v Km Mi KBIVKX ' OMMlTTEli, 1 . .V IIaNYKR tSTlJSTY. '.!.. V'lLMlNtn'i.K, N. C v . ".May (3th. 1882. . f At h niiiiijc !' ti -Efecu ive L'oin 'n.iiif !' ihwi e.'m.i v i n he ithiive ,,,(" ill" .fi!w'"K passed by rean Ci'ti'i. (Jmive in I'm .i iwebv cat ; in ieel atMhe Uuiirt House, in the i.l Warning' nu, .tin Saturday, the iTili il 'y f JAiV, at 10 o'clock a. m , 1 1 nuke following nominations- i i,'ierk nflhe Superior 0iurt, Sneriff, KrsMvt of . De d. Treasurer; imuer, riuivVynr, i and twu. .Jmbrrs f the i'Jl.wie f RepresentAtive, aUo to elect i iuiir (4) delegates' and four (4) aller- fij-ute t ench oT the following conveu- I The bta'p Convention, k the Cungres t. oiiMiat Con ven tiiin, lh Judicial ( Jon- vvctron.'tiie Senatorial Convention, i ik The chairman of the precinct com -. 1 1 inn te?s l "Heh township and waid are . liln rt-liy d tree led to ctTiutetiog, in their vijreipeciiye township and ward.,io elect jtnrt-e delegate and three alternates to ( ;jt lie county convention on Thursday, 2.3th,. J;88J. '-.The Republican . voters of the tuwulhipa, at their n- ifoectiye voliug places at 12 Vcl ck in. jj rbe R?pubicanvvoteM of tfach elec- t'wa preSinct of the city, will men at 8 . unlock p. in., 3hy 25.h, J 882, and leoC l;he delegates and three alternate.-. ft ne polls win be closed 1 at 10 o'clock v tate Convpn. I,... ... oi Aorm Carolina- 7 April 18, 'S2. f 1 At a raeetinir of tin Rtt :J- WERTISEMENTS. . 7 misorm. r 1 - WV El" AUYISKTISEMENTS. AfTSCRI.f. A JfKn FX ' I -T : 7 - 1 1 Z K AIliKOA Tkv tL . . f the RTubiC.u,' party helj W day.it tin, "Old .h.t a Htec.nrention bebeld -1 I MmonilasiPetersliiirirEajiriiaico FUTURE! 'SB T9S KZ3 J.Vfol Jili 'he splair ,f KS8: llfSll.tV. P -till.- AVAl ri f. ct'or.iiiiiicr tvith ''giziiio. ,,f ihUepub S. fr ti.e inr.., oJjilucinf gains to purchasers of ,,','"il,:,li""r.cJidHtefurc aeiDg -1 ' inrg.. a Judgfl tllie s urmture & Bedding ! H,,u,,rti,e ratinoVtioqcf the ''.''t'rj'r .lhe several dia-' nclsf.f JUdgfsoflheS a,ri(, rCljUrt, "d l conMdr other '.i. H'ly affV-ting the access f 'r "d Uhe rfi mm 1 avert hr.,w ,.f i.;...(i.. rcy in or;, (Jarolia.' J. .1. I..n nt... .. t , v"iu u ' H- 1. II a ncra S In see. V'" 1 , u III iAX OF ORGANIZATION' Rulf aiil -Regulntloiw lor the Organisation or thte Kepubli can Party ofSTorth Carolina: i . j J" mo jian or or- garzui..h adopted by the Jiepublican JMate.ronventioii-in 1850, which, will have u, oe carried out'duriug the prea ntca.mpaigi.,aud the RenhbliPMn- f tie rUlf will rl. i... . J to he abie to.carry it out. " - v l .Qiunty Organizitton. The eltc lion precinct bhall be the unit ofnmniv , . j Our SinnV .w.: . . ' . leadtTe of k Jfii J Icl-Itoom 9uif, PARLOR SUUS, TABLES,. LOUXGES, CUAIILS, BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS,' . , WARDROBES, DESKS, spring beds, Mattresses, CRADLE. ii.vuY UARRrAGES. :&c, &o. tTc biave h t.l iiii liin er7;i. 1 e-Periencei o' 2't years In ouv. H Tl fl iriiro -in p ii o 1. 1.( ( WlSKr o Fnt Streel. apt 0-lm "rhA- ,8MlrH Co.. apl Jlm i ifae furniture Ueaiers. organisation. Ench J uIUI UJIC Upper D.vi.,iul,t Ward m . Tul,ve nimittee 'con,NtiC nf Butket Company House f tbree ctiri lepurblicap;-. ThevUhall "aru "J-,w,u L;ieT" r ' ' Nth Carolina FW ;TKupwwi VI....J ... . Voler8i' he precinct, and KhaM lf a iilVVdy lliiur.d wnril at Uiblemll COMMENCING Tnesday April 18th 1882. trains on thla road will run i i lolloSi; t LEAVE RICHMOWP SOUTH. 3.1U r, M. Fast Mall dally, makes through connections lbrSvAnoah. gtonii only at Petersborj. .Pullrnn , Palace - Sleeping Car hnt.? Mil InrJ W..' 1 rrt . . " 11.51 A. M., THBotfoHMrair r ing for Kalcigh.Charliston. At custa. Aiken. savannah a, .w Bonville. Stops at Shops, Ches ter . Central!, UrawryV BlaS . on signal. Pullman 8tperb th.iL..ufputM1 t: ?' h re.ltnI,1V (except Snnday). '.0 A. M., Freiht daily (except Snndayl 3.53 A.M., Fast Mail dsllT. ' Btopa only at I Chfcgter. Pullman Sleepers be I iwea Charleston and JdUford, v' m" ,8,S day (except Sunday). 3.40 P, Thnwgli i Mall dallyconnecSg o11.ih-r?hmoad' Fredericksbnri and Potomac Railroad for all . r'" i auu WRIk AIM DUt. i ng connection wrlh Chesapeake pinia Springs and . all points ,florthandwest.jrhistralntops i " ;frlia. Puliman Sleepers on lhis NewYork11 Charon kd 'An r relf.ht- aal'y (except Sunday.) A d rect four hnnn between KlcbmolTd l and 1 Norfolk by train. fr'kpponTirtox WU1 8Urt mondI)atYlif(iUIMroi, Tl4"is leave Rie'h-SSrkh-S .A,K,B"6.?A Leave Sunday; -u r. m. every J. IU KENLY a. pom- n r. . Superintendent. j r ') I7TH STREET. arouna Central Kail - road CJompany. Wn.mx.arow. N. CHlu -4. ' THE UETRCPOLITiN HOUSE. EURUPEAN PJLAN. - jjy Auruuuca ji." o per Meals at all hnnni: . order. " Pr j thkerdl,UrnUlled 'y thing sent ."'.'L10 tnded, and meals Fr!TiM. also ponnecUid with the Honse, f.". r?",.Led t their reideneei road CH1NGE OF SCnCUULE. 7 '"-'''jyj'1 J .. AY. 8. 1SS2. the fnllA. b operated oa this Rail! with riuencea for meal. reieiTed; jaiSal SATES FOB TAJOLHS. One Person, 2 meals aday.per week 175 We Invite our natmtna .' ' PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: DAILY. Ko. ! ) Ive WUmlastonJ. .x.!5 r M J Arrive at Charlotte .-Jm a M ILeata Charlotte aU Richard WiWams. fformerivr ti.: -..1 t Wlltnlngton M WAM MARKET' I MULBERRY vavao'JaI. nirur bti n . iiaii i w l waiter. ... t ..." I. LfOCJftfArt In 11a . mlnirton r- oewna ana TDira. wil uuugioa, . c Jim. ii Hii.r. Proprietor oct 30 tf STREETS. STATE I OF ' NORTH CAROLINA, UAftUYiiB COUNT X. J SUPERIOR COURT. 1 PjSnuflsf,r.,,n ; ad Duncan' Holmts. No Charlotte at against rrancis Morris. Delendant. rASSENUER AND rRKlOHT. Bally except Sundays. 1' ' i No g.l1' Wilmington at & A. M J ArrlTt fet.CharlQtu L-l7:35 P. JJ .tUAiM June 20 tf ne if iiiir.a at Uibleinli.Lr .J Fourth V4fd at.Anti StreEngiue Pha!l l 4U.se ilih Ward at 5U , Ward Bucket , Lwmpa,ny Mouse, heir number chairman. They itivutiu tiiviKn- it.' v l,,8clu" at uutii ' 1 1 mo and j.liiie as the m el live Commiifee ; , .f.U.MANNiso.CVm '. U1.U. Li. aiA fjority of tbeni mav ect Tney i,haU Lienuially elect a ily order ot the Republican fxe. n. ' y rxcutlve committee, to conaiat vwv iunii uve roeiuDer.-, who shall eiect a .-bairmao frorn their? number. Vararyrjie jo .precinefconamittees shall J Rooms -.REPrmf.in aw h.-W oe n'' " W he voters of the Drecinet. Wilmington, N. C, April 20, '82. J. H,,d m u'y committees by a conven :t a meeting of the Republican com! ,ion precinct committees'iduly "? Mi.ee of ibe third coog essiooal dia- fcaI,e(J: Provided, that in ease !a vacancy ;k!jt.()r North Carolina, held tbisdayl occtjrrul,iu lblrty prior to an US0N, Secretary. Atlantic and North ( arollna Divinon. Time Table, No. 13. In Effect Sunday, April 9th, 1 882. Petersburg r.r.co 30 Feet; Front ln-s run huih vacancy may be filled by AM iv. ya ordered that a district convent ,'t'i;,""t .-. .......... . .. : lli'l be he d at MiiKoK, : .u- the vote . . - Ij : - - v. v . L H IJ , , Jollllfv nf It urlor. .U- O.t- J . X : i v.. uii mo oiu oay OI I , ' .Ju.ie, at 12 o'clock noon, for the pur- or H'KU There shall be a Con- of the remainiuar members Oini;re.r6n.iK .Indiriiil an.i pose of nominating1 a candidate for 8re Judicial ami Sciiatoriaf Di ni'.gresH. fhs. convention will bo held ftTict Gopluli"ee, conipove-J of not less '!""-r me plan adopted bv th lat lua" one mem ber Ircm Jjejiliblican etate convention. ' I5,ot'KE'1. Chairman. J-.:K Ha ink, Sec'y. - eac!? countv . i . , uor los I than seven incnib. rs. bienni -ally fltctrd by the M-vera! 1 irir-t .v veujionsl each of whom .shall elect 'a cnairuiKii Jkmii thur numb-A: frocuhJ Tjie Tow i.bhip Executive Commilfeea lllHl a ltrit co'mmittee snail on ly; b,- elected, in diti i(;:.s I em hrBfing iiore thaitone rouniy. Vfan cies o,, iirrin within' thi-ty dsjabfaa elerli.in ijiity br- li led by the vo'e t f tle C'HIIIII ll,io J NOTICjk.- ' ' I ' s;1 h- veral. towosbipa of Brunswick C'tm y will appoint delegates to meet Kt iuwii Wretk Hiees' store ou Sat- lV, -Mih dy May,,' at 12 m.,to' n.r i oillHIillte. - r.xfcviiivx .... t . lh-re sImIi he a 5tti- Ess curi ve Co-r mil1... .. ' I f ........ r, . oiu, i ..e number from each Cifgrevftional Disiiict in the sta'e l,'j'"'"ti two delegktei and two alttrn f: "' N';M-rIreeftt :Uciiuawick. county in I- "'l UonKrehioual i'oiiveutioii at Eliza : I t ihtowii, Ulade county, on, the 8lh Hy of June, and two delegates and two , a uniMieaiu lepreseu't the county in the l? bl" tit e'j"ut ed by the di.s'ni t-delegt ! lv-.nblican state convention on the 14th h ' ;fla,e Convention assembUd; . U) t June, 1SS2, at Raleigh, N. C. lwo ""''"r" large, to b, e!ectei hv , ' . iv. 1AYLOB, luc "'n ouveuth.n, and the ch-n'r- :n....r,nan Repub tcan Ex. Coni. of man ,.f . ,e convention , W'd, tbe . . - lfi lin.HU'4i'lr eininlf 1 I . .. . v" ' ''y litl : eIfClioiv'ahe.ld They ahaR be bien- .'j NQl'lCf.- . . niaMy efeoted at 'he Sute Cuivehlion, : n"'r.e.wil be "a Republican County ""a'.1 i ho.if.e one of their number chsir' mention held at ' Elizabeth! wn on ,n,ui. Hl nhall elect a m ere tary who ja r ,ir.Uy the.27ih day of May, 1S32, nieujber, who ha'l resle at IU1- ' ' l.i liie purpose of appointing dolegatea 'eigh. . . i t. r. present B.adeu county In a sUte IV". 'Thd I chairman of the respective - : c .i.vr-utioi.,' wtiich will bf held at county, district and s..tc . Executive li.rfijjli ou the! Hth day of June, and Gomiiniirti. sh.,li call their ouvenHon ' M'pOjint delegates to represent said tooideraiid act as temporary chairmen i ; c.iiHiy aa a J Congressional' , District UHlil. Prmaneui oiganizitiJu U af- 7 V NitA-utioa, to, be , held at Elixib'eth- fcted, wit P :Wv.r only to appointaml il1 Mu i the 8.h dtv of June: la4 ami receive the report of. ',i.i,i,t'-'L i r.-Mii(tct other Important busioesv crtdeuiuls ' j'ne. dinereoti. .TofTuahip Executive' V. No , .Q-m-nlUaea will please take obtioe.aod n"v r'ow i. . i . i . 'i . ' . . . ;" in;ir conventions (or the appiint S M ''y tnurenti.-i, whtthbr in. ui oiidelegates to said ,'county con- wui.ty, dMrict.ute or National' ,t m i4XKn iowusmp win oe ai I ' niemotr m.i an executive I nl three Votea and thro alternates commjf.ee .r di legtte or alternateduly - u lijecvuutv convention. I would I re- I chosen haH have power, tojidtlejale XTUiivel foniinitie,. shall to any fleet or appoint' dele- j (Hi li 12 0 31 41 i 7 21) 7 41 8 Ul 8 l;! 3:! ! 1! ! ! 51 10 21 to ;ti m 4.-, 10 11 0., AM. 5 ;Ji) (i Ml (i hi (i 31 li .j 7 U I.) SOI . 8 1.1 8 40 J 1!) U :i!) i ani D 5.S 10 10 4; 11 0(1 STAT ION'S. J tiOLbsKOUO.. Hest's.j.. " La Grange ""allinst.'tJreek.' KlNs'l'OxN.., '" Dover.. i "r fore C're k- .".'.'..Z '!"" TuHe,iircr!i..j.. Clarke' . NhiW IS K I tN Ui""" Hiverdalo......j 'To Hah !.....'.'" " W u d b r 1 1 1 e " ! Havelixrk N e w cor t... W'i lit tvrMhl Hoi 1 3 wood Macon Hotel..... ' '"" MOKKUKAu Depot" c J . -5 r I'M PM; 30 II (W :( 0t .I r,i) . ,4 r) 5 a . 5.30 5 1 5 10 4 40 4 40 4 1!) 4 13 3 51 3 51 3 4.5 3 4 3 2j 3 13 2 3!) 2 3!l 2 2S 2 2 2 OS 2 OS 2 Or, 2 05 1 34 1 2fi 1 17 I 7 1 HI 1 10 12 5!) I -' 40 12 44 LOOK I LOOK! LOOK f A1J Classes and Conditions Can . ' Travel, ' GREATLY REDUCEp RATES V ON THE PETERSBURG KAIL KOAP. o Y.k can. K frotn nam'a to Petersburg aud bck lor UO cen ts. ierj,iurK tor li av tQUy C'reek to l,etr 'gand back From Jarral.i.'fs in pi...- ... . . for 81 tl -v""'u's mm oack From BeWel j to Pefer.bur and biW!k for back0forPSatlt ,I,n U re'ebnr and for $3 60.Gry4ib"rg l retcrsburif nd back " From Wfililun t puin..k i' . . . S3 On vir.io.uu.j5 a dq oacK lor for the SJ ,.h0 Agent at theStations lor ine sort-of ticket you want. tiie Cars. W 1 C " 'Ulia J'riPTi.-.kcts on Get full l'af.irujatlon from the Aeni v liii i iiii'irirc 1 1 1 .1 it' ii. 1 1 t. , .. ' to. . " Ittcrsbfiirir..Vi By J Arrive at Wilmington aL.fc p, K rcorKte action.lsa non-rlrtntr.K..i...a,9Ye 1 r EXPRESS A NT) rnvina T po-e of the action being to ?wver ttfuen 7a Shelby.-... .JTlZv hundrecPioliara d, m.LvlJSrr J?i F11 Arrive at fhnAi tTT"- J P. M ber. 1881, wheitin was contracted between Rlelgn. and at CharlTiMk fw? Ir?m consideration of ratslnr and rnnairin. tk. ! a.ceuiraci.wjcliCQitractiniH lotle.;- i voir same for the period of 12 months from the date of said eeu tract, wh ich -onVto aaapartofthePlainUrracomDi.irthXl - KUOD! ID aalil hmaoh ... i T . " I , Tnl . . . iQ(r, j -:.v"."vu""" iQ tee l ,.r.- ".:. raiici ronnnrtlnn . "ame in repair and In nmi nini-.?jT. I - . T.h tbereiore. to noVffvTu,"r.U Tra ai Xo.. f .a c irauciB Morris to be and ann-r-t TUr Charlotte with I An."P I ni lerm, of the Superior OoirT V.F v.- burr. UreenVm T.r. r ,0f rartan- oanover uonnty.to be held at .h-r,. PoinU bevmi " and all 1-tiMIISAIn A llmlni ---------- waa a a - Br the 1st Mnnflu-"i-" i""itM.2n BSak BSa . eea I Bile f I.i a. . w wuusb W - - dBU Feel Deen. ES x . r" 'OLttdProrJadgmMrwm py1rofc,rnXnrW aWKllnir lo .H W0 k" enntction wltb. Van AMRIKQE. Clerk 8nnerlnrr.. ... e----v.wMe Thl 20lh day cf April, tia. ''"OA n COM PANT' ' FkTsaauBao. Va March , ilk I y adhered . l iOK. General "Ticket Affent. .n.iw i st. 1881.! jy 21.tr I WILL SELL THE WSdSn t.VSSu'S a iWi fastmail and passenger j!PKin?a5 UTE TO THE NURTH AND y.-.s p m fl. 1 IT .. . A ... I wi V- . V""."ecis wl,h wilmiDRton A welrton train rem '.rii, ..r'" G,.msboro, 4:01 :,. " """""o i Train 3 comiecr-s with North Cj'rolina tral n a rr i v 1 n n at U olO sl.oro 7'.;. in Trains a and 4 run I. . m. . . and Goldsboro oniy." i,ew rue Chief Engineer ami General Manager. SCHUTTE'S CAPE, STREET. I U.VE JUST OPENED MY FAS1IION- AUEE R E S T A U R A N T. ain prepared to tiie boarders by Uic D A Y, WEEK, aud M O NjT Jl c-'wiuend that the Townships hold their I his rautUority toJanotber. . fl WieiH.gl l0 seUct.derfgatea to county j VII. 1 Rei'rcsentaHon.--i:eprfei(a c nteution on the 20lh of May. i .vsiU a tisuLKTARY Uhalrniin - County Ex Committee lion lu. couiity conventions sh-ili cjii alst ofthreei Republican vatt-r as dele gates, and. ithree 'as alteruatea; from each pnciMct 1 1 the couniv, and i pior. j .; :! VIII. Reprm.'uLttioti Cooeres sionai, juuieiai, Senatorial and' State Convention! shall consist of two delei- 4 Ibfie j "be a contention of the oiicans of CJIumbus county, at Jv'i?i.ie, N. C, on the 27th day of .. 1SS2. at 1 ioVI.V m. f,.r ik. lo of ekctin., .Ul.te. .i...r.. 8'wand twy altei nates o'ulv, for every '' J cuafokl Reblicao couven- tf jlh of tae iTb townshlD. are he.ebv noti. ft1" y PPor- - 'J.o hoKTtownahip vectinp and J10" ,n tou,,!i" accord 'W delegatea'tp the county poafen- ...I , . : . Ea?h township le enUUed to J 'T wa lo wree aelegstes ; J would rrcommend i the townships hold their meetings ;.II,J 30th. elect their delegate i orgaaiM township committee ac wuirg l0.n,e sute plan of organist Chm'a County Ex. Cos county con vet. l tons shall be elected only by arv of the Republicaaa of each precinct la precinct meeting aa seoibleV; and dvlegale. and alternates to district, stale and MatiiMil con ven lions shall bet riveted by aw tMiiveotioo of delegttea July tUc'.cd and sent by tLe pcip:e lr that purpose after due notice and publication of not less than First Class Acommoda tions for Ladies. The very host wl!l be furnished (hat can be ruvuMni in uia oruit EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND. LOT '(W r T-i TV-e-t M ; I - i ; v-r mmmm. jnuyjimUASUUKG AND POTO MAC RAILROAD. on'iwhV8 fun tl,r'gnfrom W'ilininK hiJVa4,hlnKtoavla -bi -ute without LAND change, laye WHmltRton, W ct W K R 1 , iri1.?.1-.:---1.--. t-,,nu Leave Hichrnonii.. Sunday excemi. Arrive at Washington t m p m, isunday exceptor " -" Arrive at Baltimore at jj 1" 8.40 p m 8.12 a m m, Sunday excepted. Arrive at. Philadelphia at p m, Hunday excepted Arrive at New York ai a " na. Munday excepted. Pullman Palace Rlem..n. m. trains to nUuhinn ... wa.up . C A. r.YLOR. .5 m and l.lo and 3.05 p m and6 50 and 10.05 p rs on the 6 50 i Clixtox'. N. G May 1st. There Will be a convention .of ths , Ififteva days, ofibe time, p'acaodpar- , JPttDllcaa party pf &mv0Q cbontf Pt f v?0 ev?vrnli, a4 notutbor ' T ?, Ue dJ of May oeW t 12 . i . t T at Clinton. N.CL fwr the X. The certiacate of the rbirac f'T.of electing d let ties to repre-1 oJ rr of wenloj, etuo or CQBTetoei, ai4 tie eUvi.lw oT m taitotts towtuhips will bold town .v; r ,i , - svixvtc( vvmoim, aa a rtx3 , viv.uv aou atsa aaiegaiea.ui aakl I ana euuiciea crcuennai ior such te?e- coctiaue is fureo until -cosiftoUok Eich township w Jnt ed to three dalmtea in the ; 'W iAttenUon U called to the cbaoiced or abrogated by a m U.Meat Is-rl0' orSaiaUoa pnblUned la Uss Uepablicaa Jftaw Onteatwa. TJ' ufrpsf WfAki; CVm'd, ' AdopteJ la StaU CoaenWn; JaJy S, Liquors, Wiuos, &o Will be ol SUPERIOR QUALI TV. The Uty of Wlltalufton has ton needed a . r'Ukt ciaas and , . . Facsliiouablo- Calo. TO LADIES AND CENTLEM AaJ It Is my pune to sapply ibis waau Kf!Vfarske4 V11 hoars of; us uay, and ap to 12 o'clock al Nigat. ' icsitiucted oa the , v. v. cy e ss! I 'Jr. J g'?f,, wo Ms'e are ceased I by dt-rderei Kidneys r Uver lr Uwue! fore, the Kldoet a and t i.UZ V.-.1." 1 perfect order. rWfwi kV. k" ..'."L "r"! V '?1U. JnU Uu,h baa onty been kivns shoit time and tor veara nrnla flfraBMa F11 n7 wltboat hetnc able to Sad re lief. The discovery or Warn er'a aaie Kid. J JuH "S V. urw mari m taaWWaT M-ea la iW. treat me. I oftbeae trtxi (-. Made fitMn a simple iropleal leaf or rare TalMMns ialisjnt the elements ntee.r aeerl ib and iRVOjrcrau both of tbeee rmitor ! and a.y reewe aad keep Utem la order. 11 Ua lOS!TIVH . r .TL , . . J " elseaaee that caoee pains In tbe lower rISt of tne body-f e; ret pM UereeEI Jaundice. I.ineaereeKevefrM Hatariat ver.aa4au dlCT-oltlee ef iae Kidaeva. Liver ji I'nn.i-v it ts an esrelleot aod safe remedy for la. malee dorter IVMuar it .u TT.!T Meatnation and la lavaluanl tl corrfeo" or FallUif tf tbe Wok A ttMSQd ran tier U la enem.'.! eorve the or;u that make toe biW. ma iweieir, whtcb bat ttnme neb lrr f LK or aer medicine bpom t be aaaraet. I aiKl ald ty brertt-ta aeu all dra ersVt I w 1 On 17th St., between Market and Mul berry Strees in Lots of 30 by 80 Feet, For one-fourth cash, glance in 1, 2 and 3 Years time. THE LOCATION Of this Property is in the North-western part of Wilming f ton. ' t , ..! 'i The Lots e Pa3 CO PZ3 CO E) r5 h tf aa ' r 1 0 CO rH m.i.iKi r COMMENCING SUNDAY A Pit i r trains on this road will Vun .1 fflJ i OOING MOUTH follow ; boston and savannah fast iAIu epotW'-nal A,U Arrlve.tWdonF (f i . as - NEW YORK EXPItKHA. epof)'a,ten,bUr Uttl,y OVash'n st .Arrive at Weldoaal FREIGHT. . Arrive at"wcid"'"::'''""- y. -i.-.-..i.ve i . at, GOING NORTH. , f,vDVANMAT MAIL ArriVer'ia 85 NKW YORK BXVRlfH. Leave Weldoa dally at. ' Axnve at PetersbJre .i rRKlOHT. , Ive Weldoa daily (except sao. Arrive at KiwZZ 15 H: u i .bw K A. - P. M .cbtPai?Jd,.".a 'U eoaebe. oa and WatSf.?.? WUmlaHoo tbrooKb. toJ checked . laeseers cole. -.V . uckeu and chick bsaaae .. w.1?, street depot. " at Waeblngtou -iub sireet depot, j v. p. ta vtok HrfriTis- P1 Greater Inducements V Nontn cinouNi newt "K-iJaa. - rsorwirmn i purcuaseiw ok unocojiii f MAY UtikvllSli 1! Ue sUite -nffla&lukccA (,.y-: Atlri.an & Vollprs, I W4dea au. kkA a. aaV aka . ark e. . .u . -T." . . Wk. t w bjari W a. a . " ae jl HJi cater, sf. w;. J. a SCOTT, Ooot ana 8hoo Uokcr, Shots a rntxcixi mrr rex Tir4 . S94t'tauia.MJelisiW(alUik ke a4 hnm sateeas. ' friwcMejd bM4eS tarn . i .u. te. h. . tWertjoer 84 aiUkdknt. Cadeea e ea e '' ?V t tee tf fS e--W l f i 4 k tt. i . w ftea. rei.aUaJ .: Jsas I ty ... Are high and level " and the . m fact that the City cannot tax them maltes the invttaicnt more tlo&ixublc CORXEB SECOND AXD PaUSCESS Trmt mm Dli fti. SrREErS. ,N I Tta aa faaeifee w. MfwtNa.1v: mMMsawad. wbere u vly ei.ea ere sai an.,-.. t' ' y-::- wrin2iun:i!r;.-trfiiT. iMte. a beaf tbe BMuraet beetra.' Tbe bees. wjre e lb eeJy e Ulr LiOTS laeoer part of lit Cj. as. t Apply in trw,cr ty Ittlu, U W. P. OANADAY. T7itain jton, I?, a BTATK iw Xottm ' s ttm ivi lll-W.V ''!:' 1 I Hearjr JS Sweat aast 'lf SWUeai SW - Tltesabnueve etetartsweM fa wstest tbeesare, sie a tZS, efcy leer.ta lea vlZZle w atfl 1-f11!-' 9M-- teS ?JS1 S L! M4a7SSe? I . -9 t t . - I- l';-ve . ..-iiJwwiis. an iti. im. 1 . yabe -tf 1 4' t be te ew"dNML . ... '""A aeaauri. a"J-Jil WOTW araiiniisili--