ra a-y fnM a saesus rwiw i&tm a & - surra t rAttm. 0e s e-Js ay.yv rtrt Lt-. t awl tewt. t$ V. ta -, ef s-f.a - es; er M!ianaalia4,aieN naa . Maw ftiaawa, ffea-y- tte eTll. M,,,!1,a- saie tASaewr t44 tu-ft a i. -: .; ; ' . tm-Z sasaaaaawiiniaaBiiSli aaamaii i . Q T . i siit'tt a cvC rw . i aa TI-4. s. . ..a 4fsb... s 4 , 1 cf psU'.a scsUti J f "

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