THE WILMINGTON POST; WILMINGTON. A. : M j . SUNDAY MOEWJG, JULY23, 1882. Interments duriog the week. Oak dale 1; Belleyue 0; Catholic Cemetery 0; Pine Forest, 3. ' 'j The following marriage licenses were issued daring the past week: Olifer Barrett to Mis A J Cobb; Calrin Gam-, mer to. Miss Maggie , Cowan; Gaston Brown to Miss Mary E Spicer. Deaths daring the week E V Copes, -70 years, old age; Sampson fCopeJand, 3 years, consumption; Win' Holmes, still born; Infant of.Celia Mitchell, 4 jnontbs, 'malarial fe vet; Bethel Eyerett, 60 years, Dropsy; Henry Rodgers, 7 days, spasms. Deeds, Mortgages, &c The follow ing deeds, mortgages, &c, were proba ted during the past week by the proper officer: Deeds J. G. Blount trustee ct at to J D Woody; H E Comber and wiiV to Annie Smith';-James Keilly to Kev H N Northrop. . Mortgages John D Woody to W I Gore. - ' ' i'V' The steamer Passport had a most en joyable excursion last Wednesday; not withstanding the bad wetbe we iad up here and the Tile reports to the con trary. They had; fine' weather arid ar beautiful day at Smithville and Only encountered the rain short distance below the city on their return, which realy was no great inconvenience as it lasted but a few moments as a shower. We refrain from a comment upon a slanderous report, except to say simply this ; The wretch who would started and give circulation to a false report a cursed slander a thrilling ' horror if found out should not be allowed the patience of the law to yield him a severe punishment. We feel like say iDgmoxe but merciful justice directs us rather to change our thoughts and think how the people should always respect the noble bearing, of a heroic officer like John T. Harper.! , '."'. Wadesdoko, July 20, 1&82". Editor Jtost: r lease j allow, me space in the columns of your valuable paper to speak a few words to the lie publicans of Anson County. All the farmers and the . laboring classes and working men should come out in every township in the (Sixth; Cbtagrtssionrl District and work for Oliver H. Dock ry, of Richmond. Every man, white and colored, should vote for their fights and I will do alt-I can for him in Ah jnn county. . Yours, truly, ..uj; ;:. '';;. ' Sandy Little. j Windsor, N. C, July 15, 1832. At a !: large mass meeting of the Re- publicans of Bertie county; to-day, ex Dressive of their sentiments of the present . j issues. Mr. Limas Roulhac was'called to the chair. and T. R.Spel lor, was Hpuimcu ocviouhj iwumm and intelligent speeches were made by Messrs. Rhoden Mitchell, Andrew John son, Limas Rculhac, T. R' Speller and William rtanlin. . I' -r - - Mr, Mitchell presented the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: - Resolved, Jhat the Republicans of Bertie county are in full accord, with the original and present design of the Republican . party" of the state and na tion, and believing it to be for the best interest of all the people, we h with pleasure the liberal raoyjearfnt of North Carolina, and 'pruarise our hear tv supnort in the J)xL election. flesoivfj, That the Republicans of , Bertie county, recognizing the import ' ance 61 electing a Hepublit an to con gress from the first congressional dis trict, bur right to give expression to our choice, by sentiments ot public an nouncement, and desire to support the strongest and best man one unsur? rounded by factional discord n the par ty, do recconimendour delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Edeuton, North Carolina, on the tenth - of next August to support Miles Com mander for congress. ; On motion, a tote of thanks was ex tended to the chairman and each of the gentlemen, who tporc. The proceed- ings of thja meeting weri ordered to be published in : the leading Repulican newspapers of the state. The meeting Iheu adjourned with much enthusiaso. T. li, SrELTEJEt, Secretary. " 1. Tow? Cheek, . O, July 21. jSi l M4 Editor: Allow me room in your paper to give a few items from old Brunswick. ' Politically, things are qui et, except there is considerable oppo sition to our"prteseni county govern ment amors the Democrats, resolutions t sicKcihaus on the 15th, to the con trary notnithslandiog. Neither jparty will hold their county covVention nntll ' September, when the canvass will open , in earnest, with united and strong op position to bourbon Democracy. : Crops have improved since) the rains, very much; In Wacvamaw,Shallotie and Lockwocd's Folly, crops are betttr than they have beenc- since the war there will be BMire proTUions made in the county, by kadi taut list jear. there Is lev cotton and more corn and potatoes. Upland rice Is Tery good; Cd'toa, owtas to the late cooispricj. It ni lesst thlny 3y later than hereto- tire, which will causa a great tZ Eigw oa the river will bw cood If ttfctai duistcr. I - I-- ' Last week car county w Tlillcvl by a dlitrcus rt, canmcaclr- la Lcci- wood's Folly townshir), io Mr. E. Cole man's turpentine boieswind from the southwest, blowing hard, brought it on through what, is known as Pinch Gut, thence on to and crossing Bell swamp w bereft; inxersecifrwiin y reK gw amp thence Sn-tini inniper Beat ' thV head of. Town Creek, a dtstance'of about 12 miles, and from one to three miles wide. Fortunately a large portion o country burned was bay and swamp. 'Losses as follows, as near as I can estimate: Mr. E, Coleman, 18,000 turpentine boxes, ncludiDg turpentine in them, $500. Ret A.jA Edwards .one! prop, boxbs, rented from W. A. Euark, $300. John WV Adkirson, one crop of boxes, rented frOrn James Pigford, with 40 barrels of turpentine, $400. Mr. Adkim-on has fifteen children, bis boxes were his only dependence to feed' his family, and tin eas he receives some help; his - family must suiter jur.i yvnHneia oumvan ost a few boxes and turpentine, loss about $25. Mr. John fcuUivan about $25. Mr. Anthony Sullivan lost a tar kiln add turpentine and boxes, to the- amount of $100. Damage to Col. E. R. Brink's timber, between one and two hundred dollar's; to D.rL. Iluaseirk timber fifet&aijdfed The present growth of limbed is a rtainly ruined, not one pine in fifty; will live. Not being a farmiog section "no" fences were burned, . ' 1 ' 4 The fire was the work of an incendiary; was put out to burn Mr. Coleman's tur- pentiue boxes. Suspicion js very strong and efforts are being made to ferret proof as to the scoundrel.'1 -Should p&i tive proof lbe obtained Judge- Ljnch will attend to him, certain. Yours, , E. Taylor. Wilmikgton, N. O., July 12,'j882. Kditok i'OST: JKiease allow me space lu your valuable paper to say a few words about the 'negro and the present county government system to wit: I ')..''!.; ' v. The (ar oeems; to have a great deal to day against the'oegro in connection with the above ( named system. It is said that the people pay less taxes un der the system instituted in 18GS, but I deny ' that statement, because in some cases there may have been less taxes paid, but when We consider the "nrivil ege" or 'schedule B-," tax which was imposed on all traders of eyery shade, and denomination by thexa same men, who claim to have done so much for the "old North State'T We as traders paid taxes under lbe system created in 1868, and also under this new and un- Democraticalsystemand we find that w pay more taxes under this new system then we paid under the old system. But it is still claimed that we pay less taxes if this is altogether true we conuot see It is true we base seen it stated in the Sfar, but we wculd have it stated on the tax booK ra ltril, not in one par ticular item, but iu many. I have teen attempts to show that there were get eral gross waste and extrayagence under the "neero rule".so called, but I doa't remember of having seen! but one soli tary county to prove that sUtemeut and that was Edgecombe county. Liei me here ssk tn am me He groes have absolute con troll of the fi nances ol tne county to tne excaiion of all the white peopU? How many counties did - the negroes absolutely coutroi: it is said - mat tue negrue.s can control twelve (12) counties of the east and for thai cause and that alone all the other, counties in the state mu baderifedi! wacUcailj! of their elec tive ffanfljfse It4fc i Known thai Vhlre ever and whenever the negroes hare the power to elect they ! way divide the offices with the whites. But I sup pose one will say that the negroes elect white wen ol mean repute, but that does notrslter the case in, the lei be cause the issue is attempt ed'tobenntdr. that this is a white man s govt t a and therefore they must rule it. The force of such an issue seems to be tbat they must rule it by -.counting thun selves in. This must be I the meaniug of the issue in view of the fact that the Issue is bssed on negro 1 government and at the same lime iu no case haye the ttfgroes haia,bsolnte control of the fin Ace of any of the twelve counties complained of. Should we admit that the negroes did directly or indirectly badly govern . the twelve counties Complained of. Is that a good reason j why every voter in all the other coun- tiea should be practically deprived of their elective ; fracebise? : Wby should twelve counties of the east be so much more important than 'the tame number of counties of the west? The Star and a few other papers seem to think that it is wrong for the negroes to l U nee the voice of few white meojo twelve counties, bat all riht for the voice of tery voter in the state to be practical ly silenced under the present system. One of the reasons given is that the white: people are always giving them tSe best ofices. They bare a h rn suQeieat cause why they tnonU haas their vote. We know from who our rights come to , vote and who .sustains those rights. . We will voU foe any Democrat Ifhe is CJattrttd aad will stand by ns all, but not until then. . ; One beanos the Democratic speakers and readies their papers nvjhi be led to believe that taer aejToe la the twelve) coonUts did and vUI rostr&l lha whole sUU'U the erdB! n tf miy hUt fcw" iXat that It ! y to dtirs tho esiejtha Cut b the a U ilt the rrtsaat tjttea el cooslj rmra muse and will go under and con-- ..n'.L-m'iriKnk.J ( iiiVnt ZlHl tain gentlezu'e uc uy uww ii,K uifiei : uifcSci u. i t i. : i .11 v. 1 that cannot scare any: oue now. Ills I t hp Ardt :uMi. .rWnnfenl itra 4 not the uegro. This is the true issue and must be met. It is said that as I loner as the ' negroes of the thirty cOun- I ties cast their votes solidly for men who are in favor of giving them the rights i ..-j .i '. .:....! Jv guarameeu uuuer vue cuusiikuuuu, .uo i white pjpeo8id utrefl hfflldjrl laKe away me elective irancniee oi in i whites in the state This is not words oitncse exponents,, out-it seems to me to, oe ne true construction to put in twelve counties paying nine-tenth of all taxes. Let us admit that, but do thr white, peome of.jthe twelve counties: of tne east, which ss said to have been so badly governeC pay nine-tenths of all we tinut not. I he negroes are- not as anxious la Cgovsralhe "vi lltes ritfS i the whites ar$ to govern them by no means. The m grqes. have always showed a will ioKDess id support white men for office. Therefore; granting this to be the true constitution itntion would , that i be ; specious b anyone for the intention of the nt system?; Under - the system, in- would, tha,t j be ; specious before preset stituted in 18(58,if bad men, were elected 1 we Lad a-ieht ot choice but under the present system you appoint bad men and we have' no right of choice. I am 'very respectfully, "; I " .: J. O. JNIXON. M EOUSl MARKET. rorE, per bush.J............, 05f 1 08 Flour ' f. " i.:;.. 9 Sim 0 00 1 1 lumiuv ocr unrrci ............ a i: J risn Potatt!. pesr bbl.. ...... 4 53 U 8 Hides.lcer lb..l Hmoked Stiles, per lb........... .. u s 5nouiaejs per 10 ....r Hmofced shoulders per ib....,..,..:. 15s? naiitf , ptr id Ma.,:......;.H.c.. N C Ham per lb.j.. .Ju. ' Ktjgs, per Chickens,; a pieceU.. Beef Cattle per lbf.......;. .. Sheep, per head .A- Wool, per lb ..... . Beeswax, per lb........................ Sugar, per lb Coffee, per lb.....i... , Mola sses, per gal 1.. 3 1 76 '25 20 mn m 15 29d&U Kagging, per lo,..i.-..-..., Cow Peas, per b.usb Salt, per sack...WM..M....-, ' ll17Jj - 'i WliixaiWUTON MARKETS. , .; ' : ' :. .-- V:-Juyl 17. Sriitifs Turpentine. The market opered dull at 42 cents, with sales of ler TOO casks-at 42 cents.- KosiN Ihe market was ouut at $1 60 for Strained, and l 60 per bbl for Good Strained, with sales 500 bbls Good Straio.ed at that price. ' Tar Market firm at $1 75 per bbl of 2S0 lbs, with sales at quotation. Crude Tukpentine Market steady at $1 75 for Hard, f3 00 for Yellow Dip and Virgio, with sales at quota tions.! ' I , . - Cotton. Market steady, with sales reported on a" basis of 121 cents per lb for Middling. The following" were the r fficial quotation of the day : . Ordinary, - 9 9-16 cts lb Good Ordinary, 10 15-16 " " Low Mkidling,a 11 13-16 - " l Uiddling ; ( 12 f " Gdol Middlinfelf 12g ; - ' " Cotton, i Spirits Turpentine, Rosin. ; ! I'r, v ; I f . Crude TuricutiB 00 bales 769 casks 1956 bbla j 30 bbls 715 bbls ! 1 July 18. . Spirits Turpentine. The market rptnetl firm at 43 cents, gales of 350 casks at 431 cents per gallon; market firm ; , ' ROSIN. Market quiet at $1 50 for Cru UJi Turpenti k K.--M a rkei etpadr at $1 75ihr Hard, f 3 00 for Yethjw Dip with sales at quotations. - Corroa Market firm, no sales re ported. "The fpiiuwuiff were the ' offi- Wcial quUlions of the day: ; UrdmuTy. 9 0 16 cti B Ooxl Ordinary, 10 15-16 :. "c Uw Middlinc:,., 11 13-16 " " Middling 12j ;r Good Mtddlins. M2 lUiCStl-l. J.tton, "2 bales o45 caska 2W bbl f2tr hhls Spirits Turpentine ivosin. .-. Targ: . ; ; a Crude TurpenUne Tift "KKU .Tnl. to . Sri kits TuRPEXTlSE Ttmaf ket oiH-m-tl firm a4ni rpnta nor vtllnn i-" J ' v:-r ;. ,.Af km cnl, and 100 do at 44 cent. lUtsiN ibeenarkrt wasatetoyat f 1- 50 for Strained, and $1 60 Tor 'Good Strained, with sales 'of Good Strained al$l 60. . ' ' Tar. Market firm at 12 00 Mr bU of 2SO lb, with aaies at quotation. at 1 . 5 for Hard, $3 00 for Yellow Dip and Virgto, witli asles as osTered. Cottos.- Market was firm with sales at qaoutioas. The fallowing srere the oQcial quotation of the day: urdmarj, ! 9 9-16 cts p E uooa uruinarj, iu id-16 ' LowMilJliuS 11 13-16 ' AllddUnr.; 121 -od Middltac . li ! RECEIPTS. Olttoa Sbalca. Spirits Tuiwatine, 353 cmaks. Kcwin, . bob. Tar, 11 - Crude TarreoUoe. ; 145 in I"' T i a 4. v' w- jaJy ' ssr;Em.Tt;rcxTtK:--.Tte asaitn fim at 431 ccsta tr tattoo; af &30csuUs at that Br Hosist 'TW saarktt oMe4 aaeadj at tl f ftt riaed. asJ tt S fjt Good Sualaed, wtJa taks e.rm UU at 9c4atiaa - Taa-aiart Cra at 42 CS UJ ft ment Strained4Knd $1 60 per bbl for Good BltyjMooi wjrciooatSkes trlff tSiraineAJ: with sales of 500 b Good feofre trtramed at $1: 60. 'v ed. All whoOesIre to enjoy life sboald see cffu1" fi.rm 2,ir bW W8$8F cl 280 lb, with sales at quotations "M r'fft :!Crboro NC- hoi of 280 lbs,wilh. sales aUquotations. Crijde Turfentink Market steady n - --1 -- . , uottok Market firm, with sales at quotations. The followinjc were the Sfiicial ouoUtions of the day: vyruuiary, - - a 9 iu uts iinnA nin.n i in i ik Jxiddline. 11 13-16 (i ' (4 t Middling, Wf O Hood Middlme. 12 RECE1P1-S. p-f n -t bales Spirits turpentine, 606 casks ausio 182 b ft CroturUfli 4fl . July 21. ; Spirits Tukpentin'e. The mar ket opened firm at 43 cents per gallon, with sales or luu casks at. mat price. Rosm The i market was farm at $1 50 for Strained. .tand $160 per I o trained, with sales re- Loorted at Quotations. i TAs Market nrm at f u t.u per ddi of 280 lbs. with sales at quotations. Gktjdb TUKPEJfTINE Market steady at $1 75 for Hard, $3 00 for Yellow Dip and Virein. with salas at quotations. n u.o TiX fljPWrtrMSiaei, nrm, viva ssies of bales ons basis of 12 c perlb for Middling. The following were the official quoutions Of the day; J.,ai uoiauons 99 "J 3 GJoJdin 10 15 16 Low Middling, IHlJie': VtlO Middling. 12 cc M Ju.iuuiHK, , ir It Kjjejiirrs. Cotton, c,! SPiru4nt1 Rosm, v Tar, - ' Crude Turpentine. r 1 bales 471 casks 1473' bbls 43 bbla 175 bbla 1 . ' -,:'.;:) ;, July 22 PIKIT8 Tukpentie The market opened firm at 43 ctsr per gallon, with sales reported of 3U0 cases at 4it cents. ROsik The market was dull at $1 45 for Strained, and $1 60 per bbl for Good Strained, with sales to report. Tar Market firm at f 2 20 per bbl of 280 lbs. pales at quotations Crude TuRPiiSTiFE.-Market steady "at $1 75 teslHra, fl)d.foi DfeUow Dip Saleafrtfotatlon www Cottok-M ark et firm with no sales st quotations. The following were the Othcial quotations Ovil irso sv 9 5-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinary Low. Middling, Middling, Good Middling, 10 15-16 " 11 13-16 " '121" 12 ' July 22. Rice. -We quote the market for the past week as farm with packages frac tional advanced. Sales. lor the -week gSTiecea'ctean." ' " CUroliua 0, Cbmmon $5a6t, Fair $61a6L. Choice f61a7, I'ancy 7 Ckiolina rough rice is quoted at 90ca $1:15 per bushel.' for upland $1 35ca $1 60, tide qualities. l PUOF.1 SMUbltE'S ' VALUABLE REMEDIES. ANNOUNCEMENT tJO Y X FRIENDS; . -i f Lit Kx ' f t At lX.' WHAT I HAVE DONE AND, AM .!.;! "7 '. toottraP ti SEE CERTIFICATES BELOW. 1 . .):-.-: Vro' Wsl II. Moore. Dear Sir. XhU J to certify IbatI l ave beeu . blind in bntu eyes for eighteen yean. also ubiet-t to fits for the Fame leDgtu of time. 1 tried ail the doctors around, and was never relieved ot either of tne complaints until Almighty ui'u sen 1 rrgv y m. xx loora lo xarcpro. From lbe time be commenced vOrkl on me I csnmeceed 'to set belters snd no 1 bare ut fits mt all, and cau see s well as anyone. I am well Jtnown in this county 01 cugecomoe. MK8.EHZABETn Jornsos. Witnesses : F. 1). Battle. Antnouy Johnson Rot. W. II. Tburber, Hon. W. I. Mabcon princlpul or colored free scbeol. rnor. W. II. SToorS Dekr Sir I am well paed witb you Oi tmeut tbat I booebt or tou. It h&a cared my feu 1 bavo been (roNt-bliten frr 10 year. 1 baT not bad rest antU I tried your Olounent. 1 can't tell tbe worth of this Ointment. I tried every tbiaf. th ing cured but tbis. 1 Ypoxs. 1 i Tbls la to eerttfy lbe pnbilo ccnerally, that tbe Liniment sold by Prof; W. ki. Moore, under tbe name of O. K.,4 a good article, bot only because tbe public bas taid ao, bat I bave used it and it care me permanent relief. I do cbecrrally reocm mend 1U ,-- . . i i eMSrreVrU ' December, S0U1.1SS1.' , I hTred 'Dr. Wm. II. Moore a, SL Uninient, asd 1 haT found It "good la every rerpect. not only because It baa re lieved ma, best rye whaS It, baa imxmtor ohea, and IS stilt doing. I beartily ree ommend It to all who are in posiion of I ezcrutlatlDK palne and aim aches. " I i Mayor of Umniori K. I Oar of bad eaea 01 Scrofula on tbe bce.1 WlLXlGTOX. 2i. C Feb. w i v rrvw w a ' mi lkW 1 W, 1SS1. rsor. w. u. siooacuwar Sir -I think I it a duty I owe to you and my fel low crea fforinr. to make known tbe wonderfnl efferu ywar medicine bave had oa ncteptr all wboM roattd witb a bunerla taclr blood wUt tilt it a tria . I am confident from practical ex pe nt nee that If persona will follow tbe dlrec-' ttoo and gtve It a fair trial, tbat It will Uter. cur any one tbat baa dlseaM ol llkeebar. I suffered wub Hrrofnla for 19 rear: I i P.,B mortal man knows. I aeed to not very remedy. ad I ,l3: P. tbat waa tbe very one to cure SiatlSi at last tbS asgei appeared la yoox aoav nappy so yoar reoMdea bave dose tbe work for ma, it le lbe rrcat blin. and I an mw aa ire irons taa u waa taaea wtib iu MBNl (SigBedl JOTIX C DAVIS. -L OuTgjt Col, October U 1L Pvor. Vs. U. Slooaa loar Mr. Tbte la what 1 have to eay . t Into ee uoenag wtta a very larx wee 00 tbe bm of ay eu I saCerrd. cb t now 1 eaSeretf; tbe oaia H gar ma no mortal maa raa tciU "r as yean I waa t tale eowdiuoa ; I coeld not evea ge oUit ar lo prey - 1 bad to sit apt a rrtirv Vy owaera, to wboea I hoteattJ. tried feerj pbysioaa mtwapsnmeai Ntaas-M mm AI- uwxooocaooea ti waa tacwtaaea. at I sregad try saorv; 1 d4 so. aaa ca rnoeay aerre aow asraodat ever. It haegoooeattrey aad 2 aa aww wvalaaawT. s . . - . .., Vttaeast Iauiji w tggiae Dinr siargeis, Frr-rriTi. w. C-Xm t? ten Ieiaa l iau s m awt a fAM4 mei'wise so avii: aa ess awrva ba aay I wat a e o yw vty ere saa ad aaySMfe..-f enra -au 1 M ayw;aadrt maajT'ta' sy si aJtsTOtaTcaw IPEOSPECTUS. ' y ! t . - 1. FOR I i 1 0 0 2, a 1 . ' With its Exceedingly Large , Sur i . ' : . ' A .'. j Kscription LIST. is tie Best i-V ADVERTISING MEDIUM ! K 1 In 1 i ' s the only r-- Republican! Paper 1 1 Published in tho Second-and Third Congressional Districts. It reaches all classes of the f iople, W 1 . r 1 I '5' WHITE and COLORED.' It advocates Equal, Rights before " : - ' . " -". - : '- - . i "- .7; the Law and at the Ballot Box of ALL MEN, re-' I Ji : :i:lfl-f 1. ti".l; gardless ol -11 ii 1 C0L0R0R NATIVITY. Its location is in the RGEST.COMMERCIAL CITTl in North Carolina. GIVE? dv LATKST MtniNE ---I i ! -' ' ; ': -. I '8 MARKET REPORTS. IT IB ?rPOSEt' TO RINGS AND2CLIQUEG 4v Railroad. Political or VCommcrcIaK Q, And Exposes thenrWfeenarer Fonnd. AD YERTISIKU HATES XOTf ; ; mS jHi f- 4. :p XULSCRIPTIOX rnicB OSLY 1 ' t iS '-i TWO DOLLARS ;(A;Teii'li!jUbs Do sot Ferret to Sezi Us Hcj '';':vj'-'v,'p':'fc ":V;--.;V--vinf."-'-:';i Willi Tcr Kist, Addrcrs, Tin vriLrrma vi? fci9 ? - - csTcn, lie i -r t t 11 'H-. i-i iijuW i'-t fit w-s''li' ' - i ','. -.v vHi'j n'f ii&J- r,'; . . ' .lt 4. - . . , !?! .pmi?- -iinttj Tnitt"l4- i 'i , f tn r !,' o tin-1?! .: -. u. s ! !' 1 ' t-it." 1 I .-'' r- lt- a- fie rmt-..ji T".t-n f ';i.t- , v , BcMcdain , v - "Si t1-tl Jt'tT'. 1J.'l . -ft.-vj ;-(. mj: . j .-.' r fv-f t-,"Jt'i- jf: ?if"j?t -.'.u;? ma f ,-fUrt u ': vx.-nt M.t;a itfVI,-.., Aromatic, -: 'J t;','C'Ii,:'-'' ; fc 5 ifc i' ' ' -,lV'f i !!" " s , v ) ---'it's ", I i .' ' f i "-. . . ." . ; '-' .. . 1. f Is ! , .' 1 ri tf'-. '-t ; - , . ' ' ' f- . J, ' . : ... ' . 'If ! V . JT HAYUlQ BXEZr' BBOUOflT TO OUB attsatleai that lasltatioas of ear article are 11 IeleoUtatalaaaarket, aetlee taberay . - . .: '. . glvsaitaaU aeltcaear - f 3 s ef aay artMa, srlUs am y ait U ions i ' Ik y ettrada aaataa' aasrre arti be 4. a ,tik;-c.?i-' adsraiaam laat atka C.fJ r '2? VERTI3EHESTS. r .5 Iks THK LEADING SCIENTIST OF . TO. DAY agree tbat most disease are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver, ir, there, fore, tbe Kidneys and Liver are kept la nerfect order, perfect healtb will be the r. sole This Cru Uj has only been known a aboit tlm and for years people, suffered cicat nuuj wiwoai being aoie 10 una re Def. The disco verr of Warner's Bale Kid. ney and Liver Cure mark a new era In the treatment of these troubles. Made from a isdnsjast tbe elements neoetsary to nour- isn ana invozoraie ooin or tnese great or gans, and safely restore and keep them la order, it U a POSITIVE remedy for all tbe ' diseases that caose pains In tbe lower part of tbe body for Torpid Liver Headaches Janndloe Dlsalneas Gravel Fever A gne aiaiana ever, aon ait ouncaiuea OI yhe Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. , It is an excellent and safe remedy for fe- males daring Pregnancy. It wUl control Menstraatlon and Is in valuable tor Lea. oorrbcea or Falling of tbe Womb. As a Blood Partner It is aneqtialed.for It cores tbe organs tbat make the blood, i i ibis tiemeay, wmcn oasuone such won den. is pat np la the LAKUESTmIZSD RnTTLRoTanT madlcln nnon thm-pii and Is sold by Drngtisfs and all: dealers at tl.25per botua. For Xlabets, enquire lor WAKNE1CH HArti 1JI A tlil,! MLii LiUKJS, It U a FOSlTlVaVUMElY. i i y H. nTVsrncrd;ro.i ! t' , . IXoehe8tersr. 1. New Oummcr Resort ! ; llptel Brunswickj B.L. Perry 1 Proprietor. CM1THVILLE, IU BRUNSWICK COUN O TV. Is situated dlrecUvlnfrouL nf th Ocean, and twenty-live miles bolew'H'll. mlngton, tbe largest dtv in tbe Hlau. i The HOTEL BRUNSWICK ! W a ne. structure, and will be open tot the recep tion of guests on the . j H , FIBST DAY OF JUNE. ;: ItoommandsaanlKndia vlw nf ih ir... bor and Ocea a and both foreign and coast wis steamers and sJiIds dim in mint r the door, - V : V , ' ' 4 ' - f 5 : ; ; - 8alllng and fishing are uasurpsased. .. Bath Houses for the iuef guests..- ' -A apod Band of Ifasle been sceared -for tne season, and the lia.ii itmm iu. open day and night Tee-pin Aller. THiilanl Hull ! n,.r .1. . acnwi so ui 11a THIS T A.BXi3S will be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters,: Terrapins, and every other product of ibe ?.,r,f"cJaM enrr Steamers will le W Wilmington and Hmlihvlile morolrii nn-i 1 evening, makang two trlpsdaily eacu aay. The Proprietor, wltn' an experience of many years lo charge of summer hotels at BeaafbrUncludlngUie late Atlantic Hotel, hopes to make Ibis a resort aeeond to none in the Houtb. , , Electric BelU lo all the rooms. ' ,Chea Excursion TlckoU wilt be sold & VHwir ad av.m assv alltheBUKoads. ou Tems moderate. Special rates to f4ml Ues. if , ' It. 14 PERttY. Ftopf teror. and of Pnrcell Uouae, Wilmington. M. c majr ll-Sm t tilt ii, AT Tr.iiimpli! The crejt tttccess atteodioff His JLO II I'ltMCMin SALES 7 '' .t"; - ' - 1 ; . ' . ' j --j - '.- , Eeccntlj Inaugurated by mt, promi'i v me io)tTrr etiil (rreairr BAJIG AI N S. lam now orfertng aod will cootne oner waul the dose t tb treat nrtb. Ooods at lower prleea by( gj jUr rent, toes lbe saw clas ofgvds caa Q hs4 si sejr other store. , f - . . OAJTD3 OnE no UR ED LAWltS AT BIX CERTS PEIVYAUD. Ala riaar Uws ai ni;har Prices Ssegaat solid colors rtgared nsJlU. st v . ' . . Jf eroisper yard. f Iseat, plain Wool tre Goo4, at IZ tt PreUOMtoa Figured lire Uoow's. H I !.?";' eoou iw yard. I ! ASWther lavoteoof tbnse aaadeeme Jspa aasa Ptatde. at J ceau pr ya4. THE LAEOE3T AND CUEAl lr V STOCK OF-JJkCEEDCUNU JS THE CITY. LadUe' Cfetiara, fira Ue ebrsl la if Ltaesi lUadaarrsuet. troca Bve eeate se-a. :-7,-i't. . PwTawa t' COnOETa I COtt.Hi;TH !! Xsarte Use Itsw4iWariT sw CVia, -; ,.,:. A iarga sappgp ot oar Caiabntiw4 SO Cast Cwrawte Jmi v , ' gecelrad. f . Gqm? GLfllE?! ! GLCTES!! 'tvCtJMasaJkaJk atber " '. Irl-acwTop-OUvw at 13ctU. i - saaasassasalaiasseSajMamSamaSafcsBaaasmL . ' Zf laaspeeea waxai-evr eww ItEMKilJUEU: I teveaariuissai : , 1 W S Ki.4Sift ' ' ; Mr ' s-i rtvftMa 1 -Aadl l'Sieew S.Ma-JO isTjUtia JchnJ. tlcsafsc. 1 '1