- A s mm LMlNgTblsr POST rfZffk the Fortojjice at 'WUminij-w-n ai Second Vlass Mailer.: SPADVERTISING. -Eight (Sfliacs, Nonpareil type, con -'.litute ;8aN.-;:; ";. ; ' '. : v ; 'Fifty cents per liue for the first in-: tUB in twentyfive cents per line lor each additional insertion. ' . v :n jukcrtisements will be charged c. tj9 above rates, except on special i)ntract?.' ' 7 . ;' V - The sub'crii tion price to The Wil i;soT(x rsjs $3 00 per year; six mmtl y.:'- ' j - ;; Allcomir'Unicatious on busincs must li addressed to Til E Wilmington Post, Wilmington, N. 0. - "jTT"' SI ASS M K ET IN U '" TJie Republicans of Brunswickcouu v ty prOpM t0 call a mee'.iag of the citi ienslqf said' county to meet in the court louwin fSntfth ville, o,n Saturday 8th ofEtbruary, itistaut, to. consult upon jbe subject of the projijbitioa lo color ed men myitis es jurors iu thio coun ij. We Lfips' ilsere jmay be a general Urnrtit. ' fc . .' . y . ; v . -.-'ii' V W. II. CiiAia, V:' " Vf . Joseph Svel), - " ' : ' TiuxriEf-D UiiiFFiyV " T ' ' Kobjeut C. Emitii. : ' f; I'iiNDKtt BOUNTY. , liaAWj ; Tender County, N. C., ; January 2ist, iwj, ILVi.e will be a convention of the colored'-': citizens; of; Pender, county at Sjrgaw., at 11 o'clock a;'m. on the 11th diT of Fe bruary next, for the purposo tf lakiag stepa Jooking to.the enforc Kiitnf the rights of the colored citi IBffi in tho courts. The colored citi ieiii tjf : tho various- .townships, will v p!ee bold, meetings cn the 4th day of ; February, at .12 m. for . the purpose of clKtisg tlelf gates to said convention, :- Avi?red Lloyd, , - , ; , G. W. CAiti . ' ;7;r .'.::- W. McIktire, .'' .'' -. ' ' 'tJ B. McClEsi:. I.rj'rnve ,'f. the above call,': l:?j; ;--"7 A. V. LiORRELL, -. . ; j'--;;;;'. f; Chairman -Rep.' Com iVcio'ts's- isTwiiAi WKnlvAVT. l'Ucvic 'u - uo man in North Carolina ho H ilTsacrifiee 'mora for the Repub- ' Ecan party tban wc. There are none tb'niil da more fcr its 1 success than if. And wc will. welcomcS'ith open . irrusail siucere anti-tt'ourbons who will coroeia and aid us in carrying North Croliua ia'behalf of local eelfcgovern- ; aent, eiual rights before the jaw for all aitn rtgardlcM of color, and a free bal Wt iud. a fair count. Wo bate the ' Mine of bourbonj let it ; be a Demo- mlm - KnnrVion nr nn rcf. tt rnltv or Aii-RiWn h,,rt; ! w,. i.r Grern B. Raum in 1iH endcflyora t,,.,Um i,. iiki plalfom We gladly fall iuto.lineatid iBtyjrl Chester At Arthur in bis deter ralaatlup to ice a free ballot aud a fair toao'. in tie -south. But whatever we i to aball always be Republican, in atvir of the Republican platform, and iaJe of the Republican v party lines. "AalGeorgje C. Grab am in making his E.'tU tj combined all the opponents of tVaocracy and carry the south, shall kiTsf uudividcl support. Success aattswAot... - ; -v ; ttiUKT vi. HOaDr. lion,' li ugh Bond put down the ku 'Hh Use civil law backed by Prts- M IKS, Grant; tho military arm was M called in. And bad Gov. Uoldcn wwd the law through hU state U inJ icnt Ibe kullux to the gal-' tto rtnllenUryt aa their crime "'W, North Carolina would to- J V rfuWican. Nort)i UaroUuUns sevtr submit to the bayonet, but it civil law, and will stana oy M uQ enforces it. : h fabllsh a letter in another col is fho Ma Sanders, Lieut, com- oj eempany n.M of the 10th e '"V at the close of the war, Sasicrs was a gallant and popular aoJl fat tlx months previous to M w? ef the war commanded hla ii are giaa ne,eaaorsca u i U-'yf . companies G and H, on the et Anu 'l w "n iiv. i l i '-c v. uv -." ilrea soma of tha MhoTa.M u4aews from the westl We lm ir A Ealisbury iuauitcr thai Uu N. a Railroad has been corn to ralat Rock, the last, bar X the trains now ready w rv This is truly good news and , . Hate cur western friends a . i Valoa Ltarse ExecuUve Com - - a a"l eae-i a Waahlcgtoa oa the ' lrlraaryttxtr J. .i tireat obUxatloa. 8biibtrs ho tvU t ctlhtira- ?jUJelulfcr tsydife," fT rt-ilarij and rKsriSj wlU r;tse r U.VUi:;ty ari Littt u,"-tr CJ r TUK.UNiVEllSlTY RKADjtftS, Continuing our review of these books we bare lo remarr, that throusbout ino aeries, inere seems to be a lack of settled nouons in relation to th gram mar df pit laoguage. Numerous ex- amoIeS COUld hA riTn taba U I -S,o- - ius uwwr. I anu prescribed for himtelf. TTa tlin asks, "inbtber arc you not going to mind the doctoi?" Perhapn I had better.V ekid'his mother. "'How could bho refuse the little -fellow.- (2 reader, p. 84,) j ' Perhaps I had belter"-Tbt-ter what ? "Not going to mind" but the rrifsi was grsatwl, . Then grant that the iutention was lo fay ''per- hap I bed better mind!' but what kind of a verb is had mind? There is no euch verb in the language. Tot use mind as avtrb is absurd, bat if we use it at ail, we should use it grammatically. We might say, way mind, but not Vhad mind."' tTnif mi'n irrammW mrrrf fcht It. Si. the souse, provided we admit that there is any sense in it. Really tho question and answer taken together do not ex press an intelligible idea at all. "Well if that is notvery funny.";- 1: JJ ...I. Jl : ll '-lit if . nf. " ' iwuu u wur j reauer, p. 33.1 PUKCIUAT1021. , The puuctuatioa In these readcra is very imperfect, and is not consistent T'lT u T 88,06 fU,eS d D? VT .u. uun. mifti ushji, tut me last few years; it has been drifting to- ward more freedom and simplicity in punctuaisn. Often where strict rules would rr quire a comma, it is omitted and wht re a semicolon was used, the comma Ukes the place semi-colons oueu utKftine places ot colons, ana the. I colyn is seldom uset1. Whether this utoge is to be recommended or not, is njpt whin our- present purpose our- present purpose. What we wish io pay is, that in this series of read ers, the backward teuden cy is obvi ous.. Adopting an imperfect definition for the comma, and adhering to it too tenaciously betrayed the compiler; into numerous errors in over minuteness; A crow, ready to die with thirst," &c, (3d reader, p. 66.) When an important clause comes be tween the subject and the verb, it may buvc a comma before and after it: some- ttuQts oaiy uerure mu viru, aim u uu iwportant, no comma isuscd. In the above there is no call for a-comaia be- twocn.cf(tt and rexrrfyfPv-p - , Throughout the readers the most iriflini: interruption has a comma be fore and after it. (Same piece.) "If one plan will not bring about the end we wUh,f Borne other plan, perhaps. may." There is.no possible reason why a comma should be placed before ana auer jcrnapa. .mere reason .... 'J'.i . rmi ; I why the pause alter tewA, -should be a semi-colon and not a comma. The Pause after wish is obyious, while there no perceptible pause before ana alter JwAoi. ! (same Njonnection.) firt, Eot f' let J the wnv a: d its two commas, audit will be greatly improved. In our next article-we will give a few ft m : more examples oi aieiecuve pronunci ation. ! If we are in error as to any of our criticisms, a faycr will be confered by any one who will point out such er ror or errors, ah wb aesire js, to prf- sont the books as they really are. 1 , ' Ch'.v Thomas Johnson, of. Sumter, i o. C. bas bten nominated for the posl- tt.m f tiuctnr uf Customs at Charles I ton. S. a, ia place of Baldwin, whose -rT I time nau capucu. w v.. . agreatmauy yery excellent men wno balonr to the Republican party, but at the very ton of the heap, we find Taf Mackcy and Johnion. Mr. W. M. I Mackey s the rightfully elected mem ber of Congress, General W. N. Taft is the popular and . able postmaster at Charleston. And new the people have the next best man In the state for col lector of customs. UU confirmation oushtto be at once, and unanimous. which we hope will do im case. The colored contention is to be held rtGoWbaroonae!23UidayolMarcKhba ; to consider the qucrtio of their rights w, l" .u v4 ? rT.Wi , .... . cereiy wuscu , x T - . : " reprtaentcd. Let qncauon oo pro- - , k.riM Ilia MM petty agzivatcu w . w - 9j - people of North Carolina, and we have no doubt c4 a aacjccsuai rcsntu i Every colored "wan U Kortb Caroli na Is personally interested to tha cita tion of colored men anting on juries, and every white, maa who is to uvor of t5ualtlshX a!l nta, rtieti of color la the ccuru or tne aa ahnnld iola the colored ciUxcna la mattes a rjuare x merauea I fircemtnt of the law ia fret aa wtU a in name. WILMINGTON, NORTH - Prom ths Commretal Kews. OI.O uCKAlf. Boll on, old ocean, with thy ceaseless roar. Wasn with thy sapphire wayes the rock bound shore, And dash b,fore the breeze thy ,parkllnC . sursT. ! - T PTT, Far .eastward thnn art ilAenlnir 'nfn.t.h summer's moon. while shoreward breaks the surf with mournful tune: i The hardy sailor o'er thy bosom elides. Unmindful of thy treacherous, ieddrins Men, ' - ;. -- - ? t ! . Ana brings a precious freight from foreign shore, ; - - i And doth commercial wealth into our cof fers pour. ,- - I : Beneath thy hearing crest, in coral eaves Lay countless bleaching lorms in conse crated grayes; I And thou shall be their winding Sheet, oh sea, 'Till all's fulfilled,' and ' ''time no more knit V ',!..! I ' I I shall be." dwass A. Oldiiah. Nkwbekn, n. c. Mr Rei 8Pecial TpOsloffice department, is in the city. lion. James H. Harriss, the able and gifted orator of North Carolina, is in Washington.' I I .. , Hon. Lewis Hines, one ofth e best newspaper men in North Carolina and a statesman of great ability, is dead, in his 56th year. - ;- j , - '' 1 , HoD- W' P' MabroD of Ecombe sou orouner to our taien tea r young lawyer, CoL George ii Mabson, of this city, was elected principal of the color- ed free school of Tarboro by a vote of two to one, a very just compliment to olir able educator. OAiJJS otoke, xn. y., jan. zo,- i&sz. y' J Gxnaday, Esq: DEAR Sir: Your communication I published January 22, 1882, inviting ouicerB ana soldiers oi uompanys G. and H., 10th regiment, N. a troops, to I give their opinions as to the projecfrf a reunion on the 26th of April next, the anniversary oi their surrender, was read, and met with my approbation, and if generally concurred in we shall likely have a very pleasant greating of old comrades in the civil war. In haste Yours, J. W. Sanders, Pender County, N.i C. i , , ' January 21st, 1882.) iHon. W. P. Canaday, Deay Sir: My regards first, after which you. will find enclosed postage stamps to the amount of one dollar to. pay ou my subscription to your valua ble paper, the Wilmington Post. I was pleased to-see in the Post that you and Mr. Morrell enjoyed, your visitj to and j from Jacksonville, on the sixth and - - -- . . . 7th instants the people of . Onslow think well of the name of W. P. Can aday, and also that of Mr. Horrell. .1 returned home on Tuesday, the 8th instant. There is nothing new in Grant township; the farmers are getting ready t i . t I for this years' crop. These lines leave m.ir nA r.miiv k th. .n:fm..t f good health, and I truly hope yourself and family are in good health, write soon, and give me the news. ; v Respeclfally you're. r j- - Alfred Lloyd; The tetotalers are not iu ecstacies over the workings of the new total pro- bibitlon law in Kansas. With a wise local option law vigorously enforced Kansas was reputed to be one of the most temperate sutes In the Union, but whan ) tmnartnM fitlW tnar anoth- I er decree ana souin xo oury oia jonn . , . . f . . I XJl lew lht hen ihtt ltid tne golden egg The burning of the bonded ware house In New York has thrown! about a million lbs. jof damaged tea upon the market, which b bought at a low price, aa it la dug from the ruins, and being doctored by thoserin the business, will be sold to consumers. It is called Chromo tea. , - PIT ITEMS, i The Cape Fear is repotted lo be fall- leg. ; ; ! I Dr. Green ia frescoing the latnlor of Ja FreQCh was .provbg. Rer. R. O, Lurton, P. EL, b boidief qaarterly meeung at Mhiuviue. A Conacil. of the Legion of Honor was institated at Cladeoboro last week. Seftral tramp wtre before the May or doriag tha past wtex and. ordered to leave town. I va maarrlas tkeasca were issued by I , Deri, daring the raxt wrth. Nexily every body Is Uizj vacxlaxled in antklatioa of aposalbio lalt frosa the asaJU-pox. Aa eatire colored sclocl dxrxltl ia rrsemlia ta tit X tha retUtiaicst cflltxI A oa Mia- dxy last, fcr thai iztsa. CAROLINA; SUNDAY. JAN.. 29 . 1SS2. A good many osrtberners ire, pasT j ing through this citj on tbeir way to Florida.. ;tri; 4- Lewis Larkinsv ieoloVe'(fi,M , fined $5 by Mayor Smith toffU iriTing on wr.; L.r A .iiijjil feSs 1 "uw"'vtr" .j u u, t , Rev. A. D. Alayo, of Bostin,;!!, I will preacb in ; TUe2ton .Ur-per.Bd0m this afternoon at 3 o'clock, .Tbe pub lic arecordUHy iiwited3r i1- i . . . There will be. a baptizing at the foot of Princess Itreet, this afternodo a"4 o'clock, conducted bv'tba 1WA.M1" Conway t tM iWptiUacb; : - T5f w v . " 1 corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Eer. S. P. Watters, xector of the Episcopal church at Newport E. II and formerly a resident Of this city has ;' . . . . .. "1 - '.. I acceptea a can to the charge of the Episcopal church at Morgantoa, in this State. Bishop Thomas E. Lomax, of the A. M. E. Zion Church, was -in the city yesterday. He is in good health, and we learn r will ' , preach to-day at the Christian Chapel, corner! of 7th and Church streets. John Watson, a white 1 man, was ar rested a few dajs since for committing an aggravated assault and battery uponH Mr. Samuel Bear, and was ordered by Ja8tice Gardner to pay a fine of in lieu of which he was sent to j til for thirty days.: A postal was-received fromSheriff Manning, : yesterday, written on tho cars, en route for Maine, to the effect that. TTnn 'TimnLhv WnlVor Mia fjthor of Mrs. Manning, at whose bedside she had been for somo weeks pst, had just died, and that the last sad I rites1 orer the remains would be performed yes- terday. f . ! 7 : 7 '.'"V'C ' 77" ':i I' 7. - Two brothers, Frank, and Jordan j Baker, colored, were arrested Friday night on suspicion because one of them I had a bag of cotton in his possession, t There was no evidence before the May-1 r yesterday morning that they came f by the cotton dbbonestlj, and they were' thereupon released. . J Deaths USJC :aaie 1 months, rell, 15 days, disease unknown. Belle vue Cemetery: Donald M. Cameron, 14 days. Pine Forest Cemetery : Au gustus Davis, inflammation of lungs; Clara Lewis, phtisis pulmoriaris; in- iant, disease unknown; Wm. Evans, 2 years, marasnus; Lydia llowc, 34years, perelinitis. Too Much Temper Leadkth to Strifc A colored seaman by ": the name oi James Bland, who came here on the brig Nellie Husted, from Mar tinique, which put in at tbis port some " du ress, was oeiore aisy. nv Rmith .i l alsril.tf niAtmnr rhtmri v: - . -r with striking and otherwise maltreating his wife. The wife gavejio her testi mony, and the busband was then put on the stand, tbc evidence indicating that the difficulty was-lbe result of too much temper on tth sides; jiud when the Mayor inlimv.ed that he might j...- ... r.t..i. t. jail, the wife commenced plead ing for aim. Finally judgment was suspend up h p,Jinen; of and y - 1 . . ... defendant was discharged with a warn- inr. Deeds, Mortgage, 4c The follow ing deeds, mortgages, were issued during the past week by the proper of- cerar - : ; J T -t.v- C" "".'h. 1 Deed. Susan Reddiog to WT Gua- tb; Robert Ueonisg, executor oi Jas Casaidey, toC L Grsfflin; JNMabn and wife to Adrian & Vollers; Mary V Drake, Catharine Heide and Rebecca Heine, power tattorner to Daniel G Fowle, Raleigh; R McCumbar and wile to Wm McBrtde; John D Bellamy and wile to Jane Front; A S ileide and wife to E G Barker; W J Sutton to G W Williams & Co.; J G OldenbaUel and wife to Mr. Ortea ; D J Gilbert and wife to W A French; R B Nixon to Trustees Unlvtnlty North , Carolina; Durikq thb. Week!. In I draymaa, was convulsion?: child .of 32 Gar- f Cross and ijriipbeu Ad Volkr. and wivce to VVlZEZSSXrlUn Vr of valaaU, paper. b Flake: Mary D Drake, Catharine I Heide, A SHelde and RE ileide to D drew SaW Andrew Ssailb and wUe 2ltlliftlxnsm wwScTWbI! JTrCvaoJ isE J rvJv! peKktr,fowtxef atairntyjB Ccxilrj andwitaLToIUrs. lIorsPCts-JT TTUkla aad wife to L TciksK 17 D ruiim ta J jl aaea 2Iass; ADa-rcwa aaa uy Lla R?I- ta JxM Tirxta, liS3t;C AlVrtatonC CxUrr; Jacob rrta- Eii JXi?y Esa, cr;3t tcssi cctta Jaaa Tai'.-r; Aa-rrja ta Lcry XTtZl.Vii On 7 At.-na ta i NoBTB Caeoldia FAEMEit, llesar?; J, H. Ennia- & Son, publishers are al ways looking out for the interest of the farmers of the state and their snbscfi- " ,77r A "Tr of 12 papergof asserted kMjen Becda .to cacch BQbscriber. Send " jour names. " Bon, Albion W. Tourgee appears iu anew role. On the first of February a new . paper will : be started in Fhila- delpbia, called Our -Continent, by "Our Continent'' Publishing Company, with Judge A. W. Tourgee as editor. When first number of the paper is received warn - will faA wmava 4 a an Vws f ?f Qaa I we will have more to say about it. prospectus of said paper. At a meeting in the interefeUf the Clinton and Point Caswell -Railroad, .-m . .. - l ' . neid at the latter place, a few dajs ago nearly (5,000 was subscribed in aid o, the enterprise, and it was the general opinion of those present that at the. next meeting the sum of $10,000 would be raised. Now if Wilmington will make a liberal subscription, its frledds say,- the road will surely be built. - Fire on the Sound. A dwelling house on what is known aa the Stokley plantation, on Wrightsville Sound, now the property of Mr. Wm. Larkina and others, was destroyed by fire a few nights ago. It was occupied by Mr. Elijah Williamson who did not discov er that the house' was on fire until the todf was nearly ready to fall in, when himself and family escaped, with moat of their furniture. : : , Preach Hi3 way home . Mr. Geo Zr French - tells a very good joke on hiia hiusseli. A few days a "to one of hiicolored exployeea said to his broth- er Jos Ffench. old man, tfctcl,lu wjui.ucwbc. muu; was a verv s,Sek talking uan Why, says the colored employee, if the old maa was away from home, and got strapped, he could preach his way back without the slightest trouble. All who know Mr. &. Z. will join the colored man in his opinion. Crazy qx Religious Suejects.- Jsmes Anderson , a well known eolored arrested Monday night, that he had been acting strangely for some time-past, and on the night in question cries of distr ess were heard is suing from the room occupied by An derson. Neighbors, who went to the rescue, found -the door (locked, and, up on admittance being refused, and the. cries continuing, forced the door open and found Anderson in the act of chok ing his son, a lad about 14 or 15 years of age. He was : taken to the guard house, and the next morning, upon be ing arraigned before the Mayor, the evidence was such as to convince Mis Honor that the man was crazy, where upon he was turned over , to , tbe county authorities. He was afterwards exam-; ined, in 'accordance with law, and pro nounced insane and ordered lo be con fined in the insane department at the County Toor House. His insanity pr.oy ed to be of a religious natu-e, his ac-, "n?. ne ciaimea, oeing tne result oi a.."- a' ' i i Accept asce or the Water Works bt i he City. At a called meeting of the. Board of Aldermen, held Friday night, the special committee on tho con tract with the Water Works Company reported at length through their chair man, Alderman Chadboarn, reviewing all the objections that had been orgrd against the acceptance of the works as tendt red, at the same time giving the substance of the contract between the city and the Water Works Company. The reading of the report having been concluded, Alderman Telfair moved that it be received, which motion was adopted. j Alderasan Chadboarn effered the fl- lowing resolution: WnxJLSAs, The fitness of the water for domeaue nee ts a quuoa lor pri rate coosnmen to decide far tbeea- aeires: thsreare be it IUmhL That the teeder of the I r.t. vrVa ivmn ia evrrr . I specf, and thai ths payment der J March, ISS2, fx sorrice dariag thioathoTFebrnary,lSS2. jTbayaabeic f k WortWOadbomra, Koxthrofv AUermaa, lVwdea Telfair, Naj--AiderBAa Heir-a Xlayct EalA tx telUlks: XTsxxxj. It arrears VythirTrt ef la cceasaluea oa WaUr Weeks that HaaaU wests are act ecaepieieaae criita earai;aa4 xbaCsardftf ta ta rcnl aaa itwcj-nsro paeea, a prssa a avcr;sxa Sisglc Cajles 6 Cestt . LOCAL HUOIIT3. ' J5gS bave been down to 16 and 20 cents per down during the past week. Wheeler, the abductor of the Cart-! wright child, in Columbus county, is in Col. J. &.! Davis, formerly of the Pur-1 cell Hoa3, was in town during the past This season bas been famous fer the frequent sadden changes that have ta-1 ken place in the weather. The steamer Elizabeth, on the line be-1 tweea this c'ity and Smitbville is laid up f0rrxtensive repairs, and Is Wnavo - a new propeller. ?Up to last accouuts there had been a gain of 12,495 bales in the receipts of cotton for the present crop year, over that of the previous one. 1 Henry Robinson was up before one of the magistrates on Friday, charged with beating his 'wife. He paid the coats and was discharged. r - Two or three ladies, engaged in busi ness, were hauled up before one of the magistrates last week for failure to list ! aud pay their schedule B taxes, i. Mr. John A. Lamb, son of Mr. Geo. P. Lamb, of this city, had his fpot bad ly mashed at the Phosphate Works, near Charlcyston, a wetk; or so ago. , There -wasj a suddea change in tem perature on Wednesday. In the early ! morning the thermometer registered 32 degrees. Before night the mercury was down to 30. i ! '' .. :: : A new, steamer war launched from CapU Sam Skinner's marine railway on Tuesday; and christened Lillington.' She wil run between this city and some I point in Peader.' A fortune telling tramp was arrested and taken before the Mayor Wednesday morning, who released him on the strength cf a promise that he. would leave the city immediately. ' Rev. Dr. G. D. Bern heim, formerly j ofSt. -PmuI'ij, Lutheran church, of this city, was unanimously elected: Presi dent of North Carolina Cjllegeat ML Pleasant, CaWrui county, N. p."j a few days since. The Pauper 'j Cemetery south of the i the matter will be attended to, by the proper authorities, It is a shame that so many grayes should be left exposed ! to the depredations of animals. ; V- of this city, was 80 years old last Tues day, the 24th inst.. aud he celebrated ! the event the same evening by a social gathering at his residence, a large num ber of his friend j being present. The steamier jrjtoirwis sold under a foreclosure; of ' mortgage, a few days since, and purchased by Mr. Al C. Wea- sell for J4001 who intends, we learn, to repair her and put her again on the line 1 between Wilmington an fUnnerman'a Brid-f. 'J ' '- : ;' i-5 YaleuUuej Howe, fuieman of Cape Fear 8. F. E.-Company No. 3, met with the mUfortune of havin g his right arm broken, a firw days ago, by getting ; It hitched in sme oi the machine attach ments cenected with the Messrs. Wil liard'a c tr press. He is getting betc ter. . 7. I' ,77--:.i-l:::: Tr i usaBe piMents, Clara Sidbnry and John T ;ir, were sent. from the Co'ity uouse to the colored In- aaia AytuLt at UuldaUjro uurleg ue past week, and Jalia Moaeley and Sdlla HH were (returned greatly improved. Sarah McKinaey has been diicharged ffom the Asylum as cored. Cpi. W-1 H. James, furatrly of the firm 1 James & urctra, surveyors ana civil ccginrters, is here looking after the iarrovtment of the upper Cafe Fear, ;Mi:l leBsain at this point part of the Uttc. and the other part be will speed in locking after the improre- 1 nieot of the Yadkin. ii Borglara broke iato the aafe of I Metars, Newbnry v& Sotherlastd at Magnolia, DtrpUa cosaty, oa Saaday night Lut, and robbed it f faaca aooncli2i to about tvCO. besSdct a I Lisin? ta tie m and ether rarUss, I Xo doe tolth? robbers. Dr. V 1L Moore, of Xevbera, has a ry Urge pracUco isdeed, so tiaife basbeea rtor.l awiLutKuI t. has wwercJ tsra places ef ktulatos, cae drrx atst aa4 o dry godi; be baa aiaojsi fsr chased' a nice fasaSy rnUocav Xc JaseeaIoct.a2i"aac ysariEto - urcf tl cy, la bi la ik '&s& Est tal wI3 C7a aea& weak. -- - - ay tv at . 44 v NUMBER 5. 2TEW JUJ rJSH2JSSME27TS. uTeater InaUCODientS. PUECflASEK3 OF GROCJJRIES 1 : ,7r itAT BE FOUND ' "' At tke Larm wholesale Estalilislinsit Adrian & , Vollers, : ax - ,. j 8. E Corner Front and Dock Sts Than can possibly be offered elsewhere. AND IN TLlLIU STOCK! . WILL BE FOUJfD Eyery IM k tie Grocery liie That a Dealer or Consumer needs. (Selections fbr the Country Trade sunple and superior Jan 29 tf. . OUR COJNTINENT ' In that New f odd which is the Old." A Hew Illustrated WeeBy Jajornal, . , i- Detoted to , -i ; lttebature, general informaJ tion, art, science asd humor, Condaeted by ALBION W. TOURGEE, ' Author of "A rool'a Errand." bricks Withoat Straw," rigs acd Thistles,' etc, ! . ' ' Assisted by DANIEL Q. BaiNTON AND KOBERT a DAVIS. FuUU&hed Feb. 1, 1883. For 8ale by alt Booksellers, News DeaUrs and i Postmasters. Tanus : $1.00 a Year; 12.00 Six Month. Publlshedby "OUR CONTINENT" Publishing CoT K Philadelphia. Pan. Ii 2 ;: 9-UP.. 13 IS 5 SZZ . THE LEADING BCIENTTSTS OF TO DAY aare thai moat Uaa mtm eauaa byUaorderdKldDyarLJycr. If. Ur. fore, the Kidneys and Liver are krpt In perfectorder, perfect health will be the re sult. This truth has only been known a short tine aad for years people aOret rreaS acooy without biag abia to And r. lief. The disoorerr of Warner's BaTe Kid ney and Llyer Core marks a new era la iht treatment of these troubles. Made from almpla tropleal leaf of rare vain. It eon iainajnet the elements neceaear to nour ish and invozoraU both of tbeae great or. gaaa, and aafeiy reetore and keep them la order. II tea POSITIVE remedy for all the atieasee I bat can m pains In U lower part of tne bodyfor rorpld Liver Headacltea Janndloe Duudneaa Gravel Fever A sua Malarial Fever, aad all dlfflealtl of u . Kldaeya, Liver and Urinary urtaaa. . It is an excellent aad aafe reniMiy for fe males dartaa Pregnaaey. It will eonuoi Mesatraatloa and la lavaloabla tr l..,. eorrbo?aor Fatllatof the Woasb. i As a Blood rartfler It is aaeaaled, for It cores the orraaa that make the blood. This Remedy, which has doe aaeh won der. ta pat is ta the LAttGEttr mr.tn r any medietas anon the Bterkcc, fcv braextsU aad all d m.! andtseaM Stuuuut? CVam n ; II. IT. iraraer aV C,, Itoeheater, ar r. For Sale. VALUACL2 COLLZCTIOX OF LOOK4 North Caroltaa aatLora, feat ag a pot tloa of tne library of the tats G EN, JO&Erif C. AB30TT. ' . ror Ust aad Tries adiraas ' UJBL JOitTU C. ASOrr. ' Jaa 141, WUsalartoau 31. C. GI1AS. KLEIN L'nCcrlaLcr ana Cabinet - " . A!lOrsrtfvoolyaUa4aA The cms cxsxrra.QM wta VOij; a4 the saoal I ITT? t Ti TESatS. tVp o TYiavfre twves r& aat K3 F02HI73E5 SIJZS OP fpf. - .J. P. r 1 tCr.LU.Xrt Aem.It4.ars. Pia md asr. t u-'- r e n-i-e I r-tMk W iiiu. auM le ue f 4 im-- tMMKM4, vy-o j its r .. ai m w. - l im y u mm wm ' m " .bk i, . - If L TL IVst is cs!y 2 C) f esaa. LcryYTi:: Tit Terr Is tz?U C) t.t iz,

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