I.'- mmm VOLUMK XV. lnoxon post I jfrt'red at the rmtojicc at WUming,' v 'i i' TRIP W.A MIIK GTO " : . ilondaj night " 'a-1 found li im the train tw-urid 'for the capital f t b ua - - liaa, whcie all the lflice-ficekers, olMS' h':dcr an J Ionics go. We arrived j t,ere ou Tuesday morning, and alter a frea It 'ast nt' Uc H'g-' UU50e.j:i!.d , oar respect to ths t:hit-f ofisjcrs. r Washington Wit iityer Jlenilcfl by i. Vhrser iiihT.ber of persons aoxioux W !? , jicrilie ho'tne corn I'jrta Tor the- auk.- f j .ervh) tbt- g iv niincnt, through pure irougu p iiatriuttAiivuan ti js at, iuis nine. All, lhan it is at lb in lime. !-! " the hotels, private boarding homes arid !.. Jt'-.j l.ul liWi tire fiwdil hriih full " fcii'o jmi'- - - - in ..,.. 7(lii nrppnt ihni'i wha '..'i-' 'tiilce. and they are 'anxiously Wkiitg plier iatr ,eumr. , . ; , j i. rtti Carolina is well reprejVattd ip ' (Iii w ii w'u I Vi i (4 s y ! v a !i i a ven u r ,011 Tu ta i ; daV uit-rniri" vc thought ' at first we - i - ; - ' t I : 1 1 ' ..i . . ! . T- i . : tvery clacr nu n we ruct w&s frcm North riniiiua. aii'l nil wanted office trie :-;i'Sygrawfuf-crarnbl; for the clBcial lifat fff t ever greater, ; Molt -bas'r ; lraal Bevtna.e District, vo'untarilj; in . fct liid Doparttnent requested bici to -,iu;u- vw j ur M 'iy V A gwvu vui . 1 1 " iV popular wiih, jail classes -6S the peo . pic, ur.d the dt'partmen., baied to Icohb ! tilth a wan. Tbc resident knewsjiim Vti(j has teat coiiUdcnco ia bis iutcgri H lyand; ligfifstj. Cooptr wants toe . ' y.iscv, nud ifl suppitrUd for il regardless H (Actions iu the party; S:bcrroan jecji, A, 'h;---n."..i 'rj...ct.t L., l...'.f f.n l I t It an m l a a niAil r.fimA. i jumniti. fucu, uiuui iucu, uaniciu lueu, ; I 'y Arthu r men all juio iu lhe tupptrt . ol'gToai Ccopcr. 13ut o'd 'uncle Jen- forever . rt tired from pontics, tarns up iviiMl'c'ahdiJ&te for Alott'a ofBcinl "nhnrA. ' J O I .jjfy, from Statcsville, in alao on band H jiTV-.lJiiiviP n. v.-iinrr man nf nKit. w iikptiiig niter bis iliicrctlsj aud all of fjjjese partica, have tbeirfriend!-.. Then ' Ittb.uo is. worth iiolding; Mr. Shaw, itii rc i ii t incu riitenf, is 'supported by : i!:e ptoplo very Jargeiy, tut jMr. ,W. 1". 1 liti l ila-l out mail matter to tliaTarL 'im14m3. puv In .fcr tb position i l-iflBeat Il3pxiblican3 of the state. The h Etizvbcth City poateffico: is worth liay a& aud Mr. Gcrken La just secured ' t'Jeprizr. The collectorship ol the 1st V4uilrict is being looked alter; Captain ; n uue, mo present Boiucrjwamj io con r . tinuo to uo!d, and lias many friends, V , but Colonel George W. StRrjloB, one ol f i-'-'-'lfth r rillnk'rf xe.rv beat and truest . : ' l Tl-..Vl!..- i.:i. properijtbat it is t imo fur hira to hate 4 wnictbingEt tl t iiff Cbb of JJdge '". ; ebmbs h on 1 amll Lavire an ;eyo on ; tie Treasury for filoal jtp. ; ; ' tbe judgeship, we speak of in anoih-j ercjlumn, fjurcandUates were on the gfoaid nd; rb y representee iu point jr ljt'-wiU bo made very warm, we hate j aeu T no dirt tcp'UMOwn, angi wo !-iMy. ' njieVe'lhtfcanltdatVa w'il al y lot.&iv bid b!ool to l-e made ia the Uj Tbursdey 'a largo del gallon, kra by lloo'AW A;,Mworf , of WahJ hgioa county, and Ja. If. llr ru bllcd oa the President, and was nrartiV tmivtd. After Judge liwre kii introduced the delegation In a Very' tBJwa(.aaJ elegant speech Mr. liar- !t pptd forward and said: , - "ila. riUsiDEST: I cows to tear kind ; (reeibcs of the llepublican party of '. iwunt cf tUo one hundred aud twen ;ttnusud Uepubllcintotcrs. We are M here iu the interests of any man or ft or Ciciion. Wa are hero In the in Wtttof the eutire Rfpubticn party. tr to assure yon that in North Caro Ud ve bare a lire, active Kepubllcan - et&ixttion, perltct in all tla parts, At tot e to obtain at jour hands . 4 you ac ministration that recognK , -.: aod support that we are entitled taexptcu- . ;: ; . I tX.00 CS1TI0S X MEJLX tUeotstituted head of the rtjulat or EBitttioa. We haye a republican SUU tecailT committee, elected by deie tca fmh Crom the people, at a rtgu- tate cooTeatiop, and in whom the k and file1 of the Republican voter . UTteoafiJence and will folioir. There v ixu aiiiuon in ui apuiuva rty of my state. There may be ap fvtat division tmoa ? individ ual mem :.trt of the party, bat tfctse minor eon rtilons must be subordinated to the rttsuneat iaiemt cf the rartr by the :;t:rt men of the rany. I mean i ie ho have kept alive the orjtal 1 -.sa and hie gone throujh the tiery f-ltil ef every camral n ainct 1SCJ i : 1 trortU cut the voters. I tel vrar ; ia autl2 tt the condition of ; rirty u oor state U ttittr t&an it 1 1 ta aioce and tuccc of the U th teat eUdlJn Is la nj - awartd. Kovr. Mr. rrtiHcat, :::.ijn perclt metasUta itix in the Chicagj convention, she to-day blkiius iu support or your administra tion, i , ? r ; : ; , ;. The President replied, and paid he wn gud to bear mch good news from lh- North Sia'e, and wanted the enp Iort of all cJaest-s. lie said the best way to -fuke hi admiiiiiUratinn a suc c ss wa to give it an undivided sup iMirt.. ' i'-r Tbe drlt-palion left well pfeaeed with their rejeeptiou! by tbe 'President and full of complimentary remarks concern ing himi ;pr-8ident Arthur has a way of making ll lovo him who comes in contt t ith hiru. lie ia a large man wfili a JirgriX heart, and a still larger brai u, a'ii d bid jf Abr 7 to makes graud and buocesfu4 administration. : ' . . We bad t be pleasure of meeting many of tbe ;i distinguished men and office holder',: of' the nation.' Among them was Dri J. B. Hamilton, Sufgcon Gen eral of the Marine Hospital service, tie of ibe very best officers in the government-, who btanda high in botli so cial and official circles: : ; r Turn j Young, Ohio's Jleprcientate in Congress, but a man who, is loved by a nation of patriot's, for the size of the tnau'd heart and head. If we were adked vvb-j was the beit man in Wash ington we would say, Tom Youag, and our answer would meet the hearty ap proval of a'l who know him. . Leach and I'M would sav amen. I We : iiiet Hon. u . nubbs, the only North , Carolina ltepublican who suc ceeded, in obtaining credentiablthe others were elected). Mri Hubbs is always on baud looking after the pro-CM-dingn of the Housf ; faithful to his duties and bis friends. i ; We left .Washington "Thursday even ing, a ri i vic-g home Friday morning, And foun Wilmington slll on the waters of tho Cape Fear. ONSLOW CiUi yx. j itbe evening ri the Cth of Jan uary last we left the 'city at 8 o'clock and tiding about eevenly five miles we arrircd at Jacksonville the morning of the 7th at 8 o'clock. We stopped at ths Hotc-1 presided over by Mr. Hug ging the Clerk of the, Superior Court. After a hplendid breakfast we bad the pleasure iof 'meeting several ol the lead ing Democrats 'of the county, and got their vleWn on the question of patting colored men on the Jury, and we are glad ii siy that of all we talked to not one opposed doing justice by the color ed cUilPlut- Anrl tatoJtby- VK.-..4 the county comncissioners would, and ought to'put tbe na-nes of qualified col ored tr en in the Jury box. Tbe Reg ister of Deeds, a Mr. ttumphrcf, in formed us that at the meeting held tbe Monday previous the commissioners placed the names ol a n amber of col ored men on the list to draw (he Jurors from. ; : :.'y : f. .'" . :-: At. about 10 o'clock the Colored ;citi re os of the county commenced coming in to ibe town, and by il o'clock a very larcc jr. ticn of the colored people of the county had arrived. At 11:S0 o'clock tbe colored convention was call ed to order. Tbe convention was held for the pnrpoee of takiug steps to en force' their rights' as citizens iu the county. The mce'.ing was well con ducted. The presiding officer, Mr. Wil liams, a young colored school teacher of tbe couoty, done well, notwithstand ing the fact he has had no experience in parliamentary matter. His address was verv g KAl, ho spoke with modera tion, butlirmncss aud decision. Wo heard some fifteen abort speechea made mostly by the jouug colored men of the county and the general conduct, atyle of apeakiog and , langnsge used ' was very conservauve ana to in point. They hoed great improvement,; we find quite I.Bumber of edacated jouog men, ana even tne oia men nave im proved their opportunities splendidly. We were much gratified at the large number present, the intelligence dis played and the work accomplished by tbe meetiog.; We were informed by the county officers that the colored tatixens jure maklog money very rapidly and in vesting jt in lands, stock and knowl edge; thry pointed ont several colored men worth from one thousand to tea tbouwnd dollar each Wo noUcod they had fioe horses, good vehicles and fine clothe. They look well, dressed well, and behaved themselves as gentlemen. and what glvesi na more pleasure stilt was the good WersUndlog txistlnj between the white and colored people. Wo watched the hehavior of tho whitt people and they all condacted them aelves well towards tho colored recrle. Wo feel wj aaro that the colored pcoplo art bcUtr contented ia O&slow dif than ia any coaaly of the eUte h i9' txtepUoa of thtlr ilrhts i la ta courts ana wiu tiit rninsttcl to thesa oar whin fileads cetd have ftaxs of gttUs !i ik. Ub;rtr vxaL And If ry dial arcri ills to tiactUrtl JO WILMINGTON, NORTH ' . . will go wbere they can enjoy alt tbe rights of other American citizens. . r .. The chairman of the county commis sioners, Dr. Word, Sheriff Morrill, Clerk of Superior Court, Mr. Huggins, and the Begiatef of Deeds,..Mr, Ham phxey, have all promised to. deal more liberally in the future with the colored citizens than they haye In the past, and we believe tJhey mean to do iW. It is to the interest. of the county that they should. There is no finer lands in the State than -in Onslow, tho' people are interprising bit they mast have labor. the crops can't be made without it, but we assure them from what we see and hear the colored men have made'- nn their minds to locate and raise their families where their children can be ed- ncatedand after the boys grow to be men they will be allowed all the rights Other citixens enjoy. . -. ' f.f-,,. The meeting adjourned at about 3 9'clock, we got dinner and, left for home after four and after a long but very pleasant drive, made so by Mr. Horrell, one of Pendera bast Bepnbli cans, who accompanied us, we arrived home, well pleased with bar visit, and with best wishes for all our friends in Oaslow, both white and colored?- u Theacanrqrmdby-the death, of Hod. Geo. W. Brooks, Judge Eastern District of N. C. is being sought by quite a rargo number of able lawyers. Among those who are being pressed by their friends' we find the j names; of J udge D. L. Russell, ' of Brunswick county, Judge R. P. Buxton, oi Cum berland county, Jcdge A. S. Seymore, of Craven county, Judge W. A. Moore, of Washington, Judge W. Clarke,' of Wak 3 county, and Judge Faircioth.of Wayne county. All of these gentle men are good lawyers of experience and would make honorable successors to Judge Brooks. But there is dne thing that should bo well considered by the President, ho man should: be ap pointed to fill this vacancy who is the least tainted on the question of giving equal rights to all our citizecs regard less of color.' We have our doubts about one of the I applicants standing equare on tbis important mat ter, we I know of one who re fused to enforce the laws and compell Democratic sheriffs to put colored men on juries,1 and if he was not faithful al ter being elected by a large colored constituency with an eight years term ue u'er Wlin. Some of these applicants have been weighed in the Bcales and found to be good and faithful. We hope the Presi dent will give us a man who will stand firm by the . law and see justice deaH with equality to alL I If President Arthur wants to appoint William E. Chandler Secretary of the Navy, or to any bther position, he should be permitted to do so without being assaulted by tbe feather-head press. ' Mr. Chandler is, and always has been, Mr. Blaine's most intimate friend, in business as well as in politics. He is honest, capable, and faithful, and those are the JeflVsrsonian teats of fit ness for office. 4. he Inter Ocean has not always agreed with Mr. Chandler in politics, but it never believed him to be dishouest, corrupt, or incapable. Jkxcago later Uccan, William E. Chandler's appointment to the cabinet would be exceedingly agreeable to every Republican in the South. He is one of the very best Re publicans in the , north, and one of those northern Republicans who have always stood by. the union Republi cans of tho sou tb when all the north ern goara heads were abasing as Chandler was on deck in our defence. VOLORKD BTATM COXYKKTIOH. .The colored convention of Onslow county have recommended a colored state convention fr the purpose of taking steps to enforce the law which guarantees to them their jrights as citi- tens. Wt think this convsntion should bo held and if it is possible ways should bo formed to secure to every colored man m the state equality before the law and ai the ballot box. 815,000,000 run kouuatiox. Senator Logaa has in trod need a bill In Congress appropriating seventy-fire million dollars for tho purpose of education. Wo hopo, it will pass. ' General Ldgaa has shown hisa clf a friend to the poor, by his advo cacy of this measure. And every friend of tho poor, ia tho nation should ther inCaeeco to paw the tuu ; UlsvU. , Uoa. 3co, W. Eroola, C. S. Jadft Eaatera D Uriel Korth Carolina, died oa tho feh instant, at his bosso la Elkibeth City. He was appointed U 105 by Andrew Johcjio, U con dad as a Jaia was not approved by aanjcf Us ftleada. Hi vis not an able Jndjt thocsVwo bellevsj ho was Ccrd:i5ktrsai;8Sld read iht ai TtrUcat la aac'.-tt exUxa htoirJ CAROLINA, SUNDAY. JAN. 15. 18S2. . . ' ' " "' i ' I KON. A. 8. OBkHinS. . . J This gentleman if janjappljcaat ;for the position made ysesnal by. the death of Judge Brooks, aad;i4 p?orted by the Democratic state oCcen,the Icadiag Democrats'of the state and It U believed the Democratic delegation i4 Congress are also naanimons itf!, jdpport. Judge Seymore is the only Republican holding! position on the bsnch of the state, ana if bo is appointed tU'. 8. Jadge it will make a acahcy that democrat will at once filYand for thia' reason J adge Seymore 8hoaJoit think of quiiing his present position; ana. we hopelhe administration vill- consider well before taking him from it It ia said that, the democrat is already se lected for the place. : r& . Judge Seymore waa'eleted by a-Re publican . constitaencyhiUikbs- him Co resign and allow a Democrat to be given the placet Wo do nt think it is righi or honorable for him to do so, and we believe he will, when he thinks better pf it withdraw. There are other reasons wijy Judge Seymore shouldjoot have the U; S. Judgeship but we do notjdesiro t ) speak of them atjthis time. . m t -mr .ill " - There is no fi&cht on any Federal of ficers in this city. The present incum bents are iatisfactory to the people. No one ha resigned and aa far as we know have any intentions of dina; so, The Wilmington Star of Satorday cor rectly slates the c se. Sensational prophets notwithstanding.' , j Messrs. Allan, of Duplin; Scott, ol Onslow; Richardson and Short, of Col- umbu; McRae and Roads, of Cumber- and; Stewart and Kerr, of Sampson, ail believe it is about lime of the Hon. A. M. Waddell li stand aside to give them a chance at the congressional crib. ' ' Col. A. M, Waddell rises to explain that'h; is not the Mahone of North Carolina. No one can honestly accuse him of being. "Barkis is willing," we have no doubt if we would have him, but we don't Twaut that kind of ma terial, i -'!-:' " iV '. fv Some weeks ago ,we made charges against A. H. VauBokkelen, and said if he would t deny them in writing we would prove tbeojhe has not attempted to do so, therefore he stands convicted of one of the most brutal crimes known to humauity. ' i . ' aws " - Msj. C M.tStedman authorizes us to state, that he will postively not be a uess is very large and that in ; connec tion with his banking interest takes up all his time, and under the circnm stances he says he cannot give up profitable private business for politics. and if both parties wouldelect him he will not avcept. Msj. Stedman is very probably the strongest Democrat in this district, if u t tbe state. He is popular with all cla-s, and the republicans may congratulate "themselves on this piece of good news. OIT1 lTEMa. Rev. Dr. Ptt rson started Wednes day morning tup a visit to Texas, where he goes in the interest of the Universi ty of the South. ' ';' . The matrimonial fever still rages in WilmiUftou, with no perceptiblo signs of abatement. The "diseassr? has been declared epidemic. The Mayor and police have bad an easy time of it during tLe past week. Everybody oa tltvir gotd- behavior leaving John Barleycorn, cut of the question. . ' The naughty bojs who throw locks through people's windows, and run tho risk of breaking somebody's head, aa well as the glass, should bo "suppressed" by iho police. "-- .-" j-, Mr. a Pi Johnson, of Clinton, N C was tho wlnaer of the handsome Car penter Orran rsfled off at Heinaberger's a few nights since, for tho benefit of St. John's Church. Tho shutters to the door leading from tho Opera Houe to the back entry of the City Hall have teen clanged to open outward instead of inward as a matte? ol precaaUsv ? .V .;- f "r')-'yr; Mr. B.G. Emplo has received from the Govesnor a comsalsaioa aa Ketary Public fur New Hanovtr cocnty, and eras dnlv cmallfied as such by Jmirt VanAauingt on Thursday. Uesara, J.C. Meyer and Owe Few BtU, Je, have been appelated a cosa aaiUes) to aolkii sutacriiona fcr the CUatoa and rat CasvcH RaHroad ia this tixj. 7a kcya they cay tattt U2i ahsslastassti. Tho essaty root hesse dated TT iaaatea darlrg tie year jaat cl3, cf wSith 12 trrt Ci, 1 wsa ctat to tie baxaaarjlia aa4 Zl Lava ktca dh--rtd. kivlr' U to tla ia a-Uta ca tio it cX Jsisi-y, Dr. Deems is expected to deliver the address at the next Wake Forest com mencement. Mir. R. 0. Myers, Deputy Collector of tho port has been quite aick for a few days past. H. A::--; - ; North Carolina has moved to Wash ington froni the looks of the papers giving names of arrivals there. - Ex Judge R. S. French, of this city, was stricken by paralysis on Wednes day evening last, and . has since been in a condition that is somewhat alarm ing to his relatives and friends. . - A white man . named : Thomas Mur phy, said to have been formerly an at tache of Forepaugh's circus, was ar rested and jailed here, a few days since, en the charge of stealing a watch from amanfrom! Bladen couatT.""'," .' " ' The man witn the long uUter, who is accused of the outrageous proceeding of stopping ladies on the' streets at night and forcibly kissing them, has not yet been captured. It is hoped the police' will keep a (harp lookout for him.' " . i While ia Jacksonville on the 7ih we had the pleasure of meetiog Dr. Hoyt, one oi Unsiow s leading pnysicians. His son, who ia a . large merchant Mr. Thos. E. Gilman,i a cotton farmer,: a merchant and a lawyer. ' Mr. Richard Canaday his sori;. Henry - and many other o!? friends. V ' - Y"ET AHEAD.4-While looking over the lax books at the court house the other day, of 1881, we were surprised to find the tames of two white males list ed one at the age of 156 and the other at 207 years". Wilmington is certainly ahead lis far aa heard' froa; if lbs tax books car. correct (f) and we guess tney are ndt. ' , v K i The Lunberton Robcsoniari calls at tention to the fact that a child was ab ducted from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Cart wright, three miles west of Whiteville, Columbus county, on the 25th ult., by one Wm. Wheeler, aged 21. The child is named Martha. Jane, is 10 years and 8 months old, not well grown, rather sharp, .red faced and has blue eyes and long blark hair. Any information concerning the little one will be thankfully received by her dis-'i tressed parents. Bishop Noetheop. Tne newly con secrated Bishop, H. Pinckney : Norlh- sfSlecf aLNfhatSihoi mj urcfe in this city this morning, at 11 o'clock. Archbishop Gibbons, Bishop Northrop, Bishop Keane, of Richmond, and other Catholic dignitaries and clergy men arrived Friday night. It is ex pected that the ceremonies will be of a ery imposing nature, r . ; Mr. A. Gamburg, of Rocky Point, was; in the city on Friday last and in formed us that the colored . people of his section have .rented the largest plantation in Pender county, and haye gone to work putting it in . order. He says there is no question bat what they will make considerable money. Mr. Gamberg is an old frier d of the colored people and ia always at work in their behalf and usually . succeeds ia what he undertakes. " ' -. Fa'DAY Night's Fxjie. A fire broke out Friday night, about 10 o'clock;! a One-story dwelling house, located in n -II I l-J ,t HI ITT WVUUUOU VJ DHIIU UU 1UVU UIU Seveuth and Eighth streets, belonging to Mr. Alex. Wiggs, desirvyiog that building and another smaller building en the north occupied by a colored man named Simon Council. The hopse of David Richardson, colored, next ad joining on the north was also partially destroyed, but by thii time the fire de partment had gotten to - work and the fl uses were quickly brought under Con1-' troL Tbe house ol Mr. Mote, on Swann street, next south ot 'Mr. Wiggs' dwel li.made a narrow escape from de struction.- -:-f '--: I DEEPS ASOMonTGAGES. TLe follow. ing deeds and mortgages were probated by the proper olSxr dnrtDg the pat weW Ed W Manning and wife and others, to J H Cbadbourn. j.-; Wo Lar klas and wife and others to it F Man- aiag; Ed W Maaniog and wife and others to ll A 8:oiely and otherr Ed l Maaaiag and viCs and others to Wsa Laiklns; Wat ..: Larkins and wife and others agreement coocemieg rlxht of way; D S Cowaa to S a Lew; E E Earma, Presideat and others, to Mary 11 WUHasfts; WUUams V MarchiMa to EU Hizsoe; WUIiams A. Marchlsoa to VTrijt Ehaw; Marj 'ataohl to E O Exr kcr; Ang Iesan to EGEamrES MeaSsrd to J CMmS; M Mskahy to S L Ittastt,' rtltaie. Mctijx A A XTiZMrl and mlU to HrU SsiSoasl Eaak; J XT "fry lor aad sn2s to Jeaaaa STtsa; Jha $!ceal to TT Fiddrmar; C C Haw to rrst Xasaal Eaak, ' lira Tsatlt:atto.h ctkusrs it tlslii ttrca tla nnutf tlalua L'ry :U dir.sx tlf ul Stole Copies 5 Ccsts Col. O. F. Blocker has beta ia the lity; the past fewdsys. ' J ' ' 'yy f j ; t - . I : ;:- At the sixteenth annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Wilmington, held Monday, the folio wing old Board of Directors were unanimously re-elected: "Alfred Mar tin, It). G. Worth, Jamea'Sprunt, James Dawson and E. E."Burrnsa. "4 Two handsome, scenes, representing the Natural, Bridge in Virginia from opposite : views, made op of monses, woods, etc, and enclosed in beautiful frames, have been on exhibition in Heinsberger's show window during the pastj week, t They ;vwere executed by Mrs4 J. J. Jackson, of Pittsburg, Chatham conaty. -.. - f , V Oakdalk Cekkteby.A tf the t'aa nual meetipg ot theOakdale Ucmetery Company, held Monday evening, Don aidqiMscEae, Esej- waa'elected tj Preal detit, and the following were named as tbe Board of Directors for the ensutng yearij- W. II. -Northrop, James H. Chadbourn, W, J. Yopp, Edward Kid der, George R. French and Dr. A. J. DeRosset.- ! The bell tower. The contract for buildiDg - the bell tower for ' the fire alarm bell, bich is to be erected on the premises of the Howard Relief Fire Company No. 1, on Fourth street, has beeajj awarded to Elvin Artis, one of our colored contractors, for $461, The toWer is to be 40 jfeet 8 inches in height and i feet square st the.base, and will be westherboardedj . j -.' y AMEsrcjAar Bible Society. Rev. Dr. Etunt, of New York, Secretary of the American Bible Society, and Rev. Calvin H. Wiley, sgect for the same in this state, has been on a visit to thia city during the j past week, and on Tuesday nigh fa at the Front Street If, E. Church, Dr. Hunt delivered an in teresting discourse in connection with his mission, touching upon, the work ings of tho institution since its forma tion in 1816, and its gradual growth to its present enormous proportions, dar ing which it has distributed about 40, 000,000 bibles in seventy-seven different languages. : ' 1 - ' H '. ! : iA rno6PEEou3 cnuficn. At tho an- nual.mecting of the Second Presbyte rian Church, he!i recently, the reports showed that the church had? grown in the last five years over one hundred per cent, li There had -been added to it do- had been dismissed and three.died. A heater, costing $225 had been put in tbe church, and an organ costing $200 purchased. The debt on the parson age (about $900) had been paid in fnT; also the Pastor's , salary, and other church expenses all met, besides which there is in bank flOO toward a sink ing fund for building a larger church, and contributions to ail the Assembly's objects been made. Tbe lotal amount raised the past year f ttd op $3,332. . : An ALLEOEI ATTEMPT -AT IXCE3T- diaum. A colored boy by the came of Rains Robiosbn was arrested on cunday afternoon jlast, on the charge of eeiting fire ! to ' a lot of cotton on the platform of the Champion Co: ton Compress Warehouse. Tho watch&ian, a colored man named John McRaV, made the affidavit, and: it ia said tUe boy c- f ed his guilt at the ilfr f the 4'.rt, bat said he was in stig .j' -jd ii commit the crime by a col ored man named Lewis Williams. Af ter reacting tbe guard house, however, he tc'.d Chief of Police Brock that tho man jh wa to pay him for seltiaf fire to the cotton-was turned Richsrd son, and finally, on the preliminary ex aoinatioa, he denied that he had made any tach confmlan, or that he was guilty of the veriocs chargr ' He was committed tjail io defanlt of securify in the tern of $100, for his arcaranc at ibe Criminal Court. .rh :yys Salts or RaAL Estate. The 4- lowii compriaiog mortly the cfato of iLe Ute James Casaidey, wa sU u anctiou oa Thursday last: , lut story brkk huildlag. Zil& fret, en Market meet, new rccspied by llr. JUss Sasnaoa, to Mr. E. T. II it cot k, for t3. The : Oassdey resk!ece, txt f Church street, lot lSixSSI Let, to Mr. Jii,aiIaad,f$I Hacse and lot, oat Third acct, l tweeu iNaa and Clarth, to Mr. E. Q. Buktr, fU fliw i I!ee and kl, ca Thirl, lwtca Tj W tad Dawaoa atrecSa, to Mr. E. G-Euktr,iW$X lUatl ca frcssJ, fcf tttta Naa asd CLtftS. tsm aterly tie lrerty ef Uf. JL a Usilt, f r 1 1,; the Prtlr Ulr- Ur. E. U. Easier. Ta!a ca Icat Cszxi, tttss tie caU3- Cscty, to 2I.HGLEa:lrr, tX .wjt. ., Tcraa,-Oiiri cs? lalizs b alt, Ut!rt t&l tisca crla. NUMBER 3. ' City Policb ' Depaetmest. Ar rests, fines and. penalties,' &c, for. tho year commencing on the 1st of Janu ary, 1831, and ending on the 31st of December, 1831: AETtajP, 75; assault and battery, 20; assaults with deadly weapons, 7; Ysgrancy, 2; resisting the police, fast driving. S: drunk and down, 58; larceny, 18; violation of tax ordinance, 20; abusing police officers in ' the discharge of their doty, 6; sleeping in the streets. 2: aafeiteeninir. 1? Inn v. 5; disorderly conduct, 157; drunk and disorderly, 40; forcible trespass, S; res cuisg a prisoner, 1; desertion, ; vio lating market ordinance, 7; violating the Sunday ordinance, 5; suspicion,' 12; mutiny on shipboard, 2; escaped fom Poor t House, 1; carrying concealed weapons; 4; firing pistol on street. 1: resisting police officers In the discharge orihejruuty, 10; attempting to rescue a prisoner, !. Total arrests durlnthe year. 473. Daring tbe same period as above 287 tramps applied for and. were furnished with lodgirigs in the station house, y. 5 The fines and penalties imposed and: collected during the year footed up as follows: - January, $71.v0; V February; $10.40; March, $3.00; April,. $12.00; May, $24.10rJune, $27.00; July. $33.25; August, $27.40; September, $570; Oc tober, $27.80; November, $40.76;- De cember, $5i.S0. Toul, $3031. "We were pleased to see Mr. Jamra Sprnnt out riding a few days aince. ' NEWAVYJSttilSSMENTS. . .Proposals for Fuel. ' TwrTBO States Enoinkxr OrriCK. 79 Saratoga KUeet, Baltucokk. Mp., V PROPOSALS FOR FrjELtoaVnM - rrmp.MI6mnt. of.ttoe Cape Fear RTvor, Ibwiarler a01 opned tmmetl lately .Rl&nk 1hnn"..nMifl.A4tMk. -- . mLKiTwV ca PPeaUB to mis omce, or Oi Mr. Henry Bacon. Wilmington. Jan 15-lt . -. Uut,-OoU of Kngtaetr. Eilson'a raiara'a instantaneous Piano and Jans Sm 92? Cheatcat BU. Pllla Pa. For Sale. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS by North Carolina authors, being a pstlloa of the library ofthe late QEN. JOSEPH a ABBOTT. For List and Trice address . ' ; MBS. JOSETII C. ABBOTT, ; Jan l-U Wllmlneton. r. GIIAS. KLEIN Undertaker nud Cabinet Blakcr. All Orders promptly attended to. The nneat CASKETS, the .best WORK and the moatLIBERAL TERMS.: . . Shop oa Print: is between Front acd Second. da SUm X O. SCOTT, opt and Shoe Maker.1 SHOPft ON PRINCESS BETWFEN Third KM 1m PtIiim, - ki . OMttecUooery Bland atlacued. Call mai cluo noons. SECOND BTRFKr, ItETWKEN M AU2CCT . AH aorta of Imp-vtMt mni Vo- r-? mW w RlnfOvalan A A 1 1 . T . dallSa K W orfTMAXX. Pwp. For tho Holidays. ' - - - " '- 4- "" - y aeiswMBMaaw A FULL LINE OF Coodo for Chrlctmos! Oa ttaad, craSisUax la pan ot ORANOE?, LEM0K3, CANDY, . APPLES, NU18, -"iV.:v; y;yr yfryM- yy COCOANUia, EAjajy CITXON, CTJEXIASTS, rHUXES, Ac 'tYyyy-y'-yirsy: '-'',-:. yyy..y taAder early tad arati toe raih'aaf : ;.--y Aonmrj a voLLono, VC0LX3L1LS csocxrrn, ' erw cw. r t 4 tWli or C:!irc:. 3s & Hunrc . CCar.xaat IliiiilCtWA trtLzaroTo.'f.c 11 t "..fc., ,. :ifc-.,.. ': L

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