VOLUME XV. triT.MlNQ'TON' POST J 2-zt , . nr, Mjgj - """aw MEXTARY oJtf A COM- C0,antIwl10 "nowibg the cireumstancW Vf B.a7.d iaS peecbhere to A .C0Ji jjnEXT;' j 4wou!d lfo? ta uafortunate sUteClp day to an audience Uiteetitkeslstarae IH j05ESC0USTX OUTRAGE. !, p.nnlfr foftet; The memory is Tery : ...k.rnni. imoonani, btodu .iaue V ' A & A . J Krei rascality is smoothed oyer ' time, tod men cease to censure ltors of crime. It is so with the ? Sn North Carolina. Six years ago m the great enthusiastic rcampaiga af 1876, when Vance led the Democrat koAorti to a sweeping victory, the tmn :of certain Radical lofficulf In load coanty , was ventilated from one v ahite men of the weat, as well as those I lvr..- .nH ih. .t nni i-I Lnnncinr the crime in unmeasured I krfiiL What Was1 done in the past I Birht be attempted again if the same Wrkid Abe power. Ini the county pf Jones poor wbites were actually hir H to neero masters-by the "Radical lcm. ! A letter irpm j ones written in tij, Imt appeared in ne eaiisbory Watchman in which it was stated : -''One poor, white man was bid of Vt robust African, but theTpoor man txgjjaBO.punuii laao me negro anal ly consented to release him, and he rii Allowed to take himself at the vie be was knocked off at' to the ne- ro. Two white women, one of whom tu iwspectable woman, were eagerly litl for by negro men, and knocked off 10 nrces at $9.25 per month each. T'i is melancholy, but true." f '- These thiogs must net be forgot ten. .11 was a great outrage.' It was nijdone ioa corner. It was a public iRsictioo, and the white people of iftStkte ought herer condone such a wjaie against their race, or think for a soment of restoring to office any'party (hit could so abuse -their power, could b humiliate and abuse God's unfortu nte creatures, and could so strike at eirti, order. If these things :can le iflt in North Carolina now, there a. no anticipating the evil that may eo4e hereafter with the county gov- eroment system changed and' the Rtdicals again in office. We shall irtiq refer to this . selling of white piapers to negroes. ctar. Tbe'varigated Theologlst of the Star kthe interest of peace and harmony Wtieen1 the races, takes 'a six years ittrospect and reproduces (as he ad- lid aplecejof campaign capital that w done gbed seiv'celn Vance's can ni tf '76, and is piously launched M in a spirit of christian charity Jtecaliar to this ..checkered . quati Di line, in the hope that by engendering tit the evil passions of the human knrt it may again serve the tame pur JOJein 18S2.. ; : "'i ': (: Whilst reading the article It occur red to us that after all, these people must have been sold In ,1876 by the iwe authority they were sold by in 185$ or at any time before the war. If to, the negroes only followed out tae Jaw or custom of the whites, and Ile the ez-Reverend .Editor is dwelling a the inhumanity of . the ne- po county authorities for selling.' and ; lhe hegro pur.cbasers for their "eager- e in buying, that w "respectable tbite woman" h fa 1 la 1a ba that h Is I , . " ,T. T I ubeauig the, tournament-riding,: ring-1 rnncning, sir knight chivalry of Jones I (T" ;v "uvi oupwna; a huvj vnv, u wealth, intelligence and culture of I lr section would stand br and lee I llw borly : negro (as : the language 1 WoTtyi) with sensual eagerness bid-1 t auction for this unfortunate I tmiure, who for aaght we know may I : atnibeen the wife or daughter of some I killed Confederate soldier' who. had I foae ai a substitute for, or been indue-1 M by some of the twenty segro exempt I nwoeracy to enlUt In the army oa l promite to' jtrotect and eareer A I he Ujt behind. I There may also I N Ue shadow of a boulbltity that this I r early negro was actuated by other mo-1 -nauiau thte by Inference imputea (a Lr -. . - . ' . it may be, that no aeeing Bi of this poor creatores, own color ?i&eieg enough intelest in her forlorn oavtiUon to buy her la out of her r and give kur a borne. It may Part of her own color a feeing ef Unm. i - v,-v .1. -vl ml lia . ""S: rvZ.r:; --. . M u auteu aitae si Mi w" v i foble and Peasant, bond and hlm tdiheaaof geoeroalty. 01 ou.tkla that -"fvauir wa can reex aitureu. aa i tmreh..t..Kaa. a a -.-lea o eaara capital the same year it tetafd, tig: 187C; it waa colortd. to JJ M purposet. and we can aafily ln- ttat th Door ereatnre waa kindly by her ! negro partiascr. it wt ?o!d h. -s aad. I :- ... 7T I -4M wuwnaauoa w tae i t . .a .. . . a . . a ... tats e eoire vTMWUi?W rumpiy e 1Kb eeetaary, aa tt cf ti-t- eat aad dtillxatlon. tS5:t a rs aleaj boast cat trtr kna .Ibtlr rtlry aatrtriMfcr&a wtxitr aax.1 hted of ehurciea tzl aocla,' J't lawy ti a-1 CU 1st, that a fr ttciila wfciti wzziiaT c-i ta ly vy v ; WILMINGTON;-NORTH but U true, then it is a blacfc indelibl I Uia upon the manhood and humanity disgrace on everr white woman in Jones tiuffer such an indignity, and above all Rf.inf. wv -vi . . .... In keeping with the dark see. of tenor- anoe and superstition than with the jus-1 c9nt?e m&le fiue ae.ect ann'ounc tice.and humanity which characterizes Ug himself as an Independent liberal our latter day lejral enactments- ' 1eandidi- - i? r : T WENTY-FIVE CENTS AD : MISSION .. It is reported that on account of the 1 farf. of -fhie frennanf ;.lf. t.m. . .l.tA I -n . People of Fayetteville i to the Tokay rnt Col. W." J. Green, the Bourbon candidate for Congress, charred twentv .five cents admission to the poor people and gave complimentary tickets to the bloods. How is this? COLORED PEOPLE Under the leadership of O'Harra, Wassom, Harriss, Price, Mabson, Elli son, Hood, Williamson, Mtbane.bmith, Dancy, Moore, Lrfsary, Abbott, Dudley, and hundreds of others of colored men of ability, the'1, colored voters of North Carolina stand solid by. th Liberal movement.' - lbere is not a eolored man ni the state to-jdav, of character and ability who is not supporting the Liberal ticket, this, from the fact that the L'berals propose that the colored, people shall have their full rights as American citizens. The Star draws; the color) Hoe in one col nmn and iu the next, tries to make it appear that the colored people are not going to vote against Bourbon Democ- THE DAIIjY JOURNAL, Col." A. M. Waddell's paper, the Charlotte Daily Journal is one of the handsomest gotten op papers in North Carolina, and judging from the num bers that we have had the pleasure of reading, it has more editorial ability than . any Democratic paper In the state, and while we differ with Col. Waddelfr politics, yet we wish him entire success in this .enCerprise, and i ire hope his many A lends in the Cape Fear country will show their appreci ation of the man by subscribing liber ally for the Journal. V Everv Liberal ReDubliean assistant candidate, in North Carolina, especially in the "Old First" should carry a ban- ner, on which banner should be inscrib ed this one word "liation?!" Etiui- beth City JCeononMt. Sucb a banner would suit some peo- nlm In til Htfrt.f mm wall mm In tha ::Z"rZ"'l " : via x mr x or instance, a xemuvrav- i Ic gentleman, we know, Who Is so con I fident of his nomination, for clerk of I Snberi orCourL that already he is plead-1 ln M. Mri tn Inrlnoa nnla tn vnt I , TV" ' r, 7,, for him: and his "meat and bread" ar-1 gument is so plaintive, that he hat sue-1 ceeueu in eniung nan ajaapauiyt n I behalf of such mental prostration as will narmft a man tn carada his nen-1 nrv. aa a reason why he should fill a public ofSce- We know too of a Democratic gentle man, who, by force of the aame specious anrumenL was S elected to the office of County Superintendent of Public Schools: an oflce created by a Demo- eratlo Legislature, absorb fire percent of the public school money, thus, rob blng thetpoor childrea in order to give IUtlosV to about one hundred Indi ni Dmoerau in the Bute. The poor house, and not publio offices, la place for such men. . - JXSULXAP. We see that Ez-8ecntary of War Belknap, ; who was bounced out ol a rUon by the publican tj for aUUUXui.pc.iuoa ruat Trader, at Fort bill, Texas, ror w,w ha. recently paid naTa ,lait rnd bee. . . ...... .... . V Y Ami F'i eUJ. would aeiidarotpectawe, . n. i "WtStPOOf Bll W f - dinner; but, a aatoned rascal is a t associate and aa honored neat. When Eellsap was UI2 invtas-1 ! a.1 S hfa nal.uaace. tat JOUrBoa . viaA tmr rrea in ho'T fe0-1 rot at eaca ei-a Mf'" TT . m . . a thought no Uc outside a poautaua - r-, -, . ... . ,v ri!illsan ww trrt vxi aa.a, aaer -" - aaeaas - ar -a---- .ra emitted ta Lescf t.t Ex :;;' j, bl3.Ic. ut and . - - . -, v CZlS why tLU ctirpr n rasc..iy I e?l:t t:ttr.u: cr usoc."j t.-..J-.i rt.il? If yoa caa fjrtt XUJtaap iV. I SPECIAL T0 THE POST. I t v . i orv;xAaj tu XJttiS ruar. I -! I " " ' - fi - ; mainSrto.tf Arf.'on. .Wiinam P. Can aday made a teiling speech here to-1 as greeted Col. ;QreeaUt :ituesday c?arIe9 candidate fr State ?nat H"ett and - Cumberland a une ana aoiftspeecn was made by I WG. PftiW - -nr 1M T ' I i;j ,: -7..-r I era also made a speech The last three I I,;., -t--..- v a -r . I ocratic ticket. :.,('. (; , . Col. Canaday announced hia readi ness to meet CoL Green, at any time in joint can vaan-i Col. " Canaday favors protective tarifi., pensioning Mexican soldieri and impropriations fr the - - s 'i . ; i His rpeech pleased: the audi- nverf. eqce, arid all saw Iti-i '4perikrit OVtT 4 his, competitor. p. s'L ; CKOsa CxssK.- ' - 3 ; I'. : tii 1 '-J. VI 'ri. v'. New, cotton Is steadily coming In. Dr. J.C. Walker Is still quite ill at hU residence. r.. . Watermelons and eautaloupes ar $ tt- tlng scarce. , .-' , "-wiSssiwaaasi -Hurrah for the Liberal. lUpnkiiean tick et!iIt will be elected, w? New goods lor our, merchaat are arriv ing; quite jreejy. . , .( y i 8e advertisement of the "aal of Land I by pnbllo auction." ll a x Ma Bee advertisement of the ''Proposals for the Conltruction of Life Saving Stations." . r7- . - We bad several stormy dys during th1 1 past week. It looked llkejVennor's predlc UVUIWOISWilUUf Hurt . i; 4 : The next regatta over the Wrightivllie eours will be sailed about the 15th of Sep tember. H" -'i. ' i-V .r '.j 1 ! Subscribe for the Post if you wish" to be kept well informed on th issues of the da. i . Afire aad robbery both oeowred- at th eame time at Borga w on Tuesday morning last, we could not get the full particulars Mr. Leopold . Brunhild, of th firm of Brunhild 4 Bros, who has been on a visit to the old country has returned horn look ing very much Improved from his trip. ; i . Application has been mad to theSeoond- Asslstant Poetmaster-Qeneral for; a semi' weekly mall, on the river between Ithla city and Fayelteviie. W hop it may be granted. Our dry-goods merchants ai jdow leav ing for th North to lay In their Fall sup plies ol goods. i Mr. TomiEdn.kllld a water mooealn measuring 15 Inches around th body: and feet Inength, at his place a few days Th directors of th Clinton a Point Caa- WMl nauroaa naa a m weti xiauroaa naa a meeuag oa w eaaes- ynlght last, when th route heretofore suggested by them ws adopted, and the gauge of th rond pat at feet. Mr. G6. B. French, who i ha rben spending jseme time at Henderaonjiiie, returned to this city. Ando lh city, has not yet purrhaeed the inarket bouse. We think, they had better not. , Th Cap Fear river between her ad pas Fayettevillehaa risen rapidly for th fw days. 'f Th POST ha th largest relrealaUon of any paper published la th city, Prlatlag over s.000 eople weekly. . lU??,. Our butchers ax complaining of th acaj- dty ; of beef. Bom of them aav even anna In tha wnoii" to lank fhf thea." f Egg are on the "boom' certain. Xtetail lnaat S3 orate pr doaen. WdM't want ui la aaaa.-- s : a" . : t Mr. XJ J. Oiterburg has rtura4 boss from th North, where he ha bv for svveral weeks lecUag sua Fall ftloak of gOOd. --$. ,V s. r. ' i W. Tlim iora.aioera,eo-- wa ..v.TiiaMi rtkiim Nuwtina 1M1 w&mmm 'i r of th 7th district, la oppoaiuoa 10 w at. Robbina.th DamoeraU aoalaea. Th Cotton Bills la the UU p r-vng uiva show thesncoa-swi outbra portion of th eity ar tmprovemeatv This which has aueaded this -w . . ".araa Kew Poat-Haatrra, .. eoaaaaimioaed &r the fcuew- i u aOcat Ja. . xcaacy. aauaoary. . C oa . a-wry. . i - - - I ;i 1 i ---- - r nan cserr. I ai Kockr lioaat .varw ps. - W4saday KLVwfr th V. B. CaUmeer U Th r I IVltirtoS. 114 V StWKIH MM -aH, at tta trtaais aa4 ta - MSued CeseSU " f AYiTxis, a rv si. i nu ll Mm YAtS-"t &C34aTrlUvf s& wrCit. tatxr7i-l littriXra CAROLINA. SUNDAY. SEPT. 3. 1882. i xn eoiorea eotton brokw of UTerpooi, W. Jw VUbar, who was arrested tor obtains j money uader false preUnses, and waTcU i attracted eoaslderable attention her lor ror d&YM w iftrri hfirM Jnatlaa nanlii i oaTnundayiaat,aadthe proaeentor, Bar rel Amy, being unable to make ont his ease lie defendaatd was discharged, Thelwozoan.Sittma Johnson. -who escaped Crom the penltentlarr sometime go. -and ? ho was captured It this eity some days aitr was takea back to Salelgh a Toes day last, by Mr. J. w Bass, one or the at taches of the penitentiary. j. ft UIlt. T.J. Ri mntnn nt t a ttnl fm . b6n.iJrdflrA aboard tha.Snnii f!atL Ptvaa,atKw Berne, and Lieut. Wi 'H. a'ortt Crown, at Ban Francisco, has been ordered to the Cotter Coliax. Lieut. Hand will arrive about the pvemoer. we waicome mm among us. Harbor Master's Report. During the month of August the number of vessels arriving at this port were as fol- A.iA'RKJHCA 1. ' Steamers.... ..v-T.... .l..J5I22l ionia llagly thriving bnMntta, and ..-wia ..&2di ! I we hope the wiu Scontlntt t v roape Echoon,.. , - 19 - 'r'- ' foreign; ri 9.516 tons j-. Barques.... M..237 t"M This makes a total ef 25 vessel s, Amttrlo.u andorelgn. aggregating i2,5i tous.' t Tbe North American Review"! Sep tember, has, for tM .leading article a verr iprcioie presentment, by Dorman B. En tin, ef the practice oMevyloe"Politlcl Asseaa- eats'.' VOatbs In Legal ProceKllugV, by J edge Edward A. Thomas, lia U1cus1ojj of the. qujtlou whether the InlCresta of moronity anU or pahlle Justice alike, wowia not prnmolea by the abrogation of all lwrQ. airing teslmouy to be given under the sanction oo an oath. Thorn paon Ii.' Maury, late of the Big rial Office, contrib utes an.' article ou "Tornadoes and their Causes', -which, In acUirUon to Its eclentlflo interest, possesses the merit of suggesting many practical measuies for averting dis aster to life and property from wind-storm. Architecture In America", by Claraenee Cook, Is marked by a freedom of utterance that is refreshing, in this respect ltdeserves to rank with Commander Qorrtnge's cele brated paper on the United States Navy. Augusta O. Cobb writes of"Kast-Burial and Cremation", and J. F. Manning, In an artl- 9Jl u um A ug uugTM attmu miumio Bhlp-Owriers", sets forth th Justlc of th claims of consigners of cargoes and owners of,vesels . to indemnification out of the Geneva Award fund, for losses from the acts of Confederate, cruiser. Th Review is sold by booksellers and newsdealers gen erally , ,;V-S i "Before tbe Foot Ughta. Th proprietor of th Opera Hons be kindly fornlahed us with a list of the com panies ; which have dates for the season, and It will be seen; that each one Is a first-class Company. Th following .Com panies are on the list so, far, but negotia tions are now pending with other Compa nies s September 16, C. B. Bishop j Octo ber e and 7, Madison Squar Theatre in Esmeralda and Hasei Klrke; October 12th. "My Partner, October IS and 14, Ada Gray; Octdber 19, James O'Neal; Octo ber it and 30. Mrs. Oates In Opera .Octo ber 28 and 24, John Stevens; November S and 4, Ford's Opera' Troup Novenber e, "Child of the State;" November -13, Balls burv'a Troubadours; November 14 ! and 25, Nororoea Opera Troup In Th Merry Men" and "Masootte;" Novmber U, 17 and IS, Mr. and Mrs. Chantrau; November 29, MAllat 8;" Dwmber 6, -Jss Jam;', Deoember e, Tony Denier in Pan tomime; December 15, Marlon Klinore in Chupa;" .December 20, "Maid of Avon;" December 28 and 27, Boae Kytlnge; Deoem ber 29, Baker and Farron; February 9th, BenU-Santley Troup; April 1 and S, Mil tea Nobles: April 8. "Hemnan." The uomlnjr Uonster exhibition R. n. Barrett co.'s New United 'll0B8ler Bailroad Bhowa. 7 Wilmington, Monday, September 11, iathe date announced of this great, nii.in.nt nl.rnrli which baa bean - received with SO much marked favor aad decided . approval : wherever Ite m!.liilMt f mbiimm have been erect-1 mlghues or canvasses, nave o ed. A contemporary tellana that rrom I... ' - ' i ihe entrance of Its vast geological gar den to the exit of 1U RAmectIpl.f arena, every thlegrchalleogea attention and admiration, while the e'egance and decorum witk which every depart ment rf tha jrreat coafeJerai loan eoo ductr d secures the patronage aoi ap- p'roval of the most refined, am attracts numbera who are not in in , attending public eaterUiameala of aey dtacriptioa. - r4"; -l na eomttrehtdalvenea ana innaiw i . -. ... ' tt' mamL i variat v ana ranvy 04 tta ao -" W i . .V . tl. 1 eal eoUecuoa wta aeusas vaa It is n 'mauoaHreSecUof display of the galghaest J an4 fiarceat peaati or the trodea and JuB-lei; the enrloua aad taBttfki VJrdscf a tbcuaaad fjrtats and LuW and ovea the myiUrioa deotha of oceaa aad the maniy bejis of tropical rivers tare oeea sa fOored to aaenre glgnatie aatphlbim and rrrtUlaa atostiera. - f In the aspei a clrcsa a coLfiasai eca- tVa mml lalaa'nl bartaCX It- 1 drra. rynaata. alaiatca, specaj se taVav- fasaas &ei aaa mmmasr . J,-, k . . ... I a-aa :Marst aaOTel aad I ....... .,.,... taf vreslsf J tll a t ni. , num gsd laaweCcsi:t5 ecax i tJticvtrtao tawti si;M-ai 1 Innlh a ! . . iv mrrzls iru:a if t-J rcrm- UU tie pmlTU UU U a a iAle aw -alaaa, aa l24 u ela itxsm etr txtrT7 UtSssa ' Deaf k of Dr. Sebonwavld. It li with regret that we are called upoa to chronicle the death of Dr. X. T, Bhoa yald. Sr., which occurred la this city on the 29th of AngoaC Dr. 8. was a natlre ef Hungary, was born ' at BaSa Perth, ' Nov. 23rd 1801, and was therefor in the Slit year of his age. He has beea a resident of this city for about forty or torty-flv year. He was a gentleman of very moch talent and has written one or two volumes on 'medi cine and: Its uses, one of whieh w bow have la our: collection . of books, on the treatment of the MSlseases of Xafiuit," euu, which was written about thirty years ago. ' remain were inierrea on Jyxwe4jaT nvanaoB wecmeaaay ian. "eaosto u Personal. -B. F. Penny, of th firm of B. r. and W. J, Penny, left here I on Sunday last for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York for the purpose of purchasing- larxe atock of FaU aifd Winter goods. Theseroung genT tlemen have been in business only about two years, and by close, attention to bail neeajqalck trades and small arofltr; they have snooeeded In esUbllshlng themeelTes xne people rroon th country cannot do better than to patronise them, r ' laey will, be foand in ewry partleilar perfect ly reliable. -' I-. , . Bnrirlarii - One Thursday morning last the kltehea I -of Mr. William .Far "ow, id Dock bawsl 8th and. 9th streets!, w:i eutertl by snnie scoundrel lor counri. 'and ' all th provisions iLe ! S io.en. jOn the same night the vllUans we.tt to the bou of Mr. 1. K. r-iny. who resides opposite to Mr. Farrar's, auJ attempted to make an en tn.no, burJ. ? were frightened away. We tblnk if our ftvird of Aldermea would In vest a part of the itt.OOO they lutea l buy lng the.NewMarBStiluus' with. In" police I men wag, arid pot more men oo -fhe ' force, and . hae the city taint proeerly guarded and pro ected, that the mJ rlty ol our cltlsenh would like It better, and that the property of Our over-taxed ltlsens would be mote safe, and men who are com pelled to labor t night ' would nt b afraid to leave their wives and children alone, as they are now.; Think, gentlmea we merely make It as a suggestion of course, The Post has now a circulation of over 6,000 and is constantly adding new subscri bers every day; ' - ... Drowned.' t While bathing In South Sivar at Lum ber Landing, August 15th. . between th hours .of 10 and U o'clock, A. M George Thomas Cromartie, the son of Mr. Hayes Cromartle, was drowned : aged 17 year. He was a very intelligent and. promising lad. and was liked by all who knew him, both white and uolored. We eympathlz with his family. His body' has been re covered. ' T . I - i ' j ; , t -In sympathy, . . : ! O. W. HBRaiiroC NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PropoaaJa for tao Conatruetlon of Life Savins; Siavtlona. TREASURY DEPARTUEttT. ' Office of Qeitesal Sopt 5 U. 8. Lifb BATura tixnTiCE, Washlsqton, D. C, Aug 24, 1832. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KX eelved at thia offloe until It o'clock noon of Thursday, th 14th day of Septem ber, 1882, for the construction of three Lire Saving utaiions on th eoast of North Caro lina. One to be located near th south aid of New Inlet, Dare county, one at Cape Hattera. Dare county, and one on tbe west side of Hattera Inlet, about three mile south of th Inlet, in liyde county. Bidders will state In their proposals th time within which they will agree to have the buildings completed aad ready far oc cupancy. . t Eseh bid must be accompanied by a bond in th sum of flv hundred dollars with two good and sufficient sureUea, condition ed that the bidder shall enter Into eoo tract without delay, aad give each boa se curity for the nUthlul performance thereof as may be required. II nls but be accepted : or by a deposit -of five hundred dollar, U. 8. Currency or bonds, to be returned to th successful bidder after th award of th eon tract, and to the suooeeaful bidder alter his contract aad bond far the Calthral pr tormaao of th term hereof, ahalljbe ap proved ox sae Bccretary m me treasury. I - Bpaetfleatlon aad plana, form of pro- I poaals. eoatnet . aaa bond, can be ob- 5XrcZx CU aad Norv a,, t J. w. attaeside, I Baparinundent x eta Lire rvteB inatnat. I Matea, N-Cjm cpi ai ns foho Mcuaa sUBU ef a avsio j sosk sas as. oaafs-cvaaa i of ounsuoeuo of ui ttavteg '.iotrth nmA I foeoaor ait of ta tuauuaa) saaat be n- dorsed -ropoaals a to eott-aettoa of lAtm Haviag matioo o tae eases or werva OaroUaa aoa aoareas a to taa tienerai bs pettateadeat of the Uf Savtng arrvio, Waaag.aaM Ta matte rr etvteataay or ail bid. -r t waive Cecte If deemed for the la lam I ef tae Uoveramaat ts rseirvsd. 1 i ( J. I. KIMBALL. : .. -,, Qnrianperlierilaau t rpa. , Cala of Laatd by FttbUe Aaclloau I KM n. anBkn wm. M 2tlzZlZtt.rJi. raaaasa ol July. A. IK. lvi, ay r-artr Lat I tbe Coast y s W llaaoear, VAate or Merta tara.taa a a ecnaia nw wram leg petuag ta i4 Crt, wbf luoaart ! acbeiaaeaeadaaatatraarer WtttUaa a. Iwrana. aaaaaa-a.aa Lae M. ktm vaa e a Italakca. aa4 W uaasa a. tevaaa J r. ta- eaa la Uevaa aaa r . vevaa aa eoers are imcsshm ta, ta ar-r(r a auaua- ItatraMirar Uitrsa av urn , finnia, aad c sealartna ar rotate by l- aw Jis4 rasia. wtaaeuay att e new aa tae atf-a ' . twe . x..t www wvaa w , v . w wj ..iw. .r-w ta tv ivaaiy e lew Uaa-, a n t ami-4. laaay. Um Sm da jer. . t. a uaJsvar-wsMS e( uadA.:aiv. taUrWV i. jt rUMJa --. I aala l t H in 1 auiaws gatrMtta tm 4 - . , inn . 13m 1 ; .t . I r- il..tWwiMlfa4 I wa Laraat-aa. .lLte Ua. - - - - : . - . . . - - mm 9 aaj -m a e "a mmm k(,n4i sy - a brrat'ta imr.-- r a;ai.:. tr . e t -w a. leJU tk I aawaw ta ! -.a ta lsaiataw. -h- f,-. ii. I w a f . aw-a f aa)rV ! - vir-'i. . ;. tWwl r" ' - Imt- J .,'1.? r, a J-4 a a a4 -aa U- w-i fwtM av.-i a ce iai a M V. '-i ' : j :$tigl Caj!M.5 Cests !" ITS LIKE MAY NEVER AGAIN BE SEEN ! 3 5- MIGHTY MAMMOTH MONARCH r ; AXD GIGANTIC COXXCSSUS 4-i e t; pt all AmaaeBient v - r t ' OMIiNtAL CSarjUB, EOTTTIAN CABAVAJ AND DNlI3l3AL wE-bsItionor. . PoslUvely Coming aad will Exhibit In aU Ite vast entirety at . . Wilmington t 7 " ENOR MUUS METROrOLITAN "r MENAGERIES COMBINED 7 50 BLAZONED CAGES OP, WILD BEASTS. Positively tbe Largest Collection of extremely Rare Wild Animals with any exhtb.tlA '-'IV'' oa this continent Th LAKQEUT LIVING Ever Imported-, a hog fihambUng IU ver Horae. the terror of all Baortans rlstmrd br many Theologians and Zoograpners to b IdesUcalwltUth behemoth of thellibte, i A PAIK OF. MAJESTIC GIRAFFES. ' ' K :-Broken to Haraeas and drawl nr Roman Cbarlota. $100,000 . Invested1" l$Jgl? lQa ?B 0r 1 A iioaSrElt ALL-RETJiESENTINO ITEED OF " -.: PERFORMING. i ELEPHANTS; Including TWICB the largest animal known li exist, lhramoaaold India War El-phant " Several Inches t alter and the heaviest animal ever oa this Continent; said to be over a years of age. Also tbe Si Id get. "LITTLE DOT." Thrice s. saalleat iuu growa $15,000 TIIL GKE.4.TE3T TM IHtina The only animal I of He. kiad ever oa exhibition la tbl or any other eoontrv. Yon ;, wU the Ureal liVSHIJCIAJN JJA.BiriOTJHsX, An aalmal never , . j, f ' , . '. n blor" ISahlblted la -Amertoa. , . i , Th first and only IIOQIPOPOTIMTja vrxhlbtted on thteContieeat. THE OSEY GlHfUIXE UOnilED HOUSE. ' , Yon will ae tbe SimUnColoasus. Cynooephalus. thai TJlve-Ton Ir formins Tjiaolc thinooeroe an Aciuartum ot 1'olaur aiainmolha. Yon will see features never befor wita eased with any other Xxhlbltloa oa earth. Elks itrtven teadem In tn streeta. Performing Arabian Dromedaries, Zebra trained ta Inform ineredlble fe ta, Lapland tiotdte Karlag ttetadeer. a Formlag Das of Urea as, aHcboolofLi ogDea ofllartTLIoosandLaopaiOs. Cynocephalaa, farfermiag AertormlBg Den ofllgara, l I - - -Pair of AfrioELXL lEDloxido. 1 A A Oavalead of - 1 A J." - Fourteen Performing Jtentucky Thoroughbreds. A ... Tbe larsest natnber or tbe moat beanUrnl aad bt trained Horses In tbe WIJ. T and more than -a whole abow aloae. TlilltTY ARABIAN CAMELS ' ' ' ' -f is J ) i 'A Ooyt aa4 teeabatlbla eolkelloa ef LI via; Vt)lrg)al NM4r Ton win WlLLt-j OOLUTS oraal aal aaty litaUare Cima, rf 1 j.. Goau aa4 Iloairya, t . - - e -4 "tii cx)irLin:ECtif c JUv , oNsuuNDitaUiVAupscitiiaD: IUU 20 TvVcriTY connnonuLT LGAPcnrr. 20 tarn ay tae ara - pal ar ta eru.JAHra' aaTcua.Aaw tMaaaaraiaai-aaaa.aii w, , 4.. - f utacal ay ' -.: -'t-- . . Rlaa VUIa CJvrra, UX-s Jrai t wrrn, Cr Orrta Hatll sus4 cxiatea tarra 1 tt,eMa4Mteffameaa4 TVa !Tw14Tsa4 HCnO aa4 DlHr t.ri, rl Caa-Ua AnWtTHaAa IWr.' TjisujiT an u 1 ai sirauuinAbtTi a ax wauutr, Akxtat. . . a Mi a u u, tea te.tw r u Miua) ... . t" - iiwtiU4 tnra LAru3gacr--x.TccrxtTAit:Atccrnrxa, :.r'H TU Lew CbaiytrvCZCSa, &aa Air ri la t-rt Ltw U a 1 r rr-rra L-t ccTnc A purt aasU liaaSrr: rraw Tgrre rrrvra lianUl IlaCml t. ai- ?'Taw:IurtitJia ruraas X-Li-a .., -v- n VetaaJ itCit a5ar-- v';;.;:;'.:: v.- NUIIBER 3C. THE OreanlsaUons Paaoplled la Barrett c . Co.'s Ticx7 'wkixcd nbrisxisa . : . . . ' f . . - J- .i " v s " ' 'V'' . ' r .... j Monday, September i ly 1 002;'. TV i ' . . . - t SO aoepaant ever seen. OFALX.FEATUBE,' '315,000 ahi aaanlna Uigaaue Kldlag Learved Heal. LaopaiOs. Qt-murr sm witiita 89 .1 t 1 V I t - tad toc.v.t ty tV- XlzZ&m . Irty rtl 1.::: .c.rrrrr v:Ui W's dw-aa tx ycst w Z.U cr dirz:: rit t:y tntiu &:. s-rxrr-i - , I -j. rJ.s U tr.";r ur ; eat i , - wa a i a, F7- Vf da eel r: f-f lU Uzlb. It J,llCTCS.', ta tJ eas t fee . r t?B ' . ' . -":' it .t'.TV a 1 1 . - - - - ' r- - ' ii.; -." f .-' 1 bfr-.-

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