i-A . "' A""'" v - '-. ..-V"' ; ' ; ': : ' ' KvO. I XV A 7 . I I ,-i . .. . . I I V V 1 " f f In ' hi ; t-6! I ft VOLUME XV. wMngQ-T.aar post n(rcd al the roslofficc at Riming to, C! a Setfmd Char Mutter. ; : "St"es op advertising. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con -dilute a square. -? "-. . ,. ... i 'fifty cent's -per Hue for the first in iertioB and twenty -five centsnper line for each additional insertion. All advertisements will be charged c, the above rates, except on epecial amtract?, - . - The subscripiion price to Tub Wiv MtXGToN Tost is 2 00 per year; ais months 11 00. AUcouainunications on busincs mmt be addressed to Tub Wilminqtox Post. Wilmington, N. C, - ; SMiTiiyiLLE, N. C, Feb. 3,1882. There, will ba hold in the Court XIsc atSnaithvilie, Brunswick county, on the 18th inst., a convention of the colored citizen of said county, t take jnto consideration and discuss the fact thai tbey are, and have been, dVrdt of Ine-riglit-T-a right guaranteed to them by'theXJoustitutioa of tho United - i Stales, and of North Carolina to fj serve on juries, as enjoyed by our white ;7 l fellow oitisens; and further, what is IJI bet to do in the premises, for ait abali lt'l i'bo of sucli unjust treatment of, add f f t'cuial to, them their constitutional X 1 prerogatives. The leading colored citi ' ; zpns of each ttfwuahip. in said county i' ;,will please call meetings in ttfeir ro I ipectivo t )wnshp3;,. on Saturday, the WlltU instv and, select three' (3)c dclo 1 Ijgates to represent thejr townships in ' jsuid conveulton". X : .'.' l-f W. li. CRAIG, : . JosEm Snjlls, . Whitfield GkiffiS, J. W. Smith. 1 illoBEBft c( Smith. " AnUAlUM; IlASKIN.3, X'-r.; ' 1if:.;" ;Vfert TIIE (JliUMCKD UITIZUNS O- . ; - ;5r -; ' Uyr.iA', Tender Couniy, N. C, ) ' i January 21st, 1S82, t $ft Jlln?ic will be a convcnlioa of the if colored jcilizens of Teudcr county at ijrgaw, at H o'c'oclf a. ro. ou the 11th ::fWfaf of Ftbrqary next, for the purpose fllUf isking steps looking to the eDlbrc ment of the right tf the colored citi :1 tern in the coyrts. The colored citi- if U Mlscus of ibe arbiis ', to'wuships will please hold meetings cu the 4th day of i Verury, at 12 no. for the purpose of li-M Vceting delegate io said convention, kW'- :---V:-::A ':H , Alfred Lloyd, ,;.J ' - . i G. W, Carii, ; : . W. Mc:lTlRE, 'iK:b;-V.:-' J. B, MuCleke. I i rlrprtve of tLe above call, : I H - V: - , :A A. V. liORKELL, ;1 , Chairman Bcp. Com. ?Mitfw sail bvhe friends of Mrs. Gar Afield that she has paid 3ao aliention to EjlthtGuitean trial. Lr-1' . ... .--5- Wiff V"1 lbe 1" frtrhiersitf-the plle Feir like to have the dutics'ta- 'f vlofl'?, wli:c.k;'wni it. done,lf .Democ-; raryls successful. "::''; v;' ":A': : f TUv scutb has just commcoccd the s vaacufacluring business, an.d wow tfcei r fVmocratswaat to strike manuftctur; ' (4ng iQterest'allow that will be a'atun . :? Jitirr, by rtmovrpg the tarilT, Thb south , ?ciiuW not be injured worse at ibis liroe r r rih"rty removing the duties wbiebjire biiw in.posHt on IinporU. s'- l lit Western Uuiou bullctMvtccti vcd , rte jesterday from Washington, ttates , kt Judge Cox oTcrrulcd the nation cotille and Reed, counsel for Cbas. yCtuitwu for a new trial, and wntenced $iimo W hanged cn tho S0i.bv!aT bl i4fuo'f,- 1532r between the bonrs of 12 'fad S tclock, at the jail ia the Citr of tWasbifrrton. - i If Tbo' rtorcaoiaattou of the . warise . a ritaV service so' as to f ut it on a subntantial footing, U the unqucs Pobn duly of Congrtjs, The scmIc pi better vcoudncted at ihia Umo than im lfore, and whilo thU is the case, ltrna should put such guarantees iMaa it that the iGctrs of the itr lfctWfetl ttenre lu tbtlr poaitioa, faai caa co oa in-their rood wotk for ;'tk keoxjfit of the hospital bureau . wltfc- cal feeliai aar coccrn about their f individual tenure. In fact tb pwpltal burtaa abottld be entirely lift- oai or th iBRnne .of itoiitics. as wk oas the army aodi navy, ? Wubiaitoa Rcp Wcaai taj; At U. saeetiif of the Uotne commit- osi Commerce, on Tuesday, a favor 4l!t rreart vat auUxoxixtd to U mailt 'JTii HerrtscaUliTt Iicsccraaa bill ia imiia5 ibe fSciecey of tbt marlat Vj.Ul ttrvk. It rroTldc ibal Ifct wrfe of medkat Cctra shaUthereaner 5tJ ! one ttrjteo'gtntral, tblrttca 1-M5aa, oae istedlcil rufveTor, ' ,J7 rd UUat aad aUtant Tsca, if U.U t;U U trrrond by t-rjttaJentrl at U.e tsarico CABI N;ET APPOlixiltnTS. We kuow of no man who would fill a position in the Cabinet more agreeablyl to the southern people, and with more ability to the ccutitry gmnerally, and to the satisfaction of the resident, than lion. . Kenneth Ray nor f Mississippi, formerly bf North Carol ina, who served many years in Cangrcs, and has been f.r the past f ur' years a icltpr. of the Treasury. We would be glad fo S( him have: Ibe poeilion. Colonel William Johnson has never denied b ig in favor of an iode;end ent paitf L . And thoee tHmocrats who are so anxious to bulldoze him into saying j hit bo will continue to act with that prtpr in the .future, bsve made and will continue to mare a total fail urr.1 The'fict is Col. Johcson and Msj. Charlci Price are independent anti-pro-bibitbo Democrats, and will not act with the Democratic party in the future unlcstf there is a change of leaders and a chaiig.of tho party policy." 4,Xhey are anti-probibi'tioniU.", "In favor of local sclf-govermnent," "a free billot and a ' f.iir count, equal right) in the courts for all citizens. And we have no doubt but what they will be founa on the hticlogi next summer a locating Iboie ; principle!1, regsrdjess of parly tie. A' r . Th'fc V irinia Legislature bits passed ihc'bill changing the cocstitution ro as to allow' mVn to vote who have not paid their polliiflx. The bill has parsed two legislauies'acd will now be submitted to the people for ratification, which will uc'quepi ionably be done, by a large ma jority, The whipping, post has not yet been ubolLhed, but it ia thought 'the bill will psf during the present session Tho ia?sry difficulty ia still going on. Tho . caucus of the Readjustee wanted to name Mr. Mat?ef y's subor dinate as auditor of public accounts, this Mr. Masicy would,1 not submit to, aLd the caucus refused to Renominate Mr. Massey as auditor, and a young man by the- name it , Brown Allen was ncmipalfd. Uut when the legls la'ure carat to act on the matter, a'x KcaOjuBlcrs in tho Senate bolted, arid they, acting with the Democrats, hayo privti.ttd an election, up to thi'3 time. The fight bps grown to be a very bitter I one, . tr.a unices Leal ed very soon Will do great harm to the Readjnsler inde pendent party of thatg:ale ; 4 'j- tlovernor Jarvls Speaks o a the Krliool llook lncstion, jl Governor Jarvt has taken occasion through J the colnaos of tho P.aleigh Banker to set himself right 03 the school book qnestiou. lie states ia very plain English, that it was cot his purpose nor was it the purpose of tho state board of education toccmpel the use ol the books which the bbaid saw fit to recommend. That the law required such action and the board could not avoid the duty im posed. That no school committee, coun ty euperintendont or teacher, is bound by the 'rrrtmrnetd uols of the board, but: -are cuiirely at lilcrty to exercise their best judgment in selecUog proper books for the osoof the sctools under thtir charge We fully pgrre with tho Governor ia his view both of the letter and rpirit of the Jaw. We have always f held that the law means just wbat tbs Governor says it does. Butji this be so, whence does the State Su perintended cf Tublic Instruction, de rive th authority to rcprcseat and declare to local 9 hool coaouiUccmen that tic action of tho etatoboard in the matter is coropulsorywaw and must be strictly enforcedf And why have teachers ail over the state been forced to lay aside books which they preferred and ma?e. to accept the new bool? That MrrScarboronga ucder com of his efSce and the action of the state board, has assumed such authority; no one conversaut with the facts will affect I odcy. Schcols committees and teach era thrcugbout tbe state say that be baa thus interpreted the law to them, and upon such interpretation they, bar been compelled to act, , If the OoTtrn or baa correctly stated the jcltion of the board and the rataalrg of tbe law, then Mr. Scarborocgb, baa grossly per Tcrlcd bU high cCcq tad richly met iu anircml eoademnaUoa ) There, is a piece tJ rascality ia tbia little same that ia beins played at tbt expense of tbe poo people of the state, and to tb dtUlmeat of education, vhica lioold be aneanbed tad exposed la all eXiuhideoasU-ckatas. Cold aajbody of taea ba-lrg the lctat desret of dis crialaaUoa la taca a Bittef biTt trta nvmntnJel saca book as rcaay cf tbcat cotapcties tbe tcrlet ret fctta fcy the beard, olely apoa tbtlr raerlU? Caa It be poesible that North CarcUea bas aEtatf opfrlateadcat ef Xlaca tloa tsd a' -JSlaU Xilacatloaal Coosd eorspcstd of bcr bTibett execatlTa ef Cccrs, aba ist 13 itctfy Ulal as ta cse3l 12j!cV mder at btks tbe trrr ia tit iat?itt? tbe peep r :ranh Ciri ItUmJtUl Al-xaa. A.t til W.i lf ArJ.xl WILMINGTON, NOETH of the Confederacy, h&i written a better and-a more impartial 'history of the country which he did all in bis power to destroy,, than , the able professional historians whose works : are standard and are used in all the best : schools of the nation? And last, but not least, is Moore's "History Of North Carolina," which, aside from its many glaring in accuracies is nothing mere than a De mocratic I catechism from ' which that party, tt rough itB representatives at the capital, would have cur children learn the inception, progress and termination of tbe terrible conflict which 'wrought the deliverance of the country from the foul blot of human slavery. No; these books were not recommended on ac ccount of superiority over other books of like nature, nor is that the motive which haa moved Mr, Superintendent Scarborough, contrary to the under standing of the board as stated by Gov. J ar vis, , and con trary to the law as it passed the legislature, to make the im pression upon school officers through out the state that there ia no appeal from the action of the state board. Mr. Scarborough's motives and the .motives of tbe board in-making such recommen dations, are much' deeper. It ia the price they would have us pay to per petuate sectional prejudices, party bit terness and the dangerous political dogmas, which have v- already with knarled hand, grasped for the very vi tals of the great Republic.- It matters but little that our schbolV and our lit tle ones must suffer on this account. It matters not that thousands and thou sandaof hard earned dollars wrung fron a poor people struggling between existence and its end, must go to meet the demand. It matters not that teach ers protest and parents complain. The decree has gone forth that the pet pub lishers of tho ring must be rewarded for their "labors and) regardless of all other consideration- the order must be executed. r - ;'-,.'. The TJulvcrsily Iteadcr. .. (fii our article ot last issue: as in some others, a number of typographical errors occurred which the reader must have readily detected. Our chirographjr is not after the best model and the wonder is that more, and graver mis-i takes have not been occasioned.); ' ; ' We will take a few more examples iu detective punctuation; rA grasshopper, who, by chance had not been killed," &c-(3rd p. III.) There ia uo reason for a comma before and after "who. There are obvious reasons why - there should be hone. This also may be a proper place to re mark that making trAo represent the grasshopper proper, because the grass hopper Is personified and made to talk. This rule however is disregarded iu most of the fables in this series. Fable, once so common, holds but an indiffer ent place in the best literature, and it is too prominent in these readers Fables have bad their day, and their little moral can be better .taught in an other way. ., , . ; f. '.. ' When sow, or any oue word, with out close connections, introduces a sentence, it is not necessarily set off by a comma, as. "JV'or. turnroer a new leaf"; "A"??,, theseraya were so bright" &c. "Oh, autaunl ! said Eliza, one fair meruit g towards lae end of August, "here is uncle come from his walk, and he has brought such a pit tty little birdl" (4ih p,U);VN' - r t Who does not know that in uttering ok aunt" tbe pause is so very alight that it is of very little importance, and to mark the rame papse there, as after Angust, is a mistake. When a com pound sentcBce ia long, and is com posed of two general members that require to be broken up into parts, more closely connected the two mem ben should be separated by a semi colon, and then each abculd be broken ap by commas if desired. Therefora there should be a aeoBi-colon after Awguti. Very much could, be said on this subject, but we can do little more than call aUeaUoa id iL Oae word more: as to grading: After gclag; through the scries, it U difScnli to aaierstaad how tach aa incongruity ia this respect has been gathered within a 1 few huadrtd pages, JTor icataier, ia the Third book, page US, we have almokt a literal adaptation of that dU Twrrt ef Locgfcllowla, taiItavratho,a naatio5-Taia woald not bT act beta out of place ia the &h Reader aad fa to be fasad la amy of tie taxkat Cth Rtains wlta which are era familiar.) CoatraU this pm wUh . taca txaahy dojtrtl aa lb . aiip uUa cf -rbr IXae. rers lli tana book, cr with lha IHaksa ca paa aera we are iaU that A bona it aa aalaul of the aadraped kitvJ. atv's hxTtd, with lhart trtci caxi a Cawic tsaae asd a t3 tmtmi Ia CUslssIrS ticss rtaiera era ess rtnk thxt lity I au C4aa CROLINA. SIJN-DAT. FEB. 5; 1882. single element haVr wouldj gre them the preference over, other fooxs now In use, and the only" (bing that could. justify a new set offreadew, would be an advance ia e,x$odjeircjp. 4 Every dis tinctive f eater of thssebooks, can be found in better fotmrf. Other books. and tbft'lacifjai .' all questions in , refaUeij- fc the.ii 9?aims. We -pecially lnvife-tho.' atteuUoo of teachers and school '.eomnSJffiwmin' to this imporUot Viwf the, wJole sub ject. - V-V.-.-nr rM-izA..e - The choice of achoot BooUs is not a matter of latitude. tforfayoxHJsaTbere are higher; cflradatloat ThaT great interests U di$atfoa.'l pwkrc R bf literature, arCanii.aeienee, ahoald not be compromised to' th4 claims 'of sectional prejudices nor party strifes. . Frogrett should be our poUr star, merit be our favoritism, aad impartiality the scale in which to weigh all conflict ing claims. : . I OIT y ITEMS. Bishop J. W Hood, oflhe a! M. E. Zion Chu rch of the North Carolina District, is expected in the city the coming week. ; .-'.'- ; ' Dr. Fairfax Irwin, and the officers and employees of the Mariao Hospital, will 'appear in- uniform en - cud 'after Wednesday next. ; ; v f ' John A. Owens, recontlyiipardoned from the Penitentiary, has been deliv ering lectures in the Secosd; Baptist Church, of this city, addressed partic ularly to young mea and youn women. '.i ;. - Dr. Fairfax Irwinf surgeon in ehargs of the Marine ! Hospital, has received notice from tbe Collector at Bru ls wick, Georgia, that he has sent a sailor by the name of John Beck well to the hospital here for treatment. It is feared that the sailor has been permanently injured by falling from the mast of a vessel. . Col; 6. n. Blocker, ThU f loyal son of North; Carpi ina has been lying quite sick at bis plantation near Fay etteville, we are glad to inform his as the doctors would ray. We can't af ford to let the old 'man band in his checks - yet, notwithstanding- the fact that he has retired from office and be come a respectables gentleman. 'J,he country will , sosoe' of . these days, de mand hw services againAndn act, IIlolrr i too covd oiaHo ia theer back woods,; making cotton and corn, and we expect to see him some day holding high political position. A Couple of Swixdlebs. Two col ored men, named Dick Boston and Nat Hill, were arrested a few davs aeo for swindling colored man from the coun-I try,-named Andrew Hill, out'of $13 in money .whiclT : had just beenpaid ; him for a rlot of (urpentineThey enticed the man iu en out of tbe way place, under the prsiext of giving him some useful- information, and then Boston snatched his money and ran off with it, followed by L'.i confederate. The two worthies were i. fire Justice McQuigg Thursday mcraitv, bo rrquired them to give justified bonds in the sum Of $100 each for tbeir appearance at court, failing in which they were locked op. They are represented to be experts in the pusiness of swindling. ' j Narrow Ecars F&ou.Daotraiso. While the steamer Passport was on her way from Smithyilie to this city, on Sunday afternoon Its! with a tirque ia tow, aad aa she was passing i a tbe va cinity'of the Ortoa ptaatatio, a boat containing two mea, one white and the other colored, put out from the shore with the intention of boarding the barque. The sea was very heavy at the time, aad ia order to get ia as smooth water as possible, the boat was run in between the barque and steamer, when she struck agaioet an anchor suspended from the bow of the bark and was cap- tixed. ' As the boat weat over the men seised the forecbaioa of the Varqis and were finally assisted on board, bat the boat, which was a fiat oae, was lost. T?itntn 1 jt Pzxocaw The Angola Tramway Coaapany. of reader county, was organized a few days ago, with Messrs. Gibson Taylor as President; J J. McMillan aa Secretary, K. F. row art at Secretary and Treasurer, aad J. 7. Jones, J. K. James, K- F. rowers, GIbsoa James aad IX X McMiiUn as Directors. Tha road fa ta raa froea Oraoaaa bridga. on Neetk t river, through what is known Aagola Bay, ta WlUIasshsrz, a Utiece of aVoct alaaaaiUa. Ta Caepaay ww large aad Talaahla tracts X ttatbet Uad at tha Uli placa, aaJ expetrt at aa early day ta tecaU a laaaher aaalncsUerc, where they kiTaala isssasa exati tire tf aaral ttsrea asJ Vltx pTadsea. Tha Oaspary jrrci la hcrtaey ex tszl tlilr real t JidsrstZa asJ traach&Tta XTnUirulrr ta dl?a- t. II U'uU tliV tl r-ii ana la prttrtl t ta ttry cr;:.-Ja Rer. F. H..Wood, of the Front Street M.-E, : Churchj v was .'pounded" by Biembers of his congregalioq Thursday night. Rev. ; C M.' Payee, of the Second Presbyterian Church, will preach at Bfc. Paulla Lutheran Church this even ing, at 7 o'clock. 'AAvf ,'i ;y.;;;.- Mr; Isaac James, an old citizjn of Pender; county, died suddenly on Wed nesday morning last, aged between CO and 60 years. t '' " ' , ' . j' The Wilmington Fox Club, had an exciting chase near this city Thursday afternoon, in which uumber of the Old hunters participated. The fox was a select one and highly fed . - Rev, T. Page Ricaid, of tho ! Fifth Street M. E. Church, will deliver a special sermon this morning, by request, on the subject of "The Christ." '. ? ;:!'.',-. Divinity of 1-. Bishop Lyman will preach at St James' Church this morning,, at the usual hour for service, and will ordain - Mri Armand DeRosset Meares, of this city, as Deacon in the Protestant Epis copal Church. ".; ."! V : .'. 1 m 111 B III Mr. Joseph M. Ago&tini, brother of M.C F. M. Agostina, Sr , of this city? was' brutally murdered on Thursday night last, at ftewbern, by a . colored employe-of the Midland Railroad named Heurv Bryan, in the office of the com pany. ' , Jim Auderecn, the colored drayman, who was pronounced crazy and sent to the insane department of the county . poor house for confinement on Tuesday, the 24th inst., is now Baid to be a raving maniac, and efforts are being' made to get him into the Asylum for the In sane at Goldsboro. r A New S110P3. The Wilmington and Weldon . Railroad. Company have just commenced the erection of new shops on Null street, or between Front and Nutt streets. The shops will be verylarse and comciodies, and have all the late modern improvements. Mr: P. Line ban Eas the . contract, and now has about 15 men at work putting down the foundation. Mr John L. Mann is Mr. Lincbam's foreman. ' The work is expected to be shored rapidly to coin - plelton, j and . fiuiwi - w in to a great improvement to- that portion of the city. Mr. Patrick Linehan -U one of the largest and most successful rail road eton o con tractors in the south; aa a' bridge ; builder be has no superior, and he runs several quarries of his own, He does nearly all the brick and stone work of the railroads in this state and South Carolina, and has had several large con' rats in Virginia acd Tennes see. ,-v- TV The Lighthouse. The first cum ber of volume II of this very interest ing and highly creditable publication has been laid upon our desk. The Lighthouse is an eight page, paper, and fa gotten out under the superintend ance of Miss Amy M. Bradley, Princi pal of tbe Tiles ton , Normal School, with Master W. II. Uhadbourn, Jr., one of her pcpila, as typo and business agent. We notice several original arti cles by the pupils of the Tileaton, whicbj reflects much credit upon the authors. "Harrr Burton's Gouain." bv Miss Mary A. Bernard, fa very realable. MUs Mollie J. Hawes contiibules very interesting and well written piper oa "The Water Fowl-" Master W. 1L Chad bourn, Jr., paper "A look into the future with regard to the timber iu teresi of the 1 United StateV' shows much thought and a thorough knowl edge of the subject which the youthful writet handles. "Queea Mab" criU cism of the works of Scott, Dickens and Thackery, fa exceedingly iatereat- ing, and shows coaclnsiveJy that she fa no strarger to them. "A Picture. by Jessie Headey fa very good, as fa alao Vaster A. P. Hallett's contribattoa The productions cf Stephca Chai- boars, age 9 years, and Flora Greea wald, aga II, are capiul fr one to 1 From theXyJUXawr we glean some isterestiag lafbrmatka Ia refereaca to tha ' Tilestoa Normal School. Then are at present eleven teachers employed la thedlTirtat divisions, aad thai ZSl children names are aaroCed upon tha raster of tbe sennai. Tie &xl To that this schoolthgch tha esaail- cast t&t f la leader, IXrs. Ilrm mlnxway, has deaa, and Is siZl kir is Btakirx ustlf salt ta tha caassiity. May tha ZiT.rse stand the storcas ef ndvaesfry, aad lire ta be a tree hescoa ta tha pscla cf rdscxilia asi niUa satat. lUm ; LaZUj hs;i ar haA wiihes, and we '-ai sreiaeaa tha U-lZzat ta est extior LsC BV scr?;Cca . 1 1X5 I t six ' taaadau'V Ai' ftstfacsrsa 19 ccsts per lt tax la .a . -4B . St' WH asrer Hagls Cojiis 5 Ccsts It sncwd in Wilmington for a' few minutes Monday evening,: e vi ; , Coh S. L. Fnraont-wss Jiere -em a visit duriog the past week.1 -f There were two exciting runaways -oa Water street on Mondsy last.' Elder George W.' Price, Sr., was. home on a visit during the past preek." e is stationed at Charlotte thb year. The steam yacht Emilie, from Phila delphia and bound for Florida, put in here Tuesday for- coal 'and ' other sup- Tbe Newbero Commercial Jfeirt mea- tions the piesence there vo.a .flet-of six vessels loaded with corn fyt Messrs, G. Boney & Sons o( this city; ! -..'.., Z A gentleman who recently moved, to this city from Laurinburg had his home bjroken open a few -nights ago' and robbed of his month's prorisions. : ; Hon. John CL Blocker, member of the legislature from Cumberland countyj was ia tbe city on Friday last, bat rushed out of town sir if the Sheriff was .her him. si c- WJ - - A- A- A A ;- . jObediah Jenkins was. before the mayor on Monday with his old com- aint drunkenness and' disorderly conduct and was1 released on the promise of reforming. - v r " " The mag sfrates have been going for boarding house keepers,' during , tho past week, for Schedule B taxes, and same of them have had pretty heavy costs to pay. $ "' . ';. AA7 1 Rev. ATDy Mayo, of Boston,! Mass., a. delivered several lectures in this ciiy during the past week on educa tional subjects-. He fa an able man and is doing a good. trotk.. , 5 , Dave Mallelt, an' incorrigible drunk ard, was before tha Msyor Tuesday morning for being down on the streebv and was ordered to be locked Qp iu lhe city prison for eight dsyfc . ??f t : Rt. Rev. Bishop J. W. Hood psssed thrOurh our city on Friday mornine on his wayto Smith vil ier N. CT He is looking exceedingly well, and says he never enjoyed better health, igl 5 ' A French sailor, giving his; name as Joseph Tantaboat was before the Mayor - Thursday morning on the charge of Abasing young ladies on the street He was let off 00 tbe payment of $5. .- ,:; v , 1 Harbor Master Pri.e reports ibe ar riyil of 51 vessels of over. 60 tons bur then at this port duriog the month of January, of which SO wer American and 15 loreign, with a total of 18,970 tons. A i ':'A;''-:'; ' An attempt was made to burglarize tb.4 residence of Health Officer Scharff, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. on 1 Wednesday morning laat. The bur glairs were frightened off and a key was afterwards found in tbe lock on thej outside, of one cf the doors. : J5Te lern from 'pi .vr In poated in tbtii citjt tbe sons of Messrs. E. A. Brewer and , W. J. Johnson, of Rockfish township, Cumberlsnd county, ran away from their parests and homes on uadsy morning last, sod great' anx iety fa felt as to their whereabouts. The scbr. Americas ' Esgle, Capt, Ualbf.uii, p-it in at this port wu Tues day last in vutress, having sprang n leak, which cerrn-ltatedlbe throwing overboard at t r ticck-load. She was ttyp or?r,.wo,a. X and bound for I'LiI Jelpb.iA with a cargo, vf lumber snd kbiagle. .-,; ' i .-. : :A- A . Mr. J. K, Willii. of Braaswick.coaaty, iuf4 ms us by a letter, this week that the present Register of Deeds of that coutty has by bis courteous treatment orsii who hare dealings with him, woa tbe cooSJeoce ef tan people, aad can be rie elected if he so desire, by an ia creasrd Bjrtty. A:A A:: :- --Ai A'y lie U. S. Treasuier's report shows a fanber deCTesseof thepttblie debt fvr Janaxry, 1SS2, cf 137S3S4(, aad UU the Rrpublkao party fa In charge cf tie government. If tfce party ra in xi as ia pcarr tea years taora it will tripa owt the entire debt that eras saade ia patting djwa the rcbelUos. , Mr. ll'Wtra & Oa, if thU d;yt Lt n r boas, ca trnctsd in 2Cew Yotk, &r tapp3yl2 vrswla la pa kxr Wr wiia any asatiry cf para srattc. It bas a cspsci:y of ICO gLesa, Wlaz majt efcak wi'.h a task Izuie. ' Tha teat wP rtcwta tba sraier throwxh a P2-sfal2x from a CUcrar Sxaied ea tit what Thrrt srrr thrte icadlary aUat ia thfa ci:y an ssy tlA last, whkh wrrt frtairalrd by tha f&s Tha Cat ef thrsa vrw 'mm Troct sSrrct, wkcre thrta haSra mt csttea wcrt Cscrrtrrl 9 Crr; al tha uxt sm ca as!h TTaJUr strees, re lutl terai Cacrr tral acarj a ii eX cziz ,ltUrj it" 3!satai, UX izl lYwa2L; ' Tit 4ltr aUraryt was ty' te--" eyrtri crrrSfss cf tV I'zZLr ccrr- Ud It s Jim . - ..i ca n ttz NUMBER 6.' yesterday was a blustery day, tha wina wowing a gale from . the , south west. ; During the hefght of the stcini the otdateamerWaccamaw, Iho barge Modoc and the Schr.:Siam, 'which were lying abreast of each other ai a whari on tho west side' of tli r!r i.mi-k Ioae from' their moorings and were twept acioes to the cast side of the riTer, but fortunately .caused no dam age. 'There was a heavy rainfall dur ing theVorenoon. '" ' " NEW AM V-iSiCIISEMENTS. AgrifJttUaral .line - -. and Carbonate of Iiae: . .! : - . BE3T AND CBEJIPfCST FSRTILt2HRJ - Eend for Circular and Price UL ' FIU2XCU BEOS.; - ' : Jan. 29-lm Rocky Pplnt, N.a OTJR CO JN f INENt Ja tUatJJew.W;o?:d waich is tho OI d. ; A He? Iflnstratei WesM? JoEml, 1 De toted to LTTERATURK, GENEKA.L INFbltilA- Xiuri, AKT, SCIENCE AKD HUMOR, . fJondacted by , ALSION Wm TOURQEE, Aatbo? of A Fool'a Ei'rand. , Tlrlcks Thlatles"eto., , . Atslsted ly - DANIEL fJ. BRINTON AND ROBERT 8. Published Feb. 1, 1SS1. FOr BsJoVby all , v BookaeUfra, Newt Dalra aad Fostmtsten. i - I Tanas: ftflOa tWar;'t2.03 Six Mckts. v " rubUahedby ! . OUa CONTINENT" PabIUbinS Co. ''A' ' A, i . rhtlsdwlphts, reno.'- . ,'THB LEADINa BCIENTISTS OF TO . brdUorderj Kldasys or Uw. torn tbs Kldneya nd Hirer re aVpi in P5J?r'. Prffct bealttt will be ti, r;, abort Una od for yera people enrr-rUt rree4 Joy wlUot btS W. loOad nv rieH TbedtacoTervor Weraefe B( KH. "ver Cure nukrtte new era. loiuV trestmeatortbeaetroables. Made rmiq " simple troaloal lest of rare vsJae,UooiT. t sine )attU element aeeMarr to aar toh aad iBTOjoruae both or ibeee fiwiw . gaas. sad aafe.yrere aad keen tbt m I a order. II toatHITIVEremedyPfran ti" aanaiwe leaiMma I SWWfJS ST SfWajT Afftaea -MaUrtal rwer.jHaU atmealtiee erSS XHtaeya, U ver aad I'rlaary Orsaaa. w It UaaexeelleataodaaXe reurly f.w t. dfj irtaaejr. It witl'rui, kteastnaaUoa aad U lavalaable lx orraera or ralllaf of tbe Woa b. As Uiaod Fortder It 1a aae?ui4. Tor :t . cures the orfaaa tbat naka tbe bj J. This Remedy, vbtcb baa 4o .acU on. ! ie LJtliUtsr Mti, IWjriK of kyMdtctae am tbe mm. and to eetd ky Drlu aad aU dea era ai ; ; n. n. ITsvrsirr t Co., nscaesler, aj. y. 'Jr VAIAJAttCOLLaXnOSOFCOOX'l by Nortn Caxotlaa asraorv. bcng a pa? lUm of tne Ubrarj of u.t lte OCX. iOfi;ni c. AC30TT. ( A-A FcrlJiaadr.lcaii,e :'AA AA j c.Aii&nT, .-- CI1AS. KLEIN UnCcrl&Utr and Cabiacl AS Or lavs tcmm&S ttceS4 1. : Ta tasst CAMXS2. tta mwmsx-mti teaaaUrrSALTXrii. Ttm ta tovn a4 IlZ EI7 rUESIIUES iKZS - A iAA:.As:w&ZAA'A C:!irc:ils Uanrc r4a a I , I fcwit- U. l.ll,tUV; t . s- r.e , ,, .evU tJ - m l Jtmf a-4 . I v tf til Em!M