; THE WILMINGTON POST. i WILMINGTON & 1. i Sujtdat MowriKG, apsil 9, 1SS2. ' i " , - - Important to Subscribers. : We wilt not carry dead heads on our i list. Send in yonr subscription or your reaper will fail to reach you. i - " ' m " a i For the Post. . ! The Situation ana Its Intelligent De. .I :" mends. --. --V :A ' Berolutions never go backward, and necessarily sor for the good of tie pop ulace, is as true to-day as it was when s first written, and I take it to be equal j lv S3, respecting the situation which I am about to discuss, as the facts in the case present IbemselTea to the "mind of common senee." jjlt is now general ly understood that the Hon.'.W.'P : Canaday, that champion 'and fearless advocate of the constitutional rights for the working men oi North Carolina, Irrespecttre of color or previous condi tion, bas resigned the position so hon orably filled by him.as collector of cus toms for the port of Wilmington; that he faithfully and honorably performed the important and responsible duties, which ibe position imposed, none dare gainsay, and when he-had gathered around him his aids and given them ' positions which would enable themXto 'give their families bread, be it to his J credit said, the negro wis not left out jin the cold. ' That he has giren . mora negroes official positions than any other i officeholder in North Carolina cannot be successfully contradicted; and thai there are many who are holding posi tions giren them by the gorernment and furthermore got(?) those position only through; tho negroes' 'influences whom they claim to represent, when1 interrogated, but hare so palpably mis represented. These men could hare helped this hewer of wood ' and drawer oi water in the same proportion thai Mr. Canaday has, but hare failedto let us see a consummation of their bur ctensome promises which hare well nigh weighted us in the dust of disap pointed aspiration, in. consequence of v which hate fallen short in the number of diadems with which we are proud to be enabled to deck the crown of the Hon. W. P. Canaday in honor of his valuable services and faithfully kept promises, I would like, to say to these gentlemen that we lire in a new age pregnant with intelligence and moral independence, and that we propose to scan their future acta with the eye of an eagle, and weigh . them in the j bal ance of their own choice. While we wel come Mr. Canaday in to the important field of journalism unencumbered with office and its responsibilities, that he ' may give full rent to a free expression of conscience and more the knight to : any part of the political chess board when the interest of the people he so ably represents, demand it. And as he is inow free we congratulate him, in view oi the fact that when he gets ready to shore the quill he will not first hare to consult the advice of any official' sare vox populi, and to remem ber: They wire made to exalt us to teach as to bless , Those InvlaclMe brothers the pta and the j ' press. j-'-O; "" " ' " '! - !'' 4Qur greatest need In North Caro lina is a staunch Republican paper, honest in its support and fearless in Its advocacy jof the principles which un derlie our Republican Institutions, and the Wilmington Post fills the bill. The poor men ot North Carolina, look for ward to its coming with deepest inter est, because he knows its columns are crowded with truths expressive of the tftnkUon and fearless in their advocacy of their rights as citizens under the ' laws, in common with other men -regardless of color previous condition of servitude May the Post continue its well-begun . course ol arraignment 1 until every North Carolinian shall be recognised as a cltlien, clothed with those constitutional prerogatives of which the Cramers of the constitution ofNorthCaroliai once boasted ; were enjoyed by every citizen of. the Old North Stale. Why did air. Canaday resign in favor of Ur. Pennypadcti? and who is he f U the apt interred . tion of to-dsy. Indorsements are ral uable only in proportion to the charac ter and raluable services rendered in a , like position by the Indorser, and there fore it is bat fair to conclude that Z!r. Canaday In his indorsement of . tht above named gtstlesaa is tlcrocUy eatised u to the tCdtaey and char acter of the gtatlemaa represented; otherwise he would ntTtr hare Indorsed Lisa, isassutbi as tUs is tie fceso cf that h overalls gtstlsrun, and which ' he is tryls; as tal&tiUr to tUvataasd sustain ia thti hear cf htr grtilcct need. If we have acsartrtd tie fomtr let naelact we know toatlhl: cf lit rltsaTTatitr? tjeai cl hla, as Crca wttl wczU have hU ca to kxe Cist; f-r jca wiU rescuer tht when ki wczt to tit fcr a ralsUrs cfktsulf, kt sill to tie tx'JLX i Talis esas Its: if yea Uava est the stars and lit wt!y.i I te!!l r i r;v Ta at !!!!? VTe crsst'ltle t;xclrtissl ' cf Hr. I " ?j r. 5 i V. c iz z : t 1 z. ; 1 i 3' t j cU;ziC.::r:::l U 1 1.5 li!" tf tls not rom his own life, but from his own silent but successful works and noble deed; a Republican indeed as in name and an advocate of the constitutional rights for the negro and a iriend of the oppressed. t His appointment can bat meet the hearty approval of the people of this district. Saccess to his - minis tration and bright future for. the Post. -'ir ., More anon. M. W. Hi Bit Axcu ' PLAN OF" ORGANIZATION. Rales and Regulations for the Organisation of the Repnbli earn Party of North Carolina: We republish below the plan of or ganization adopted, by the Republican State Convention in 18S0; which will hare to be carried out during the pres ent campaign, and the Republicans of the state will do well to study it tso as to be able to carry it out. , Is- County Organization The elec tion precinct shall be the unit of county organization. Each precinct shall hare an executive committee consisting of three active Republicans.' They shall be biennial'y chosen by the Republican roters of the precinct, and shall -el.ect one of their number chairman. They shall conrene toeelber at such time and place as the majority of them may elect. They shall biennially elect, a county executive committee, to consist of not less than fire members, who shall elect a chairman from their number. Vacancies in precinct committees shall be filled by the roters of the precinct, and in county committees by a conven-i tion of the precinct committees duly called: ftwided, that in case a vacancy occurs within thirty days prior to an election, such racancy may be filled by the tote of the remaining members. IL Congressional, Judicial and Sena torial Districts. There shall be a Con gressional, Judicial and Senatorial Dis trict- Committee, composed of not less than one member from each county, nor less than seven members, biennl ally elected by the sereral district con- Tentions, each of whom shall elect a chairman from their number: Provided, that' a senatorial district committee shall only be elected in districts em bracing more than one county. Vacan cies occurring within thirty days of an election may be filled by the rpte c f the committee. ; i III. State Executire Committee. There shall be a State Executire Com mittee, composed of one member from each Congressional District in the state, to be designated by the district delega tions in State Conrention assembled; two members at large, to be elected by the State Conrention, and the chair man of the conrention at which the election is held. They shall be bien nially elected at the State Conrentibo, shall choose one of their number chair man; and shall elect a secretary who is not a member, who shall reside at Ral eigh., : IV; The chairman of the respective county, district and State Executive Committees shall call their conventions to order and act as temporary chairmen until a permanent organization is af fected, with power only .to appoint, and receive the report of, a committee on credentials. V. No executire - committee sbal hare power to elect or appoint dele gates to any cbnrenth!), . whether county, district, State or National. VI. No member or an 'executire committee or delegate or alternate duly chosen shall hare power to delegate his trust or authority to another. i VIX, Representation. Representa tion in county conrenlions shall con aist of three Republican voters as dete gatesJad three as alternates, from each f precinct in the county, and no more. VIII. Representation in Coogres aional, Judicial, Senatorial and State ConTentions shall consist of two dele gates and two alternates only, for every member of the lower . House of the General Assembly and shall be appor tioned in the sereral couuties accord bSly. IX. Delegates and alternates to county conrenlions shall be; elected only by a rote of the Republicans jof each prtciact ia precinct-met ling as semkled; and delegates and alternates to; district, Ctate and National conren tlsss shall be elected by a conrention cf dalesles duly elected and sent by the pecple for that purpose after due notice and publication of not less than !ltea days, cf the time, place and pur pcs9 cf rsch csartation, and not other- 3u The certiScate of the chairman asl ttcrttary cf the meet in;, ettiig trlhrtlxrity cf thepriawya-iUrg cr ccaTtillaa, and the election of the dts and al:mate thereat, shall be tctr-ttJ, whea ncoctesud, as a good tzl tzZLzLziX credential fir each dee Cia tsi alUrsaie. XL Tkli ra cf cr&lalun and prcttJIsra siill ccsUase in force nata tlrrl cr alrcitci by a sths;3est nccut CcsTt Ucn -T jLl?l trl la Etita CcsvtiJia,Ja!y S, ir:x . , ' ; Pc rr: TL a f ;t ; a era tlrr J pointment to ofifcei in preferenca4o lepublicans. Since the management of the Republican party of Robeson county left the handa of Col. James Sinclair and John Hollo way, Esq.; it may with truth be said, there has been no Republican party in the county. Wf hare been supporting a- band of hungry politicians', known as "inde- pecdentV and composed of the dirti est element of the Democratic party; many of .whom were kicked out of that party for political heresies and incon sistencies, and other disappointed and disgruntled 'office ; seekers ; and place hunters whot hare no broader claim to political ambition tllan to disorganize and disgrace, the Republican party and "keep the nigger out," and no higher desire to promote the welfare of the counvy and state than to grab "fat" from -the pap of office, and then turn and work against the success of the Re publican party ever afterward; : Shame, shame! Yet these gentlemen (the lead ers) claim to be Republicans, friends of the colored man and poor whites. The only, postoffices in the county, Lum- bertbn, Red Banks "and Shoe Heel are fitled with ' Democrats. The one at Lumberton, its nominal head, claims to be a Republican,yet1ie keeps, and ever "has kept, a Democratic deputy. The -Republicans- of Robeson county intend to rebuke this wholesale miscon duct on the part of these .men during JUessrs. rroctor and Haves must be taught to cease recommending Dem ocrats for all ti e offices they cannot fill themselves. Every colored man who ; attempts to raise his head above the political surface, whatever his qual ifications or other "attainments may be, these gentlemen go to work in order to prejudice the colored people, who con stitute 90 per cent of the Republican party in the county, against; him; in this way they keep all deserving color ed men down, and then easily manage everything to suit themselves. But the people .have commenced thinking; white and colored Republicans propose to change the programme, belter .men must come to the frent and assume the lead. When this is done the Republic can principles will be upheld; the par ty will take its former position, and wil be crowned with as glorious a Republic can victory as when under the leader ship of the noble and patriotic Sinclair and Holloway, Yours for true Repub lican principles. 1 Al AN IN THE UOOR. Oa Sunday last Gor. Holden was par alyzed. On Tuesday he had a second stroke which rendered him unconscious. The sad news was a great- shock to thousands of people in this stale. - The name of Gov. Holden for forty years has been closely connected with the - r . . history of North Carolina. His pow erful pen has made " all re and killed many a public measure, and hundreds of public- men are auve who were shaped by his infiaence. He was shorn of political rights and privileges by this state as a. punishment lor his ef forts to suppress the ku kluxv Mr. II. M. Proud, internal ierenue collector I at Baltimore has received a letter from Commissioner Raum, stat ing that the annual examinations o collectors' offices throughout the Uni ted States for the five years ended June 30, 1S81, shows -that every dollar col lected (rom internal taxes has been ac ccuuted for, the entire amount being 5601',310,787.12, of which ,432,510, 71 was collected in the third district of Maryland, APklsose&'s Joke. The sheriff o Dallas county, Iowa," wears shabby clothes, and is, insignificant in appear ance. He had occasion to take a port J weii-uresaea prisoner to the peni tentiary. The convict; when they came into - the Warden's office, coolly re- marced, "Here a a man lor you," and handed over the sheriff to be 'locked up. The trick was not successful: yet the sherrff had to submit to deleotioa until his identity could be established. wixtfiunuToa. nAmurrs. April 8. SriWTS TuEPKSTWt The market opened firm at S cents per gallon bid and 53 cents aked. Sales reported later of 125 casks at 3 cent, closing steady. . ' Rosier Tie market opened firm at U 92 for Strained and 11 9?) for Good Strained, with sales on private terms, supposed to be at quotations. , Tan. Market firm at tl 75 per bb! of 2S0 lbs. with sales at qaoUtioos. I Cares Tcarisms k Market firm at tt 25 for Hard, $3 0 for Yellow Din ana 3 m per oot lor u and v l (mixed and dry Virgin. Sales at quotations, UOTTO. jiaitct quoted dalLwiia sales of 125 bales on a basis of Hie per lb for MUdliag. The following sarFiai iVa e'lT?t mtAaf tAwe v tVsa P sp Urdinary, 3 15 IS cts ti o Good Ordinary. 10 5-16 M Low Middling 113-16 MiddUc- . in REccirrs. :i tiles. Uicx'is, 1l Ills, iii -I) Ppirlu Turptslbe, Iaia. Tar, ArtH 4. crsjd Cm at tmu rrr r-a, a sx!f rrrti 1 tf 1 . ) c v. 1 at tlit f r:r. Cjd.tllJ c:i: t-1 CTCi at fi ;:.-: ti t'r : t: tls U:ur f -nre. r .. ;i r i r-i:L:i. - t"' 1 " -' :! tt Tab ITarket firm at SI 75: per bbl of 2S0 lbs, with sales at quotations. I Cetjdb TtTEPE-STHTK Market firm at (2 25 for Hard, t3 59 for Yellow Dip ! and 12 SO per bbl for C and Vi (mixed and dry 'Virgin). .Sales at quotations. Cottok Market quoted steady, with sales of 65 bales on a basis of Hie per a for Middling:1 The following were' the official quotations ef the day: Ordinary. 8 15-16 cts ft ft tiood Ordinary, 10 5 16 Low Middling, 11 3-16 Middling, 11 f ( wood Middlinav 12 RECEIPTS. 0itn, 57 bales epirit turpentine, .102 casks 2181 bbls Aosin, Tar, Crude turpentisa. 341 " ' 166 " April 5. Spisits Tuxpestike. The market opened at 60 cents per gallon bid, quiet. On 'Chanre the vnce named we 61 cents; 70 casks wer offered at 62 cents and taken: then 25 casks were sold at 62 cents, followed by a sale of 25 casks at 62 cents, and finally zo do. at 63 cents; closing firm at 3 cents, the sales and resales amounting in the ag gregate to about 200. casks. iiosnv The market was- firm at $192 for Strained, and fl 97 for J Oi LS.l t IP I Ti.a Market firm at SI 75 per bbl of 280 lbs. with sales at quotations. UKUDK TUKPKjrriHE Market nrm at $2 50 for Hard, $3 75 for Yellow Dip and $3 00 per bbl for C and VI (mixed and dry Yirrin). Sales at quotations: UOTT02T. Alarxet quoted steady,witn small sales on a basis of 11 f cents per lb for Middling. The following were the official quotations of the day : OrdinaSr. 8 15-16 . - cU "5 ft Good Ordinary, 10 6-16 " Low Middlinjr. 11 3-16 ' t (I ( l It CI Middling llf Good Middllnsr. 12 M .1 ( uivuEIPTSi Cot too, Spirits Turpentine, 1C8 bales ; 118 casks liosin, T085 bbls 933 bbls l,ar, Uarude Turpentine. - 53 bbls , April 6. Spirits Torpkntink. The mar ket ODened firm at 61 cents per eallon. with sales reported of GO casks at that price. -. . . . Bosur The market was firm at SI m for Strained, and fl 971 fur Good Strained, with sales as offered. Tar Market firm at fl 75 per bbl of 2S0 lbs. with sales at quotations. v Crude Turpehtiitr Market firm at $2 60 for Hard, H 00 for Yellow Dip and f 3 20 per bbl for C and VI mixed and dry Virgin), with sales at quota tions. , CoTTOjr. Market quoted stead y.witb small sales on a basis of life pgr lb for Middling. The following were tpe of ficial quotations of the day: Ordinary, 8 15-16 Good Ordinary' 10 5 16 Low Middling, 113-16 Middling: . HI Good Middlinjr. 12 cts ' $ ft it ti it ti JKCIFX? Cotton, ( Spirits Turpentine Rosin, Tar, Crude Turpentine. 4C6 bales 97 casks J512 bbls 482 bbls 153 bbla April 8. Sriarra TxmP&snxK Market dull and nominal. JLrast tales at 64 cents per eallon. Rosin. Market firm at for ! fetrainea and f I yvi for. Goal Strained. Kales of 1.000 bfcla at quotations. Tak Market firm at $1 75 per bbl of 28a lbs, with sales at that figure. - - CsUCX TUKPENTTNE- Market firm, i with sales at 12 35 for Hard, and $1 00 for Sofu .-. I Cotton. Market doll, with small sales on a basis of 11 e per lb. The rouowinj were ine quotauons . S" i - .. . . . Ordinary, 815-16 cts B lb Good Ordinary, Low Middling Middling, Good Middling. 10 5-16 11816 '12 . tt Anril 8. Tim b as. Market ateadr. Vith sales daring the week at f 12 to 15.2o for a v i e smiDOiirrr. nni stninnincr tnd ATtra siKirw P&-VM to, $80 for WU. Prime, o.w to ior aiui ir, fo to 16 for Common Mill and f i for Inferior to Ordinary. JJ-S HECEirXS. 3otton, Spirits Tnrpentine Rosin, Tar, Crude Turpentine tX bales, 252 casks ssi ibbi! S0 bb( PKOF. MOORKS VALUABLE REUED1ES. ANKOTOCEHEIJT TO UT : i FBIESDS. .' WHAT I HAVE DONE AND All ; IXHSCL SHC CCSTinriTM RMAir ivvk. w.u.irooeewiu sm Uke a trtn BT tin S arSS! a m a a - s . w "'toi iiu Minis t naac e iurtaaprposorrivt Uedirt- Ait wm uxre t or i4e w wni aai mr &t - - '-4 TTdv-taek : AAirtv. rnt, v. ic.ooy, larftgra, iu C lVn Vl( TT Lar Kr-I am wv3 ylaa4 wli yr ra my r-t. 1 aave tm mZ. 7-r rttir nt:at. i r?1 t.l t&e wna of I Vwai i mu vt taxsa. ta- TTi'jt is fru ttf.r ra!f nt t& Us. -ia.t -at.l Sjr V. l A.-M;i5 -rt r c ' u. li, is si rii4 sn'C r .sjmm t3m fmSm. t S:4 viI U a4 Ji raV mm r?ir -tr..4. a i&mstr tms- irxjrrar.jr-rr i f-.iatmc Cure of bad cae of Scrofula on its face. ' W IUtlUGTOir, X. U. t l- P. 1 'L Fkof. W Mookk Dear fc r. I t..ink It a Ualy I owe to yoa antl my fellow cr. tutes who are enffArlnar. to make known the wonderful effeeta your medicines bsive uxion me, nopioc aii-wco are irouoita with humor l a their blood will tire it m tria". I am confident Irora practical xp- , rlrncetbat ir persons will follow the direc tions and. give it a fair trial, that It wUl care anyone tbathaa disease ot like char acter. I suffered with Scrofula for 19 years; the pain it cave faie no mortal man kotows. I was in agony ail of the time. I vsei to think ir 1 dia not use every remedy, end let any pass, that was the very one to ear me. nat at lass wo angel appearea in your ; great medicine, and am most happy to i fetate your remedies hare dona the work for i me. It ia the great blessing, and lam now as free from the disease as I was before I was taaen wiin it. Signed) JOICTC. DAVIS. "Witness ; J.-C. MUlis, J. p. ' J CKAVnr Ooki October 1.x. 1S8I. Trot. Wm. K. Moobk Dear Blr. This is what 1 have to say : I htye been saflerlng witn a very targe wen on tne oacs or say necK. i snnered.cn I now I soil erect tee oain H eave me no mortal man can tell. cor id not even get on my knees to pray : I t ar a vearsM. was in ims eonaiuon : l nad to sit up in my cnsir. aty owners, to whom I belonged, tried, every physician that was around, but found' no rellet Af terwards they conclude! it was Incurable. Heannz of the new Dr. Wm. H. Moore. I thought I would try ones more; I did so. and can; get on my knee now as gooa s ever, n nasgoae enureiy ana x am now well as ever. f i Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy. Witness : roilip Wigxins, Diver riargett. rnor. Wjc. 11. Moo ub Dear sir. Yonr I Iodian Powders is not a rood medicine to sell: one box cures too many people. I purchased a box ot vou. which cured sc and my family of bowel complaint in two day; and great many oi my naignoora bate been cured from the same box to my knowledge. -r ' ; Rev. Z. T. PEABSALIj, s pastor A. M.K Zion Church. WHmlnsrtcn & Wcldoo CD. Cenpxnj, L r " I Oi'Kics Gexkrai, 8urKRlirTKitnRNT, . I Wilmington, H. U. April 2, ISSi. f i iuANQK OF SCHKDULS AN and alter ' Amll 2. 1882. at 6:40 a. m. J Passenger Trains on the WS W. Ball- I road w.u run as iouows: . ... DAY lAIL AND EXPREoS TRAIN Daily-4-Nos. 47 North and 48 South. Tave W'ilmlnctnn. Front Street I uapoi at . . e n Arrive t Weidon L i .1X50 P SC . . . m .j . . . Leate VVtldon . S-87 Pl Arrive at Wilmington,' Front St. m .uepot ., , i m... ia r as FAST THROUGH MAIIi AND PASBXN- G EX TRAINS, Dally NSi 7 North l. y. i . and m South. Leave Wilmicston. Front BLreet ' 1 . -. w ' V J Arrive at Wei don IAM Leave Weklon. :! P U Arrive at WilminsrtonJrrontStreet , lePOt.H..-... wti.OO tTM Train No 43 North' will stop only at Rocky Point, Barjraw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mount jiive, j'aoiey, uousooro, wnson, ttocay uoauv uoneiit ana nt'iuz. :. Train No 10 South will stop On J vat Boekv uouui,; vnsoa, uoMSDoroana jasgnoun Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldo-i for all points North 'itellT. All rail via Richmond, and daily except 8on- uay via Ay xane. V - Train No. 43 runs dafly and makes eloae conaeciton reran potnu norm via xucn- mondaud W ashing ton. All trains ran solid between Wllmlng- ion anu waanington, ana nv I'aiiman x aiace Mcepers auebed. : i juilw r. i;i vise, i f General bop't.. A. I)BE. Gea'l Passenger Agent. march a-tf , . - dUFKlNTCNDXNT,BOXyi3S 1 Wilmington. Columbia & in- gesta R.- R. Coapaoj. WiurrjrcTp3r,ir. C, April 2, 1SS2. CUAKGE 07 BCHIDULX . (VI .4"? AFTER AprU 2, 1882, nt T. x f,rV M-lnr toiiowing l-asseoger ucbednM --'i lvl I''- : -y NIQllT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily) j Kos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave WUmiegton....... ...... .10.15 PM Mave riorence. 3.&OA.M Arnre si u. c. & A. JaDcUon.... B5 A. H Arrive at Colmtaa..-..i..i.. 10 A. 11 Leave Colombia.... .............10.00 P. U Leave C C. &, A. JnncUoB...... 10 SO P.M Leave Florence at............. LS) A. M AmTeatlVUnunfiton........... (VSOAlf Riht Mail and Tasseoser train. Dailv. I Ko 40 West, and Day llail and Pas senger x rain, no 41 ast. Leaf e Wlla!nto... ...IL10 P. M ArrlTeatFlorence.......... X7A.1I Leave Flcrcnca.. in p. m I ArrfTest WUnusjrtoa . 51 fit . .m.i m irnii.iiua, ratr utna. Man on, K lot race, Timmonsvill, 8uur.Ua dsn JaacUoaand Lastover. Paseatrs tor Cbjtimb'.a. and sli Hliis oa U.a U B. H, C. . 4i A. B. IL M.iWa. aen jlKBf-tjtaa. mad mil poiaU beyoad. fVreratt IVllman Sleepers for ffcarlaslitn i ana utt as.iuui snuas 9 ana s7. All trains ran aollil MatM nutMin a& witnuagMMi. . 4UXXN F. PI V INK. . .U. TM4 P"t. THE HW rOSBITUEE SIC2E -iL'Giircnus C i.jcnrc3 8. E. Cor. 2-rt a 3.J Stmts WlLillXCTO:?, c I TZrT7V7ltUKXUm 1 fTCTi r". Liary ad I e tt rr"i a4 iiV,ii ia lie v Mfc --ea 5 sirbxDAb riin y- n r-n -y - WOLFE'S Schiedam. Aromatic QCIINAPPD, rr havio bejcx heouqutto oob L . .. atUaUon that Imitations of oar article are betaf sou la this market, notke Is hereby klTea loail I vYasuef ofaay article, with aera't i e trade aearae aboye eartkd, wil tijtr a reera act ef te (7, r " t: V i 1 o j i. FOR 1 0 02,. Willi iti Exccciirlj Laf-3 E-b. : - - : ' Ecriptica LIST is tls Zzz ADVERTISIIIG tiEDlULI ia i ths czly Republican Pnn:r - PuWisaed in tha Etccsiui TUra , VCcssrcssioml Districts, f It reaches all clams cf the pc;!, - WEITE d COLORED, : It adToctlet EqMLnijfiti'fctrri tit Law mdttth Elliot -i Box of ALL UEII, re- i girdltttcf j, . - i COLOR OR NATIVITY Itilecatica iijalhi I lEBBf.COnnEECiiL Clfl 5 laKcrthCarclU. ; GIVC dF t . . i -i "... . t . - r- mRD :-y-::'' LaRKET REPOIIT0. it iz orrosiD to :y :-:r, y, . t'' y' ": : ; yyyy : nirJCOANDCLIQUCOi RoUrond. a- Political or ICommcrcIcli Aid ripcttittra WirttTtf '. (s-;--'-: ::- y-' . y y ' ' - i .. l: -'- - i- ' - - -: v' '.'t'- '- "j I Focsl ... : ADlCBTUtUG Dili ICO SCJXCSJtTWXrftCSOSLt - ' lf. r . ' t . v " . .t . - i TWO DOLLAKS, . A Ttir la Lirizn, . r J t:l T:rz la f ttf ttzrj i " -y "m -.' ...'.;'.-'-;'-..,!' 'j t I M SUi-'-l l'. t. r. j -'' ..- f ( . ; : i i -i 1 1 f - i t. 1 1 - ... fm m i . K , 4 s V k ......