VKiilNQTOiy POST ' Vndal the I office at miming. W $- C...as Second Clap Matter; ' ; tOt.il' fiKLF-GOTEnXMENT. : XL ere i n dubt but that whatever 0f politfcal frftdom tie' human rase -enjy orfTiialeJ fir the independent c'tie3 which arose iu Europe during :'-r "p'tfventh cjntunf ismo of the ities oi If If, encaged by the weak i tnd itpeirI;Cl jutsauiciiuii tauiu uj :l the Enjer;r of the Fra'neoiiHih and ligoabun liiM.! tVforjin themselves - iato politiuAl bdies utder the govern- ..iiiipiit. Aiihoush it was at first Tv? vi- 1 -1 . I.I Aitlnnal. Iialt.- f patioir da the part, of these communi i tiM-tther than a resumption of some 5 riii taatural rights of mankind, iff- a ' X.:.t ima ilin wpaltli which a hijhlv I . " j r iuccecjiuwu.uu.v.vv m,. .v v.y. ! Italy,.enaoieu uicm v Furtwac uom J their -nominal Buvereifcua urjrouu iuo. 4 ikiUpn. ; within' their walls, .-'and fre qje&tly o-er much of , the adjacent ter- : Jt'.lory. -1; '.";. . 7 't 'ftiese exatnjrV'i of . frfed'):n on erwed, the mouti tain barrier, and made their way into I ranee. L.ou tuo irat, jaordfri' ititroduc ? check upon the . iliBU!t regalpower claimed and wielded : by his great baronsj adopted the plan .' ,l irraniinjr new priviloces to the towns , lituated; ou the crown lan W The re Biniog cities' obtained from the indi- jenceorweaKneoiiatir icuaa. tht same fciiuiiar charter to those which Ui bep n "tOHferied by the j Ki n . In ttoHiceuluries the practice bad spread V-tW'!E'ttr$pe,: and its ad vauuges were fcand to be great. and iu (fiVcts sa'.u t; Uiy'.a Towns upon acquiring the char kri of community, becaruo eo "many II lla Ri publics and known and equal . U were adKiijistfred by Magistrates 'a;j: jittrc the .chcico of the people. ThtHtrahie the nucltil of civilfz itioo, ' ltd f&e fi r frckus noble?, whoae neigh- ; bWi casilts bad Itcorne dtns of rob-' , , -,'- t ' Wr bnuie prcuJcT to 'be chosen r.JbtiateV of the free fjlies, than they ; fa) lec.n when wrging private war at lie keud .of their vassal?, or dtfjing the authority of thtir lord paramount. c: ittrpohsible to i tDurcerate ihe jKDtfi ? which flawed fri.ni these icsii- ' tutkd'.' Vfecre the whole community u6h'ii.b'e fcgelhrr toonsult upon r ihclt Jxoni.njoii iutertsts, t exchange itavhcil iriniocs4 on their common wsn's, tud lo adopt' me; surcs fsr, their . f 'tumou welfare, then U exhibited -in t e : L ig li es t d t g r e e J ll o q q u a K llta which i v!pp rcgr(s, ;it . is One of tbe WtfightKst truths of Bacon, that ia the - aansgtmeat of .Vfactical affairs i'lhe trfdbn of the'wisest: man is less reli- Vc tban thgldebberate and' eoncur- : reaijuugraeat or coruniorfmiud?. : la many of the States ofour Union M tmtttulion has struck a deeper root mi jrotabto far more massive pro- Poniocs t'asn ifi any of the cities ot the wUl kQgdoaji of Europe.. A ud it U l U frccUely Hi those j couiluunitiea in laica Ibe town meeting decides all 1".'U)( in which the community has Mw-tct by ''theiljiiUcratc and coo- ffan'. tiiijtneut of yommoa mindd, ,aW''i' P.r iRrity and p?o- FwreaW;-i'''- attempted in Njrth Caiolina wultt" fears ax.j to introduce the prin- ? f local e!f.fcoverumeut. The fd upon an unfruitful soil. While s had by using and develop- f i great iMtUutioo', become I ich f nlb!ius our:own like the ;J G'Jou rem viae J 'dry in the Iht ferliliiinff hawr. At u?"'1 uurPag convention 'wVy ffua, the comlltutiQl ..itaoei of it, and left every com ia tk S:at voiceless and pow- .CwniMsgment and conduct Ti. tir?j lhe 'fTe-hold- UfJof lhe ..&ttbernSut. " af " rd pecntiariy iu "uVtU iit.ki . r-kt;-K..in I - ' r-v va A-ryuuitit aua i3Ula as exclusive a avs- la i ; eCf!Un n!binW TK . the war emancipated lha f toalAte-holding while as terenrof the blatkt frojo 4-u!t fcamtiaai .ftr 'thla trans "5t36tktien among our. people tt ar, mare competent to take . 'VMJ conducUkeir affairs than IKted byUie LrgUUtore at V, 11 ef lemoning to rtal W?pcrtintsuch seSSih deW ' Uace who by appealieg to lice icduced thta to r rtjttio lal tetf rv -? ?ite4 awaylthe grtater : --tlr freed am. The slns of Nat et actaUUkeably to rlf dtq -'Vr ..- . . IT. . ' iuac ivijuubirtuj. The tcoliDg Of bores and explosion oi lire or canton crackers -are harbm? kers of the Cbriatmas tide. The stores are decorated in r'jhtlr holiday dress and the ChrUtuiss trade has fairly opened Vision of Chris Ctiogle, ko is more familiarly known as Santa Clans, floats through the imagination of "ihelittje: ones'! iu rapid 1 tratsformation. Their little prattle is nightlj beard calling upMLc ch.inney to"Panta Clans asking for ianumtrsibje lfw rtBgin from tht iieithetie jto.ridiculous. Paler FamiUu is ofierj jazz ed and are perplexed in making erections. Our advertising ccr'umns w ill prove a great aaxitiary In uiWeafui souethinr to the eervlexed iMdr'ib6:1'tt?l'?,?P to the.. . V ;vr' '.v.-Vv- kept by the veteran to dealer. Mr. Li I ' Fiansgna. Uis stock is Bnasaally .. ' - , .'. .. I iuis eeasjB ana compasses an me i navellres 4n lovs.' confectioneries. milWI uoerylDd fancy g ods.' For mother or lfle gjrja M. M.' EATZ is ihn place to look for presents for them; . There you Osyi fiad ulsters, cjoakit, jackets, dolmsns-and fibftdresi goods, w hatever is recommenaedat Ka'z's invariably turns out welt and al ways giv?t satisfaction. His stock con sUts of the latest novelties in dress good, m ka, satins, menoV and boys' wear. ' ' ' i .,' -:' ;'' Man Is often iu this rogressive age jndgvd bv the clothes be wears. I( vnri kniiti'.il iitairn Ia h waIi HroaaoH mnA fashionable, ' ; f - U , - . OTTEliBOURO'S ilEKS'AVEAK DETOT is the place to buy a good, warm, well made and stylish suit of clothes. , Ot terbourg p-jjs censiderable attention lo the details in having his i stock made and you notronly get good goods from him tut they are put together in such ceive such attention-as will be condu a manner as'not to rip. To ouririend 8iTe to their bodify comfort ' " sin the country we would say trder al suit by mail and see what a stylish suit you would cel. Read Otterboure's at- l rac C you L,.: ve advertisement elsewhere and can 800 see that he is not soqa see at raid to fhvttls' inspection of his goods and fear not competition. Do not neg lect your homes .in your Christmas preparation. A well furnnhed room adds to health and comfort ' '' i '" ,--f" '- lit2N WiinEjTllE TAPEB HAKGER, keeps up with the styles and can fur nrsh shades of all colors for yeur iyin dow's. "and Las wall ' paper to matcb lie can do your work in an artistic manner. - U:ve nim a trial order for a pair tf "the very, fashionable turkey red window shades that he is making a run on, and see if what we say is not tree. We know yen must feel tired just now afterJospecting ail the stocks but come wilhus down to SCHVTTE'S cafe and" brace up the inner man. Fine did yon say? Y? Leti aee if supper is reidy l The dining room you see U nioly si ranged, the appointments are all good and so is the bill of fare. c Just over the way is tbe old estab-1 Itshsd quarters ot . l. I i ceorgE : j Santa Claus, rendenyous for goodies, 1 nlcknacks, choice groceries and fine I at the Postoffice Department, y ashing liqucrs. A goddiaatnr Christmas days I ton, D. C, until January 7ih. In for ts alway enjoyed, and to have a good I aioncc you musi uto 5004 grwcrics. 1 these you can get at Myer. If it is not so we will let you put Crap on our eyes or hurl us over a Cliff or humble us by making us if eal in the presence of lhe Urge number of customera who are always in the store, i After ! the above cffjrt at play on word we will have to brace up with some of the fins liquors kept in this esUblUhment. Now let us rest for a few minutes. in - . u -. -I ouo i uos. WJ w.,4o,vu, v ... i .v I lanre stock of carpets aad furniture. A Tooin lurcUhed with some of their far- IWW UIUHUI BlWM ;U-a furniture to great luxury. Tney have ... .' ". . . . .. ' "r:r;. I .1bV their ataea-. I Next we drp Into oxtu A'a ct.ua aooac whr .b. bt of wine and Uoaors are Oysters on the.half ahtU. at.w- ed, fried or icoUopppd are eeryed at all hour . : .'.-'"' ' I . :.'";':''.:; "t ' JtVESS 031 AlADB CASDT U loothswae and free from impuriUev. Chrdrea will cat exedy and as there h aothirs but rare tsstx U Jevea exedy we wouM advbe rattaU to rurcbase iu Ia ur ramble we must not p SttUje by, Tttssoata caxouxa uocsx kert by him la - well and fxreriUr owo. oa a iwts t5" f ittor al his pac ld to salt jca Itoa U - - , 1 yoa cxa W"! Xa as a a meal , ZIMMERMAN. corner Second and Princess streets, has inst returned from the Northern mar kets where he selected a choice stock of the finest candies which he offers at low prices to the Christmas trade. OIX y ITEMS. Eggs retail at 40 cents per dozen. Coffee dri nkers should read the ad Tertiaement ia another column hekded Oood (Mee. 46 Bee advertisement uf C . E. Jevens, who advertises the finest home-made candies in the city. Mr. James Sprunt. we are clad to t' is doing Terr nicely, and has been puttaking the fresh air for the " ' - Mon- Qe0' Da and H. Nutt, Esq., era anVl tiia tuun nniu .!aV tt..;. r .. -; vw u lu eare pieaseu DOlB aa "oprovement in tneir conai tion. Rev Frank H Wood, the new Pastor of the Front Street M E churchas ar rifed jo the city, and wiir fill the 'pul pit of tbe chursh to-dayt 'rrftr"; Mr; Carl Mugge is " contemplating tlje erection cftwo two story brick' buildings on rrincess street, near Sec- ond, to be occupied as . offices and rooms. The cases of F. 3. Swann vs. L. A. Hart, J. C, Daily and others and the Vestry and ! Warden of fit. James' Episcopal Church, are set for; the next term of the Superior Court, i 4 "Oraty Kitty" and "Big Head Josh," two unfortunate creatures have been sent to the insane department of the county poor house. Where lhevwill re 1 Ane .nmifgton Acrobats are hay- .in8 erected ouUheir grounds, southwest corner ot Mxtn aud rrincess streets, a building, to be supplied with all the paraphernalia for gymnastic tzcicises, performances, etc. - '. The package matinee gives by Tro fessor Agostini on Saturday last wee quite a success, and resulted in 2G1 packages, representing about 850 pounds of edibleswhicb has subsequently been turned over to Mis. Kennedy and the 8t. James' Home. ! PeCan Nuts. The several varieties of the pecan nuts are grown in New uanoyer, render and Brunswick coun ties. The trees were erown irom hula said to have been brought from Texas ome years ago. Baen Buried. On the 13th inst a barn containing about 25 bushels of peanuts in the S vines was destroyed by fire oh1 tbe plantation of Dr J C Chefurd, at Scott's Hill. We learn there was enly a partial insurance.! . . : ii m m 1 1. r. -. i Thk WeigHtsmillk Mail. Mail route No, 13.544 from Wilmington to Wrightsyille, is advertised for two years service, commencing with July 1st next. Proposals will be received mation can be had at the Postoffice in iuis cuy. - Fiats. The dwelling house of Mr. Q. A. Boper, situated a few miles from Lanrinbnrg, together with the furni ture, was destroyed by ft re on last Son day morning, at 11 o'clock. Some of the furniture was saved, but the larger part was destroyed. The fire is thought to have caught trout a stovepipe, a aured for $1,G0Q with Messrs. John W. OnrHftn Jk. Rm.. tn ttt T.ivarrwint Tin. " - .v.w, doo & Qlobe In,aranc, " .- North East Ei ver, a Duplin county, the property of Mr. D. W. Boney, was btirotd, it ii thought by an incendiary. flia loss wai tl.000. ! insured with Meurs. John W. Gordon & Bra, la the LiverpoolvLoodon & Globe. Pixa Foaxar Cxn stxxt. The reg- W"01 wUog of the lot bwaert JJZ fceliWcdaesdayaight. Daniel Howard was chosen chairman aad J. S W. Ea gle secrttarf . Beroru were received from the eecieUnr aadf treasurer, and lie following (bard - ot director waa e'ected tor the teasing' yean J. W. Tcllalr, J. G.Xcrwod, Lewis LtQrasd, J. U. CnUar, Xd. Dixoa, J. P. Greta aid J U. Htwe, Ayttj ol tkaak was Isdertd the City CuBcil aad Chief J police far the ttse of the court room. We tt1 altratioa ef ear rtadm ta the adTTttLcaeat ef 22ttra, Ikhreada his raUsrxstkviIssne wUca arrears ia til lae DB3TEUCTIVB Fibk A destrocJve, fire occurred on 16'.h inst at Sans Sonci plantation, the property of Mr JohnT:F Garrell, situated near this city At the sound of the alarm the fire companies promptly responded, and proceeding over the railroad discovered that the burning barn wail beyond the city Uni ts on the Little Bridge Road, and re traced their steps: The loss estimated by Mr Garrell on barn (160 feet long) at 11,550, on rice $1,2150, on straw over 12,009. Most of the rice crop had been sold and delirered. Insurance to over $3,300 had been effeeted with various agencies in this city and it is hoped tbe ndividual loss will not be as heavy as first anticipated; Origin ofhe on known, but supposed-; t6 0 ih6 resjilt of carelessness of persons hunting in the ricinity. ! ' Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Foster, oi East Canton, Fa., the parents of our re spected fellow-citizen Col'. F. W. Fos ter, are here on a visit. We congratu- ate the Colonel; and wish his father and mother an exceedingly happy stay, as we hare no -doubt it will be, from the fact that the Colonel' many friends in the city will join in making the visit of his beloved father and mother a pleasant one. Js Capt. Lynch, the efficient and popu lar conductor Of the W. & W. R. B., has taken a better half, andHs' now off spending a pleasant and happy fur lough. May the -.Captain and ' bride live long and be happy, is the wish df a very large circle of friend?. The Fair at Wad esboro comes off od Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next." Don't forget.- All must go. The railroad fare is cheap, in fact it is al most free, end a splendid time may expected. ' . , ; KAILBOAD CAB DESTROYED BY FlBE. On Saturday night last the hapds connected with Capt. Slocum's train coming south when just Ibis side ot Faison, discovered that the baggage car was on fire, they notified Capt. S. of the fact who at once stopped the train, but the car w?s so completely enveloped in the flimes that nothing could be done to save either the car or. baggage; the other cars were cut loose from tbe burning oce and saved. Some of the baggage was said to be very val u ible from the amounts claimed irom the company by tbe passengers. The mull was delayed and did not arrive until Sunday aorning at 10 o'clock. The enterprising local of the Star has not yet learned of the accident, we sup pose be will get it in a few days. The following deeds and mortgages have been probatedby ihe proper of ficers, the past week : F HxDarby, Commissioner, deed to lease Cx G vugge; at lieiiamy, commissioner, deed to D.niel Howard: C C Morse mortgage to R G Myerr; Alex Sprunt; James Sprunt, deed to Eliz M Kicks, Martha Farrier deed to Tho3GIaddtn; G M Stedaan and wife deed to E M Morchison, C M S'eadman anVl wife deed to D K Murchison; C M Sled man and wife deed to Fannie E Hank- ins; C M Sled man and wife deed to Jsaac Morlar; J O Millie and wife deed ti Fredrick Jones, ? r" Col Jno W Atkinson received a tele gram from Got. Jarvia yesterday ap pointing him one of the commissioners of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Eailroad, The commissioners hold a meeting at Fayette vine on Monday next. C- Marriage licenses have been) issued by the Register o! Deeds to the following persona, the past week : Mr Hiram J Charles and Mb Molly Kewklrk, Mr J D Bell and Mis L'xaie F Fowler, W Q IWI1 aad Mia Mary A Bbew, Clay more Moore and Miss. Lob Hobfnsoe, Anthony Davis and Miss Lacilla Johnson, Mr M Daviaand Xias Lxzie Wattcrs. SCftTKYlKG Of WBirXOAKlllTaJl--Lleot Darling, of the U 8 Eegiaecv Dtpartaeat, has been for tbe past ' tea days surrey log WelUcak Kive? frea Bwaaaboro bis We are xeedifVr delighted at tkis good eews a-id toe gramlxte the propte of Cartcrtt atd Oaalow eOBatk wb this aaatter. XE WADTEZTISE2JEX JS ihe m FDiinniE mn OP Oclircn i r p v v . H. Oar, ItarkH A icocavA Swi, wrsu vw-tftr r:msti(t 1 SM - r, ;i, v X. t0 -. -4 - - NE WAD VERTISE2IEN1S. AT : ; - . 1 '-i GEORGE MYERS' s :OLI) STAND. I , 11 -de' 13 SO FROXT STREET, CAN BE IIA.D 33 e iicacies . FOR THE v Christmas Table. The JSew Liqaor Department 1b the beet In - the State. The Choicest, SHEBIES, BRANDIES, CORDIALS AND.CFIAMPAGNE, .' 4.'-'.'-; i'- "I ? " '--' - " Celebrated TONEY WUI5KEY, BLUE CRASS, aud the now brand of I 1 I . VbiPkey, . :""! i r-. Between The Acts I Do -T f ill to look at the fine display if Fll?E WORKS ' 1 ANp ; FIRE CRACKERS ! MINCE MEAT Pauxjn- riaDL c j - And the Cbofcest FamilY Supplies! r Pries will suit as well as goii, at 11 & !3fSO.ERONTST de19 PROPOSALS. w ILL BE RECEIVED FUUTHeI TUR- cbase, at not than par for cash, of not ex eeeUlna Two Vhousand Share 1 of the Capi tal Stock ot the Wilmington and Wtldon ltaliroad. Heal bidi to be addressed to J. W. TUOMfsON, Treasurer, Wllmlntton, X. C. rnarked'Propoaa a." np to Vi o'clock. Thursday: 5th Juury. lSSi .it ' . dee IV 3'. - i - . v .' ' : ! i French! Confectionary. I and now prepared to furnish the finest and cheapest assortment ot GoQfectiooaxlee In town at tne lowest price. One thoasmnd poands.of Uum Drops at 1-! i cents per lb. ) ZIMMERMAN'S, . , Cor. Second aud Prince SU. PROF. MOORE'S VALUABLE . REMEDIES, AMOUACEMEiNT TO rMI WUAT 1 LI AVE DONE AND AM DOING SEE CERT1FICATEH DELOTT. I HAVE APPOINTED JACOB JUIISOA7 Dock street,a my Ant ta Uil Cty. lair. W. U. atuo&liU. rrbC U001V Tree of Life Is a parelr Vecetab. OampottDd. rewaraable fur eismatatac tbe Hm. WriAtas ta Blood, reosoitaf eTr, Uotaea l tb aaa giving rcltef to au disorders of lb body c systcna. Koraaleby ttaa lUoaat, atarket tMrett, Ceaaawt, y. C VrcL VT.-tl. Moor , K. Uetaaeml. a certata ear Sor tMBS sm d acjmts ' crasap tMir. KbttixtsUe.ita. tyrklay Nmrmi gna, TnoUuscM aad Ij ppm. For by fellas ;at. Market auwri. thaafcm, S. C, Caacer aad Scrofoia rtsady wKl bm srat f mmj SMMe s; stsvria ist mt tUwtotircA. r. rt. Mtiw-a AcadiArurs. l'.UoaAiewbra,N.C - Prot Xt. n. MMe's Wn:ag Ur M rs uMaabtaftjeewetacarrateta!. Bra. I lee ttel ctarea al atsnsa, i. f rtirri. 1 tea xoteaei. Rot tea tveva, Ptiiimh aad Pt. ar ay at aa BMwavaua etrea,fiaaAl.y.v. Prot Xt t. Mjare s CXVd u4 Tew ftwmif. m-, eeftatje stwctAe ta au tkuiA. Araeetd "- Bijsmh f r ry nu bst, AUaa avrrst, rrC V. It. eo Utw, KUaey aad CWiMitsiM rv sw AWisrsaWNpa a m aay arac fjvsa est eki m Ut u! w eauuM ay a sa rvnae ewi.. Ik sinmtns. t'w aswe y isa b'..aas Jaatkea erv dasa MVXU .... :4-' " " . rat Ciwr, VWrs. titX f rrrtis C-JNk. - 4 IVM ens tM w m.m r ta-iad I tlk'swe a I -;s rau t ; W tMw new ADvrcmsisnra. w ... WXUtBfOtwr, K. C. See. 17th, 13SU I Book of iBBbscrlpttex to the Uoek ff I ' r. 1 the! Wliaolnrtoa an iaexaoavi:: Sail i Road will epenet at X tV SoatwrM'a store oa Front atweemllstttaal lMa rrant between aCarktaa TJoak Street. I All who wish to ali CU eatarprls srUl w-!: . .wl I " j. . - iMfi aabaeripUon books aloaf the rottt atTMir. I tertba, I shall ti m$ the rout aari R F. IIAHTIN. deolS2t All.klnds Uade Fresh every day at - Second 8i Id deer halew Pest Ofiefc deeltlr ' " - - FILL AND ! WINTER CCOb AT M. EI KATZ rpHS FINEST ASjSORTXD STOCSC J6YEB a . .va . . - - - uiuu(aii vo TT umiagiou, wissi sus in Novelties aad Shades ta . gaUn Marvellleoz, SaUa de Lye, JLhad- 1 1 1 -. . . . : . i . , x - .. f . ataes, 8urrahs, Broeadea, lfolr Aa - tlqae, Camel'a Hair, Silk Velvets, Flnshca, ; ; COLORED, BLACK Aln) ILLUUI NAT ED CASHUniS, ' Henriettas. Mobalrs, SolUaga, Alpacas aad Plaids la eudless Tartety, Passaai ea . I I - . :V - i . : - j White Goods, Boost- i keealas Oooda, . DOLLSIANS. CLOAES, AND SHAWLS, . Men and Boy's Wear, naaatla, Uetlhe Vndarw r, Heatary, qiei evCbraett I Laces and Kdjlnga, CURTAIN LACES. CIIEPI, STAPLE & DOMESTIC GOODS. ' .11. -.; . !' i Li:.r "h- Ia feet everything desirable. Warraated ; - - r . r -A ' - -. i, to come op in price and qaallty, to aay samples from retail booses Kerth. Call and tare extra expense In aayta U, M. (ATZ, 36 Market Gtrcct dec 11-U . THE YAUIOT STC2C. THE U5DEItSXU2t0 WOCTJ) S- speetfully siotlfy his frteada aad the awhile that be baa recently rrtaraod froaa a -rtats to me , T j.j ,. -. ; Northorn narkct3 where he has parthasd the v Handsomest DIrplsy. . x. ' ,f; of Vi. fj1 1 lUIXIMEST, FAGOT C00I)3, NOTIONS AUD HOLIDAY C30D3 he has rm offered ta this etty. LARGCfl COHPLCTC Aavd U GREAT VAIlIETYs I have thewaaada r la lags whWh U wwald isitrsisBissietiiiaaniai atystaeki any. 1 la tbeaw rood aa say Mirea vail aav aa aMaaat vailtty es Millinery Cccds, Ucts, ITrlrnmlnPf : Ta watch I lavtta ta My aloew mt CO tlta I aiAJl OOOC3 It seeaaiusaiMnisiai will aw aoM , I maMBtaff lias ShHm4 ' '-1' '' j 1 l" -r ; mm . ; ; ..ha x. rx arrujesj . rscrsirrca COZNCS EIXOSP ATD rZ'J II-- ;nVV- ::,;-;: rti crrniA re amrtx : ztzjoxtiZTIl rsi tw V UfiwMn..tM.rn, t j fi J Iff f" fay ts us kd I- i t 1 - U L.mj a. 4t.vrMt.. !CjLs:it 7 ri Trra t s-t-sr-, tifrir aans tasMa- jb t a I a l 1 1 i . J ai t y n - m- , in.' lNMlrKisa4t y . t " v 4 e . a.fss.eUiesg-eew8-:;t- ' ,. . . , . ... - I i t mwmtii . "- nr j-eeT.7tt; t. a:C:::::irc:rUuAiC::-7 2.nrm Nones that it 13 ri:ady IT ta relT r -rUrUon for .nrri Tinr 2 - "f In rxp' t 1 rvard to niea, ... b r-wC nd a- ... uqi iniU-enildV . awaai 08,1,0.1 Journal , . 7 straat, from S to 11 A. M . AtoiP.U. fearrlcaplpM will tf laid gOCITD rTT'"T,1 vrrwrr'S iraurrr A2tO STiiksld. -7.. . ' 1 bivjc,- ur W15E3, LIQUORS. j.; 14 'w.edaa waiter Beer. Cigars and r-. N Alin! Jfii?pi7!S i Do- Ac Call and convince yonrr-.i- KptfOVv. 1. . OtUAKN, Prop. A FULL LINE OF 1 Cocfor Ohrictmcn! i - Oa hand, ecaslsUaf In part of -. i ' .,-.''' ? ,i - a OUAKaiS, LEMONS, CANDY, APPLES, NUTS, ' COOOANUTd, EAISIN3, CITfiO, CDRRANTS, PEUNE3, &c. wjuordar aarly aad avoid the rash aad probability ef detention. ! ADRIAN a VOLLL.no. WHOLESALB GROCEB3, v 1 x deeiUf Cor. Front and Dock BU. TV a-i rr a - m wafwawaita a,a a 1 Of lhalTraaainrV sfaatM f assmamla aV Una. . a kwvsm asa - a aa a j va aaf a v rlawlll aatl a.lUiaf A mxin. ii.,. i. Mt. city, om Taeeday. the 27th day of Daeember, i)i?.jA1a,ld mCAPKT to the hlaa est bidder for cash. A flWIlt ITjrfTVTtTtT . . 1 A JUAv A Ivil i ID dT -IT '13 E C t . ' . . . .. . . 1 v ; . - .: v ; .. ... y, .: - pEESOICS BUTIKO DRT GOfiS FOR CASH wtU ft all the advantage they are entitled to, la baylaf irom me, as I do ba- aes mu.uamix.v rvu cash, both baytng add telUnr. I larvts yew attaaUoa to ny SUple Block - of ... ItlULU TAUlK QUODS, - aUlIASK TABLE CLOTQS. , NAPKINS, DOYLES. ETC -1 seep the heit aad cheapest slock of i TOWELS.' Ltdiei tii Crsiti Lisen U&nbrio His&treMtft, iTewM. TSV.IJ.j .-a w w Ma4vitMe sun uuua : lsj HisdimUefs. HECK HE? FOll LADIES. Is every y -.. . ePASISn LACS TIES and FICHUS, alack aa4 araite. OLK POCKET DAUDKLRCU IEF3, ; froa 15 casta to $1 CO. THE EE3T W cent OOESET IN THE . CITY. THE EE3T fl 00 CUR3ET EA'EB eOLD. SSETINO. BUUITINO aa4 . COLOHEO H01XESPCX X Al Uada of Oooda aW Men end Dcr3, Wear ;i: -ff .' ' . ::' ;; ;'v': -, f- , v; Ta cslibrxlad - i fi ricrtli CcrcIJna Cccci ' rr.crc3 end Ucrccya '1 -'.r' -;:. ; -'ut - ' ':'':--.:' ; -' ":.: 7 .Ti axj 4ia Cu! is eiaou laaatreai'e le 9S77'f tie CraAal Hha aaBaaAawaa awf fcrP0MP aaieaBi aaaisMd ai J ht-elNfrt aaeaesvi. na e tare. . j JCOs eT 1 lItiliiti.nccTTrrriT. CtarroM HotTsa.'WiiairKOToir, V.Ci 1 Otf.LBnns'i Ovm TtmX a mil r r ATTTHnHfrv rB ru2 u pp d c r id -xUo3, arl U tixt day ntxi to tie Uv ul 11 ufa f,m aeh!31. lTttttUi:uareK::A:i If l-A ) t.t.- yakt.rrrc.4fc. ef the rest. The? gtauraea are wta aai w ra . a. ta tita nvr- e t 1 w t ; l r l til cM-tl !?. I r-lyrar-, 4, V. t V "V 1, ! W'" '".- v '4B J'