r I' I 4 I a i i f : f 1 fl til m m Li h fl I "F I I". ,7 the vvril.MljvGTON'Fdsf. oirtrDAY MOBJriifo. Feb 12,1882 , cedar Point. N. C , Feb. 7,1882. DEAR Sir:" Your communication published in January inviting officers aDd soldiers of Companies? 6 and H., 10th Regiment N. C. troops to give their opinions of a reunion on the 26 h of April next. I fnvor the time meh- lioDed, and Beaufort the place to meet our Ion? parted friend, where - we 'ch ft feel the pleasant ocean Jbree'ze, and look over at old Fort Mucdii where we fought the hard battle twenty years and pi talk f our dead friends and our ,t',ve,'aii(l to think . ' r Twill Bot be long U'inte our Ood i Will ran "t borne to ret,f li .' From worldly cures mid trials I ' .. -. In mansion or I lie blest. m : ' , Our earthly ractxis nrarly run, i We're waltiDiron theHhort!. .h 8w)n we'll jneei on tho other aide ' '1 lie loved ones gone fetorp..- ! J ' ' -Y"U"' r teP-eiiAM-OTTE'. N. Jan. 30, '82 , Dear PosnrAllow me space in your valuable paper to Male that Charles Thoma",. ne ot our colored ' citizen. met with the misfortune of having his. FiLL AfJD 1UNXEIL.- GOODS , HEWADVERTISEMEN1S. AT M. M. KATZ'. P-ROF. MQORE'S VALUABLE., REMEDIES. ANNOUNCEMENT TO MY i FKIENDS. WHAT I HAVE DONE; AND AM DOING. I'lIE FINEST ASSOItTED STOCK JlVER-I see. CERTIFICATES H T.w broucht to Wiimi. Jr.... ... .. . I 7 i - " -.vu,i,.uJiiiie laUlt TRlVK.ODir 1 : Noveme. and Shade. ta , 4.WfflT5 u xuuingiou. ' ' P9F. , H. MOORE. I Prof. Moored t I1(ESS GOODS. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. filetaint ul Maaqr Eailrai c Y92 IT oist Vesetobie Comund. fariiTble for ' Walt-dallr, r-ldKljl4a "T in J ifi , LEAVE RiCHMOJnv-soUTH. - WOP. M.,jMtkaadauyJ,iMki.thKMirt -oonaeoUoaaroriaTannaaSS . oo 7- Bi-mribarf. follaaTa 1 1 fin a Ijnordf Va. and caiaurlaaton' 11.50 A4 M., Timvoii lOu dailrMnaMt. ' I 5utr ,jUkaTaBaaa,dtiack. 17TH : STREET. Liu v a pvnanii MISCELLANEOUS. THE ' UETKCPCLITAN EOUSS, EUEOPEAN PLAT. CaroHna , Central i ail- road Company. I ill jhH J5od and Lodlnx ternlahed $LC0 per XDm 1 order. ;, , . r I rnirnn Av onnm.n. v HciwdBl wlU b metaled on thu Oratra ta Maaon' and t m.. --t- ; (UBinircnninnkii. a.. aet tQanTtrr,:r3"2n'? roaL- Dotiee. ; I 'Polite and attMtt .. . I PASSEKnitR unr . attondanee. 7 ' wajra la i ' i TTo V u.riussa rvyi also connecUd with tba Hou u; ir. wlw ml. Sn'Crr-f2" I wr- I wumiaatoa..R:20 P r SA.TKS TOl Fivn.m ' " " 1 , r-1 ' ' ' On. pejton.2 meal, a dmj.ptV. H.T5 j No- ' L warioue at.io.lo P M oalMilfi ..Pt rernlar a'tauoaa SaUn Marwlileux, Satin de Lyon, Rhad- . an., . turrah., Brocadea, Moire An--i I liur, camel's Hair, 811k 1 I VelTcf, Pluihea, I il Prof. T. IT. Mnnro'.! r r n., ertaln cum r n " "I J- j cancer and Scrorula remedy will be nf I?-Si,'y d""6" by fdrwardlnr th nm nf Moore MdyPotemae fiailaoad for : iff powuitast aadweau Also maa BssUr ChesUr and Can train betwMn 1 7 VfSa?!?! "eat paekarta IS mi BWMJi DELIVERY. ' and Cook. mww WaftrfT jACMOf. PorUr and Head - . - vvwuvuLiiin ida mtiia IKk S-teTft WiningSalve 1. re. 0 houe destroyed by .fire a fevv day. agoV C0L0KED. BLACK AND ILLUML &SBSffJ!T JSS53?fh1M VoS .t.llofh ft,rniture,f40or$50 V. ,"UMI ore, of ,11 aTO,. J! 0,1)0 -TOKS tSSW lea.; W. xuvuu i, v.uu a. j( ana &i p w - r T. IX KLINE, mn1 Sewnd and iWwil- MARKET X MULBERRY naSby JN europg, PASSENUER AND FRElGnT. Daily except Sunday.. No. 5.lIT "lnton at-. &) A. M f Arrive at Charlotte at. 7 53 p it Wo. .lLTt Charlotta aU a. il J Arrive at WllnUngton at-6;M P. M HlXBTpiVlBI0.PA8SENaER,MAll KXPRE8S AND FREIGHT. T nated cashmeres, of hiVown money and' about $8.00 that belonged to the church. He is a Very industrious maiund good citizen; Fiigl.- Wmpecled by the , eorle a.-d they Henrietta,. MoV-alr., SaHln,,. AIl,aci. ; -.v vv.. ibuui. lowarus and Itelpiii liim since hia loss. 1 isj.Hu i lyf iJ. U. VViluVts. J At Ksoiffelh7l 882.' ifr. IK 7. Canada, Editor of the Postr L'KAR Sm:-In reply to a letter of Mr. A. C. Uuggins, which appeared in the Jst of ihe 2"9ih uC, .Mr. lluggias ejirphaiically denies that hV promised t deal more liberal with the -colored j l-eople in the future than' he baa in the j jpHsf. The sentiment bf'the gentleman's wx was, if they (the county officers) mane hucu u promiit would bring lliem iij an open violation of-the Uw I don't think the gentleman need to be tmeasy about that. The affair speaks fur itMlTe course the colored cili 1 ns of ftjis count have beenrrapeilid to pursue to secure their legal rights is uu. propi 01 bow we have been treated hi the past, and it is no more than just It them to say that thej will deal more liberal with us in the future than in the put,. as' I believe they will'do. The gtttileii.iiu certainly makes :a broa.d mimke when he saj aft hkt the colored I (iiun-a u Pualow "have been justly jrfeilt by," and ' that officially thero has -.been' u. improper jdiscriminatioDs." il bis .sentence sneak ' vv , ao IUUU Plaid. In eiidlea. variety, I assameu i j I terle, Frlnje. and Trlmmiog. l White Goods.' Hoaa j I keeolng Qoodv L otreet, Wilmington, a. c. Irrof. Vf. H. Mnni m.iit i ,... . I RnnHa. For sale-by -jab jTISS- a. poor . i .U ' V"tendnU wnmlDetoo. m p. ph 7- - ai -"k000..0' te atmosobwe. Kor STREETS. Xliy except Sundaja. .A-00 A. JM . June 26 tf purpose of rn tr, w . i?2"l".'" "JP?, iw iae to the ToLiDoBu;:' i-, r,,perlodo montb-commen I iT" "J?" Tbev will h. wrtt - I t- ' v,r "x - l-W M . . .THE" .LiM?lA?makerjose toieao veekiv qiaHa BaieraT.v:.T eoiiiifcUon o and trom isbli-y Ii.- petersburglr.oo Size, 30 Feel From OUILMANs, CLOAKn, SHAVLS. Men and B iv'm Wa.ii r. . . - j,, ...uutu, Merino Unde.' wear, Hosiery, Glove.. CorseU, t j Lace, and Edging., ! I J CUKTAIN UCEN, CREPfiy, stap & domestic goods. JL) e licacjies Jock Btreet, WlftnlngwnlN. C" ,uuu".on' Cancer and I ing the price, 11.00, to me at Newberi. N c RFflRftF MVCDOJ wa,WMuk Iff I liio OLD STAND. II A 13 SO FKOXT STREET, CAN BE HAD AD Classes and Conditions Can Travel. GREATLY KEDUCED BATES r, ON THE PEfERSBUKG RAIL K0AD. .nd0bnMTfM?,.Rt,a,' K reterabnrc fo? iiaL troek Petr d back fo? fl flSJa rralt " to ".burg and back' i From elfleld to Peter.burg and back for I bik00 HUl 40 Ptr.bnr and toFro Gary.bnrg to Peteraborg and back I From Weldon to Petenburg and back for I t not c,t 'B?adTrlpTickeU on BY hT ? iD"JorM or M ttml- TERMS: or oix nionuia, . . . L004 NaSBY PORTRAIT FREE. oounecung tne TwiLh w Vifor ft1""!, polnu on laid Hold U Xt' u-tor " to tba Bin dnrlB, WcIaS'AVk!0 cjnnectlon with Mr.'Locke'a European I v . reeorslx toon tha, will I Jan.Stf fian.,-St,i??,3OW. - 380 Feet Deep. Train. Na. 1 l,1 Iw. 50 eta. fcpaTu point, beyond. ' and aU North. w' d; w Jt. . for point. . the! DUhllrat.Inn nf Letter, for either thn.'i receive'free orch-:r.i:ywoiam wl" a u General 1 1 Pn rt n tt; TTT , . ; 1 -ii l." This rortralt in th- ".'T"t,',aramer: I ' v . jk. rah fnViwi.. r,r wouia mwKtataTi.anHW."S.ri? scribera to the Blask. i - " TMP' the portrait win A o CJ P " PlyyrdoubtleaTb. Send your order, immediately month. Specimen codIah nr th. r . . . . any address npon ap pit oktio frf' " subscription ancePAdJre. yoor BUDKOO- ' ; I Toledo. D. Company. FOR THE tier . ....,vir ic t,uvw mo gen tleman (nmL's it in.f'ihnf .u...ij l. fxcJudcd froIfr the jury. ' We form P"" E 1 1 1 iat I'iill ni .J . 1 , In ract everything desirable. Warranted to como np n price and quality, to any sampler from retail house. North.' ' Call ahd save extra expense in buylDe Christmas table. my, and you may sdao the jury uec M. Mv KATZ, n36 Market Street. OUIl COiVx'INENT ru tha' New World waL-h Is tie Ol d." I'M! i f " ''I ' . ' i i A New Illnstratel Wcetly Jonrna I, i cou B-tfrom the earliest of our citizenship" -! Ul) III 1S. .! . .. . r ':w- oue necro a name , ITers on the list. If this is not an . iBproper discrimination I woui.1 lilr. J kn.w what is. It Cat)not b9 because J! i. .... r-- rouua ui iiuu-county are ,qulified to be jurors, because white : men's riamfs hare appeared on the jury . ui-u mey Couid not rrad a- simple As lor Mr. Hoggins, (Clerk 1 jSuperior Court,) W may have dia ; chsrge bis dirty 'ht. Uhf :oHlcl hate "rheara otherwi3e of him, but, that cred citizens of this county have had full enjoyment of those richts cuar- oteed by the coustitutTon nd laws oft LtTERATURE, GENERAL INFORUA- t tnueu States, no fair minded man ' Attr-.,w;CE asohumos. n Oonestly chiiin: . , Your, for equal rights, H. F&yDEsoy. ' ho .Talk of the TownT ii iru'MIfV3.0..Feb.-l. 1831. H. Warner & Co.: Sim-Yout JMdney'AM LrreF Cure Beats .11 JJt nedicinn I have eter heard of for ; ili7 oJ livCr diseases. ! It has cured We of Bright. Disease here lumfeu. L Judge F. M. Brooks, and 6! proof enough far me. It Is the 7' W4 le town.. : i' J v :; - mi ,m BEitT' M. D. f frw of doctor is an iie-i that , -7 persjos are interested in JMpre,ni. VV believe tha ached M pr vuiu i $3 00, which would U onSoe4 to hb.'M fat x a year, need of daily visit, over fl.OOO medical attendance alone! aingl bottle of Uop Bitten 10 time would aare th. 11,000 ,a l the year'a aiekM. rv , annSlce1 I WILL KRI I n,nn.' your tip.k.t.. on - . m.mm.v - Peter,bnrg. Va.. v flgfr FAST MAIL; IAND PASSENGER ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND I 01? T A ATFi EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND JjVX UJ liAlNU FREDERICKSBURG AND P0T0 : MAC RAILROAD The New Liquor department la the best in lue isiaie. The Choicest sHEEiEs. brandies, x)EDULs -a.2rTCte On 17th St, between LS-T,.w.llmlt0B. tw wrr; EH AND CHAMPAGNE3, m m f j? M p Bnnday xoepiidrrr' J71T'tfi-WMhlBUn ' m and 110 . Snaday axeeptat. i .' ,. j "uu l'lv A2l?AlM,u l and ios n BLUE GRASS, and the new brand of . owuuajr xceptaa. Celebrated rONEY WHISKEY, Deloted it -i'W-'.y ConJaotedhy . -.if; i ij ; ALBION W. TOURGEE, I j Author f "A Fool-a Errand." -Bricks i I Wtthont Straw Tlas and " : TbUUat,'etc- ,r- Wi'y' : : '- - " r- : -ill- : "1.': Assisted 'by : , lUNIELU. B3JNTON AND ROBERT 8. II m, v AvJi i i . PubM,hedkKeb. i.JSSJ. Tot Sale by i all Uookaelia. Newa DeaUra and li i PoaUnaatera. . : ' Taavs: It-OOa Tear, $2.00 Six Months. ' Published by ' "OUR COJf rtHESTT PubTSalng Co. - -., Pblladelpbtav Pean. : Whiskeyi between The Acts ! Doa't il,lto look at the line display If LIQUORS, m and f 60 i nd 10.05 p. m. train, to Waah i P7 B a -w P Market and Mul berry Strees in ' Lots of 30 by 80 Feet, 12 60 VH co o i1 4 18821. Ufa '"jrrAr f V "" -- - """- r. FIRJSVORKS -.--'-'- . AND FIRE CHACKERS ! MINCE MEAT .. - ' . . . AND ' tIsU32D PUDDING, And the Choicest Harper's Young- People AN ILLUSTRATE n ta EEKLT 16 PAGES. 8UD?T?A,N OIRLS OF FROM Vol. ILL commences November 1, 188r. . NOW in THB TIME TO SUB8CRIBE. ntlL, iri from the KT.nTn-T' -"pauon.-N, Y. CO ladnirSiii LtoTJ fd. For ! onerfourth cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 Years' time. THE LOCATION 0 S3 ri HQ GO J5 ft papw mora atuaoMva. ni Veil T aiori wholeeome.-8o.ioa Joarnll Mort f Of n in mfmm.r . . y publication of we kiad yet briJiht I XM w this ProDertv is in rr ikd. r: r tiMraiara i , i - i FnmilY SnnnlinS I im cat. BaAua. K. v . A PPfr for efaUdrea wbleh pa. I fad at th. lamUy flrwtdiSr4 SSlJ fcteey Mail I ... ''per read at th. r;i .i!. Auatralia. Dc Day 1 .war Prton will salt aa wall astgox. at ?sg5S5SSiS j " & 13 80. FIIONT ST I ZrJTS. Nomn caitoai nccss. Stitou Ni;m acas Kor om la Jir ttffJSl1! .??F priW. 0tw ar Tor PariJi or lj I jrrata; poalac IS amta aMHtoeiaL ' a made tmU'l MnteTOi & IX. tZlll k CO. Cttrairxrvk Jaa 1 t sow v - 'rbthetia, io iu early sure, ffiJLT5" OOaSran.v 7 local affUon. tharacterlled i C&ttL It EJ0MAX Mi--Adaae "Ti-'--j-"'...-'-!'..'.. : HAJt4TK A BROniCa V Nav Toaa. Jfely.. local affd:tlun( tharacterUed j dcoPMon. ha has trnstad j ue ;frta and coqsUnt ppiiai J 1 lyeow ,raitiwiM. BSOVJt. htiakaaMlt. I a " a ni. iLT iZ" owo ,?Plr from taa I eau iT VB," "JaictOtt PROPRIETOR. SECOND AN D PRINCESS 1 STREETS. -niHRtSTM A AT ItANtV irrv-iT .Most 0.ttra, ft ritb jadidow JtaaaWj. , Mil ih luawi a 1x1 ui ml.!.' T UOtt cut KTJ ua oaty wKJ1K, zL iwrtil' 4 rrl li 11 lung i 1 11 1 ' Maax t'j7lau a war from I . w. wa. aW ary a4. t . U VfXXNEIL XOl 18, FKOVT I ty ih. r." MWr i alitor- ua V-T..1 f hJwpooa fit or mora of I s'. ua i 4hi ri .TTT.41 ti!et af tj 1 taw. au: unetiMeKsis p-S cU:dre7wh ilT I ffunWsw. MurrnrNrs uCjj,"- . ivsiTanc ISQf 1 M3;-;T,( .., ..... 1 - .mi in i.n mmm mm mm iifi it ,..',,.. riuart I rTZTn-r- aJaa lfnutui M. ri a- t i DF, yr 'nni ijiiiin fvML - the I North-western .part of Wilming--ton. Are high and level and the; fact that the City cixmot tai tiem makes the inrestincnt more 1 ,--.y. .y-.yyy : i desirable. 3 ; frwrrm r. ..... n. ; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DAY MAIL AND EXPppctb . . n.tl. At ' - 1 " vail Dally-No 47 North and 48 Souiu.- LDeTpVa1tl,nlnf rront 8tr.et Arrlva at Waidon'"'"'"' " Leave W.M, on FA7? THROUGH MAIL AND PASsirv : ud 40 Booth. Jalt.m,nit0n' Fronl Slet Arrive at WeJdon r p Lve Weldon " ' -r- ';, A M Ani v. at wii.i5S55re J P w IT50 Pil offimlDto.t8treet Arrive at WeidolTT 100 P M Artvre u WlitolnlJon" AtapTollZ H ,,on 0o,d tWIyf and TueS.vTTh1 7:14 V V al 1U A. M K;ti?.U,?d,r " aior aT'a.aa i tf'Ai'r'f1! l imts Tan.... niday".Xijo,r.Jad?i Wda. w53ft SlpTjlWion at y Tla Ray Una! 5 7 pt aa. oadaadWa.S a-7Si NrA& Vl onnecuoa for TaVbro tt m?ki r, "aad'wa.in'J4 b,W Wim.,.,, : joun r. divi.x v . 1.(5 a M Will stoo onlv .t boro aTnd ViIairjta, Colonbi. f i HOBITTEED U UOesaa, aat a Drtaa,) : norvnrmr. JKAxsajULE, mrrnw UMiVmruGrui wU Taaa Ikrtataiv THEY CUKE oiccoin cold.- at : tr aBaajaa; ajay - -a 1 7..' -9 m -m-m 1 . OLUI0I OF eCfiEDCLA vusaaraaeaatas, -KioiiT 'arms train (r Laava VUauactaa 'tata. a LOTS Iar rtrti ifiis Ci, aJafo Arg l If Its, t 1 ff9aa: .. ... ' .... " w-jLiiir. liit t ri r-"-iimsa . 4aaabaaaA .-. C. C. at A. Jaiiiia. AmwatTLS' A WttaUafcaT Wm. ly-y: .--:y y':-:c. Ay- """" 1 -- fAfat laa a. ...I u wta. at aSaCn "M" '' ' iwaj-taa, I aswSaSa?"11 GNawtUaa ...... . ;- . , J .. . 1 ( aM aw ei sals, aiaul -' -' I wi t-' -v-Mist: a ' jk P!flk bT! 1 '"il 'Ti Maw... t liaaMAI. Afaj li

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