I. w . .- I. ; TAONGTON POSY - ! Enter U mroswjji.cc rrwwwiy: lou N. C, as Second Class Matter. TESOIVAPVERTISING. i Eigh(8) liaes, Nonpareil type,con; ititute a square. . - - : p;rt rents rer lino for the first in -ettitjia and twenty-five cents per line ." (0i each additional insertion. . : jj adverlisemeats will be chargec et the aboye rates, except on specia l gontracts." '.''.''' Xhe subscription price to The Wil mington Post is $2 00 rper "year; six TBontha $1' 00. i : U; '. ; - -1 All communications on busines must " y addressed to The WiLMlNQTok : rosT, Wilmington, O. : y ; : ; : Rooms Republican Dkt. ComJJ '.Wii'mIxuton-, N. C., Aprir 20, '82. j ,' At a meeting of the Kepublican com' liritlee of the tbird cong essional dis trict of North Carolina, held this day,' jt was ordered that a district conven4 , tinif be held at Elizabethtown, in the ':?. county of Bladen, on the 8th day of June, at' 12 o'clock noon, for the pur-j r7.au!,"nf nriminnfintr- n. mrwlwlatft fnr- congress; L he convention will be held ' under lUe plan ', adopted , by the last Xjvfpublicjji state convention. .; :-r.rrv; O. H. Blocker, Chairman. ' ' EJjJL Deink, Sec'y. I': f ' 1 " , t! J state Convention oi the Kepublican . : ' ! Party of North Carolina. ; - IIoomsJIep. State Ex. Com.; 1 EAJ-srair, N. C, April 18, '82. J a meeting of the State Executive OVrnmiUee . of the Repubican party, ljeiu tins day, ic was unanimously re solved that a state convention be held y int Raleigh;- oa Wednesday, ; the 11th : dyof June, 1882, in accordance with t he plan- of organization of the Kepub- party, for the purpose pt placing in nomination a candidate for congress ht, large, a Judge of the Supreme Court and r the ratification of the .no'nii ip&tionstmade byAthe several dis qt Judges of the Superior Courts, and io consider other matters raateri- Xlfy afrecling the success of our cause -the final overthrow of bourbon Djnij)eracy tn'North Carolina. ' 'Ji.r.;'- j J. J. MotT Cum n ; L. Harms, Sec'y ',' ,Z : .-. ..! J" fcL,KC110JN TRIALS: ' ' e 'Democrats who perpeliated the f. efectionfrauds En. South Carolina are oow Undergoing j trial. The frauds in r SoujLh Carolina were committed in the1 saute manner as those in tbis city and district,1 Oar Mr. , Canaday was counted out in the same way that Mr. Macky was in the Charleston district. - ? Men we're prevented from voting here r wnted i u Ch arl cston ; and those fellows ' who committed the frauds in South r Carolina are now undergoing trial. . 'i Some havo1 already been found guilty, and other will be. And Judge Hugh - ;; L, 4 !njr.dt . 'fis just ; as sore tp siud them, to the .. ' peniten-j tiary as the sun will rise oa Monday ; ' nornng... ' . : ,; . . , The lfepublic-tua hero concluded not " ta iirvjsccute the poor deluded menin this ttity who were used to steal the electipu fwr'Mr, Shackelford, from the liejt that the men who caused the work . o be dom? remained in the back ground. j Siich feiett rastjlill,. Saunders, ' Jacobs; .-( ; Ut'Ue.riVteronly8.ed. '. aa.the in wruaieuLs, aud these most injured by Vy llleir lets ojncluded to allow thefrauB to go uupuniaho j rather than see them v : tto xho euitcntUry. ? But the I trials now going on' at Chirl :stou will be a warning to those ..oung ' gentlemen and to all' others in V.t) ikture;ai.d after-they have been fidly ootifled of the consequences to bi txpected from such infamous conduct; Lfyl'-fai ndt 'itak 4i expect quarters VtiielaV will $ fully' enforced. The 'j ;; lP4eoV District Attorney has the "grit" - j iiBre th law aud thosa whol)eHeve PMise i had better, try himT ' In the f we.we intend to have fair electiona "A;Xrw vote and an honeat count.' ;- , KjtrtBLlCAKa "iw council. U4ttnjt br Member of tko Unal Commltico in Wevhtojrton. . : Tuntuaat to an Invitation extended .. ,kl .llou. Marshall Jewell fctitjj . ,f ; the inembera of . ' prweut in Washinfton, and thoae UcaU Jbe rtachtd by telegraph in ; tit Pooms of th Senate Ooirmlttee on Hon. Marshall Jewell, chair ",frr!eJ,"and Colonel George W. :ikr, oi Vermont,, assistant iecwU . T, ao4 Mesara, John C. JNew of indi VUltan f ; Frye, of Malut; Chaun- t Vdly, of Miourt;Wiltiaoi Yoat, Virtfaa; W, Ulcka, of florid; ltereau.of QeorgU; " J. A. liar K K im,; lul birobach,of Alabama; , 1 Canaday, tof North Carolina; and s4 tof. South Carolina, were tVt The ubjvci of ihe Utei eU Uairfyiua party la iheaottih- ' was fully diacussed, and the vtWr 1 1 ?reued ihemscives tarn- of a i union of the Republi cans i of the southern ' states with such liberal elements , of those states as promise progress in the direc tion of a liberal national sentiment and broader political ieaiTsuch as wiiyn sure a free ballot apd an honest cotUit, and in national affairs antagonize the principles and policy of bourbon Dem ocracy. . u . '. -r' j.; j Honl William P. Jfrye offered the fol lowing resolation, which was unani mously adopted: - j Resotvvi, That there be a meeting of the Kepublican National Committee at Washington the fourth Wedneaday of January, 1S83, to consider and take final action on the report of a commit tee appointed March 5, 1881, to ma ture a report to the national j com mittee a plan for securing to the seve ral congressional districts the ' right to. elect their pwn delegates to the j next national convention, and to trasact any other business that may be brought be fore them. . --f . The meeting was then adjourned sine aie. , : , . :.:.'. - It will be seen ironi the above that the national committee; the very high est authority known to party organiza' tion, is in favor and advises a union o: Repubticats and liberals. We heard the remarks of each and every member concerning this matter, and it was unanimous; all wanted the southern Republicans to unite with the liberal independents' and redeem the states from bourbon rule. 7 j j The National Congressional commit-: tee also, endorse the liberal movement. Hon. Jay A. Hubbell, chairman of the National Republican Congressional' Committee, in a letter to our Mr. Can aday says: - . "I should think it very desirable that some com bination be made, by which the bour i ton rule can be brokeu up." ' ' The President and his Cabinet in dorse an alliance between the Republi cans and i independents oj anti-bour-bons. General Greed C. Raum, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, says he believes it to be the paof wisdom to unite with the liberals of the south. The National Republican, the organ of the present adm.ininistration, endorses the liberal policy, squarely. 'And last, the state committee of the Republican party almost unanimously endorse the 'independent movement.-i-TherefyM , the Independents or anti bourbons i may go on and effect their Sbrganization with the certainty of be- ing treated with a fair, square showing towards liberalizing the parties of the: state. The Republicans will unite with them ins movement to re deem the state from the hands of the corrupt rinjf which now has the helm of Btate. ' -.!- .'; .. BlSUUiP 1AYK. Some ; weeks ago this aged ( minister of the church of Christ was on his way to Florida to attend a conference of the church, and i having a first class ticket he was riding in a first class car. The conductor, a contemptable brute, ordered him into the second class car; the Bishop protested and refused to go, when the ruffianly scoundrel took the Bishop to the car door and kicked him off, and left him in the woods. And this in a country which pretends t be lieve in Christ. , Away with such, in famy A counuythat will allow any citizen to be. so treated is not entitled to a civil government, and the people who will alfoj(ftuc,honductjs sot entitled to .prosperity; Such , conduct -: never could be carried on in North Carolina; it would not be tolerated; such a con ductor v would have swungriOLavlimb long since, and the sooner the people of Florida learn to do right the, better will be their condition, Pkrsosau Col. O. II. Blocker of Cumberland, wasin the city on Thurs day last, in attendance upon the Dis trict Committee.' ;:Li The old war hone of Sampaon, Cal ton Sessoms, was in the ciy last week. Messrs. Joseph Spells of Brunswick county. George W.- Carr of Tender county, Andrew J. Stanford of Duplin county,, and John Iiewell of Bladen county, were in the city, all looking 'well, a few days last week, ' ! ! Sheriff Sutton payed a flying visit; to this iiy on Wednesday last. v ! 7 Col, George T. Waasom of the Golds boro &tart was in the city on Thursday last, taking a rest from hU enditoriai labors.;. -: : - 1 t ''."' : ;' : -The llepablicaa Committee ef Co lumbus connty conalsU of Joha Spauldiog. chairman; A. J. Smith, eec wtarr. Henry McDowell, Detid Suuth era, George? W Dixon, J. U. Srrtngtr, Georce W.paalding. Tho. IL Smith, Francis Crtach and Mr. McCracken. j FwtK TluiCK- This party in North CaxoUi M kJ Beaatot Yacce, Genera! Cvx. Cot A, IX. Wadiiil, and Gen. Seal, These mea axe advocating - ikst will. If ttCCTasfttL tmla the Cape Fear eectka of te State. ad badly Vamage w eajw v Republican Conyention of Dnplln . County. IvENAKSVILLE, N. C t " T A-pnl;22. 1882. Pursuant, tp a fkll, the Republicans of Duplin county met in regular con vention at tins? place to-day. A. jR Middle ton called, the conyention to oc der, and stated the object of the meet iug. A. J. Stanford was made perma nent chairman, and A. R. Middleton recretary. . rj .. . j On motion the following gentlemen were selected as county committee : j A. J. Stanford, chairman, and A. R. Middleton, secretary. ! i; A'. M. McCulloueh Magnolia, N. C, A. H. William3, Xenaosville ', Fielding Hill, Wanaw. ; ii. . . On motion, the' following were ap pointed to represent Dupiiu couiity iu the State and District Conventions : T M. Powers, A. R. Middleton, G. W. Williams, A. J. S:an ford. " 'r - 1 ; Delegates to District Convention : A. J. Stanford, A. R. Middleton, A.. M. McCullougb, H. Williams. ' ; Mr. A. R. Middleton offered the. fol lowing resolutions, which were unani mously adopted : ' i llesolxcd, 1st. That the Delegates to the State Convention be, and they are hereby instructed to vote for the nomi nation of Col. O. II. Djtkerr, of R'tch mond county, for Congiess at Large. ' 2'esolved, 2nd. That the nominatio of Hon. William P. Canaday, of New Hanover county, -as the candidate of the anti-bcurbon Democracy for Con gress for the third district is demanded by every poor man, regardless of color. He has ever . stood by the masses, and1 it is to the "interest of - every working; man of the district ttfhave such a rep resentative to defend their rights in the halls of Congress; Therefore the dele gates to the district convention" from Duplin county are hereby instructed to vpte fjr his nomination for Congress. , Mr. A. V. H orreff being present, was called, and spoke as follows : Fellow Citizens of Duplin bu?ity : a I congratulate you oa the progress; you have made in the irand march of the race of life, and the elevated posi tion to which you; as a people, have attained within the lat fifteen years. Mycolored friends, although your race in this country have been held in slavery for 250 years, you should, and' hope you all do feel proud of your his tory, for no race of people who have, ever lived in this or any, other country have improyed as' - your people have in thia short time. Only a few short 'years; ago you were all chained down in slavey ry; to-day you stand forth elbthed in all theliabiliments, dignity and power of free American citizens, rejoicing, in tho progress aud -prcsperity of cur country and contributing to her nume rical strength, t Many of you have ac quired lauds, thus; adding to the mate rial wealth, grbwpi and prosperity of this country, of jvlnch yotfTorm an im portant factor, j?. There is not a white man in this county who has a christian' soul within him, but rejoices in your welfare and happiness. You can point with pride o your churches and school houses as living and lasting evidences of ycur moral and intellectual, advancement and when I remember that for so long a time your race has been denied these blessings and advantages which your toll and labor educated and enriched my race, I can but say to you as every true-hearted man - in North Carolina should God speed you .on in the up ward and onward march in life. My friends, I suppose jou would like to hear more of politic, especially as we are on the verge of ths most impor tant political campaign ever inaugura ted ia this country. "rrr" ' Heretofore party lines were so tightly drawn that men went ia for party and thought very little of principle ; but to day you find the old hide-bound Dem ocratic party falling in piece, and the better thinking portion of therajakiog refuge In the ranks of the Liberal par ly which totitki frve ballot and a fair count. The day U not fr distant hn the negro-hating. c4traciing. ballot box stuffing, old bourbon Democratic party will; be boried sj deep beneath the righteoas indignation of an ou raged public srnUment that the hand of res nrrtcUoa will cot be able to reach U or bring its filth f carcass again jto the sur- My friends, I tkaak yea fc this man Ueeuitioa tof your coaSdeace, and wi.l be pleased oa some fat u re cccsjlon to address) tou oa the pohtkal itsaeaof the day. I congratulate joj epeclilJT oa the eCWts yar refreseatative a.e sAaklog to secare year lighu to a pro pit wpmeaUUoa !a the ery box as vtH as at the ballot box. ; Co oa! Presa forward! Coatiaae U rge reccgaltka of yoar man hood ! Suivw to be coed, hoetsS, b it, UdaiUioa aad Uullieat cUi zen3. jNever cease, your ettorts until every right and "pnf ilege appertaining to your cilizenship" . as guaranteed by the constitution' are fully and freely en joyed by every citizen of North Caroli na, 'without regard .'to 'T4ce, color, cr previous condition,' i . '. '' I again thaokr you, 'ipay friends- and wish you God's blessings' "' ' ' . i 1)ea.t Post: The jeeommcndalion of R. E. Calder, iq rresident of the Produce Exchange , relative to the Eub- ject of applying tojCeigitss for an ap propriation t for saitabi custom house and postoffice', building is timely, and every Democratic yoter whdcast his ballot for. the nonentity qwho pretends to represent this district iu the House of Representatives, oughtlo hang his head with shame, as maoof them do. Shaekelfoad get an ; appropriation I f I Mr. Calder might have better said in his report: ''let us see to it, that at the next election we send a live man to repre- sent us in the House of Representa tives, one who knows our wants and ha3 the ability to see that ojr tieeds ia the matter of better national buildings are gratified." j ' ; Independent. orr y rfEMs. . The Post, will not be Bent to sub scribers who do not pay their subscrip tion.; -:. 1 . 1. 1 ' ; j ' : - ;The tjteamer Waye has been ' laid up at Fayttteville for the present. ' ' ' : '.f 1 ' "' $ iPcot. E. E. Smith of the GjldsborcT Enterprise, was in the city on yester day, looking wel and happy. , s The Daily Review, heretofore issued as an evening paper, will nlake its first appearance to-day as a morning paper. The sailor with the varioloid, who wassent to the small-pox hospital at Mt. Tirzah a. few weeks g has eatire ly recovered. . . The fruit in Brunswick and Pender counties, as well as in New Hanover, is not belived to have been injured by the recent cold snap. ; f Thirty-three' shaies of s.ock in the Wilmington Gas Company were sold on Tuesday, at auction, and brought $55 and $55 25 per shire, the par valueTtJourt, failing in which he was com mi t- of which is $50. 1 Mr. J. Barnes, who has a truck farm near, this city, shipped three barrels of cauliflowers to New York" last week, a new article of export from this section. They are used for pickling. I, B. Abbott, leA this city between the suns. : Will the "Lodge" tell u$ his whereabout'; . he evidently made the depart through a 1 mistake. We . hope to hear of him soon. i Sheriff Taylor returned from Ral igh Wednesday night last.. We hope our friends inEfunswick will, do their full dutyjaoa give him a grand major ity in the coming electiou. A new and handsome tug, the Ital ian, arrived, here a few days , ago and will be employed in the towjge busi ness on our river. he is the property cf CapUius J. T. and J. ff. Harper. Postmaster Brink say the business in his office has Jncreased ,34 per cent, since the close of the fiscal fear on the but of March, 1SS0. This, arguing' as it does a large increase in the general business of the city, is an important fact. :':.. ; Freights ou the river steamers, run ning between this city aud Fayetteville have been reduced as follows: Tar, from 20 to 12 .cents , per barrc!; rosin, from 20 to 15. cents per barrel; and spirits turpentine from 50 to 4) cents per barrel. Our friend L U. Abbott editor uf the LoJgt vt New Berof, and the Grand Chief of the Iadepeodeot Order of Good Samaritans of North Carolina, was in this city on Tuesday last to pa over to the husband of Disoab' John son. ttOO eadowneat. This Order is very popular, and so is Chief Abb-tr We had the pleasure, a fwdaj g, of mvtiag oar old and v!urd friccJ, Mr. tarn, Thoia, of CniMsikk cona ty ia this city, liking as yuacgas aay ( the boys, iaad driviag the tukit and handsemest Uaa la the suu. We hope he may long coatiaae to draw tie ribbons over ihl splendid tar :- v. -: A petiUoa i beieg tircala'l by the Sditrisleadeal '"-f Pablk . latrctU of this cocaty, Mr. IideU JokiMnt prsyirg Caegm U provide W:u f ciUues fa the edeeaUoa f the smm, la crifr to avert the diijtr Hly u axrvs f3" ItTai3at Ulitei arr mmmn i$?t all class'ea t this asj tWt sutesv as rlsed 1 la Ute U4 cv. Tae'fetlildSM ;af bi euUtd t lS iatsjice Of the Spiaselii t rtUii Itrimaia eJ tie stale. WSW aSSiSSSSSiSlSSSSSSMSSSSWSMSMilsSlSSSJSSBS Those desiring a pleasant and profit ably evening enWta'nment,' should go and hear' Miss Bigbie next Tuesday night at Library Rooms. : About nine miles up the' Cape Fear river, near the place known as Donal Bon, tho body of a drowned man has Iain exposed to the weather and birds of prey for nearly two months past, and no effort has been made to. ascertain anythieg concerning the remains or io provide for their burial. The body is jaid to be on Brunswick county terri- tory. :'; , -' ', ! . I- f- The steamer Elisabeth, for some Urn a past on the line between this city and Smithville, between whieh points she .parried the United States mail, has been sold to Captain-'Nelson oi Charleston, and Captain Bisbee, the owner; baa purchased another, boat about the same size and build as thejPassport, to take her place. The new steamer wilt, ar rive here from Boston shortly. , PsBsbxAL. We tender our sincere 1 thanks to Messrs. Jackson. & Bell for their kindness to u last night in giving us the use of their press io print our paper on, our press having broke down. Messrs. Jackoon & Bell are both cltver gentlemen) and we are under many ob ligations to them for their kindness to us in thia oar hour of need. They do first-class job work in all its branches, and our friends would co .well to see them. Again, we tender them -our sin cere thanks for their kindness, and hope to be able to do them a favor in the near future. , Extensive Robberies. One Robt: Robinson alias Robert Roberts, was ar rested on Wednesday last by officer Strode, on a warrant issued by Justice T. M, Gardner, charged with extensive robberies in liis city. A search wari rant placed in the hands of officer Strode resulted in' bringing to light a large number of articles which i had been stolen at various times from dif ferent people. A preliminary investi gation was had on Thursday morning, when the accused was reqired to enter into four seperate bonds for Lis appear ance at the next term of the Criminal ted to jail. . Died. Duncan Holmes, Esq., one of the very best colored then in this city, died at his residence on Fifth street on Thursday morning last. He was one of those men who never forgoj a friend. He had more energy,, and what is called "grit," in politics, than any man we ever saw. He was one of the leaders of the colored citizens of thi section of the. state, and at one time a very promiaent candidate for sheriff. But he usually worked for his friends, and not for himself. No roan ever lived in this city who had more integrity of i - J .1 a ' - . - casracier; periecuy nones t ana lranc ia all his uudertakiDgs. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss. Peace to his ashes. .;.-' ' City MAircas. At a meeting of the newly elected members of the Board of Managers of the Produce Exchange, held on Tueday,the following stand ing comittees were appointed:. Arbitration David G Worth, A J DeRosaet, Alex ijprunt, Alfred Martin, TELond. , . .V ' i Information and .iisiic Charles U Robinson, Harding Johnson, John T Rankin. :-: .-.::.-- Finance -Robert E Cader, Alfted Marttn. . . " ".. ;' L George W Wiliums, J II Cur lie.,; .''-'. h : r ' ! Mariae Roger Moore, E Pcscbs j, U E Heide. :' Jnpectiot4 A H VanBokkelen, B O Worth, James Farie, jr. Cottcii Clastificatioe-A IT Greene, E Lilly. R W Hicks. K Naval Stores QioUtioas Henry O iliQact-o, Jhu 1 Woody, Davii G Worts. p ' :. : ...; ' ' Cation QiataUoiM Vt!!iaa Calder, John II Daoic!, S R BirJUey- Membership Wan Keoss, Bijer Moore, II O McQ-seea. The cataaittee oa membership ,ere nqacsted to intite the proprielors cl t be local a v mtiU, cotton milk, i ice mills sad hfbacco factories to leccme members af the EtchsBje, as it tt the iteUo t the sbs.sgtrs to iclnile ia the Mcrvtary's dtie the daily prs paxtioa of fmtt stuaeica ia these branehee .of trade, ia Jfee he that ach iafUmaUea aasy add maUrlaSy to the aeswfit of the Eaeaange and la lie ftrosperity of the martct. : i The aasal asscsraseat Sat ech astsa bf el tie Xxthxrge srsa ceatitssei at A diicfx ef gwaapa Isi y viMet r eWre wm tssd at 14 esiadisusm rt s fLal assacal Im swisa ajrcd aygo. laeaflal mmMkimm n&rm& ' a4 &re IsjsaraaW weev cmtUed. i : 1 1 - ! LOCAL SnOCTS. I Reading at Library Rooms Tuesday night. i . I Go and hear Miss Bigbie on Tues day, night next at Library rooms, i : Four persons were immersed at the First Baptist Church on Pnnday. night last.: ;;- -- I'f J:-ru:jfi::ly:il, ' Revi John N. Andrews preached two excellent sermons in this city on Sun day last. . - . . .. Mr: fe. S. Nash, formerly of this city, but now of New York, was here on a visit dnrins the past week. HonJ R. C. Badger, of Raleigh is not expected to live many days longer. His friends have given up all hope, y -Rev, T. VV. Brown, formerly of this city, but now of-Brooklyn, New York, preached at iSt. JameV Church on Sun day morning last, and at St. Paul's ia the evening. 1 Our friend Thos. E. Gilman, Esq., had his baru and corn all' destroyed by fire on Saturday night last. . Some think it was the wort of an incendiary. We tender our friend our sympathy. ' Col. R. .B. Bridgers and Capt. John F. Divine are reported to be in Chicago, 111., on official business, looking after the purchase I of sleeping cars for the Atlantic Cjast Line. ; 1 Two aged ladies ol this city were "pounded" on ! Monday night last, the articles, : of which ' there were ' quite a quantity; were left t& Mrs J. F. Di vine' residence f r distribution. - 1 j A brilliant aurora bereaiis, or north ern light was visible Sunday night and attracted; a good deal of attention. Those who sawit$ay it was a. grand sight. It lasted from 10:30 in the eVen iag until 3 o'clock in the morning; The Lodged of Good Samaritans of thia city . had a general p trade on the 10th of April. Col. George L. Mabson delivered the addresses. The' Lodges are very prosperous8, and are increasing very fast. The address of Col. Mabson is highly ' spoken of by all who Heard it He is an orator of the very high Cat order, and we baye o doubt but what he done jhimself credit. Messrs. J. , A. Willaro T- C. James, A. H. Greene and H. G. Smallbonea, were elected "as delegates to the Fpit copal Convention, on Monday night, to represent Su John's Episcopal Church. Alternates Messrs. M. P Taylor, T. W. Meares, J. Alexander, and W.J. Gordon, j At the same time Mr. J. A. Willard .was elected Senior Warden, and Mr. J. L. Holmes Junior Warden. I A new turnpike is being opened from the , Wrightsville road to Greenville sound, branching off near the Martin place, about four and three-quarter miles 1 below the city. The new pike will be about two miles in lengtb. A number of workmen ake . engaged in pushing the wort through to an early completion.' Tho, road will be a great convenience to the numerous Wilming ton tana who hare summer residences at that delightful resort. I Miss Bigbie is here, and she comes highly recommended by ex-Gov. Smith of VirgioU, and other 'distinguished southerners. She is- stopping at Mrs. Dr. Dixon'ji, on Font street, and will give her reading Toesdsy night, at the room! 0f the Literary Association, on Market street. . She i represented by tboe who have heard her as a very fine reader and we hope she will have a fud house She is certainly entitled to iC ' ' ! . . -;:;.; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HTATE Or HOKTH CAKOLtXA, . u KW jiamovkm tm.m,) SUFEIUOR ooubt. Clir toplir Haasst aad Panc&a Holms, ; ,11. ' j-"- ! iart j ' rrmac Morris. DtswlaaL ' IT sppHsfto bbt saUttMUos ttkst rrssw d Morrta. lt DelvsMtsati n tk 4o sctloa.Ua Ba-rwl4emt of laisMat. kss property l ibis . n aum dtlLsBCw l SaB4 la UU mi, ftt4 itl rM of mum mxun la tovxr e4 um nlmUH (-mlat Ui lStn daay,ta pr POe of the hUm fctii to rosowr BfUmm. bastdrod detlsra 4s mmt tmr brar of co. lrat on Ihm pturt ol LbawUd rjSn4s snia tbMie Haiatlir. Sr im bcI mt 14 UiWilntm ta -y iTT hi hi bW.UW.hTla MMUM4MtM la MU4 partiM Uk ta flMimue mhl t c siJtra nam of rk a4 rtfilflM tmm Mar tra Fly. so kv ta WwiM MB toe tt pto4 ml 13 ssi trvm IM asaeof ml atfct,wicmstnMtaaM m m put etiMtlMXua- cmmii tm ifckt WUn; (so wM htm lis niniimif ! Hular m4 Rttwl ta town mt tsm lm I Ut m swratia tk4.nsaus? to mmm mm mmmtmy imimx tumm.at pouioc Use asm ia rfira4 la too raajg av. TaM ar. aatwioia. to atiry im m4 rwiHi SiOTT to mm mmm tiiwi a4 Mm . uta mt imm aayrtor Lmm mt 3w Ummmmr aty.to mm m4 mt l0n HMWta ttSMaftMM taota Ummmr aAa t tS MwiSmr Im Jtr, lti mm4 to u etMapaaiau vw statospaa ta mmammtm cwa of tmm taaa Omrum t If wast win to rwmfrmt msmtm, mimm lwafjM to lk ttmt mt m-tmwK. . . .. . . . Vina &t$uKtmtm tii(tot FOR GALE, A fmu U wr a Gaau. Vaaa ael tUrmtm.mmBtZmUL. TW Oaf i mm mtmmmfr aw trtJ w4ca mtmtmse ivn mm otes to r,trt.isse wiM rtlf to ;i "; - j;; j ; ' VVJmtttt'&&qm7 - . ' m nemts trtl. ka m4 t4 i. Midland North Ctrbliia Railway. , Attantle and Norta Carolina Division. ' Time aTable, nd; 13. oFSFSmJZfiS!? Trat.. rnn STATIONS. 5 s 3 AM. GOLDiBORO. 00 8 12 5 SIX e ool 18 PM. PM. nan. Ia Oranraw. SO w ft 50 ili 4 40 4 IS 8 54 845 825 3 SO 5 Set 8 08 805 6 31 00 5 45 5 SO, 5 10 4i 8 81 T21) 7 8 Of wover OpreCrefc. Tusearorawu, 4 401 8 ISt 804 8 IS 413 sat 8 S3 ciarKS's . NEW BEUNfi. RiTerdaie . 19 8 45 9 SOI 9 19 8 15J 50 9 80 9 60 uoataaM. Woodbrldfa,,... 8 8M .68 IM 10 21 10 10 SO WlldwooSH a 05 1 St I 17 1 10 18 59 12 41 10 45 10 57 io sm noil j wood Maeoa Hotal 10 45 in 1 10 UOS uool MOKEHJCAU Depot.; 12 49 Train. 48 cenneets with Wllmtnrton Weldon trala boond South at 8:44 and (t p. to, and bound North for Richmond. Bal timore, Philadelphia and New York, at 9:os p. m. Train 47 eonneets with Wilmington & Weldon trala Irom the North, arrlvlnc at Ooldsbora,4:01 aum. . Train 3 eoaneeu with North Carolina trUn arrtvlna; at Goldeboro 745 a. m. Jr ' and 4 ran batween New Berne and uoldsboro only. : . - v Chief Eoclneer and General Maaagcr. 8TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, I NEW HANOVSK COUNtV. . SUPERIOR OOURT.-SPRINa TERM. A. a. Rleaad and Oaden D. Kins;, " : ':'': vs. ' I Henry 8. Sweat and wile Rosa Sa-eat. rpHIS Is an action for the reooTary ol real A property In the city of Wllnil acton, now In poeaesajoa of the Defendant, Rosa' ior wao parposeor escladlng the Defendants from any lien or Interest there-" In. 'And li apperln(c from the affidavit cf the Plaintiffs that thJ D4Xendanenry 5. Sweat, is a non-resident of this Htate. and cannot, after doe dlllKence.be found la thia State: Now theiefore, thia la to notify said PiIdf,ntto appearance at the vy uwuB m rr iimmf von on tne iJtn Monday alter the 1st Monday in March, PiS? 1,1 tnU oaosa, on tbe3thdav ofArrM. 1S82, or Judgment will b. rendered noooi sl ing to the complaint, i a "wAalRINUErcierk Superior Court , yiwvw xewuaaoveruouniy. : BOOTS AND. SHOES. J AM PREPARED TO MAKE AND RE- pair Boots and Shoes in" the very bat workman-like manner; Work guarantetd. JAMS I W. TAYLOR. : Second between Prineeaa and CheatoutBts. aplltt-ly. ; . - d. a. smith: THoicuaAFr. FURNITURE! -yyE auk oryERiNa rre nvu- galna to purcbasera of ' ' ' Piiriiitiare J& Bedding ! OOF. RtTaftlr amhMaaa all IL. a. Ieading;y7e omaVandtfadtim Ded-XlQoin Built, P ARLOR SUM'S, TABLES, LOUNOESJ, OffAI US, BED STE A V8, BUREAUS, HvASUSTA NO . WAUDEOBE3, DEiKS. .' SPRINQ BED3. MATrRKdiE CRADLE5. UAbV CARSIAQE4. 4CL, AC. had aa eaperUnee oir.Mr la L?. r.UrmUorT-b,lB" "l1 see la WIN amiagtoawaad kaow waara to hmy mm wmmi teer andgtTvoarCastaaaer U mmamMl otlmm Ixwnt frtcee aualaa4. 5i,, aas jssi at Mo 41 N. Kroat KUart, ... . a. auirra m t - apt Mas The raraita rm Dealers. pABH lOX A BLS 8 A I I MMI !U A WD atuvlnc Halooo. Jfqi. i JforU froat sitra. Best Workaaaa esgptoye rWi at ei. GlrwasacalL. " apl.y REAL ESTATE .-a i.- -t J Gr N O Y. FATKiTEVILLB. .Y. C. WILL BUf ASO SELL HEAL CS TATE; -')::,-. XsTtUa Loae Aaywaert U NorU CaWi. OSU& tt Il TAYtOS. Xei, O. II. OLpCttER.' auftsast. - Homo Undo Candr, rttx asd truoLioiic AJ3 m m sua f4y as 4 . ) eninlmoaa?r in taTOf at

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