THE V LIHINGTON POST. WlLHINQTOHr, nr. a. -, " -- . SUiTlAY MoS.HIifG. JnLY 16, 18S2. Interments duriog the week.- Oak dale 1 ; Leilevue 0; Catholic "Cemetery 0; Tina Forest, 2. - ;' ' Magnolia j N, G, July 14tb, 1882. - Editor Post: Please I allow -' me 8ace 5n the columns of " your valuable paper to speak a few words to-the Be-, publican executive committee of Dup- Hd, ako theiinany voters, 'as agafnst Wiling a county -nominating' OBTen tiou at present, or any other time soon, if at all. I was opposed to holding a convention before the calf for that pur- , puse was made, arid even how, my. ret-.' eonsfor opposing the call are: 1st. That it wouM tie. our hands to. an almost hopeiri minority, and thereby cause the defeat of the Republican party in ' the county, as has been the case here tofore. 2d. That it would have a ten deucy to retard the liberal and anti Democratic movement on which the success of the Kepubiican party of Dup lin epends, a3 also tnroughout the Btate.- 3d Atid the most important rea son ii, that it would endanger - the chances of electing the Republican candidate for congress. For these apd several other reasons, I do aot think that it would, bo politic for us as Re pubulLansni a minority, to pursue this ; course. I also think that in order to better secure the ejection bf Mr. W. P Caoadayv (the friend of every poor la borer, both white and colored, women and children, and in fact the friend of every body in the third congressional district, rcgardlesa.of color or party af filiations), that procrastination would be our beat policy bo -far as a conven tion is concerned. ' ;::. . . ! -. The time -lia.3 come, yes fully come, for ua to striketbe blow 10 regain andx secure thee precious God given rights that were taeii from pa jn 1875 by the manner of holding r"Robeson and save , the state." Ob! blush'., where is , thy fch&UH-? 1 here and then, our lights were taken and have been withheld ' irom us ever since, r . The old ship of ; state has" been at sea ever Bince, and that without rudder or sail; therefore we all have uuiRjred directly or . indirect k' ly durintr the six vxnra of Democratic ", rule. Ytij like iha voters of the state, ; the "women and children have suffered, . and -wh y .lus tbh been the case?- Be- ; causo the. su:e convention of 75-so al- tefcd.Vr amended the i constitution that poor iae have been compelled to work public rod-i fjr wetland at tbe same .time thtir fauii lies were depending up j on their day's work .for bread; think of 'tlfcie matters fellow, citizens while it may bo ni for yfu tj think of them. OurKyovCiu of couoty government, or locul goverjiuijiut'- as you may call it, . impose- upin ' us mastera instead of - county tfiieiajf, aeryantsiof the people. I If tbla U a Iepublicao form of govern- mentgveituneot oflhe people,and far the people theu let us give the Republi can piny that support which it so rich . ly -deserves, and the government will be perpetuated, , - .: ; !; Sir. Editor: i. fear that I have already treap.i-hvd upon the columns of your paper, if st please pardon 'me. as I v:oaM like to say one moie word about Mr. Canary, a man that cannot stand idfejir wait when he ses the. liberty of bid cjtuitrjc:eii iu peril, without put ing thw-pf u iimstion that advocates their c:uc r.u4 t;hake thij glorious old government.! will therefore rally nod d ovir uutvj yes our whgi duty. to, vara hiiuJ Tab beiug done he will 'represent Ujo Third Copgresalonal Ii 'trictin CwVgrtss.' , ' " ! , Very truly jour, , - - ' b A, McCULLfUGH. A SUHkkts oftUc IlHlintx Union lub, . .j At S o !,ck the resident called the ' ine-ti.g ta ordsr, and aUti stated' the U'jvCi cf the saine. After which . the houswe nt into a" reorgauixitiorj tbe fjl'cv.virtinera were elected; James Arnu-'.on president, Hilllard Johnson vica pre; leat, James Pierce secretary, Jdick llra'diy iiilaUnt secretary, v At ihw core u?on oflhe organisation Mr. IJiui.-ml Juhtuda 'oQerei the fol- - VfjiEneta, John T Gregory, R J - Luui.J it L'anuou mt 11 Davis hate bru ?u:h futibful servants in the kej ut hcati party, iu the past and even s i Kiuca lar tue ucccm of tho party, I Ihwrft're he it t v i.mV. Tht, "we indorse the above ., hjhuia! ira'iu wsrti for the follow in pa3;.i or t Juhn T Gregory fir vkuk oi mVrii't Cowttj 11 J Lewis for Vueri.l, J f Hannn far HesUterof l.vd i-d 21 K lUrbsi our choice tor-cprts.-i-.t Hi!ifx county in the a xtjsf of the ' state of Worth i 1.-Th v: c vf ry ueaiber of this club i r : f vtia a?i ha can to fcar xt ti an! elcUoaof the s.bvanjci' gaUta: Oj u U i , f Mr Wyctte Johnson, rvia::v:; "nerd adopted, ''After .. ull.'f, vrfik-iu gtutleaca cfthe 'CiUb J m ta Hval; several re- re r n t-.::d gtst'a- r t: cri !:cf I!: TIIK 1MPJSD1HG An InlerestlnjrCliapter from the Life - a Prominent Dostouiau. ' - 1:1- - (Boston Globe ) The readers of this paper were" more or less amazed at a most remarkable statement from one of our leading citL- zens which appeared in yesterday's is sue. So unusual were the circumstan ces connected with it, and so much com ment did it occassion: on the street and in social circles, that a representative of this paper was commissioned to in vestigate its details ana verify its tacts. The article referred to was a statement made by Mr. F. Larrabee of the New York and Boston Dispatch Ez press company, whose oSce is on- Arch street. Mr. Larrabee wa found by the news paper man in his private price, and on being questioned ssidi . - . " Well, sir, logically l nave been aeaa, but really I am as you can see me. A little over a year ago I was taken sick. My trouble was not severe at first and I thought it was the result oi a siignt cold. Somehow I felt nnaccountably tired at times although I took abund ance Of sleep. Then, again, I. had dull and strange .pains in various parts of my body. My appetite was good one day and I had none whatever tbe next and my head pained me more or leas much ot the time, a wnue axterwara i no ticed much that was peculiar about the fluids I was passing : and that asedi ment. scura and a strange accumulation appeared in it. Still L did not realize that these things meant anything seri ous' and I allowed the illness to run along untlll the 28th day of October I ten prostrate wnue waicing'aiong lre mont 'street. I was carried home and did not go out of - the house until the middle of December. I then went down town and attempted, to attend to my business -until the 13th of last January, when I was taken with a very severe relapse.' My symptoms were terrible. I was fearfully bloated; I suffered severe' pains in all parts of my body and it was almost impossible to get my breath. For six days I never laid down and never slept. I was con stantly attended by my regular physi cian, vt. Johnson and lir.' iio wditcn also came to see' me nearly every day. There was do doubt that I was suffer ing from Bright's disease of the kid neys in its worst form' and last, stages,' accompanied by other troubles in my liver and heart. In spite, however, of the skill of tbe physicians.I kept grow ing worse and finally they tapped my side in the vicinity of the heart, takiog away forty-six ounces of water.- This relieved me for the - time, but I soon became sis bad as before. Then the doctor gave me up entirely, declared If could not live more than twenty Tour hours and my daughter, who was resi ding in Paris, was telegraphed for Still 1 lingered along for several weeks, far more dead than alive, but -never giving up hope.. One night it was on tbe 25th bf April, I very well remem ber my attendant, who was reading the paper to. me, began .an. article which described my disease and suffariogit ex actly. It told how some cases of Bright' disease had bein cured, and so clear'o 1 sensibly did it state the case that I de termined to try the means of cure which j :l i - 3 t a i. u ucavnueu. ou i Bcuirot; Wku iu tuts drug store, procured . a boule of the medicine, unknown to my physicians and friends, and took the first dose at 10 o'clock. At that time I was suffer ing intensely. I could not sleep; I Jhtd the short breatfs and could scarcely get any air into roy luogs. I was ter ribly bloated from1 head to foot, and the motion of my heart was irregular and painful. The riext morning I was able to breathe freely; the pain began to, leave me and the bloating decreastd.' I continued to take the mtdicine, and to-day, sir, I am us well ss I ever was in my life, aud wholly owing to the wonderful, almost miraculous power of Warners Bate Kidney and Liver Cure. I do not know what this medicine is made of, or anything else about it, but I know it saved my life when I ! was given up by the doctors and had really been dead for weeks that it has ' kept me in perfect health ever since and has cured many of my friends to whom I nave recommended it. There are numoer or very remarkable cases in I ynn and Salem, as well as in- this city, wav it nas cared. My recov ery is so remarkable that it has excited much attention, and physicians as well as others have investigated It thoroughly. I am glad they have, for I feel that the results of such a wonder ful cure should be known to the thous ands in all parts of the land who are suffering from troubles of the kidneys. liver or heart, in some ot their many dangerous forms, . ine representative ot the press thanked Mr. Larrabee for his very frank ana ciear statement, and was about to leave the ofSce when a rentleman stepped up to htm and inquired If he were seen or lniormauoa about air. Larrabee's sickness and recovery. The scribe replied Chat he was, whereupon me gentleman saia: "And so am I. and I bare come all the way from Caicago for that very Purpose. Kidney troubles teem to ba alarming byi ncreasinz all over the coutry, and I have a very near relative who is acicted much as Mr. Larrabee was. i nave been to see the Dhvsiciana of whom Mr. Larrabee speaks, and I tell you. air. it is simply wonderfuL" What did they tay? asked the maa oi news. - - . rr "Say I why, sir, they fully confirm everything Mr. Larrabee has stated: I went to see Dr. D. A. Johnson, at 2n Worcester street. Ua was absent when I called, and so I tapped lata the Com mon wealth hotel, where lit. Larrabee was liviri at the Use cf kia sltkcs?. Messrs. Lru-h a Carter art the pro Mietors, and I aked them about Mr. evtrr tiae that beu rar ; I said : Ttutt means the death cf ilr. Larrabee. 2'o one arouai the Lcul:Ttr d;ci::J Hit he wcu'.d re cover aai wtta tts.doctcri wc!J cer: djwa t;i io jra ttf y wcu'.d ttile U-f :r ttili ai iy thra U ca kce . TLstrxar-r:rzjif:r lisfcs tl;!y tc!s:!i' It, Ltr. J. -t's c s r . a x:rj r: - '3 t:it-:;.: H i . c:. tt"-,..n-rr;.' if-.: -. : r '. Lamtcs s case, Ilr. Erch pdztcd to Itn elcclris aatasciitcr asJ tilJ,iihy lor wrtu an i wet is this remedy.' vDr. Johnwh said kidney. aiUicuities are more common than most people think and thai many symptoms which are supposed to be oilier deseas es arise from the kidneys., lie said that ladies after gestation are specially sub ject to albuminous troubles which re quire prompt attention. .- - Well, I tben came dowiwmd called on Dr. 11. Ingersoll Bowditch on Boyls ton street. The old doctor was inclin ed to be reticent but . fully confirmed all I had previously laarned. . He had attended Mr. Larrabee, and supposed bira beyond all hope, and he was after wards restored, as he said, by War nera Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I next went to see Dr. .Melville . Webb,-at the Hotel Clumy, tor you see I was deter ihiued to be thorough in the matter. I found Dr. Webb a most clear headed and well informed gentleman, and he said : VT;; ':'. :":-A: -'-r(.z. "I know of Mr. Larrabee's case from having thoroughly investigated it as a medical director of a Life Insurance Company, and it is one of tbe most re markable cases I have ever met. Mr. Larrabee had all the manifestations of a complication of diseases, and in their worst form.: He had albumen and casts in the urine, and terribly diseased liver and spleen. Indeed, he was so bad that he threw himself upon the- floor, and his head upon a hassock, struggled for breath. It was un the night when he was so bad and when all his medical advisers had long given him up that he began using Warner's cafe Kidney and Liver Cure. The next morning at 1Q o'clock he was able to breathe freely, and has been ' ever since. T subjected him to the most thorough examination possible, after his recovery, and I Cant find out about h'.m.'. His kidneys, liver, lungs asd heart are perfectly well and sound. I can only add that, from what I have seen; I would unhestitatiogjy re commend this remedy." t The conclusion from the statements above made which come to'the ' news- taper man as well as the general pub ic, must be two-fold First that' a modern miracle I" healing has been performed in our midst, and that, too, by the simplest means and one which is within the reach of every one. If should be remembered that Bright's disease is not usually: a sudden com plaint, t Its begimngs are slight and its growth slow. Tbe symptoms' by which it may be detected are differrent with different person j, no two people usually having the same. This fact was mani fest in the caseof Mr. Larrabee, and e bad no .idea of tbe terrible com plaint which had attacked bun uutil it became fixed upon him. Secondly, tes timonials of such high character and so out-spokeh in tone, conclusively prove the value of the remedf aud iu superior nature to the proprietary ar ticles 'with which the public have been floaded. "The greater includes the less," and the remedy which has ttfen proven so valuable and has saved a iifejafter it was Drought down to death's door, must un- questionably be certain in all minor troubles which are eo disa-froui unless taken in time. :. MISCELLANEOUS MARKET. forE, per bnsb., Meal, - " i , Hominy per barret.. Floor " si av$i os Irish Potatoes, per bbl... V 9 00 ira iaes, per io.. ... Bmoked Sides, per lb DH Shoatdeis Der lb Smoked tthoaldrr per ib. N C Ham per lb Ktgs, per doa.n. jnicaeos, a piece... rseei uaiue per lb sneep, per nead. Wool. poHb.. Beeswax, per lb. BOftar. per iu,.., uonee, per id MolasMS, per gal, Baczlntr. ter lo... Cow Peatit, per bOKli eait, per aacx WlxniaxiUTOM 2IARKETS. ' Jurl 10. SriRlTa Tubpentine. The market opered qmet at 42 ceuts.wiih salea la ter 50 casks at 42 cts, and of 400 do at 42f closing steady at that price -&osia me market was firm at $1 55 for Strained, and $1 62 per bbl for Good Strained, with sales as offered TAJt Market firm at $1 65 per. bbl of 280 lbs, with aal at quotations. Ckudb TuBPESTlsa Mark tt steady at ? 1 CO for Hard, fi 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin, with sales at quota lions. -,4, v .. . CoTT02r.--Market steady, with sales reported on a basis of 12J- cents per Jb for Middling. The following were meoiaciai quotauoos of tbe day : Ordinary, 9 916 eta ii fb Good Ordinary, 10 15-16 Low Middling, 1113-16 H 12 12 auaouog , Good Middling. tuavELPTt. Option, . Spirits Turpentine, Rosin;' . Tar, Crude Turpentin 5 bales C02 casks 1178 bbl. 10 bbls 113 bbls July It. SriKrra TuirE.TrisE. The market. opened firm at 42 ceata. Sales of 40 421 cenU: a bo sales rrnorted at 43 eta per gaiioc a w liCSIX ilarket t"ull at tl f.r otraiaed and SI C21 per bbl fur C jod oirainea, witn no aalea a iaxari aieaoy at f t w per ooi oi iv ioa,wun aaiea at qauUtions. V.&170S a UKTEXTIxri-iiarket steady at tl 60 for Hard, f2 T5 for Yellow Dip wua aaicsatquotaiioca. LaterSales at tl 75 tor hanl nA t3 foryellow dijv. OoTTOS. Market firo, with sales re parted oa a basis cf 12 c?t rtr lb tot niddlio. The foilowit wera lie -cial quotations of the dxrz Ordinary. 9 915 CU p O Good Ordinary. 10 15-1S . Low Hiddlin-. 11 13.1 S iddUr-. lit " Goi-dlisg. If j it ill .-ill Tcr-czll-a t i: n. -.-f t. it r "Jin a f . - - imz - m 7 lot " nmMnjiHln.llHI ' O ......... ;. (Hfl.H u...,................, lOfu 1 o . . 29(rt..30 ' iiA.i-rar ... ...... ; -&) Strained, with sales of Good Strained ateteo. - Tak. llarktt firm at 41 Co Der bbl of 223 lbs. wttS ! at nuntatinns. CSTTDK TTT5T'r-CTT'WK-.f Trtrit. ?u1I i vaior xeiiowuip ana virgin, with sales as ncered. v Corror.- Market was firm with sales at quotations. ; The following were the official Quotations of the dar: 'Ordinary, 9 9-16 ctspfi Uood Ordinary, 10 15-16 " tow Middling 11 13-16 u " MiddUng, 421 "4 'iood Middling 12 - RECEIPTS. Cotton ,'-. Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar,, Crude Turpentine. : 2 bales. 434 casks. 644 bbls. 130 " 177 " ' . - s July 13 . Spisits TtmPEzniSE. The market quiet at 43J ieents. per gallon, with sales 500 casks at that figure, ; f ROSIK The 7 market ooened firm at M 6 Cbid for Strained, and $1 60 for Good Strained, with sales reported at anotatinna. - Tab Market unsettled at $ I 65 per bbl pf 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. CarjDBiTjJREJEJrnffE Market steady at $1-75 for Hard,f3 00 for Yellow Dip sou txgui. oaies at-qaoiaiious. .CoTTOH-rMarket firm, with sales at quotations. 1 The follbwing were - the JvOS-i.i : : r.i i " . . Ordinary; ! 9 9 16 cts ft Good Ordinary,' 10 15 16 Low Middling. - ir 13-16 Middling, , ' 12 Good Middling. 12 ' ' 4 l ft ft , ' ( REdSlPl-S. Cotton,' ; ; , Spirits turpentine, Rosin, ' . i Tar, ;: Crude turpeati . 8 bales 586 casks 1456 bbls 234 -197 i Jnlv 14 ' Kfm.IT TtTIIPItNTIMR' Th mr. ket opened firm at 43 cents per gallon, I 1)4 FA S wiin saies or iov casks at mat price. - Rosljf Ihe market . was firm at $150 for Strained, V and f 1. 60 per bbl for Good Strained, with' sales re ported at quotations, f : Tar Market firm at $1 65 perbb of 2Sfl lh wilh aftlpB at nnritAl.iiir.K : nRTTnie TTTRPEVTrwiE Kf art. t Htoad v at $1 50 for Hard73 00 for Yellow Dip and virgin, with sales at quotations. Co TT O K. Market firm, with sales of - bales on a basis of 12 c iter lb for Middling.- The' following were the ooicial quotations of the day: . Ordinary, 9 9 16 eta $fo uood urdtnary . 10 15 16 Low Middling, 1 11 13 1G Middling, . T 12 v ood MiddUug. ! -12 ct ( : M Cotton, ! Spirits Turpentine Rosin, ' Tar, . 1 Crude Turpentine. . 2 bales G02 -casks ' 551 bbls 27 bbls 543 bbls , , -h a . . Jul is: Spirits Tjtepektike Tbe market opened hrm at 43f eta. per gal Ion,' with 1 . J r nu . . ... - saics rrpora oi ow casan at enis KOsiR lhe market was dull at $1 50 for Strained, and $1 60 per bbl for Good Strained, with sales to report. .' Ta Market firm at tl 65 p&r bbl or Zoo los Bales atquoutions . - CinDR TnRPENTl N E - Markf latdad at tl 50 fur Hsrd. t3 00 for Yellow Dip 8ales at quotations. t ' ' ClriTTOK.Mirlrft firm with Wmall at quotations. , Tha following were the omciaiquoiaiuns. Ordinary, U j 9 5-16 cU $ lb vrooa vramary . iu io-ib Low Middling, r 11 13-16 Middling. 12 GooJ Middling. ! 12 ii : ft BCK1PTV. . . . . Cotton Spirits Turpentine Kosin Tar, i Crude Turpentine l- 1 bales 462 casks 939 bbls 35 bbls 240 bbls ' " Jl IS. BiCE-Ve quota tbe market for the paat week as firm' with nackam frac tional advtnced. Sales fcr the week So liecea clean, i . , Ctrolioa 0, Gmmoo f5a6, Fair t6s6I, Choice t6a7, Fancy t7. CSuoIioa rough rice is quoted at 90ca tl 15.per bushel, for upland tl 35ca ti 60, Ude qualliiea. ; 6 A tx tie KUaejs 4 Urrr are aVrl ia r P" 4 taa a:, tea kaSiajV. pat Toey wtOostlr -t irair y anj Umoiftfeu) im trl cr tm-. J v . r-ar a a:r Irr-ieaJ Utfci nr. . . " HM'U' Erwurr '".-- r-' 1 (, ia r -itMiuifi t t h...i.. 1 . : , . i i rit t ; i i ii y v . a - -. ? i i Jl .... Vu J PROSPECTUS. THE YILT.ili!GTOM POST FOR 10 0 2, With its Exceedingly Large Sab- . : 1 -', 1 ' ' - " EcriptiQQ LIST is the Best - A DV ERT1SIM G ; MED1UU 8 the only - Republican Paper i ! Published lift tho Secondjand Third . . t " : i -: . . .. .'. Conxressidaal Districts. It reaches all classes of the pople, WHITE aind COLORED.. It advocates Eaual Rights bef-re the Law an 1 at the Ballot j Box of ALL MEN, re- . gardless ol COLOR OR NATIVITY. its local Ion isinthe I mm CQMHEMIAL CITIl in North Carolina. Givjfip dF LVTEST - ' MARKET REPORTS. it is irFos,u to RINGg AriDICLIQUECt I road. Political or ' Commcrciafv And Exposes then Whenever Fonnd. ADVLHTISISU DATL3 LOXJ subsauiriojrri:icE oxly LTWO DOLLARS A lev iaA2rrr:. - a G. , t t - . . , r.M. p st. ' . . 6 i 7 10 7 1 - 7 21 7 I' " V 7 ;.T 7 E7 71 7i. S 1 8 In ' - . . - 8 St' 8 5( .:. 8 Si 8 51 8&: 8 5! 9 l!i 2.". . - 9 5 54 10 10 (XI 10 U .11 14 10 17 10 IT . 10 K7 10 10 47 10 47 10 M 10 &!: 11 II IM ' ll Or U tii ' ' . 11 10 WOIE'S Sciiiodam Aromatao SCHNAPPS, BAVUlO BXCE2T KBOUQUT TO OUB atUattaa that Imitations or oar article ara alag told la tbU market, nollco .la bertb y KivaavtoaU m u.maj coactr aoJlef ol aa article, llh aay ait r. Uona ira4a auu-fca aiero deacribed, wu U tTmrrtti aadera rttsea tut oftLa u. B Oassraes - . a - " f t .1 i "ills auU L'a Cr. i I 1 v ! Si... I m j-a A. v Sw Express, rasst Deer Ba Tr-'.ts raa on tliis road as fallows: - AC c . u 4 " !- s ah an. 9: 9 ri 9 i ; i 8 8 ; t 8 ; 8 ; 8 1 8 l. 7f T.M 7 : 7 ; 7 : 7:i 7 ( 7 11 G ; t; ; i 6 ; ; 8 1. 6 17 1' 6 1 1 S. 8 r 5 -f 5 4t 5 X S ! ?. 5 5 :r ft'.. 5V I 5 U STATIONS. OOLDEOHO i '",,...,. Imuran sTe.......w t;l!ir7(.-rei KlX.Sl'O.M , , lovf r .... Core Crf a. Tu scarora. . Clarke' NKU' EKUi s. ccKHrlil2a. llavclock Newport.,.. llUWCHKl... Jiolij wootl Wacom Hotel-. Atlantdo Hotel.. Train 48 cen sects with WltmlntrUni t Weldon train bouad HoutU att. U ud 8.-.vJ f . rn and .bound North r lkiehntoud. 'hllaJclplila aud New York, at U. rj a, to., aud wlih NorUi Carolina tiain bound vhi at 10:00 a, m. - Train 47 connects with V.'Umlrrtoa A Weldon train ircm tbe North, arrtvlnf at Goldfcboro. 6:42 p. ui..iu)d with forth Car ollna train from the we8t,arrlTlDg atUolds boro p. m. ; x. . Train 8 connects with North Carolina train from the west, arriving- at OoJdeboro 7.20 a.m. and with W'llniloglon t Weldon train from the south, arriving at Uoldsboro 9:00 a. in. . Train connects with North Carolina train bound west, leaving UolUboro a") n. inland with Wilmlngtou dt Vcl.lon Uafn and bound south leaving Uoldboro & a. a mat iu VIVIUB1IM U V. V'VI a, u, ii s land 1 Trains 3 and 4 are Kpoclally adapted for local travel, and will carry (1 rat and second cUna coaches. .Baggage will be checked 00 these trains. . , J. W. ANpUEWR. Chief Engineer and Ucneral alanager. (iK EAT rT?iiiimpli! The great success attending the Iiccentlj Inaugurated by or, proropta mo to offer still greater liAUG AI N S. I am now onvrlng and will cont'nue to oUer until the cloco of the preaent tiiontU, UotMl at lower rrices by 2 per cent, thau inesme cts s or goods can ba bad at 1 I any oiuer atorec 3A17OS0IZE riGtJRED LAV7i;3 AT SIS CEnTS PER YARD. Alao riser Laws at Cipher Pricea EI organ t solid colors Flft-nml luUll. at . . . . J per yard. Neat, i-UIu Wool lres Gooda, at 12 cents - " peryerd. Pretty Cotton. Flured lnrs Oootfs, ano f , een la per yard. Another Invoice of those handsome Japa &ca Plaid, at M cents per yard. TlIE LAUQEST AND cilCAVIiST fcTOUK OP LACE EDOINGS IN THE CITY. ' La41ca' Cuilarn, from the cheapest lo the . flneat. LaceT1e, from thrweeenta eaeh. opwarda, Uucn llaudkerciilcl. mini nve cents (MB, - upward a, . . cohs t;Ts cons rra 1 1 - ... - . My tofa Is the' Headquarters for CbraeU. . A large supply of out ' v Celebrated 6Q CentjCorseta 7ast Hecelred,- QLO?KTGUfHillOVS ! ! ! ' Come aod look at our LongLace Tor31ove at ti tnea. rw?"!!7' ? o0Kra ewsrythlBt la the ItEMEUBER:; I have no Old Htoek ; rioods are all irat Class ; 1 licive N'SW tiontU Itally j And 1 have bat OEIMUafi, 1 rrireclfalljr latileaU. John J. I!cdric!t. iUr IS:b,l!i2. r:cV Cummer Hccort ! IIoiol Drunsv;ic!v dnixuyu.x.tVsV. c D.L.riTT - - Prc-rlsiar. CJfrrjrviLLK. ix vuvxuvuKmvH. k 1 11.1. .!...- 4 . . . . . . ... . . . . "".M"! tatf Bft SutSra biW Slil mi4ia. Km iafitat cue la tue fciaia.; ; .... trirr. at.4 j u Wo mum rnwvw '( v nnsriUY or smiti fc J (..anna at auK J t.- a ! . . R::il a4 CUsa r carrwawa. no.vUiir rri" ........... . - - . - -ra as Mrv a, " 4 t t. . s I . , - 'I f a - r.ft iff t v ' i. .- ' 1 t - ... X