y It l L MI NG-T CfjNT POST ! '"Entered at. tl rudoffice tit .Wilmbfj; c'., a Second (Jlm Matter. a- XTS of advertising. Eight (-8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. , -..)' ' Fifty cents- per line for the first in sertion and' twenty-live cents per line joracIi additional insertion. ; ' AH advertisements will be charged V. lie above rates, except on special rijras'w .'-.'".' - :.: . V Te Subscription price to The Wij miktoX' Post is $2 00 per year; six months II 00. ll'l WILSON' NEWg. JltWrs. Edward Moore ind Samuel N.'tliil, two colored, men of ability, ' liive'juit started a paper at Wilson,, N. (J, called the Wilson News. The paper i is Vey hanJsome in its make up, aDd iLe editorials display ability. We hope' ! ih enterprise great - success atd wel ' cme it to our sanctum. ' - I 1 r.'-r: t ' - : ; Wiuunuton, N. C March '4, '82. ' T ; .A inass. convention of the colored ' tiiiznls', of, New Hanover will beheld t in tlie court house on Saturday, March JS b, at 12 o'clock, for the'piirpose of Verting delegates to the state conven ri'rfi, wiiich meets at Goldsboro on the 2'kh March, for the purpose of ad vising ri lative to. the condition of the . culordd people in the state, aDd the j aih-i't'ln tf : uth as will tend t6 -ttJvanc thj interests of- our people . j ' J J . V mm u . . v - a ... v ... w . . suets' of -"the colored people, w ho to a ; great tsient are czci-udca irom repre- -."fatatioin in the jury box, on account of cnlo (jEOtJE VV. PKIC1S, Jr. Jos. C. II ill, LEWJ.S WlLLIMtf, W.M. A. JO ED AN. ' FOB TltE TOST, 1 it-It- alts lo me j uoiasDoro L;on ven- jtjoii, wliicn meets Jiarcn sjid, wi oe iiiiid 9ver the Hail roads of this state . .at ihtt fy! lowing Tfftrf: Ovcr.the Cape lar .& Yadkin Valley road, one faro; ?Vi!iiiigtou & We'd on road, three Cts. w-r nu e tn(Mi wny; Carolina X'entral ' - . - i : JJp(lt tl rce- cfim per inne acu way. ads oi the state not heard from '" will be lublisbed as eoon as heard irom. .Pflfgatia : must npply lor 'Delegate J'icleU " Tapers lricndly to the call (J to, W. rKi64 Jr. V 1 JtRV. JAMt'S rTBUSUrt. :. Wi i.j: i k uton , N. C, M rch y, '82. i M n. Ediiou : I am quits sure that ; Jini wVre not in possession of all the kefs relative to the late visit of the 'rahiive.tianid;- gentlemen to our city, tk vour uniform, fairness id the treat- i-aYiot "of all Tquestiop would hare "V:frripte4 -you tor tale some notice of : ' ; tl.t't uirsgeous mancer in which Mr. V i'atmo'u wis treated while here, ea I?. i:ieciallyiby some of our citil officers. .; 'lr. -r&trraon is a regular minister iffhe gospel, in good atandipg irtihe : f .te Church of Scotland. Uesides tert in; as a raster la his pwa country, he ! : bistra-veled cxtensivelf as a missiona ry in tanotrt parts ot the world, hating p-.'Dt many years in India and In other . Qiuutru-sf of tne eai, aiore rcfenuy . t ' . r . i l ' rkth4s.beco traveling, preaching And lecturing in our own country, and in Mcxlso a&d Cuia. Immediately before "taming ta Wilmirgto'ti, Mr. Tatrrson i& becu preaching tnd lecturing in the western pari o! this. state. .His ser moos and; lectures -were well received If highly: cultivated audiences at Salis burr.CocBorJ, CharidtU, Utcivillo id other places. ' lie also lectured be f5aUttMdents of' Scotia Seminary, BU!c U2jiv1e;sity" and Davidspn Col 1T- AuJ, strange to say, In all his : puhiic addresses and social intercourse $ ; latbis 'itaij. abi el where, It was no( f oiu migfoi:emea itacnea our ciiy Vy the cs, that he was found to be a v '.Qk." - 7r "- - ;- - '. hcMJc jh,c ovideuct of his eitea p tumaonary labors, Mr. ratersoo - bearing proper credentials from We itbyiery and the church of which .;v-Ha Besabcr, and many fetters of fad4iioa from ministers of Ue ppl and other prominent person. -Oa imtling I $he city, Feb, 22J, ? - ratewoo . icurhlQo secure the Unance and moral support of Wuf ouir white minUt eri Failiof iii,b reat'ed the Opera House for paid far it la adraoce at was 6V Maded, a'ad announced Wtoself to leer tar Saidsy afternoon, and to preack i hfe-. Iai the afternoon be charged la 4itiloo fee of 1& cenU so as to Booty to meet the expense of the ' -'e. it night the adaiiisioa vat Tie audia(1 la the afternoon was not sftCcleaUy Ur to raise, the . CtS liv.nrtfi If r' IVirnan had h ialareie4 that he ccnjl Bolgti u Oytral House at night, wlthont JJ'-lu aiHthiail f 13 aUhoosh he Bertood thai the first t!5 Blared Otra House at his daposal for the bo at night he preached at the Chestnut Street Tresbyteiian Church (col.,) of which litr. D. J. Sanders is pastor, ; where he had preached in tlie forenoon with great acceptance.' ; On introducing his lecture in the af ttrnoon, Mr. . Paterson criticised some what severely several prominent white ministers and gentlemen on account of the "discourteous and ; inhospitable manner in which they had received him, a minister and a strscger in a strange land." T .' " I do not purpooe to dwell upon this aspect of the casybut I wish Co draw .attention tm : THE BtQUEL ': which U) my frind was a jmost outrage ous proceeding. - I j ' t At the Miggeatlon of tlie proprietoi' ot Brooklyn Hall, who by the way, treated Mr. Paterson with great kind ness acd consideration, he arranged to lecture in that Hall on Thursday night and proposed to charge i small admis sion fee so as to meet the expenses.. Having been informed that Solicitor Moore, Justice Gardner, Tony Ashe, ,& Cot, were contemplating a raid. on him for lecturing for reward without paying iaxes. Mr. P. declined to take any money at the door as he ' was ad vised! to jo, aud relied upon a collee tion lo raise money to meet'the neces sary expense?. The audience was small and Mr. P. was a dollar short on ac count of expenses. . -' The It ciure over, Mr. P. went lo his hotel and retired for the Liijtit, doubt less with a good conscience.! " . Persons usually dream of what occu pies them most wbeii : awake, hence, it may be well supposed that if he dream ed at -all, it was of 'some ideal being who was. devoting his life tot the intel lectual, and moral fgogd of others, ; Bui what must have been his aston ishment when aroused !oni Lis slum bers 'ere the rays of thesutfl bad scat tered the grey dawn of the morning, by a constable and summoned to appear b4ore Justice Gardner io--answer the charge of lecturing for reward without' having paid taxes. 1 When the hour for thj trial arrived, at the hUggcstion of Rev. Mr. Sanders, who met Mr. Paterson in Scotland years ngo,-the latter asked a contbu- ance of the case until ; 4 o'clock in the afternoon, jc was continued, and; he was required to give a bond of 50 for his appearauee, whiol he did, MrS. going on his bond. ; In a half-hour afterwards, Justice Gardner informed Mr. Patcrson that he wou'd suspend, judgment on she pajmnt i-f one penny and .costs, which mounted td $3 4G. Mr. P. be iBg iu uo cbditioii to contt l-d lor his rights iu t be circumstances, a1 lowed tbis money to be extorted from him by this so-called Justice of the Peace, and left the city by. the' next (rain. Now Mr. Editor, I have no personal .interest in tbis matter, but I do think thaiahch high-hand ;d a nd ou t rageotrs proceedings as thess cannot be .con demned too seVere) V The fact is, the kind of lectures that Mr. Paterson were giving are exempted from taxation In North Caroiina. But sir, the cormorants of magistrates now must have subsistence, even if a travel ing missionary is to be hufiud down and money extorted from him. So a fiUe charge is, trumped up and a negro mean enough to make affidavit 1 found, certain men can always find tome low fellow to do a job like this who ought to be in the penitentiary,) and an innocent man is hauled before a magistrate. The accused is told tha t he has violated the lew; that if the case, is tried he may expect it to be de cided against him, and that it it does go against him he will have to pay the taxes (10 00) and the coats (3 45,) of take an appeal, in which case h would be required to remain 'here in custody until the April term of tne Criminal Court. But says the Justice; (?) before the hour for trial arrives, ii you will pay me one penny and the costs I will suspended judgment. The poor man considers for a moment and concludes, as the Justice (?) knows he wUl. that i is best to allow thb extortion and thus get rid of thie bad lot, o he pays the Mr. Editor, I fear that I may burden your space I write aunpiy mai yoa and your many readers may understand the facta la the case. With these facta before yon, I am sure that your tense of justice will lead you to condemn the treatment of Mr. Paterson by the civil authentic, and free the Post from the charge made by the CUwwm iCVwe (New Cera) that the Wilmington papers could nei apprUteiIr.Iatron f and that U their treatment of a stranger and foreJxatr, thej UmponrUf forjot their cooa Banscrv : ery mpectfully. Eoscox. An.nW.tv.-ta Ha rcsr net t ctlvias the tame tTURH? crtttiUcCLce. WILMINGTON. NORTH'cAROLINASUNDAY. MARCH I2. 1SS2. . - : " CAKT1S.UET EWtJi ' Beaufokt, N. C, March 9, '82 Editor 'Post: We miss the many vessels in our harbor since'our last let ter. We have now in port the Ameri can bark; G. Beusens, of New York, from Cardiff, Wales, with steel rails for khe Midland Railroad Company. Her cargo is now being discharged and the rails are being placed in the bonded warehouse at Morehead City. The Revenue Cutter Colfax is againvf in port, on her cruise north. A hand some steam yacht, the Brunette', stopped in our harbor for a day- or two last week. She is a. fine craft, and is on her way to Florida. "' -j ' - v - Our' fisheries are doing a fine bus!' ness alt the Cape. ' With the extensive wires they put down a short time since 9000 trout - were caught in one on the 6 ih instant, and some of our fishermen in small crafts were equally as fortun ate.. On :the 7th instan they caugh 3,000 trout near Fort acon. ' - VIT ' . - i . w : . . vv e are miormea mat tne survivors of companies G. and H. 10th Regiment N. C. Vol., C. S. A., have settled upon Captain G. W. Charlotte as chairman' and David S. Sanders as secretary, to make the necessary arrancements foif the reunion of said companies at Beau-j fort,, on the 25tn day of April next All communication should be'fcddressed as above. !'; ' . . . . j There is quite an interesting revival of religion going oa in the colored! Methodist Church in thia town irnde I ihe able ministrations of Rev. A! B myer, who is a talented man, and is doing good' service in the cause of his Master. Oyer 100 have made profes-j sions of religion. We bad the best colored -people in the south anions us prior to the revival, and now they are par excellence. . . We wish the Post abundant success,' and with the personal supervision of Col. -W. P. Canaday it must soon take rank as the leading weekly iuthe south. Success to you, we ay again, ybu .have ; labored for tie Republican party when there was uo chance of success,l)ut we now fcee the silver liuicg behind the cloud. Persevere, bid Carteret will de light to k) -.you; honor, 'and the good Old North St.-.te will yet place your name high up on the pinnacle of famcr ,i. .'More anon, QcidNukc. - i f " 1 ' mm i- V Oxslow Co., March 6; 'S2 Mu. Kuitor: As one jof the 700 white men , of cinslo'v couhty who has been excluded from the jury box for seven or eight years, I write to thank you for .myself, and the other 699, for taking up the cudgel in cur behalf. 1 thought you had forgotten your white fellowciliaena ia this'; jury question; but your tardinc3 in the matter, I sup pose, was due to yt ur ignorance hereto fore of the fact 'Jbat 700 white men in Onslow county cad been "treated like niggers:" but such is the fact Scores of them, of my acquaintance, say they have not served on a jury for a dozen years. Now, why is tbiiW? xhe prin cipal qualifications of a juror are that he is of a good moral character and of sufficient intelligence. TaHngyour fig ures,' which are sufficently low, and sup posing the persons excluded are for lawful cause "there are at least 1300 men ia Oaslow county disqualified to serm on juries, foriat: of intelligence or dishonesty, or both; besides a possible hundred or two who are exempt or ex cluded for other causes. " Now, what a showing for old Onslowl Just 1 thick of it. Thirteen hundred rascals acd persons withent common sense, in, a voting population of about 2000, and as many as 7C0 of that 1300 are white men. Does any one believe Have not these gentlemen, who have the make - np ot juries by their acts said sc? Ilave not they said that 600 "nigger' in Onslow county were oot qualified to serve on juries, and that TOO white men of the same county were no better qualified than those 600 ttttrntt . -''I nerroes. ney nave certainty. Now, Messrs. Jury makers, do you think i any sane man in the county, er j oot of it, believes such is the fact, that 13CO of cur citkecs ccgU to be txclu- j ded from serilcg on . juries for lack of intelligence, or dishonest? I suppose you think everybody believes it, for you would not IXc ta be called ignorant or neglectful of year daty: Neither would you have tu to say that yoa knew the I lav and disohcTtd it, fjr that would be a kind of perjury. So please rise and explain. Let us know upon what growed to put it; whither it is a Utai diart gard ol the law; f' - '; .". ...V.j f Keep U bacniUr, ilr. Kicr, until every tuan has hit tixku accordiejc to his m iU. Fight jw aettUeeposi the brcai ktel cf Amerkae eltuesr ahip kt e very -man, asd y wt be suslaiacd iy c'vtry eee wiertiy t be called aa Aserica: j Yeurttru!y; ilaMc. ThWrcs have been ccpradatur; upta the hot keete of Ut W. A. Y hiultaJ, oo '-TtfLk' betwTce Nen e&J Ciarxh ttittU. , lTJBM The Post will not be sent ito sub scribers who do not pay their subscrip tions. , ; , ; The officeis of the Church Council of SL Paul's Luthera Church will be installed to day. - - . " , Brinkley Jenkins was arrested on Friday last, charged with bartering a sailor, and was required to pay the' cost of the search-warrant. V - y : u James Hankins, colored, had his leA leg broken on Monday last, while; as sisting in transferring water pipe' from the steamer Gulf Strean to a Hty An electric light of the natural kind was frolicking on the telegraphic wires near the foot of Market Btreet Monday night, and attracted quite a crowd. Geo, Murray, colored, had oal of his legs badly injured on1 Monday, last, by getting it caught between the bubs of two arays passing tnrougn a gateway. Tony Ryan and, Noah Batsoa were before a Magistrate I Thursday i on fttfe charjreiof asssult and battery, and had to fork over Que penny and the costi. The Bteaaier Clinton, which had just resumed her trips jtb Bannerman's Bridge, after undergoing j repairs, re turned Thursday with chinery deranged.' . some of hef ma- The woods east and south of the city are saidto be lull of tramps; and run away sailbts, . rendering it "dangerous for women and child rein toi wantltr too far without "protectors People residing on whats known aa Kiddei's Hill, in the neighborhood cf Dudley's Grove, are said to have lost about two hundred chickens, during the past month from the degradation of thieves. Tucker Towuscnd, colored, a notori ous little tciei, wan 'arrested Friday morning for stealing a' Mr. J. H. Strauss, and on failfire to give the for his appearance : a Court. J meat hook from was sent to jail necessary bond the Criminal ; Chicken Btealing w becoming a favorite pastime again, r Silmore Baker, Dicey Robinson aed Jobnl Butler, all living on Tenth, between; Nun and Church streets, were rohhtV Thrsday night, losing between them thirty-seven chickens, i 1 Mr, John D, Bellamy jr., delivered a. yery interesting lecture before the His torical ooSiety on JUoncjay evening isst on the life, character and public servi ces of Gen. Robert Howe, a hero of the j ..... . U . . - revolution, and a native of Brunswick county. At Bannerman's Bridge; Tender county, on Saturday, the 4:h icst, a ton of Mr. Lewis Savsge.eged 14 years, was, riding' on a timber wtgon, when be accidentally fell e fT, ona wheel of the wgon pasalug: over lis1 body and killing him almost instantly, Capt Morse, of the pilot beat Uriah Timmons, reports passing through the fragments of fthe wreck of a. small steamer ofT the Frjiog Pan! Lightship oh the 5th inat. and picking op a pair of steps, water gusge, and gong cf en irine room.' Name of uteamet uoknowol f : ' 'r ' The funeral of the late J. W. Strauss was preached at St. Paul's Lutkeran Church oa Sunday! afiernooa st, Rev. Jilt. Payne, ofthe srecond Presbyterian Church, assiitins Rev. V E. V. Is chau, the new paster, in cosduclicg the serviJcs. The funeral was one of he largest ever known iaVUmiagtoa. "The stockholders of the JXipresa Jteamhoat Company met'! kere a Thursday and elected as! a: BArd of Directort Messrs- K. M. Murchts-jo, G. ?? Williams, A. R Williams and M C. McQueen. Mr. U. C MiQiten ; was afterward elected PmidcBt and Mr. M. Cjrohly Jr., Secretary. ; Dejitus Dckiso tub j W u n Esther Klein, aged 79 years, paral y- i ais; Robert S. French, 60 years, parayl sj; Rosa Peodeltoo, 2 Tev, cancer; $oaa Dyer, 11 years, dropycf heart; ! John T. UitckaU, 5. months,' peumonia; child oJ. Lucas, 5 daTt, tl?ams, j I Interment datisg the eek.04k- 4sle CeUetee ttoae ; Caihdic LVot- tery none; Fine Forwrt 4- I llauiAos Ijcxxjis. r fisw iaf marriage lktaere were Ud by the Eejlste of !! daritf the pu wtti-riUip James WCwi d Ilk Caadlse DeesUa, J aa tljvirr-ea aa4 ITkallaria WRtlaae; Rkiard Cc gwia aad MWs ?arih Cper. TUmi UcWUUaaa ai3Xk Ua Atrau Grvee; Chas ChmO aa4 illse Jaae DzStr, H, XbTm u4 Slim iUi tkaJohntss; O. S. W12t as4 Uh UE. Chwka, Jet. ULsmkttsi OIT. ; A young colored man, named Sam Smith, employed on the schr. American Eagle, was drowned on Thursday after noon last, about 4 o'clock, while at tempting to swim from the Teasel to the shore; the schooner being at the time anchored in the stream opposite Skinner's shipyard. He was within about twenty -five, yards of the shore whe. he sunk.' Deceased was about 1$ or 20 years of age, and came here from Norfolk. T : ':$ ', :' . 7.EB.A. SEMoirl This gentleman ;will make his first appearance in this city, at tlhe Opera House, on Monday night, March 13th, and we bespeak for him a crowded housaWe, have seen it stated by our exchanges in other cities, where he has performed, that his show is in livery respect a first class one, and we have also been informed by parties who have witnessed his exhibitions that they are in every way worthy of patronage. Now that he is coming here let us all go and see for ourselves.; : v . - . The Pastor of Mount Olive A. M. E. Church1 very respectfully invites the friends and - members of said connec tion io unite with him in Divine Wor ship to-day (Sunday) March 13th. The day having been set apart to raise funds for the l enefit ojf the church. The pul pit wii le filled at 11 o'clock a. m. by Rev. H..v Whilej cf th Ebenezer Bap tit Churt-b; at 3 p. ml by Rev. J. F, Thowa-'-. ol'-Ki. ' ' 'Stephen's A. M. E. Cbwrcii at 7i oclcck p. m. by Rev. j. a ii0'.per St. Luke's A. M. E. ifionJChurch. is, 3lOitTGAGE3,&c The follow ing deeds, ao'tgges, &c, were proba ted i dtiring i the past week; by the pro per, authorities: Deeds B R Moore, commisbioner, to A li Black; 'F M King and wife to C yadf; S Ii 4uderson to Singer manu fasturing company; Wm Larkins, wife and others to Charloste C Fcnnell; E F Johnson and wife 7 to Larry Hayes of Sampson county; G W Davis and wife and others, to L Johnson . and others; Jco A Du;:e;tn and wife to L H Cutlar of Newbern; Watson Hall and wife to Matthew Hall. Plent Uraddy to J H FreenianJ Alex A Bryan and wife to W S Warrock; Garreit Walker to II H Gerhard t; Jno W James to G W Williams; John J LeGsvia pii'Lwjfe to R S Radclife; Pe ter Paul to B G Worth; James Bagley to Jaa U C Stewart, QualiGcd G W Williams, as admin Isirator of the estate of David R Mur chisoa- . AfcSIOXMENTOF THE PLDEST MBS chasts is WtLMixGTOS. DeRbsset & Co., commissiod merchants on North Water 'street, failed on Saturday the 4th , i:btant, and made an assignment. This-firm, headed by Dr. A J, DeRot set, the oldest merchant in Wilmington, having done business here for more, than 4-5 years, was supposed to be one of the most substantial" houses in the state. But the firm got in the naval storebusiness, speculating extensively, so report says, and a bad run let them down for abou JS0.000. They made an offer of compromise at 50 cents on the dollar, brfore making the assignment, but the First National Bank, being the .i.ci vn.-uii.or, reiusea ue oner, jvery body in this city regrets the failure frotn the fact of the exceeding high standing of the firm, and particularly the ssaior member, who was one of the very Ust citizens of this city and state. It ia sincerely wUhed that by all that he wi!l be able to settle np his matters acd continue the business. The as sign cent would have btcn published la lt :ue; but the officers suppressed it, ifo taawecouU not get it from the recoru. m i Death or JrouE Fatxcn. JuJge lU.Wrt Stra&gc French, on of our old est acd most prominent citizens and member of the legal profession died oa Mocday Last the CUt lostaat. after a Hogtiisg iliaera from paralysis, aged 67 year. He was born in Frtnchto va, Dia iddie eoenty, Yirgiaia, and re- reiTr-hU collegiate coorte at William and Hary, afur whkh be n moved U MlI:ppi and cmmescel tie prac tice uf law. In 1145 he became a citi sea'cX Robeson coanty ia lib state, here r several year he held the potitiea ; CUrk and Mater la feisy. he eras appointed a Jadge of the e?cnoc Ossrt, which he lkd ttry acorpuKy nal St. when the era t f recocsUuctjaa; ommossc4. &her ty after this ptrk4 he lcame aeo ciated wiih the Ute 11m- &J. Pcrsosi the peacilce eJT the law ia thltc&j aa-1 aT.tr the kaJi ef J2ge INxaea, aaU!se4 : Use' tmiacsa aleee. : le tie c4h tf Jee Frtstch the coeuauy keceg3cdciina&i(!baranahea&l iiorcwc s4veceM, W fstml ti riiatl St. Ja' Chsrch ca Teeeiay teerstsl ' ftS TT"?a Stagle Copies 5 Cents BEVEN HUNDRED white men in Oislow county, whose names are not in thb jury box, are satisfied t being de nied the right to serve on the jury and Re! Ung their dollar and a half per day; SO: says a : leading oScial of Onslow county. He aayt we are doing wrong trying to agitate this question among the poor white men.1 He aayt the name of every white man; competent to serve la juror, is in the jury box. This it at cettainly speaking very high for the in telligence of the white men of Onslow county. There are about -1300 white voters in j the county; and this leading official says that 7 out of every 13 are inebmpetent. This is certainly compli mentary to; citizins t hia ownf county f We call the good people attention to itj and they can allow it to continue if they desire. The Mayor had two cases before him on I Thursday morning Charles Sight for fast; driving and . Wm. Swain, charged with larceny. The former was fined 12 and the latter was discharged. , Deputy sheriff Hand of Pender passed through here on Friday with one J. H. Blapkbnrn, arrested in Fayetteville on a capias. It seems that Blackburn com mitted a homicide in Sampson county) anq theScase was removed to Pander for triai, whee it was heard at the last term of ihe Superior Court, the detendant being let off on the promise of paying a finel of $100 and the costs. It was" for failing to meet this requiremehtof the court that he is arrested. 1 -I. vstx CostMissTOKEBS.-The Board met in regular session on Monday after noon last: ; :y;-'- " The Treasurer submitted his report for jhe month of February, as follows: General fund: Balance on hind, i . i $28,193.79 Educational fund: Balance o4hand, I . 14,763.40 Special fund: Balance due Treasurer, 162.75 And exhibited twelve bonds of the denomination of ,$500, with -twelve coupons of the denomination of $15 each, payable March 1st, 1882, at tached, which 'said bond and coupons were-burned in the presence of the Board. ; The Register submitted hi monthly repdrtv fori February, thowiog . the amount of $25 65 colhcted in fees, and exhibited his receipt from the Treas- urer ior laeumf; s j A number of applications for assist- ance were referred to the proper com mittee. '-. It was ordered by ihe Board that the Treasurer of the county be authorized to transfer from the general jo the epecial fund one thousand dollars as a loan from the general fund to the spe cial fund. ' It was ordered that the Finance Com mittee be authorized to settle with CoL B. Bi Moore. Solicitor of the Criminal Court and County Attorney, under the old arrangement, and tht the agree ment made between him and the Board at the regular meeting in December be rescinded, j , --y .' '-.. '!: The following persons were drawn to serve as jurors at the approaching term of the Criminal Court. O G Farsly, Jr, J W;Robbins, Thomas C Mcllhenny, Aaron Kellogg, -William Mosely, Geo P Lamb, B A Uallett, Allen Evans, J H Mallard, W C Orr, Joo M Branch, J T Forem in.iGjo Uonnttt, Wm E Davi; J H wjen, J XI Uewett,DL Gorr, Joo A Everett, S W Uoldea, J G IiOye, Benj HaUi. E T Hancock, W A Eckel, Jno E Lamb, Thot Beck, C W HndgtnsJ Geo Brooks, James Cor belt, raschal .gosUnl, Geo F Alder man. t A western congressman recently met in tft. Loais a young man who was a class mate of Cadet Whiuaker at West Foiat, hat who ia not stow la the enor. innalonnv liiSaMnU tlt... no interest a concealing the set. I vw . m answer me ewecauoa. Did Whiuaker cA hi owa air "No, he did not," eras te reply; bet be had tO hm rot Hi! Af if, mtmim ... that would prevent the Wini ef ene mmmm HIUU, w mm IH I 0UI. . -i xoani cjncLtM noifsi; x.ixsnrjjts. - , namzxon; CORNER SECOND JLXD F1USCE53 CHRiaTMXB la at t4. TSrxaZ IW a awtasTMit tar ta4!4f mm mm r a J. L WINNER sa a FEONT :"r--'-V':-iJ'" .'.,:' ' ' t SafaAwa aftaa a at tttntt l WtKf tJ , ,, m,mkM NUMBER 1); I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ; AGENTS WANTED ftot ; ; GARFIELD.: P,6, PPved by mK GirnTld a NSf?.8 Al"urat won or art. t :n,ftp: , jlTJa orna ir rir ... UJJSRA HOUSE:, THREE NIGHTS, .Commeacifls Monday, March 13. .v' y m' f i " f ZERA SZr.lON, , WONDEU WO It ICE it, . ' ' L.VTjail CREATOR, . AND V13NXRILOQUIST. ' Mary JJrowo and comical urie Bbow L(??5S?d-r'd U,ofnl nd "andsome Pre. 3o,60e and Tjc. Ho extra cli.i lor rerved Beats. -mobUtt ' Agricultural Limz and Carbjuitc of Lime, -: ': ' Ki - y- j i uEar and cjsvpfiir i.-:n:r.tZ3tia :, --h . .:.'; - v - " 8end for Clrvttltir feed ivtca 1st. ' i FitJiSCa BH03, Jan. 2J-lm :., rcky Polai, X. C Greater Inducements PHR?lUSCri5 t)l', GROSE.-UC3.1 MAY CB Fov:iu AttueLareWMssaleEj!atMiiett Adrian & Vollers, AT . K4 Corner I'rout and Doek Ste '- . . . i - ' - i ... Than cn r,j.,ib:y be offircd i Iwwfcc:. AXD l. TUtiin STOCIa! v' ' WILL USFUv;iO ' j .' ; ; : .. . , .... . i ' Inn TM112 ia fer liss Th m a iH: or To i r urn sr aj. BTHcIerflone for the Conn Irj Tr4e ample and aaaerter. ' n-tc . .. i r-- . , ' -' '. K..--.-..V k i I ''- ; . CHAS. KLEIN i Undertaker aud Cabrncl . ' : TXakcr. Ai; Or Awtt pevtufi f a Ucitki Us. f rim ttM cassrm. la w ire m: W oa rtiMtts Ufa-m rret ae IHE BE? FJEIIfflRE SfOEE or Dohrends 6 Munra 3 W r--. "LT. m.mmt' CLGCZ OALOCrJ! IC r.Tarict Cta " JSeiew $a Ua CKy

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