y : i .-.... ... .-,. r x j it "fj 3. hi si i 1 f TV 4 -; VOLUME XV. : WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY; AUG. .6. JSS2. Sleds Corfes 5 Certs NUMBER '3?: '. . . A . I 1- II I I- A- i i M M -JuT H ft vilAn5Q post tei a M? Potoffioe ' at WUming leu, X Cm Second Cla Matter. , ; RATES OP ADVERTISING. 'Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type,con ditute a square. . ' Fifty cents per line iQr the first in iertioa and twentyjfire cents er line (or each additional insertion.. All advertisements will be charged ct the above ra.tes. exoept on special on tracts. - " :. " ' "" The subscription price to The Wxl uiJtgtok Post is $2 00 per year; six months 1 00. 'i ; . . All communications on busines must be addressed to The Wilmikoto Post, Wilmington, N. C. " ' KEGULAR REPUBLICAN New Hannver CbUnty Ticket. Fr Clerk of the Superior Court, KTaCEY VanAMRINOE. I For BheritT, STEl'UEN II. MANNING, . I. For Register ;of Deeds, . , JOSEPH E. SAMPSON. For County Treasure!, ; OWEN BURN EY, ' For Coroner, EuWAllb'.D.' HEWLErr. For Suryeyori . ! LEMUEL D. CHERRY. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. . . . . - For Senator, For House of Represenatives. WILLIAM H. WADDELL, . . EUSTACE E. GREENE. , For Constable Wilmington Township, ROBERT SWE AT I " Uov. Xtio8. J. ; Jarrls seems to iblnk: that tbe whole of this camalg-n is upon bis own itioulderi. He is nejclecllng the offl?8 of (Jovenor to run a political party. Not only- oarselves. but we believe all, kockI thinking people are uham cd. of the way the "Star" speaks of Proildent Arthur. Vou naughty, naughty man. ' A gentleman In this city requests ut to enqrlre ol 001. Green tbe color of the horse rode by bis great-grand-mother of the degree when she came Into North Caro lina. :. " Col. Wharton J Greenexpects bis arlsto cratlo blood to take him through In No vember next. .What does the mechanic Jblnk of lhattdear f 1 ' f - - ' " ' - - - Gov. JurvU. CoU Green and Bennett poke on yesterday to a very small crowd atamiih y Wle, Hot more than twenty per eons went dawn rrom tnis cy. uumo w teamen, nialte a dlsappolntmeht, ; con Idarlng the Uot that they expected about flvehundrel . '' . i . ' Ibe day alter Col. Green had matfe his opening speech In rayetteyUle lealdlng 4 Democrat came down the ; street looking f'l exceedingly "blue.'. He was met by a f t "mend and asked by him jwhat, was the i 1 mstter. He replied thethe i "was thlnjtlng ' to himself of what would have become o "i ' ibe (thirty thousand descendenUpf COl. Ureeagreat-grand-motherpf the ninth ; ?! degree! If theoid lady had got drowned in r Vi the IUianoke river when she- was crossing Into North Carolina, "Just; tMnk of it,' H " says this gentlemen, "we wOttio nave wu thirty thousand popniauoneBO'w Kev,Mr. Joseph C. Price, who has been cauvaising ' in England . for the purpose of raising funds to build a college XSr Wtt, pieasnreof VueeUngand sbastng him by the hand..on Thursday nlgbtlast. at OoMsbemHewas .uhi.Ariiii treatment and was evi v&T 10 xnaw M r dently much eneouraged at the outlook for ki. kni. - ur. Thrice la one of the lines B orators in the State, end hie txrn aorosa jhw water has no doubt done great gooJ in tua . respect; We mtyexpect to hear a food te port from him during the present cam- t We have in this Dlstxld about thirty nre thousand laboring men, including Mr. W P. caa'aday the Uberal candidate for Coa trw4 and about one thousand monled aristocrats iaelnding tr , ih. nneatloa ta. Bnau the thinyjive thousand be eefw tLe on . thAnsaad OT the one by the tbirty-ave thousand t (It oo J us that tbe one thousand should submit to the thtrty-hve thousand 5 though wa ap pose Cot. Green thinks the arUtoerats should coutn.l the polltlca of the United Maiee like they do ia Orea Brltanr jae has traveled around eonsidetsbie suadlwe oppose has imbibed those artstocraUe no "Uoos thai ibe laboring mechanle and. Ihr Merhave no rlahts that tb4 blooded ar- Hsioerat should reepecL xt slbr the ixepie r r-jtia Bierr.Cowsata C K. C .j v: , Aegast Sad. 1 tir. m itA nMord men who have 5 n Wce ViaeetbeUateltfUoameetbel wrpgee ot voting, to have their mothers or . takers prteeal to prove their ge or they elll aet be able to vote. '' , ' i Ut. Editor, we kaow.lhere U no food we ' eau do without God's help, hot .we meat W BCtt iuwj few imp - . ." m took lohlm tor his galdaaee ta oar -:? : V.eses uadertakUgs aa4 vietorf wUl.be woe fitasovemaerasxt by the people over the 2" aaaraaaArutoeraue servr .,w"i!:m .Ti. . . : . .-w vm auitaeyara obtalaed. ui imt srs osuusn. - Ue e art at eleeUoa. ilToara, n L r.ft sitill Aaother. ' s ..iw. Akat.tSSaft IUU. waaxhtraave been area af aa affeetloa at the ktAaeya by the e or, or aale JUdaey aad live Cure. GUTIIKIE ACCEPTS. 1 FA YETTEVtt,LE,-N, C, June Id, 1882. ) F. AT. Sorrelt, J&q., Secretary of the Lib, I eral Anti Prohibition Committee: . Deab Sib :I haTe receiyed yours of the 9 th insL, officially iaforoaing me that at a convention of vh Liberal party of North Carolina, .which jassem bled in Bateigh on the 7th inst., I wu unanimously nominated as a candidate for Judge of the Fourth Judicial Dia- Appreciating, as I d , the ' Liberaj sentiments of patriotism expressed in the platform of the Liberal party, atd feeling, as I do, thai the'' action o the convention was something 'more than a me're compliment to me lodivid. ually, I accept the nomination.; j 1 Throuzh you I desire tor express the belief as wel( as th3 hope, ' that North Carolina is entering upon a new era of rest from- bitter political strife, to be succeeded by greater activity in mate rial prosperity, and the practice I of those methods of independent self gov ernment, even in minor ifoatters, which underlie the great structure : of Ameri can constitutional liberi'y regulated by wholesome laws. . . - 1 It will be my most earnest endeavor if entrusted with the performance of judicial function, to properly appre hend the duties of the" high position, and then to discharge them to the best of ray undertaking, and if possible, with credit to myself and satisfaction to the s;ood people ofths whole state re gardless of party predilectious. The partisous should be merged in the judge. ; !. ' Thanking the convention for this manifestation of confidence, and you for the kind words, prompted by per sonai friendship, contained in your communication, :j I am very reipectfuliy yours, Wm. A. Guthrie. I Smithville, Aug. 5, S2. Editor rest: J : J . "1 , Notwithstanding if uae publiahed broadcast thronghout. .this , section that Gov. Jam's,- Cols.- B6nnctt, Green and other Democratic celebrities; Would address the people at the above place, to-day. nevertheless at the appointed time and place thero "could scarcely be mustered together, a respectable eorpo ra'o guard to lend their listening cars to the infallible doctrines of the distin guished orators of tho Democratic per course of his epcech said, "I presume 1- there are about two uunarcu oi you i here," but by count there were said to be one hundred and sixty-five, inclu- linf men women, children and dogs MR. thrown in for good measure. Eastern Carolina. Since Mty' W. About one half of his audience was jjt UM leasee' the road be hat pur composed ot Republicans and Liberals. cnased 0Ter fifty milas of ne rsiU After bsinir introduced Col. iienneu i came forward and glancing aroun-:ior - : 'a m ' I a few momenU at tbecrowa saia mat 1 . . f a .t.ftfl ttira were a pilot there to keep the wind away from his mouth, as it was difficult for him to speak with the wind blowing betwcoi bis teeth. nnt ?f K hsfl ffiven exprtssion to Ue honest prompUnn of bis heart he wm,M hava said that he longed for a pilot to steer him back to Wilmington, . I coui be - of aII tt seen upon tne coun the speakers, a disap pointed expression at the sllmness 01 the crowd. After dUmissing with a mer mention of them, the local ques tions of the day in i which the Ipeople are mostly interested, he dressed himself at quite" a length on the tariff questlon and the internal revenue sys tem, t He speke about the dutiea on trace chains, cotton ties, Ac, and gave bq gatjiourested ti susa an ex alot ofdryatatisUci about which the ieatin other toUrprlset that he will ....i.tnM nothln ' and cared lest wu interast ia North Car- Fowfv - - , tt. mmlA that if he . were rv,nW-ahd - be waa not certain 1 ---ar- ...... . i . n end it were weu tna f" t tKi. isttla condition that he would rive themla written guarantee thattbe I J wh0 u a genUemauofgreU fre he talks too much about redne dnUes oa wool, tr.ee chains, aaU. and aa4 abHity i. the m ug- lag iL The Jodge was "nl the Lord knows what aii, wonia oe - ke offv It seemed 46 us that ha Wok a great responsibility upon ninseu, 1.;i..:u.r.i ufi in making! the 1 u 0, would ocver bats ta op- nua osw UAcij aaw - ; ; non u alt v cf redeeming it. Got Green before we had shot Off ht utuo ! arrlTtd, and we srpposed U bsd wy : k a - .tLiast aril ..t. .-.. aeara covatux v -CjkiT.Jmto'sisjchl charge of the prrs was aftet bis uvasl ayie 01 pouuoa. haranguea. t , .rr.u iraad oat Upon tne wnoia i -- --- - a dead failure, such ss u wm v- the 7th of November A ft ik. ff .l 1 r.l .ai iu v.- . .. ... .V.fflf I ltanarHickimiUs,)hal4attne - . r k.mk I House, oa ths corner ot 1 rx B.Mceatj aai w . rTT . I" ...ii.ir-atwek.alt.ft. usi eras Dteseatei to J "ZTZT . ..-.eaiiTer hrjtUW"?"" . ? W Ubs nto "- j nro decided by eote to be the I jjoct with those prtOtnU ' While at Morehead City en Thursday, we bad the pleasure of , meeting many old iriends. Col. A. C. Dobs'. Mr. Tho Duncan, Dr4U. P. Arnold, Mr. H. 8. Lee, J. T. B Noe, C. W,Wpod, GporXe Jenkins, W a Bell, Dan'l W. McCain. Mural Menn, Snocb Hargett, J. B.tManJn,. BoVt flanoock and others. ' - ?s'.w.--: fifonr Grapes and Green Snake.' ; -The fox, after Jumping after the grapes all the way frem the Second to the Third Congressional District and could hot reach them, said they-were "sout any way. The Trojan,' after bringing in a "Green Horse whose ribs contained not many me after alT, brought forward then a "Green snake" -which frightened only "the leader" who umped" again and '8pread.'' " . Tne PjresldentVt VeJ. . President Arthur was in ikvor of the lm prorements that are. being going on and a'ao of tbe one recommended on the Miss isslppl and Fotosnac Elvers, but several thousands of small Improvements were put in the bill never before heard of , and which were not on the map. He thought in : the preeeat condlUon of the ooontfy thatthor should be left out; but the Con gress had a majority of . whom were Re publicans thought otherwise and so pass ed the appropriation over his veto. So the DemocraU can say nothing. Te peoplje owe the large appropriation for our river and her improvements to a Republican governmet. . : - DISOrtACKFDL ECONOMY. We are reliably informed that a poor white wonWn living tn the neighborhood of Eighth and Market streets, who ill gradually dying with cancer, and who has three little children, has been draw ing from the county commissioners four dollars per month, but a few days ago the poor woman was notified that even this pitiful amount had been cut down to three dollars ner month. It is IT w - - - a a very great mystery to know hovr she managed to live 1 on four dollars per nionth! buta still greater one to know what she can do on three ($3) dol lars. If this is the kind of treatment the poor is to receive at the hands of the commissioners the people ought to know it. This is the way our county commissioners are reducing the expen ses by cutting down the allowance of the poor starving people. Did the com missioners cut down the jay of the high salaried officiolsf Of course not;j their pay goes on but the poor must starve. . ! . . I- ; THE MIDLAND itAILUOAD. On Wednesday last we had the pleasure of visiting Morehead .City and returned on Thursday. We. were much gratified' to see tbenmany im nrovemenU roinsr on on the Midland Railroad-that has Uken place under well M buildings and frms. all appeK l0 be active. There is" a . nd enerey displayed by the ma- mgemenj 0f at road which- indicates , MB1.,tt, fr the cood beoole of new engines and cars, xne f.u rUQ now M if , there was me a m , lhe Unft The bed baj been ex r,j. j tn amiv,fiald. and will be con- tiQUea oa t0 Salisbury, N. C, Mr. Begt hat pow aD0Uv thirty miles of , ltJiogon the whari at Morehead, . t. :Rr.,ima'.n4 that he intends to . mora rails aU. the way from More- j . . . ooldboro. He has lately a aw -w - j bued t anothet road ruaniag out Ohij. rmm waaninxtoB w utuw-. i We believe new that it waa a nap py day ht a when W. J. Best purchased an interest in the Railroads of North' Carolina. We need live men with the sae tns ;and influence to build up onr waaU plains, and i such men as Mr. Best entrusted in the nat mMi r.oUT of onr Stat; we may a brichtlutnee. We hope. be Vb-wv mm nw"1""' Una, , ... - . u bl- -i,l in the man I . . i r tha aiiduex , 1 . T w Aodxews. General Supcrla meai 0f railroads. He knows an oay eaerfy to thoroughly per - lu Io itct Ut. Besi has oee. I is iha selenia 1 MrainnmuHT sm . I aavttnittltss.sll of whoa appnr ti be b.va no doubt are, of the eery I . . , w-eoBataUU tbe gd V of Unoir, CraTeoand Car I - i rVirtMaa a m I . -.!lt J MLI."nslts JsdM . . An tnair roou cnt management. ' m u.m.m wr MoiiaMweak by the iwmr-, - - w vaaBB,aiam .0 w. 1 ssu wat.a 1 w "-- jaT-?!!fna. te. Jameel"i .,tn tkaea a w T Tii to J . ir Bans m w 1 , . I 11 W.A. AIMBW I "TrJ -Ti to Ashley CUberw . . . mmsisb Joan Fa AiUa. v. Mkatua'fSM'atW t rlcnUWly. aod aro-a , 1 - - - I t-r Fat?ttetiixe, ..C; Jdjlst,18$2.i - EcL i'lwf: Last xturdax jibe politi- cal gladiators of the Pee Detu section, Hon; Ol H. Docker and Jodge.B.X. Bennett melon the arrn of debate jO. toe oia marxet nousf to: ayeueraue, l potnotinem Dnnjir.to tno contest. i well r developed i tbrsical and menial 1 ttns r,i t. v.. i Cusonv .mi jn :wxi tne -xwuroon Cause In'ComberUnd connty departed po icyns by tteir Sto?W: P even agbonrW Committej- nmaylearn Ufor.. elegit not they cerUinly will aOerwardsha there are some lAbtiM J a toe state and I their ironiinations arW'be sneered at "There are nose so blind ' as they who j will not see." , ' Judge Bennett opened the discussion in an hours speech, of which I can of course, only give you a synopsis. r He : had, manifestly . prepared bis speech expecting that . Hon. Chas. Price Would be in company with Col. Dockery at Fayetteville as he w ad vertised, but although Mr. Price was not there Judge Bennett made!personal al lusions to him by. name and took occa- sion to make the usual Bourbon charges 1 against him of being bought, &c, and I Judge Biauolt made t the broad aster- tion th at every Libaral ia the. sUte l bad been purchased either by money or promise of office.,. He deals largely in aisertions and sterns to know more than his opponents of the,; campaign and it ia to be regretted by everybody want-, inj fair play in this contest, that the Judge is fully, impieised with the ner cessity of practicing in debate ' the Bourbon Order No 1, 'Lie like h 11 and stick to it.'' , He wanted the crowd to understand that ia early life he had learned to plow on a farm, Lut latterly had been , practiciug . lair; bat if he knows no more now about plowing than he showed aa to the price of spool cot ton he might be classed with that large bat respectable body of "Horace Gice ley farmers,'' who make large preten sions upon little experience. He spoke feelingly of the late war an endeavored to kindle a .flame of passions in . his audience by referring to those, horrors and .disolutions through "which - under Bourbon folly we bad to pass, and that sensible and patriotic Deoote ere trvinit bim to iralize that Vuo wind bas shifted." He had much to. say of bloated bondholders of the i north and endeavored , 4.0 .. array bit . audience against the . northern section . of the Union because Bourbon, folly in the past, had given, them the: opportunity to grow t ricfi1, at the same time making us poor. He spoke of : ''corneri'. in ""ir .u.j uMBi,Mku. npon.-uie; recommendation 'Ot 4 Jndge wm or which he war aptly reminded, the advantage inpolitlcal diseiissioa by beltowjwhegrounoyf : ; - . iJenneu'S partyf friends;; and;wrwvke VVTclI, to saveVof space I will dose reasons ( hU larexpiencaid HnMehAimMtihjim my letter b7 saying thatif it is pcible ' long traiakg in pdtoWTb don In Pressdenr Arthur's message- UmUw & be understood it, Jpdge Ben- tocontinne Tthe jointl canvaaa between ment was metlrethe commit- that since we' bye arrived at ? Ume denoimeed c1iim:nlor litvlHeMid- these two candidates1 f and I believe Mr teesofthe Tarions-pirties for a joint whew there br a larfie sUrplnu Tjfmoney !th.t it iMm . iimiM.. Ll,- . - Denses and ia interest at a ra of grain meat ana smsa-a to think that the way, for us to fill an empty stomachy and satisfy a . hungry appetite ia not to do as farmers do; go to work and raise hogs and grata and other things to eat, but simply ai in the 4 shade and j curse yankeee ; who suptl v our home markets with such thing,. He oight U write hbookupon the subject and call it "Farming made Easj, by a Lawyer who .haa,tiicd it.",j; : lie reserved his heayiesi licks lor tbe tariff and begun by Stating he didn't known exactly what the price of apoo.- cotton waa but he thought it Waa 70 cenu, or 75 centsor 65 eentt per doxen, and hereupon a merchant in tne crown spoke out and corrected lilm; or rather informed him that the price; now is fiiAy-five centa per dozen;. and where upon Judge Bennett aald that if tho people would seed him to Congress he would reducefitito forty cents. Jest than an old horny funded farmer .standing by me whispered he had better ficd out the market price - of aa article bo ia promises an 10 w -v ' to do, not what he wonld and could de if eieetea, ana "J " I so. then onlr one more meDber wouia lag ofSeer, for he- woa W ee eqnai to a whole Conrtess br UsueX T'l ZL fiS 1 bicit. . - - I Bennett has ntttr ye, and ia an prex ra, certainly not this and shall ao doubt go Sgalt aa your 1 . " . Rfrreeautlre la the aext Coagresa, i , . -. - m. TT-::;. as knew. Hen who by their sereHet I expliio, aad bra- it to U fciacs I whea sH cxaeLoa I: V aUIUr aad CTtat IrgulaUre cxpetleace, I eitie I rgLhia a twaer ta ' , . 1 .ItdeSary of or rrrat coaatry 1 Heaia triTy U JaJ;e Ea CL Iecia aaisaUjf tl aad have ea fatly to gisrVe wkh 1 dcoo flthiUxLx UZtot ,v,. fearsatiiii Poa whkh I fen, Cat te wasa te srpris4 ia e-iesliocs of stitntat&ili? npoa whkh 1 1 a-w the r rr"llx ax7 . . .. . I area f OTtt tUiy cTJSS f 0CW fey. lauon.'.' - Said be, Jodge4nnett,f I he wre, there, wpnldbe J ike a little puey-wiods ball; he Jroojd ! Jj a ij man rnnning in the range' whtrifc he!d iri his 'Uilt paw unngs nis own way but . juss pen, mm i witn a tot ot Dig Duiu,ci.a te now i quiet be would b:come,: aod you could v.it t:l ... reasury, raisea oy interna, tax- Uous and ftbe urifr, weight safely abolish the Inteiial Revenue Lnws and 9Wr. fo mtetewantsome Government id at the same : time protect -our .feeble maantacturing tablbet a. to dswetop bur istefit rts4urcei and jtoe inlaoereat abundance forftbe purpose of r . ... diversifying indnstriesve employment to tkilltd mechanic, machineits "and artisAna of all kiodi and thereby make home markets for Our farm - products and increases the wealth and prosperi ty of one State., Judge Bennett missed it on the tariff in his speech here, for he wm talking in what was once a miuufjtcturiog town and which then prospered, and - onr people look lor whatever of prosperity th e fu.ure may have in store for them,-almost entirely to manafscturing , and' the cry here has been, ever since the war, The factories ought to be rebuilt.' Beside, there are now in tperaUou in Cumberland county, four cotton factories, all doing well and employing a large number of laborers, and our people have sense enough to understand all of "Farmer BennettVr. sophistry ' about "trace chains," "spool cotton," Ac. S j Col Dockery , was introduced in' a very; graceful speech by . our distin guishe'd and belovedfellow citizen Honi'Ralpb P. Buxton, in whom our people! have perfectjeonfidence, and whom we have always delighted to honor.' "' . Col. Dockery was himself, aod be--iog ; in perfect bealth and as ful of politics as an egg is of meat, be was at his best, and made the fur, fly as be at tacked the Bourbons. He spoke of the three thousand, millions of dollars of war debt which Bourbon Democracy bad inert up, by their folly, ia the late w a va ia hvh Msaawvu , vvveeaaav aa v0 kary. ;That the . Bepublican parly had the principle of the debt bad been paid off in a few years, the: interest reduced! to a rate never .known .before in our couaVry, and our nations! treasury full now and overflowing, ana not like the treasury was, under Buchanan, the last Democratic President.' when it waa empty and the Government was com pelled to borrow money for necessary - to r nU aonttm. per cent, per and our bondr were at a heavy dis count. He held up and contrasted Bourbon- promises - in the past with sMHiiooa av w. ; J they had a majority ia both House, of ytars ongrrw, iuu ouiuuiku icjiaiwuui j I'i iu . .u. I TUsne AU esUnaevf en tti fT ft V I lAft Z,ZZ,3 I eWl TiauJ, w-. - a while the Republicans, . tn the same given number of years, had 'reduced taxation .: over thirty-two millions of dollars. I Dodiery said, -Judge Bennett 1 toW Toa Qf corn. meat, etc, but 1 I WMt to teU yon where lhe Bourbona 1 jTe ntted oa your liberties" and I don't watch them they wiU toon I .ka Mlrh . corner' as msv leave tou flat of your back and . your liberties gone.n lit then took up the Brpubli- can Constitntioa of and reviewing the history of jiu adopUon, and extolled its many , liberal and just provisions which haxmoniie with the spirit and in- tent of oar Bepublican form of govern- meat of the- Homestead Laborer's aad Mcckanic e Ucn Laws, J&eV nd then showed how the Boarbona, true to their hatred of popolar rights upon which rests tho mud sills of Aaerknn Uty I ... ... the Clamor frsidateit smeadWs j made by to framlakat eaWatba of IST5 -be. aeeele rmraraf as txe since bees done 1 u i. .! f Mums nai. ; ui tn Cy sees tlu tie estioa s a tU - - . llathtpiwif i a irn card ia Yie caora, - t m. . " , ' t..f 1 im mJm .f .It t . ..-. -.1 utjvl .(M JT.A ft atme saaT isever lUeabosi boss and the wi3 of the people I my tecUoa I eoeU gtt twiow as wa gad how eekk!y ajaJrecoiU lay soeJc 1 rJu tie should enforce the lawii as: long as I be wore it,and go i arbnndf brer the State denouncing a court ef jnjtice, try- ingto impair itf dijnity and anlhotit for the se of arousing prejudice to in- flaence votet. ? Het referred to Jtdge I peymonrMYing been , appointed to the I Seymour havir Tuancy pathe district bench.largel 1 know wh0Uier Jndge Seymonr'. nt- linU wpta v!.ht ,t wrtl.i . 1. tbiete J- nUit thtS, tber wbotried thecase der8tood Mu vt toV points oiProhibilion be w. iriila:. . 1 iMiiiini uiu mm n r nnr - ann . m Dockery said he was sorry the time was I T i i n .v www, vfc vm. up, Decanee He Had just got to the ortrrjr. The crowd then exnectedr J odge i Ben- riett to foUow i in a fifteen minutes re- joinder, and. CoL; Dockery to dose in a speech of fifteen a mmutesj aa had beeil agreed upon befwe theepeaking began; Vint- T,1-T . -A Jl 11, UU6D ap oy uio aiue i w vou vocjtcry ana uey neia a wms-1 ava - - m a a e s a . pcrcd- conversation, which ended by Col. Dockery announcing to the crowd, that, at the request of Judge Bennett, he had agreed that the discussion might now close. f As there was no explana tion given for this change in the pro gramme the crowd took it '' that Judge Bennett himself had gotten enough of it and realized what the ciowd very generally agreed to that Judge' Ben nett is not ajnatcb Tor I Col. 1 Dockery ana mat at- raycttetiue 'J3ennett got lickedl"1 - I)ot.iJ - v Patetteville, AugJ 8, '82; u :! Air. EdUort-' ' u- The discussion at Fayetteville last Saturday between Hon. O. H Dockery and ex-Judge Bennett, could not be re ported to you in time for the last issue of the PosT." t i ' - I do not endorso tho usual course of reporters to .the press of partisan discus : sions in: this state, which is to claim a Tictory for 'their man'- whetber it-wai won or noC AVith the 1 Democratic pa pers this is a rule ai it seems . v . . - ' Havlne witnessed ?this discassion however, your correspondent hesitates not to say that whenever and wherever these fora -ri3MarWJAr fimmi our taa candidate, Hon. O. II. Dock, ery, will rejoice, and the right side will be in the front Col. Docktry com mands company A in this campaign and his "company " is a legion of 'le gions. ' . ",' 'i There is no. 'disguising the fact that the Bourbons, arc sadlr; demoralised and I mention as proof that Mr. Ben nett .'took water , openly and n declined to continue the dUsusston accordeng to to agreed terms, leaving Dockery; the acknowledged victor. Even Dockery was astonished, apparently, aa he kind- j- excused; hia competitor . in a few ex- j Jti ftrt m Lntlh. WtVL.t TtlanaioiT , . , . T- weather of course) and thus tho. pro gramme of replies f was broken, off and ex-Judge saved from a scortchjng he so badly dreaded. ' J Bennett opened begging the question and bewildering facts all throngb. 0 I Hia speech could haTe been replied to 1 by any weU.readechoolboy. .Mr.Ben- Inctt declared against a tariff fox protcc- ana tor Pro , after he took Uen, and it was amusing water,--lhat is, quit: the disensaion by I bernnr off to hear the ponle gnrreat- fog replica tohU argxunrnt. One. eld oiored maa vhe was iree and eeald tote up to 183S cakl,V WeU, Mr. Dea- acU takes es for fooUi. ' lie sud, spool cotton and ear trace chains are taxed, aad that if the tax were oTwe weald get them lor leas sooney. "New," remarked the eld colored maa, before this protective tariff was pot on and we I had to bring eretrTthing from England; I we paid deeble for trace chains that we Brw tsd l alWsys jeiJ t cdttl Ut J I m rcxxA ef Coatee eotUa or three epeol yrus for five oeata. -IVkJ aU the JdOored maaubea I wud. toakets I bare MOfde Cuie f tailrtJ aad i ium b m a iuu m utr mm T are re I elieaiwTS tad. so, th. twi ttes tlalas 1.- . . tre are koaie, . aaJ tastes- aad eleeeg to Issoae ct " - 1 rJT p ll pe U rar. A4 trryVo.y Las a tY u made BenneU souinn. ; Mr. Bennett J wis a metaber- of the fraud convention thatjut (he present system on the. people and toted for it. Doekerywas ;also member, and voted against it. Mr. Bennett roted to 'hold JCObeson and save tire State,, to tho Democratic ; party against the popular - ble) then for once" I wHl endorse Gen rtt, i." TJte Z candidates. - !- - - J Our Bourbon. Vp tJiisay are very aick in EveLow ar7 TnZ nin around trri wIiL. ,V7 . ":"WMVr"". for them and on their own terms. Disgusted with their record, dugnst- . with their candidates, : and fearful ot election day with its: final nooning, they are ready to ""turn over their 'assct'ts'to"- preJerred creditbrs.i ; V'rf L'S ri - Oh thatTineyard; it Ui distressingly green now, and sure to become dry be- r . . . ...-..' lore tno "melancholy days a f Nevem oer. -Yonrs truly, ,; -r " Soca GKArcs neetins; orthe School Couianlt-' teemen at Masonboro. At a meeting of the above Committee" held Aug. 2ncL, the Chairman was Instruct ' ed to secure bv gift or purehaae a nlUbla tract ol land for a school house site. And aithelsame Ume Miss Kennedy was ap pointed as teaeher for the whlU school to be ooeued ct. lut, and Levs Nix pa was ap pointed as teacher of the colored school of the. eastern division, with the date yet to he fixed. ' ; 5 ; . -i'. . NmithvUIe Items, , , We bar reoelved several leU em "from Smith viue ! con coining the dlffloaUy on Friday last bet weea a white mae nauol Weeks and a colored man by tbe name of Kelly. We do hot Intend todoany ane kn iajnatloe, and desiring to have all the raou we will not say anything concerning it tie til next week, when we shall try to da as; Uce by all, and the publie shall know alt I the lcts : eoaocrnlag the caso, and the guilty (let them be white or black sha'l b? exposed foe the benefit of the law-abidlog citizens or Brunswick county. . XOTICC. I would respectfuly ask my rity subscribers to be ready in the future tr. pay up when I call to see them, and thereby save me ties leather. The Post '?Mtl3iK?us;UUy4Aien. V- ; HEW AD VEKTJSEAIEN1S. . i , GE AND FAMILY EXCURSION, : UNDER THE AUSPICE OF GERMAN IA LODGE, No 4, K. of P., - To Smithville and the ForU on the Steamer Paaport Wednesdsy, Aug. j ; ? ib. liut : t TIIK HARPERS WILL KURXIRtt Tit P. Mnslo. Befreabmeuu of ail kiade served oa board. lo.lilvely no children allowed oa board naleaa aceom pan led by parents or guardtaaa. rare for adalU eon trip) u-& t Chtl dren under 12 years Z'xs, Tbe boat will re main at Caswell three bears to give all an opportunity to enJor thaaeabreese and Uanee. BleamerwUl leave altociocashsrp -JOBV HAAR, JR. If. CPKKMPfeaT, W. H, UKHKKSf, Ctm. ' CT.VoaKAMrEX.j 7-tt ? . . f 4 ' MEETING OF THE I .-"JUSTICES! OR,',' THE PEACE. . . A0WBDAKCt wiTU atsitluS, 1 ,., wVUjurU'lUs. V,njn ", ' Z 7 ' Teaee lor Ktw Usaof er eoaaty art Ut V r aciaed to aaessaMa at tba Cwsrtloaoi Moadaf. Aageet 7th. lf3, lar tbeiTew of atectiag a Board of CcmasWlcaert ifof bo cwaaiy. aed traaeactte g eeds otbrr bwlata ... . .. f . t . .' , as saaj be ferofirbt erfote nu Tt. MUestscaU4aAlSo'skiek.A.(. eeswref - , . mobxii jsMrw,j.rM sfcalraaa. - jUtUI COWA.ilTeiary, 1 . ' I e;.:t ; CAUL AT THE NEW JtatSAaatse tfce eiaCeee. irart'-.e4 . STAPLE AND FAKCT GOCZTelTS XT WtUJLtSlAUE AXZ tTTAIU Af & Fic!:cn Grcpn IT. 16 IS etaelttf- - . r"-r er r cr - V 0 t ' ' ' - .1V - elW A 40 4 SJS """" I """;n menm wiu avoid is u nossi- ! I I t o