THE WILMINGTON ,POSTJ . W. Pt CANADAY, Proprietor. WILMINGTON. N. C. I " , Sunday Mobjung. May 21. 1882. - Important to Subscribers Wc will not carry dead beads on our list. eud in your subscription or your paper will fail to'reach you.: '." j Every county jo the state .should be represented in the Republican ,'state convention f The Republican party is the people's! party, not controlled by rings and cliques, as it was frjrh J SOS to 187(j; was so in those tiays that a few Tpvemie officers1, deputy mar sh als and e IB ce srek era would get t to gether and make nomination?, but that is all to bestoFpcd now. And we hope to see the people themselves rt Ealeish for the purpose! ot making nominations thai will be1 elected, not for lie rurpose of giving (hem prominence '( at Wash ington for olficial patronage., h 1 01 a l com 3i i it; t . , ' i r ,'lhe Republican committee 'of the second corJgresaional'district met at Uoldsboro Ion Friday last, and after af full mill frf'fj rnnsuW at 5r rt thpv nrf?rprl a congressional convention to beheld on the l'Jtkdav of July. 1882. at Wil- -aa, IS. C- J We wish our friends a very happy, harmonious and euccessful con vention, and (bat the nominee will be elected I y jji large majority. The He publicans of the second district should be very cartful and so act that a good, reliable: man is sent to congress, one that will represent the political senti ments of his . people, and at the same time work in their intere3, such a man they have now, and such a man tbey. should Bend. ' ' ? " -" . K. J J. JVIO aX'S CAKD. . We publish in another column a card from - Dr. Alott cbairmpn of the state Republican committe 3. The card was drawn out ty a false report started by the tue mics of the liberal alliance, to the effect tllat Dr. Mott bad in ;de cer tain pledges, that in case Cooper. was confirmed lie would do all be - could to , prevent an jalliauce between the Repub licansatd j liberal auJ,;-bourboi:s. Dr. . Mott says he ia fully in sympathy with the . libera) ! movement and hhall - d i - i - . , nil in his power to make t he alliance a ' grand1 success. '-' J- .am ; " " " J "ft V V VM '- , the. liberals and the; lit publicans from forming a! combination arelhe' men who stalled this lie; iind t hoy have told ? it from onei end of the state to the other; aud it is remarkable that these same" fellow arethe u:m who Lave Lccn say ing all along llat tho Rjejiuliicah par ly was dead! '.. "j' '. The bbutbop Democratre papersjump at and publi-b any He that they can , get hold, o to tdiow that i he Republi cans wil plot mate an alliance with .the 'liberal Diinocrtls. The men iu the i Republican arty who, arc fighting, the alliance arc being lionized by the bour bon Democratic press of the state . - mrusui r leaiuer wi.i iijck togeiner. To see I he Democratic press praiaiug these Ktjpubttcans for opposing the al liance speaks volumei, and eveiy true man who belong to the party can un Uerstiud it. We have ho doubt but lt.t .1.1 1. . . i. .t nuM inn ci nnu moupiTOinc lue alliance craV. sre in iLo pay ot tie Demo- Jt tKPUUHCAN l'Altri:. 1 ' We Lave been" unable to find a biugle Republican in North Caroliua who ad - vocates the disbandmrut f the party. Alt are perfectly united u the policy of" keepiugj the party perfectly orgjn . iz9d,udgcuiog ail the recruits p&ssi--ble. There is a rery large insjority of the Republican party who believo it good policy to form ta illiance with the independents and support one gen eral ticket They believe by such a : course"wc shall gain a grand victory for the people! of .North Carolina' in No--. ember bex't. But th few who are op posing such a move are trying to make itppear ihat thosq favoring the alli ance are wcrkiog to disband the "party. No one knows this to be untrue b'.ter than the leaders of the strarghtouts, as tbey are pleased '.o call themselves, j i These letjowa are headed by some of the same parties who would hot' let a Republican ticket be main the state io : com,mUte ix the Republican party wa clrad in the stare." We,;with a . fev. othe..i, nude a ttht for the Re publrran trattse. Oir Mr. Canaday be ing a 'member uf the state committee had hh proljtsl entered on the minutes ; of th stats oaatttee's prjcediay$. " We comoitrtctd at once, and nude tt tery wri fcr thww partica who er )U)liottt ' t dihcd, that they dUcon Miaued their: JrocacT of the moreaienf. Thee sini leadt that we fcr to 1 abovf, who ire omk us f -r a tiaiht ticket, Uibhl the pat i;rak thfl iney rtfasdtoaer.d the Ma oouvea- - Vlon ia aud xititCIj itajrd U uppurt thtt aftd catfooal cicdi date. Uuljokr (tieads we at ia and hd - tba state irorgaaurd that the irt y pit ia good fljidos order,- and tf wa had i, coia ffta Tit aad ao hoawtcoaa the at4ta womJ . sbc 4- pco oy i t Art. VI MiUftff ftoteaat&e riUt ko aert tr x partr, hj dedatia fcr the adataistr t Jitt to dUhalid ,4W lpabUca par.y i tio. aad. has coe oat for covgrrai 13 155, tfcttt taaietca ia ta pr rent our representative on tbo na i tioiial committee from gelling funds to pny the expenses of the campaign they told the members of lbe National Republican Committee that the state would go Democratic by 40,000 majority . Notwithstanding all this out commit tee went forward and come within 5,000 votes of carrying the slat, acc trduig Ihe.oSlicial (fradulent) couut. ThereisaveryJ-mall number of voulJ be leaders in the Republican party who desire to have influence at V.h ington, that believe, by the ttale being carried by fhe Krpublicans thev will oee their prestige and te cut-short of the' official' patrooge tbai they have been able to manage; tberelorij th-y have been, and are to day, opi2. d to the state going Republican, or jiuti- bourbon, and they f-ee that the alliance between liberals and the llepuhlicans is bound to bring victory for lbo com binalion. ' r.: '.--..," ' It is reported tbal the lea Urs of ttie bourbon Democracy, ,have rai ied a lare lot of money to fee certain Rjpublioans to work against the alliance. Let this be may these parlies are certainly working in the interest of the bourbon Democracy, and the sooner, the people awake to their interest the gre iter will be the ibances of our success, In firginia the Republicans formed an alliance witn tue reaaju3ters ana the ftd ministration supported the move ment, and the result was a grand vic tory for people. In North Caroli na the people have an ; independent movement; it took hhape in opposing class legislation, and formed a com mittee known, as the anti-prohibitionists. The Republican -comuiitteu sup ported the moyement- and we carried the state by 116,000 majority. Now this anli prohibition committee is still thoroughly organized and intend to put out a ticket. Should the Republican state convention conclude to work in uarmonj with! them - in the general movementof1 defeating the bourbon Democracy, it will not be for the purpose of turning the R?publicQ party into a a whiskey party. Our 'party has at all times fought class legislation, but has ever since it first organized been in fi vor of temperance. The Republican party of North Carolina is to-day, a temperance iparty, but'dors not, and never will, advocate class legislation, &c. . . - j : - The forming an alliance with the auti- iTotiibiiiou ' uaity for. the good of .the whole; people uf the etate, will no more hiHke'the Republican patly of-the state the whiskey party, than did the alliance ijl Virgiuia- with the readjuslers, make the Republican party of tl at statv the repudiation party, Wc-take it ihat the crowd who are fighting the independent combination will continue to do so to the last. No argument can or will bring thf nj. into line; it is not, j-ucccss for Republicans they waut. Wc had the pleasure, oh a rrcent trip to Goldsborcj and Jiafcigb, of int eling lion. J?rane. l. nancy, enatrinan o the second district committee, who in formed us that the eomlilion of the party was vejy e-xctUeiit,ndhethougLt everything AVou!d be harmonious in thq convention. We aso met Col, Georce T. . Wasson who Hj'peared to be in splendid spirits; he is making his paper the Goldsboro H.'ar, a grand success. At Raleigh we met Dr. J J. Mott chairman of the state Republican com mittee, who says that the outlook was cever beetterffor a grand victory for the independent anli-bourbous of our stale lie thinks the' independents and Re publican?, by forming'an alliauce and supporting one general ticket. can cmr ry the state by a very lare majority, He says there are a few Republicans who are workiuglopreTentsuctracoin bination, and in his opiuion they want to keep the Democrats iu power in the state, with the hope of controlling the federal patronage for their own benefit WheThopo this is not the-; case; that every true Republican, will coin and try to ; carry the vtate against the bour bons. - : . 1 .1' The t'm Inr Klvrr Improve v meat Aproirintiu . The lower j house cf congress has passed an appropriation of $140,000 for our river and harbor improvements. We hop the . money wilt be well exi- pended.i and that the water in the river as well as on the bar will bs deepened thereby. We think it would be economy to j appropriile money enough to employ a acfliclent' nuaibcr of dredges to clean eut the chancel, and be done By alt means the work rhould be .cornpltted and lot al lowed lio hJng; oa for age. This w rk ha been goin ou for thirt-u j-.r-, when tt (honld have U . ia thrte years. We want V f' u tiu Uhevl daring the pretext century, if possible.1 And coogre would display wisdom by taaktag a large apprcp ria tbo, o thai it coald be done within the next tweWe or eighteen moath. iNi:Kr&iuir---xuKitisi4ir- VZ CH ALalEltx ? General Chalmerj, who has been oe 'oT the juUdcrrn of the Milsjpfi Democracy, was couotc'l into CVorc by means of the hct jua and bowie-1 kalfr; te wa tarned cat of toegma aad Lyech, the rihtfaUj elected meat ber seated, Xo the General kxj goae home tad ope&ed a war e a hh own ccu i - TliK TIMES'. The Ilaleigh Timei of th"n week is again before us, ami; full of very excel lent and interesting (Kilitical mutter. We learn that Messrs. Thomas E. Pur uell, John C. Gorman, John Nichols, and Weley Whitaker are contributors for this paper.. W congratulate the Times on having such able and' pains taking writers. The paper is bound to be a very valuable political organ, from nil appearances, for $ the Republicans during the best six months. . fSKN. OBr. U-.tLLIuTT. The liepublican of New Orleans, s ys : i !; ": . On ThursJay the 1Kb, Ju 'th Uuiled Jjta's Circuit Court, Judge Billings pifesiding, on motion of Col. Leonard, IJ- S, District Attorney, Gen. R. B. Elliott was admitted to practice. His admission into that honorable body of learned practitioners is the first in stance of the kind within our knowl edge ot a recognized Negro entering t hat select circle of the expounders of (air National if experience and talents are desirable requisites to the lawyer, then success certainly awaits den. Elliott. ' . Although the state Supreme Court will 'not be in session to day, yet in ac cordarjee with previous arrangement made by a distinguished attorney with the members of that body, the General win meet mem to a ay in cnamoen ana it . . .1 a i a i be admitted to practice in the state A Card. ; EoiTor. of the Times: Iu the Gresboro North Slate, of the llth inst. I notice the followinc paragraph:. ! We have the word of Mr. Gorham. editor of the ' National liepublican, that Dr. Mott and the anti-prohibition Re publicans will not ask to intrude the temperance question on our state con veution. Mr. Gorham has interested himself in our political welfare, and has given the situation his c'ose study and attention, j We feel sure in saying that Dr. M att and his friends will op pose iu our state convention any pro posed coalition with the anti-probibi-tionists. As we understand it tbey are pledged to tbftt course." . ' I did say .to I Mr. Gorham that. I, speaking for myself, was willing to do and say just as little as possible offen-! sive to the gentlemen composing the prohibition wing of the Republican party in our state convention! And this,! have since reiterated, believing it-sufficient to go just far enough to rebuke the bourbon Democracy for its attempt upou the liberties of the peo ple and to denounce the. means .'tbey used to accomplish their purposes through class legislation, and do a, little violence as possiblo to the feel ings of those good Republicans who joined them in iSSl, under, I then aud now believe, ft delusiou, as ty the real objects of the. Democracy. I never sartl to any one aud cannot seo how, the-' 2&r(h Stale could possibly so understand that 'I and my friends would oppose ib our stute Convenlion ;tiy jiropored coalitiou with the antfc prohibitionists." '.'as we understand it they arc pledged to that course." :T To whom am I and my friends pledget!? I ask the North State to an swer. . -'.-' ": - ' - v-. I deny that any suh pledges , have been mailt-; . The V.ateuient is false and maliciouslyr so. No truthful person t 11 you so, ilr. Notjh itate and none can'be fouud who will so say. I I never pledged "anything about Jt, aud only expressed a willingness not to push, cffeusively, the prohibition ques lion beyond ucllimits as would leave our position undoubted by the voters of North Carolina. .1 ! 1 wrne this .card not expecting or caring to impress luo A&reh Mate with the sincerity of my purpose or with the truthfulness of my assertion, a t it seems determined to. misrepresent uie ia all matters ; but that those who agreed with' that paper and differed with me on the subject may know tho truth of what I did say and just bow I now feel aboui this matter. No one will go: further than myself to secure harmony iu .the party and gain that, success awaiting us-iu the coming campaign ; but I must be par- doned for ressnUng such unjust impu tations as the above paragraph con tain?. . '" , - :. Iu conclutiou, I am for a coalition with the ami rohibitionlsts, who meet here on the 7th of June, and I want to sea uo man a delegate ta tha Republicaa convention who is opposed to it ; and I am for electing a legislature which will repeal all class legislation that has becu enacted by any part that in any w?y deprives the people of the tight to control their own afTiir. ' . ' J. J. .Morr. . ion. alcx.u4er il. ttephen ror tluveraor. Rifptfsmiative Sjeer,. of Georgui, tirtij.Kr.-pub;!cvfnaxvTof letter nrudi to be Uil U Kf me Georgia iuJf petdents. It U aalerWod to be aa auth,britattte though indirect aa- n.uamentcfRcprenUtiteStephen positioa in regard to rematniag ia pub lic lif and his pible cacdidacr for the Georria 'rovernorihirx li b ad (freysed ta Ucm. U. U. Feltoa, Atlanta, tts., acd aayt i I nop the commit tee of Independent Democrat who meet toaukrow wUl recommend Mr. Stephen as the pvple candidate foe ItOTrmar. I (sow potaTefy be wai not rriect ath recommVadatioaa, and that, u elected, he will be tha Gvtoor ot a.i lis rcopje, . wuaoas rrrsxa llewtUbe cjatroIW b? u ting." ioc tha war td4 Usa ntipat of the scttihaav earaea property amooat- tag ia ttZK acjwctag to ue an mars, cf fiAj tai li dIara. FatetthVILLE, May 15th, 1882. To The Post : Ridiculing the libe ral movement seems to be the favorite tactics of Bourbon papers for the last few weei. Slang epithets are hurled at the leaders, and the masses are told by these same journals that it will all end in a fizzle, that it has no strergth, that the regular Democratic organiza tion will sweep the state like a whirl wind, f Change your tactics, your bun combe gas will not frighten those Democrats who bare come to the con clusion to join in a liberal movement ; they have come to this conclusion af "t mature deliberation and cannot be tUMk?u by such silly editorials as are now issued to the public each week The Democrats who are now ; making their departure are not sore heads they are of the bone and sinew of the lanU and certainly have the right to express their own political opinions. Is not this a free contry ? Have not freemen the right to make s. manly and open declaration of their views, and submit them to the people in the coming con testZr-From the tone of the editor al emanating from the Bourbon paper-, ii seems that tbey have not," but must continue to blindly follow the ; man dates of. the present Democratic orga nization. In several campaigns tho colored men were told by the Demo crats that they were free to vote as tbey pleased, and were asked to desert their leaders and vote with the. Democrats time after time efforts were made by the Democratic party to iuduc$ the colored men to vote with them. A prominint Democrat in this state a few day since said that the liberal should be called "the middle Democratic Re publican negro loving party " ; Wfiat has this man done in his political lift ? be has not ouly voted lor several colot ed men as a bid for their vote?, but it was mainly du j to his influence t iai a colored man received an important position by Democratic vote. Tue thing however did not work ; the tally was sweet, but was no go. One of ibe most unponant conventions that ever asaembled iu this state, will be held in the city of Raleigh on the 7 th of June. .Let there be h full xttendance ofth people, and we can assure the peoi 1 -that a platform will b(e adopted tint will be liberal anel broad euough pir any fair miuucu . in an to stand i'm I Voters of theljemocratic parly, who are liied of the jarty lash, and oVir ii more cotupeteni. and liberal govt r.t lueut shwuid come ou bold ly and ; srs sert thtjir rights, keep fresh . in your minds that no luao h.ia jtriht to c-ui-demit-you for "doing, lbe same thii sr that he ha etorte, wp only ask ioral u and just cauvHss and election, uud lU-.o wc will hae; Every voting preenct' wdl bo looked. Hl'ter. and we will set that ample provisious aro made to enable every imu to vote, then up and at them and never .lire of your wotk until the sun goes down on "day- our next election, Great political parties; when in iower, some limes think i h .. t the state, the ieople aud the e-l'u i t s belong to them. Jet the liberals in i In coming contest teach these cent'i ni?ii that the power to rule this country' i is in the hanels.of the masses. Let tiie Bourbon papers go ou with their hCum, it will do us no harm but will only :uM recruits to the Krand army of free i;kmi who are determined tq mak-i eery exertion to succeed inthe November elections. , AfewVords to lbe voters who have concluded to join iu the liberal movement ; don't be shaken by the honied words or the abuse heaped on you, like the braying of an it is loud but harmless, go on with , our good work and say to tbem . I ac knowledge no earthly master. R?m?ui ber that, the same men they are abuhg J now were a few months ago all ngb in their councilj, that a long as they obeyed the party mandates they were popular, now tbey are 'sorehead accord ine to, their rating They a bu-e CoU Johnston, but were always ready to call on him to help the wagon cut of the mire. Trice is also '.enou ncr i although only a short while igi be wd elected speaker by a string democratic legislature, but gentlemen, remt-mbir one thing, the voters are alive to their interests, they are uot ao army of sore heads, and in ; thondering tones t!iry will make the welkin ring in Njveat ber. Never mind ny pressure broub1 to bear on yu, only 'dare to do the right and a glorious future awaits tho literal. 0rgaoizat every cr jss ro 1 tnat every towinp has a working. committee, and let nothing go bv de fault. ; ...-,., Men of the Cape Feir district, re member that jou hate privtlegrs a river thu you never erj iyei bc tr, and doi forget bum you br been treated i wnrr-s, and ia IrjUUtare. Voahave aoUting to.loute by a change, much is ex peeled of duuict ; let moltre to oat d. 4i other dUtricUiojcjie on next eleciba, pot new saea ia ojSce. Let the libe rals make a bold f gwaTe fiihv the Democratic oegaaitaUoa wi.l b broken and shattered, a psr whes ;a the pfttiuoa thai the LVm-xrxilc p4. tj aeui a4 Igoorea Mich mea as i tgU theea Xur Iml give ,thi asrh a f apoa the 4eU ta prrual raien. fac&eem; wuii acsKtU af trrXi!3 f prtftlotiaq; M,c9J. N. E. Side of white Oak River, I Carteret Co , N. C i May 15, 1882 2- ) Ei'itoe rosT: I haye been a reader of xoor paper for some few years, and I write to thank you for jour manly ar- tides in favor of the! laboring wbite men ind farmers or this , state. You are: iiiakicg- a coble fight for indepen dent i bought aiioachon, and the full turaiii'ipatietn of all the people from bourbon slavery. ; r was a confede rate 'soldier. I served throughout the war; was wounded three tin-.?! the -last lime I was entirely dis- abUd, for all manucr of labor. I sur rendered at Greensboro, at the end of, and made my way on foot to Ketiansville, N. C, where an old aunt s"t. me within three miles of Jack son v i ttt,i N. C, the horse was ao near given out that I Bent him back and went to the boils tO M l oase of cne of lhe leading boor- if the county, and reqnested'him d me home. : He saw my condi 1 ti:.; i I hat I bad my arm in a sling and tiardly ab'e to walk, and he bad runiu tr aroui d some-Jjiree r fonr lu r.if and mules at theHisce. Yet be s id Hie was so busy be could not Bend J l-, ui.d I bad to walk: t even mi'es be I low Jacksonville, where a friend, an o!d Union man, who made arrangements to sti:rl 4i;e home. ' r ! : I w;.s very poor. After I reached liois-e my broluer iL-law managea to gel iii a rm.'tli stock -of goods, . but 1 hr.i:f ntade a Jiing. Fiually the Boa'nt f Commissioners 'passed a reso- to.i"li io. e xempt f'om noil tax the dis- iuners: i uppcarea oeiore ioemt it r ia r a a il i ube-m were Derooejats, and they t 7 r-Msi I to allow me the benefit of their Finally I mored. to Jones coun- y," awil the commissioners, who weie R'pii a p-tll piiicaus exempted me from rayirg tjx without nay s tying one word io iji.fui.. I somctirceafterwards moved unt kit-1 Ccslow county and the Demo- iHi nl . Hoard. maJe me ray n.y pell tax ! m now iiviriff m Carteret, oome iro 1 made ai plication to the c y t t ft I.e. I. mail' low ! i i-r knurs of Jones to ' be allowed goods' withul pxyini a peddler's e, and theygranted my request; I he same application to be al- ; the same -t piivilege iu Ouslcw y , and theard refused.. So you vvi I 4 . v that the comiiisioners of Ons- iiuityare uJt at ail generous to- lnw i: I I hose confederate soldiers who lost !'!' ii a iivi '.i by the war, ai d were shot to s .-o "badly ihat they cannot make : m e'iual IuUr. ' jou will ci iairiiie yi ur criti- ti:i i- ..o those uouiooi'8 w no have no u-e t! r ijic poor while inair, luc'uding ,t' - lilt II i deri te fcoldiers,! but to vote for i iiold i ilici I, for one, intend t, 14 a lite'iiian, and vote;ler the man 1H It late.- iiu:r and not atcvidifg to the die- I ! -ouie old bou:bou efliceholder. I tl ut tiwavs a democrat, nut ceeimr lenocratic"party was only the .fThe aii tocratic bourbons, who esre I'ji i i infilling for we farmers except oiv ha ii tv. - I shall in future vote Tor the iHi;di!ats ef the poor man, and my ,al-ic? to ajl contt-uerate soldiers, and Ij-ooi aboring n.en, is to-weigh this uiaUt r ns'l gi.d I believe they wil j iu jhie in my conctusions i ry respectfullj yours, , . DiPAntxn Soldier, Of tic 1 vie Cen federate war. fy iKaTiruTus. HMJTi.iyiLLK, May 17th, 1S32. lad proudest and; most popular ni Miumeiii erected in North Carolina, and I reU J:r ni e s.seutiat basis upon which the imiire; greatness, and -prns- perr r tier people as a whole, is IjhI i.i o;utar education" where vei ih- loVea of kuowlclg has been permit led 14 i.-J its rayesK whether in the lowirft, tirits or rural districts a better ame'iuratiou inthe cOuditian of the iK-otdr, morally as well' as iatellectutl- ly, is; at once apparent ; and it is in lheo esnuals that we want to see the peoj-ie iute rested, and white the people sic a.ways ready to ler.d a helping h-tnd lor the cnb'ghenmeat of their cUi.u. ?, ij , w josck keepiog tbry mm'. tranNuui L.'te tutctsi Jand prosperity of their! years of toil, the climax io our eduektioual point of vieF cannot be racijtrd ; uLtil the teachers beccme properly interttlca themselves is the tiiuca'.iou of the masses, ror years the teachers of N ort h C atoliaa, however. have; bten groojdcg in what teemed to thin,darkno-aDd gloddi ; bat they irupglrd on uctilat lt they r eo- abicl -itp4.e their way a little clearer Uf.?jr uem, hi tLry have bees ciVica oy those i who bare ie ia the ex;eriencs of a better UK- p( jJiTair thaoihit whiih kit iv tHit) d hem Ut th- ,.tt Mvtoteea The lrs:.atta of oor u.U has t-wtkM bi :b, Vai boards i i be an aaxibary L t 1 1. iTas'oi f ioow'eJe ag tb arsliaJpalivia 1yia- to ia ia;fert a Uur ytri f paVlic la ? KiB''0 ' !Lr HStt"it kh ' at ret Tffy! far iWt pctfrctisv ll t f hitrtrtr, th saaay ? rf wih lUlt Waia ea& cf tlU pcp&!ar itmtmL N ; wLoJ ysursa U srat wiat L J j tae a laaVt feaUm la 1 saaka tf. aa A.r lit lit laliag . 4 :w&tt fra:aus ia U amral km of tU bo4 Sraam Eratam ! -f ih-? mv 1J.U4 mait ta the li decaying structure.- if you can get the teachers properly instructed iu the arts of teaching, you may boast of a posteri ty worthy to take jour place .'as - we shift off this mortal coil ; but if on -ihr other band, no manifestation (fiiiterel is to be found suiotrgihrra, tlrytim?n? generation will b.uo-letter for tho ex; penditure ; and I therefore commend to the teachers of 1 he stale lb. ''equi ty institutes for teachera" as worthy of their attention, and wUichv.iriJbi. held aud supported by tho-te teachers who are interested, aud would like to see a belter fcvslcm. e-onilucto M by teachers of culture and of sock' practi cal ideas of ai t, 1 am afraid that we will not haver the pleasure f .sliaviu)s" an "Institute" hd iu this county this year, although I Iwe my feafa arQ not well found, because it would be a great benefit to the teachrit.f lifu-is.vick county if one could le. held under the supervision if ur very flicrent' al r liberally cultured 5:U:eriac!ide!it,te. Leuuard E-;q-, fresh- from the tcVool room himself as a teacher, be ' would know just w here and who i to ' ap," and ite rough would literally 11, But I have been inform 3d that ho has tendered his resignation to" the Countyi Board of iucation, which if tru will give the echools of this county a blow from which they will uot recover ion. He has made a Ojd oHio; r, aul lias given Us smo valu iue mtructi-iu as teachers, und encouraged the puii!s a a twO fold propUi(i'iii, mid we - would regreat very iniich to loose hi r.i. l'viog a teacher of exjn riane- Mr, Lt ytmrd is belter prepared a "the Chief officer of the rchoeihs " haii pro bably any other n-utlemsn iu the county. We L4ve a' good, board ofed ucatiou and is doing a good a wotk More anon. M.!V- II. IJ. The Pbttttcal Jiall iu Moiitm i t j; LaUftiSBUlio, May 12, J8i2. In pursuantthe Republicans of L ui r- inburg, keli theirconvntion to ghr, to choose delegates o ailend the c un- ty convent'o i which con eiie's in Rock iogham, on 27ih inst. . The cuventicu wa? called to order, by Mr. J. Mc Lean, cbairmau of the township exe cutive committee, ifter wh:eh prayer was oflered by Rev", A. Lytch. - Mr. U. W. Ilarllec waschoost-n ehair- man of the convention. Mr. (1. i il ie usual way counM-led forJJaimony arid made an interesting speech replete with thought. Mr. I. A . .V-K! w.-..i el.oe n Secretary. ', The following geiil!-miii iv-eri el.u.-n delegates t alteinl ihe rot. vci.lioii : N W. UarlleevJ- MtLea-i, A. V. Wall. Alternates- Joo. Gitvi, A. llanis.Cbas. CauipbelL. The convcuLioii endor.-l iiati. 0.--iI. Dockery for cofgrepsiiian at largo and ex-Judge 11 w. 1. Buxton f.-r yujretne" Court Judge. Convention adjourned", sine die. . .-. N- W. llAni.i.j:K, (' nir t ait. f I A. McKay, Secretary. Bait i.i- uoito,. ivJccrr) -juho, i V ; . May 8th, 1,2. j Eiutor rohT. Ou Thjhv'av -iib of May, 18S2, tbe R -j ub'.'c ma biit Creek, township Ne 7, met L'uttlcLcro to elect delegates to the re uisty en. veu tion to le held in Tarboro ou the first Saturday in Jioe. U. W. Battle, chair man of the executive committee, called the meeting to ore! r, when,' on. motion, C. W. Battle w ihcren Trrr.anrnt chairman, e-f the u cling, and H. L- Jones secretary. The fo'lowi; n.uscd gentlemen were onarimctiv'f th:en as delegates to said ron ventt'in; C. W, BaUle, S E. Jone, A. T. Pallle. W.'Battlb, Chairmin. g. E. Jones, Secretary. 1 : Ren KiKeiWAJi, May lib,! J!. The Republicans of Rirhi'nd coun ty, will hold their county conve&t oa, on Satiirday, ifth of MK Rockia bam in the Court 11 u, ni, u ro.t io choose delegate to attend ih u!c convention, which eouven ut the lity of Raleigh, on Wc'dneday Itthdav of Jnne,"-ior thQ purpoe f placing ."o nomination a coogrtinaa at Uriv,-.t!.d a Judge of the eupremr CuM. Kach township is rriutud to bo da co:i Tention, andeact at '.ct tt.r dele gates to attend ihe county, cnreaUn. Ty order of the executive cmmrtTre. '( N. W.lfAtu.K8v 7aeV; ki XKrnr ay : Vn,t. Kerr is gmiog up,m!rr urt aur picea, a mott eicelUfnt iti dsVah!e sp of the ttate.. Hy evaUIi- U sr V or me nuacroas ra;t a4 vtfj and the United ettr i vey ef nr cwt aad rirtrt, he faj rttn tatl Jlticvi rett cotiotK m crrotfa prtil .y ia; aad to coswirvct i i i may of th t. U . u J that thu mf rvuni iMt kite hi laid dti.o it ail U. umm thtitjiv- Tbe ws e4or.fef.tau:r are as rm! i ii, aipt a tbe cwxtr Vts aielUfrJ boacter that I7v fetter Ktrr ei-ioc, ed each great diil4 ia tt i.e u lt- txmmumietMm tf mtrnm i tcuui lk tahip ur r tU'wr, isaxaeaat ttiUa.vv rvt:La i. aha4a UU iriAzt i hu rue rt, sofk of saslieg aaia:t a&4 :c,ru aaapf 1WU. II. tv-viHft 4 aider yrt4ff Kly "if? Cwu ae taj liwt 4aarii - i;'is '"v v f Thv lT It ta tr mt' ,,.v N n W a i) v URTISEM F.NTS. AT GEORGE MYERS5 -C)Li-tSrAiNl; ii Vk ; socriioxT ktukkt. CAN .UK 11A.U - r -' . -'it : V if ' , J'iJ-i-?:-9 hi' 't ii ' e & tXlK TIlK ,! :rl- Christmas Table, -'.V1 Ttie New l.liuor larlnient is the uetla . , ' - tu Ute. The Cbolet HERlEBllANi)ili5, COUDlAU aS'D CHAMTAGNE- ! Colebrated l'ONEV , WUl?KEV. BLUE GRA&. abd Ibe'uvw brand , : WhiKkry, . " ' Between The Acts ! IVia't fail to Jouk at llio Hue l II F1BK- WORKS llKi; CItACKKKS! MINCE MEAT A N V iuimii All. I I llC lIloH rl FamilY Supplies! . T J- - -. T Vl i- la Ui t U 1 1 Utilai Aui.a,ili . 1 - '. . ' II ic I.I M ). 'ItON 1ST ' CHASi KLEIN 1 lfnt!cr:aUt:r nm! I'abhirl .HaLct.' j n.riCAfUi::?e,i! 4i-li.h H1 irtr tjn. i BROWN & PEABSQN. Homo Mnde Candy, vi wiiuLt;ioyn I i V Vr!j ; it ru f a g vrc aW r i A vl I v -1 o a rf l - - - umsi sttwc .. :-

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