i ;fe;: 4:9" VOLUME XV. viLMLNGrTON POST i 1 . " - r i Entered St the Postoffice at Warning , jy. C.,as Stcoritl Class. Matter. . KATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con stitute a square. . . uiftv 'pf.nt rer line for the first in jertioa and twenty-fivc cdnts per line ' for each additional insertion. . AH advertisements will be charged ct'the above rates, except on special aontracts. ' ! ,' . ' ' . ';' uixgtox Pofrr is $2 00 per year; six , . months H 00. v - f " j An -communications on ousinesmusi "i". J - .1 I I -.TtTI - WlT l'tTOTflff .. -v ' ; , ir;l - - XT Y"V . ' " Hon'- j. Hubs? ii, we learn; yet at lii home in New B;rne, N. CVvisiting bi- liiaily aud friends. ' .-S x . ; lino. VV P. Ward, of Swaosboro, N. : 0., died at 'his residence, jOn Saturday, V.-" the 3t"u instant. Mr. Ward; was a ..',':''.:Seiil,!r from Jones'and Carteret coun V tjts'iji 1876, a iid member of the . .,iMc from Onslow, in 1881. lie was one f the lir.it meil of his county, very f - mnle and a man ofability, , I When prohibit.. u was submitted to , t the people we were not at the time old enough, lo. vote, but were, as ; all our $ i ;lrieiiii k now, au ' auii-prohjbitionist, ',vT; ani'i yet we wtra born, raised and hope j .to in - Democracy, .ike thousands of"' ' '.' l TVither-i in the state. Then where do they get it that prohibition wa.i a - - "l)mcralic measure 7 Wilson 6ijlings. ! ; 'f lie Democrats had three-fourths of ' Wh house ofthe General Assembly, ', jHul they pawed v the bij'. 'the' Demo V j cr.i'.io parly controlled the s'ate execu- live mid the Governor rfought for the I hTll; in Deioctatic exetcutive commit "tee vndorsed . the bill, thvre fore If th " 1 pnihibjtiuu bill' was. not a Democratic -laeiiure there has never been one sub- " niiif.-d lo the people of North Carol 'na j : UkpCBHUaN 11ARUOH y. :'(: 1--."-We-.jppeal to every. true Republican in the state tu see that the Repulican i;irty ii lh'or- uglily organized, and tl at tin re is no quarrelling among R-publi-cai. J This is a time: when all personal jiijlerei pta ht.u'f be laid aside, for the i 'good of the people., We cao . ftdeem I' the Aate from tbe def poilerj, ralilroad wreckers aisd thieves, il we will; but --unite all our -energies is one coomou I trt'ut -in that direction. There must ' be 4 wl i pe pbject to fijtbt for, an'iL4hat t ii fot houest government, by the people ,am? Air the people. We must unite T v ith any autj al' who will; J lin us in I ii.Ht gtbrioiis pause. There are ufjcitit ? jrvi ii;iul ' Itiyal people in this," state to . ,i;iif it, and lo carry every constressios jl iilUisirictfin it, for candidates who are run tu i g, thai will, if elected, act in the ' iut rtM.of the whole people, regardless trurly, ' 'ui- , - f Wi Hppeai lo all good -men 'every- ') .IU re'iu North Carolina to join in one ; gramj, harmonioui combination to re- -i deVhi'thV ttate from the corrupt hands ; Orttiolnaf ;K Jarvj'. ho pas kiven 1 r ty.all the rilroadi that belonged to the Mat, and who now belongs iaccora- ing to peiliiocrati'c evidence '-.to- railr roml ring headed by a loreign company. j If: the good and patriotic, citizens of . jiie t- lieel tte will but cOpoe togeth er si d tight ander one' common flag, it ' id be vjctory for local self-govern-1 mfiit, if fn e ballot and a lair count; : .ni monopoly, and all claes Ifgiflation V' 'SJii be forever killed jp ilns state. r; r ills We appeal to the prohibition Beppb- llomu tit lay a aideHheir notions mo ceming prohibition, and Join in the lnghtto wrest" the slate from those vtho j(f ; have stolen, everything that it is poasi- ble to get away wilh. If the party will rl J,,!w a united front and aland perfectly Uimouious: then U will beautceaalul, , r . from the fact that we irill be able 'to :;maU an alliance wiljh the liberal paS M 4letV- icfei hppet AOf efnfnent ; joe oia corrupt Democratic obic. ' ' 4 us bive. harmony and succesa In ISSii Kverv ooe that we have talked W ii tpe itato is in ifaror of 1 liberal pttMiJuiouji nuance, wjm i. uiry l.kao we can aucoeeJ. w , i Waabtnffton' flews i the Seoae select committee of wc- i,u'5 la 2 agreed to recommend to tbe I vt"1 r loptloa, Sebator'LaphamV log amendment to the Coastitatioa : "ArUcle XVI. acclloo 1. The right of citixena of the United State to rote hTl not be denied or abridged by the LaiUkl Siiim s k rt tin ( ooal of aex. 6otlojl 3. &Q' trtu hU hare power by apTopriatw 4 "Ration to enforce tie provuiont H hW ttllrl SUnatftM LiDbam. if BUie. and JaekaAB wld In the affirm- , Utt, ana Senator tJeorje end Fair the negative. Senators Anthony 1 od Ftrry were abenU r avue Uoca lalarwu, neax Java, tne r lter is big enuof b to feed twenty men "rir ahelUwill weiU from tbiitj to . ! i? aQndred' -and Unf potthdaeaclt; s . Q ot the tbelU are on exhibition in Yerk.. Post la only 13 00 rer aneom - v - ' Clintow, N. C., May 20th. mi: j j.ne rxepuoucan convention i a nup om. . t t . '' sqn county was held to day j Clifton Ward presided, arid (J.I too fSessoros, ac.te I as secretary The following delegates were elected: Congressional 4eleg;itea Clifioa Ward, J, L. B.il lar J, George Hef ri n!, John Buutiug,. 1 i ! " . ; ?tale Delegates Galton bcssoin-t, jl C. Williami-Jas. , Str'ck'jin I aud Car t s Robinson. f Judicial TVleEttea Win. ri. Jack son; Eubt rs n Ward, Milton' Holmts and P. ,W. xM ore. ; f. Tie ioUt wing prnainl! a'l'l vrow?!-' tjions were utjioitnously adupit'l : r . W11ERKA8, We" believe that the lime is at hauil-when North Caro'ioi xbali ba redefined from bourbon Dsjnocraiic rule, mikI her government placed in the hands f liir- people; and j Whekkas it it the duly of nil g) ,d citizeiift t aisL la the cousiKntnation of so noble h pur post; therefore bo it resolved, . ' -. rl. That the action of ihe bourbo'ns in the'lartt lfgisiaLure-in denying the peo pbf their right to'say whdsh tM be ciia- y cominwrtioners, magu-ttrate-t,! school :ouiiuitteeni3U, 14 Contrary to the plrit of the coUslilu!iu of North Caro- ina. and ajrrtws ituposiiion on ins peo- ble who by tb?Tr industry aud labor add iargeiy mwarl tier-increase i,n prosper 2d Tii it we hail vvil'u delight tbe ad 'eutot .,ihw day. andiie'iitiio fact tjhat i lir w.i kiitg people (sSlde 'fro art he autocnU and poliijeia-) both white and dol'ired, aekn"A 1 -ilge Uat they, as citi Jhn ate onv -in inu rest, civil nnd po litic tl. . : :. . l . i i i -.1 . i ::V .1 i o i. iii ii e hmik wiih uisuaiii uu iuc pjretehroiirir the leaders of the hour blou Uriii cMiy (to befriend the com ui'iu pji- of ouf staie), while they labor, 'to la-.ko laws to increase the wlealthroft.il-" rich and the poverty of the pour.' ! ' . ';;;; '"' ill.. 1 hat we denounce the ivietho'l employed .'by the j bourbon democrats, to defeat the will Of the people ut the plU, and plrdge ourselves to use all lawful mean to secure afuit! vote aud count hi this contest for. congressman and state officers. ; '. jSlh. That we enter our oieiuii . -protest against a repetition of ak;ts" com 1 mitted by"tbe bourbon poll IioKI.t anl. chkllengers-in thei ctngreinal dt-s-, tTipt which rei-ulted in defeatl of iJou P, Canaday, oy,r candidate f r poH-' gresw and or nt,att5 jtjcttv ' ' Ijih. That we heartily j m wirh tur sirferxotiuty, Dupljin, in s-iijrgiing tbe name'or Jloii.C 11. Dotkery for cou grsmah at large,! and W, P. Canaday lorj congrt ssman froni this Uistr,iet,.ur)d insiruct oiir delegates to the re;jtctivc" coavn'i'i'K to Vote for them, i 5 lb. That we liartilv entbirs?...'lhe pooVd allhtucc with liberal Dcuio cratpv who are in lav(r of a Irte ballot, aTfiiir 6 A, p'pular educntioik and lo calfreltyovip'iiienl.!. ; .' . Jth. 1 na.t the procerdioiff his con ventivn he. sent tu, 'll' Viiii:gton PqT for publication,, with thri rivjueat that UepuOUcaii ami ltulepeinl m pa pers copy. : ... , ; Uol. (1-L. Mabson, d' Wi iiiiHgu n, beiibg present, was loudly ca lid i.r, and! he made a very jli ie cpeeih.. We send you his remark next wet k. will! Nkw.UiiKSK, N. q., May 17, jrj arcordanre wi(h . the j:ln (rf or--ganuAtton; and pursuant to the call of comuiitteo, the K?pi.lWe ns of Craven coui ly hat iu iU legale! con vVDij.in at the cojgg house on Wednesday, Jlay 17tb , 1S2, for the purpose of electing delegates to the slate edngrefslonaV and udicial conventions i.- Tlje county convention wiutailid U rder and properly couslituted by the Usual rules govern pqcn pouifs. Aiip lolq'ing nacie uerrgatea were unan imously elected to rjrprtsant thia coun ty in be hpjqMnalingcoDventiqns raiTid I Staie Uun Orland Hubbs, tLni 11 Wbit, W E Clarke j a'ud 1 W Mor r is JohnLMauix, YirgU A CrawfrTah,d Judicial Joseph Nelsonr Willi-l John's Manlx and John Willi I The foil wing i reaorble anl; tlons were then adopted: resoiti- Wif EnEAS.' I he Jwepublu-ar.a ci Cra- veo cuiuotv are acaio assembled In del et atet, ronvotiQu lb j jterfuriRauce ox grafe ana impurunt autir; ana - W HFEs,-Iticufomary to ex press opioiona arid preferences as to men and measurer; .therefore be it Ett&trt it That aince our lt county convention we, ia comu2?u wuh th whole jcouiily, have been suovkid and grieved at the drat h of Jamri A Gar field, a good- man, pare nd op-rlht Cli.en aud an 'exemplary Chiel Msgw tratV, wh -untimely anJ viofent Jeath work4 not out T de datuoatiun to the mUerable, otrument, but plonged a nation lnib direst we- JinotetiL Tba, while we were grief oualy at ricken by the mull of the f jftl eiaiii work. Vet through the pfoT idtocs4f God, vut martyred CbUTIer. as his saccesK. Chester A, Arthur, n bv his tven ct sine hU accrsaion to. Ute piTfUJPC kAa j'y iwtsr vw grand rrutatton at quired by years in which every' public act allied him with tbe great party of free does, jiuUce and human jtbi, that ia aorrow ehI grief there are circauttaoct .thai naiujite and sofwrn, od our ecaaUatka ia tat Ttbra theawptre r lapoblicaWa and (net tietn of state left iXarSetdV riKt band tbrj wrt taa ap by w gul maa a4e bo now occupie iht pri- deatiai ehair- "' M, Thai ibt admialauatiea rf WILMINGTON, NORTH Chester A, Arthur in entitled to.'and received, our unqualified ! admiration, lor us noerai conciliation Of all iLe genuine elements in the Republican party; ' for its caution and wisdom in I the 5 selection of fede-al officer?; for its prudent and dignihed treatment of for eign affairs, and for its succea-t.i the true test of greatness, as evidenced in our nationa.1 contentment and: prosperity. T , Resolyidi Th& from assurances given and -knowledge acquired, we , believe that knowing; as he-djes the injustice done th Republicans of the south by the peculiar mode- of electi n' sanc tioned by the Democratic parly, and system of laws enacted by legislatures created, in too many in3tances"bj fraud, that he is disposed as the Presidentof rthe co.untry to extend such legitimate a ia win result ra justice bemg done to; the whole perpla of the southern states, and lbs iutlest prottctLon ac corded them, regard les of color, i t) the preservation of aud exerd.ie of their rights.-- .':;. H . '.- Ilcsohal, That in his acirt thus far he has earned our most cordial appro j al and we will endeavor to supple raent every Biigeation or act looking to the uisiutegralion of the bourbon 4 which',- in North Carolina,; as in every other southern state, n w riJe rdugh shod ovtr- the rights and bpi'i ioDS of a nmjority of iho tiiizeris, in robbing' ihera of the right of local'self governinent,, and we. recommend that our state convention, when it shall as semble, extend a hearty and full Wel come lo all those of whatever former! .political nssociatioii who are willing to cooperate witn u n the deteat of the present state government.; lieso'ved. That, having known fur many years ; the sterling character su perior capability, honotUy and integrity displayed a? the chief ofiicer of our county, and because of this confidence born of faithful discharge of duty, our peFle believed,, and so expressed at the tallot'box, by a large majority; that lion, prlaudo tlubbs posseiaed the abil ity to perform any ht y that mijiht be assigned him by the t-uffrages of the people, not only ol his district, , but of his stat, elected hi.n as llivir repreen tative t6 -the riatio:iit! tuiigrWs, and the -indefatigable rram.er in whie'Si.-'hei has. discharged his import am 'irustt liax more than real:K-d our liighest t' x:.f rtatbti.-; that while 1 r the tljort tinie he has been in congress, lie lias obtained for our district more' ptio iiiji- --m r - dol lars and tens hin ail iiis-predrcea j sor:jince the Wbtj that in view of 'this. fact, if there be nothing e'sfe to re.com- ! ineud hiry,, this hhou'.d t a feuliici'nty strong reas-fh why lie 'should be. hi? ovira, successor. . .-Our rni.-fortu.ip hitherto has been that when a representative, had attained, t-ven fr'on Ilia .limited txpa rience of one term, a kriowltdge aui i ihfifieucfe that wou.ld ly i f value and ! enhance his usefulntss f.-r ; his people, j he has been deposed. To no nun may ! Ihisjie 'applied with nii.re ' force ihan i lion. Ulaudo llubls, aiid to giicceed him! 140W at this i;j;prut juncture of s?curinj to his tit.-tr tt a liberal appro priation for public buildings Sc., would be to work only harm for ourselves as a people, to the stale at large and our party. ThiiV as the ci.ii ns of Craven county,-"composing a part-of l!ie-second congressional 'diairict, we . feel under srreat obligation to.,Mr. Hubbi'. because of his introduction into the ILmse of liepreseiiUtives a bill -which he has so far successfully engineered as to give us every reasoiiable ' assurance, that New lieme will,' at no distant day.be able to boast a public building oerapa sec ond o v.cni iy the ii'iSi,VihI if'an other stronr evidence of Mr. Hubb's interest in his section, and thould be au incentive to urgs.us to use oucut most j endeavors to gain -return this good and faithful jservant lo congrffs. Hcwlrcd, That it h the" ;eniu of" this fcqnveution that the delegales elected to the congressional distriot convention to assemble' at; Wilson, N. C , on the lih day of June next, he instructed to vote for Lion. Orlando ijubbs rs a can dae for reelectiou ;0 p.)j:grc.ss. iieiokej, That a copy "of these pfj ceedibgi and resoltilion be, furnished to the Wilmington Posr and StatcsviMe American for pt;bnc'atQii, a pd the other 1-publicau jiapefs of the staie be re qutsted to copy. : j ' K. li. Dl dlev, Chairmi-. Roukkt 11 Liuunn, eke'y. X KvfiE 11, N. C, May 1, ISQ2. iDuAit Ii st: Spring term of Halifax iafiiior court being in session ti week and the rccev;' as rendering chop ping cotton c ut ot the question just now, many of tbe farme: fro hi the lower and upper -districts laid aside the shoyel and the hoe, to h: come acquainted ffii& the poltifal I'.at'us of the country. As pirsnts trvthe many positions to be voted Lt at the text electioa were prctnptl on Land, and n;ade lasting irnpm.ccs oa "ccrncrtd friends. Lasting, I y, if rt peasant. Thcngb tfce .wOf-ds are full" of sfpiraitf tbfl show no -Jetlio o ylUruplion. In fact UB;tyo fir aa party success U con cerned will, it -. seems fee psrsmount to any IrditiduA. v.iu. . 'I he RvpubUcaa rvuuty convention, fo Mltct deiirgtWs to rrprcsent the ccuo:y in the tate, tongmsiooal aad judicial touvestksi aIt b held at the court houe J ucc JJ, 1SSJ. There are elvtn tosreshir in the county, moat cf wiskh wit! to'.d thtir meeting ca Msy Ttb. We bof to ?tcd able dclcgv titu a to tie Kvtral tKCVcatic'oa. - ' h vevrns ' tbat mct cX the valuable time cf the prnt term of te Sape- ricr Cvatt hi thULweoty wai dt rated trjltj lor c'calen Ux ler.iajl-VD Wrssel.; 1 Jiluct W iVr without Hermit. doi the j dj; Kasit W lie mx to Hlad rwk'.bitioa estsVlUhfd by tbe Wari tf rr-l Oata Waller u Vtt MeVr, en- cvmmUkers Ut airaae 10 W W Erawa U L IV; C E cm, that the stale saoa'J torn U eaca j t tlm oual Dak; T OAU case. Yoars J?ttaAU Uam t W WUOat. CAROLINA, SUNDAY. MAY 2i: I8S2. Oak Island, May J,8i882. r.m 1 tii r8TS as mere uaaiueen a great deal aid ia this county in regard to Me!rs. Taylor and W escoi fur the effice of sheiill', it tetms ,a it all tie blame is attacbed. to rue. ,.X wiU ata e for the beu-. fit of the : public j that Ij like alfot her men, have had) a choice, and mine wai Wrscolt, but jtf he has .withdrawn from the. contest, I er ill sup port Mr. Taylor, and I sincere! hope all Of my friends will rally to -his sup port. ' ; ; ?'; j.Beu2.; Rooms Hep. Dxst. Committee,! , r . Goldsbobq, N. JO., May 1'3it A't a meeting o?the Republican com mittee of the second congressional dis trict ofNorthCarollna, held thia day, it was ordered that a district conven tion be held at Wilson, N. C, in the county, of WHsonj on the 19ih day ol July, A. I. 1882, at 12 o'clock m.. for -the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress. ' ' 'j : '". ' ' ' ' - -' ..Tv-.- '' .! Frakk.- D. Daxi;Y, Chm'n. Robt. IlANcock, jr., Sec'y. -: . It snowed in Wadesbora, on. .Monday May 15t,b, WhewJ ! !"i !'. ".'1 f - '- ' " Interments diirtug the lweek. Oak- dale 1; Bellevue 2; Catholic Cemetery 0; Pine Forest 4. The following marriage license was issued the paisj, week by the proper otheeri---iiUatolouou and Miss Ann Tooicer. A little child of John VV. au i Jose phine Gallowjy,, was badly burned Friday evening about 7 o'clock. It's injuries thou1 severe, it is h ed wid not prove fatal. , ..-'- ' - l"ie pior Columbus crazy niao, now au yim:ite j'of our county poor, house, although hot (lcspera'.c, still seems to have occasional fu:.ny freaks. Captain Savage info'rms us that he tritd to make bw escape last. Week, but when discov ered in the act he Mmiuercd to, the do cility of Mary's little latnb. ": The following ollieers of the Ladies' Meuiorial Association wt re elected ior the ensuingyeai; ; ( Prehjdeut Mi's-. Ileliie J.ttiies. Vice-Preaident -Mr, set. .V ! - ' , ..:: A..L. Drli Treasurer Mr. i. Andersen. Secretary r-ili is Kite llarr. Di:.TH3 Duuixu tub Week. I' -W 11 Lemmeturan, aged & montlsj cho!i;jl infanluu j Amanda Cope'and, aged phtiiif it ; Hannah Brown, aged Ul, tId g ; Th-jruas -'.Nichols,' age 80, otd ag;' Maria Wilson, xg4d ID; Annie . Jen Li n-, aged ,22, typhoid pneumonia; Ella J'j 1 kin., aged 8.wetks, dysentery. fc'TEA'M FrttftY FOR OLD BitUXSVnCK. at LAST. -Mr. MafiiR IJ. Route, en giqeef of iii. vtramtr 1). Murchison, has entered ii. t' b nds with the stock holders Wf the Brui.swirk Ferry Com pany to put on, and. feeep up, a steam ferry. MVe re r j icrd at lt n'd take ibis- occasion y that we hope it niay prove alike b' in fic:al tti the peo ple generally, and 10 the urdertaker of the enterprise. ' r It will surely epUy jou for the trouble if you have nt4;er ' seen it, to visit the Wilmington' dry 4ck when it is in the operation i tf viikcr .receivirg or deiie;ing a veel. Acd again there are other mitttrs of iutrrest in the vi cinity. Mt ssrv B o-isom & Evans have a mill fir ItVe maitufacture of laod plaiter, and' h LbtUU mill they fcave sunk anjr'ia wrll bout Sin fettdeej Ui- pro'lmv 4 1 ecuiUt mioetal WiUr, appartntt ira. Though we are not much of a geolt gif, we assert ihst there ire fine btdaut pbosphste rnk all about those surrouading which will bb developed tre bat -ai least it jeerS so frost what we can ace 00 'be a'i:iace. Deeds, Moktgiobs.iVc Tht fluw- log deeds j motgaget, t re proba ted "duri eg the "past -k by tie Pro bate Judge: S 11 Mantling: to Julia U llairU-S O W Virrs K U Moore-, K E Barrus and others to -Julia Q liar rUi WS rriden Jo T A ?nitb; lt Nat Bank to Julia O Harris; M J Ber 2?aux 10 E J? Dober; B )uKy, ad ministrator, J ZlKh FuwW r; J F Gibbs Wad ife, to XI V. tloliicsvwottl; W U II all to Dtlu Brjoe; p U 011 tf rt sad wife, to V II KeawVr, C JCatch atd ctkere to JP M HUc; J D It K!andr to Silva rl3; Kirt Natkcal Baak ta CESsauW" j Mcrtga?eFred IIst!cy li A C WraseU Jocob Stole W A C tt wC; Ed Drjsoa and wUe to U lld ; ttoaua I'oldei V -V D Vessel?;' Fred Joaet to A U IVm. ; C Lf- hstolD YsI'i A U $i, Qvr t We were pleased ' yesterday to tall with a "good morning," our ic'erer friend Mr. Wm. Genaust, who bas been confined to bis bed the past week, with a severe attack of rheumatism. State JoghxAl, of RA.LEiGU.The anti-prohibition organ, edited by John Spellman, Esqr., come to us this week, brim full of interesting and. able edito rials." .Every man opposed to class leg islation, should bare it. '' j ; -'.(- The black fish excursion Tbunday, on the Passport seemed to have been at least an enjoyable affair, if not a com plele success as a fish-catch. However 1 .t - - ....... . j . nearly all the fishermen we saw had a good siring, and some bad plenty for their friends. Tne erection of the livery and sale stables on the corner of Fourth and Mulbu( streets, by Messrs. Merritt & HollingsKortb, is quite an improve ment in that lcciiityj-and make's busi ness have a brighter, aspect in that por tion of the city. " J Chas. Reed, colored, escaped ;from the City Hospital Thursday night. Reed was arrested a few days back, on ou a charge of larceny, and in attempt ing to escape, he was shot at and wound ed in the lfg. Uerce he was placed in the hospital for surgical treatment. Wasn't that a cass of leg bail? Now U itie ' ;eison - "for 'renovating, painting &.'.., and our peopie seem I to think so. Oaf painters are kept pret; ty bny,- as a siroll c round the City will col. i nee you. We are glad they have plenty to do, and trusl that they get fairly paid for it. Think of salt pork arl3 cents.'and other, provisions enormously high. 1 he fu'lowing are the Board of Med ical Examiners for the ensuing year: Dr. P. E. Hines, Presideut, Materia Medica and Therepeutics i " ; Dr. 11. T. Bahnson, Secretary, Ob atelrit p.ijd Disease of Women. j Dr. Johu Graham, Practice of Medi cine. . V " , C ; Dr. R. li. L'-wis, Chemistry arid Pharrracv. - Dr. Thomas F. Wood, Surgery. Dt. G. Il Kirby, Physiology. Dr. IVP.TIaigh, Anatomy. Quite a serious difficulty ocjurrtd several days ago at J. Wilson's store ia buallottc township, in Brunswick county, between Mr. Pu; Thomas and Mr. Mike Bcutou, in which Mr. Ben ton was seysrely Cut in several places. We are sorry to hear of this matter, as we know the parties to be clever young, men of tood fatiiiies, aud that only ex citement and to-j much you?g blood! could cause such a difficulty- Tom Melvin, a colored prisoner, es capsd from j til iu Saaitbville, last Tues day nighi, and hssjaot bcea beard from since. Melvin was arrested and con fined on a charge of larceny and as being imjiaesied u the same of which Jery JkObmson, was convicted and seutenced to two years in the peniten tiary, last term of Brunswick court. Much interest was manifested in the C ise of Robinson by some of our most prominent men. They going to much expense and incontinence to defend and relieve him. . ' Pn. Fajri-ax IawiX received "yes terday his Commission as Pest AU tant bargeon.in the U. S. Marine Hos pital cr ice. Dr. Irwin is very you eg and has lee n in this service for only three -yca, yt be has made, a Tcry high rrputstioii in bis profession, lie was placid in cLarge of the Wilming ton Marine Hospital about 1,2 mccths ago, ai d h tcade it one of the very finttt iu il rtoctry, and his promo- lida will girv very gteat satisfaction to Li mViiy ft iet.ds to this cityV sa well as tlo- in -e her places. We Vtendr him our ro.gratn1atkea aod bel wuh a ( jt Ui futuie projperify and hsppi iiaJ ;'' . - ','-.' AO"it ii; f worm ui nae tow u were ttuleu ci Mr. Wit lie Howry oa Tues day MjHt Early the next morniog Mr. Howry took the precaution to noti fy the ; keckttera aoa dealers of the maUrr apd to pot them 03 k ivtoal bile le and Iricodj ioautated a wrch araua-J for the mUiag f lf . Uo- rcr ibry kutA them sot,' tut two 3js ibiteafur, M ae was itrkftU3y Uu!'a6c. abool Use prrais-rt Ler W waatd to lk f.f nt-J cre f j hia It brard Umi'i tackle, 4 isuiitg to ib durt wf ibe ofisid, be assr Lis pet gaxe tt ta tcp of tbe feace ia tie act of rV- tt tie itit aai issmedeeie j aJUc cc it i&reuef kiatoMSawU.ooel'TeM ia as if atrruaed' ol aa a tla trf pickets aU cessisj back basse l t&ni. . Ty Lad evidy keew by aosaa Ukf Iltiaf as a beg way c, aad a Wcaa bvslkid U tM Vy Mr. prraa'loca, aad awa rd U Wowr, waca tlry 4 cS la a&litXfc kaal tat W agilw Single Copies $ Cents LOCAL SHORTS. Georgia defeated Korth Carolina In the chicken dispute. Frost in WimiDgton Msy 17ib, 18821 Wbo would hare thought it? We ' were p'eased. to see old sheriff Galloway in the city last Wednesday. The Kinston- canning factory em ploys one hundred bands daily, just .to shell out garden peas; j Tbe Primitive Baptist Church, on Castle, between Fifth aad Sixth streets ia undergoing repairs j . . ,f Judge A. & Beymour wUl deliver the Memorial address over ' the iedefal graves at Raleigh 00 the 30tb. Glad we are to notice much more ac livityin the canvasiers for' the Point Caswell railroadi That) la right. Cap. Tbos. Garriaon hss ! opened a lunch and entertainment house, in the old Ocean IIou?e, at Sniithville. -j ' A policemau's club was found Thurs day night, by a colored man, near tbe it . 4 . 1 . tne corner 01 i'.n ana yastie streets,. In tbe the future the fire alarm bell will only strike the fire districts the rapid ringing will be discontinued ! ! The railroads. teem toibe making war on Messrs. Adrian & Vbllers'a drayr. Another one smashed up! this week. i - v. , - ' . ti. ' Messrs. orapon & Picket will open their new fgrocery!and jobbing house ou front street, Monday morning May 22nd '82. - . I , -- The bald head uilot boat. Grarin ! now on the marine'reilway, 'cleaning and bavins; an addition of six inches put on her keel. ( I Mr. Giffiiu Flowers, of Jsmithville, aged about 20 years, was low the city last Monday. drowned be lle was em- ployed as a hand on one of the 'mud SCOWS. -. V ' ' ' .:- :.!' '- ,: Blankets aud black jsek fires were anything else but uncomfortable Mon day and .Tuesday last, and ;w hear of frosts and cold rains along the C. C. R. R. during the week. C' ' The pay of the cil v policemen has. been increased again to that wonderful amount of en cents per day." We are even glad of that; but tie Board, in our; opinion, would not have erred bad they increased U tbw times t. Rising Sua Lodge No. lit, I. O. O. I , will give an entertainment at tbe City ilalJ, Monday May 22ad-addrers wil be delivered Refreshments served, and a one thousand dollor death bene fit wil) be paid to the beneficiary f the late W. . McFarland.h Penitential souls will have ample op portunity during fhw wH to bask in the sunlight of a -rblessed redemption. Camp meeting brgan Thursday last at Piney liluiT, up the river, and another win Degin on next Jrnday down tbe river, at or near Gander Hall. Captain D. Sherman of tbe steamer John Dawson is fisiog op a couple of flats in a neat and comf.itiille style, to be ready fur the camp meeting next week. He experts with the steamer and flats together, .to be prepared to carry from 600 to COO son Is at a trip. As the the Fassport was mkklog ber arrival wi th the excursionists Friday evening, a dog fight occurred on tbe peir head, amongst the. dense throng, and ia tbe "cateration" consequeia two or' three persorn wentbeels over head," much to c merriment of the more f 'riuna'c, 1. Cap. Bis bee and prty arrived safe ly in Bmioo FriJ.y. It it expected tbey will leave Rjtoa about Saturday or Alonday, javd arrive here about next Friday m 'nH tbe an xiootly look ed for Minoiebshs which Capt. Joshph will pot on lb liof bwe!o aere aad StaUhvil.'e immediately afWr arrival. 4 We know, f coarse, that there caa be co arb thiwgta a lea to lay a goldea except-la the way of lahlcd ill. tra:ioft but we; have tbw "b aoUtoviiy Jot saying thatkO ew ploy e of this cCce the other day fvii&d a two d:!ar ad a halt gold piece ja bU IW Horn lit got there U a wjiinj wb.li will pombly never be mrase!ed.. ! . j Tb Umm is? Ita'ua,- CpU J t. llarpv 1. 1 r 1 1 LrM Urk Irvea tbW lt. t v W K. & C. last Wed SNaday, ciag or bar at 2 o'clock a. aad arrived at Caatoa dock aj HiUe Wf re tmi tel. the same day. A 1 k iadeirdi Oa Oto tri a ifi thrre ausi Vsiematf vast dwfeeJ Wt twe Ce &ta e CVp iiala Is iWl ait Um.t ci aer. Tiey were wsaVle. to saale t aiy tlieg jfcr.her,' e aorfi that sna tJiXt aWv rif. Tae I Visa rvis4 Uck Ut U'-a pft at 19 fJccxTaat dya'4ht,Uvr had wwrr aad a aW tif aiuftsW W Csji- W llma.ftul Wcer W4 d m&KK W WaSaaSarr e Mibwtiaei af taetkjgsa.e aerwrtl flf etVlLsi ba frM aftW 1 NUMBER 21 DIED. JTATLOR-May 18th. 18S2, ARTHUR LOT TJ8 TAYLOR.- aoaot Mr. and Sin. R V. Taylor. ai 3 yean. .-:.4 - - " x. new advertisements; Grapon & Pickett , HAVE JUST OPEN tD THEIR NEW STORE, Where the rery : -BEST GROOEIIIE3 In the.UlTY can bo found tt ' B0T; ' T03J PRICES." ' , EVERY XHINQ FRESH IN OUR LINE Give us a call. . may 21 lm . GREAT Triitnlph,! The great success attending the ' LOW PRICED SALES . - .-. i - Recently inaugurated by me, prompts . me to offer still greater - BARGAl NS? "lam now offering and will continue to offer until the close, of the present month. Goods at lower price by 25 per cent, than the same class of goods caa oe naa ac any oiner aiore. HANDSOME FIGURED LAWNS AT SIX CEwTS PER YARD. lAlso, finer Lawns at higher prices Elegant solid colors F.gurjd Cballia, at 18 centa per yard" I ' ' Neat, plain Wool.-Dress Go 1, at 12 centsjper yard. Pretty cotton Figured Dress Goods, at 10 cents per yard. Another invoice of : those handsome Japanese Plaids, at 25c per yard - The Largest and Cheapsst Stock of . Uce Edgings la the CttjV Ladie Collars, from the cheapest tit the finest, 1 Lace Tlr, from three cents each, up--- . . "' wards, -;' Linen Iland kerchiefs, from fiye cent each, upwanl, j . CORSETS COlZSETg. My store is the Headquarters fur Oor ..." sets, A large supply of our Celebrated 50c Corcet. JUST RECEIVED. '- Glfi?0f-GLOVES, GLOVES !! toME' AND LOOK AT OUR LoagLace TopJjlove. at 25 Ceata. In abort, I offer to you everything la the Dry Good line, at price which defy competition. REMEMBER : I have no Old Slock i; 1 keep no Seconds ; i Sly Goods ar ail Firat-CTaas 1 1 Receive New Goods Dally ; r And I base but uarai nucc I reepectfally iovite all. - John J. HedrlcScf Mar l$ih, 1682. f J : . .:! - . - :, : may H If Proposals lor Furnishing Ration aad Ship Chaadlery forRayeiae -Vessels - COUXCTOU'M oincx, V ; Wllatiertoa 3C. C . May t7. j OKaueo rnurtMAis win a TMMiayJ Uh. Wa fnr MrHrtaa SW- 7 crvw a4 1 ta t'artaS WMttaTS. MrtMNym la uaniimiw Ut. trikr,ria ummi rw iaa ana, iwae4att el artu- of asl (laalUrr to to Mt am. wui a tmnut4 mm aaaium UP I hi lIBl. Oaiifi tUli tow wmi Lk mi i ii ii m tar a mtmw Sj tavMat ------ , toa nat t mwH r mwm. . a a f K r Jk ltL UL Ovvn-i aaaaw ni Caaaoal , c. m. mhi IfMrrvaa I 'Viuuts.Po, a. c SUy s a J tLkVLO TtoOrxMLAla to awyy nwr tto Man Half! m aa tmuam it Wa imm awa. teu mm to rtaiiM mimsw m ma ta a uu tto ftiialMtinCairti! llmMtuw to saw toi toy JM,ia ato i n.i to aargia4 asmwii to ia m aw. TtoVauto m ipiinee atorstaa. to mi w mii ato. - , PL rattrax invrv. r.x .U.v. la tS awi ml UIEBICaX WLTICS, 1 100 Z?XrZL2 XLZ& s njay i ViMary.M al ni 1 mi m tmn i i im a) afcM m fHtn 14 "i j li a m n ommt m mm $tmm tr mm?, totmnjsimrp to ft thi usij mZ