II1 ,."V C !" Ij v.. XV T -AC .11! ) S J 0LUA1KXV. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. JUNE 25 18S2. V .5; t i r t- )lr it eei .at. 12; .'ai aie . Of to I - )r . i 4 I I 1 ,t,lLUlNGTQNFQST - .TTXtherostqHce WUming r' u r as Secmd Class. Matter. 1i53 0rADVERTISING. Shfc (8) line3 Nonpareil type,c.on- cent per line for the first in-; and twenty-live cents pec nuq ESi additional insertion. V t riV advertisements will be charged ?ct,, bore rates, except' on special ; .jin'ricts . i ; ' v '; ry subscription price to The Wil .JJtoS Post is $2 00 per -year; six Ali communications on busines must L ajdressed to Thb Wilmihqtok t, Wilmington, N.q . KEGULAR REPUBLICAN New Hanover County I tenet I Fur Clerk of the Superior Court, I STaCEY -VanAMRINGE. I " f For Sheriff, WniEN II. MANNING. Jfor jtrgister of J)eedv . I "jjOSEPII E. SAMFSON, iforCuuuty Treasurer, - - ? 'Jp-v ' Fur" 'Coroner, . , INWARD 1). UEyLECr. i For Surveyor, ; 1 LEMUEL p. CHIiURY, i LEGISLATIVE TiCK ET. T; vFor Senator, : -A-' ' : ' ' ) i'ot House of Reprctienative. I WILLIAM H. WADDELL , KU3TICE E. GREENE. . v f GoDstab'e Wilmington Township, J. ROBERT SWEAT. flon. W. II. Day, eays xvc made two Stakes in our last issue, concern iabiiiUflf: Jet.. Ho did not advance up of ilio , money .to pay the fines of lfiifax crimisals in tbo U. S. Court; W'saya hunself and threo others paid it. '4 lie did iiot denounce Governor dar- . .Xqv, it will ho socn from tr. iifi wd, .published- in another column - fitllw al)QV6( wcre; the : only mlstakcg dkile-hjf xi in1 our articled So it seems llfjf llio"Roanolio News" i a little jioiis in. Its publication. , Lu. W. II. Pay don't say ho is go-;"to- lead 503 Democrats into the Ke fMcm party, hut that there were 500, yyin himself, tlat would not voto pquiecratio ticket. Mr. Day is a i 'f'ral gontlcman , and in thorough ac with the people, and will act with f eile, and not undertake to bull iftln.'m to his Avoy ot thinking, as tho i'lrlwiisdo. : ;. If, lion. Orluudo HubbM. j e had the plcosuro of rnectiug v his ritlcman, while nt Raleigh. Ho was a terfo from Craven county, Mr. !lili3 is-aa a'bld and faithful reprcscn- ive at any placo,. And the good peo rf the tcQn district, seeni to know ? spprcolato it, by tho- manner the tios ore indorsing him, lie has Considerable for them) and if ro-sjtt-d he can and will do considerable sf.' 'A ' ' I ; County Government. fo Wilmjugton lStar" is kboring under an "attack; of delirium ' nu. and nulcss soaictliini is dono fe won thc :consc(incncc8 wilt be ter- I Somo nersoa see snakes, others If tho "Star-' fccea nero county u uneut, and tho case U Tcry.bdt J f i I'lriso rest fur ita editor. We don't F4 tld attack was brought il on by p hut a disturbed liver, indiges ;l f long standing, toothache, corns, f nl -large number of other dia j ;. Tho combination has been too "4 fur one to stand, and it has finally ! I'sj iindVr tho pressure.. It Is cm i5 M to' aid ill receive our irmnathtes Hf veroaftlictfon. ! Jici writing the aboto we hear that , . uitor has gone oil for recreation J vtrtsr Vn. Internal Revenn ! . Stephens of. Georgia, one of tho i tnlbcst posted sUUsmcn la the I :;.;7i said in a speech In confress nday whUe discusnnj a bill to ' Ife tie internal revenue, that the I i!Ur5?at m far as it wentbut that f II m p nearly as fir as he ttouU I4ehe4. He thoujU tia4 the ta Vf fejkT Kvcnno systcfh erU to f? lic. Idternsi tax, except la s -s of war, were. antMlcrnl'.Icaq ' -U-Ikmocratic. TheT were iu to tie general pc-'X T -t; tier were ef t:il cria it ! had alxrars leca Kancl wiih ; rrrej; was It i.v;crt datr, :4'.lc;ilta:7eu'C.3Uipj CliARLlSH R. JUNEV. come lime ago Charles R. Jones pub lished a Ijing article in his paper con cerning ur Mr. Can ad ay We at once denounced him a iur. He did not hare the bonrty to acknowledge thai he had lied, or the courigo to demandThe sat- iffdction due geotteman. After rea- fcouable time we,denounced him as a liar and paltrooo. lie did not notice that and we -publiahed him as a liar, j paltroon and coward. AVe have time and agaiu, bince, repeated those com plimentary epithets cotcerning the said Jone?; all of which has been submitted to by the coward I v wretch that he is. - li w n Known to air mat we art j atu rave been for years, an out- spoken aI vacate of the epdeducltoi there 1 f re tht-r- wms no excuse bat coward ice for thr Mttd Jones eobmiitlng to the iusultin lui'KUJitre, ; lie tH in a card rtccnlly published that be, Junes, was in Wilmington some lime ago, but saw; nothing of our Mr. Caqaday We hea d that he wa here some d Ays after: he had left, and from Lall accounts he made bimseli so exceed ingly small while here, that he cou'd notjiave been seen from bebiud a tbiee qeuf pi.- Our pitof5ce address is WiT miiljetoii. O. Every man in the city -knows tiur tflice; there will be uo Hiffi culty hbt.tit your, finding us if you should evt r gel up sufQcitut coariige to wish u ! ii. lie says be left Jt for ujtu j'fvt whether his Ijiug article was ttue r tot. We might as well leave U f.r hitji to prove the legitimacy hit own brth - ''J': Hnd wt-' I nown the ruan before we publk-fird him (we do. not-kaow him now at fcilit ) we are free to say .we never would have node so.' We are reliably informed by leadiqg citizens of western Worth tVruliua that he is a notorious coward hftiirg be ;n lime and again kicfctu and: spit npon by gentlemen ol both parties, without the slihtts'. re- siatance on uw part, v ; ' ; a r r- r- - -fcfc-v. r1" i ? . ii i tur8tanaiDK neTer 50 lc Drc- aeu unacr any cucunmancesj never w t-. - J ' i ' . V . I i CK a man noneatv ana -iniegruyi i in these columns, without sufficient tee- itl ... I Ji.A L! J I ary. We hae taken pains to hunt up the private and public record of Charles R. Johes which we jnay ctve in the future. ''or the i-ri-seut be can continue to wear the brand we have put on his forehead LIAR, PALTROON and COWAttD. All the- Democratic bourbon papers predicted that the liberal alliance would not be made. They said the Republi cans would, not indorse the recommen dations' of such men ai Dr. Mot, Col. Cooper and Canaday. But now the. convf ntiou has; met and unanimously adopted tie liberal plank, pasted reso- uiiotvs tbsLhinj tbese gentleman for their govd management of -the party,, and now these same oracles say we told yon so. Yon told us that the convention I would not do what they did do. The fact I is the pjui jcrat papers :do ' not know one hall of the time wbat tbey are taikiog about. ; Out ot the ninety bour bon Democratic papers in the state there are n4 Ove ofahem cot what fol- low bliudly the Wilmington Star and the Acvrs and Observer of Raleigh. , In 1881 ther all aaid the prohibiUon bill would te adopted, with the single excel tion e.f the Wilmiegton taft and yet tne u i oniy got o,vw roies laue state, and was defeated by 118,000 ma jority oly carrying two counties. In 1SS0 ifcf y all swore time and again that Hancock and English would be elected; that both Lcurcs of Cocgrets won!d be Democratic; that Jarvis and his ticket would carry the slate by at leat 40,000 msjority, neither of which came to pats. In fact they cannot trll the troth and the people hate lost all confidence In them. We ad vise them to stop and commence over agao, anr ..t the peo- pie see that they have made op their minds to do right. I f they do not know, then we advise them to follow the rosT la their i rtdictlcns, and they will come very near tte trntb.and always be right in their HIct. If they continue to fallow the Iter and Obnrtr it will be the blind leading the f blind, and they will all fU la the ditch, or at lesstthey will come' very near it. They hare been cn tie rsrstd edce a long tiat and if they conUnne la their r resent rolicr. advocaua? rrohibuioa weal ihtmi It is time that the cec?ra vm. v . khncM u an3 ctve tie rtcrfi car. reel lororciUon, lt taav c aaicsi whoa h may. The recrla r j M facts and they are cheated aad dtf3 J- edatea the ed.tsra wuhhaU lia trtt it it a cf fcts ftcta thro., WeruV'Uha slcrt artltU freea til trr very ccrr t-1 If til pr la lie atatt ac: t-a -Lt aJ trsta t C:::zi A. Ltij, it t'l tl 5 :atf t'. FAYETTEVILT.K1 June 21. 18S2. W. P. CauadAt: I : Hon. Ji C. McRae. President of the prohibition state convention in 188I,wa w-ay nommaica lor jaage or tne.4ta Judicialdistrict. Is prohibition dead? 1 ; Powees. The above telegram from Capt. Pow ers asks, is prohibition dead? His ques tion is answered in his tel-gram, cou reying the intelligence that the Presi dent of ""the prohibition 'state conven tion, which assemhled at Raleigh in 1881 Major McRae made a thorough and able canvass in behalf of the pro hibition bill, contending that the bill was law any way. He is. an honest man, and believing as he does, should he be elected, he will enforce the bill as it now stands, regardless of the vote of the " people to the contraryi ' Phil- lips and McRae, both rohibionists, and both nominated by the Demccrats for Judges. "Straws show which way the wind is blowing." - .: . -" - What is 7 the ! cause of the Wimine- ton rotCt . continued denunciation of the Charlotte Observer. We hope onr brethren of the press will dhebntinue this personal abuse of one another, "Let us have peace." Salisbury jc amvner. We owe an apology to the good people of North Carolina for ever publishing the name of the dirty dog, Charles R. Jones, in this paper, andwe now make it. But in doing so we desire to say in justification of cur t flVnse, that we were compelled to denounce Charles R. Jones as a liar, coward and paltroon, from the iact that he had wilfully and maliciously published a lie concerning onrself, -and afterwards refused either to make the amende of give the satis faction due a genth man. Will Brother Stewart do us the justice to publish our answer? i . ' The Raleigh 'f 'News and Observer'7 pubhshes a l'lBt of GO countieB and gives the expenditures of them for 1874 and 1875 and for 1880 and 1831 j compares the two for the purpose of showing the crooa results 01 meprescMsysiem. wny - . w - don'ithe "Observer be ncrfectlv honest . ' and state, of the 60 counties it names. ai ne t.om ,1T11ior nnmnpr.t;n mU not rnle M he trie9 te make w appear, j Why did hej not give, the Other 46 counties? Because their taxes were less in! 1881" than in 1874. Why don't it state that the county of Bruns wick was collecting a, heavy tax in 1874 to pay the defalcations of Democratic officials? Why don't it state that the taxes oC"1874 were being levied to pay" the heavy expenses of the war the coun ties had' not gotten from nndcr? Why don't it state that of the 94 counties in North Carolina, CO of them we're Demo cratic when he present county govern ment was established, and that they are afraid to trnst their Democratic friends with a free ballot. Let ns have the facts, and nothing but the facts. , The Democratic bourbon leaders are opposed to a free ballot and a fair count. They are opposed to local self-govern menu They are in favor of centraltza tion, and in a few more years, if they can have their : way, the jndges, solici tors, members of tho legislature, con 1 grcssmen and all will bo appointed by the Governor. They have just made a I beginninz, and U the people do not take I 0f the matter they kill not have a I to Tote for any of their officers. The sooner the peoplo are aroused and I assert their rights! the better it will be for tm the sUte. . J. A. I.ONU. I This gentleman was nominated by the liberal convention of the 7th Jnue The masses of that body knew nothiog of him, but between the 7th and the Hlh of Jane, the liberal and Republi. can conventions, wav sufficient time to show that he was a totally unfit man for the position cf Judge, and every delerale from thsSJi judicial district j wu opposed to nU endorsement by the I Republican convention. And we say authoritatively, had he not declined he I would have been dropped by a unani- I DOna rote of the Republican state ctn I TenUoa. Knowing this, as Mr. Long I did, he very prorerly, far his own I stlfrtspeet, declined the nomlaatioa 1 0f the liberals, Mr, Lonjr character I Usach tilths wonU not have recti red J i o,C 00 votes la the sUte had his naAa I been coallnned on the ticket la tact I the balance of the nominees would not I kav coatiauea oa the ticket witn naxsv . V , M TkUe at lUit u coy a tad the pleasure ct mecUv; the f 'htlcg clltcr cf theSallahary .Tjckumt, al a haadicne fcotr te Is, too. Yie titer ksew why ha wsi allcvreJ U est arc--d to ceseraUy wlihact ' gttU Ltrt, trUl we tthtt J L!a e viare la lit tzl c:t c;-l tl:a IId we dter tie rsxi:a wlf tit l:u:l:rt titt act r.-:t lUC;::lt?3. UsUaCcet;- clrracfa twists. V ttt t.to i t t ycr:tr:u.r ttt'i COUStTY; OOVEBItilfiJtT. . We have charged in these column?, time and again, that the Democralis parly intended to continue i the central zation of state power all at : Raleigh, and if they continued in power, with the bourbon leaders in charge, it wta nly a question of a few years, whea e,very omcer would be - appoints a and elections would be entirely dona away with, but we did not believe that the Democratic papers would so socn admit it. We find in the Wilmingtcn Review, ol the 23d, the following edito rial, which is proof positive "of all we have charged:; ' " Bro. Jones, of the Charlotte Observer should have his bead shaved and keep cooi. xi ne aon t we can't answer for consequences. As it is he is preaching now some very undemocratic doctrine. For instance, the election of magistrates ty the people has never been a Demo cratic measure.' For only, eight years in the history of North Carolina, from 833 to 1876. when tbe Canby Constitu tion served as a basis for the laws of the state, was such a thing as an elec tive magistracy known. It is true that the judges ar all elected by the people uub ii Bwmm not oe so. - is was - not brmerly the case and it should not be the case now. No judiesal efficer should oe compelled to in any manner ask tbe suffrages of- the people. From the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court down to Justice of tae eace, they should all be appointed bytheExecu- uve ana connrmea by tue ssenate. ' TlIK 8TAK vs. HON. W. E. COATV- Aa- DLER. ' -A?:, The Wilmington seemi to have' ost all regard for ' trutiK It has been ji months gradually drifting in the ranks oi the bitterest of the bourbons. t was started as. the organ of the con servative! of North Carolina in oppo sition to the old radical kuklux sheet. the Wilmington Journal. On account of the fairness.and conservatism of the tar it prospered, and finally succeeded in killing eff its rival, the Journal, en tirely, and driving Major Engelhard, its editor out of journalism.. The Star continued on for a while in its honora ble course. Rut it evidently thinks the false skin it has worn so long can now te dropped, and without damage to itself it can fight in the old footsteps of the old defunct Jbtrrna. . ' i In referring to Hon. W.E. Chandler, our present Secretary of. the Navy, the Star calls him "the corrupt fellow." Speaking of the management of the ap propriation for the navy it says: 'Who can trust Chandlei? Who can trust Chandler bossed by "SecorV Robe soi ? We wonld be alow to favor an exjenditure of $15,000,000; as a start, tj be maninuUted by two such corrupt and trickev fellows." " : f m i There is no more honorable and strict- y honest man in this country than W. E. Chandler. - He has never been charged with dishonesty or double deal- log, aud jt Uhe Star does ;"t jelf the dis honor to abuse a man U knows nothing of except thai Le is the Secretary of the U.S. Navy, i. TU. aitSNSBROKIl. Wo have, just received a very welcome "messenger" from our sister city, Char lotte, in the shape of a very handsome littlo four page paper, called the Char lotte "Messenger," and edited by Mr. W. C Smithrr-it is a Republican paper. We wish the paper and its editor suc cess in the rery laudable undertaking. Charlotte has long needed a Republican paper, and our Republicans are to be congratulated on their good fortune and we ask for the "Messenger" a hearty support from the whole of them. A pa per cannot Uve on wind, as many sup pose. It takes money to pay the bills, and when you subscribe gire the editor the amount of your subscription; don't let him have to wear oat the worth of it in shoe leather running after you. The Lauriabaix ktoyriie, the Con cord &, the Raleigh Slate Journal, the Pittsboro Jry, the Salisbury .Era? ukt, andthe Earke IXadt, tlx Demo cratic papers, are out square?? in sup port ot the liberal ticket The Aew- bcriuxn and the New hern Commercial, speak my ccnplimentarx f the libe ral ticket, and say that the indications art laat it will b successful. Geor-e A. Uebaae, cf the tCarolIna Enterprise." was at tbe stale conten tion; in fact he it tit the Irishman ea, tlere ia no knic where he is er it net at, he gets aronnd so fast loclin- aner LU paper. Ur. McVxae U ak ajcat for the Post. Oarfr.endwt.IrvnUBa a rurre slow uVrcvet he gc. CtrUla Frederick nr.".- was teal cated fj Jadefth taJjaJkltl tilct, at Wetdja, aTharfj4y tie IJta liUast, by tie ivrccriu; c;atnU:x Ur. niU: wa a -1 riir.Ccst as la tit errcc r L ca. Jiia A i. ccr?, tit tzzZJ.i'' pt tit i -::il tzij. " ' Te tilC.ertkanra 1 c-ft ; II. a. I. C JLtUa. tC.:.r tf tl I'rw T.-rt I ? t-,t r.z I 't if '.A lis r ' t. I N. S. IT. MAXiNINO. - This gentleman has been in attend ance on the reunion of the Army of the otomtc, at Detroit, Michigan, and was made Vice-President of the Sixth Army Corps, which is a hih, but very justj-compliment to his standing among the gentlemen with whom he served during the ; late war. He .returned to this city on Wednesday last,' looking well and happy.'. xv We give the list of counties that the Rem and Observer lakes up to show the reason why the present system of conn ty government should be continued Those marked with a ""star were In the hands of the Democrats in 1875, as well as now; : The Others were in the hands of ibe Republican partyV, 1875. Ah. -$0 71 . 11303 25 . 9 217 l - S 3.K79 77 6,903 09 6.588 06 4,71 VO 8.140 43 - 5,4 24 58 11.907 22 2,628 07 29.760 57 . aosi 46 3,005 13 lEU 82 ,37t 63 7,474 14 18.H44 95 10,881 02 5.219 69 10,703 14. 15.470 51 483 04 6,322 45 4.977 51 - 8,092 38 4,419 S8 4,1845 - 6,852 63 2,911 49 2101 00 39,623 2S . 4,675 87 4.681 35 8,722 31 . 90 9 22120 9.465 79 4.866 04 6,MM$ .3 5,213 59 30 706 34 . 11,130 44 96 8,842 23 10,302 44 . 9,380 31 4,685 73 Bertie, Bladan Z.JL .. Uam. ...... 7,tta m 13.1'J 8iiv- 7.SS2 27 " 611 01 - 3.051 01 00 ' 32,11 CS O.KH S 2. X7117 -1USi7 37 U 159 15 -. 20,02s 99 : . 2u,874 O) ' 7,209 41 31,.fc)l 63 10.878 0:1 9.4 M) OO ' li.'ta 5S - 75)i II jcj;i 5.117 1W ' 7.014 m 8.712 27 - 8 W 07 42.3M 28 ' 52.-WI 73 . ' K.177 17 8.416 87 , 16.2J8 63 8,806 16 J2.548 19 1 J6 fti 6 Sil & 8 sac 4- 10,406 Jl - asraw ou - ll.SWJ Si 4.583 t3 , 10300 13 11,806 4 109 HI.'" 7.231 4.7 Caswell . Cuatham ... . Cherokee.... L-L . Craven . . Cumberland . Currituck Dftre.......... DaTldon -..,... Duplin. ... dgeoombe .. Franklin .. , Gaston ... G nUford...i Uarnelt .... 'Hertfortt. ' Lenoir .. k .... Macon . Madison Martin...,,.... Mcdowen ... MecklenbarK jMewiiaaover Onslow , Perqainiauc. ... Potk Raudo'pb . -mps u , dtaoiy Hiokas Union Warren... WaKQinzton ...:. vviiae Wayne "wuson... Yancey t51 302 65 S4i4.126 60 t!2U26 60 f227,171 05 It will be seen, by tho.a who will ted up ; the ujures, tnat the Uemocratte counties in 1S75, were more expensive than the Republican counties.. By all means let us have a full exhibition of this whole iratter. Those in favor of local self-gorercmeut are ia favor of a thorough discussion f the" question. Trot out the facts. ' The State Coin nii't tee or the Re publican, Party. . P. John, Willis JJagfo William P. Canaday, James II. Harris, W. F. Hen derson, W. R. Myers, .T. X Coopci; J. B. Eaves, J.J. Mott, I.J, Yoiuog, J. S. Leary. Dr. John J. Mottj chairman; Hon. J. C. Harris, secretary; Thos. R. Purnell, corresponding secretary. - Wake county Republicans nominated for ' the Legislainre one Democratic anti-prohibilionisW Thi Star has not said a word about that.. , Weldon, N. C., June 19, ISSi To Editos PosT:In your issue ol lStn, in an editorial Headed. "Halifax County Election Frauds' you have been ; misinformed in two particulars: 1. I did not advance most of the fine and costs. It was paid by three others and myself. ' r:':: . 2. I did not Cenoucce Gov. Jarvis. The; words I did rpeak were spoken in front of Yarboro, tut not to Governor Jarvis. ; . "i I write this letter in justice to Got. Jarvis and the three gentlemen who paid, with me, the fine and ccsts. I hope yen will make the correction. Very truly, W.tf. Da v. Kixsroar, N. tj Jane 19, 1&52. -uea titu juavtng eoucfcd tooe very grave errors in tur Lenoir resoiu tkida, published in the Post of 11th ioataot, which I tar-pese were made by our tecretaiy in traescribing them, I take it npoa sy!f to ak you U cor rect in jour n xv i ne, the follow bg: In the thud litie of firtt resolution the woid tiwely" hoohi have been "un- licntly." Ia the fint lice of third res ulu'ion the word "hereafter was tig- inally written "heartily I a tleSlh line of the 4:h hk.Su lie a the word re- crediv' should h ve been fecral; also ia &h liae ib wvri 'ittatk' shld he "intact Ycnrfiiead. . Joirt V. Coujxa, TfcerwSernn U gil - crtrctt, whea it wy: ttse iVtacv&u at rkd the kjulatare ia Orrj3a, .. w the papers txU, but when the rtlarat were ail la, m! tae CepaUass tai a cleaa eaj-mij f 19 mcsltrt. We are afraid tlat tie ctjry, ikh It pryles-cd aad Cred tx the Dcscra ia tie atxt,tasU-al tegatare, tiJ wilallt cit it CiUltJ, t III tit c i:.:y Ia errata. Iibctr Denxrv.ic ttS iTy c-- tl::?::iTl Ittl rl If voang Thospsoa gt'j cTca z?r techuicality of law it wiH tc?ly ta an outrage to the ccnl izzzsat Hi3 ccn- munity. Shocllcgl ' , Wre hear that a ae tsw tide-wheel steam boat ia to la toca pat ca tls Smithviile -line. We can tare a chaccehen to "excun Ik Boisterous swearicg . and laud vul garity is too : common oa csr prills streets. Oar poUce ousht to be red- tively instructed about such: .. . : ThelitUelostb6y oflIf.G8orr9 W.' Corbstt of Pender county; who was lest in the storm of Saturday turns cp the following Friday "safe and sound, thocgb, very tired and hurry. Ho I ho I for a happy good old time only 8 more "days aftAr this, then ' we'll have the enjoyment of the great enter tainment which takes place at Point Caswell on the glorious 4th of July. ' Rev. James B. Taylor of-this city, has received from Baylor University, Texas, the distinction of Doctor .of Divinity. We feel a pride in mentioning this fact because we believe it weU deserved and worthily be8toweL-" . Somewhat of a!row! occurred over at Point Peter Friday 'afternoon among tne laborers. Botn men and women joined in the'fight and it became : so alarming tnat tne bosses started across the river for assistance, but they fiaal ly subsided without that aidi - Mr. Caleb P. Lockey has bought out the Barber business, good will and all of the late proprietor7 of No. 9 ; Boath Front street. , Mr. Lockey is a barber of much experience, and has many friends who wish him good luck in his ventnre. As tbs stearaer Italian wad moving out from her wharf foot of Dock fttreet Friday she ran into the martingale of a bark lyinir. at the dock below and tux tained som damage to her smoke- suicK. ii nas some w oat me abear ance of a stove-in beaver . hat, though ine aamage is not much. : CoKSinEBACLB beet. M.r W. M Horrell of Bladen, county, informs us that a colored man-raised. on his plan tation - a beet that weighed 291 pounds, measured around 25 inches and was 21 1' inches long. If any one can beat this beet, except the Wilming ton dead; beats, we would like to hear from tbe'n. . ' Robtx riea are becoming too Crequanil lmetb ing ought to be immedeately done to put an effectual stop to them. Increase the police force, or let our citizens of the different blocks compact and hire watchmen. i A number of our young men hare formed a Theatrical ( Company , under the name of. Wilmington " Pantomime and Speciality Company. Mr. R. A Hewlett b businets mantger. Mr Mania Danhl ?age manager. From oar own knowledge T we say there is somo excellen t talent among them, and wih ! V;m a brilliant vuctxai. The1 Directors of the W. &. W rail road, met in this city Tuesday last, and declared a semi-annual dividend of S per cent, payable J oly 15th, 1882, and a!d elected Mr. II. Walters of.BxlO more to fill the vacancy on the board caused by tbe death of Mr. Thosat C. Jenkins. ; There will be an excursion of the Matjnic frate"nrt fron this eitj to Sml.lsij'l!e tt; by the members cf GibUm avd Mu Nebo Lodges tomor row, (Monday), morning at t o'clock. The frf3ccrs of Pythagoras Lodga Ifo. C at Smithviile will be iattalled t by D. 'pu'y Grand Matter Col Georgt I Mba. A general good Umt it antici pated, i May their labors be light aid their refreshments a delight? n v-u .: V:;f V- A white w.-rrh named Bailey, who atunji'r-1 ia cmsaU a crime which brtt 'gt a b!ttli to the cheek ef gtstlty, CMraped from the custody of the $ tcriJ f Rid tstid ctanfx. at He the tula was tUf td tt Mom Xeck last Wedsct iJsy. -The feberi Jdeorcred hUa la It C'jht and Crtd llrte i ttl&u it Lis, wbeabtf Oat tie thirl re,Ut gxt j g aid tsadt gad kit nr. II d c ls V V. a?J W iirca to lie jwri ih-i ta y tciy ? .Cp te tTkct Lit cij-tar. t'leril ZuV Lcr--t;;J I: d jwa U a. ' Ah I ta ! aay A.lrttill tlstmr wit t i'Jctt tit tz'.zzCzt Lt ga'.i t aU exsfciUet cca KsxltljtL Dtsoi! at tie Ir Ward ctsilrt ca CZtnVj txi ksw er; ait f ".lt tvtr fi:.!.'-! U: t.U d Ult rrjt!iica at C a4 c..:r:r:a t'rt;tl tr..; a lacnl! tift tf tit Crr-a I, lit fir.- i. - V liirr-tls iTi-V'- Lira c.i.y t r .... , i er it it Vi i t tddat tlac;-rtLc-3y::'.::-:y&r.:r- cccaTraSTcry li:z.zi..zz. Ilr. Pa Ertt CUzr rii c!::t;l tl-tzl Uzzzrs. A; A. ll:z:l:j aad C. II. Fi-l- Hats tctsd ts e::r:t-r::s. Tla cl;:r- eta wis i-slruclci to tj-cict tla d&le-itct - to , He ccrrc::!;zl tzl stata and judicial csare-t!:', " tzl t3 was instructed by , CiitcrL resa- lzt!:s to trpcist Wai:U d;!:-.i:s ta tit cor-r;::;:ril, tzl HcITcy tzl Calloway deleitts to He julicitl, Eesolatior:s tzl . cuttlr r:rarls were caia rizst Ur. D-rty, iaa nodsst and triced way, fcy sons cf lit dealers, soandirj as if they" fdt Hey were not rilt la e ;I. j to. CjI. VTa i- touted if any tody, could crry lla district he wis the man. He also paid his respects to Mr. Darby in pul pit style, almost in tears and was elo quent against county government at it used to be. After the Cplonal's re marks the convention adjourned. Gen. S. II. Manning, our Sheriff, re, turned from his Northern trip last Tuesday night V r - NE WAD VER TISEZiLNlS. 'A CARD.. TTAYiNG PURCHASED THK BAttBSXt -bnop No. 9, Bonth Front street, tort ther wita tbe cood will of the late rroprletor o the same, (whether I bate his (ood will or not, I porebased and paid for it at my bill . of ikla shows.) I hereby inform my irlencU former Patrons,, and U pubUo lenerally, that I may br4nr 1 found at iliabv meatlond eAtablUhmeot, aided by sood workmen, will : b pleaaed to serve tuoae who trill iavor me with cat I. liMpectrally, X?. P. t)CKET. . WUmtogtoD,K.C., Jans 23rd, 1882. , jun231( .. , : , CAMBON,2t. C, June 29. 188X1 1 TTTE DESIEETQ iSFOEMOUItn-lends and the traveling poWlo enaraliy, that we have opened a barber shop and eating loon at this place, fshavlng done neatly, and meals furnished at aU hours, 'dive as . a trial. HAG ANSA HVSK& June tf ' rropHctorsu GKAND EXCURSION. JONE 26, TO " iilniESten. SmtlTills i Eeasttrc .. VIA CAQOIilNA CCNTRAIi DAILKOAD., r 4 Oa the occasion of the opening of the HOTEL BRUNSWICK AT UIITli VILLE. The following exceedingly low tuTce will offer fail epportoalty to tUU Uts oe liCbtfal Reaort, vber aJl tbe enjoy mDi JDcldeat to a life oa the Beaabr m; bt found. Haic&r Uie trip to binluiTUi t are aafoltowa: ' tUUbews and Monroe, S3 to. ' . Bearer tea, IViatoa ana Wadesboro, nj w - WiesTUle, rt i Dee and Cock Ids ham, lUalei, ti 00; Larel JII1I. ft M lAaiinbart. W 6 ; ntx Heel. 14 Si. lUd Baafcs nd Uoas Keen, St W. lambertoa, 13 ba. - ' id'",boro, eaaratc-n, Boiodalt aad Verth West, tt w TieaetegoodnremJaae 3Blh to Jallst, 10QtjtS)VJw Ample aceotnmodaUoos will be previdV d aad a complete trip aaort, Tbe marniicent suamer PAnronT le chartered lor UMocruaa,M4 will vUu all Ll.';!!JT,1"nuJ "tt UrovBds aeu txcuraJoouru take Orolr Traiaa. r tkaeuaoldeaTnuas. - f .r w- -Aiur, tlcvt fjummsr Rccsrt ! lloiol DrunGivic!:, : - catraviLLc, r.c. aLPcrrr " . Prcri:t:r O Tf.taellaaUd directjr front T Oraa.a4ltrair era ta.it ra Ww iu sniaaiw, tbo Urj eat cay lata sata, - Tbo oom, rstrsrswtcx u m Kmitmwkiti i att ajru rr. tfcoei of gneaio oa u nucrr day o f j crnb. . , llrmwo a - .?'.! tow mt iVe Mar. tmraoliMaa w4in4iKctMi. - M1lli.,-M IM fctil 4 tx&t 4 t&l art tMS5a4. f . CUf Cocoes t lit mjt ef ?-. A e-e4 rt r t . Woj nmjr aU.l, : Trfa Ar r..tl"Ca3 'ssSrArte'; wtr tot---'-.- f . r!-t '"'" , v.. .i i t j . u.,-it. -to. t - V - .. ' - ll'l -. . 4 -it as. 11. it. r - i ,,,, . i: i tl It Cits vc-iit;- tl;r, .-3 :,- Litac 1 1- I

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