s - . J f ' T 1 i I V I TV-- i . 4 . I ! ' i i . i ' il l A) AX 1 - -1 Vi VOI-UME XV. wi LMlNG-TOlSr POST '"inhered t ihe Poetoffiee' at Wtlming hu K C. at Second (Jlds Mattet "rates of advertising. Ei'ht (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con iiitutc a square., : '--' Fifty cents per line for the first in aertioa and twenty-li ve cents per line' for each additional insertion. ::i i All advertisements prill be charged .' c the above rates, except on special aintracts. - ' " V, :.'-'' i Xiio subscription price to The WlL i Wkgton.PostJs $2 00: per year; six months $1 00 ' U ' - ; f Allcommu-aications on busiriea must i,e addressed to The Wilmington J Post, Wilmington,. N. C.i S Ojtaufort, N. C, April 6, 1881 Editor Tost: Ihe Nor. barbae (.luldbrjnga, Capt.- G.B. Joharnesen, U now Jjing. at the depot wharf at Morehead City, havicg been floated off ibe reef on the 2d instant. Over one f' half of he r cargo was discharged by f ',' ligbfers beiure she could be gotten off. thti& is a line vessel of 1)00 tons burthen . and hails from Arendal, Norway.' - : i Tho tug Blanche from ; Wilmington, . : net witb'quke an accident on the 31st of March, which completely disabled f.:, Ler. She was engaged in raising a ; large uch6r to run1 it asCernjthe ? liniue ajuThin on i kaociiDga, bole :,?tiner bottom.. She was discovered to .6e sinliog very j rapidly She was at I titice started for a high shoal near the ' Uar, and they succeeded in gettiog her r od it, The Baker wrecking tug Be&o lute' went to her assistance on the 2nd iuBt. anil pumped her. out, towed her to the wbart, put a temporary patch tpon lier bottom aud she will sail, for your port with the schooner Americau Eigle in tow to morrow. ' - ' . . . The revenue cutter CulLx, Cttptain (hbrielson, rtndered asiaance to the (ioibriiiga.and the Captain ppeaks very V lifUly of the officers and crew of the : Tho Ba tr Wrecking Co, .also ren d:i4 assistance to the barque, alb the jsteatn tug Laura. lie J ioy. on the bar when entering our harbor last .week, and wound up the chain in her r.crtw. She was tow ed to tl e dock by the Blanche and af- Iter many attempts was cleared by the piforts pf Sam Hayes (not Sam Vt$h), Yfho. is cocsicpred 1 a fapaous diycrr minus a diving suit. Sam, we are in lormed, would blow equal to a whale when he would come up we think we have the champion bare lack direr, kt hast Sam thinks he is. We will dive him against may man in the state, so jlci us hear from Wilmington. ; . The elegant eteam jacht Mischief o Ifhidelphia, Ta., twned by Henry j pUVton, E?q of Ibat p ity, tfcp celebrat ;jed ?aw a anufa(tarer, stopped at our por: cq route home from Florida. XapU E. ii'ajo of Beaufort, brought her from 'Cwles'.OD, and we are pleased tp say ' t i t . i i i t : I jcry uiguiy oi me seamansnip anu aou illy of Cart. Mayo in eafelj anchorirg Ihef I i r thai roadaal Smithville a few rfdayi itce, thereby saving the yacht iiitl; lives of the crew. We axo also 'pltaecd to state that Capt. Mayo jump. )pl i the hcel and safely landed the : J&aacLe ou the shoal whoa 'she met ith heir accident. Cirteret boja are IwrJ to teat anyway Ed is a good tfut, aud dou't you fjrget iL" ; 1 Preparations wilt be made ere long m the il flux of oar summer residents, sdl we assure you that none would be 4 ure welcoae than the Editor of the Cl :fi$T. Wfey not trow of tb cares of Jity life and sojourn with us awhile, la ftoir city by the sea, ac4rest and re , topwate, vk. . "y. j j The ktxfo Tclqhontt under fbe I b!e maoagemeut of - Messrs. rotter & t 9k,Jwic't U a live newspaper, is inde J fn4eat ia politics, and has for its pl- Vnawed by ioflaence, and ua --;tibedbygtin.; ' f v- J Ta work on tho Beaufort and Xew ra Canal is progrtsaipg slowly. Oar are aaxlously awaiUng the long harbor improvements to com . ppwe, and We must have Harbor Is jmi lighthouse je wtablisbe, our bar .' -tojtd and ringe light at rcrt ! .eoa, These things are esscotial, and r caanot remain quiet until we have a. If jou will help u cut with ; J W aid aad influecce w can get . " &.iCan you inform us what has be .meof little John Shacielfcr& there lt aoat aov so pCjr to !a hia'reTcr andAlly.M Oh, where UhiT H M pins oat ,,hootiag fgaln or is he 51 ready to come down this wsj ;'.a, jualor exeuttar, Well, wo V n wtai we shall tee. U Hie west, srl escv- cf then i-4 to keep a lar-a i..s:"-:ictcry I Urtta Bjty. 1 cy trs cut cut c?a tissvrosJ, sn:rl rl Cried To the Press or Jforth varollna. " V The North Carolina Agricultural So ciety proposes to hold its annual fair in October next, as usual for the past ten years, and the undersigned has 'been elected secretary of the executive com mittee, and charged with the prepara tion of the premium lists and all other business arrangements connected with the Fair.- Td the preM of the slate, the Society is under many and .continuous obliga-J Hons, both for its kindness in enabling its officers -to communicate their plans and wishes to the public, and alsy for the Uniform encouragement bestowed at all times upon its efforts toward de veloping the resources of thefttate and displaying its numerous products. No return for ruch services could be made beyoud the thanks ol 'the officers and managers of the Society, and such at tentions a were possible at the annual L fairs. I hope that the gentlemen of the press may not become wearr in well-doing1, but wil( continue to aid aad assist the Society in all pf its under takings. " " - ' - -- The general advance in agricultural improvement, the increased interest felt ia I he development of manufactur ing industry, the use of labor-saving contrivances, and the attention paid to the education aud elevation of oar peo ple, are indications of awakened intel lectual aud industrial activity, and it is the purpose of the Society to stimu late this activity and progress by col lecting together the results into an an nual exhibit. v , : I will therefore-thank; the members of the press ol the state to mention in the lr journals, that, the secretary is now engaged iu the preparation of the pre mium 1 st or the bx position in October next, and that he solicits suggestions from ail persons who feel an interest in the subject, especially in the arrange ment of? premiums for all industries or products of North Carolina likely to be represented. The Society hopes to em brace in this exhibit every interest of tue state, whether belonging to agricul ture, stock raising, mining,, mechanics or manufacturing, and to so classify the premiums that alt kinds' of products snail be suitably considered. All , correspondence should be ad dressed to the secretary,' at Raleigh, N. C. - - - ;: - The office of the Society is in the centre or ine business part of Kaleign, m the immediate vicinity oi the xar borough House, PoHoffice and Citi zens' Bank, and the members of the press are respectfully invited to call at the secretary's, ogice whenever they visit the Capitol. Any personal ser vice I can do for them here wilL afford me pleasure, that I may thus acknowl edge the obligations ot the Society for nact favnn I- Very respectfully, ' j W. B. OtrwcK, ' - s Sec'y N. C. A jr. Society. JRaltigh; April 3d, 18S2. 4 riTt rriJMs. I BERSOX4&. -The Jev. J. S. Black, cf Erskine Presbyterian church,' is in the city, Ihe guest of the Rev. D. D. Dodge. , We learn that he will fill the pn'pit of the First Congregational cbun h to morrow evening at 8 oVock. interments dutlng the week. Ojik- dale 1; Belleyae nonet Catholic Ceme tery nonrPine Forest 4. V PjUths Duaisq tub Wbe k. fi b iforrell,3 years, peaicplegin; Laura A Davis, 3 years and 6 months Atm. mi sVmtftwma Paai TTf OT N consumption; Waldron Hilf, 2 years and 6 months, dropsy; Alfred Stubhs, 18 years, oropsy; imam or XMwara tvu- Iiamr;,iufant of Emma Hayes, 2 days, disease unknown. CiiisLU L; Davis This celehra- brated commedian will make his first appearance at the Opera. House on Monday, April 10th, in his world re nowned play of "Alvin Joslin, and we bespeak for him a rousing house. The Chicago Tribune in rpcakingof The anaint but rood natured charac ter of the shrewd New England farmer find several representatives upon the cotemporary stage, and among them the "Alvia JOotin oi ur, iaries u. Davis deservea reputable place. There is much ia it that is amosiog and not a little that U original. The audience have beta well pleased with the humor and exccatiidty cf tha character, and constant lactate? has been the well earned reward of the coaaeliaa. Eueglxrt. Froa what w tavt been able to learn it appears that there is a regular rgm3vt " " la this city. Mr. JTavlort cf tht ar tioaal CCKstery, nia c;ta tu..u then aome two or three tista, aad to hxs several ether i la his ctl-hicxiecJ, aal there they aeeacd to coalaa tiea- aTC to cilckezs, hat ca Frilar t-.ht U4 thrj t-t:rtl tha miitata cf G. P. P.:-:V. ca nr-zsw., httxtta ra5trT.ttItl5c:;l.rjUtyc.a . . . t r t : i . . . . ' WILMINGTON, NOETir The Tost will not be sent to sub scribers who do not psy their subscrip- tions. . V: ...lcyt ' '"".-.'-.I The Wilmington Fox Club bad their last "meet" of the ieason cn Thursday last. - Good Friday was more generally ob served than usual here. Business was nearly entirely suspended.- Capt. Dick Paddisoa reports the prospects o'f the fruit crop in tho Point Caswell section as very fiae. The steamer Lisbon went to Lisbon, Sampson county ,'last weei, being the first trip ever made to that place bya steamer. t- . Rev. F. W. Eason, of the Newbern Baptist church, was here on Friday, en route from the Baptist Sunday School Convention. ' Josiah Robinson, colored, got his right hand cut off in the saw mill of Jos. F. Butler, at Sidney, Columbus county, on Wednesday last. " Mr. Norwood Giles, late chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance, turn ed over to bis successor, Mr. LR. J. Jones, the bonds belonging to the Sink ing Fund, amouuting to $11,853. - 1 ' - J o 11 , 11 - James Prreey colored, was arrested Thursday night n ti e charge of creat ing a disturbance 'at tho Ticnken store, on Front street, where "Wilson's Nov elties" were on exhibition. He was re" quired to pay a fine of $5, ; ; C v- From the police reports for the month of March we learn that the ar rests footed up 39; tbat'24 white males ana oi wnue iemsies appuea ior ioag- ings; that , 10 .places of business were found open or unias'.eued, and that 'the fines collected during the month ag gregated $23.50. ' I j We call attention to ' the advertise ment of D. A. Smith & Co. which ap pears in ths issue, and we advice our friends to give .them a call, whenever "they wan't anything in their line. They keep a first class furniture store nnd will take great pleasure in showing you their :good3.;. ; '. ; :, Mr. Norwood Giles recently resigned the position of Chairman if the Board of Audit and Finance, and Mr. R. J. Jones, a member ot the jioaru was chosen as Chairman in il3 stead. On Monday evening last Mr. W. R. Kenan was elected a member of the - Board to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Mr. Giles and the promotion ot Mr. Jones. ' ' 4 m . - - The Bteamtug Blanche, which sunk near Mprehead City a week or so sgo, by colliding with an anchor, was got ten up by the Baker Wrecking Compa ny of Norfolk, i and arrived here on Saturday. Captain Jacobs .expresses himself greatly indebted to the people of Morehead, the -pilots of Beaufort and Caitaiu Appleton Oaksmith for their kindness in tendering necessary assistance. - '.. - Mr. B. D. Morrell, one of cur oldest citizens, died on Friday morning last lie was a native" of New Hampshire, bnt had been living in"Brunswlck and New Hanover counties for the past for ty years, and had served the former county one term in the Legislature He . . . 3 s was about u years oi age, ana uma many warm friends in Smithville and Wilmington who viU regret to hear of his death. v At the annual meet icg of the Wil mington Mutual Insurance Company, held Wednesday night, the following directors were elected -for . the, ensuing year : w. A. Jr rencn, j. irown, Wm. Larkina, R. E. lleide, J. H. Free man, H. VonGlahn, R. E. Calder.fV. P. Oldham, IL M, Bowden. R. 8. Rad cliSe, CoL John McRae. W. A. French was elected president and S. ; Jt Can con secretary tod treasurer. : Deeds, MoRTCxcES,&o--ThefoUow- lag deeds, mortgsges, &c were proba ted duricg the past week by the pro per authorities: - Deeds John Cnug and wu to C N Cratg; A R Campbell, adminlslrator, to HU K Hill; W J Jordan to A R Gordon; J II Frttmxa and wife to Wm. iAUaertlUbett Ueanlcg, execn t,tooaciesTllarper; O O rarsly and wif to James Uti?iisa; T U The spaa to Mary Jl Cell and ethtrr; II C Crass to Jsha W Thecpsos; D L Rssst-l aad wife, to 'A D WesstIL Hsrtie S D Haakiaaaad mlU U r zlxX-itzlit to Ja L Y tiU; Atil-t Pcstll to. A D VTill, iv- - Alt la Lave ia A D VTrwell, r.z::r.l::;tf real l A D XCttxll Pet:?. ' '-' ''-''--. - r - c f At. ; i f t CAROLINA, SUNDAY. APRIL 9. IS82. Our Jewuh friends .have been.' ot- . serving the Feast of the Passover dur- S the past week.' ;"- I- -,-;. r- m -" h iwm fi '- M. .' - 'I The people of Sampson indignantly deny a report which has gained con siderable circulation here, to the effect that they are opposed to a connection with Wilmington through the proposed Clinton and Point Caswell Railroad, and prefer the route to Warsaw They are stronclv in favnr nf the Wflmin.' - T Orf r . ton route, and are only waitine for Wil mington to ccme forward with her share of the subscription, when theyjg; have tbeir's ready in twenty-four hours. A . case varioloid was discovered cn board of the brig Cora Green. Captain Phelbrook,1 which arrived here from New . York in the? learly part of the week, b ut the vessel was immediately ordered down the river, with instruc tions to land the patient at Mt. Tirzah Hospital, about four or five miles down the river, where hecwill be taken good eare of. The Captain and crew of the brig wero vaccinated, and no appre hension is felt there will bs any other cascs - --v 5 i-: -?- ; ' : ; BoAED OF A LDER2J EN.- Th e Boird met in monthly ssssloa on last Monday evening.' ; '.-;4 '. r . A communication from the Board of Audit and. Finance, enclosing the ap propriations for the. fiscal year ending March 31 , 1882, was read and adopted. Further time was granted the com mittee on- Fire Department on the re moval ot a steam fire engine to the north side of the W. & W. railroad. Alderman' Northrop moved that the committee on Water Work, in con nection with the' Chief tho . Fire De partment, be instructed to locate the thirty-five fire hydrants, as! provided for in the appropriation, at a cost not to exceed $1,500 or $50 dollars per vcar eacb, -and make a contract with the Water Work Company. Adapted. . The resignation of W. H. Goodman, Captain of the Fofice Force, was read, and toergeaut u. a. liender was elected as his successor, and Mr. J; M. Nelson was elected Sergeant of the force. , 1 A motion that the Finance Commit tee conftr with the Board of Audit and Finance for the purpose of 'making the 1 he contract for attending to the lamps was awarded to George Balson, on his bid of $34 per month being the lowest. H: i ;.V ": V '::k' 'The contract for printing was award id to Mr. o. G. Hall; his bid being the lowest. -.;. j ;:r -, 5 U .- i ; I The contract for keeping city ciules1 and carts was awarded to Mr.T. J Jsouth erlar.d, at $3253 per month; for each team. v w . -: - 1 The contract for furnishing' lamber was awaided tp Mr. J. W, Taylor, at $U per thousand feet. - j The coutrict for feeding prisoners was awai o i to Mr. W. W4 Mintz, at 10 Cents per tafal, .1 ' i Mr. W. M.' Ujs was appointed city Scavenger, underulcjand regulation of the Board. " ;.- i;-'; '. On motion, the yuuUvt with the Gas Company was coutioucd for! the pres ent year at a pi ice' not to exceed the present contract. j . . County Comm issioxEns.-The Bo&rd met in regular monthly session on Mon day afternoon last. Y The Treasurer submitted hU month ly report for March, as follows : y General fund balance qi hand - r " $.7,583,81 ! 121.15 Special fund baU&ce oa hand - Educational fund balance on hand - - -v 13,017.15 Ahd exhibited 46 coupoca of the de nomination of $3.00 each, and IS cou pons of the denomiaatioa of I15.C0 each, which bonds wT9 destroyed by theRoard. 3he Register of D.edt suViuiued his report Sot the month of . March, h ins; $10.05 as the amount of fees f.vos marriage licenses coIUcted by hlen, atd exhibited the Treasurer'a ncript for the same. X ;.f : -u -I i " ':' .'.' The following persons were appoiat- tslto take the Uxiuts;' t WHmiogtoa township J. G. Rarrr Harnett TownshipA. A. Mostly Masoahoro Toweahip Jarats A. Montgomery. Federal Pwiai TyVhit--J. U Ilorae. ' ' - Ope Frar Tosvhi? XsriX Joha- ReUU Kiaar Lctix r crated la John Curo:!. ;A. D, WcsaeU, U. IL IXjrJciax asi J. V DU. ; Apr.a to ssrr;i Ju ih sntcr and to hart; a hyiraat rUcrJ la frsst cf tie Cv-rt HiSf, wisC tirst tri f.? e,tt la C5 cf 'Crr,' wtrt rrasttl i Tit txxltvy Kslit 11 R asj Ctx:tasU jtir. " Isrt. rsrtatatl DI3TEES3IKG Afuil A very en- fortunate difficulty occurred in this city on Sunday last between Mr. Her bert Thompson and Mr. Richard Gaase, two young men of this city, during which the latter received, a- severe wound from a pi3tol ball in th4 fleshy part of the neck. Mr. Gause was taken to his residence in a carriage, and Mr- Thompson subsequently surrendered himself to Mayor Smith, who beund him oyer for his appearance before him the next ; morning. : On Monday the case came up, when; at the request of Mt. DuBrutz Cutler, attorney for Mr Gause,. the preliminary examination jras postponed until the 13th inst. Mr. Junius Davis appeared for Mr, Thomp son, who was' placed under a bond pf $1,000, with his father as security, and Mr. Thomas Gause, a younger brother of the wounded geatleman, who was with him when the difficulty occurred, was also required to give bond in the sum of $200 for hi3 appearance at the time snecified. - . Ckiminal Couut. This body corir yened in this city on Monday last and disposed of the following cases during tbe wcc: -, i State va l3&iali Uton, charged with assault and" battery: " Defendant found guiity. . " - , ' ( St te vs' John Carroll charged with selling li'i ior on Sunday. Defendant submittfd - i i . 1 . State va L JTGuitcaibufg, sci fa. Dis missid at defendant's costs. " i State vs Dick Dozier, scI a. ' Dis missed. : .'T,i " . State vs Fred Jones, sci fa. Dis missed. -' - ; r State 'ts March Campbell, charged wuh larceny. Witness called and failed. , State ; "vs Fred Guyer,. charged with assault a tid battery; Defendant waives sending biil of indictment and sub mils. J udgtnent, $10 and costs. . State vs J H Bosch, charged with keeping a disorderly house. Defend ant not guilty. : " ' '- ; State vs Belle Fisher,- charged with keeping a disorderly bouse. Defend ant fouud guilty, i- ; Y State vs C F VonlCanpen, charged with keeping a disorderly house. De fendant found not guilty. r V fetate-T$ Ishmael Leonard and Thcs. Kane, charged with an affray. De fendants found guilty, aud required to pay $1 end costs in each ease. Defend ant Leonard craved an appeal, which was.grantcd, oh condition of his giving bond in the sum of $100 for his ap pearance at the December term of the court. 1 ;; .. v State $ Major Dudley, charged with larceny. ' Defendant submitted and was sentenced to four years in the state penitentiary. -: -X :. X'V V :.Xr Slate vs Agues King, charged with larceny. Defendant found not guilty. State vs March Campbell, charged with larceny. ; Case continued for de fendant, vho Was required to give bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance, the witnesses being also recognized la the sum of $50 each. State ts George E Berden, charged with' keeping a disorderly house. ' De fendant found not guilty. , ': V 1 Suto u Thomas Gillespie, charged with larceny. Not guilty. . State vs Florence Morris, charged with disorderly conduct Not guilty. State vs John McGoire, charged with mUmarking a hog. Case contiuned for the slate, and witnesses recognized tn the sum of $50 each for their appear ance, lerecdant trtcognized, ,wlta se curity, for his appearanee at the next term oi thi court. S ate vs Edward , Erysoo, charged with kcrpicg a ulisoderly hocs& De fendant fouad not goilty. - i. . State vs Mary Williamson, chargtd with keeping a disorderly house. De febdant found not guilty. Sute vi John Deal aal Chaa. Wil- liasxa, confided cf forgery. .Judgment of this court armcd Ly the gapreme Gurt. Defcadaats aenteccta to two years each ia the state penitentiary. Biate vs Utary McLean, charged with Lmsy. Defendant sahmiUed and was ordered to pay a ae cf aUpccee and the ccU, bt icg Ut cf i-hUy ca ac caaat cf his cxitcsae yowih. - ' bate vs Gifrin KoqpI, asxn!t and taUcrr; not jUty. Vkx cf farmet Sfuts ts Dsfrl IVcJ, txrerayj eca tissaci. ' t. , ' SUU ts UtVrt Th5ay a uatl; c?tlaa4. ;''' fute vt rililwl Gii actis.'i a- Uaati. ' ute r lllty WKiIa Uruzi r-f. ' Sine ts ItiXit TrrtscsJ, .Iwrtry. l;tiit &cirxtl ca asUcTila yz'i sl r?tTvss --iaat.la cu:tZIIil zIiaZ, w . .... .'. -..... . . . ; r:; "y::M: ? Slngls Copies 5 Cents . I.OCAK. SXIOItTS. New Hanover Bank stock sold on TuesJay; at $2(125, the par value being ibe loreign exports from , this city for the month of March footed up $100,- V1 - .. . !' -' .-(-.. . v . ... , Rev. G. S. Jones, the friend and pro moter of Sunday schools, was here on a visit during the past week. . . . i The ladies of the $mithville: Baptist Church axe to have a fair, and festiva' on the evening of the lOlh insir ; - Oapfejtt! s.' Norment, formerly of Wilmington, but now of Lumberton, was in the city daring the past week. : . Mr. B. D. Morrill, one of our oldest citiz3ns, was stricken with paralysis on Sunday last and Is considered yery low. The Review maa has returned liome from a visit north. It is said he will shortly bring his, paper, out in a new dress. -? I '- --v . ,' . Que of the committee had .collected $5,275 towards I the Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad up to Tuesday even ing last. !,:!'- A small frame dwelling, corner of Sixth andfWooster streets, was destroy ed by fire on Tuesday morning last. It was the property of Mr, J. Wilder and waa.oc'cupied by colored people. We call attention to the advertise ment; of Messrs. . Brown & Pearson, which appears in this issue. They, have a first class barber shop, and employ none but the best of workmen. Give them a call.; i;!t----v,-:-. t ;: U Rev. Fathers Moore, of Hickory, White, of Raleigh, Reilly, of Newbern, Pohl, of Gaston, and Goro oi Charles ton, liave! been here duricg the past week in attendance upon , interesting ceremonies at SU Thomas' Catholic Church. ! j The um of $512 has been contrib uted by our citizens towards paying off the debt of the j Wilmington Library Association. .Of this - amount which has been paid in, the sum of $435.92 was devoted to paying off the debt of the Association,' leaving a Jbalam e on hand of 27.08. j ' , ; f ine revival which has been in pro- gress for the past two weeks in the First Baptist church closed last-Tucs day night with 15 accessions to the church. Rev. E. F, Baldwin, of Greens boro, who has been assisting Rev. J. B. Taylor left for his home on Wednes day morning last. Hillany Williams, colored, was ar rested on the charge of stealing money from the pockets of Dr. J. T. Schon wald, Sr., In whose employ ho had been, and upon examination before a magistrate was required to give bond for his appearance at Court, failing io which be was locked up. , Charles King, colored, was arrested Tuesday night on tbe charge of steal ing a coat and pair; of sleeve buttons from' W. H.JScott, the Vrbfry foot of Mulberry vtreet. He was arraigned be fore the Mayor and ordered, to give bond in the sum cf $50 for his appear ance at Court, ia default of which he was committed to j ill' 1 y A colored man named Joseph Ander son, who had been dtiakisg, and who had been cursing and abusing people generally at Fayettevllle on Monday afternoon last, final! got into av diH cnlty with s no it r colored man named 6am White, Wseiaid an .axe helve and struck ium over Ihe head with It, fracturing bis skull; from the cAVc of which he die4 the tame night. i At the regular anaaal meeUog of the C M. SuJman Fire Company, held Wednesday nixat, the, fouowing on cers were elected : G. W. W. Davis president; J. P. O.HulHvan, vicepresi- dent; treasnrer. G. W Mitchell; . secre tary, A. R. Schrirer; artmaa, E. & UrUSth; first asaisUnt, VL IL Parkfr; second aaittsnt, r. Swaa;.axeasyts, J; F.Lasier, BL Crai- C, 11 is U, R U XkmHf, : .y,M : The report of Ctpt- F. G, RVi, chief of the fire department, girts the raise of tho property ofu drpartsseat at $179, of whkh aaowat thc,ci:y owns CC.li) and the CZtrt&l cruiltf tides $U,lv3 There were fc:y Ct alarms dsrig the past year, cadlrg woh the Slat cf ZluiZ, aU cf lt were fmpSj rcrpoirl u I7 CLt C psutattl. He warslf rccssacals tie ptepoard extcsOaa cf the iraztr wests asi the kcaika cf tUrty a-i::;i The afpTttti:t;cs f- tit tl?4tjt the f U jtxr sZz Vi:iS Siis, 1 Z 'JL asint-ittaty tla Zzl ti Jllo trntzitzulttl-Li til Hiirrr, axi-wtifrrt: v;::. r-:t:?.r:. Tiers' til tl rtrlZz'i Z:: t: C . '. ..... z t. z " 1 V J - r r NUMBER 15. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, 'TI: APRIL lOTlI. TIIE UUEAT COMEDIAN'. OjARLES ,l. davig In hut Celebrated Character Coined r. ia' - b our Acts, entitled ; Mm v 1 h u uui U v Tho Ottly Trne U pr m Utl y of -'V THE, NEW ENGLlttD FARMER, .Sapporisd by ft Fflll nnd -Towprful Com pany.oivramiuau&ubilUci. v ISO Laughs la 1S9 Minutes ! uri.iefit success of tUo Act! i V Fan niest Play Kver Witnessed! " Three Hoars ot Uproarious run I aplSTlt D. A. SMITH. ; T3U3. C. 0JUFIV '; FURNITURE ! "YyK AUG OFFEIUNQ KRB . BA.R calns to parchasers of Puraiture & Bodding ! Our Stock embraces all the latest ani leadlns style of rl aad Medium Ccd-Koom Suits, . PALLOR SUIl'S, TABLES, LOUNGER CHAIRS, BED STEADS, BUREAUS, WASH3TAND3, -WARDROBES, DESKS, " SPRING BED3, MiTIRE33E?, CRADLES, BABY CARRIAGES, &a&c. s . AWe have had au experlenoe' of 2 yean (rt the rqraUure bualnoss right here la WU mlDglonad know wuere to bay aad wbt ' to bur, and Rive our Cut lorn r the beaeUt or tbe Xiowest 1'rlcea aiuionbie. WllulnstoD, N. C, - . . ' ' . I- A. SMim Co., . aplMtn TheruruUureOdalers. , McCowan's Saloon.' Nr. a South Front 8U, Wilmington, N. C gEST otXtl&m, LIQUOItS and CIQ AlW to be had In tbli city f w tUs moneyr rn cy Drlaka a sped U jr. "i"r ' 1 J.L McUOWASr & BOX, irop. BROWN & PEA.RSON. pASIItONASLBBAiaD&CSSlNa AND KUavlnx Saloon, No. 21 NqirtU Ffcjat 8trjeei Bait Workmen Employed. Tribes arntual Give ua call. itpl S-ljr The Ladies of Smith ville Baptist Church LADIKS OF SUITHVILUC TtAF. . TlMTCHUltCH propose havlnc ft FAIft and OYKTKU HUl'l'KH on Ibe ulxbl of lh WU or Al'IUL, SJ, ftt the bialthvute Acftdrmy, 1 T , Inetramental an Voct Musis oa the oc casion by mm Lti.r.T Tnoy pfoy. . Miwt MAMIETIIOMtVMOr. ! at IM KM M A T1IU M ros. i MiuBDWAUU DAVJiL , i ,M. JAMI-M PllU R. tv i JdJU JAM US CLMSCOKH. .. ' ... . . . ' Aftd oUiers. 1 About te eloee or tb F.truuemnl hort ftotreaa will be dvllrrred by 1m. Mr. NorUt. l'alori the btuiUirlUe Metb odlat Church. .JrSw,1. dttl ta the bentilt af the UepUKt tstttrru. Come od p an evenloa away pl ftaily. . . r . TO THE PUliLIC ! ys IUIRC TO iNlXUM oar frteatf tbftt w nayee3tnracf4 bastasss for oafi selves at U , ; - .-. -''. OmZENS' LIARKE Where the best - LAJtt, CftaaltrsjalwCiMad. ' VitUAj. . ThinkiBX thoM of r trtMl ra f. roBited hca t trere Ccis we uow am Utr TJLADK la or IrUaiC, i Very rtfeetfa, 1 jr.u.aruxxa. HEAL COTATC AGE NO FArtXTEVILLE, V. WILL EUr AL'D iZLXs RSAL EJ. TATZ: 2irZilu Los as ea iac TAYLOR ! , ttf c 11. cc::nb. , tuto. .- . e S s m i 1 i-.i-.- ...4 .4. 1 V G.-. iki.I). Mir -' r : .. r