. 1 WILMINGTON, NORTH; CAROLINA, SUNDAY. FEB. 19. 1882." Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBERS. 4 .-.'. y., mm j I - f . 1 . ' - , T . ......... t . '-' - Vodoffice ' at Wdmlh'j-Sm-i'l 'Class Matter jBS pi -ADV CRTISING I . .. pjf.y cen jer Ime forrtl. first io-r trtreact addititinsertion. ; 7 -AN advertisements vy;Ul be charged ?ei ib'e sbYs rates, except on -special ' n he subscription price to Tue WlL- ik ui.voroS- 1W w - w per yqar; six I? 5 ninths f j !)'. " : i - . :iXlftofttia jaieationa i on busines must tbe- kddreS( d to THE WlLMlKGTOiC 'lpsr,' Wilir inston, N. C, " ' ' ' t 1 !, our cy'ored citizens have been qa:et I jy iriiitiii fr fifteen ycairj ? f ;r 'their -white battirea t .glre theta, or coa- geJe trt-tfiVjikjkerfjIuu r!ghtsbefore the bl lair, but Ui-j !i:ve4aittd in vain. The 8 more eonf rvauve.-uo Jiiore paiieu', vne tr.jiifeuocili' iUt'j appeared.' tUe "greater j t l.".,'.. A nanv ilonriirlahniia tiaonojl i; upou ' if. i fi nv lue v ime oiucenoruern i)ut sit tait . tliry have been anui ft,, and they.aro coniinjror? w-ifij": (It-iifjuidiugtlteir j rights, armed iri:!i t'n lit W- and Cji)titutim of the ll'ae'ii JjlatPf a, tlveir weapimi andto es:th ;y will win a 'victory Wo 'jC'aTid !u tin; I ti tlio luilo CfUtilj I Unsluw a-call iff.' I ; madf fcr a convtntiou under the ,i)ii;iriiieiirt of the leading Culrtd cit 1 Matin'i: llic Di ject t i tun conveu liiiiw; lut lk lore tl.rv. c.emb'ed'the fmuiy coiniisiuuer.s iiitt ai:d placed a livts ju: y; Vox :t 'Mi;aji' number of Ik: JjHDHiit'9 l unorcn tuen,:uicu was a victiry in a ccuiiiy inat cever fed !llou t d colored n.enV tiainea'ih the s saury vviore. iui mite tue cijuveu' c : . t - i y ' . it.. . l . " l - itnii i'Ti f.iilhred fifizenn navj hpfn h fjj'irfd! l) thjo iliiirnaan of ihp. beard of cuuufy eoniniisioiier that the namea . B ufjal 1 -a'.i a II : be treated alike. This is Huuly gratifying to the co'ortd jt pie, itd to tbeir lrieud : I i Ssjw we lu'pe the , good work wilt go on. w e iiavc soou news irom an qp,ar to;.tl:o cl airmah of the, comunasior frj 6f l'cnder, his promised to have the fames nf all qualified colored merx put a the lur box. and hereaftel'. ha av. jbty J aU be treated with ciiual justice i .U etfurts of tliat e uu'y. Ex-!Shef- if thevtry Inst llej ub Il.e Ulate has takeu hold of I'fihe utit 1 1 r a tid will see that th e prom i sf made to i'ur colored friends in Ten ? jer j Cuiiiity i carried out to the very tier. Wo hope our friends, Jwhere t M -fiie ! n.ovirg in tbe matter, will not p'evt the interests of iLe oor while tifhl) are out anddn Tender abilut S00 or ?( areebirred the rij;ht,to tho jury G. i:'-.... .:- i' r : .-. . - . t The ppoiDtmcnts under, the Federal tt.. tuuVrnpientr should Jje given i'the BfeinWri ,( the liejblican parf ;hi:t that party ha control of the runTrTtt. j AVh would ever expeat ffpflus J. Jarvts to rive any of the" j atruiuge t the Uepubllcaim, W-vtv' i- notta neiuSIicu in North wit i the i Uftk to apply to fa' piol btmnt. And ..yet i IriM iViuol rau iplvirir evttT dT f , . PUoIivau admiuitralu)i vat Phin'cn ftr position?, tvhlcb h 'w f.hve jthei cheek of an army hrUle; v -.Vi'f bra-alsBctqualctLiy f-i' m,u,v'V tuppive w'admit igumci,t: taU that thoy have i ffi0 i'VU ,or positium, ;doe.lht fc-3 . 1 . ... . . . - jfy'r the depirimeut in gtvlug theiw Tlirre i$ not a, department 4X'riiiiieui' whith has; not a tery WiPercrnta vf Democrats enj NfJ'thi: bih mein bekca t U- i i- t H1UHT9 TO ALUOKPOrtK j tiU important fight for tqoal cur. colored friends ia the bv US.V,' we do not want them or ;;iictij toj fonret lit' vbite mo H ! al.o I j eluded by th bourbon i&cru county couicoiwlonera." V grfprte th f h; t all ctaue, boUl V TV. "4 b'.ick; the j have been exc'ii 1V N1'- froa - ilJsry scwuat oeir; Uuv.aai . Tp"00' ' hit men ,'oa accoaot of Oaalg coanty tbal 7W of M cooditbo. TbU H f . t4 we Bt cnite acd i ft 1 tf toTtremtot a W1 "f fr r?Wt v to t bey wiU do'rlxht, obi kit. ' M 'alaabit ia Ui ftACiilr. : utt & Ux: its -Year ilt KLfii i4 Uttr Car U Uvxhn. tfctt. .t .li k Thc liepublicaiu who hate" "the rrOeiA witn Huch malicious intensity ihat l hey can't co oporate with ex conledf rai"! iqjhreaking up bourbon solidify h re workiu)? ju the interest of tnplHVHblH .bourniriis. Ic U not a patriotic line of p'Jicy. 'A National Republican. j; v livery confederate sold'ur in the south will joii m in thanking the editor ot the National Republican fc r his efforts in our betialf, and in the beral poticy, he .is adrucating.j May he succed is bur sincere wish. i J ,.. Judge W. T. Bannerman, Clt ikl of the Buperior Cou rt of Tender county, ras in our city yesterday. IIoj states in reiard.ii the colowd jury questiDD, rfhatllte county commissi or era have re quested the colored people to appoint a comaite ol oue from, each township to meet tha 'board of commissioners when they draw the jury, and to re commend to the i board the .names of colored men in Pender Jwho are quali fied to serve as jurors; and he states that the commissioners will place the names In the jury box, and in future will treat the qualified -, colored citizens in the same manner that they do the quali Cud white citizens. " . 1 1 Th it. is certainly very encouraging, and wt connratulate the good people of 1'euder or this great achievement; Thw should liave been done lonir jco bv- these gt inlemen, tljey failed to do so uut v-;ii- now we are very glad their eyes jine been opened to the light, and we will jj ve thtmi credit for the good things - tnVy acceed to; but jve appeal to th in i;i.t toforget the SCO: joor white in ! who have been excluded in their ioiiiily from thejuy boxT Alio i lie r Lie Nailert to. the Cross Mr. t lierman alalte a rial" K'ate 1 rncut. . To the IvlUor of the Capital: : I' have aeen the telegram of the Western Associated press iu the leading papers of Ohio of Friday moruiDg, purporting to give the testimony of Pitney before tuo Treasury Invesiiga ling Committee, I have read the testimony given by him', and there is not one word of, truth in !lhe whole telegtam. No euch jestimony was given. No such scene occurred, and nb Utters of Senator or Airs. Sherman were produced by l'ituey as alluded to. l ain aiilhoriised by Senator Hale, who is mentioned, au'd to. whom I showed the dUpatcn, tomake the same denial. The telegram is a wholesale, lie, as the testimony when printed will show. I ' John Sueemax. WAS-iusiTO.NT, IVbruary 10, The -card of Mr. Sherman was not necessary to satisfy the county of tlje-falsity of . the infamous charges made 'against him. it is pitilul that spite can carry any one so far as to cause the fbrica tion of so wild a tale as. is contradicted by the above. National Republican. .j Senator Sherman sends to the Slim day Cufutal the following denial : . i . As the t'.'ar, with other papers,- pub lished a paragraph regarding Pitney 's testimony something to the same effect' as .the telegram above referred to,i it is but justice to Mr. Sherman to say that we are satisfied that no such evidence was given before th: committee:! We are further of ire ojdniou that various Other reor.s all at of testimony dam aging to Mr. Sherman having i been given before the commiHea have as little foundation in fact. It is unfortu nate that the investigating committee decided to hold secret sessions. The usual, result has followed. The? reports of the proceedings obtained iu a hap- haiird way from various sources vereM pretty certain to he inaccurate,! and were ' quite liteiy to oe colored by malice. This has beep the uniform exr perience in all-secret investigations, aud it is to be hoped that id future no oomnuilfe of investigation will ! make the blunder of sitting with closed doors. -7? IWfhinrfon Star; .- jj ...... mfm ; j KC tlCINUUAU, N. a Feb. 9, "S2. ; Mb. LpiTOK; Allow we space in jour valuable paper to express our dis aatislclion at the treatment of our col ored Republican la Jlichoioid county, We wojk hRrd, aud e saoy person al arices, aad after we have elected Lhest men to ofilco they employ Demo crat as clerk instead of giving coiored men the places. Now we . are opposed to any such men, who pretend- to be UepuUlican. If we are to bave lXsmo crau in c 8cr. wt bad Just as wt Tote fjr them as to select these men, and let thtut he the : credit ot appointing Democrat If w bad voted for Dem ocrat wt shoiU bv peted aotbiog and tbtrrfaro wonldjoot have been dit ppoiftirl, wUl fW.tbeso.fcllow the wwifjr, electtoa and testb them a ltott. . L rV, tbe UrpubUcaas of fUcbaoad eouoiy COLOKKO. Khrewdre and Ability. ! r Up letters so freely advitb4 ia all tbt papers secular aod rtl'ijgiau rUartUfi all otker taedit&. ler l h AkyS tb virtue of the Hop plant, a! V PWf of tbe Bit ter bats abowa great abrtwdae sad aUUty U Wttpoaalias aKuer;bot Uus ars so palpabU t my w obrvaUsk- CXrm Oar cor4 fr5si ettatka atSmltbvtlls o yUr4r: mm raVIiS ill fmzXz U w fttxU BUROAW COHVEXTIOX.: ! ' We learn the Pender county con vention which was held last; Saturday the 11th lost., intended te proceedings published in the Post, but the secretary has not yet sent them to us. We shall put them in the columns of the Post when we receive them. - " ; The name of lion. Ilughs Cale, of Pasqutank county,and other representa tive men over the state, wh have written ' me, endorsing the call of a state conyention,was unintentionally omitted in the call but will be added in the circulars which will , be issued next week. Parties will please notity ine of the. delegates and their postof&ce ad dress. As soon .as they are elected, the several railroads in the state will be requested to reduce rates -for dele gates attending the convention. Dele gates who may be elected to the con vention are requested to inform them selves as thoroughly as possible relative to the status and condition of the colored people in their respective counties. Papers friendly to the colored people , enjoying their rights in the counties are requested to publish the call for the state convention. I j GiiO. W. PBICEj Jb. Box 3 and 7, Wilmington, N. C ' - 1 Colored Farmers, i Mr.. Editor; "Marcarias' " produc tion found iu the Carolina Enterprise a few weeks ago gave some ' interesting facts concerning colored farmers of this section, and of their products of 1881 but as he did not reach Scotland Neck, I venture to' state that many of your readers will be surprised to learn of the progress made by this class of citi zens in this section, as the facts and figures below will atfest: There is Richard Iliggs, of Scotland Neck, who owns GOO acres of land; raised 2G bales of cotton, 550 bushels of corn, 2u9 bushels of oats and wheat, 75 bushels of potatoes, 300? bushels ef peas, 50 bushels of rutabagas, and 1,400 pounds of pork ; owns 3 horses, 14 head of cattle. :':"';' -' !''-'.' i iMike Hardy owns 550 acres of land, 1,5 bog, S cattle and 8 horser; raised 35jb"ales of cotton and"; 750 bushels of soirn. , ' - . J ;' Antbody Deaveaux owns 150 acres of land and 4 horses; raised 16 bales of cotton,! 400 bushels of corn, 75 busheln of oats and 800 bushels of potatoes. Williara Toodle & liro. owns '400 acres of land, 2 horses; raised 20 bales of cotton, 500 bushels of corn and 150 bushels of potatoes. I Robert Wilkins owns 50 acres of tland, 1 horae; raised 8 bales, of cotton and 20 bushels of corn. ; -.Robert Ferrell owns 75 acres of land, 2 horses, 10 cattle and 20 hogs; raised 8 bales of cotton, 500 bushels of corn, 500 bushels of potatoes, 25, bushels of peas. 75 bushels of rutabagas, 20 bushels of turnips, 50 bushels Irish potatoes and 300 bead of cabbage. ; f ' ; Granville Savage owns 150 acres of land, 2 horses and 4 cows; raised 10 bales of cotton, 600 bushels of corn, 60 bushels of peas, 25 bushels of oats and 150 bushels of potatoes. J j Joe Watson owns 00 acres of land, 1 horse 6 cattle and 12 bogs; raised 6 bales of cotton, 250 bushels of corn, 40 bushels of wheat, 20 bushels of peas, 300 bushels of potatoes and 25 bushels of turnips. .v . ''- Anthony Long owns 150 acres of land, 2 horses,, 4 cattle; raised 10 bales of 'cotton, 750 bushels corn, 75 bushels of potatoes and 200 bushels of peas and chufas.. . . : ':--; ." I Henry James owns 60 acres! of land, 1 mule; raised 10 bales of cotton, 300 bushels of corn, 25 bushels of pea and ov uunicu oi poiatoe. ; s Alex: Lawrence own 40 acre of land, 1 mule and 6 bog; raised 8 bale of cotton, 60 bushels' of corn, 10 bushel of peas and 150 bushel of potatoes. Ievi Jame owns SO acre of land, S horses, 5 cattle, S bopVj raised 6 bales of cotton. - j; ':-; ltenry S&itbl twos 30 acre of land, 1 mcle, 1& boy; raised 10 bale of cot ton, bubtU ot cora, IS boahela of Jordan Jame own 170 acres of land, 5 hones, 25boc and 10 cattle; raissd 23 bale f cvtua, 600 buaheU of com, 100 boaheU of oat. 25 bobeU of peas and 100 bushel of poUtoea, I KoCa Satith owes GO acres of land, 1 male; raised 10 bales of ottoa, 00 bsuheU of cura, SO btuhe' of rxaaata, 25 bosbeU of cbafA- Winser lUtist own li acres ot Lu4 X tew, 10 fe; rt4 13 baits of cot- f A . ;w vs, i Cbaxlva Taraer osra 0 acre of Uad, 1 bort, 12 b$sn raised S bate of reUosw 200 esbU of cerav , Jiiia Davis owes 4 acres of UaJ, 1 b;'rabei Si Vale, of coUaei, llf am J ' ' ..- ' t4blas f bcm; taW4 IS baits o eots tanbsls of cors. horse?; raised 15 bales of cottony 6C0 bushels of corn. , s - j-j ) ; . " : (r Neptune Foreman owns 100 acres f land, rents other lands owns 6 horses, 25 cattle; raised 65 ba'es of cotton, 1,500 bushels of corn. i i 5 ' Steward Hardy owns 60 acres of land, 3 horses, 4 cattle and 10 nogs; , raised 18 bales of cotton and 600 bosnels of COfn. I I ''v;--;i;Sj ii : J,'V':-i Peter Hockins owns 50 acres of land, 2 horses, 4 cattle: raised 8 bates of cot ton, 800 bushels of corn, 400 bnsbela of potatoes. ' ; V '"; v: ' : S c: ' "r " t . Henry Arrington owns 100 acres of land, 2 horses; raised 15 bales of "to ton, 500 bushels of ccrn and 150 basheis of potatoes. . r Lr :::-h - Joe Smith owns 200 acres- . land,' 1 horse, 8 eattler raised 10 baWtLfCot ton and 300 bushels efcoro. Gabriel Smith owns 60 acres of land; Frank Knight owns 60 acres; William Wbittey owns 40 acres; Caroline Bal lard owns 200 acres; Sandy Long owns 150 acres; Jacob Hill owns $4,000 in real estate, keeps a first-class boarding bouse. In this lot about eight men have a bank acconnt of $2,000 which they propose to use. in. the -cultivation of their lands in the crop of 1882. Aggregate of the lands, horses, swine and produce raised by these farmers are as follows: . Lands, 3,710 acres; horses, 50; cotton, 601 baler; corn, 10, 600 bushels. In a few years more we shall be able to stand alone. 1.. .i-Tii ,'''!'. -j- REYKOLD3. : : Wilmisgtox, N. C. Feb 1SS2. Hon', 0. P.) Mearetl Judge Criminal ; uourc. . ' ; I Sib : We would like you to ' auswer this question namely: Has th! county commissioners the authority uudu-r the law to pay the solictor of your Criminal Court a salary of twelvs huudred dol lars lor six weeks' work t i , We hope you 'will answer this ques tion for the tax-payers, i V;ry respect fully Your Obedient Set vent, j ' '; ' ' ; ' . ' . A Citizen. : kJi:vx items. We learn;ihat Oo!. O. II. Blocker has entirely recovered his health.; Mr. ii. P. Bell of Pender, was iu the city a few dsysxgo looking as handsome as eter. )?: '. i -. ";1 ! . '; The banks of this city are refusing to take punctured or" mutilated silver coin except at heavy discount. Solicitor Benj. R. Moore, we are sorry to. learn is In very bad; health. He is in such a condition that te could not prosecute in the Criminal Court during the past week. i . Senator 37 D. Cameron of Penn., with a party of friends went south in the Senator' ppecial car on Wednesday last. : .-v' r:,-r-. Hon. Simon Cameron went south on Friday night' last to Florida for the benefit of bis health. i M ABBIAGK LI0ENSB6. The follow ing marriage lie uses were Lwued by the Register of Jtds duriDg the past week : Joseph Hi Mitchell and Mis Fannie 8 Johnsou;; Samuel N Cannon and Mrs. Sarah J Moore ; Hubbard ii Foard and Miss Katie W Gilbert; FM Agostlnl and Mrs L U Cioford; Ed ward Bobioson and Miss Laweaa Mal lett; Isaac Brlnkley, jr., and Miss Su san Williasas. : :'v "IjtTEaxsTTsa Speech. te learn that lr. F. H. Darby attorney at law, paid a -tery handsome compliment to Mr. Justice Miills on Wednesday lasi Us said tbat this. man ' Millis did not bars lbs sense to be a justice of the peace, And they do say that the remarks of Mr. Darby tnroeghout were exceediogly severe oo the com-etaney and honesty of Millis. Wo art glad that soms ion ha given tbe court this information. ; : Ws eaaaot My any notice fill be taken of it, bat we Tentur the tjertioa tbat if b (Millb) was I a Bepuilicaa tbat no woald be removed Tery sooo. efan Jtatimf it 3 see aal. : . Lost trr Focsr. A liuU on of Mr. Ueary Klag, restdlag ia tbo aeigb-' borbood of Niatb and Woouer stmu, aged about Mr lyeiar, tcfetber with two UtU girls, seed aboat tare years respect! vly, strayed fro their bosses oa Tbarsday saoralag last, abeat 10 'dock, aad eoald aor be fba4 catU atoat 4 a'cixk la tb s&yqos sibe a colsvl saaa aamsi ba FiAr lw corned tbea stripped of lisir ele4bif aad fUyias U Meliasmay aatU p aearty a sa Croat taaie bsa, : la tbo meaatlxa tit aboU aIgUeao4 kad bw tramal aad wers pJcl rtiagUtbsaeaxcXwkllaiaa sunu f tU Uuls trsaasi vtsa alaast atte wkaaaaissT. " iscrt v&a cay tiaa tltlr miltsces avut, la tUlr aCot la tii paper af aata cbazgrt tbr larxacr at frt3 ta invUtL-av , LOCAL SHORTS. J '- 1 ' ' " - W. T. Johnson and family have re- mOTed ta Winston. v Many of the plum trees about Wil mington a:e in fall bloom. ' i t ": Cape W. Cy Fergus is said to be dangeroasly ill at bis residence on Masonboro Sound. t ; The German ladies of this city gave a Dime Party at Germania Hall on Wednesday evening last. - The Grand Jory failed to find a true bill against Thomas Murphy, accused pC the larceay of watch. .,' V- i' i : ThelBrUish schrlt Juli Eliiabetb, arrived from Harbor. Island, N. P., oa Friday," with a cargo of fruit. Eer. Dr. K A., Yates was on a visit to this city during the past week, bay ing come here from Raleigh to marry, a couple..:' .': '';; ':-'' j.-. Messrs. JKirk wood and ! Hewes, steam boat inspectors for this District, were here on an official visit during the past week. ' ' Mr. B. F. White has purchased the dyeing establishment -of Mr. E. H. Klcgind will combine that with - bis business of upholsterer, paper hangar, &c -'S:; '' Henry Hall, another religious "crank," was examined last week, pro nounced insane and sent to the county! poor 'house, where he will be confined iu the mane . department. 1 "At a meeting of the congregation of the Temple of Israel, Jield on Sunday tilht last, Rev. S. Mendelssohn was re-elected as their minister for the en sujng year'atn increased salary. : L Therewas a pis; meeting at Lisbon, Sampson county, yesterday, in the in terest of ihe 'Clinton and Point Caswell Railroad. J udge AIcKoy was expected to be present and address the meeting. The sch r. Jennie Morton, from this port for Baltimore, was wrecked in a galeoujhe 4t,h' inst. the officers and crew being rescued after ''much suffer ing. Geo. Knowlpon, the steward, died from exhaustion. . . 1 Fourteen deserters from vessels in this port are row in the county jail, having been arrested and -placed there for safekeeping during the past week. Two of them were taken from a Teasel at Smithville, which had just cleared froto this port. The steamer Lisbon, recently con structed by capt. S. W. Skinner, has codmenced her regular trips. She will run between Wilmington and Hemngs ville, Sampson county, and will be commanded by Capt. K. Phillips, an old steamboat man. The body: of Betsy Hines, the colored woman. who was drowned while cross ing the' main; channel at MasonboroT Sound .on Monday, mentioned else where in this issue, was recovered oh Wednesday about where it went down. "Henry McNeill, implicated In a cer tain cotton stealing adventure some time ago, was arrested at Goldsboro a few days since and brought to this city, where he was lodged in jail. He was wanted as a stlWs witness and jumped his bond. ' Oa the night of St, Valentine's Day Tuesday, mischievous boy brick batted bouses, unhung numerous gates and removed them to a distance, sus pending at least one in a tree and playing other mischievous and out rageous pranks. The new bell tower, located on tbt lot f the Howard Belief Fire Eogine Company No. 1, on Fourth, between Market and Dock; sueeta, has been completed by Elviu ArtU, the con tractor, and the bell was removed from .the new market hosse and placed in position in tbe tower on Toesday last. The tower U 49 feet and eight iocbes La height, 14 feet square at the b and coat I46L ; It is painted white aad present a rery neat appearance. , Some reckless pron performed tbt dangerous fray Wednesday' alWaooa, of firing a piatol front tbe deck of tbe Britisa barqae Echo, lying oa tbe sreat side of tbe river, into tbe front door of Mr. J U. NefTs eatablUbsaeat, oa $oata Water streeU Sevtoal geatle ssea were standing ia tbt stara at tbe tiase, aad tbe ball, fiaueaed ay eoataci Hlf esMeici wjbka h scrack, was afterwards pkkid op fmaa tbe fi jot. Mr. lass. H'GUsaaa tbe yooxg bar msr of Jacksoavia, baa aeaa ia tbe city I tat paai km day, aad looks very well caeUfiag tbe severe skia alssbegc wkti- Wrxiz aa ea uiaita U.oc Us Smprease Coar fclkessea U practice lasr. Taoaxb ke caaw oct k4 iyiag ceSers aad ka iirvalj, etcaa seeLsAtke kse.ixt Ctttitdy rtcmred fires tbe eSscfia et tbe Crbt fat la twraty Cve vaars aH tial wiU pass aeay Uait ysatsg C3-! steals are can vastus OaaUsrr tielt "vUiy tst tbe sraaxsr ti ti UJ Suits. l y - r :.'.:. ' Geo! B. B. Bridgers ! returned borne nn ThnrHT nivht laL " Mr. 0. 8. Yarborough, a well known naval stores inspector of this city, died Wednesday morning laaf. His death was quite ' unexpected to liis friends. who bad not though bo was dangerous' lyill. Pebsoital, The latest excitement inBour city is the expected marriage of tne widow of tbe late iW.lt. Btnford and Prof. F. M. AgostinL Mrs. B, U the daughter of Mr. James Anderson, one of ihe oldest and most respected cit izens of our city and at present treasat er of the CL C. Bailroad Oomnanr. ; '" But strange again: Mr. Samuel K. Cannon, 78 years of age, tookyout a license oa Monday, and on Tuesday married Mrs. Sarah J. Moore, of last be Fayetteville, who is 67 years of sge. ;It seems that neither size or age pre vents marrying. We wish them all the happiness imaginable in their new part nerships. ) Death o? a Pbomi5E5t Bailboat MAir.-General William ; McBae. . for merly of this city, and generally ao counted one of the best railroad mana gers, died suddenly at Augusta, Ua , on Saturday night last, of congestive chill. He had just resigned the posi tion of General Manager of the West ern and Atlantic Railroad and was on his way to this city when he was strick en by death. He.bore a conspicuous part in the late war, and was accounted one of the most brave and chivalrous officers in the army of Northern Vir ginia. Deceased was a son of the late Alexander McBae, formerly President of the W & W. B. B., and was about 47 years of age. . I; ; Gbajtd Lodge Kniohts of Pxthias Tbe Grand Lodge K. of P. met at Goldsboro on - Tuesday last, the Order being largely at sndedj The reports show an increase during the year of four Lodges, applications for two more on hand, and two defunct ones revived, with correspondence looking to tbe in stitution of other Lodges in different pans of the state. The financial con dition of the grand body was repre sented as encouraging; The draft of a new constitution was reported t. and adopted. - Tbe following! officers wore elected for the ensuing term: QC-J L H Missillier, of Newbern. . G V C H C Prempert, of Wilmington..'.- ' '- :".;'," t;,""'; '. u Pr-J F Townsend, of Lilly's Grove, j' ' -y - r '--' G. M of E -B T Scanlio, of Fayette ville. . ,p-: : v G K of B and S John L Dudley, of Wilmington. ' -'.:'' G M at A J C Brewster, of Baleigb. G I Q Bobert Chambers, of Char lotte. :,: i'. a-'. G O G-rW T Hollowell, of Golds boro. ; . , '" 7-''i:; .1 ,' . , ' Sop Rep J A Bonitz. f Goldsboro. The Grand Lodge !jtfnritd to meet in ibis thy on the second Tuesday in February, 1883, ; ; P. C.jJobn J. Fowler was appointed D. D. G. U. of Stonewall Lodge No. 1 and P. p. John W. Gerdta as D. D. G. C. of GcrmsDia Lodge No. 4, of this citv. The CfclMisAi. Coubt. This Court convened on Mondsy last, with Judge O. P. Meares oo the bench. The fol lowing pun-1 vre disposed of daring tb. week:; -. j '.'.'- -i; -"-' ' :' State ivs Abrani Beattv. charred with larceny. Defendant fouod grilty. Not sentenced. Stale Jv Cbsries Williams, charged with larceoy. Net guilty. State vs.Peaton,etalt charged with larceny J Sol eatered with leave. State vs Gtaysoa Jeakias, cbarged witji lamoy. - Sol pro catereJ: ,aa defendatt discharged. ' Statt jvs J H LofOa, cbar4ed a lib Urcery. Defeadaat foesd guilty. Not eoteared. '". ' ' -, Suta jvs PKmus, DeLeoo,' ciarjtd wiib lartety. ' DetVadatt foead guiUy aad recomsseaded U U tcy' ef the eoert ot seateecca. Sutt vs CUftoa Arautrees sad Jaaea Aaderson, charged wiili Isreray. i De ftJau f k4 geiUy. 8uu r Cohen MeDtZe, clamd wiia laeeey. De&adaat rabsslued. Not eateeced. if - .'; y ::: . r State : rs Cu Lawrtacsv chargvd with UrtTsy. LVtrsaixai Ibcad cailty. 'Nol'secaced. 1i ';v-",2'ir SurtTaema MeaaVyv cUrtd wUbTaaetah a4 jbaUtrr, Df &eaal ieaad gaiay. Aei seetasNsU. ' x. . : : i Ssese a tf2ass Swastarpal wija larwsy. D CeaslaM Cwad aat gry. Stase aa Kat. ma a4 Dkk feacaa. caaxjt atUlartay. Gt2:yaxi taacsil ta tha ewsdMla t Grts tiarl w fsePiat faaaJ rti aa4 aexlnmei ta tsar retail U T'"'mj. - a With sell Id &f linuor ta ' minors. Dc A " fendant fonnd guilty and sentenced to - pay $50 and the costs. State vs Emanuel Uairsret. charts 1 with' forcible trespass. Continued to next term of the court. State vs. Mary. Ann Gibbs charted with' slander of wbmen Defendant' found guiltv.'.' Discharged. . ' " State vs " Thomas Nixon. . charged with larceny.. .Case continuediandL, defendant with security, recognized in - tbe Bum of $200 for appearance at next term' of court ; t , e 1 - " State-vs Rttfua Bobinsoo, 4 charged with injury ta personal property. De- fendant found guutyj? Motion ia arrest ; of judgment: 'Defendant inrned over ' to his mother on condition of removing him from the statel ' .;"'-"" State vs John Statcher, assault with deadly weapons Not guilty. v i . "Statevs March Cam obeli, larceny Continued. ' u - .Clato ys Wm Lloyd, larceny; Goiliy, and sentenced: to .three years. in the penitentiary.- -7;' , State vs Bell Fisher, Mary William son, Edward Bryson, Geo. E.vBu.rdta charged with keeping disorderly houses. Countinued.'w ' ' . State vs Tsiah Esson, assault and"1 battery. -Continued. t State vs Thosi M Gardner, extortion. Not guilty. - . ' i . . ' Sot. Pros, were entered in several other cas8 and a number of cases were continued over for the term. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Agricultural Lime aaJ Carbonate of Lime, BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS if ' i- ;--'' " -. " " v ''-'x-: - - -i ; Send for Circular and IVice ItlsU i FRENCH IIROa , Jan. 2& 1m Eocky Tolnt, Jf . C. Greater ,i Inducements TD PUBCHA3EIUJ OF GUOCEBIE3 I MAYIlEFOC.V'l) At Mlafie Wholesale EstaMisliffleal : - of Adrian & Vollers, AT ..' - -I . '.-r. . ... J S. If. Corner Froutnnd Dork Nis Than can potslbly be oCrcU cHe where. AND IX TIttJIR STOCK! '.'(". V - . - WILL LEKOUND Every TMm ia its Grocery Lias That tHalr or Conauuer a(4. UTtfelerlloiae for tue.Connfry Trade ample and superior. ; : Jae 2-tf. ! ' , ' , X C. SCOTT, Boot and Shoo Maker. Snoptj ox rarxcrxH Brrwvrt tmm' aa l-owrth.aoaoo Krwai twtw U fTLE?4 .'.?.' 11 ork.Mn, taad-bai4 bwi btMigbt.f.r fato; A nrhaaatucbt. Oil 4 1 ma. CHAS. KLEIN" " Undertaker and Cabinet 7 v Slaker. - . A3 Otitn prmpiXf tuaAmi U. TVamrtCAASErH,xiw6nj;64 lk atott U BJDU.L TCRXA. a rrtra Wlvra IVaat the he? roiiitins sro32 Dehrends & Munroe . C-Oar. Kr4 j a v.3 WIIrfJTO. X. C sdi3 ry" CLODS OALOOrif IC r.lartct CU urn m Vaadwr aaftte Xm$ ta u Ci5f r rk 0tas.4 raw4aat4ss ' aaja aw a t 4 "i .4 .fi;i" t '- ! V - f-'-i h :1 7-. T A A i ;- t I 1 r . J t t it i I