; 3 -." .1 O XV 4 : y MS W Pi VOLUMIilXV. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA',' STJNDAYf JAN.m 1882; NUMBER 2. if i-'rv-:" -?tffr? i lit.-- 7' - ? ' ;1 mm iS ?r-TX T ' I nxiM VX T ' " 'I 'ft -ft ii ft; . I;' 3 !" : VlL.MINCrrON posit Eitlcrt'l al the Posloffice at lVUming fo, I' ll., a.i Second Class Matter T RATES OIVADVEUTISIHG. Eight S) lines, Isonparciltype,cou ntute a square, j , i Fifty cents per line for the first in Vrti:r. and tw'enly-jfivc cents per line "for each additional insertion:.-? m All advertistmcnts will be charged c Use al'ove tales, except on special . ontractr. : "' : ; - r ;' ::;:-';.;u; j ; ' - The subscription price to The Wil MfSOToxtrosr is $2 00"r per year; jiix months! 00. ' . : All communications on busines ton at be addressed- to Tub Wilmjngtok P.)hT, Wilmington, N. C. ' ' , The legislature of Oliio met on Mon "diy laj. -, :-' i :::H7 : ' . . JvirkwoddHunt and Jyincolii are all of Oir'IicltJ?! Cabinet that is left, j tSesMarjf. 'of ffie Navy, Hun., has lad four v- s, aul they do suy - he is ii tt vetihlippy -V.. j ;. ' ' j :':: Thcjicitizeas of timthrillc have gft- 4i u uj Ttrjr irgo. jiciiu-jii lor re-, mT4l of Mr. Henry IIacou. i ' The Predident-ljfcta given hid siibordi iiiites to understand that" llip-ilormon ueitiou inut be settled durinhii ad-, inuiistratiaii, and the EQ-iltybfjjught'to vf"' V V4 - nress ".-'convened ' on the 5ih (j I;; V8'1! ! "a 4',iru,n'- being present; The ) :iniemh( r -U looking-wefl, ;and j as if i . ilwjr' ha 1 t-i j iyed a merry Christmas m now undjrslootl ' th.it the Oar- J - field. Memorirh-tfervice will take place 1 Hoio liaujJ'n Ftbruaryyiu tbo Ilouse'of - J UepreHen'atiw t W'ashingtou: . t Tjio value of lusjuessLin Chicago III., . was J G50,0C0,G0O in J 873, $705,000,000 , 1879, f 000,000,000 i n ISSO, and fl,- : 015,000 in 188 1. There w ill, be seen a increase in -the fsfern mctrop- gradual but very rapid 'bu -tines." Vf our grtat oli!. . ,"1 '; '' : t I Tlie f of Ualtiniore, .Md , we :'r liave jit-t n-cvtvwl, and it, is a very : i " ; Lftiid.sMi.c1y otteu up sheet the edito-i-: t' tiids arc able and the uews lively and f ? fresh. We hopj the Times wall win ; great succe-s; from all appearance it is dcjrv.:n.j of it. - , i (for. D'ackbrnof ventucky has called General Baibridge,- of that tate a murderer, and the General' baa de tuandtd a tetractioa and &u apology. Wemay cxiect h jti work or break down soon, as Ucneral I'arbride is a CghtiDg man. Ulack burn's fame was tmade in Nassau during! the iate war; trying to send the tmiUpox into the Itdml army. ' ' The United States public U bt (state f ct kJiow j a ded ucitoii'or.ihe' month ; yt December, lSai of fl3.793.C23. 56; f.ir lbj pal six mouths of f75k197,--031 Cl; lor lb year of 15SI, f l 2G.7D0,- .853. CS; c t-sU la the Treiwu!ry4 $233J37C, W 76; guld (tcrtificate, 3,188,120 00; filter certificates $G8,C65;230; refund-? li2 certificates; f73,250 00; certificates -ol podt vtatstapding, ' 090,000.--.;.Aitd ibu U Republican inaoagrmeot. :, Ojtiftiu reCrived very' r xtt r.si vely on N'(w '-Yv'at's-iUdifH ami: gent'etnen. VV h at a I ion they ire making of jii m. It ili cbciur js others to bo dlstin Shh thotnsetveei lustead ol taking him out acd :b4fginj"b,iai l i lamp fot, they arc nuking a big man of the Cpunareli The resort to tuch treat Mt we are atratd will be more serious ; osi of these fools now expectV f : ot. W, K. Cameron, or Virginia, I t5wt.-UoT. Jio. C. Lewis and . Attor n J. Uen'eial lilair were all swern in Moodsy Uo KItbmond. Tht '.io ! i npiral ccrcmouiea were tery simple ' f Hvit. TheseCScew are entitled f .M grjtUude of tie working, people toe sute ef Virginia for ibis new fdrtof thin. Ncne of the roval ex- .-Mtaat dirIav tot lh! I).nirwrp: j tkty walked, to the 6ute'Uoa and ! wt wortt ia as all Americans elected -rioicM io ouce saouiu. XlCrsmj from SbonesfiUe, Obk), the infuroatioa thitoa Salords ZSbbl 1U . ih KaigbU of TytbUssire Mini in a large tall, to that towoj Urge crowd beiox present op- wds of two hundred-and lie fitttf way and Ut the whole mass dowa. i wm puoa ia a liars iscb ikorribls BTna IaaIp T.t .uh tte baroed to death, and hd toua koodrtd severely aad JMrtKulj woaaded. iV would seta UU' frtueocy of sucb accileuu ts!4 leirw pcyle to be more cautious; tUilsnaiike case.ttej sooajun x u carle; aotblesfjy tbeir llrta.' 1; irisicn isuU mi the ti -tett la ascter, colasa keaei Hon. George W. Brooks, Judge of the Eastern District U. S. Circuit Court of North 'Carolina, died at his home in Eli z ibe th City on Friday las after after a lingering illues: -The correspondent of the new York Timet has interviewed Democrats, Inde pendents and Republicans on the inde pendent movement in South Carolina. For the iifrmatiou of our readers we publish extracts from Gen. LI a good, a leading, Democrat, CoJ. Gaver, an In dependent, mid Gen. Tuft, a leading .Republican..-,.' . .: .''..j.. Col., Janu s K. Jiagood, a gentleman who has, the confidence of 'the leadiog men f 1rih political parties, : said he was thoroughly convinced that there was a widespread .dissatisfaction with the pri'.Hnt state of affairs in the upper part jj)f the state. I In Pickens county; lor inspire, more than one-half of the white people are ready to join .any movement to retire Ibo Wuibou regime, lie bad also observed great! Uneasiness in political circles at. the state capital, and the state officer, be believed, were "the worst scared people lieerer knew." '"ol. 1 V. J. Givert tti4 counttd-out Independnt candidate fori Mayor of this city, said: "South Caroliniuos es pecially in the agricultural districts, arc the least self assertive people of any stale in the Unioq. They want as few men as possible tojlo the thinking fur them apd to role them. New move ment haye been very unpopular in this state, and ifr will require extraordinary efforts to build up a strong independent party iiV -4-xutence. i A new, pty will require strong leaders, and 1 know of nofie i. tb up-country willing to un dertake j he task who are ) not be smirched all over with the kukiux in famy, ami in the low country nearly all wern tHiotcd with the fraudulent doing.- i.fjl e Hampton ring. Neither could nceivc the requisite Republican support lo make success possible," lie was of the opinion that the movement should start from the Republican side by putting up good men, which would carry the decent men in the Democrat ic party to their aid. . t ; General W. N. Taft-, Poatmaster of Charleston, thought it was too early to come to any definite conclusion as to the ' result of the present Democratic muddle. Lie believes that the passage of the stock law will drive many col ored people and alsj some whito agri culturalists . out of the' state,!' and tue present exodus from Edgefield and ntbe count ies is due to injurious legis lation nd to tbe ballot brigacdage practiced on the colored voters. A spK iylid showjng for the prosperity of the United States: j : '. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS, j The Chief of the Dureau of Statistics, iu his Cfih monthly statement for the current fiscal year of tbe impor'tt and exports of. the United Stales, says:- The excess of exports of merchandise was as follow: : ;, Month ended " November 30, 1881, $13,399,439. Months ended November 33, 1SS0, 135:899,226. Fire months ended November 30, 1881, f45.GU8.717. Five months ended Novembtr 30, 1850, 110,198,223.- Eleven months ended NovemlerSO, 1851, $143,608,683. ) Eleven monlbs euJrd Norember 80, 1880, $141,051,717. i Twelve months ended November SO, 1881, $195,123,212. I . Twelve months ended November 39. 18S0, $162,638,759. The excess of imports of gold and silver cola and bullion was as. follows Month ended November 30, 1881, f2,426.763. Month ended November 39, 1880, $9.374.S65." - Five months ended November 30, 1SS1,$2I.4')S,228,; V Five, months .rnded November 30, 1SS0, $52,593,S42. V Eleven months ended November 30, 1881, Ht.218,852. Eleven months ended November 30, 1880, $63,465,678. Twelve months enJed November 30, iesi; $C2,os3,036.v ; Twelvemonths ended November 30, ISSO, $59,312,990. ' - - "BsT i- " i ii , It appears that Geo. Grant has be come convinced, after a careful reading of the testimony offered in the Fits John Vorter court-martial and the docu ments tow accessible, that Porter has been u r justly condemned. The Gen-. era!, in an interview with s Tuna re porter, Monday, expressed hisaself as satisfied that he had been ! mistaken hitherto, and that ao examination of the oiders ami reports of the Confed erate otScers engaged iaV the second battle of Ball Kaa had couvioced hies that Porter w s well informed aa to the whereabouta of the rebel army, and that his movements were made intelli gently, and that ho did his whole duty ta that disastrous afatr. Possibly, the general public, uninformed as it must be concerning military matters,, has re ceived a wrong impression ol the real merits of this celebrated case. It hss beta generally supposed that; Porter disobeyed orders, etuic up bis Indi vidual opinio against that of his coat msndicg cScer. Pcrhapa the central public is all wrocg t this, but it ; will be cecctsarr wow to show that Porter not oalr rlrat ta hla Udivkiasi htKfgmenV as show by tho mv liu m Th anect. h&t that he dU act dis obey the orders or tvtt csa-aaociaj cCcow-nKV IVr rsrsw i Tta all :r:U rniiilT a atrr lsklrj a'tr i, l-t w -ta ariit tit kss ists it U f.uslCtrt is scue izt? The Wilmington and teldon Rail road Company with wise forecast have determined to build a branch' of their road from Wilson via Fayetteville to Florence, South Uardliha. It is claimed that this short cut will save about seventy miles in the distance traveled by through passengers between the north and south. The building of a road on pr near this line, we have re garded only as a question of time, and since its' construction, must interfere somewhat with the business of the coast line, the W. & W. R. R. Company, which constitutes a very important link in that line, may by anticipating what is probably inevitable, reap advantages from the ownership of this line, and prevent an injurious competition with the coast line. Whether this be their motive or not, we cannot but regard with a friendly feeling the construction of an important link in the great rail road system from north to soutb, run ning 'as it will by our doors, and placing this town at once on the great highway of travel, '.f- . Mr, Bridgers, the President of the W. & Wi Railroad and of the W., C. & A. Railroad was here last week taking note of the topography of this i region, and we understand that a party of en gineers will soon take the field for the purpose of surveying the route. Fay-, cttevillc Examiner. j " Da v'.d Monat, a respectable man of Philadelphia,! who. wns indicted for changing.the election returns in a ward of that citt, after considerable delay in the trial, finding that he could not es cape the clutches of the law officers, brought his case to a termination by a full confession of his crime, hoping no doubt, in that way to lighten the penal ty. But his pffence was a flagrant one, and was committed with deliberation. The Judge sentenced him to pay a fine of $1,000 and spend two years in pris on." Salisbury Wdlchman i Monat beine detected, was indicted and brought" to trial, like all rascals should be, and the crime of which he was charged being both proven and ac knowledged, he received from an up right Judge a scathing rebuke for his wrong doing; and fined and sent to pri son to punish his wicked deed. This was Republican justice. x ' . . But how stands the case with Bimilar offences here in North Carolina,! with Democrats. At the late Presidential election, laise returns in several east--, era counties were made by Democratic "poll-holders'' and judges of election, falsifying many townships and wholo count5 es, largely Republican, and count ing them for Hancock; and more or less prac ticed all over the state. These un lawful and dishonest acts are notorious and well know, but no Democratic" Judge has been known to charge a grand jury to investigate such cases, to protect the' sacredness of the ballot, in the hands of a jy party. Could jus tice be done these offenders, the prisons of the state would contain many "Mo nats." ; . : I : It was Gen. Cox Congressman, who telegraphed, "Hold Robeson, and save the staI" r Gen. Cox, instead of be ing sent to prison, is sent to Congress. Ho and Mont stand together, accord ing ; to moral , principles. Maictvule American.. I , Tha Tpntir.t of lh world is that Gai tau is an international and intolerable 1 - tk ! nuisance as wen as a cowaraiy mur- j j should not occupy more than, three- quarters of a minute.. t OlT a: ITEMS, j Mr. W. KN. Sellers is the at TUOKIZE0 AOEXT FOR THE POST. Subscription price of the Post only two dollars send and take it at once All subscribers to the Post not re ceiving the same regularly, will please report the same to Mr. W. E. N. Sellers or at this office. 1 ' ' i We are pleased io note that Mr. Jas. Sprunt has so far recovered as to be on the streets again. i:i Five hundred and fifty Teasels, over one hundred tons burthen arrived at this port daring the past . year 306 be ing American and 241 foreign. ' , ; The ; insurance age nta in this city haye been petitioned by our merchants lor a reduction of front 1-2 to 1-8 per cent of the premiums now charged. ' Pender county is again talking about building a court house and jail, aad a committee has been appointed by the couatycosamisaioners to draw up plans aad specifications. The pilots report Tor the month of December show 13 feet 4 inches oa Bald Head bar and 13 feci oa Westtra bar. The eouadisg were takes at aneaa low water and the rae of water Is 4 fed oa ordinary Uiea. ' X lady who was standi a at her gate vailiss for a friend lo come up, was accosted by a. aegro saaa, a few erea les t-o who choked bet aad robbed her vf her focktt book, which she held la her luoda at the Usee. The fireemWedacadi 'iAaltle Chamrba Ccrrtts, is s-ceei ta hive beta actii ;li!e ef ccUoa were dxsxi. Iw w$Xtt week cose ta rlJ rrlrrty. The t ' , "f To-day is the anniversary of the bat tle of New Orleans, gained bjr the Iuk mortal Jackson ia 1815. ; .6 i - - x :' : From the sheriff's office welfare that $22,727,03 for Uxes has been col lected during the past year, and is divi ded ;as follows i' General fund $5, 217 46; Insane J sjlumr t5,5010 97; State i debt, $9,493 66; PenitsntlarjT, $2,504 99. Li:',. rt'-i&: i?d W rCapU W. A. RobesOB, the;, jgenial commander of the steamer ; Wat e for a long time past, has purchased that fine boat from the xprSteaiibdat ,pam pany. aod will hereafter Vuu Jiia own account. Success to him', "t- A Runaway LocoMOTiTBt'A very exciting scene becurred at the W. & W. R. It. jcpot a few days since, - A yard engine was waiting on a 'side track for the local freight train to come in, and in the meantime some one inadvertantly changed the switch. Soon afterwards the local freight came thundering in, and, of course took the aid? trackl: The consequence was that the freight en gine collided with he yard engine with sufficient force to send it bounding down the track and through the ware house, running into two cars and dam aging them to some extent, and causing a wild stampede on the part of the nu merous employees and Others along the line of the exciting runaway. The en gine was slightly damaged, but as lack would have it, no serious injury result ed. The newly elected and appointive officers of the Cape Fear Lodge Nor. Z, I, U. U. k , were duly instilled on rues- day night by installing i officer R. Jones as follows: : : ! v J. N G Oscar Pearsall. V Q W G Brown.' , Rec Secretary A J Yopp. Per Secretary W I Smith, Sr. Treasurer John Msunder. Chaplain W J Yopp. . , Warden W H Goodman. Conductor W M Hayes. R S to N G R J Jones. LS toNG-J W Woolvin. RS to V G H Bu-khlmer. L'S to V G -Wen Gj odmao. 1 G John W King. O G R STownsend. : R S S-J W i'awains. A " L S b C B -vfalpass. -t Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly. Hall Wednesday session at ike City night. i 1 rv ' ;' . ' . t The Finance Committee, in the mat ter of the Belgian block pavement, re commended that the matter be indefi nitely postponed, and on motion the report was received and adopted. 1 The report of Mr. Norwood 'Giles, commissiolvr of the Sinking Fund, wss received, j - :v ..." On maiioti of Alderman ( hadbourn the Treasur. r was instructed to have 1,000 copies tf the report and accom4 panying ' ststt ment of Mr. Savage, Treasurer, priund for distribution. ) .The Chief. of the Fire Department was requested .1 Mipply the Little Columbia Fire O inpaiy with such quantity of hyov a be can spare for thdrule..r ;;: -' c;::-:i! " ' Tne committee on Fire Department were granted further lime In the mat ter of the removal of a fire engine to the north Side of the W. & W. Rail road.: f,;'' " . i.,";- I.? The same committee presented as their report in the matter of the . peli lion of Hall & Pearsall, a protest of property owners against the erection of the abed petitioned for, and on motion, the petition was refused by the Board. la the matter of a fire-alarm tower, the aame committee submitted two plana for adoption. Co motion, the whole matter was referred bark to the committee, with pover to act. . : The action of the Commiuee oo Streets and Wharves, la coulnctlng for new ptaokjiog oa the upper end of North Water street, was approved. I The Cbtamittee ea Hospital reported that the hospital is bow ia full opera tion, and that darfef the moalhs of November aad December Jbar. haadrcd aad two days of relief have beta af rotded ad eleven patkats still remaia aader treatmefcL The espeaaee Joe the past two aaaathahave beta f the larger part of which exoeaee was for aeceaeary ttweve aad rvpeita to the baildias-4 'u The CUreodoa Water Weeks. Co. teadered the servkee of the. weeks as per cctt'ract. j ;v::: -- 'V"'" Aldcrsaa Chailhowrm taetsd that a ccssslure of three be appolatad u ea- ti- lata all the pclxls ia coasectkta wUht the ccatratt ef the city wUh the cc7ry aad rtpert at a ct asenirj ef the CsarJ. JUcjUd. ;; The Utyxr srrclxxJ aa aaii ewa- tzJ AUcrsaa,. ' : -" - - ' . : . r - ; Therrjcrt efthe Gltf efth Fire Trrsrttat wa rrsJL asJ tta Cssrl Jar. 1 boa, StS. Oilman, the young sycamore of G;low, was in the city a few days ago tek;ng as bandsoms as ever. : . IS - , .. ' 'k L Mr. HoyeUjilur worthy Jacksonville Postmaster, w'j4 in the city on Wed nesday last, ming purchases for his large businessl; Mr. Henry lcDowell, of Fleming- ton, was in the yty some days ago, at- leuuug 10 private. ousiness matters. Mr, John B Whiteman returned. Sunday last, but left a trip up the- Wil n R.R. . - . ; j from Eden ton ii oa Wednesday minglon & Wei Some man wl is described as "a big man wearing aU'fjster," has stopped, on the street in thufietty at different times during the past.iek several; ladies and has taken the libty of kissing them; This fellow aho4i be caght and pre sented with a cdM of tar. Dr. J. C. Wallllr Superintendent of Health, notifies t public in this issue of the Post that he ls received a fresh sup ply of vaccine nOter, and that persons applying at his IMce between the hours of 12 noon, and fp. m., will be yacci nated free of charge, This is merely a precautionary erasure, as there is so smallpox in thety or vicinity.' (. L Railroad StgI. The 2.C00 shares of Wilmington iff Wildou Railroad stock, for which pMposals were invited up to 12 o'clock M'j on Thursday, were awarded to J. Filler & Son, of Balti more, at $101.50 pr ; share. ' The own ers of $391,000 office 7 per cent, bonds of the company aU notified the Treas urer that they wo$Jlt avail themselves of the privilege igorded them by a resolution of the ckholders at their annual meeting jyJfovember last, to exchange their bqs at $1 10 for slock of the company atlpar. -K2 . ' Fryikg Pan Li4iSt Ship. Oo Tues day las Cmandifejdurrill Miller, In spector of the 6th LjMht House District 'and Collector Canatfey, were taken out to the Frying Pan ISht Ship by Capt. 1TS ' ' " l . " x-nc yaorieison. ;4y morougniy in spected the -ship a found it in bad conditjon Kr the a0p has been badly kepi After inspeCtag the Light Ship they returned and larked at Bald Head, and inspected the Ighthouse, kept by Mr John R. Newtonwhich was found in splendid conditiooThe party lauded at Wilmington at og m., under many 1 ? ! ii iri's iai' ' a -e m ooiigations to me uaraiu anu nts oin cers for many court Deeds and Mtgages. Deeds and mortgages prcbawd the past week by the proper office u B Wright to L W Murchison; J iffFreeman toSN Cannon; James Hicfcfi an wife and T H Sruitu and wife nmnm Tl.l.r. T H Smith to James llcks; A Adrian and wife and H "Voi-rs ' and wife to Owen Hqlmes, Waji bounty; J R Chad wick jto Auguifs Blann; DuB Cutlar, CommissiQero FW Kerch ner; J r Foy.and wil&o F'M Foy; S D Uankina and wifeS U Simmon; O O Parsley, and wifatja Charlotte Bel chen OG Parsley ijg wife to, L A Alderman; ; Mortgagekj-b L Fremont and wife to J H Bull; D C Blue to Kerchner & Calder BroV bond fur title; W P Oldham and wiM and others to Samuel Southerl&ndJ i Howard Esqise ODipast. At a meeting of this compay, hc!l Wed nesday night, the fftisg .fficers were elected: v .Ii.' .; , - r - . s Foreman A:AdriAU"-' rt , , First Assistant Foreman U Hiatzt Second Assistant Foriyiau M Rath- Pteudeot J G 0;dejalt.eL Vice Preaident-J D:eyea. Rec Secretary F G filler. I Cor. Secretary J G LKJietcbea. : ! Trrasurtr-aHair.il ' Chief Eogiaeer W oeg. Asst. Engineer F. Vteos. All the old officers weVfuaanistouslj re-elected, with one eaemioa. , j.-.,;... ;...-;rr) jrv,:-:- A Cottos Fiaa. Tfas fire fiead got loosw asaosg - a lot cf roUoa oa the wharf between the W. iiw.clUroa4 aad the Chassploa Cobjm bwUdis-gs, ea cdaesday aAeraooikJatt, aad cre ated a great deal f ccteraxUoa tar a few taiaates,ht fgtaaelj it was hroeght aader Uuatdke sarjecUoa befjee much daaaage waspoae. Aboat erghteea or twtaty lesifcre aaore or Us hsraed or scorched. Imta2ia$ daaa ase te the eateat ef ahoetO ot tS which was faUy cwvered j laesraace. The cotioa was the pewptiiiy ef Metsre. X'ex. fyrxat A ScasJ id jtlA the L-etX trala ea the Vfg C. A. A, XL H. Caae ef the , tn kxrua, The f-nt atitaa tX mxLtr piiM wp tl irtwts frsa tU 'ypier' wrml tie trxr.xwri:yr?jet is--- Mi-: A. csrtl Ulta 'cssct cTlfccrih ail - :;: ...... .V-, 1.0CA1. snoRTs. Advertise in the Post. Subscribe for the Post. - v The peanut market is advancing. .- Pay your subscription ; to the Post. Rev. W. M. Kennedy, ef Magnolia, preaches at Masonboro' Sound to-day. Quaterly meeting of the Methodist Church at Smithville yesterday and to- . During the year just closed . 69,674 bushels of peanuts wen shipped from this port. $4 f. -T? .-v- Ovsters have beeufetailiDgat $1 20 per gallon during the week past. Scar city the cause.': ;'::CrV;:',- -. The steamer Njce was temporarily disabled a few days since,' but Is now all right again. ; Heavy frostr in this- section during the past week, wiih a few flikes of now on Monday. 'i A good fence has been built around he City . Hospital erounds, formerly Klein's gardens. ( , LThe thermometer registered aa low 24 degrees in this city : during thd early part of the' week.. j Go to Dr. Walker's Office, on Prin cess street, and ' he vaccinated. The small-pox is not here, but may be. It is now understood that the Cpm mercial Hotel willy be opened on or about tho 1st of February ensuiojr. The consecration of Rev. JL Pinkney Northrop, as . Bishop of North Caro lina, takes place at Baltimore to-day. Mr. J. B Worth, formerly of this city, but now of Petersburg,' has been on a visit to his old home during the past week. . ' Th9 Mayor's docket has been light for the past week, no cases of an im portant character having engaged his attention, . -.. v-':;y ;':; -t-' Active preparations are In progress for the survey of the route for the pro posed branch road i from Wilson, N. C, ttflorenceLS. C. 1 : The Good Samaritans ha l a bis pa rade on Monday last, with anddress from Col. Geo. L. Mabson, and a levee at Currie's Hall at night. ;i v The wharreshave been lined with rafti of timber daring the latter part of the jweek, the owners having taken ad vantage of the rise in the river. Judge VanAmripge probated 362 deeds and 181 mortgages during, the past year,'and'22 inspectors' licenses were issued by him during the same pericd. ..V' ' '--t-: i A new steam-tug, the Confidence, commanded by Capt. Bradley, arrived here a few days since, and will engsge in the towiog business. ! She came from New Orleans. .- ,:- Mr. John McLeoJ, agent lor sundry northern illustrated s newspapers, has been jan inmate of the City Hospital lor the pt week or two, tbd'ering with a leverpFe is better. c'.'v. Mr: J. G. Hasbagen, the companion of Prof. King in his late perilous bal Icoa ascension, baa been on a visitto his friends aid relatives in Wilmlngtoa during the week just past. . f During the past year 311 prisoners found lodgment ia the. county jail, of which 279 were credited to New Han over county, U were United Sutes prwoniers ar! "J were from Pender. :? At 4 meeting of the Utthodist Dis trict Stewarts, held ia this city oa Tuesday last, at which Rer. R. O- Bur ton presided, the Presiding Eldet'a aa! ary for the i resent year was fixed at $1,000 The venerable Rer. f. Page Rkaad of the Fifih StrenM. E. Church, was the ncrpieat ef a parse cf twenty dol Lars frtita his, congreratioa at the cca- clukojof 1 the watch-afghl mettipg oa Satcrdsj eight last. A caauoa ball aad aa axe, both rested aad begrimased by time, were dug cp at a depth of eight fret a few days siace, la the xcatatLa bda made for the baseaseat of Uesra. tJaa eock A Daggett's stare. : There ha Wjduplared mi the Pre dwee EacWxw dariaj the past weak a acaUy eiaeewted swap ahowirg the rede el tat1 proposed aarrew cae nTTreti tiae frosa Cliatoa te Poiat taawtU, aa welt as ether pr?poted Eaca. ' , DsATStat-Tae laUewixs ere the ia unaeau for the week: : Oake, 2a W. E. Davis. tTTtirtUa, CiiixLa Crsaetcr?. lira. Harris Sfrila Janx!L coenajBpUsa. - riae itsmti Caaaa 21a ees, taicar; a W. IlrJisi, dlseaw ssa atateO;, iXaaa IlrrxrJ, cacjtare e&aiirU trrcr aa4 crs tka; at3-bara lafiata, . : :-f-r . . - " - -- -iV tit-e tmtam laoei try tla tiiz'jzct cf Jf. CZr; J;la JLtr.-s tZzz'. A tzl f .4i f - . , .,, NEW JLU VJSJCiISEJUENTS. Funeral notice Kr. GEO. W. MCFAKL4NU art requsl4 w.mau uu iunu UUI uy M a O ClOC K. , iT?.? ?WTlettJy th'Bev.Mr.Thomis. . lf 1 1 nrt 1 n arS n mm iW W. A KOTICE 1. O. I. TDK OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OP JL. KI8INQ 8UNIODUB. No. lltlNrVK F2NDENT OtVDEA or 1MMACULATKS. BOOM, this day at 1 o'cock. p. M..to maki iuwoiv mamrau, mv VO llna lam ruaaral of oar late Brother, Geo. W. lio Sarlaat. -All Immaeolatea la rood utaBO lac are eonUally, Invited to attend. Ut order of Wilmington, N. cC JanTsT 1883 V JaaS-lt . . . -. VACCirJATION. ; TH VTEW OF THE FREVALKNCB O' I 81II& IPnTinlha Vahk anJ urs i t deemed aeeeaaarr that all ahoold be Taeel- walker's office, on Prlncese between Front Sndstreeta, between the hours of li M. aad a P. U. can bo raoct nated without onsrre. . . J. C. WALKER. M. IX. jan s- Bup't of Health. dlaoa' l n tan tan eoa Piano and Organ suiiup ior caTaine and terms. . EDiSON MliHinYn u Jan 8 6m 92 Chestnut 8U, PllUk, liu WILMINGTON WELDON R. B. CO omce of Secretary and Treasurer, Wllmlntton, N. C Dec. jj, issl DIVIDEND OV TIIREE Plt CENT, on the Capital Stock of the WUmlnstou ft Weldon Railroad Company will bo paid oa and after the llth January, 18S2, to all who axe Stockholders of reooid on the Books of the Company on the 51st Inst. 1 J. W. THOMPSON; V ' Seo'y aad Treas. Jan ltd For Sale. - , - - , - .... ..... , VALUADLSCdLLBCnON OF " by North Carolina authors, being- a poi tlou of the library of the late 0 EN. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT. '. For,Msl and Price address MRS. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, Janl-tf ( Wllmiagtou. N. C CHAS. KLEIN UnderCakcr aud Cabinet Maker. ' ' ? All Ordors promptly attended to. The finest CASKETS, the best WORK aad the moat LI8ERAL TERMS. 8hbp on rrlnttta between Front aod Second. :. ' " . dte ZMn X O. SCOTT, Doot and cfioo Maker. S?atR,KPB1ETWEC Tl.lrd ket ul PrlBewa etreta. Beat work met. employed. Work dose .M aborteat notw.' neoonoynaaded above boatbi fr Caah. A ConrecUooery Stand attached. (MleadteV dee Zi lj clud noons. SECOND i KTRFETj BETWEEX MAUKET AND PRINCEdS STBXETjiT . EINE STOCK OF W1NKH, I4QlOR, laeeo. All mrti t tmmmwA j - meaUeChea atartalrt lienor. .w dee 11 am p. w. oiltMANX. tW. For the Holidays., A FULL LINE OF . Coodo f or Chrlctmao ! Oa hand, ernatsUat ta rrt or . . ORANGES, LElIOSif, CANDY, APPLES, KUTS, OC)COANUTiS, IUlSIN CITRON, CURRAXT3. PRUNES, Ar. Wl-Ordir eartr aad aTS4 Ue rt aad fraSsSmty adeaealVm. Aonmra a vollcro. WlrOUSSALE UEOCXXA, Car. rraataad Deaa aaa. ' PnOPC3AL0a ua tr EtrrivnrcaTCEMt at smI tmtm arte l I toy- Sfviiil ' t rftsaa! ?(.C.aaaead XaaMniaA mmu, ray. !."" W ,..4 i . m t, j , . , s-V! --r V S r-. .. : I - f 1 t ' ' . 1 - - i 1 ' . J . m t t -:' Va fci, - WS4t ; . 0 9 t9 t:su

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