11 c ft XV- 1,1.1' I I I ' : It v. x ' ' 1 V V VOLUMK XV. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. APRIL 30. 1SS2. Sisgis C:;; inr I - Entered at the rdstqffice at 'Wilming ton. N. CI as Second Class Midler. ' 6 - f - . JXAT3 OP ADVERTISING. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type,con- i stilutc a square, .r l"1 Fifty cents, per line for the first in sertion a-nd twentj-fivo cents per line for each additional insertion. , Alldrcrliaemenis will be charged ct. the. above rates, except on special aontracts. . . The subscription price to The Wii MiNGT.oN Post is $2 00 per year: six months $1.00. i ;'- ; I All communications on busincs must be addressed to The Wilmington, Tost, Wilmington, ,N. U. WlIiMINGTON POST r j HON. WAX. J5f CUANDLKH. ; This gentleman has gone to woik as ' Secretary cf the Navy as though be ' bad been trained an old salt He wears bh honorsw perfectly easy, and gives . geheral salisfaction. lie is decidtdfy the man for the Cabinet. vj .would Lave been been glad to have epoc bim holding a' more important position than the Navy, but are delighted that he .: even ha3 that. The; southern . psople a consider bim their representative in JV' llie" presidential co'iocil, and desire tuat he at all times be beard as such. l-OUTII ,CA ICOLlHa. JT flAUDS ; ; The Democratic defendants in the U. fcj. Courts, before Judge Bond at tiharles- ton, are' submitting td the charge of chealiog and defrauding the Republi- , can -.candidates and counting Jn. the t Democrats lor tCotca. What will I now become of the long winded, fyjjig 1 elitorials of the Democratic papers, I jCliargiiigbat no frauds had been com ;? mitted. : If you want a first-class liar ; just gtt 1 old of a Democratic editor, iney can uo more or u to. tae square Inch than Any other claas Ot people in . the,' known world. , la 1870 they swore - there -were no kuklux in North Caro 4 lina, bjit Judge Bond proved to them . that they bad been lying. ' .They have been swearing that no fraud-had teen committed on the balloCboxes in South Curoliua, but it only took Judge Bond foiir days to convince the public thai again these ram'e editors had been ly ing, and vbat cut of toe mouths of these ; defendants' themselves. : Bond joins Mahon iitajing we roucl Uava " ttce vole and atalr count." Mahone 'Bayi so frcm tbe btamp, And Bjnd sayl ao from the benchi The Democratic paperi call Bond all aorla of pet names; Jeffreys, tcoflndrel.tyrant, fool, but if Bond Is all thesa th'n, for God sake jjive us more Judges of ,tbe same kind. Wej hope Mr. Arthur will studf the character of Mr. Bond, and make all of hii appointments to the judiciary of the same clasa of men. The only way to ke.'p up thi Republican government ' is to guarantee a free vote and an hon . est count. : ' ' " "i : ' . . i: ; - ' Wasiiikoton, P. Git Apiii 2G, 'S?, Dear Tost : It is customary in the Republican party to always give j good and; & itbfol irpresentative a second term. In . the north it is uniTersally the case, and la the south it has teen very genera'ly cbsemd. Mr.Orlatilo Uubbs the present member froax the 2d di$ trict of North Carolina, ho pae eaa say has not been- at his post of duty since the urst'day of the session, and no man "has ever called on him from 'North Carolina to setTe him but what be has ti'.fcifu ly done so, if iihin his power. He has gotten m&re substantial ap poiittneutt for his cocUtuents than all the UepubiicanlrepmentatiTCB put to gtjihtr hince the war from North Caro lin Ueaton, Thomas, Brogden and Ujaian ye.9, he hss gotten four liaes as niapy as thtm all put together. Ilia i votk hss been in the intcuat of all : cla?ses lof Republicans, re gardleav of f'to. lie has. worked for ycurg col Vfcden from all part of hU district, jeatrom alfparU of the atale, and as loii as. he continues as true, honest," and energetic aa he has In the past, it j ths duly ef lh Republicans frcm North Carolina to have him in Wash lnon. .' . : ' ' " i: (lulls is net ft great man ; he dou'i pitlend to bp, tut be is an honest sad fuhful atau and can do mere good , hi the pcop! than aoy other man from ! the Sad -district. The ; writer of this iu never rtcehed any fators at the bands ot Mr. .Uubbs not tcirg n cGce-hoMer, but simply a Rcpuhllcia, ' and one who desires that the Republi cans ot the 24 diitrict should he rros ' peroos, and knowlr; that they cannot Unless thei hate; iar4 wcrh'cr it tha capital, writes this IttUr fJ ft atlitt cf Justice to Ur. Halts, anl fr tte ia f rmattoa'cf the people of the SJ O'.i ; U!c If th d :!r;ct should rcls t cUcsn U i HI -.'i trait u tla'rccpisa i 'i'htfi- lit. II;,ll In "welled hi: J, FMm Washington' lij nth, of 3Sississiipi, Seated ! ! M:ifttcy'anl Kisbie to le Sealed ;.- ' t - -i- Next Week; I -.' j .; : .1 -:, ; ' Special risratt-h to the Fob. Washington, Dl C, April 2D. Mr. Lynch, of Mississippi, vaa eealcd to day, in place of Chalmers who obtained the election by frarrd, bulldozing, and rascality. The dktrict is fourteen thou sand iiepublican 1 majority,' ; yet .Chal mers held Ihe scat for fourteen months. Macliey and Bisbic vill bo seated next week. - C '. 4 i4 T'uPreeidcnt and Sccretarlos Chan- llfaii;riymcoIr!, returned tofllic city tins morninsr. ' . ' Judge Settle arrived Lcic t -da-, ' ' Cooper; who was cohHroied a few days ngq, will qualify next week. Mr. Elijah Green, an old gentleman living oa uove Creek, aiiU eged 83 -years, aiid the fiiher-jn-law ofi Sheriif McBndfc, of Watauga, las'. Friday mor niog we fat to a blacksmith shop near his house, where he seized a hammer and dealt himself several blows ou the head, ipflicUug ghastly wound, and exposing his stulJ."lle:theu took out bis .ktiti and tbruat it into Li throat, maku.g a wouud two and a half icches long atd about two ioches deep, -lie bat ialjen to bis kneta when ilbuiid, and wh clingiuc to the anvil, welter ing ju h a twri gore. )r. Koy I'muips Was ff it lor, and. auer cresamg the woumN, recovf'iy thinks there is a possibility of It is thought that Mr. Green was Ui- iif at; tue time ot coiamutiLcr the dtr hiniHi l( thought , as be said he did is: to rid i' hU r nemie!1, and it is not that bo has &n enemy in the world. Lenoir Topic. . .n . . i ; tins offu .t'oiivict. . Ki .' Wednesday mdrnjcg about 10 o'clock, Nat I J it and Kufus Holesclnw, colored, members f a gangbf convicts employ ed at lh Cooke brick yard mi Walnut Creek, urar the North Carolina Rail road hridse, Boulh of the city, at lemoted llo raako their! escHDe.-. When called oq to halt,.llo!rlsc!avY stopped. but h ill ran at bis I best speed. A guard, whose name iJahuson,;1 fired on uim i shot, the! and - killed bim at tho first ball pasainc entirely tbrcugh bis body just under tho left bhoiilder biaue, ana proo-Diy striking the heart, lie dicd'as oon m ho was bit. Hill was a negro aged 27 year, and was from New Hanover cou'ity. , 11 is -jntfr.cdyaa,farixJ,4earpiiia. crime being' brceny. ..ILe was placed tn the f eniteiitiary in, February JaU It was earned jtsterday by-- the aulhcrities that 11 ill had told' seme of the other convicts that he bad made up.bJs miad to escape! aud that if ho wss overt iken outside the walU he would either get away cr be killed. News. and C'bsarver, A Vartr iu Tlx. If 55. II. Vnuoe. M. W. Ransom, T. J. Jarvi?,! R. B. Vance, and a lew oth ers that We might name, of the Demo cratic party in this State, should happen to "shufh oif this'mortal coil,1' tho -party would certainly be in a bad fix as they appear to be tho "chief head men mid nwnors of the nartv nnd its officers. by general consent, endorsed by most of ot their newspapers. How long, these "professionals" will be allowed to "kola the fprt," $8 in the fnturo; but it it quite certain that jtherwill continue till they aro choked off: or Providentially re movedand it is stated that a Demo crat neveri resigns, and -will die when only he must. This ria a bad showing for yourg men who hope to "eomo to tho front,'? and patient waiting, will only defer an opportunity, which in vitcs'them elsewhere in a party of pro gress and Rigorous growth. Bisliop J, W. Hood preaclied his fate- well sermon in tho : colored Methodist church, in this place, laat Sabbath, pre- Tiously to his. ueparturo lor ucorgia, Vhero be will pursuo ministerial duties. BUhop llood taues wua mm mo iesi wishes and esteem cf the people of this State, white and colored. , He is a gen- - lA.mini ; r.frt f n 1 11 f .11. su rpassed.ln real for his race and their niritual and material wlfarcCaud emi nently suited to the advacecuientf tho coiorcu pcopie. ? . - . Tho Naticnsi Republican f av The mart who has forrottcn tho joy of his adolescent oul when ho was promoted from petticoats to ants, can have no adeqaato concepUoa of tho hilarity p( the snue uemocrary m s ewuuia up a Uw giins iu township cleclioas. There is more toul-fclt cxultatiou in its blat ant jubilation than was ever cs pressed la the cacklm of a pullet over her first oyicular acuufvcra1- Ijirsesi tow la Ih World. ProbablY tho hfjest cow ia Hit world the end of the b toUe btrttotk, 13 145 fmm thft noie to tlf? raJ t,l the ta.l, f aros i..e ttr ia four states i;i.r.ou, is-aa.sH u:ctly the Utter, wr'.t fir.-x-J, ani a f Dc: V..;l CXUl---'f t .rr a -:- is ownea iy warwu o. cj.tp, vti TiUo. Ylnte connty, Illinois, fche is 7 years old, and wt 'jhs 3,C00 pottals WJ banda L!-h. l0 1-i feci loss from feet I inches arcund luc gsua, juicc krouvid th Iirc-a:inv ad Ut ice OIX X I TEMS. ":The Tost will not be sent to sub- Bsribers who do not pay their subscrip tions. UX1CJS. : I .The Township Executive Committees of the several townships of Brunswick .nilnf V-vill nrvnniAl Jn1.ir.tiia tn miui I at Town CreekJ-Thees' storeon Sat qrdayv20th day ot May, at 12 m., to appoint two delegates and two altern ates, to, represent Brunswick county in the CODgresbionsf Convention at Eliza bethtcwo, Bladen county, on the 8 h day of June, 1882. E. W. Tayloe, vuairman liepuoiicau ii,x. vom. c Brunswick county. --'- bde advertisement of Mr, B. H. J. i Ahrens which appears in ' this issue in rezard to Ice. A considerable quantity ot spoilt usa were condemned and sent out of the market Friday. - ' Interments- duriog the wetk. Oak- dale 0; Bellevue none; Catholic Ceme tery nonr; Pine Forest 2. The Cape Fear Fire Engine and the water works ha-J a bout Friday evening in the trial of a new hose. . Market hours on and after May 1st, and to October 1st, will be from day break to 10 o'clock closing at 10. - Deaths Dceino thb Wee k. Wm N Price, 7 years, cordiac dropsy; infant of Charles and Rose Howe, still born. ' v The Greek' brig Elias, from Boston," is now lving in our waters, i It is said that she is the" first Greek craft that ever came to this port. . : . Hon. Jesse Harper, of Illinois,' and CoLv J. LV Winston, of this Slate, are advertised to address our citizens next Tuesday night at tho old market house site.. ; : uiucer jucan, oi the ponce force, captured a couple of young lads in the avt ui iuuuio u uaie oi ccnon in irons of Mr. J. B. Huggins' store on Market street, on Friday rijght last.' poa'i let it Jjtg keep the ball aov- ing..,iiUIIUl lUat 1'ulDt UaSWell Bail. J road When Wilson, and Favetteville I and Florence fl ip thoir wings togetl.er, I some other heets will be feathered then. " water woeks. we see mat' me extra pipes are being laid for the Water works and from the Superintendent we earn that the new hydrants to be put down will -be pushed to rapid com pie tion. . Charles king, colored, sentenced to confinement for two years in the house of correction, for larceny, made his, es cape Saturday night last, and is still at tat large. Superintendent Savage offers a reward of f 10 for his captured Judge O. P. Mearcs haa issued his proclamation convening the Criminal Court of this county ia special session Monday, May 20lb, 1SS2. This is done because the Superior Court lor this county regularly convenes .on the first Monday iu June. -luv Mr. J. H. Alford, of Kainlbxk sec- tiou, in Pender countrt tu missed from his home about the first of March, and has not been heard of since. He is an seed ge nlleman pi about sixty years, and it is feared he is drowned, or has been foully dealt with. ... i i The fallowing mkmsge licenses were Issued during the week: Jacob J. Macks to Miss Aialine Qrsenwald; W. J. Reaves to Mias Mary E, Shepard; H. D. Young to Miss .Emma Wifebt; D. J Pine to MUs Laara Jane William- son: Martin Thomas to Miss Christian Everett; Rbt. MorrL7 to Miss j!I Hawkins. ' OoKcg li cme. We hear It rumored that our esteemed fellow-citixea, Mr. Leopold Brenhildwill leave for Ger many la a faw cays, 'on lutult to is finlly and friends. It is expected that be will be away all the summer, and that he will travel txtessinlY A pteosant Toysj, Lipoid, la the Superior Court of New Ycik a FiUay It Mrs, Ytrtsa U. Chx? maa was awarded ft vtr-Ict fcr f 21,n 7.U siat Ut riaix aUaaall QncS Tims AS3 Atxtturr. Tie Liakcf tbat city, he2 Che taisteili-iI-r.rixr.; ca iir Inl raa Ri hsals aid stxk that tie tiak cc-1 eatcl darlr. the war, ca the tarsal liitse was fiiiTsI'yU tis sczthtra. cxza ' ' . . - - - - . 1 1 . 1 The hog cholera , Li dealing powerful hayoc in Onslow county. Win. Swinson, a seaman on board the Revenue Cutter Colfax, fell down uu.iKu.yiuy auu vruu ma arm just a9ve Uo wnat. ' Dr. Irwia attended him, and had him rcmoveil to tho bos- IltaJ. ! " I 4 4Laj a mas3y, child ! Ycull have to go to somebody older. ?a I am ! Bat they say it's a fact that on lio morning of die 17th inet, Mr. A. Ilr aning1, aged 84," and Mrs. Martha Wflficn, asred 77. wer ev joined iu the holy tonds. May . j they livcUong and prosper, and sweet with a gal or a boy 1 " ; , . - Reduction - of Ibsubakce. We have been informed that the Board of Underwriters. will reduce their premi ums on fire risks in this city. A com mittee has been appointed to look after the matter and report at the next meet ing oi the Board. ' There will be no re duction oa the west side of the river. HOSOE TO WHOM fio50E 13 DUE.- We notice from the Tarboro Southerner that in the Superior Court, for Edge combe county, recently held, there was not a single case of larceny on the dock et.; Surely this speaks well for the col ored citizens, when we reflect that Edge combe has the largest colored ppala tion of any connty in the state. An adjourned meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington Market Co. was held at the ball of the Company Friday evening,, when C. H; Robinson. H. A. Burr, S. P. Callum, L. Vollers, and Alfred Martin were elected a board of directors. .The Board will meet en Tuesday afternoon next at the hall of the company ivrthe election of officers. Bishop Northrop and Rev. 'F. Gross hare been on a visitation durirg the past week to some of the outline mis sions of th church, which hava hppn but reoentlv establisbwl-1 At N-irirm Grove, Sampson couMv, the bishop confirmed 2 christians 3 at a mis sion in Daplin aud 5 in Pender county. 'Go ye unto all the ends of the earth." Tuenpikb 'tj Masosdobo.-At a mMttnir t.'u.h . h.M . fo- T ,V f W- Hannvcr nn FndaV nihl il irv the friends of the Masonboro Turnpike at which time estimates of cost and time to complete the road were made, and the matter of material for harden ing the road was taken unto considera tion. The meeting thenvadjourned to meet next week. -' - Fire at Rocky Poimt. --Messrs. Westbrooks & Bros., at Rocky Point, lost on Tuesday night last by fire, ft barn containing l ,000 bushels ef pea nutst on which there was $2,400 insu rance, in the Imperial and Northern Insurance Company, represented in this city by aita-is. Atkinson A Manning. We could not learn how the fire origi nated. - We learn that Uiberi Ribioson, a colored lad about 177ears old, living on Messrs. Fowl-r AKieth'a plantation about four or five atiles below the city, accidentally shot , himsjlf jmt above the knee, on yesterday ) morniog. He was carelessly handling :a pistol, when it went off with the above result. The wound is quite a paJufal use. though not considered dangerouv , , The annual meeting Pf the stock holders oi the Cardinal Central Rail road Company was held la lb la titf oa Thursday, April 27th. The followiog gentlemen were eleiled as directors fot theensalog year: M. P.Leac,D. W. Oats, a M. Stedman, J. L. Minaia, W. W. Chamberlain J. a Winder, J. M. Rohi&soB, B. & Tucker J. S, Vrhedbee, and R. a Hoffaas. Coh J. U. Rob- inaoa -was aaanlaooiy elected pret i dent. - A hexrls2 as had la the U. S. Court at New Rerne, oc Wednesday, ia tae case of-the echoooer American Eigle aai the sleaa tc CUothe, crtbU pert, aad the Raker W rtckitg Compaay ol NorfUlx, Va- agalart. tae Norweslxa hark Galdhrirsa for cuias ef aalrte. The Acerkaa D;'e ciaiaiiB- tie RUathe tlC3. aad ihe Raker Co. f j .CCO. The mautr was rttOTtii ta Csnsixstx Tt J. nacittea ta uke trclricsjr tad rtport te the ccert. Lea lUt Yc:k ta uU ftt, Bi' tie Ulrtt t:!? tit txs Tr. saaie, aia Lirti.swi.i: C.Use lxa tltt U Ir!:r iaC3L:-rs. iie i-iUcsca ttZZ' L ..-; - wt3 v L-Jt- - i-i t;tc. ..::::it V Betty asd tiie Baby." The all- ab3orblrg topic of "Betty and the Ba by" is beantifully delineated in .very pretty rhyme and music, and possesses an especial attraction for those whose sympathies are enlisted. The words are by Geo. Cooper ; music by J. K. Sweney.' Mailed on rerelpt of price, 85 cents. Leff& Walker, 1113 Chest nut street, Philadelphia. :''mM, ; ' Ob, th aad and weary nrlef that no sleep can bring-relief, ' f - For ia dreams the tallant soldier's thonehta irlll atrar. . . To the aad and ebrleu home, where he - never more may roam,. ? And to Betay and the Baby for away." " Meecy T, Teusdy. The scbiJSSer Mercy P. Irundy, commanded by Capt Crosby, went ashore off Frying Pan Shoala on Monday last, f She was load ed with iron for the Carolina Central Railroad, and was bound from Phila delphia for this port. The crew of the st hooLer were rescued - by Life Savins Station No. 25, on Bald Head. From tho last reports received, it was stated Uiat the schooner 'had broken in two about midship, and' that the cargo, as well as the vessel, .would prove a total OS?. ; Although young at tho v business, Capt. Dunbar Davis proves himself to be the right man - in ; the right place. This is the second crew he has saved in the last two weeks, and compliments are showered upon him from all around. Well, Dan I thou good and faithful servant. May you yet be ruler over . V.Miy gg away from home to gat good work done ? Encourage our own talent and seo what we can do. As an evi dence of wbat can be done in this way, ust give Capt, Jim - McGowan a call, and cxamiue what our own Wilming ton boys can do in the way of mcehan- sa. One cf the handsomest and most sensibly gotten-op dry ice boxes we hare ever seen, was made tor him by our worth younz operatives C II. Kline and Billy King. Encourage home industry, and keep our little chink turning round In our own coffers. 'Henry .Neill and C. French were using loud, boisterous and vulgar lan guage in the Parcel! House alley, Mayor- Smith happened to be standing near by aiidJWbf ard Jhom ,n' Jut xha. cCaer Woebao to arrest them. On the approach of the officer they broke and ran, when a lively chase en sued up the alley, and as far as Cur no's stables where the fugitives sought to secret themselves, but they were 1 m ' 1 . t . T. t 1 ' 31 orougut 10 uay, wnen xrenca piacioiy yielded, but Neilfhad to be much per suaded before .he could be induced to to peep through the ban. Etizi Jones was charged before Jus tice Gardner with obtaining goods from MesVra. Fowler & Kieth under-false pretenses. The case was originally in stituted before Justice Harriss, but was for some cause removed to J ustlce Gard ner' court, and from the position of the parties excited considerable inter est. Mr. E. H. Kinjr appeared for the prosecution, and John D. Bellamy, jr., for the defease. ' The offense charged is perhaps one of the most dlQcult to establish in law authorities, aacieat and modern, beiag very conflicting. The rase was - earnestly and ably argued, and the JasUce reserred his decision until the following morning at 10 o'clock, when he decided In favor of the prosecution, and held defendant over to coart. 'it Uasomc Peoceess. A tewMaaon ic Lodge, called "Silver 6qaare,', has just beeu crgttized at Clinton; W. CL, by our diaupgukhed cillxen, and North Carol in a' most gifted orator, Col. Geo. L. Maboa, Deputy Grand Master fur the state. The selection of the iUlow irg oCcers bespeak a brijat future for the Lodge: . ' . W If Thomas Parker. 3 W John Baaticg. J W Shade Branca. SScrctary ChrUtophtr Taylor. ,Ty!er Lawrence Thorcpsoa. Chapliia P T Joata. s D Abraa Graham. J D Thomas HilL . - 8 S il J Saspeoa. J S Shade Cocaor. , JcaoES DAV3r.-The oisj is a Rti f the jarars tor the U. S. dis trict Ocatt, thkh ecaveses la tli city iha Cni Hs&Iiy cf Hay, 1,M: XI iu DeOa5 J O 7zzet, HI i!cCVe Alex Jlrua, HI Hirrrl, J It Liua, II liHa, A A Uirt:J U C Etaaa, JjOi Aalinca, R tr Psla-, J II Jtars, Oils Heaves 7 J i n h rciy. a zi:u rr.J II Hiit?t J dii i::.r. Jii t;r:-A CU U ! H H r:l irir ricut:!, j ut.:i ISTEEE3TJK3 AND IilPOSIXO CeEE- MOC1E4- The Temple of Israel, ia this city, wis the scena oa last Yi'edsK-ay afternccn of an interesting and isipos- lrg certmonv. Ibe occasion being the marriage, according to the Hebrew ritual-ci Mr. Jacob I. Macks, a yourj aud prominent lawyer of this city and Miss Adaline Green wald, a daughter of Mr. N. Greenwald, an old and re spected j citizen. At the hcur which had been previously fixed upon, the beantifui little edifice of the Hebrew congregation, which had heen. tasteful- y decorated, for the occasion, was filled by a lare and fashionable' assembly. The dce swelling tones of the organ gave notice that the bitdal party was about to&rriye, and ii a short time af ter it ' bejan the bridal party filed up the spacious isle. First came the ush ers, then! .the groomsmen and. brides maids, a4d then the biidesnd groom, all being most elegantly attired. The ushers,- groorxsmen and bridesmaids filed to ithe right ; and left of the pnlpit, bringing the bride and groom directly ia front and beneath a taste- ally arranged floral bell, which was sus pended from the ceiling, xhe mar riage ceremony was lhen perlormed in an i impressive manner by Rev. Dr. Mcndelsolln, who took the occasion to deliver ah eltient, though brief ad dress on the marriage state After the ceremony he' bridal party filed out of the building, followed by the large con gregation. I ;;.- v:; ijK. I-, Ihis interesting ceremony Was fol owed by an elegant reception and ban quet at Getmania Hall, where the bri dal party and invited guests of the newly married pair, numbering about one! bandied and fifty, set down to a table fairly groaning under the weight of delicacies, while .in a few! moments the popping-of champagne corks min gled with the entrancing strains of the mnsic furnished by. the harpers, made a diapsen, tie memory of whose refrain will not soon cease to tinkle in the minds of all those present. , i At about 11 o'clock the bridal couple, followed by the congratulations and best wishes of their numerous friends, took the north bound train, while the remainder of the company remained to smauness ot ithe hours reminuea inem that it was4 time to depart, Well, best wishes, Jacob, may the succeeding years add to your happinew, subtract from !y oar troubles, divide your cares and multiply your joys. f ACCiDEST. Last Tuesday afternoon, about half-past 3 o'clock, ft scaffolding erected around Mr. Beck's residence, oa the'corBer of Sixth and Red Cross streets, for the purpose of repairing the roof and chimnjty, suddenly gave way, throwing the wot k men tqjhe ground, severely injuring them. Mr. Tolar, ia trying to savelbimself, fell on the limbs of a tree which somewhat broke his fall, but scarred him very badly; Mr. John Bradley fell from ihe scaffold head first, and was kttivusly Injured; in fact, Dr. A.! D. McDonald, who was immediately cilled, expressed it as his oplaion that Mr. Bradley had sostala- ed some internal Injury of a. very seri ous nature. At the time the scaffold broken a colored bey who eras carrying mortar to ft raasca at work oa the roof, was on a taddcf leaaiag galast It, was oaipjared. Tile scaffold was about CO feet high. TV were placet ia ft car riage aad e t jed to their respective bin , wb r ihyy coatd be examined acu receive proper attecttoa. A meeting ef the members f the WOmisctoa bar was held this morning at 11 o'clock ia the Court Haare. Hca. O. P. Mean was called to the chair aad Mr. John D.BcUxmy, Jr was rcnt ed to act as sccrlttiiT. Mr. W. B. MjcKey was callc J epea t explain the elject ef the ccctlrr, whkh he said to W ta the repose cf favoring a Bar AwoctaUoa. I pea xse- tioa a ceamlUee ef three, ecoiiirx ef W. B. McKey, f . IL Darby. aalT.W. Stria re was irpbiattd ta c.tA ft cca stI:st;oa asd ly-lf, aaS t ltia a3 tie sigs'aterte ef 5 tie : ' jsiembew'- f tie larteaatrmrcat ta umlleA- eJailea, asd U ttpcrt ta aa 'fticrsrJ 2wejU5 '.to I-e htli mil ZiZzsZjtf tvr israt.l.t!fli at tie Cctrt llrtfa. f Oa ms&ia, it tsectls j a" gsrsri. Tuszl Tus&i Vusaz ! .TTla wvsll Lars tiscjlt ill a nrt 111 1 cslja swt.:sr: ttfvz Ct i Htve It, j'sitsxra!! a!;r ty il t t::z it cf rsrJt' axl C-rrt?: -jrJtz. Ultra t tie crriiU tf lit rx-! JUztl tke 111 3 t!y d.:it':'Ta e;t r;i U;lr?. It I rtUc:: 'I ialurrj, ,x-.l Ifr.aCJ wis a r,;:t l':Z, ft a w;: ;:if;'s t, j Tharls to;:r y f.:.i" ,r If redely t3 c:r r.::l r::;- : ti ctdil V.J lk:;r, C. . 1 II I rallies, for cc!i zzn la ti'j I Haw weald rrcuZcrt R. P. P.r: ! i we da succeed ia c'-ltlr-j lis r r: . railrcai frcm CI!zt;a toPcriiC : Hcucr ta when hcrcr ii t! NE7 ADVrr.TI" I would rwpactfnUy uotTy lv f" and pubUe r"rallT tvit I 1 , , rail aorply of Caoic :c.ap 1 t r j f . pre?ared to fill ordera to t.i r m s luiroada and lUvera, at low 1 1 . t 1 pope to aecare a re?urs-' i' . ' . . troop -a. lkJ.l.Ai. apruJdt . ' , - rteprktor I-w i. j ... ; FOL1 C.LC, A pair of venr Cae Caal;,T7rr t r Harness, complete. The Goats are ric. : -broke. Will work slasle or docile, per cons who wish to parch ate will arpiy to WILBUR FEXWY CNADAY, On Oran between 5th and eth strettr, April 23 tf : r PR0SPECTU3 or - At Homo and Abrci'J, Tea ito cec:::d t:;.2, CccscisTTith April, 1832! The TttoarfdM nt 1 TTawb wn Aa-.m tot lti aeoood year, have never been br er. Itraoeesa has beea more mvkci" la rif "" Fnoa or us initial year, tba that of aaysoothera entwrprlM of !r.fb.lira5'.tr lta Prc are always t wel with the hit-heat toned and rnre.t Kura. tore: lta m&nun n tiirth. nut . .. f d nTwr S?ePt mlaoeliaaeooa, tr ev a trtbatiooa. OoaUaae yoar ktad rtror -e aad enoooratemant, Bd yoa wtU r a rsaxet oavioc aai4 yeor name to the aabaarlsUoB lui at at I ,-t AitdAbsoad. eena your aabscrlptloni early, fcn'bra earaewyearseula. XJoral com mUuoaa to general aad local aaeata everywhere. Price, 22X0 a yeu: zizzU t5;y TZo Addreaar - Editors T At Hons ao Aaitoas, Chartotta, st.O OOOTO AfJD CIIOHD. T AM rrtEPAREp TO UAKB AND Et. . pair BooU and Shoes ta the very briS .; workman-like manner. Work rartraBtMir. JAMS) W. TAYL03, Second between rrlneess aad Chsstaat I'M epi iaiy. ? runniruriE WE AHIC OKr&RIXO BtRS nuu gaina to purchasers or " Furnituro & Bedding ! OarfUoek rmhraim ill U tlcl mint' leading style of Mae aad alliaaa .. Dcd-Hoom Onlft, PARLOR SUn?, TABLES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, BCD STXADU, BUREAUS, A7ASHSTAKD3, WARDROBES, DEilCd, . SPRING BED3. XUTr&EJE?, CRADLES, BAbY CARRIAGE'S, We have had a pmrU ef n rar I the raralutre halM rtcUt here HV. atavwMjMM aaow vare a Nr aad wa-s to bur. aad ei oar VnttrT s k... l of io lwt vmm uiai . u ti, i feet SUort. WUaaastoa,K.C j- ... 1. A. irrm 4 ' tNMe Tbereraaar twa.mu pAJSmoSAxXSB AIR ""vts Salooa, Se, a ZsrJ lYeat timt. pest Cftisca eapteyfi. Itves as ataal Circes a caU. arlsMy.1' CI2AE. COTATC A e- e n o . Ayxlr'a la .tli C 1 - J. r?-.-a nriTv?'- t V,:t7( tc::;:C":: C. f r f "- ' 0 -w . . , t:.a;u. t tsl bv h elirittrr he in oUtU-h- r 14 r ' tTC :s I'..dt.t a t r t .:i . hl niw bi n i;.:t:::5 ttit w;tl f - , . . . v.. -it: f r tlu'lt : r r a .4 A. ... al j ...... . - r.!.-r t it is as v:. - tit. I -':..:? r - t . .... A ft v 9 Tislcr-r ? :Ttt!::, r; Is eta i , ' w 5 a ' - r