1- f . f i iff:.. 4 T .J r . . . i I --iLv tr; : --'v -V,, -V t3 'V:'f-; v ' ":: . . .1 r KV: vr - ' f.:: " i ' V Hi! J. J-kJ. n ; in . ci tH mccfi- MM I V I VJi. .1 1 s V: .Mi T : ' , t ? rv, TiM 'J Mills' ... t -i-ii. Lr..;i JijU'ti , w Volume xn Vci, JV. C., Second Cla9 Mutter. . TUK RE P B LI CA N 'VO. K'l" iTTj ' It ii well known tbat during the life Of General Gatfield there was no fight on the men who supported Gen. Grant fa North Carolina by the Garfield men. The only fight which was made was by ' Grant mOa on Gov. W. W. j Holden, whom it was; well known was neutral on tl)3 - Erf sideutial que&Uon la 1880," andJi5j succeed-rd' by ! Jno, Nichols, wlio wa appointed by Gen. Garfield Mr. Nichols was a strong, outrspoken Graat man,: And the eutmies of Mr. Youi;, who were (Irant men, desired to figtit h'io, b it- they dkl not git the suppxt of 'the; Garfield men in the s'ate, thefcf 're no fight was made qn ' Mr. Young. L ; . , ! The lt( publicans of North Carolina w'src r evtr mote united than they are at this time. There may be differences as to men, but tone as to the general prin ciples to be carried out..f And in 18S2 and 1881 we intend to carry the state and a mjjorily of- the distr4ets. - We hare too niueh ahe'ad in fighting the coinmo u t ccmy to . spend aDy time w iihtiog each Other. Arthur ih the' rresideut of us all lle islbe head of IheJIepublicsia parly of the nation, atiu",'arc all going to cupport him in placing the Republican party in such a monition that at least five of the -southern slaics will fall into line in 1884, for the Krpublicanjcandidates for the Pre i!r ncy. And I bote Democrats who .arc.corgralulating themselves on a di vision ju the llepublican parly, expect iftg huctcfs in 18S1 thereby, bad just as make up their mind that they are on the wrong scent, all the Bep.ubli ratis will be, perfectly United and are g'ling to win the battle. I :: l It is encouraging to gee.thoo men Lave b.en out of. the rary traces Tor the- past two to six years, coming backhand arc now stalwart Kcpubli cans s mo of them who supported Ilan- Acoe'i arc 16-day Bwcpring by the oid Re pabfican tliip again. The sfga is a guod one; they ieac that wc aro stronger thm ever beFure, and naluraUy want to i Iw with the successful forces. ' : it i !.. Hi i . t m i 'urcatfvnes ureeuoacntrs, . Prouioi- .tliintcta- n nil 1 Tflnpnr-tirifn nil n r A rmw I uniting fr a grand fight fur 1881. and 1 "T - w ' - - " I , .if tPe s'giw of the tirr.es are worth any- Ihins.iwe n:ay expect the. biggest kind ul' r victi ry at the next general eleci lhi: 1; n attirs not who holds the offices, the reoplo intend to rule, and a few ouiccholders cannot control the Repubt-1 lican i arty with its G.000,000 votes. And in North Carolina 125,000 Repub lican vo'cs will never be controlled by i one cr two hundred hungry officehold ers, and the n.ea who believe they can ere tte civlaion end discord by a distri- ( butioa of the patronage will be greatly disappointed. Men who are Republi- can ram; principle will never betray .the ratty on a(c:uht p! cfUco. W rcun!; have barmony, and we will ' Lave it, and a few men cannot prevent iu They cannot create a row, the l-arty will not be divided. We must a-l will succeed, but to do it we must ll obey vur common leader, and that nun has been chosen, and his name is Clu-stf r A. Arthur. And if we are all to principle and to the Rcpubli- 3 C4U i arty there will not be the sligh'cst I tJnpr oi a deioaju ' . I ir. J, Ji Mo.tt ia the Charrman of I the 55tte Cummittee, and there is no mtt faithful and ioval Republican in t Mate, r one with greater ability : lor managing a party ; nd id leadership t' e fifl that all can and wilt follow him ! ta tucceu. The State Committee are r VI Valu'g men and stalwart Republl : csos uf backbone and fair abilitic, who laud by the Chairman: in his ' flWia to Ucc 'the party ia propr ' pe for a V grand triumph P. Canaday on the KatloUt . Cainiiitee, and all know he, will do his lury lv th ran v in the future as he . ,na to do u the pasu , bo we can i wna to oattie in I553andl5i wiia syw muers ana a soita nnorozen I 1 , i . ... . . fi;lit the lkurloo Democracy tinsiotr of a trand victory for Wlot and a fair count." Otltf AU TUB MUitDiJUstt. u iriai 01 tne assasua 91 a (rtwci fet conrtsocteedea in tttUngn ly tnpanntUd 6a ThaiaJay, and tnpanntUd 6a ThaiaJay, and wjary lUaiae was examined laae ly, i and other vUnewts , ire pro- 1 1 : .V t 1 . ettdiBg yerv rspUly, an! unless some kitch lakes place, the cate Ul be given te tie jury by tbe end of the eootlag rk. U u to be ilactrtlv Uhtd ty m tit short work viU be made of CateaJ ,Ue shonkl ? be hong nnder ay dranutanc Kvta If he is era- J he ihcaU ret be Ucrvr atUvrd to 1 Ure to the great dxrjtr ef grsol M li ' L ' C 1 . , Ve . u oderatand ihe - "friends bf this gentlcmaa feel ibatjthe. J?08T didJum I ajrjeat iDiurtfcevitt were i.jslly sef f rep ness wen of th,w cit Jr (be greayrant I of enrgy aad capacity, in JookiDgaf- teriand managing Ue interests p the city In rayroadWestahbp1ea ure that i vonr opinion pipUin',orLop.. ; We arrived at FayetteviUe at 10 chison has displayed tnf c energy, a- Diiuy ana interest m;; tnta cuy man au the other business , men o the'City put together Tip 'p'ormrU;"of. (he atoek and fo controlled, the Road, white other Bank- ers u we ao not'tnsgrace tue name dj.i cainDgthemauc1i)an3 busess men I laid cli" and refusea aay aaswtance. not I R. ' iJ.,"bot id ' buildtng dorinections which''' woutd bring lreightro Road to Wilmington.- The s mostof buir capitalists are regular, drones; they J briDir ' nothins : here, but - stand with their mouth open" to devour what olh' i We have often said in ,thea6 cotumns, and the factsJ justify uin? repeating; I that thjs ciiyis cursedbyiWmstselfish and lazy lot oftbusines3f.toe:ii 4 tnatyer. any community posgeised. "jhej never lay down a dollar unlesshey can see four ddllars in'reach'. Such a thing as public enterprise, has been' unknown to. exist inside the borders ofthe city, of Wilmington for many yean. We are; and have been, living on ' the reputa tion made by Ashe.Dickineon McRae, Wooster, Putter; Hall and .their, asso ciates thirty years ago.' "And from all appearances will continue to do so'rja-i til the prcs& generation jpf rtqpidity and l?iriess diesioutCi, ,; J- j .; . Captain i Murchison tried, to get this city to tfktan : interest inHhe Road, but to no avail.- Our Chamber, of,0om- mtrce, which is chitfly noted or what it don't do, was applied to,; and fuTIJ I informed as to; the copdition'of alfalrsL J but in that, as in 'everything else that! . ... i , l concerns uuiDgioo, i.iojf no aeps i to continue; the Road in. the hands of business men here. In fact Mr. Van-1 Bokkclen and his Board were too much I jngaged in vhtewaahing- Ilenry Bacon J to give any time to this important Road 1 entcrbnse. and as a last resort Caniain 1 --" ...-! ;. . .. . . i Murch son sold to Maior Robinsoh. of 1 . ' c '.' i ' ' , - i ' -ri T' i 1 f i I iae jseaooaru .ana iioanase. rauroaq, oUr mw iiMu.u u inL tercst of this ;eity.at neaii are nnder obligations to ' Caplv, Murchison for huvinsr ;& controlline 'interest, in the road, and carrying it for twelve months and when he found he could get no aid from tltf'pctreght in selling it. " H- J"U 7 'v''. V' i',t ., In reblv to a correspondent an earn est and faithful worker In the Republi can cause we have this' to ay:.' The time has come' when the men vho do the work -those wbflf bear the ; brunt in the fight,' openly confronting the ene my and manfully battling for the par j I ouvu ww ivvvajMipv wiv. w "i called RepubTTcans who sit quietrj on ty, should be recognized, over the so tne tep rau oi me panjr ieace nnm a l SeriTrfMrK. Ylptnrv: -fctrat LVv Oarolinian. ! I ; Our friendl TjrvJohn. las' a "way of 1 trikinv Hrrttv kt,?ih nninL and nlrl .lUnin nJu n. f t. Kt workers in the "state, and a good fellow durinc a campaign. '' .Bat! as looA.aa It.! t over ; there U a lot of emiaently re spectable gentlemen ' la the 1st dhtxict too higb-toned' to do anylrortTbr the cauAC, tut when the victory ia won are ever ready to shove Utenuelvea forward aDj dajm the credit, Dr. Joha works titrj day, from the end of on e cam ptwto brewing of mo Jq thwkest ol the figat, and, whelh- i- it- -j.:. u t.v.. -Ki r-KUK the way is of the fery best), he never sulk, but fcghta towjno jBut. wt con fess that hu trtatment is enoaga to du-r hearten the best of ns. Men who rf- tain in the shade, drlakiag lemonade and er-joylojt the cool brttzts dutinsr the hot summer campaigni(whlle John, and men like Ala, are fightig the bat- I ties) to be kept Inhlgb. pay iog oDet,' j .MUJrAn and bla" comnanloni have t conUnue cut iii. fertainly l very wrong. LlhoB I . . .- . ; .. -., e,ad falihrul workers, whom Uere to no I Uttrf than John cf TJiubeth CttJ T uia voaa i t 1 , re v i .Oo. on .v.w mi.tumw 1 1. . . . . rww -1 .v ax s i i ought to U too mmua. )o H "JrT ZZ v -Aw office at tta twdi .?A.Wwrt U wortaj -'Vt 1 r' V ttnZ !7 vL -.1 -iui .Ktsi.lnol Imxgtac K U a dear, good fellow. ,miiyfniMjiiHi MHwipMiU a cfw.fccr w aaw wosccr.d by aUt eU!:aa4UtT te,, mtatar. hepe jVt CSsreUa Oatnl ri"t3i HiM mSA oaakt ia enalter the fair a eoarUtt eacetal- W.W-.' - - " . W fcalt tatndf trua tfceVtiUatU,tX7rtr:X tlxt Ot aa iUlUoadei-cUUw daJ thrjl,,, can In farthera ft the atwrri, , 4 Tcarucalte? at. mtalrr- re ... ' , v t , e"t k mm It V H.S:m II UUtl - re ward km ut ancu - "i" 1 1" ' . TF.IP to PAYlfiTTlsViLLK. , ' Al .wl..i n . m.i . ; x t I ya i jinursoay, me xuiu mss., we xuoit QqLsraok Clark's champion . alow ; ;V.,V trip after constant flowing, ,was made ih 17 hours, a dis- ange of 1UU , miles, sumcient time to gone from Wilmington to Phila- delphia, some 650 miles from Wilming- 9 clock on Friday morning, and- stop- J pc me ayeiievine xioiei, wmca is i T,rfs!?,Id over by one of the best feeders n Jbeatate.';-After fettendiDg to our mciaHusiness, we had tlfe pleasure of meeting several of our old friends. Maj. ,vb, api,. jjeaij, aii .iiw.jvci, ju.r.-i y atnne, lion. O.li.. Dockery, KaJph r,.iiuxton and a few other friends. We "ved here Saturday morning at 9:45 m.' Fayetteville is a very splendid old town, or should be called now Cross .ivyaus, on account 01 having surrender ed its charter. Some of the best peo ple in the stale revde there. A stran ger or a visitor, is ;not treated with so mucn nospnaiity aj any place in this country as at Feyetteyille Tbe sheriff of Wilson country, and ther Mayor of the town of Wilson should be held by the public responsible for the escane of the. two men who killed .- . HilU If they hacTdone their duty the jail of Wilson would, to-day, be occu pied by the murderers. . ; IIEKRJC AND UA.CilN. -Some weeks ago a young co'ored man by the name of Henry Berry of Smith ville, wrote to the Collector ol the Port to obtain a position as boatman. Mr. Can ad ay, the Collector, answered the ; letter. By some means Bacon, the man who has. charge of the government works, got hold ot the letter, broke it open and read it. Berry, it , Beems, wasat work ftr the government, under the said Bacon; and 'w.e- are informed that Mr. Bacon was so incensed at iirry ior wruing to Mr, Canaday that hei discharged him from work. Thlt is our information, and if true . Mr. Bacon has acted mean in the extreme he has taken advantage oi his position to dis- charge a poor laborer, which no gen- tinman would tliinl- of dninir. nr ran : : r . --'-"i c " 1 nnrov ' - ' -,! CJR A KD JUltv vvi-f nr. We have consulted a number of lead ing citizens many of them lawyers and we have yet to find a person who agrees with and supports the present grand jury system. They all say the grand Jury law should be repealed, and the justices in the townships should be required to file the complaints or fur nish tbe information for the solicitors to do so before the courts, so that a de fendant would be brought immediately before a jury controlled by a Judge in open court, and if the charge could not be sustained that would end the s j ,t' matier. .The expense would be only about,; one-half of the present system. Hnndreds of thousands of dollar, would oe savea, as wen as me cuanciers vi thousands ol good and innocent people. ..s ' " Smitu'illb, N. a,' Nov. the 18, '81. MR. Post: You: have not heard from William X. Snooks lately. The tact is, Sallie has completely henpecked me. X- have not had a moment-of peace since my last letter to you. bai lie got very angry because she thought T intended to reflect on the poor boy. Meckle, , and I have had to suffer ac cordingly ."The dear, sweet youth has, I think, concluded to let me live and the Tost circulate. But I forgot, yen laave pui au moaSv viuu!- B1EUHHW ; CJDCCfBIOK AWU, ITVU and ' myself. So I thought yon might let me wg my tongue and shove my pca.about my neighbor and personal friend. Dr. W, G. CurtU. Now, it does appear to me that some of the Snooks fVmtlv im ttiMlJtin? with matters that - ii,--. rw T "7'? " T , J YJZ Bum l 000 7-3 U Ue 1 " v I oatiUUat rDTUCUn. Uu n T ut mm- Ue gets his salary, it b Une, and tbe boys say that he is Interested in the vessel that 1e employed la uUng bkUaU Ddt of TwtH at ctnaranuae, and mak es lots of law doe mot provide for, i t. x ; id that a ce&U b ikdkttd. and it 1 7?I ,v.-.v.. I " f -V. ....... . ... aad be- I fcrt iinaUa ties cot on i v-U .1 vr m.'sm mill k& i - - - d tii-ttua. sxd txxt yvar mi fcUajL tin Dcr. mtX aiU have the i ka fiatlai we cwJnilUs UVUwt T . . . . . are t rcsj aad ;2sU ay t kf tit wsmUr order. w will fret VanEokkelen tft brirr . ..... .... -.. aown ft Wbltewumog eommiCtet M ue Chamber of Commerce add they will It is true that we keep Teasels here for months, and that : wtf mak ilots of money out of IhemJ and some of these poor wbitis men wijbHwotiog Xcf & living, do an awful letof'graiblia, but they don't -am6unfrtA? mrything, We are big men. of large influence; and poor white trash cannot tOQcn ns. t X have a recommendation , .to pendlyon for onr dear kof Htnrs Bacon uaooii as yoi tak j off f&o1 qoarffitilif and Sally says that I can jost pub it on as strong as 1 think Uie. subject iWlii al low, and if ' all reports are true the subject is atrcg eirough3 to' allow any- thing ; iz otiiet ,woxdv? UteBbtU is Dauly tainted, And your irieJid Wuliam X. Snooks will probe it Tery gentry. , t Your obedient serrant, ? WlUJAM X. SKOOK3. . WjughtsvillJ:, New Hanover Co. November 15; 1881 Dejlb SiK-Tbinking a -. line from the fish and oyster district of onr glori ous old county would be welcomed by you, tne poor man' friend, I took a stroll around cur f little seaside village to-day in search of what was going on. Well, you are aware that the' great number of pleasure, seekers we had during the summer have all returned to their winter quarters; leaving : ns with only our. permanent residents,' who are busily engaged repairing the property that fared so badly during the late stoim, and getting" everything in much better condition than hereto fore, assuring onr visiting friends that every summer season i will nold out greater inducements to the weary busi ness man and pleasure seekers. Others I find in the sounds busily in search of fish, oysters and clams, with .which to supply the market of your thriving little city, and there bid them come, all ye hungry, starving, poor, behold a welcome feast! Others are engaged upon their little farms, preparing them for the' coming season. Wending our way a little farther up the - turnpike, about a mile from the PostofSce. we find a new settlement already begun by a very worthy, energetic little group of our colored citizens, who have bought lota, cut down trees and brushes, cleared ana leveled tneir una, ana Borne nave already built them very , comfortable homes; Among these are Messrr. Henry 11 ill, John Martin, Sriomon Manly,' James Lofton, ' Archie Moore,! John Mashborn, Jesse Brown ;and 'Edward McCal)e, t Md u enquired j what t all this the reply was, "Where you once saw trees you shall hereafter see houses. They have jiiao purchased i separate pieei of ground upon which to build a Church to wocahip God under their own vine and fig tree, with none to molest or make them afraid. We nest arrived at the . Poato3ce. This we found second to none in the state for neatness, with a Postmistress whose cheerful lace and waiting bands to serve all her official patrons, gave evi dence tbat Col. E. K. sunk and lion. Thos. L. James, Postmaster-General, spared no pains in making the very nnesi seiecnoo ror ue pouuon , nana words cost little but are worth much. especially when l bey come from those in authority. wtsninr botn you and the Post abundant success, with the hearty co-operation ana support of ail good citizens, I am, very truly yours, AJT UTSTU. " rAJara, Nov. 15; 1831. The new French Ministry is gazetted in the Journal Vfficiel as follows: M. Gambetta. President of the Coo n i 1 cil and Minister of Foreign Affairs. : II. waidecK-jKOftsseaa, Jiiaurter of the Interior.- - ,.:'."'i-r?e. . M. Alain-Targe, Minister ef Finance. M. Csiot, Minister of JosUce. - t M. Raynal, Minister of PtMic Woeks. M. Devea, Minister of AgvicnUarev XI. Rouvier. Minister of Cbeaaerce and also of the Colonies. ; r M. Pan! Bert, Minister ef ranlic In- I stroction. I! General Campenon, Minister of War. M. Anton in lYoertt, Miabrer of Fin I i Crocherji UUXA 1 att and rOoogenrd,Mlnfaseef Marian ' Th follo.ler kara been aMoIakd i . . . . " - nnder SccreUiiea: M. rTpnlkr, of Ferei ACaim. M.ULlvrt, of War. M. Blasbdia, f Marine. if. Out of Agncmlusm. . , IL. FelU Faare, ot OoeasetK atd Col on tee. c M. LevgeilM, of rmbije Wet a. , M.MarUaFaUk,f Jantke. t M. DeTtlfe, f istrrior. U.deUPort.ef ruaace. Tnere are tare stew Ceeram ia Uk lt. The MUbtrj f Wesi la de I tacae Mtvm m astnea- w. 1 .mmW n ffa-e I eat run 'km A new Ministry m crtt4 ia lavet ef 1 hic wv4 give rwn--ui I M - - TJTit Utarest. A liaiaJry f He Arts kas beca crtiU-1 U tar ef 2L t'xm ejf .s2vs::l lrt?rtr5lr.1. 4 tit la k-cv Zlm Jrr -rrtts t?i U2iic Cxs at tr-i t kart C I ryi ary tytsiU tri la. tin . .fct I Cra tf U 17. v i on 1QQ - -K f i -? If Governor, Jarvis will look after enforcing the law, instead oi dickering in railroads. he will make a belter of ficer., ji '-.t , j, ; . i ji . ' , . i-1 -1 ." We iearn that the term of the pres ent : TJ. S. Attorney, for the Eastern District 1 of North Carolina, . will soon '-' ,? JA World of Good. One of the most popular medicines now before the American publie, is Hop Bitters. You see it everywhere. People tako ?it v with7 good effect. It builds' them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste as some other bitters as it Is not a whlstey drink. : It is more like the old fashioned bobe set tea that has done a world of good.' If you don't feel just right try Hop Bitters Kuhda lyews.y , The Legislature will -meet the 22i of this month. There will be several im portant matters for its consideration; among them the question of calling a constitutional convention, the adoption of the new civil code and lien law. Sumter i Watchman, .. . . it . j OIT ac ITEMS. M J Mlt. WJ'K N. Sellkes 13 tie iu- TnOBlZED AQEKT FOR THE TOST." j Subscription pries of the Post only two dollars sendand take it at Idrice jv- . - t- . i- i ?- i We tsk those of our subscribers! who have rlotycf paid their subscription, to have the money ready and pay lour agent as he calls upon them, and there by save him shoe-leather. The amount ii small, and every oae can pay if j he J IWhatia fall," said the man who stepped on a banana peel on yesterdav. : . . ! i ! ." Our Postmaster has been to Atlanta and speaks in glowing ierus of the ex hibition at that place ; We are pleased to note an improver raent in Mr. James Sprunt's condition during the past two or three days. , Mr. J. A. Springer is.offering coal. wood, &e , at a very low price, j See his advertisement in another column. v A gooa ; breaaiast is very necessary t make a man feel gocd all day. Bcr . - " JW" ' mm ,- - ! f neman .oners tne oeei, 3.,ro raatce yon haDov. ; ... 4 . Those who desire employment gqulh should read the advertisement, of A YanBekkelen, Esq. for bands. ! t U. ood pay offered. Rev. Jas. B. Taylor and Mr. BF. Mitchell have returned to the city from their recent attendance upon the Bap tist State Convention at Winston. ( j ' . . . : :.n Dr. Eugene Grissom", of Raleigh has accepted an invitation to deliver an address before the Masonic fraternity in this city, on St. John's Day, Decern ber 27th. isurgiars ana tnieves aro Blill piyiog their . avocation. We have heard of several cases during the , past ' week. See that; your windows and doors' are securely fastened at night. The guano elevator being Luitt on the west side of the liver opposite Cues nut street for the Chnmpion C3mpress Company is nearly completed." ItwiU be supplied with shoots, trans, hand cars and. steam. We are. glad to see such , improvements going on in enr midsC Now for a salt elevator. icursc . or tub tcx. tats an astronomer, the sun will be an actor in the scenes that diversify the experience of his family of worlds dnrieg' the month, 00 the 2Lt, when the phenom enon 01 an annour .ecupse occurs. The golden ring-of light tarroondlng the moon's dark shadow will only be visible in the soother a ' ocean and In the soathera part of 8enth America. - - -" - " Jndge W.M.tiiFP,of Mttkkiiiorj, spent the day in the city on yesterday. lie was accoapaaied by H ife and daughter, and was the gncst of Mrs. T. D. MtaresvatOer to MrttJ&ifp. y edj Shlpp will hold tle.Dsplia Court1 this and next week-, and the New llaaavtr Conrt niith cttveees en the lit Mon day of Drcembtr. T Flax. Tli tic earns ca Ue , west aide el tie river, oa Mr. Geo. W. KU- ekra rke teUa, tcgeiacr mhh abcat 4,000 blrU vf ike, wtre mtss4 oa Tkanday a'-gVu Tie Ire harp powrd to nave mt UccIarT. TVcre was an laasrsa4 aa tk iaud aa4 vka ir f Jk a U3aj Oa tire Crew, j Issratr " Otmjnft 'fSX; itaerrkl Uaka, tlW. Xl'pC U.U.C1V O iiTii .V Cr- eaa lltlM Tl,tf aika titrt ti aUct "Vsl!a, ir U 3Ir. KHZtr. ax4 tils tm-. crrl Vf lis Uanst Ht CJ t aa lrct ttonjtA !aiSfi wvre titj. lit Ism 3 f xttrJ tit lm-ztzt, ' rr- . r. . . " " I " 1 - 111 ."' 11 1 1 ' Single Copies 5 Ctzis Don't forget that next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, , and - get 5 your urkey, meats, ete, accordingly. V' u ; The Colored Fair of Sampson coun ty," cornea off on the 7th, 8 th. 9th, and 10th of Dec. 1881, at Clinton, NiuVt i Lieutenant' Fred. M.fMunger, who was here on the Colfax for some years, is now stationed at Eastport, Maine. ; j I. m m m i A new fence has . been ' completed around St. Mark' Episcopal Church, on the corner of Sixth, and f Mnlberry streets. ' ' K-:y V( ' The Water - Works , were oGciaUy tested by the city and Fire Department on Wednesday last, and worked very nicely. 4 ' ;V -: We ca attention to the advertise ment of BJ Partner and.Wm. Genaust, in regard to their beer bottles Read, and be governed accordingly, 1 " ! It-is now thought that a second crop of rice will bo made on the rice, fields near 'this city. Planters are counting on 10 bushels to the acre in the second crop, f J i': : ' C; 7; !'f'' i We regret to . learn., that Mr,, J. G. Ilashagenpf this city, who accompa nied Prof. King in his balloon ascen sion, has been sick ever since. ' His sickness is said to be caused from ex posure. -.- Il-v-.rv:;;- i.-A In the northern markets; potatoes, beets, turnips and eggs are1 sold by the pound. It is the sensible way in which, to sell such articles. ; Its justness to both the groceryman and consumers is obvious. Why not institute the prac tice-here. ' .;;" . . ; -.' U ' Mary Ray. and Albert Herring i were arrested on Wednesday last for having too many articles of clothing belonging to other people in their ; possession; They are how in jail, and will answer to the charge of larceny at the next term of the Criminal Court.'; J We calf attention to - the advertise ment of Messrs. Wood & Edens, which appears in this issuev "These "gentle men havei I opened a first-class ' meat shorandwe ad rise our friends tolgive thera a call. j . They always keep the best 61 meats, uj - iv . Mr. Webber, tie iTrst AsaisUnt EoTl gineer of the Colfax, was " relieved on Monday last, from duty, on the Colfax, and ordered to the Stephens, at New bern, at his own request. Mr, Webber has many personal friends In 'this city who will at all times be glad to hear ol his success . -. ( We propose to continne in the fatare as we have in the past, in making the Post an independent, ont-spoken and tearless newspaper,; and those people who think we can be ' bnlldosed or bought to take an opposite coarse, had as well make np their minds that they are afier the wrong paper. ; j The police have been supplied with their new uniforms. . The nniJorm is a tingle breasted frock coat with standirg collar and brass button; the pants" are ofthe same material, but made plain; the hat is black, high, crowned, stiff, and ornamented in front with a wreath, ia the centre of which Is the number. A cord of bbek ad gold surrouods the bat, the em! of which, terminate ia a u V of the same material. aca efS cer has a 16 been supplied with a pair of aippers. C:a-:, .C-vl -: ( .'! j feu ctte's Cxrx. Mr. F. A. SchaUe annoancea ia this fasae of the Tost tbat he has epeaed a finUdaee restaa rant for ladies and gtsUetaeJ. : TTe ccruioly coegratalate onr people oa the bpeaiag ' of this aew resUaraat. WUtalsgton has - long aeeded each a place. New : York has Delmoalco, Waayagioa Welkcrs, aad acw WW mingtoa has tkhatu'a, which ha la teada to make tiaal ta any eetablkb eat of the kind la Ike ceottry. JJer chan ts aad other Laeiacaesacaavgluu patroaiae aad aaa that the phsee Is pea petty eaeonisgfJ. v Wa wba Sir. Schntte grnt racrtse ta t kederUk A Ntw CuriSesma f tin rwsxg geaikastia at tale t&j aaet 2Iaadjj aU sad tsrmed ft era erjtilxirisa, t U bti as L'Arka Gemia CUV a4 eWcu4 the Xoag fmiicat J. IL Craaly. 1 Srtary atl .--..TitiJeawr,:)..!. lSearea : . , . r " ' Gmrvurg ittlura-Jt. 12. dm!?, C tV'TTrUVl, r. L. ITruta, C. J. LCy. Jf, Or. rsii In la, L f, XTii ts4 TUig ts Cxrsxa 3 .la tfa' U' Ctratxljk S&m'a tit !S4 ItA," CSSJSS NUMBER' 47 DIED. Atth TAIllddnral ni tr DfTV T Tnxl.Ht HoUoway,Mov. tH,ls$l. bom Jniy, lsG. A doctor tor tbs lMtss Tetvrs. OieamoDi; jaw uotv. tiumw mna nu don her task. rUMnltMd bTKldarWurUiV.ti ir.,1 - 4th nptr Sin f rMXcclealasUvM. Kim uyin, liark trom the tomb, bbe u de euuy burled. Loved by ail taailmew her, 4 ber remaias were iaterred Ute Batur- u,7TTOiar,win. .ueraeeui udeploica toy a larse host of aorrowlBf ft-K-nds. . HarreU'i Stero, Bmpoa Co i'. u , On the mimrnlnv rf th rrtts nf Wmnkl. between S end o'clock, by frlht ceoaeU ot a robber breekln Into th nt.a nn elardeTnl(ht,thelWhUU Mr. Clerlae MoCuIlah, aged. 3t) yeew. XI nvonthe end S aeye. . ueceeeea wee the beloved wife of . Mr. ChrlstODher aloCnlieii. end e. rutiM of John U. wblteman. bbe leaves a has- band ana nve small children. NEWAM&ltilSEMENTS. ivoticl:. rrUXK UNDERSIGNED desire to notify the J. public that. In Tlew of the lose we nit ia vtu- oBmuoeae, oj oar paieat stopper bot tles not belnx returned, it Is oor loteauon to preeeeute to the fullest extent of the law any person or persona who may.be found wiu, oar pviun in uieir poueeeion, and whe refuse to return them, or who wilt tramo In them In any manner whatever. 1 HOT 20 t -;WM, OKNAi;8T. SOHUTTE'S OAFET" KO. 3 GRANITE ROW, FItOXT STREET, I HaYE aUSTOPENEH MY FASHION. j - t ABLE. Jl EST A URANTi I am prepared to take boarders by th DAY, WEEK.and .MONTH, First Class Acommoda , tionsfor Ladles. The very beet wilt be torn Uhed that can bo , purchased In this or tho -' - . . . - . ii: .- ' iu4in- &c., ; , MUPIOI QtfALlTy. ; ThC5(y ef Wilmington hk Ions; needed i' V .; - , rtnt Uui and ; Fashionable ,Oa fo. roil , . LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, And It la my purpose to supply this want. Meals farnisbed at all hours of v. the .Day. and up to 12. o'clock 1 Y::S..au :l Night. svvA". .V:- Conducted on thS ' EfjiioPEAN TVLL, - : -' y I' ; Prnnrtotnr 1. ' Coal and Wood I GRATE, STOVE AND CUEST- iDT sizes ' ; Best Quality KED and WHITE ASH. WOO 2D. OAK, ; ' 4-4'-: ' - ASH,' ' ' -. i UGIllWOOD,Ad, Very low. Sawed for Stoves cr In long slicks, by ;;;'-."".3 : . " J.!A;I3PI1INGEU. nov 20-lm WOOD & EDENS Have orEstD Asr.w UAnstrr ox the corner ot t-Ufhth a M.rfeM uof, wbre the beet hl.tr. 1UK. iAl' SAOi; VfciiETAm.W.4,rM alweje be fcmad. OIe ttoea, a eJU PltOCLASiATlON.. SHERIFF HANGING! j am sot rax aiiEtu rr, cut i will Paper Hanging Of any la the CU&e, S nave for ait fciate asnttamie. The et'et . UPHOLSTERIIIG AND tub: rrrr i n a- OC e4 fterauare aee tn lb seoei esyheosw CVaats Bkt. seamto mtM fat a, GOOD3 AND WORK CUAXUN- liiMkieMiel)4w-4. Turpcntino Hands.'-. t WAanr a wrxxa tr atus ft l aet aa sf Tna&t rk ee emw ' I re W kl4 tmniiimy a Sm..' ef ewe"- ue aw f- P8 f ee4 , S$ vJf - emte af -is. rr Vi'I'V1 n et t t. fc--.,.. .,-.. -'-'. mm z t- ? f w-i e MM -.-. rtw ii teva, sma -iwiia, .c . et'ee) P"tT "- et amBte' aaee ; I ... isevaae&e ' " -it . .1 si.. . :: '.-v.-'-u- ; - : -:;f : - - t if. -5:

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