N. VOLUME XV.. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINASUNDAY. MAY 7. 18S2. Single Copies 5 Cents J NUMBER 19. vvi r.iVinsrGhTOisr post " "Entered al the Podoffice aL-JMming-t'ouk. CV Second Class Matter, Urates of advertising. Eight (Splines, Nonpareiltype,con. ;titu a square. ; Fifty cents per line tor the first iri jertintr'ind twenty-five cents per line (or each additional insertion. " All1 advertisements will baicharged ct the above rates; except oil special contracts. ' . ' j- ' - " The Subscription price to The Wil mixgtn Tost is $2 00 per year; six months fl 00., - ! .- ' All communications pn busines must )d addressed- to The Wilmington l'osr,; Wilmington, $.CJ Ci.ixtox. N. C Iaj 1st, 1882. , Thera will be' a convention of the republican, party of Sampton county on the 20lh day of May next, at 12 oVock lm.j at Qlirfton, . N. C., fr the purpose of electing delegates to repre sent .Sampson in the next state and cougrefflional conventions. The vari ous townships will hold township meet ings and send delegates to said county couvenjt'ron. Each township is entitle td Uirceefegates in the convention.s . i ;altox SEgsoMs Ch'mu. W Kos'NiMLE.-Nq., May 1, 1882. C - There .1 will be' a conventidn of the Republicans of Columbus county, at rWhiteville, N. C, on the 27th day of jMay, 18S2, at 12 o'clock m., for the pur : pose of electing delegates to the Btate and congressional Republican cdriven . uioua. ITae townships are hereby noti .. fied tohold township meetings and ee ' ject delegates to . tin county conven tion. Each township is entitled - to thrse delegates. I would recommend -.tuat the townships bold 'their meetings ;.! oa MaytheOth, and organize town ship committees according to tbe state v 'plan of organization JOHX W. fcl'AULMNO, Chm'A-County Ex. (Joan l'hcre!will ba a Jlepublican County convention hefd atEJixabethtown .pn i54iQrJ.iy the 27th day c-f May, 1882, - M the pirposa-of appointing ''delegates' . to 'represent Bladea county, in a state. i onvention, which ' will be held at R illelglr on the 14'.b day 1 of June, and to ppoi nt del eg&te i. io. repri ant saui ,jtt il nr w itM K m.iiitirr'niiiiii u n ni e Cjuvention, to be held at Elizibeth '.torfntyi the 8th diy of June, 1832, and to (mnsact other important businesj, - : The ditfercat Township Executive C'oiuailttoei will please take notice.and .' hold their conventions for the appoint . meat of delegates to 'said county con v reunion. "Each Township will be al-. i.i. i:.i" ... . ki- i iowu mree votes ur- mei couniy cuu i tiyjtion- I would recommend that the ' Township hold their meetings to se 1 led delegates ta cbunty convention -OU tho IJOttt of May. ; ; Kvasher gtsoLETARY Chairman , p County Ex Committee ! , pi OTIC;. : .' - - . Tu0 Towushipf Executive Committees tt the scvejal towDshipf of Brunswick cuunty will- appoint delegates lo meet at Town Creek Thees storc--on Satr ltdy, 20th day ot May, at 12 m., to ap'pjutnt two delegates'and two altern- "iteSTto represent Brunswick county in the Ojogressdonal Convention at Eliza ' bctbtown, lUaden county, oo the Sth Uy ot June, 1S82. 11 W. Tavlor, Cha rman KepubluiAa ' Ex. Coxa. 6f s;liritnswick county. . ; Coll I. J. Young has just returned ; ta Uiieigh rom Washington, D. C. . ,1V. A. W. Shaffer has been on quie n extended trip to Washington . and Kew York, on business so he informed ou cur respondent. The liberal convention, called by Col. Wai. Johnson anThis acti-prchibition wmtnltteei bids fair to be tt largest titier t IUleigh. , r-y CbJ. t Thomas IX Keob, and a dele ttion from Ureeosbro.'N. C,, ha bea ht Wahiotoo for some ten days, look . Ml after political matter. t The Untf ccmmisaion bitf was Toted 3- stvm' 1- . i. s- iv- prnenuUwa al Wasntrtt09. and aim! A w - i.-j.t..'- V Major lllncbam's ichool baidioct, at UbaTlllN oa the North Carolina rtUraaJ. w Antrord bv fir on Mon J UC Loss about' 2000Q, Usn'j - i;ce about tio.000. ' I i :- . Wt Kkt theihof t nexV MaJ Ntwklanmr cennta thei7th Jd lrtt iha look orthl. g Ihtre wUl . f.. M (ow-. CerWret. llareat, WWDtmtcraUccatddat looa mbittAsd ieuUee t JJtlTtfice tobeteU t Ure not tesri frcm. I v T slate PtmocraUc commlUee, at A iWt W the Sit '.lWrt wj tiIr niWUa on Tttrsdsv last, racied paru as In the atxrtla, list U UI FUantary rttolaUons cpnctraiag .tialmaaCtke. We supple U was oa taccttat of the rascalities he had per : JttftU 1 urea fc balkt box la UiX CAROLINA ACiKICUlVi'UfJAij FAIR Our-4gricuJtura friends cf Wadeauoro halve elected Prof. N. r. llrllee Sec- retkry of the Association. A better se- lection could not have been)! kiade. and wecongrauilaJ,:e our colored:1; friends on the good judgment displayed in their s.- i - selection, es well as the gfcb J fortune of eecuriug ProL'liarIlet;'d (services 13 thejstate. May he cbutitiualto prosper is our wish.. , I ' . ' -i ' FKOIIIBIT-O; SETTLE liv The Wilmington Slar seems to be the liveliest paper, if we mayudge from the maniicFit o.ui ski"i from one side to other, that we have in the st-a'c It guiditditorially, on 'Saturdnj: -."The people cf North Carolnia- ha.d a faijr and open fight on the prohibition question Tus! yvar. At the election then held jthere was no other issue presented. The rots polled was a larga one, and prohibiuju was defeated by over one hundred and sixteen thousand majority.. If 'this dees-not make it a dead issue in Nortm Carolina w are unable to. Com- prenenu me meaning aa-r uecc oi aj ngdeteat." the isfcie tf a'had tho follbwiri'': '. special Star TeJcrjun.,) , TOWN KLECTlON. i 1 LAiiRixr.uno, May 1 . At the Ijjctioa, be'd Uie re to-day. the white ticket was electee by an overwhelming niajority. Probiliitioii was carried bv 1 jur Majority-' -" . v--f .-. ;" r', . Thei e was no electita hi Lccpo ham tf "day, the. regis! raU;:i books be-, itfg los .. ". ; . Lis oI.NTUir, Jlay 1. Th ieSFtioa herg to day .-went J?mgcratio and dry by k h; irdapiiie majUrity. ' i DEXIOC tATlO-VldTOKlES IIVEUY WITjEUE. j Ral May 1. llcturns fr6:n the munici jal elections held to-day hi va rious ci inland towns in the state h(5w victor'us f;r tbe regular IX mocratic tickets. : '. . "i. : The jpemocraU cani U this ci'.y,, the Indepei dents receiving but a very tmaji Vote. s ' , : !' ' : - I-" ' ' ' " .In its Uiue of the odr, tL,e ti.w has in its st kte items thaL'Hlu t kclion at Shoe Heel last Monday, rt&iilitd in a victory for . tbe;.hibitidnisU.uir;il ' U election cf the following bear Jo! Mayor -li. V. Mcllae. town officers:' Com- missionets W; J.-Currk', Juhn Lhich Enoch Hum?, J. F. Dislup." 1 r From khe above it will be .sk ii that the ASnBays editorially that prohibi tion is Vdead," settled Xorevcr'riot'iviLb- jajjiaid iu'jt the fact th at, iJL pub ! iabred"3. far; days.pre1 igus special telegraras 'jiovv iug.that he prohibitioniat t')oi ati tage of t! e quiet jiuuiscij il elections to captvire several towns in the statd otl the local pp'.ion law. Now, if this great question is settled, why d( es it -continue 4n poliiici? If you a-' tend a conven tion the i r6TiibitionH'.H "capture the of ficers of the meetingfiiiid make all the npminatic n; atid we j are if lialily in formed, a id the action cf the prtuubi: tionists pqove our inforiKatiun to be en tirely true, that the prohU'ilioitiMA ia tend this j year, if possible, to capture a mBjoritjf of the legislature and pass a- probibitidn bill outrightj without ; sub mittiVg .Strto the people, and if i hey fail in that they prep ro "to go on qui etly ,-.-,cap;uiiug cities-, towns, vjUages, townships! snd'eojinties o;i the local Option law, and 1 fiaallyjhave the wi jile 8Ue We wiarn the ami prolaldlitnuts everywhere1 to be oMhecekout, and see to il-tit no more victories l e "won by-thtT piohibitioaiits' without making the queatilon a tquare issiu. If a imapri: ty of the pre pie liiati cast tteir votes, last vca'n, for tte froblbaion . bill wje tnousU naive uequicea iu ine ujaucx without a murmur. oV sa , with thje . . . . . n ' prohibitiqn'uts, they continue to fight, and they ieem to have an .organ'xition, and to bi at work undir 6ae general leadership, for the purple cf off rri ding thelmaiority in North Carolica, by meansjof chicanery atid sharp j-rac- lilce. Ihitxr should bs better posted on this niiittcr, or i xsul Hud itrif ii th prohibition rnols without fcnowiog It, Tcry-SHn, l The Demvcratic press have at list a commoa : object to yh aol at-Col. JiiU Johnson U the n ark. Tfccy will find by the time tie tlectfcn is oyer tla; ths people; will prwiect him from 0am- are tT tu e cwitr tun iVy a: rl firlnrc.tr in hudirtcuoa. il the C-mj- nel did not annum to anjthiag they I wduld not waa ims (aUiss abcut lhe Columbus Ri cb kaa ccticty - 1 MBTrmlod com- cu the -Jh tf Maythe IVUdeo coaveatia on tl ot Mar .cWootyJoa th ?Tih I of 'Mar; Trader coaatr oni- the t7ta'X' wport far duty sala Msday ra;c& aad will tna,xt the' -'. f tie jjv oaa and free, aroaal' lU c.a a I txcioa tht Uf do4 lt iW. CoXFIRilATlO OP THOMAS K. ; y- COOPER. This gentleman was nominated some three months ago for the Collectorship Lbf the 6th district,but Messrs. Bansom and Vance -immediately commenced a fight on bis confirmation, ! and they made all ports Cf threats.; Finally the Senate come to a vote, and Mr. Cooper was defeated, but the vote was at once i - -1 - -reconsidered and then allowed to lay ver for two weeks, when another vote was taken, and it was found that he was almost unanimously confirmed, oar. otva Senators re 1 using to . rote This, action looks a little strange, and the only way to account for tbe action of our Senators' is, in our opinion, due to popular j clamor that was , going up demanding bis confirmation It is well known that they .fought him because be was chairmaa of .he ati-prohibition-ist3 of the statev . ' ? il --P .,:.':: Who is it ia the Republican party that has great influence at Washington, that contrbls several federal appoint ments that does not want the Republi cans and liberal Democrats to unite and who obtains from certain federal office holders gratuities or a percentage of their salaries! ia payment for his influ ence? Who Can answer? There are men in (h3feublican party to whom this charge will apply .Raleigh Chronicle. - The above is a very serious charge, in fact too much so to be mada unless Mr. Doweli has the evidence to sub stantiate it. And if he has such,proof . he, as a public journalist, should pub lish the names of the parties. We would not hastate a moment, and we call upon the editor of the Chronicle to name the parties or stale that he can not do so it is dae to all that the name should be made, known. Mr. Dowell Bays "there are men in the Republican party to w.hom this charge will ap ply" Th;s means, if it meansjany thing, that the. editor ;ojlbe Chronicle knows it td be so Therefore we demand, as a Republican, the names Of tlje persons 1 UUUi r; Dowtll makes this charge i- Vf : aaicst . KooMa Rei. ;Ex: committee. New Iaxovek. County, WlLMliSGTON, N. C, "May Gth, 18S2. of the Executive Com- At a meeting uiittee ' of this t county. on the above date, the follow ng was passed by reso- lutious: ' : A County Convention is hereby cal led to meet at the Court House, in the city of Wilmingtou, on Saturday, the 27 th day of Jay. at 10 o'clock a. m , to make the following nominations : Register of Deed, Treasurer, Coroner, Surveyor, and two -Members of the Uouse of Representatives, also to elect four (4) delegates and four (4) alter nates, to each of the following conven- tioils : ,,'; ' . The State Convention, the Congres sional Convention, the Judicial Con- veutiou, the benatoriat Convention. The chairman of the precinct com- millets of each township and ward, are hereby directed to call meetings in their r irtwtirA trtn'imViin ftriil wards. to elect three deletss and three alternates to ; i - k, ..- . JAy 25th, 1SS2. The EepubUcaa voters of rue townthipa,)at their re spective voting ' places at 12 o'clock mi. The Republican voters of each elec- tisa jirciact of the city, will meet at 8 oV.ock p. m., Mjlj 25tb, 18S2,and elect three delegates and three alternates. The polls will be closed' at 10- o'clock Upper DivUioa 1st Ward will meet at the Bucket Company House. Lower Division 1st Ward at Joshua Afjares Store. - . ' - Second Ward at Court House. Third Ward at Giblem Hsll. Fourth Ward at Ann Street Eogine Hjuse. -.'-'!- -"' -:; " Filth Wrd at 5;U Ward Bucket Company House. ly order of the Republican Execu tive Committee. S. It. MAXSisiJ, Ch'm. 1 (eo.L. Maksox, Secretary. Nones To the Republicans ol SaiithvUte Towchip ; There will be a meeting held at the Cuxt House ia SauthTile. on the ISta day of May. ;t n eclocs Aln : lor toe parpose oi I e'ettieg delegates to county contearl Ujb, which wul b heldatTwirnCmk,! Tcom's store on Saturday the 20th day of May, at 12 o'clock It; ISSi Cf order of the Township Gotaautu e G6rg Swala, Chairmaa, Robert Jordan, Frank U. Jordan, 5ct ury. i MhiBic gr t the reaUtsce of Mr, U. P. Terta! ta do a Job of work, htrg hia hat sad coal oa the racket the entrance. Lady of the aorae hoc rtir strack at sack lasolcnce, rtotam a pair toegs ad by thtir akt icsaovta the odkas garments and deposits titesa la the yard. K; The haads hare m eca la the ii;chaf twisty-are jxanrr. i.T.L't. : oitx items:-,; The Post will not be sent to sub scribers, who do not pay their subscrip tions. ; - m ' ' ' " ' Those persons who subscribed to the Post, through me, and have not paid up their subscription, will please do so at once. t C. H. Moobb, I : Greensboro; N. C. V The Chief of Fire Department -ire-ports only one fire during the inon th of April. ..'-..- .;-"' ,' The state conference of congregation alists met in this City J Friday mornirg, at 9 o'clock. , JX- V -" v "4filany ot our'grbcery stores hate con cluded to "close up" at 7 o'clock p m. every night, except Saturdays, from May 1st, to September 1st, 1882. ' It makes our hearts feel glad to hear the good reports from our farmer's of crop prospects "plough deep while sluggards sleep." Mr. J. A. Willard, for many years a merchant of this City, will remoye with hi family to the city of Baltimore in the month of July! Wilmington loses, and Baltimore gains. "'4 : ' . . One of our subscribers wrote us ' a postal card, asking to have his address changed from Shoe Heel toLumberton, on which he forgot to sign his name. If ha will fucaish us his name, we will make the change. ' . ; 'Fire alarms Thursday afternoon' was caused by the burning of the , roof of the residence of Alfred Johnson on Fourth, between Church and Castle streets. The fire was soon put out by the Water-works, and but little dam age sustained. j The Supreme Court of this state has decided in the case of the state vs l4vaAman " 4 mm TT An rv a ratn v 1 1 o tltof. o .. . ,. , ' police oflicer has authority to: arrest without warrant, persoLS who 'violate law and are guilty of disorderly acts, such as drunkenness, &c., and confine them in the calaboose or jail until they can be carried beore a mayor or magis trate. ' 1 - - 4 We learn that Mr. T. H. Hale, a clerk in Mr. J. K. Mul ford's store, at Elizabeth, had the misfortune to break his leg just below theknee, (while practicing on a pair of roller skates last Thursday.' Dr. J. S. Robinson dressed the limb, and when the Bladen left Mr- Hales was as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances ' . ' ' ' ; Mayor Smith has received a notifi cation of a suit to be brought against the city and surroundings, for the re covery of property estimated at the as tounding amount of f 100,000,b00. The claim is claimed to be over one hundred yeri old, and is evidently made by somo crank, though really and truly written by parties from ; one of the western states. I ti.. urs...j t..: :--!- . r: AUW wu? r " P18, ?0 piete success; The Arion Society U composed of the following' gentlemen ; . J. Thorp, musicial director ; N. Mayer and W. TUIey, First Tenors, R. C Myers and -- D. B. Mitchell, Second Tenors; J. M. Chadbourn and G. P. Welsh; First Bas ses ; R. H. Grant and F. M. Fremont, Second Basses. We hear that the Society proposes to present to our peo ple a aeries of entertainments, and we I bope they will.be patronized. The good old Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., No. 1, proposes soon to pay a tiait to Charleton, S. CL We politely lift, our chapaaa to the rl- metto buufb and bespeak for then a galorioos time. Maay'of the Howard boys have friends and relatives ia Char lea ton, and won't they have good 614 time ? "and don't yoo : forget it If they'll just let as keov the exact day, ia time, we'll tone oar wp to sereaade these away with the jlj old song of, '04 foe Charleatoa trly ia I the moraing, off for jiiirleatoa re de broke ob day," ' , - - TE laK FiaXB. Two fir a arsas were soaaded oa Tnesday. 11m ftm I io1 o dock p. sa. was cansed byih baralag of two (rasas baUdiage on 7th I oer wtea uaaea u uancu, one om- ea ay ur, aua xerry, ana ins oucr y Mr, Jas. EIUs. EUm saved ataf his faraitare. Mr Terry lose! was eorervdl by ia- saraaoa, bat we itareal U ieara thai Mi EUa had aa laearaaca at alU The second aleneysooat 10 a'efaek p. i caasedby Ihabandagei Es- Markhal G-W.Prke's mUeace oa the soouwmcoraa af CtaaadAaa. Up per scary eatlrey detryd and great 1 aa the taraUare. and j lower txx and the 1 U the yards aadgxrdea. rankl I iaearaace em the) aaaeat aad fankare. faratare The city bell will be rung every af ternoon at 7 o'clock, during the sum- krner months. '- r . . , I G. W. Blaney, colored, convicted an TjiursdajTof robbing the mail was sen tenced to twe years imprisonment in the penitentiary at Albany, New York. '. ' go on a play- '. "C 1TD dt v Ynn fari ground at alscbool recess and 11 a boy 'a character by the way he plays marbles, I just aa easy as yon can pick out a buck from roe a ahad. W hen you see a boy put irf his faulty marbles in the ring I put his foot oyer the taw mark, lean! J way over and fudge, I wouldn't trust ! that hoj with one cefit pencil. As with the school boy, lso with many business men. If you make a bargan with a man to do something, of mutu al concern, to be done ia the , future, and at the proper time, you make the ring put in your stakes, and ,jtoe the taw mark, and you discover that he don't stand straight up.' He wants to reach over the mark, and seems dis posed to fudge, you'd better sing out "no back bonance I" with that fellow, and don't you play with him any mor, even for the "knucks." DisteJessikg Shootixg Affaie ox Feiday Night. James McFarland 'called at the office of John C, Mil lis. Justice of the Peace, on yesterday and made the following statement on oath: Mc arland was going to church on Friday night with Malvma Stewart, while on their way one Glasgo Wil liams met them in the street and com menced a row, but finally Williams left and the parties proceeded on to church. After they had been there some time Williams come , to the church : and borrowed ' a pistol from a man and said ' to McFarland, I am ready for you, and followed that up by firing at McFarland, who, seeing that he would be shot, threw up his arm and the ball entered that instead of his head, as it was intended. Williams then followed woman, Malvina Stewart, to her home,, and as she was stepping en the piazza, he fired at her. The warrant for Williams's arrest is in the hands of deputy sheriff Strodes. Flsii and sort CEAB3. On Friday evening last a party of our citizens, consisting of Messrs. W. P. Oldham, W. A. Cumming, p Cumming, J. D. Taylor, E. G, Barker, H. vMcL. Green, Captains Breakwater and Robinson, and Commadore Wilkes Morris, went arounu to me United fctate court room ana mere, ny lorce oi their numbers, overpowea uon. w. b,U'fi. Robinson, u. . pistrict Attorney and .his assis- tant, Mr. V lilu Baclev. and conveved them to the sounds When they reached Stokely's they all, including the pris oners alighted, and the ringleader the Capt. of this kanjr. Col. W. P.'Oldham. walked up to Stokely, the keeper ot the establishment, and ordered fish and soft crabs to be served ati once. At 8 o'clock p. m., sujfper was announced and all join in saying i ms one of the very best that was ever served at the sound. Our reporter was a temperance man, and whenever any one called out anti-prohibition he turned his back, therefore we cannot tell of the number i..r--i. :..: . 8CUWU"" capturea uurmg ineeven- ine BU" wnen J returnea irom me noijw ihey made they convincea me public that Commodore Morris had commanded the squadron satisfactorily after Colonel Oldham fell. New palace cabs rvn Tn atlas- tic coast use. Col R. R. Brtdeer j d Captain John F. Divine; preaideni acd general superintendent of W. C & A. railroad hare just returned from a Jboaioesa trip to New York and Cbtca co. aud we learn from Captain Divine that while they were in Chicago, Illj Utey made a contrcl with the i ullman palace car company to construct for the Atlantic coast line sixteen new sleep - i-tot cats, of the ery bet quality, to be 1 delivered in the fail in time for the win- r travel tooti. Tbee cars will ran from New York tia Rkhmosd, Wil - oa4 Charleatoa to I Captain Ditlae belieTee the lie wiU ioecpeoe ipwmnjii.nwwi. eaxa, by the way of Peoaacola, and If I proper coaeecUoas can be made, the I mm tart will ran ttea farther Bona ihaa Gotten. Thts ts a tery great and i laapoetaat aterptt. xa tsfw j wiU be ceeidrah: to pat the Use is tt clam otder, bat the tea panic are dHrnaiaed to ntxxs their raaeecrets ccMBtoruhle, and at the time tirna give ahta the whola Saa I rPt.- L- it- e7xlrpd It wSl take Tea saore than alxtcea new ears. Oa" pecte are eery tartaaale ta Lavlf j sealerytidxg raloadsaca as 'tte ahovw la charge; ol this Can. If the fazs are a3 carde4 oat, of ahlch wa kara there I ger tnrel saslh aaxs nixux thaawa asr kaJ la th ml I kara had la the fasL gThe Visiting odd Fellows will be ex carted 1 to the Sound next Tuesday, and! regaled at CadL Manninir'n. - f tl o : : -a .- Bae j AssociATioar.--The Lawyer'a of this City met yesterday at 4 o'clock p. m at the Court Mouse and organi zed the Wilmington Bar Association, and adjourned until Saturday next, at 6 'cloc1 P m., to elect permanent of- cera We join in the general sentiment of praise to our New Judge, of the Dist Court4 J ndge A.: S. Seymour, Mr. W. and S. O'B. Robinson, avoiding fattery, and wishing to be dutiful and correct. We say the Gorernment i haaj jnade Ter excelant appointments in these selections. :.'':.'.' J'4 "- .- .:-'-.-.-.- The little Steamer Lisbon jbesidea bringing down a heavy cargo , last Thursday, cleared Friday evening load ed to' her utmost with Groceries &c, and had' two flats ia .tow; pretty well loaded also. This speaks well for the case of opening up that . section of Sampson to the Wilmington trade.' ' Eh rich & Co., of New York, have received an order from 'a lady of this city Who forgot to sign her name to the letter. It is necessary for her to send her name and address before she can ob tain the goods. I We insert this under the impression that if the lady is a reader of the Post it may be of service to her. ' . - We ari gratified to state that an ad dition of 187 subscribers Is made to our list for this issue. That's business! Come along, our good friends, for we assure jou we are of the people, i and with the massec; and "sink or swim'' we'll be found ever maintaining you rights at all times,' under all circum stances, and fearless of consequences. iWe; regret to learn that ; Mr. Deems Pugb, an excellent young gentleman, who, is in the employment ot Messrs. AltaiTer, Price & Co., at their. sash and blind - factory, was very painfully in- jujed on Wednesday-last. His right hand was caught in the machinery and the fore finger split open its entire length. We.wih him a speedy recoT The frame and materials for building a new Catholic church at Freeman's turnout, in Brunswick. county, is now loaded upon the cars and will be for warded to its destination on T Monday morninc. lhe structure u firteetcd to be completed by the firit week! in June, when the little church will be dedicated. We expect an excursion5 of quitB a crowd from this city, on that 1 occasion.' I I We are sorry to note that MrTT. EL Wallace, of R.. Portoer's heer depot, is to leave. He has many warm friends in the city who will ever cherish, Ac. He will be succeeded by Mr. J. L. Leins. We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and' hope he 'my find busi nessi pleasant and profitable, and friends trusty and true, The New South was launched on the i seia of journlism , laft. Monday morning, E. A. Oldham, editor and pro prietor, with a bright, clear sky and everything looking propitious for a good I r - -r - - . i TOyage, Keat 'and trim in rig and dressing. Hull eUunch and handsome; i . . n- .t.a ded by a killfa', though youthful. Skipper, who seem to know exactly ho a' to tritu hit crafi and set his sails for a rood run. We wib you i a fair wind and tide, and a tmooth tea. Tuusdek groan. Tukee Mot Killed BrLicaTsiSu Last Aicur. Mr. Tho. H. S-ovail, roaie sgeal om W. .W. E. R. cme to on Ust night's train, and informs tu that when the train; pa3 D ack crerk a very rer iwrm w iieg. xgitiatag uruc I the store of Dt. & Woodard, and kill- led three colored men atd severaJy If not aortaliy, stsoded Dr. Woodard s I m-) 1 be Uata oaly atoppea a sssaai I and Mr. frtovail aad' that latre a 1 eo&s-4rab,Ie exciKmcbt al ut utoa. was jal U yoaog Weodard. The littl Ikuyii or a ptwpet !y the liiil usMr Clxaheth, aas heca oks to a tarty ta iasncsioa. a. u,a&4 will kick her f(f&&n at tai lor the lat tisp oa oc shoot the eath isauatii It vill aoe be Jong theejh bcisre the rritlag CAUla, Joe. Hah, wiU U stinutg thf "UagUag vatcrs" tfxAA Cap Fear w iih the ccasUfal Mlaaie- t. rr'-Ai. m a. Isr her la alrw Uya, Good, lock t yca,Cytara Josryh, aa4 la the sataa tlxse "wa t5ab m fytaxaore tree. La a tw 4sa, trm ir; thaMlaakie tae te whIW yoa'ie fraaciia Last SdcSy asat be ke fre sad Up UOe a fut-j." CJLIU -Bizajd ts. Show" nBixiD ts. Watkb" Oh 1 little neighbor, don's become weak-kneed "Don't get weary Hold up your yolce and your strong ara or the dignity of labor and. parity of the poor man's wife and chBdrta. Let not glitter blind your eyes aad stop you good works.1 . We understand that Messrs. Crapoa & Pickett will in a few day open a new Grocery and Jobbing House on Frost Street, West' side, between Market ud Dock. These younc men will bt well remembered by oar citizens, end, the surrounding country, the first as the polite and popular head clerk U lib Georgellyers' store for about 15 yeart, and the latter as chief clerk in Mr XT RiOldham's srsin and feed establish ment, for a number of years., . . These young gentlemen . will strike out for themselves, with a long and large experience to direct then, and' with a host of admiring friends to en courage and patronize them. We say to .them heartily : Forward, fiid right, boys I and march on to Tictory and success " -' The Fikst Ward BrjcrCT Compa- ky No. 5. The Dreadnot bad a ntj happy May Day celebration at Hilton, on May 1st. Starting about 11 o'clock a. m., from their hall on Love's arenas, they paraded the principal streets and- arrived at Hilton about 1 o'clock. Tht parade was beaded by a band of music, and the members made a Tery hand some appearance in their preUy cos tumes; After arriving at Hilton a tar get practice was indulged in by thei members of the Company, for prises. Judges were Colonel George L. Mab son, Captain J. W. Howe and Henry Brewington. The first prixs, a handsome clock,. was won by Charles Cade, and was pre sented by Col. George L. Msbson, in his usual happy way; tick-ling his hear ers at times, and again ttriking .like a good time-keeper, the high twelve hour he reminded them of refreshing things, The second prize, a silver cup, was j won by Csptain Elisha Gauee, and was 1 presented by Mr. Henry Brewlngtoa, s in a very pleasant little talk. . . Captain Emanuel Nichols, with hie commanding form and figure, was lhft noble Roman of the occasion After the dsy light enjoyment was over, the boys returned to the city, and in th evening wound np the affair with a grand ball at Allen Evans' Hsll, where, when we last heard from them, all was going 'merry as a marriage belL" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE! icei icnt - I woold resMctfally notify th mumm and public generally that I aav laid la m rail supply ofCbotMlCE.aod am now fairy preparwl to nil order to all potau om Ba KaUroada and KlTcra, at low prtes. 4 hope lo aecuro a rwonshl abar of a trona.. B.4.M. AURgHB, aprusul . rroprttor Hw los ttaass. FOR OALCf A Pir of ttt ;flo Ooala, W Ilarnesj.coniplete. Th Ooats are ptoporir brok. WU1 worn ata(I or donate. rr sons who wUh to parcha will apply to ,' Jr ! WILBUB P EOtCT cjutaxxaT. Oo Oraas. betWea MhaadKh BtrMta, April 3&t : ; ; PR0SPKCTU8 or At Home and Abroad, F0Q IT0 GECOHD TEAV Cosnccclfi Wllh April, 18321 Th praspwU of AT E6tlAAMiN "" saMrTpXtod of tt taawTihM y aootaora arMofaiu imrthmrmttm. Iu if mrm oiwor uir; iu wiiuwi pay ar tape teapot. tnkouooa. tiMttao tm aiad i. a rom wui rr MiMcriptMM I. MIM Prict, $1S0 a ttir. CiU ten 1 dMmf as ttaa awa avooasL' -i latin, sua. HEAL COTATn JL Q- E 10- O V vr ill cur iap tax I etil l Xgadat lacsa eai - r Any icra La SUr iDstsCax '.'. CCnews B. JLTJkTLOX txu9 O. C? CLCCCn i

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