A. I -a, :. -ft; ' '35,. 'is - Si 1 .i Volume xv. , w 1 li NiiKorro post . Entered at the rosfoffice ' at WUming ' ', V' C."'w Second Ulcus Matter. ; . 1 rtis or advertising: 4 . - eight (S) lines, Nonpareil type, con- V ,,HUte a square- ; 1 . i fifty cents per line for the fina in ter'tii ami twenty-live cents per line ; f All.idvertispments will be charged c" i he 0ve raiex, excepii on special ion jr:iet.. :lr ': : , - piie .subscription price to The Wil- mis(5T)X Post is $2 00 per year; six l,ii;,'d'ilie; ; United Siatts Sen- i n 'J Iiurp.Iay .lilKt , pis ing General i (irnilt H ie-w iireii nni us a nui vjeiir y tral.) Thj is ii it should l e. General ' (;r.u,t is etrttficd to the position, and C.'jDgnhs has dunT entirely right in gtfing hi'ti thU honor, and we hope the J bjfl n-iil.psi the 7ouot one-. , , The yirgitiLfKislaturc has. atast tucmdtd in electing an Auditor The listtr'n caucus, nominee, Mr, Allen,' i . - fcu'd b). largo mjority. AVe at u'ifl e the v ( ig leader," Colonel Lb.ergeron- his gloriouu mccess. jt n hasbo n jrea.er rkill iu lhe. : g lill! nunc We 1. pn.tnt ot mt n thfen tnat senator. l e he,' will goteon and continue 8 WITH ful in all hw'uR.der'.akif-E?. LtT JUM'IUK 11 K DON K. kue a muu'ii nkiu id dark U that to be k reason for debaring him from all i i'riglit n t'ne uuit., t'Xeept to bi tried f l.y n bine inrrt u 1 d f il. t the peniteii- r the gsiJlo'4 , whether guilty or nr.' ' I drt'd ibving We hS ve. seen and herd of hun- fof jthtse poor, itegccUl civzer, sent to J ul and frunr thence to WiA. .1 t f a .1 1 S u tv u-tii, wi-ru -nil frlllllm I' 1' Ikf.'r.v'mA iliOfirA.I uiTainti iflm - TtT lis lUne to call a halt, if we are living 1 tin a civilized country let us .say so, and I I Heat jU citiz ens with rqual justice. JOHN KKLI.Y. I It is Utsfonishirg ; how soon a man loses ifl! of, his abiliiy abd honesty in the '. f pfghl of tlie l)cin6c,racy when he stops i l ... i .it .. ' r I. T.;l S ullinatli'g wnu mai pariy.t ouuii xvci man who reorganized Tamma r I'wted Was dNpIaceJ, an 1 m vt r Lceu for'given'for the over- ,f ih'e Dt moera' ic pet. 'Twetc. kelly-has joiutd with j, ronibi- t) f Ue p u b i i c a uV a n d . ,Ta m ra a n y 1 intends to rule New A'ork for the be it fr 6f . the tax payers, thf fran- Itic ?iu(f uWurnfnl h6wliD8 of the D.m- nrc?s is painful to hear. Dut Itbry. see in this combination that the i ' feW it I hi I 'rj aft ' I he lv:s .'''lib row -iNow - J U . - J- i fiifttmn r ..ft;. itc, an I Sitate ofNew York is finally and forever CV lost to them. r ': iiv I The youse of Eerresentatives in that . '-jta'a. ills elected a Republican cletkr I .Imd the-commitUtsof both ifiusfs will ill WcWl roiled io the interest of the I'tmmJny Rfpulicaneombiiiaiiion. if --l-l v" '. A-iDISQ R ACEIJ' PiMILY. y; .' f 1 One Jf the first men in North I Caro i ftp is responsible for the absplute truth .:'c- ihirtQ,jv ;;.I"me't; near Asheville, 1 S C. alnoug a;lot of railroad hands a befjre m &he oi" the fastein counties of the Ste, and wbpe family he knew to be efceUtiit people. After; itie !usual 7 jutv.io is the gentle tnau cctuired of hpi ab-tut Lis kin folks dQwn? est :!'Ma d ii,-I kttow nothing about 1 Jyl'fir j ejpU," with ah ir ofgreat con K ;tjipi r. VVhy ! what's the: matter ? f v A ytU l0t friendly with litem?" "No ;lhavi had nothic? to io with them I I "gW Radical titike't." Substquent I rf.rianin deyeldped the fact that f H bjshuttfne 1 fjentUui in wh ha i been h i SrfJ I'J his km was one of . -Pt9.jitentiary .': railroad convict ip 5 ou t a ,, 1 1 r m for forgery . : i' Litr ir ii'A vK ik ack iJitkluals have no business to allow &er perional likes or dislikes to en- -i. frt party snccess. The fight new between; the forth WiJe oro, : and the J vtcrisan of 1 1 .t rer n we nope will be at pace ol. Ktrgh baa hi friends, Drake, aod it it the desire IfMoiped.;-. 1 aifu Mr. Republicans and autl-bour- tkst we hon1d have harmooT.aDd tflPtvrai ta i lo stop and think of 'the re- othera of a continuance flhesa l?SVi haie hf ter aeeu the day l V' wpuw not aacrifice our ladtTid- If fterelorAhe ietereatef the aaU t a)iM Republican t the atate, these genUemea can both af 1 1 1 1T the waiter now fo dU fcf.W pcoe to etUfj.aad If ih7 ..fJ.KepttV.icaa at heart, whkh Aki? H lft belfcTe they are, they wiU j IJfae at once and! work tor the ! f.Jji'ii lie aattborbc'.(rKorth J f jWfaa: If vc wui all do :wt duty I I ff hulk; Thlph U now coaaaoded ! ftl '4 hU corrupt ctv 1 will W liiL 5. '-. tvoi-Iemea I U low comics dowa pcn it pip :;lPa rPsw- Uongrea has appropriated $100,000 for the poor sufferers from the flood.nn Miwisippi, Alabama, Arkansas; and Louisixna. Every humane person in the t ouuiry will approve ibis action oh the part of iheir Representative. It was rei-orttd that thousands of poor white and colorrd, citizei.s were in a fctsfving conditin, ni.d the ' monry was needed iniui-lijtf If, i il e s.ta i.xm (1 both hn of iJin'gVtM in i-iie dnyr" AS. OM)l iBU C'OSVbTHi.N ll 8 Ml OX CtM'l rV county will , plexse meet in rrea con vention hi (Jliuton on Saturday ihe 18th day t.f Mai'jh next, at 12 o'clock mJ, fir the purpose of electing djjUgates, to the state Colored convention, which meet t 'O-.idsboro, N. Oi, ou the ?9.h day f March, 1882. . All are' invited This ; is a very important 1 matter to us as colored men. . Citizen. ! W1HTK MKN T.iKB KOTlc'K j Since flgitating the, question of jus tice fur all of It-ur citizens was cfcrft neticed by us, j we are continually ? re ceiving new and startling information, and ve now prepared Jo prove th if of the 2,000 thousand white men in the third co .gressional district wfio vote and pay taxes, therare barerfour thous and Hixhundred of their uames!in;the jury box! In other words, 17f100 arc exc.liidt 4 from their riiihu in the courts, a.rfd 1 hi is done by a set of coauty enm-missiiini-r chosen for the .people by the leaisUturf. The county officers put the nam en i.Tilicir pets in tlxe jury box and feave all others cut. Now it strikes Us( that h Mor man with 'intelligence, who pj& hislaxes' ha. just as much right 10 .-erve on the jury as ttie rich man with his million 'Rut the fact is the pay t-f a -jQfor is very good, there fore Vthey want to keep the money in side of a certain ari stocriitic circle. Then they put such men ou lire" jury as they, the commissioners, can control, so as to prevent their friends from b'e inir. indicted, therefore we cail upon the white men of this distiict to take no tice of this fraud u!on their right?, a?d ac,t accord ingly. ltKl'UDLlO AN l'AHJ YDKAL with Fit a una. i It js lioticcd that the Democrats par ty always m,anage to acquit Dempcra'.s who are guilty of fraud, thieving, cheat" iogdvfaulting, &c. Not so with the Rerjubcan party. A.Republican will follow up a brother Republican when charged with crime with a great deal more z'al than he will a Democrat. It : is almost impossible to get a Denaocrtic Solicitor or Judge to try & . Democrat, Republican prosecuting officers rnl Judges take -delight in':, show', ing f. their : eflSciency in convict og Republicans. . A 1 rase ia point: lii'Senator Dorsey and Assist ant Postmaster General Brady have been hounded and ' persecuted for; the past twelve months, special detectives have been employed, besides .the regu lar '.'force,- - Fxtra prosecuting attorneys retained to assist the Attorney General and lhe: District Attorney at Washing ton, at hundreds of thousands of dol lars expense, and at laot .theyj have found a true bill against these tw6 gen tlemen who have held high positions in the 1 Republican party and the Government ; and all i this'; has been done by a Republican admin-, istrat jon. This is all. well "enough j if the cflicers of the law had sufficient proof to base such vigorous aclioc on theiriart, , but to disinterested patties it has bad the appearance ol jwrsec'a'' tions, gotten up for cheapnotorietr for Postmaster Genera! James, and a. lew other dead beat lying around Aash iogton It is hard to make a disfQtet ested citiaen beliere that a gentleman with half a million dollar would take the chances of stealing from the goverft mentamall amountaV ' Whether true or not, it show the difference between the two parties. One prosecute its; thieve and punishes them, while the other party will defend theirs, and promote them to -Jiberpositioo of honor acd trust. -4- Amendment allowed by the com mittee to audii the expense, of the sickness and burial of Rresident Gar ield to the attending surgeons, la auted by a member of the Committee to be as fotlowai To Dr. Rlis. $25,000:, to Drs, Agnew aod llamiltoo, $15,000 each; to? DraMleyburn and Biynton, $10,000; toi Mr. DrRUoo, $3j000; to Mr. Eaniss, steward, , $5,000; and tte other em pkye of the Executive Mstuioa two m6alh. extra paThe committee recommend the appotntment of Sur geon General Darae to. therank of Major General, and hi retirement at that grade, and' lb promotion of Dr, Woodward p the raak cf lieutenant OoljjneL The committee ha also agreed to grant to Mr. Garfield the remainder f f her hatband' aalary for the current tw. The report will not be u nan 14 boos; Meaar. Springer and RUcx tmrn will aahmlt a miaority report, p-j poaicg moat of the item Jiowtd.w Ytegrtrat t0 Stmr. ,1, ' r. E. A. Yflew i hlrhlT of a a cod nan to ppolt to thi Me-hr odist CUhopric WILMINGTON, NORTH Li ts to aiisayw. A, p. i1 i . ' uy ked. -.- '',':-: '..'!; ' "' Allhope had nigh left j me, and darkness hit, and gloom . - - - - Layon my lain t.splrlt with the weJghLof the .tomb; . .. V i. " I In sorrow unending my . life had letnied . sank 1 - ' " . Consuming my sont as do3s ivy the trunk; JCach day brought one charm 'twas nearer - my lafcU . . : ' ' . ' ' T ' - - From the depth of the shade, from the sky of the past. 1 1 i uosei glorious star ' in whose luminous ! . tract. -.- j -j . ., , Every phanton of gloom to its cayern iell back. . . 1 ... Sweet star of my life! with warmth and with light. - 1 .: . Hover over my path amd again make It t brlKit. . i 1 i , Vf ith thy radiant bean 6hed happiness I---, around me lT ! And my heart' best dev4ion forever wilt f crown thee. .. a Turn the shadows away ; jbid my eoUtude eease. 1 r, j. !!.' Ever roll through my heaven presaging me peace; t i Raise me to you in goodness as my years increas. , . ; February, 11th 1SS2. i '; . COUPAMBS AND 1. loril RE 'S ' r tililKNT. 'v .-- i A reunion of Gwmpanies G. and H. of the 10th regiment on the 26th day of April next, seems to meet with the ap proval of a very large number of the members. We have received a large number of letters from members of the two companies, and they gencTaTTy ap prove of it, and are in i favor of Beaufort as the place, and the 26ih of April r.8 th'e tiole of holding the meet ing. Rut some one must take charge, of the matter and manage it, or it will be a failure4, as all seem tooj modest to come forward and ' iead in the cause, we therefore request the following gen tlemen to act-as a committee, who will please ; take charge and make all nec-' essary arrangements fur the reuhion:-r-Robert JO. Walker a nd Henry :Ma soB, of Company G., and ohn W. gan ders and Jo-hu T. I. Noe, of Company II. Thf se gentlemen c m select some one .from their own number, Or an out sider to ret as chairreran of the com mittee. Rut the man selected ought 10 reside i:i Carteret. It rs pincerely wished t!.;t they wiil'jake hold! at once aiid .give novice to all the mem bers, and make arrangeancnts to have a banquet at some suitable pli:o in the town of Beaufort. ' 1 The rreshJent ncmicattd exeuator R'jscde "Coiikling of New York, as A8 sbciato 1 Justice, on Friday, and AU. Sargent of Califcriiia; as Minister to Germany. . These are very excellent appoint iih ut; both are able men, but SehatoryCtckir.g is a man of very great ability, .probably the ablest in the United States, and they both should have been at once- confirmed. It is time fur Grautism or Blainism in the Republican, party to stop'. . ' -' Ito the post. The presence at the Sampson man-H sioa on rourta street, on lhursday evening lust, of many distinguished personages, fully attests the popularity of the happy couple who were to be united lti holy wedlock At 9 o'clock the beautiful parlors were throDged by relatives and friends, and the bridal parties, Miss Susio Wright Simpson and James Benson Dudley, appeared on the scene. The bride was elegantly at tired, entering the parlor leaning grace fully on the arm of her betrothed, and assisted by attendants.' The Rev. J.' F. ThomaB.-pastor of St. Stephen's A. M.: E. Church, in hs usual happy and pleas ing manner, performed the ceremonies, pronouncing them husband and wife. At the coiiclusico congratulations were heartily extendtd to al!; after which the guests repaired to the largo dinning hall;- to hud a large table beautifully arranged and supplied with choice deli cies. j That all present acquitted themselves Tre.il at this stage of the eveniug'a entcTtainnaent, the appear ance i of the stable, aftemard clearly showed. Bridal presents, were numerous- and handsome, comprising amocg other thirg, a valuable solid silver tea aet. with salver. May" their paih way in life be strewn with choice flowers. i '. : --v.-"-' --i . . M. OIT X ITEMS. Good !at.d for farrainp, with 1 splen did chance to mLe a fiue living, is of fered by ks.S Sil.ch we;l, hear RKky roinuy.a :-'. ' ' ; . Rtt. Jatuis i'iriMu,cf ScatUoJ, en extensively travclir4 mLsi ury, will preach at the Chcs&ut Irtyuriaa church this morning at It o'ctock. ?f eater It K. Sohi i payiog a iit to hi friend ia Chios, lie i get tiegaloo fije'y he writes, us, and everything la Chicago i lively. We wUh htoi a p!eedd time whUe away. Maycyor shtdaw mrtt trjw Uti Doctor. Dt. S1, &iTcawsJtLor. Rocxr 1)1ST, XCTht gtnt eaa i tax ioos to gtt a lot of totard men to settle oa tars. H haa torn sp'cadid lead and b wiRinj to gtt theai a Ttry t tlUiit crpotUtltj. We adtke thee who are kokUg f tome ad gxd Ua4 to netht Doctor at oace. CAROLINA, SUNDAY, FEB. 26. IS82. Rev. Mr. Ricaud, of the Fifth Street M. E church, was "pounded. Friday Bight. . ; H'J j rj:t;'.-:; :t L2f ,- Friday and'Saturday were two of the coldest days of the season, there being considerable ice herebouts. ; f j. V Rev J.' F.: Thomas wilt preach ki the First Baptist church ea the' corner of 5th and Campbell streets this after noon at 3 P. M. V :- : ' Baptizing . at S the font of Princes street, this afternoon at 4 30 P. M., from the First Baptist church corner 5th and Campbell sififts, conducted by Rev, A; M. CorwaT. i s ' ' '- C. Lost IIoyt.' The postmaster ,'. of Jacksonville was in our city last week but from, some unaccountable reason unknown to these presence, did not pay his. respects to our sanctum, and there fore he is lost, evidently lost. . We offer $25 00 rwardy for information of his whereabout'i' import io his friends. Apply soon. ''-! ' '. '; i Prof. William H. Moore is now in Tarboro, and sa-s in a letter to us that he is just setlirg1 thewoods on fire' with his canvass for the celebrated medicine which he has' for sale. We wish him success. For. energy and perseverance he has cot an equal in the state, and will make money if any one can. ; William Mclntire of Pender county, has lately btcome the champion wood dealer of th0 city.U Heietjiiys the rep utation of makiog the qaieket acd best sales of any man in the maiket; and what is better, he has won by his honest, square dealing, the- confidence of the large buyers of the city . What ever Mclntire ' says can always be re lied on, which i a fortiine to any nftiu. Qua FAKJiECS.-The farmers of this state and South Carolina should not neglect the duty to themselves i(i correspond with French brothers at Rocky Poiutj cobcerdiog their lime for; farming purposes. Every man iu the state should try this splendid fertilizer. Mr. French sr.,isonetef the largest farm ers in North Carolina, and a practical business man, atd his tried the materi al he is offering for ale, aod found it superior to anything which he has ever used before or since. Instead toi send ing from home after some fraudulent guano, ., our farmers had belter save money by purchasing from Mr. French.. If the article is not what it is repre sented to be, he is a gentlemen of high character and reliable, and will refund the money. . Personal. John Jones, postmaster at Long Creek, Pender county, was in the city on Thursday last. Calton Sessoms of Sampson', county is still sojourning iu the city, looking out Tor arrivals from the upper Cape Fear river. ' ' " " ' ; Wm. Brown, deputy sheriff of Bruns wick county, was iu the city! on Tiics day last. ! v" ; ' The count v treasurer of Brunswick, Mr. R. M. Weacat, was iu t'ie city on Thursday last. 'j '. The Collector i.f Cuelouiu of Ec?aufort, N. C-, Col. A. C. Davii, is not. in good health. He has been over woi ked for a few mouth and betds rest. Mr. Fed. Kidder has purchased the Uolmes rice plantation,, below mingtoa on the Cape Fear liver, and is now engaged in putting it ia "order for the coming seasoit. NoETii Carolina- IIouse. -It i not in our liaeas faew?xaper men to puff,'' but we do think that Jyha D. S:e'jes, proprietor of the North Carolina Iloue. steps some Of the rry best oysters' we ever ate. lie has constantly on' band a full supply of fresh oysters, whikies acd everytniog f.uud in a firt-cla.-a saloon and restaurant. Fur full in formation we refr our readers to hi edireniemnt to be f -uud elsewhere ia 4 ijre.n this issuer ';.''' Tne writer of ih above is a prhibi XloUt, to don't charge it on the tditor. IxTEinnsQ LxcrcRK B the mott extensive Prebjtein niiontry trav eler ta the wot id. Re. J. Palersoo, from Scotlaed, will lecture oa the ioci dent, adventure. Acof hit travtts in Aottralia, Tsat.is, ew Zyalaod, India, Bormab, Tutkey, Rotsia, Fin land and P!Uae, thU aflernooa tt 3.30 o'clock, at the Opera How. Ad mUsion 15 cent, poiatt touched cn, coaacted with Mr. Pterroa uaveK Iatervi with the Kla f Barman, VUil to the Wonderfat Rates t f Nia wh aid IUbyloo, the Cegkm fcf A it a aa4 EreV EJea, Csperfeact ia tk Land of the: Midaight Sat, Reepaater wiih a Tjger fa I adit, Sirtat isir ttlUoaalactke ia fed! and Hxaia. The lectart b illettrated by nvf t. Eer. Mr. Pahenoa preachei thb trt lag at T-S3 o'clock, ia the east Vace. Adtdoa to that aaig free, te waica yww am lavitrd. y Th rcsTbJjartt LOCAL SHORTS. i Coup's circus is expected here again ia April. ' i ; 1 .; ' :-; ' Dr. J. C. Walker has ben quite tick, but is out again. . -.. .Wilmington experienced aT7 aerere? gale, on xucsday last. y ' 1 : '. About 'fifty head of western cattle arrived here on Friday last. . 'Ice formed here Friday" morning. The thermometer was. dowa to 30. , The Ileallh Officers are looking after the sanitary conditiou of the city. There were four accessions - to 'Fifth Street M. E. Church on Sunday laC (I Lizzie Maddox, a colored patient in he City Hospitaldied a few daya ago. v Mr, A. S. Abel), of the Baltimore Wis here Wednesday, on- bis way to Florida. V" .V"' ' rM t Fires ia the wools hayc done consid erable damage between this city and the soupds recently The railroads connecting with this city are doing a treiiendous; freighting business just now. ' . " The Arion Society, formerly the Arion Q lunette Ciub, will give their first uius'cal recital early iu Miroh. . t. Messrs.-W. E. . Davis & Son' have purchasfcJ the Wilmington Ice House from Messrs. John E. Lippitt'& Co. t Kelly aiid Frank Hargrove, two ' P.iddy Hollow" damsels were sent to the Ciiy Hospital a few days agd Hon. George Howard, ofTarbaro, and Mr. W. II. Willard,6f Raleigh. wtre ht re duricg the ypast week' , Some jof '..our. second Presbyterian frient's p.ouaded a worthy lady on Fifth, War Wnitut street, on Thursday night, ; S yih.tr, mate of the Russian barque A.ftlio.'was arrested fr drunkenness on y -i - .1 . . m. aa ui oun t i.uip auv. put iu j iu vt oatv ket-ping. s ; ' y Tiit.Ck-rr.ian barque Michael crossed the bar ontd iy last week drawing 10 feet sit the lowest tide, so' one of the j.i;cls reports. , v AuiOii 'tha cargo of the schr. Mabel DariiDg, whicbarrived here from Nas sau on Wednesday last, were five hun dred watcrinelons. The Wiimiugtou Fox Club are in mourning f r the , loss of a favorite beagle hound, which departed this life oa WeJuesday last. Iahani Harps was before a Magistrate on Thursday, charged with assault and battery upon Grau Alston. . Harps sub, mittedandjaid the costs. , ' A blind man with, a handcart is perambulating our streets, . peddling notions. He says he walked all the way from Philadelphia. 'A colored man named Amos Boston, living on the corner of Third and Han oyer streets, had his pants pocket picked jof $11.50 on Saturday night last. - Mr. I' W. McGann, iu charge of the Signal Station is off on a ten days' leave, acd Mr. S. A. Haney is looking aftt r the' weather in his absence. Jane Anderson had a hearing before Justice Hall on Tuesday, charged with cruelty to an animal, but the case was dismissed at Ike ct-st of the prosecution. At last accounts Msj. J. W. pun ham, Clerk of the Criminal Court, who has been quite tick in Florida, ; had greatly improved, though his wound wss trouli'.ii g them. ; .- X.x-Maror f ihuiate - has gone to PhiidelphiA as a reprrsfoUtive of Mauhaiun Lod:e No. 153, at a inert ing 4f Disitici GrjtCt Ldge No S, of the Oidvr Keslit l r'btl Rix i, now iu seisi ns there. . : . : ;v.':: Firtpwts discovered among a lot of cotton to Mew. Hall & IVarssll's wharf in the midst of the heavy gale on Tuesday last and but f.r i. timely discovery the . result raiht hav .been disastrous io the extreme. ; ; Capt. Joseph B. be', of the ttetmer Llirbeth, which errie te mill be tween thb city tnJ .i:hvi:le, it Mid to have purcbafd a new xcnrion steaturr ia B-:u aa-1 u expected to arrive here ith her ja a few dyt Tte first itesirer troia Wuaairgtoa, tWi Lisb-to. ntaJt her apparaBce at Htrriogviile, 3Saaspja county, oa the 20Jii itut tnd created a xaMtioo. the i ex4ected ta inn ' regwUrSy be tweea Wilmtcgtoa ted that place. Geo. Macks, ea'orrd. chargrd with t aad tkiuury pM Uicktl Mifkv, w I ttaind fcy Jau IltU, 00 Prilty , to pv a oa 4 II aad cm, Ht wtt txt ardrrtd to gtre a pc boad la vaka h wis rosasut4 w ;v ltuy JL Wuuamsoa era feed a paay and the cU a Tamlay, by Janiice GsMawr, aaaaaaiaj aa4 Uuetiag dItU ILWawaeaa. Beeetfy Scat! was hje the aatae Uagiauale tx vuil ue-pa. hex Um 1 ' - - V. niMt . I f V a t ins, CLarbCt Tniittaa, Single Copies -5 Celts Mr.. J tT. Sarag?, 6(i perintendent of the5 County, Poor i Ho8e, Joat aboat aerenty-fiTe , panpeJtofhwiftnc by, ore 1 few dayt ,ago, j ilaexitbefir himself and Lioi, ; hit, jwn protection, but the wiud Buddenjr.tW yond his cbntjrol.1..;,-5. ' , A colored. ; rffUnianil iaaed:JtiV.,H- Cromartie, with Vplentyf. money and pn poor kin,? got dcunk; Tietdtr ad swore at Alderman; Bwdea.ao long and to persistently that f he finally' swore himself into b guard bqu7( find a morning had to .contribute ,v fi-lo.tae city, treasury. :l has A fire m Monday morning fatt came near dealwyiog tha .oidiacklef Jioasfl on Fifth btlweea Qutotfetid Wooster street--, , but the': building wat flatily taved and pm coafltgraiioai aveted through the ejxertieds uf Ned.XJiiffith; who hi pedirg to n ber paaai ng . at 'th time, quickly moaat4 tai rbvCkaad extinguished the fliatea. I :,a : b !j Washington's birthday was Observed' here by a partial suspension 6f busi ness The pulic'Suildings.'The'Pro duce Exchange and the 'banksT were -iosed and the .Howard RelieiT Fire Engine Company and the iFiflti -Ward (colored) Bucket Company .'were out for para'deeyedv vv'" ' ''. ' '!'- y ::''': It is reported iliat oue-Stillars FtrgU3 was caught irf the actt of rocking, the house of Henry HarVin, on Front, be tween Queen and Wooster streets, on Wednesday mornl-igr last, which was ttid to have been (.one out of, revenge lor some, fancied; injury.!; We 'hate heard of no arrest being made. A large and enthusiastic meetiu in the interest of the Clintoa arid l'oint Caswell Railroad Was held" at' Lisbon, Sampson ' counly, W Saturday last, which was addressed by Judge A.- A McKoy; Capt. R. P. Paddison .and Messrs. E. W. KerA, Duncan O'Hanlon and the Chairjnaid Jtev. Cd.in Shaw. a! considerable amount was subscribfd. lif ts stated that a man named Pesrce residing iu Columbus, died suddenly a few days ago from the effect'Of an over dose ofmorphine; which he had taken under the impressionlit waf quinine. It seems he had a light f-ver and sent to Whiteville for quinine, but received morphine - instead a ' mistake thai hproved a fatal one to the patient. ' ! t j Wilminuton, N. C.," Feb! !20,. 'S2. Editor PosT:-r-Pleate aUoir me room to state that during the eusujng year I shall be located at Wilmington, N C , Respectfully, Her. A.; Hiix. Fire was discovered on the roof of on of Messrs. Hall & Morton's 'still sheds on Friday morniog, addbut for the promptness of the employes and others a disastrous conflagrttlon miht have ensued, as there ia an abundance 01 inflammable material in that neigh borhood. ' The fire alarm waa aounded and the enginet wereoot, tui lucki'y their aervicet were not needed Life Saving Btatiqn No.- G reports that the tchoonef Vari : 2fe(on, Ca( t Murdoch Kemp, bound from this pott for 'Plymouth, Massachusetts with - a cargo of 1,200 barrels of tair, went ashore abreaat of Life St vi og Sutioh No. v, oa the Virginia .coast, on Friday iat owing to a mlccalculation, in 'a heavy north wind and heavy sea. ,, The crew were etved. The vrsl at last accouat was ilvit-g in. s ket-of ; wtte'r atd diJ jnot I. . k. The Tf trt 2utton was cleared from this port on the lS.h ittU, by Messrs. Robiusm & hi iog. y l . . . 1 A Cow TuiEr Cove? to GciEr Mj r Dudly, a cn!ired yqit, wt arresttd on Tuesday Ut, farmed ith teailirf a row and calf Iron a o'ored manj nmmrd Andrew Moore, reMirg about fi'ur mL'e from ibU dty He waa discovrrr d with the mUsIrt krutlei hati j g arrtngel to ; tell -themj' . a butcher fir $ 1160,' and tok : to , the swamp near -Utile. Bridge wtcr he wat captured by Moore 'and broght U Wilsairgtea. A reUmisxj 4xmLu tb wka tad bv fre ; a "f M rle &o Thartday morning, and the 3 ocaa tfcJ was ar at to jU t await tit trial tl the aat era of the Criaiital Cmkt-. Part" Lvrnzkxx Cixviai.-- At the aeewtt aeeetirf ef ti. cogre gattoa. ef m Pi't LatWraa CSrarca7 b!d 'oa Satardty a&rraeea Jtv tie report f ifce tmtartf, Mr It J. II. Ahrtctvae rrad, wfekfc aWwed thai ittaclal ceaditfcai of the ttarch b lie Ttry" t tcttrtt rg.tla dettiai l ta redaced darlcg the patt yr fma tl,m to tlSl.TS. If r. vttrW 6iai. waa elect! eU r. tc Mewa. J. P. II, attaadft aa4 af.fa lUtljuei wew rt elect Dwwaa. MnwatJ. W.feraaw, J. F. Ca!& aa4 C. T. VAattAjtrww war eSrttrd trrtrtC I: wo timxsxxA thai ? ii at Pasfifff , Err. T.W. E. IVicaam, itrart krre tn U 2nd af Maeca aai yreec y titrsdettary wrme c tie Jci, a3 t crrautt waa ffitlJ !a rrcrJrt Lla axi Lx Ij aitheeVfitk v.- NTJMBER. .a; I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'SrATfiOFNORTnCAKOUN-. V" ISTItv.iti:pnnftfi...ip . Tv.UB.u. y uawasov rtU!on ia . Smith Hcndurson. CaroMneV piviat-at : it aMaritir tn'ihn cntti:r..riU..' iv.. Court 1 that Mark U llcncercn. 0( Ux daiandanta In the above nUtH. i nctioh. U v im touri mat pr.iii'.catloa t dIvTv- woe tu. wittuiuta P?ir' ? e'lPtr l otlULcJ In uo f . WUmlagtoa, Dotlfxtng the -Id :etjti4Ct ' SpriorHnri, tx ip cunt. ot trsiow. on the ath day 01 April. A. wi auswer In demur t- tho ompijuu. Viu ' . ,.K .i -."k013 n 1 S JV -l ' tIDS8t . ' for OjU'cur ifcm . Agricultural ,L:iuj , . ifstrWfJ. Send for ClroaUruad V.Ua rat: St.. i Greater - luduooinentu X PURf.:iiA3Ku 'r;'- (?::i;-:.r;;m- At ttie lm Siiiid- at j Adrian & NToIlei, ... . ; ' . "-at '. "!: . ;-i-.'77..- - i S. ll toruc? IVoal uutMclf ?isj Than cm pimb!y hi eif'i-ta : :;t t AD IX Till, i a K! Every Thing; id ilis Griiaf Li is That. a l);a!c-i)f 101..1 u): tfiT.Sclccliou? for ill C'ouuiiy Trade ample ta;;t! Hnicrior. chaST TlTinT " All OrJtfi j.r-jiujiuy attc.i..l u. The 11 at tTtK K PS. l U 3 t. v t WO J th bmI LIEltAL Ti;!t !. . i , d Shop on Tr'n?.' V t I.. 1 3cond. . THE NEW TORN hPQ3E ! ty Behrends & fiunroa j WILVINfJlhN. N. f. 11 - fe- w. i ' ,J . -Uf f 1 tA.r - , T ! . ... . t-j lumrd-.MU' -m. r.. 1 v. .it- i, , ! Ibturtttt i'l U i' i ri li '.!' . Iq th UJ .i i . . - iTv tail at .vniu: ,-. .-it, . -.r .U t ImC la 1 GLOBE SALOON! i-l .' '."-. i . -i -- - -. 16 Market 8';. C4 ttt oy. , t -tr cotx ti; st s;;u. v a s s C K iUanti lr at ' )Mk i Mt i ta ' rMi ty; m murtm H4au taj... A tn it t,st j.-4 ta MM M f i . awutr . - , . . . tii mi 1 1 Mfce JMi , .wMtaaa aw f tf.j atwa t , .. , . , 1 1 .7 r. r- a -3 i ."-?-' f it - ii

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