i.' 1, ""V. 4 r i! 4' f A ,, V;V,'. ri'b.'icc - a- WihniiKj- . vo ir.'K T() INlUTAJ.A HIS US. Si n f y 1 - t ai ast e rs 'i a t Li s 1 1 a t e ' a r o i a 7-v -Ayvt-a ;ulsc libera ca'i lor rs ilu-v tell iliem llli-.it it has i.-t c'-in:'.' hlv- ijiyc ihm n.'tficihaj, 1 irr vc proiccutc tvenj Poil- ', - Vi-r jcrJU)-(9 1 -whom it is HCS" C u L ):::.! TAT li tO'7 K M 'ti O T . ' tiV i'l-'- t'. Las lct :i iit ltl, ;uj j from . . r' . ' ,. .... - - . ... ftg-ly?.' Hi i '.uia'Li:')fi we ;ca;i.Rf t it.was i'Citt nuttt sv -'Tu'' liOle- of ib'b-state'-i w s i j..?c 5. e i tl t !. 0- very- best auJ the , ';ai JtL T0!.n ;.iV-a uhU,tale' were i iit i ll I l:::ik , f'U r L. 1 M' f. John .0. 4', y.A,h? ' coipitd imis ?;(, lwjrb ' v!ii"T.4f ' :''nft-.-l;-T-.;it-'-'-4ty 'J-Resided, :-. vx) -lf- ;V-'i . lic:-aidritr., rue of the :i;ry! t;?- jvU'r-i.atiiN-'rSgl-lielcoIor't.fl ci-t '"'zj'.; out rtl'Vn s?crcL;uyy'uiid -M r. : J ,i; i !:i!an., cr.ib-ii city, wli'se a '.iii'y i: )!io llt'.lt' ay '-.iissislaivt' sccre- !, dci: V):i:ii v ! i n we ititlked :-ii'i:,!:.t;r'.it!uai Aci'.i the couvipation, ; ?. .i-l'i.k ; y":-"' 1. '.t; (c;:fc ci.Uiti-jiastan the vcid -i, ; nt 'I J'icm what, we can fuju h'- coin V on jnv'a i :U J ;. ihitt the l i; KiAi i of -t'.ie ui'jtVt n;'e:i could ,haye :-i:rvd, " Wbi! !t tiiue jtljiitUe Jaow-' ici i'U;1, jt t lippii tli.! v.'holc- It wa3 bar-. in i ioui, ;uid we liavo 'irie;it coii'lideiice uTj t J i m bfi.e'fi':.i ti-.Ut will be derived r: iii ibc cui.veiivi.ur. We .will have iu '!n.'-fbrvav t.bj.n'i,tbc. matter wberj we U. c- TiTi liiiuil i proceedings. . ' Vv'i i.;lvo in.ud n.U)3 coiupiiirjeijls ; j '.'.ill C.ih (ieuive MiiUson , si ml Xlou, i tV: Or .'( j i'iiciv jr', fr tOt ir liable. 'St .tfct.f:tst iv adb in tlc! cijaventiaif and ' f MM. -.IkSj. aftiisoa ;ukU Entice i; ; r', .)r ft bi ir , fkill .i nl bihty in fijl 1. 1 t:'S aj tor; t b d. i, rc of lb t i r. tjpr; Itai U;: 'J i,c iit r (.!' t ii c yoljng ' f 1 j ' i'iJ Jiif-V:t4;Vir,-vcVaAVaTsiih-o hoitSu btpiQ --i:li;;Llb X'.Ui? -Jtir libo ribtscf bis Irie'd:?. r: ittc 4-M'i j.rin to slTrt b.re audoceiK ; "iyivc:tw n il Jn Columbus counfyi -ikjjx oi liio W.t C.j t A. lt;iiinad. r : W'l c hp. .tul.vtc our Columbfiii. ft ic rids J :( '(LinitLi'it '.d.ivAttunc'. ' The Cliadbourp ' -b:iiii:t:.s mpag our uic!.st rater. l;j i;fi business, p.cn,: and luey are a c-Cihi i-j y.j !.;c,e. JS'otwitbstaiidjrj; V' t'Hfr Lro;it, wealth they' work as .Uard :vt iUy -jw -.-any K '.biisinej's iiicp. in this j sivi Ibo- wjet music ipf their sawf ' ' tlifs j'iu.d ci iii 3 i'X'ahd'tno- whistle of : f .ir i urines w iil wke the slecry-lbok- ia; tnd U'olumbtu u$ vcrygCitHrr hh -acli men s tltVChadbotirns, tliet horts . the ' J?prurgcf ? , live, progreiji vc r pd '1.ra:bUt1llt-Dri,-'-re 'S liO-Tcasoo why -.X'o'uraU'n h.htuld i.ot b i as pro? j eroiu '.t ' iVvlvr cutufv-i.3 'ally rcprtstnled . i(;i f -jiW (viiUeu!6cd cCuvcntion at . .u:.-b( r", :ast i:we.t k, by lion., Alfred' i.i-llf U" . I i r l'.'l!, I118T be P i: , . t hi r ilolc ales. . . ? - . li - v;n 'U ;M;a .ii,.n:;d all the. ' iVit'a'. the. t;o:d?bcftconven IH'i ;Vy. 'b;i it; tva?":v. lu!'rmJiiio'U5 as I a-;: -i .. i4 c:lvi:h m i v.-r lirlvl in Ij I prf'1--' t'T upon it a f. a grand H;f-i;1; ', N. f ., !arch"";;0:b, nl0 jrCv' 'r'viii o f:tiTortil diK I jf :'.i;:ca..:j-;tuca-'.ilt llobLboro, n; ' SI 'if -'i-i 1 tist., convened a: 12 m. V slLv'IVv;i !!:i ivKft'ile''iotJ.ii.;;( f t!.o cal54fv reid ; : vt- u Vy II Jii.- tieo. V. rricv. Jr., ,A,.f'acej;i;v Vttcmiuation lor teropor ;ra;au by 1 for; aco.' W. rrke, tlVr--'-l. - Met? , i;':: f'- Vi, ea ;aVia0' tie cbai'r, de- fcoiica ot ion. Geo. W. Price & iCcharJioa. of the &jr - ftwea ce icmportry secrti- J1 IUtw.R W. JlrrlM w eH- fu wauaUan cro nldrmed by 1 1 '4 .vonvfutioia" ta oj4er ud J 1. ' Jaw C; Iiucy. of 'Kdeecomb over. , The latter spoke at considerable ltngih of the valuable services reiCtX cl the eolore'i f eople by the Uoa. W. P. CanadayV and classed bim with the immortals Limoln, Sumn?r and Wil son, and closed at the announcement that the committee -wa ready to re port.; .The committee reported 53 coun ties with full delegations, i L The .delegate wers theu ; called by counties and took their seat3. ' A motion was then made to orgaaize permanent and temporary officers were ma'le tie permanent officers of the con veniion. A .' committee of eleven to whom sliou'd be referred all .resolutions and papers relating to the rightr of the col ored i 'people were appointed. The convention; then ; adjourned to meet at ta'e courthouse, at 7 O'clock p.. injthe Town 11 all being engaged to a minstrel troupe for the night. j At, iliQ appointed hour Hon. J. C. Dancy called the convention to order and hlated that the convention was now ready Tor business, and presented to the secretary a number of telegrams from, all parts of the state and,from: Wash ington; 1). C, .congratulatory to the. convention.; . ( ;. ' . st Yo tin Jieiid?nt and members of thd cjlored mea to assemble al Goldsboroj on. the 2;).h insr:antj . .! . 1 ; EdxtonJ March 2D, 1882. Mr: 1 'resident dud .Gptlemm: ' I exceedingly regret my inability to bo;; pupent -with you. I consider this one of tbc moht ' important meetings cverca'.ied by us. The grievances which .the. u i v i tion is called to protest is a ci( -i rcac( nablo one. There can be no good citti'e jfehown why colored. men shioiid hi excluded jfrom the jury box. Taeyare aa honest and fairminded as any a'ber cla of citizens I except none. Tuey arc ' juite as little likely to be switytd by passion lor prejudice as any,' and c ii; an average baye as keen pene tration as. any. This exclusion is un lawful, and nothiiigjbut gross injustice aid higb-banded.wickedhess can pre-ve-'vt-their exercising the riht tb the jury- box. " ' ': ' -i ! It ia.rn old maxim lb it every man has the tight t be tried by a jury of his j tcrs. If colore 1 men enjoytbe S;Bme 'rights as white men, then the w hi t man is b's p:er and competent sit in judgment upt n his life, liberty, property or character. But if colored men , do i bt enjoy the same rights, as white r.en, then the white man is not bis peer,' and if none but' white men are jarymcn, the colored man cannot be liwfuily tried at all, and no just Judge ouldi prtc;ed witbjtbe trial of o'ne, should be challenge the array. ; I repeat my regret that , a previous and most imporiabt- engagement with the House of Bisbopi, prevents my be in with you. I tru:t that wisdom, miy guide your deliberations, and that har mony may prcvail.tfn ycur council, " 'Yours, lor the advancement ef all our race interest?. 3i J. W. Hooi. Keso'i tion tl ea .came in from all quarters of the state by tbe delegates and wtro seven 1 timrcad and refer red to th proper committee, of which the two following, by John H. White man, of Ne& HanoVer and Geo. U. White, of Crave'p, area part: Wkekeas, Tie UonL W. P. Canaday has been, inds noWia bold advocate and defeder of the rights of the color ed people cf the state bt Kortb Caro lina and the United bute?; and Wheii:as, The said W P. Canaday hiis rcHgned his official position that he may tbe"belter defnd and protect those rights so dear to us as a race; therefore be 11 . -:-''- "I f V , .! '"- ' i-: XcsohcJ. That we the colored cm zeus of North Carolina in convention asicuibled, do truly appreciate the in dependent position he has taken and holds in defence of our every; rights as American citizens and that we bold his tosition up to ether white ICepuVUcans in tbe state as a true example for them to follow. , ' ) j ' Mi ThatjKe thej colored people j of Xortl Carolina 'in coovenuon aa scmbled, approve and endorse the course of Senator Logan, of Illinois, in iHcsentins tbe but asking that tXH) be ippropriatevl for educational purpose?. - ;; i lion. Jas, II. Harris ctTerel tbe fol lowing moluCoB, tfttf beiof tborovgb ly dUcuised was ucanimo'y adopted; liWm, That while we do not favor the abandonment of any okt tb princi pics ol the Republican party, and while we endorse the administration, we hail with pleasure the uemtsakaW etl dene of ;Uberal . movement in North Carolina, and we will support such lib eral men who have heretofore, joua Uh tbe Democratic party, and who are willing to bugr tae dead past, in an earnest tUott tobaild p our state and guarantee to all rquai rigbu and privl tesfs. -''. .. J --I----' ; After all lapers were In and refared t!ie"lolkw:og teatlemea addrtwd be onvenaca; UonvlR. DodleT.Geo. L M.bsoo, Geo, W. lMc. Jr Gecrst II. White. Join H. J- Sampn, Pici. N.- W. Uatlkt, A. & KcLarisoo, Geo, JUMebaf. Cl T. Wtsioa. John S. Learj, E- Taj lor, C. II. Mow, ?JUrot T! ltaold. J. ILiWiUianwo Alirol WILMINGTON, 1X01011 (The convention . then- adj curded to meet Thursday j ilarh . C'Jt'i, at 10 o'clock, in Towai II I' The convention ogii-j assembled at the above hour, J. C. Djncy ia the chair, the commuiee.to whom wt!re all resolutions &i.; reported. . '.' ' ' . i An address and various resold of which been able as yet to tbtain- copies ions not but will be forwarded tvvou, na he vention ycted tht all the minu on- Ihe proceed ing-j j be turned ove t. to Messrs. Brailh & Mebane to be', printed, in phamplet form. f' ! I There being sotho resolutions '! pre sented to tbetxjnyeuti in by 'Slr. 01 H. Moore disapprovibg the cciufse of (Mr. Geo. B-Evereit, if the 5th revenue uirt trict. The c)n volition agreed to; tear botbi sides. Xbe jmatter was then 1. set tled by thee nvenjtion indefinitely post poning it. ; j , j . Mr.' Mpore made an able, speeebj' al ter which Mr. Ilvjcrett came forward and satisfactorily explained. his action. This abrut wound up the proceedings and the couycutio.r a'Sj-junit'd 'sine ife, amid the greatest :athuaki'jm.; ' ! . " iTheoliowirig itkolittiuus v;ere oii'.r- ed by Mr. Jo. P. S auipson, and ad'j)t- ed by the conveini Wiiekp.as. We I U" tui .re l De:Ie;ol -tbe state of North Liai jlina in -.con vein- Aied in many counties the-right to serve as jurors, i while pd)t,esti:i2 ;i'ail st the denial of a right winch we consiilerlas dearer than that, oil holding office, .Jp:'d which we hoUl id cUntraryxo the etr nal principles. -'of the Magna Cbartla, the foundation of Elnsliih liberty.; cjh trary to the prinrl'cj of the Djc'.ara tioaof Independt iHjr;" cactrary to tie fundamental ' priacipie-s of justice and all -"free institution'-, .'we Junior tbe who have ionobly fJnghtiu our beliajf; and whereas,' ex-Judge Wai.'A, Mooie while traveling his judicial circuit, di!d. order the shentk tol sumai'-uja r?fgrx jurors, wherever be fucid t!;::i eseladr ed on account, of co!jr,. tb-. rtlori', be it !t Ilesolved, Ti-.at: -tti conveniion' :iu behalf of the cyluitd top!e ol tbe state, express their .deep aetoac of gratitude to ex-Judge Moire lur (the lirm position he took in. the vindication Of imr rights. The Voa will i.cjM -be tv:il to Mib- scribers who do not j lions. y their SlibSLI ipr Maj. C. M, Sttduia 11. has K'-'ii-c io New York on ravlrond buisH ?. n. M; .VC)tt, (I., S.U Spells of-.SiuitbviU.iY sr'o in tbi' city List1 weet Mr. S. A. : Butint, d f the u:bcr.i!!ity of Carteret, ; was -in tike i(y oil Friday list. Mr, EB. Sander- 01 u.;4i '.v , has bsen In the city the jafct wyfi ping with hU brothfLir-r-in-la? ck, .-l'p- Russell. ' . . ! '"' iEx Mayor Solaion 1J.; Fi&bblate re turned with his. family frcm a riortberti 1 , TburAIav nu.bt visit for pleasure oa last, looking well and lleariv. i- . . I 1 . .' - .1 IleT. .Alfred Moor, Mr. Thomas Broad foot and Mr. Geo! O- Schurlock of Cumberland, were in Cr.rrci.ty on Fri day last, oa their way Goldsboro convention. home iroai the Mr L D. Cherry, CiVilEigcer of Peuder ctunty, expects to open an of fice in this city.i Mr! C was some years ago County Surveyor 6f New Hanover before that pcriion called Pender was cut off. Senator V. V. liichardson.ot Colum bus count v, was in' the city on Tuesday last. Van is a jolly gocd fellow, he u ones of those Democrats wjio all r.?i ub- licans respect. While be is a Demo crat jet be is an honest j can, and he believes dishonesty at the ballot box is as tad as dishocesly in private busi ness! transaction?. We can al honor such men as Senator Uickarisoa. I 1 ! .. T : Durine the year ending SJ;U June' 1SS1. tbere was collected; at this port 71,T34 55, wblcb was wbe largest ajmount ever; collected here uunnj any one veari But this year is cobg to be con siderably better, it will probably tun op' to I lO.ftVV Th coilectitoas to taw linte amounts to .55l.S53.3l with three more months to hear frcm. AVe cite below tbe rclU-tttons for each nioclh: Angus; ?V l.tiosti 1S.C53 CO. 23,6ll Ztt SI . t - - Ocu 2?ot. Dec. Jan, IU2, ; - Feb. March ' v i. coWtd jwaib' "aACcd 1 W 'TV-llii tin wasUfcretleiliJc a TharkT, tharird vivh aUtg tkit&t'j tie tneta. JJxest sar On and afjrr yw.tslty ik KW.fs UU wr.Ue iwat t,rwVX tie UratbUaiclxk. CAROIilN, SUNDAY. APRIL 2.1SS2. - k Tn ere were heavy ratm In '.Oaslow aud Petrder counties during the past week. : The attention of our readers i called to the change of schedule of the W. &, Wand W. 0.I & A. Kailroads.-,, i Mr. George Aldridge, who had hU leg broken a week or two sgo4and has been an inmate of the city hospital, is said to be improivng. , - ::' - Captain E; J. Peenypacker qualified and assnmed the office of Coltecter 5at this Port on yesterday, ' and appointed Mr. R. C. Myers bis' Special Deputy. This action on tbe part of tbeXjollec-j tpr will be very 6aUsfacwy tdoa?.bu-i s'ness men. ' ' r-.,: ' I . '' ' .j The schr. Cherubim, Capt. Nelson, put ' iu, below iu ... the early part of the week wkh sails badlv damaged by the storm. j She was loaded with corn, con si'gued io Messrs K.'M. Butler .'& Son, and wai from Scuppernong, TyrrelT countj-. C. ' Hon. George Z. French is mealing with great success in the sale of his lime for agricultural purposes. AH who need lime should write him for in foimatiom, at liocky Point, N. C, and we guarantee prompt and reliable aa swers. II; ; ' y' : : L 'Mr Laliinerias purchased the prop erty corner 4,f Third and Orange streets, from (Mr. fcamiiel Cannon, and the adjoining property-from Mr. JN. Jacobi. iUr. L. expects to erec. a handsome residence on the property very soon, so we learn.' ' , '.'.'' . - ' . Dave Malic it, colored, and Charles' . 1 Merchant and E. E. Brown, white sea men, were before the Mayor Friday morning, ail charged with drunkenness,, and all were discharged, their ia Careen ration through the night(being deemed a sufficient punishment. ..vf.-v The happiest man in thiYcity is Col. Fii W. Foster. He shows his teeth some distance,; infact he U all smiles. The smartest, most polite and best boy iu the city; he says,, arrived at bis house on Thursday last; what-is belter still, tbe mother and the little man are both otng ; well. Wes join' the Colonel's many friends hi tendering congratula tions. Mayj.he continue to prosper in that regard as well as in all others ! ! WVl'Eli' WoKKS MOEE IlYUUAXrS. -ThW Board- cf Audit and Finance b;ve authorized an appropriation for . t ; rfy more hydrant?, the most cf them to be put don iu thnt section east of FiiVh street, which is now the bounda ry ii that direction; on condition that the Water Works Company agrees to allow the tit v, to nanic the locations for said bydr,antsj Tl is the Company don't 'ike to d v but the nutter is still in abey ancei. The tax payers in that di rec'.iou aW. ceriikiuly entitled to the ad vantages to be derived from the pro posed exten ton. 1 ; ' The CtasV'N and 1ist Caswell Railroad. The work of canvassing for subscriptions to the capital stock of the Clintsn and Iiut Caswell railroad has been systematically arranged, be ing., divided efl' as follows: Messrs. F, W. Kerchner, ltger Moore, II W. Hicks, J. C. Hyer, Osrcu Feuceil and II. A. Barg, to call on members -of the Chamber of Commerce and the IVo duco Exchaog?, and all business houtei on Water street, and Mcsr A. Adrian, J. c Stevenson, ll. Brunhild, W. ik McKoy Preston Camming and Hon.t V". 1 Smith' were set apart to canvass -Market and Front 'streets, and tbe citv at large. The f nterpri.er.if carried out to completion, will nu dcobl ptove a great bent fi to Wilcslogtoa, as well as the Other points iuttrrsled.ii ' j FIEX3 os FtlDAY. Oa Fjday o.crc ipg .last, about 5 olotk, fire was Iis covertd bursting out from under two story dwelling hen ft on the wo; tk!e of Sixth, between, PrlEce Aid Cfcts hut streets, belonjieglo Siuel lUvi. colored, who ws accidentally drovced some two yean $pK The ctigbbojra and persons passicg at the time hxj'ec ed to the spot and by tbe ue el tucieVs which were filled at the wc!l, the flame were k pi ia check cctil the ar rival of the fire eegioo1 wbto ihey wtre4pkky eai?cgaihfL Tfce boow, it is saidv was set on fire in tevtral pU ccs, the coabs4lbii catciUl bti& placed usder tie coU end of th kukUiog. AS mptyieo Wii was al Ibned in the yard, ibwn iasarasce to the av:aUf f frS? eii property, i-i" ." -.. - - Ij. :--'.v ;".v About half pat Id a clskt it moraiaj,' thf rf ef a dweSisx 09 Chesaiv Wtaecn i-i axJl SJk tus, owned a4oecpkd by Jtrs, lisli Jdc Dnatd'woa disepvertd t fee at, havixf easf ht tttm a spark, bos, m d tb SKlirs rxklly mocatrd lU rcvXand crrdd In tut th ire W&art thd nirl cf tit e;it,whkh wre ptotar tie The &m C was 'a Mtka ts4 ictt waa m larae e tV ftfttty. The importation of molasses is on the increase at this port. ' i Ex SherifT W. H. Sikes of Bladen was in the city on Sunday last. i pur friend A, V. Horrell, of IVtder, paid us a visit on Monday last. 4 Capt. Jno. S. Leary passed through tbe city a few days ago on his way to the Goldsboro convention, . IbokiDg in splendid health. I j i The collections from customs will be 50 per cent better at this port, this financial year than last. The busi ness is' greatly on the increase, i '' Captain C. B. Denrfon, "bf Pittsboro, has accepted an in vitation to deliver the address on Confederate Memorial Day in this city, and Itev. T. Pag Pvi caud will act as chaplain. ', '! - We never return refused communi- caWn.3 ; or manusc?ipt of any kind. H heccy.er a communi'c&tion is sent us and f ir want of space or for other causes refused, it goes into the waste basket. It may be a bad rule but it is tbe One! r.doptil bf u., and wi,ll b$fol lowed. , 'd- ' ' . .; ;! ' A. C'jluuiDttiffuptribr Court, in sss siou at Whitevilie during the patt week, tbe case cf Gillespie Buier-for killing his brother-iii law, a man named Kemp, reuioviMi iroia Biadeu couuty the previ ous - wcii, was 'continued to the next ttfut of tiie court, which meets ibelast wet ii i . pU-mbtr,.udgeJihipp7pfis. MvUd. ':- . v.' " .. "' "" ' ! ! Ir. ridiu'.te, the proprietor ot the ft-Ifcbrated Front 3trct-t iiestaurant and Cafe, i a s iing to his establishment by preps r.yg; lo accommodate his guests who nmy desire a night's lodging. He tells us - he" .has several rooms already and will bo pleased to take transit boarder who may' waat sloping apart ments. - "'"', -' ! " x Splendid argument in favor of the tarill", we liud iu the act that two. gen tlenieu uf. this city' have upwards of SIUO.OUU invested in a rice mill in this city, including the stock that they us ually carry, duringnbe rice season. " Do away with the tan.'f and these gentler men lolte ail their money and a num ber ui'tfiiiilyyts are thrown out of work. - We. publish the advertisement cf Col. 0. 11. Blocker, who Las entered into the real enate .business at Eayc-tteville, If."C. Tcrsoiis ucsirics: to f-tlllaud in aud-around that splendid old town will do well to put it in h;s- hands; and those wi-hing to , invest canuot find a more rtllable man inftbei state- to deal wUa. .Col. Biocker hiis'qijit office to engage 1 a privateenterpriscs and will jerve these who may deal with him in H satisfactory manner. Fires i:i itha wood's iu Brunswick couuty durjeg the week'before last did a grtr.it d-al of damage, la Shallotte, orlb Aeat and Town Creek townships three hundred thousand turpentine trees nre s.vd to have been burned, to gether with turpentine,, feuccs, &c ilanyIu. their fences around their cro, which were left exposed to hogs, aad "other poor men lost ail their boxes, which ii a severe blow to them. The past week the thing was changed, the roads being washed up, creeks made icnp..able and bridges overflowed by the heavy rains. - i The Usi of the 1.CU2 bales of coUon, cvatii:utiii; the cargo of IhV German br ii Augnt, which came so near be ig d:r ycd by fire, together with all oa b.id, a week or "two since, was re move i by the stevedores, under "W. O.S lIoe',V!i Tarsiay last, and the vcsel will ti jv.- go on the dry docK for repxira.1 Ii is Aid tht the cotton wi.il be dried and Kpavkfd, wbca ii will again be tij: ci ia the same vessel to it desti njnio:i. it will be remembered that the hs.nj-j'e Acgtist wis struck by light r-sg a theilCib iait., wbea aooct 150 fcUex at tea, and ite ' crg of cotton et oa ire, wbea tbe vrsel vat caied up ti;tT aod vjbW-aee'Jy tve4 in to tbi pvr f.Ta ubich b Lai dcar edior Iivrpxl a fc wldiys rrttiy. LircjtASY- The... li:tiNry Cb f Xi.-i VilaiJSjria': L:.b.xry Aaixisa bsd a pieisast eareticj at the Libsary Uos cu Ta4iy nijt Uit, whkh as, however, t4 i tgy attadd as. it wtsitd hate W tat f. the wrtuielly- i!'sst; 'va:her.;' TW timkt 'ci'aaln! tl -well riu ais4 wclS' derlttrt I j' cri ' Li aat ti Wu If Mr-. Hi. tMIts. aa vs'ik'St t qfl al tk3 by M r. tl U. Ear j4l a4 aa a4 felraUe' tmut?i 'ef i'"My-kTaVa Ssj hj Ut. UF.'MfaJU, iarsaet-, ly sf Clwba, tsi iaf U tl esa- ay la tk'cUyr. The J&w!j; a?7iav uaU nrt sa4t t the sectt4 ttfftr law ateetlssj; i JLpcO : ' OziZit, lit. Hesaat F. LVcXr. fc, Dl Single Copies 5 Cents ' j LOCAL SHORTS. . The Criminal Court meets in this city t07inorrow , v ', Beef was, very scarce and high in this market during the past week. , - 1 There were light receipts of virgin turpentine week. , ' in market daring the past Trains 4land 43 on the Wilmington &Wel() on and Wilmington, Columbia & - Augusta Railroads have been with drawn. ' 1 - A colored man . of this city bad a dressed bog; in market a few days ago, weighing ?lp poundj, which was only one year Udl'-' '':--: ',-'i.. , The Board of-Alderman 'and Board of County Commissioners meet td-mor-row, the former at night and the latter in. the afternoon., j : . ; : ., . Second quarterly meeting now in ses sion at St. Luke's A. M. E. Zion church. Preaching at; 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. Z. Tj PearsaQ, presiding. v "Capt. W. U. Goodman, formerly of t 1 e 1 . . . . f ' iue ponce iorjce 01. tnis city, nas reaiga ed and accepted the position of naval stores inspector in Savannah. Ishmael Leonard and Tboma3 Kane, charged vith fighting, had a hearmg before a magistrate on Monday last, and were required to pay tbe costs.; ' Mr. J. D. Johnson, a prominent citi zen of Bladen county, was severely in jured a few days since,: while training a filly, by the animal's falling down upon him. 1 ;l" .Ti- -- . v .7 - - , v '-: , A heavy northeast storm prevailed on the North Carolina coast on Tues day afternoon-, last, the velocity of the wind reaching jthirty miles per hour at some points.- .j .' ; -V-. j A telephonic lire-alarm ha$ been at tached to the engine roim of the water works at Hilton,, which will ensure prompt attentrdn in the matter of water supply in case of fires. Owing to another change ia the schedule the mails of the Carolina Cen Lral Railroad will hereafter close. promptly at 5 pi. m., and be open for delivery at lO.ob a. mf ,1 ; The family 6t the late J. W; fctrauss. received on Tuesday last the sum of 13,000, being the amount of bis life policy in Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Royal Arcanum. 1 . The late rains were very heavy in the Black River section, the Smill streams beiog all swolle to such an extent as to interferes witih travel, and sme of the bridges being submerged. A petition fis in circulation to hive the pipes of the Water works (company extended further towards the' eastern limits of the cityj so the tax-pay cfs "in that direction ckn participate in tb benefits of the works, especilly ia care of fire. i ' ; j ' ' '!i Richard Ciree'M, colored, was btfoce the Mayor Monday morning, oa the charge of acting di'r If r'y on , the- streets, f.;r which be. wm ftiuired to deposit with the City Tretvurer the sum ofiioO. 'i '. : ';..; lyl ;v; .i The auth?rities have at last decided to enclose the paupers' burying f round, southeast of this city, with a substan- Ual! fence, aad ilso to enlarge 'thewY? E bE.lU? TO JNi-onx cm fritntfa grounds coasiaerapiy a n necueu improvement. j ' 1 ' ' .',., - i : :. it . 1 : .'I--' ' ' The steam tuj Claacb, Capt. Jabob. and the sci.r. A merican Eagle, of this pori . were c':. irered to lighter ibe Nor wi,u3 bar GuJdWjaga, heretofore re ported ashore iniside of Beaufort bar, loaded with steel rails for. the; Midland railiaad. '; . . jv .- ... ' The revive alj ' the First; Baplisl church was continued throagh tbe paU week, and much interest was excited amoeg the Urge coogregatioo, II rr. E.FL B!d:ii, cf GreeasUfu', a unti ed the p.r. Several proee JvioeJ the caurcb and ft bapUrrl daring the act k. ' ;; j i THIUt. 1. -T,J peWiU Talaf, the evlebrated Prtsby telaa divine of Nk Yvtk, ha accepted an iavitatioa to latere the Ufil f lh Wl mtoon Ubciry Askfeiatioa oa TLnrt day. ih I3.h of ArtL Th touaam ef Wi!l85i'a --hay a'; tkh lrt in j A f.o j the eoaatry all- Isj Uf ChMteeiCUytaa. r t lit pLtrl hvm Miay alht by $fg' aJbcwt Ue tirntt wii i his Ucw tlbcltd by whkhi he wd taita U a n;irtt ci.krsdrr. t'pon feeif ca rl4 USn the Uaytf U ural t tla; he hk liaUacJ tao inxck -Ta aa 4ambr aie mw TUtjC5caiiaLrt fch fH4l4llt M!iy Ut, wtmj ihyt?f wwtdL li U5l1ct tUt 'thai tW Oliaas tikh 3 W atjWyr4 "m Ktm&m lieer e-arw tib9---mmmju:: '?3iiw'' U ilbi pxt t tat f tit bl aJ v-ltrr k-4wl acccsar ly ts. ltimL'. Oe. llanM ft. Oss 'Wi 0 NUMBER M. Capt. W;, Ai Kabeson, of the steamer J Wave, has suticiently recovered from his late severe illness, we ' are glal to' see, as to be able to Teniae bis duties. Tuesteiaa tug Blansha of this port, which left a few days since to assist iu lightering the Norwegian bark Gold . bringa, ashore inside of Beaufort bar t collided with i a ship's anchor and had i to be beached to keep lies frcm sinkbf, having stove a ho!e in hrr bottom, -z . ... . - This city and vicioity was visited by -ono of the-.lieaviest rain storms n Monday and Mondsy night last - that has occurred 'here in many years. It " came down in torrents, with slight in tervals from early Monday morninr until nearly 3 ocloelruesday more- ing, the amouut of rain-faH being set down at the signal office at upwards of 6 Inches up to that afternoon. Mr. F. W. Clark has beca appointed by Maj. J. c. Winder. General Mana ger, as General Freight and Passcuger Agent, and Mr. Thomas Bidger As sistant Freight and Passenger Agent, ofUb8 Caroliaa'Contral, Raleigh and Augusta, and Raleigh Gaston Rail road Companies, the headquarters f the' foimir to be ,iu Wilmingtoii and those of the latter ia Raleigh. ' ; . NEW. ADVERTISEMEXTa." " The Ladies of Smiths -ville Baptist Church. rnJE IADIKrt OP SVItTnViLLlfi B.t. TfcsTCUUKCHproposo bavins a FAt!t HuaoYsrunxuiTKUon the night of ttio 10th OP Al'IUL, ivv., at tbeuiUUv,Uli Acadeuijr, Instrumental oh A'o.-xl Music "oa lhts casloa.hy - f -,i llrss LILLY THOMPSON'. ; . Mi.i MAMIE TII'OMIVS X. .': Miss KM MA THOMl'-iOX. - Mu. KliWAUIt DAVIS. ' - ; " Mn, J.VMKS PRICK, . Miu J AML3 t'LEMMON'S. . , And other. Ahout the rhwi0 of Hi Kntortiiloment M rliurt adilresN will be delivi r6l ly llv. Mr. North. I'astorcftlio .SiulthVllIoMiU CHlUt Church. I'roewU to ( .UvottU. to the benertt of the UaptistChurclu ' . i Coiu.o aud fsiw ueveuljug away pleas- "BUtly.. - J . : : PaTrn.nr.1-R0 Kailuoad ('iii'ivr X Ot'KIfK CKXKKAT MVl-KUl.Nllt,N:iiKNT, l'im:Knviti'. Va.. Mrch us. I-J. J oriciso suirpisin. Ths frefsbt trains oa this ronil lr:ivln ( rctertbur itt, fc. A. M..tmd Wclaoa l "8I, M. are di-scontluue.1 unisi furilu-r ' uttic. t. M. Ml I.LV. i, a)B,--It ... (ieuers.1 Muporinu-nUcn?; gr. -Tit.' - i5PrEBlHBi ItAILIlO KU ('OMPAxf, V OKrii C'iN'r.i;.i. i i i,r.istMu;i r, . r I4:rKfc.inrnf.. Va., M.'trc3 2s '"i 1 SPECIAL XoriCIi . ; ?' On-sfed afler Hl'NItVT, APItl 1. l, l.Ja-" ROnuorft rtij now luVlcf r lriui - at , llrWSIVM. nnl VeiUoa f. f.n.. M. ut UitxnUnuuil. i R. M. HL'LLY. apt-it- jUt-ncrai Mupirrmtni tent. A- , , . BIATE Oi K Oit'fU tAil'OLI MA, VOL" NIT f OKEA HASOMi; t. . - fri;:i.R Co-, nr. j 'l'i'iLsu vxtnoKA 1 ' Kci ". m:oT tn 11 - iMiprtior Juiirt of Nw Hsnovir Court r at Kll Term JSi. oil a:i Uillori xfDllu therein btri 1. K t;.irt4 r:iBMrrtd H. J, McL!Xd A JutnitrUr ua Minnie McIa?1. Ina Mrt.nj n i JShn W. M.--1x1 t)lfuU4al. t'i uiijerslf oMt M CniB)Moiier r.ppoltli-l bv, ni l Ix-ct will artl forrh t the Court ftoa dor. In thfcttj!,cI Wlimldgion.oD VJuuay.i!i 1st day of Mdy. J.si t, followmt !.. scribed lot of lun 1 In U4 rllr-- Ugtiiala at lti norttiwoc caraer ui I ifM aud Mul- -brry rHAirnau!fit tin ucocorth-ar. With KiflhrtrtK Wit, lh4acW4tttwn. ly 4 fv-t wittt Kol tLT li:MullB,tUC oattai f?t witiHrm' K. roll m Hn lo MulUerry aLrpl. tlicnc wlUl Muibrrr srj4i i-s r-t t- in b.-einn'ne. Tb tu ttetss pari of Ii3ca Itior iJTMntdin t- lh of.'iciU pUtt .r ld rit - - . - - ... ... ..... i.tciii pta r .ii rny by tv Jaoui A. U. MICAUIA ComcalMJoacr. TOTIIK 1'UIJLIC.! ltiVW a4VClSM 0-I IriiUltk. tji crji v -savMw4jtb. CITIZENS MARKET Wl.r lb Ust ' ' ... I.IK.K. LAX f. Aia tiy h fotii. ruoud oi hca trepas va -'... fe34 IBAVfctKOr 4IVartb.. ' etjr rrtysic-JivI y. REAL ESTATE A G J2. N"" C"" V. -"'' ' ' r t ( . " ' J ' ; .rArLunvia'.-. c. ! W!LL DOT JlhD ZLL fi.U ES- tfw ii n 1 rxrutx tit O. H- iiiUa'-''-" OCUGR. M-. - t vimim in aar taanl,.ai, yg t- ,- f i 1 Uoyd, and otben -

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