" ft' mm ' 1 ' o i ft-... 1 " ) i j i i. ' i . -i VOLUME XV. WILMINGTON; NORTH CAEOLINA, SUNDAY: OCKH5r"!882.; ; :.' . aufefti&i ' "Ccts inJMBER 42. II M 1 ILMINGTONFOST nferei a the PosioMce at Wtiming- (oUi jv1. C., as Second Class Matter. -; , "rates op advertising. - Eight (8) lines; Nonpareil type,con stitute a square. ; . Fiftv cents per line for the first in sertion and twenty .fire cents per line j for eacli additional insertion. All advertisements will be charged ct the above rates, except on special aontracta. t- . - ' v .!"-.' , The subscription price to Thb Wil- MiNQTojr 1'ost ia $2 00 per -year; six months U 00. ' All communications on businea must be' addressed to The WlLMlJfGTOH Pojst, Wilmington; N.;G. '.; . , KEGULAR REPUBLICAN New Hanover County Ticket, - -for Clerk of the Superior Court, STaCEY VanAMEINGE. 1 1. ' For Sheriff, STEPHEN H: MkNNING. Tor Register oif Deeds, JOSEPH E. SAMPSON. For County Treasurer, OWJSN BURNEY. For Coroner, EDWARD IX HEWLETT. ' For Surveyor; LEMUEL D. CHERRY. - ' LEGISLATIVE TICKET. I For Senator,1 . - UENRY E. SCOTT. J. For House of Represenatives. , -WILLIAM H. WADDELL, EUSTACE E. GREENE. For Coriatable--Wilmington Townshipf r ROBERT SWEAT. cctmg of the Bosses. Scene: Democratio.Headauarters., The dullness and desolation shows that it is under the control ot General Apathy, who i has been placed in com ' jnacd by the governing committee, con ; Histing of Messrs, Prohibition, County , Government, Bourbonism, Democratic , inconsistency and broken promises; so tctal ostracism and business proscrip tion. Vance and Bennett in a confidential, j Uennctt Look her; Price gave me thunder down below the other day. J Vaace Why, you did'nt let him catch you, did you? You bet he never When he is in the east"! am in the, west; when he is in the west' I am in the east. . Bennett Say, Vance, you know how l'rie gets after the Democratic party . for tatiug up Greeley. How he says there was nb bond of sympathy be tween Greeley and the Dembcratio par- : tj except that Greeley wanted office and bo Idid the Democratic Iparty and how-rrice says that .when ; they charge; Liberals with deserting the. Democratic party they ought to recollect how their ..' party deserted every Democratic prin ciple in making Greeley their standard bearer, a man who as you and I .know "tus utterly antagonistic to every prin ' ciplof the Democratic party as Price sars. Price ssys then the Democratic Party deserted all their principles.- Now, say Vance that is a pretty hard hit, and tho devil of It is, its true. ow how in thunder would you get around that! ' ' V -'r V; :.. Vance Well, you know I used to tell the boys a joke about the Demo cratic party being ia-ibe ditch, and did not-care whether it was a Democratic horse or a?Rtpublican jackass that pnUed th?m cut. ; But , somehow the (eople have got tired of jokes, and want to hear some reason nd argu mentone day an infernal cusa in the crowd asked me that in case the Repub lican jackass palled the Democralid par ity eut of the ditch,woulda't it hav been the hrsvintf nf tha iaekasS that the BemcxraGc party would have had, and not the neighing of a-Democratic how. Well knowing tha old Greeley wu a man of strong prejuicci and iron will, who aurrendereU none of hit friaciples in accepting the nomination, I knew it would have to ' be hla policy that the Dmocratlo party would have l'v asTte to, and not hb agreeing to their poUcy. and soUke the poor ooy at the frolic, I had nothlo? to aay w IV. uf. Yon wonU'nt calCa as opening my mouth thea, ;t was to mnch afraid of getting my footja it. tsaceU-Well, that la pretty bad. It b so wonder Price got the beat of me. I to have kept out of hi way. tat how in thunder did we Democrats eoaaare ta get the banes so dead agalnat VanceWhy, how la thatf , Kennett Well, Prk goes oa to ay favor of the DenocraUo rartj U the past, by holding uP to the pub- UboertTtauecCctnaad rUrrfrrtstatiUvcs t!cc'.cd toeoa- if the Democrats had a majority in congress we would repeal . the 'odious revenue . laws, or else lop off some of their most objectionable features. He says that you were one of those thai did so, and that"he helped you, but that when the Demoprats got control of bbth houses 6t congresii so far from repealing the law, or any of its ojec tionable features, that - we Democrats passed a law allowing revenue officers to destrry any illicit ' distillery where the value of the property was less than five, hundred dollars, thus allowing poor men to be crushed oat without trial by judge or jury, that the Demo-, cratic congress appropriated one hun dred thousand dollars a year, for three years, . to pay spies and informers to probe around a man's barn and premi ses, and dog his footsteps to catch him dealing in a little contraband tobacco or whiskey, and that the same body passed a law allowing U. d. Deputy Marshals to arrest violators of the rev enue law witnout any warrant wnat ever. Oh, I tell you Vance, he gave us fits. '' Hi Vance -Well, you denied all of that I of course? Bennett Well, no, that is just what bothered me. Price referred to the Congressional Record, date and page, and said ; if anybody denied it, or was doubtful about it, there was the book. Of course I could not deny it then. - Vance Well, wat did you do then. Bennett As you said just now like the poor boy at the frolic, I had noth ing to say. But Price did give us thun der on the county government. Say Vance, don't you think we are getting the worst of that, j- " ; jj , r , Vance Not at all. Why, you see (with a wink) our statement in the platform that we were not wedded to any particular form of county govern ment, helps us like thunder. Out in the. west where, the Democrats are op posed to the present system we say we are opposed also, as mp bother Bob does, Ob, I tell you Bob Is sharp. In the east we tell the Democrats we are in fa vor of the presently item. Ah my. boy, that is what you call picking blackber ries on both sides of the fence;. Do von sabe? Sav. Bennett, you fellows Im wis x Dj- frce trade speech, and none of these poor while trash understand -anyining about that, and1 they think I have made a tremendous hit. ? I.tell you, my boy, it takes an old hound for a hard chase. That's me, Zeb. .- " - I Bennett Well, I don't know. You better be careful how you' fool around fit. 1 U-fc Dan Russell made . . 4t.l .y.K.!f!.. that I your Oiot ivnow-uutiiiuji you were so much In favor of free trade. Vance-7-The devil you saj! Bennett Yes, lirf He said thatro tecting our manufactured goods, made them sell higher, of course, that caused worklngmeu to get higher wages in thia' country than they could, get in "England, France or Germany, where only very poor wages were paia, ana caused the immense number of Ger mans, Irish, French, English andScotch to emigrate to.this country where they rrot better watres. These esai- op Mtef'M . ibuted in a great deree to its ww-s'w . boundless enterprise and prosperity. Whereas as Russell said If free trade had been the law pi tneiana gow - . m - a. .:. i manufactured In thw country la be cut on the market wouia at the aam price as foreign .goods in which event, of course, American manufac turers could have paid no higher wages than foreign manufacturers; and then there would have beeb no incentive to emlrraUon. there would have been nothing for emigrants to have come here for. Consequently, says Russell, the country would have lost their in valuable brains and muscle, . 4 Vance (whistling) Well, I declare. Bennett-Yes, and it is generally Be lieved too, which all cornea from Kings bury describing you la the SUr as the most many-sided man be ever knew. Of eouree everybody thinks he refers to the many sides youpiave beea oa in nolitics. . Iwlah Vance vJonioana Me-' his hi words and write V..s The truth Is I have p-- - t cr lnret I rmmmwZ. Wt cal campa while the rations held out. ami the mischief of it la, I fUPt to take the iaVels T f& aever imaging theae feUowa were going to find it cuU . Well, what eisa did RaaseU say t - DtaneU-Why be aayt that i w crx have protccUoa t rice acd ut. it wlU ruin the Cape Fear UoaofoaraUl.and uose wteresex . . .MiMih!i fr those Bra ltZT!t to tie r( fS It wU " ,v.. tv. duty off rice will lower the prlce seventy-five or eighty 'cents a bushel, and any. farmer can abetter "afford to pay a few cents more for a pair of trace chains which lasts for several years, if he can get one dollar and twenty five cents in stead of forty to fifty cents a bushel for rice, and prices in the same proportion for peanuts,' and as ' for spoot cotton; why Eussell showed that under free trade it costs a dollar a dozen but un der protection it only costs fifty-five cents a dozn. Why you see, Coats in consequence of protection, which' built up our manufactories of spool - cotton so that he could not compete with them had to move a portion of his manufac tory to this country in orderto avoid the duty, thus giving us for fifty-five centB what we had to pay one dollar for uiider free trade, besides aiding to build of the country and giving em ployment to a large cumber of our cit tizens. He says your joke about those who are hot able to get aong under free trade, ought to sell out to some body "who. can, wilt not do. . There would be no . one io buy. Weil you see it looks like those people in the Wilmington district must and will voto for Canaday, who is ia favor of pro tection of our products and industries, ithey don't want ta have their section and their property ruined by thavfor eig n competition of rice and peanuts. "f . S it f TT 1;. x am jusi giving you mesa nnis, van to show you that you are not treading any paths of roses, while 1 am catching thunder from Price on account of Dem ocratic desertion of principle, connty government and prohibition.! ' Loud talking outside and vociferous -cries of "My God, Abernethy.1" f Vance Oh, thunder, there is that infernal howl again; will I never bear the last of it? I say, Bennett,from the way things look you and I had better keep the woods and bushwhackfor the balance of this campaign and let Ransom go around with that gray headed speech of his. Yea see it is four hours long and he can lengthen it out to six so that there is no time for anybody to reply to him. Besides the things he'speaks about happened so long ago that few men living recollect anything about them. ; j . j J Ran- - WtJ-n- -V-r- old as that? -Vance I should think it wasl Why 'the centential commission made a ie quest that if any of the Senators or Representatives had any old relics that they would like to put on exhibi tion, they would take pleasure' in re ceiving them, and they some how heard Of Ransom's speech, but - after an in- OX dUU country, and suggested that it should be placed in the Egyptian de partment among the. mummies;' when placed there it made some of them thousand year fellows turn green with envy at its greater age. It ranka the obelisk in age and hasSot changed new as much. Ransom is preserving it with a good deal of care. , Repeats it on every occasion to see i it all there. :,..A.;-. 1 ,: .-.-sA : .;i.v'' ' Enter Ransom, Jarvis and Cuke.' ' ' Vance-ay, Ransom, Be,inett and I have concluded to let you. do the big speaking and we will bushwhack. , . Ransom The devil you as r. ; Why Vance. I. thoueutit wsa understood bet ween us that we should each aid the other to keep our seats as long as we i otner m sreeD our com tvus ww --"t, m Th5a ,n,t f j w.nfc I t " jour help. . Jarvis Is ttol tba anangementi this is a nice kittle.or fiah Where am 1 to come in T Probably Coke is in that combination toot ! : H . s Coke I caa best answer that by telling a joke," You have heard about the! fellow at sea who was leaning over the aide of the vessel giving those un mtttakable evldeacea of seasickneaa, when a friend came and aiked him: What ia the matter, are you aickr When he replied, Of course I am, do joa thiuk I am doiait ihia fbir foa! So do think. Governor, I am running tit. Mtanafen for fttsf Ko air. I learned long ago ia my aanday school class in. VirginU, thai -charity begins at homo." Besides I doaH thiak that it ie bv any arcana certain that oar party si!) bate ae 6 dispoai of that coaitioa I am a believer la the cele brated recipe bow to caok a hare, which ia 'first catch the bare, , JarrU Not a bit of trouble about that, why look at the second district. Itttading.be4weea Uahe aad Cllara wiU give as eeTtral thousand voUeo graatins that the balaace of the stala oSieta, the second district wUl elect oar Ucktt. How Is that fotbtih t l t Tha balance of the comraaf eauie . a - a daor.taut ttra - 1 .? and reads t .v. .-iiC:al -jj.v Us wlawa la ti atcufci SSSS cd U L.aK .c.Aa rJ r No chance for trading now. "Help me Cassins or I sink." . ' ; ' ; I A. J, Galloway. Jarvis weeps. - ' Vance, "My God, Abernethy. t i ; Grand tableaux with1; Gen. Apathy in the foreground, i ; h v . mm I i" - v We know a wdrkingman in' this city who has been compelled to remove two of Lu children from the Heminway free school because of prejudice toward them.. Is it because . said workingman is a Republican that such prejudice ex ists? if so, Messrs- Schoolcommittemen, we should like to know it. We believe is.; ; A - ; - -Stt- A lie Hade of the Whole Cloth. mdh't go riowK. We understand that Gerge T. Was som, colored, Republican candidate for Solicitor of this district, addressed a large crowd at Jacksonville, Onslow county, last Tuesday and made a strong appeal to class prej udice among the white people but "spoiled the broth" when he declared that he was in favor of to amending the law concerning the apprenticing of minor children as to al low white children to be bound to negro masters. He said this was Republican doctrine. It was delightful to the faith ful among the Democracy of Onslow, our informant states, to see how this assertion of the Republican candidate for Solicitor made the weak kneed brethren firm in the; faith: It carried Democratic stock up many points; in deed, it has assured the election of the entire Democratic local ticket and the full strength of the party for the gen- ticKet, Wilmington alar. We take occasion to denounce the above as an infamous lie, made of the whole cloth. A campaign lie; told with the intention of injuring not only Mr Wassom, but- the.LiberaL state, con gressional and county ticket J It is well known that Mr. Swift Galloway and his friends have done everything In their power to keep Mr. Wassom in the field for the very purpose of making campaign thunder fof their side, so they could draw the colorJline. They are, constantly sending men to - him, telling him that he ' can be elected. Why is this? It can be easily answer ed; they know if Mr.! Wassom should withdrawn and a white'man, a Liberal was to run, Mr. Galloway, with all of his donkey braying, would be defeat ed. They know that Mr. Galloway's of public investigation. That accounts for their anxiety to keep Mr. Wassem in the field, so ; they, can cry "negro" on him. Notwithstanding Mr. Wassom's color we know and so does all, that he never was guilty of the charge above , and we nail the lie to the cross; but the intent of the persons who gave it to the Star is too plain to deceive any one. ! We have received information from all the places thatJMr. Wassom has spoken and all state that he is making Liberal and able speeches, But the intent is plainly sh own when he says fit was j delightful to the faithfal among fthe Democrats of Onslow, to sea how this assertion of the Republican candidate for Solicitor made the weac-knee4 I brethren firm in the faith." The intention of such Infamous lies as the above is made auficiently plain for those who run to read. I But we tell our friends to look out for lies from now on, the order has gone forth from headquarters to the Demo cratic press and speakers to lie from now until the 7th of November, j j We call upon the honest, conserva tive element of the Democratic party to join ia the condemnation of j such - . trr Infamy as tne aoove. , . never a Democratic Republican form or I .OTeroment as long as many of the - . m mUow tbemselves to be 1 goiiozsd and whipped into voting f meo who have to resort to lying to beat their oppoaenta. rkDtala Swift Galloway was la the city oa Friday, blowing about having a 'negro" competitor, and demanding that white mea should turn out aai vote or he would be beat. A geaUe nan la GoMaboro Informed us that he fcAsrtl ClfoL Galloway aay, six weeks mso that he would not have Mr. Waa - nam to withdraw for $500. Does CapL G. deny iU If ht does we can prove it. lie and his friends have been ex eeediagly anxious foe Oat Wassom to remain la, the field, fv the very par- pose of dolrg what utey are anw at, drawing the color iiae. Mr. Wassom Is a Ikpuhlfcaa, aad we know he never male se of the Language attribated ie. him. by Captain Galkway, la this city aad he knew that the information be strata the SUr and Ztrkw fu aot troA ... Mr. GaUoway eeat lua.xmaat o air. Wassom aa4hsjeihim to raa, aad be iGaHowaj) goea aroaaddnoaaciai tha argro and sayihUe smats im sii and rota or he wonU be toL vr.i bn white eeea talab cX eatb 1 . cciads. .1 CMtwa a. whaa licne wS-to saea . ubmi af.t Tear wcita at3t thea why U is iSxj ara cna; tit est llaa U t2s r,-rt aJ la tlt r.'j What a jPity, r Parson : Kingsbury of the j &ar, Jn last Sunday Visaue, as nsuai, bids good bye with much feeling and. pathos to two more of his. friends who had joined the Jiberal movement, viz: . Hdgh F. Murray, ', Esq. of .Wijaonj s and Willis Jenkins, . Jsq of Granville,' , If the Parson had been for the la three months preparing for a missionary trip to. the Hottentots, expecting to stay the balance of his life he could , -not have had a more doleful or unanimous time bidding good bye than he has had sep arating fron the many friends of his who have joined the Liberal- movement In fact we are gettiog to think : more" qf him siuce we have found cut the num ber of good, sensible men he has been associating with, .. 1 Parson Kingsbury may( well whistle to keep his courago up- when the, issues of the Liberal movement are ao strong as to commend, themselves to the num ber of good men who are daily espous ing the movement of progress tolera t ioji . and liberality in pur . good old tUie. WLiea each men as .Hugh F. Murray and Willis Jenkins, men whom their bitterest enemies have naught to say against, and the hundreds of other good men who have joined this move? meat openly and manfully come to the rescue, of the glorious , institutions of our state, which this old bourbon oli garchy are rapidly sinking;into a family affair fur the benefit of Co'. Hondred Negroes and. his kin, then Kingsbury may welL begin to muxntnr for the downfall of the bourbon Democracy. . liberal and Republican Canal : dates fbr the General Assem- " ; Carteret, Jones and Onslow-- : Duplin - and Wayne J C McMillan - New Hanover and.Pender Henry E Scott. . :-.:'v-i - fJ'yA Brunswick and JVa t'-n U IT Lyor. i Sampson John liauue .- . y -, -' ; Columbus' and Robeson Shadrack Wootea. Cumberland and Harnett William BSurles. Moore and Rffiidolph Sion H Buchanan- i , FOR THE HOUSE OFBEFRE3ENTATIYS - -uu Jty-NfWll. - . - BrUnsWlCtC-r-Wll uiwdtj. Carteret T D Hewett : Cumberland Ed P Powers, H J Williford. . Columbus H J Byrd. Duplin James' D Cavanaugh. : Harnett -AB Wilson. Moore J A BarretL New Hanover -E E Green, W H WaddelL -Onslow Thomaii E Gilman. Ponder R Beverly Fraizer. - v Sampson Henry' C Monk, John B Smith. M- " .Those who favor anti-prohibition, lo cal self government and the education of the people of the slatea free vote and a fair count, and good, honest gov ernment should be sure to vote for the above candidates. ' :? ;' - .-.' m n -- .' Coke, chaitman Democratic state committee; to Richardson , chairman district committee W. J. Grewi waa a member of the 21, congressional com mittee , when he was 1 nominated, fox congress in the 3d district. Thia is bad, very bad. For God's sake get him to withdraw. i W. J. Ureen never voted ia this die i . . . t.-i.. 1 met. oo say, ane poa oooas ot vum- berland county. , . ; . , . Wharton J.- Green was a member of the 2d congressional Democratic com mittee wbea he. waa nominated la the 3d district for mgres ? Whartoa J. Green waa not a bona- fide resident of this district wbea he was Dotnlaated. ' ' f l: AiAMiA The SLxr has beea eapported by the colored mea her far years, and yet it is doing all la ite power to draw the I color line ia the atato. Oilored men 1 gnld take notice of this treatmeat. CapUXXngn Ttaddell. The above gentleman is well known ia ills city aad stale, be Is the brother of Oot Alfred M. Waliell- We tale pleasur e la ialormlag oar fx leads that Caps. ila;a Wad leU Is la fill accord wilh the liberal movement la Uos state and detirea toeee the fall ileitt eJccSei. . - I aseat dJagaiabed eoa. U I eat tW the liberal aseveaea iatia aouih. ros ef bsCa rtUKa. tka caa aTrd to tom where saea a Ugb ?a443 Irada, lias U eosaa to aatb a rase thai a tatlkr ataa'ewiTs cassU vitlltls nSe atxJt ea t-rJrtm wl&set ba it- Irrai- We kaow cf a U2f who waa raea'y laaeael, a "151 lis C j ct rmCsUaa.iai- aA" .racaai t&a lli-a iy mclsei, U ti: eiUy, ea H ;., hon . chas. pxiice. I The gentleman above named wiU ad dress the people at the following timet Sanlnrd, Monday, October 23d.f Everybody should turn out and hear ) Ir. Price, He i ii'oneef 'the ablest speakers in North' GaroUaa, and those fho'deSire to 'bft thorooghlr " posted should attend his'appolntmenti. " . ' KepnbUeanParty.i 5 The county Candidates wUt.iddrtsii ce people at the market bouse' la the first ward - Uonday hight, and at Cxa Oaks ; in the fifth' Ward v-on aionday night All are invited.1 ! ittciiean io onacf euow Lid a you know that Ureen was a member of the Dembcrat' jcominiaee when " he wis nominated over you and myselfv What a shamed. r,'.; " ' ' " , ' . ".. OIXxlXEMa.i Ileg later t onoe. . The revival at ' Fifth Street Jt EL Char eh is still gotag on. and maohgoodli being ao ; oompusnea by it. Lt'the good work. eon - I Advertise in the Post. ' It baa a drcala US ii tion of over S.009. ;il t- " ' Sodden Death. " "A ' Eteotor TJaVia, Ksq a well-known colored man of this eity,died on Monday last at his residence. He was allve.and well and hearty In the morning, and at U o'clock be was aead and laid out. The doctor repre ssnted his death as having oecarred from natoral ceases, and tbere war no call ftxr the Borvle4 or a coroner, ; , v Don't forget to register. Found Dead - i - An old white lady by the name of afrs Mary Curtis, wasfennddead In her bed oa Monday morning last, on ' Tenth between Chestnut and Mulberry- streets. DrD.M. Aetlng Superintendent of JOealtb, made an examlnaUon, and he Is satlsfled that death resulted from paralytloeaosee. Mrs, C was CSyearsofage. hi Let every Kepublioan and liberal soi H that his na me Is properly registered. to : ! k,; y. Dedication. . . : ' The dedlaaUon exerelsea of 6U Lake1 Church Will take place to-day. the Et. Bev. J. W. Hood, officiating, assisted by Bev. J. i B.8mall.' Afternoon services will beheld tyi o'clock, Bev. J. B. Small, officiating, as slstedby Bev. Z. T. Pearsall. Pnbllo are invited to attend. The bunding of this church was eommeneed la Jaa 1878.. Let every Republican and liberal remem ber that If he does not register be eaaaot vote. ' .' 5 u,. v.., ;:; ' -:.',;,'...'- , - . ..- JfoUee, l ' There will be a Joint ean vacs la Pender county, by the .Xtberal and Bepablieaa candidates on one side, and the Democratic candidates on the other, as follows : Bocky Point, t October .Westbrooks8tore, ' -Sandy Bun, ' "k - - tSd. Mb, XStb, Mb. rth. gsth. Bnaains, ,v v- Borgaw, " i i jLeesborg,! $ - iPlney Woods, , , . w Point Caswell. I ' v QumCalntack. ' Ho Cat. 1st, ai. her v Long Creek, i - - Death r Coroner . D. Uewlett. ( u u wita regret um we tew, utueeu emu- ed upon to chronicle the sad, statement of the death of Coroner E. D. UewleU, who died la this city; oa the corner of 7tb aad Qaeea streets on Monday afternoon last, ai 4 o'clock, of congestion of the htala. Me was taken sick oa Friday, the Whins. and in spiu of the beet medical treatment! grew rapidly worse anlli be expired Monday evealagVii I- TheM was a rumor afloat oa the streets at the U me of his death, that he was as-1 nnvziaiaai phyziated from Inhaling polsoaoas g body, bat I each was sv aollhaeawa..i,w-:...-. Cwrooer Hewlett wsa a native of this I eoaaty, was about years of age, aad was a brother of Ma KUjab Hewlett. TU etaaavcb Bepdhlleea. and hash aid; Uoactf Coroner ataee the day of l ittoa. Bis remalas were laterred oa' la the SsaUly sMsmdatMaeaaewMSeaad. 'Testes to his BegUtert IUaUUrtl BasSstar'ttt ' " ! 'Z , . Johue A CteTetttw e among tha repreeentaUvea day taaa tasa we have plaeed at of thiaaruta Xtx. gn aathor aad '.Where be ledsly Battaaaaeeemaeawaawstreitaa the ersftrna pecyto af tbe rrsat city ef LoaAen, where be ts leat aleaaaghTTiTy at the he bee waa tweecam. aad adMhtotrtaatp sacbea an Mr. tirvwaa wta srpaar an raUVta. table e Tkkcuareea at rywa SO'Czsra ptleeaweave the Ve u the stage to- a.retih!tissWa4 a may if , sy avwaswa. ttatfea I w-kU ir-rt-"yc!k r-y taJbaerrre u tw r--y la Ue fitrrt t jtypeia t cUut i Ca, tr! tun-y ae tt t 11a Ir? Lses-'y C?fw rttTTilaU tv iT f Tn'AiiVISTISrilENTS. 5 5 r:oTia2 1 flTTHE ndartlrned bavlar qnlOed u 'I ftilmtiilitMlAiAii Ih. t.i. rr .iwwm W. Prtoa, (Jod)oa tn 17fMy n t 1333, la th iTcr t Coart or Utw Hauuv r eoontr. nolle U hertbr riven ta ail bo. sou Indebted to said deceased, to mak lm iedlt pymnt : and ail persons having etauos acaliist said estate will prevent them or payment on. or beiere the 17th day of petober, ISA or this noUoe wlU be plead la ! MIN UUIUU octast r UhAX. vr. price, j. l ty.f-- - .' .k 1 1 OPER A i'HOTT SE. i nonday&TneaCay, Oct. Z2,& 31 ' The well-known anddlrtl nanlsbed aathor aadaetor , I JOHN A. STEVENS In his own dramatlo creation v I' OTTEtroWN ' -" aadi . ,-..'' PASSIOKS SLAVE. Present with elegant new teen ery. 1 PonnlarPrleesh-PiimnlarPrleee. SSeenta. 6) eenta, and 7S eeats. no extra eherge for neeerrca Beau. TO. THE VOTERS OF t;THE 15 SENATO ! RIAL D1STBICT. A T THS SOUCITATIOIsr OF LARGE L iJL nsHberolBV friend ' mends. I hereby Boaaee myself an INDi XNDKPJUtDEMT DEM OCttATIO CANDIDATE to represent the 15Lh Benatorlal Dlstrtot, eomprUlug the ooantlee of Colombo and Bobeaoa. ' The anertneee or toe time ana my private bnalnem will prevent my making a tboro- ach eaaTass of the Dlstrlot. I endeav- or, however, to see ae many of yoaaepos- UDii Mim im eieeuosu - Tow obedient eervaw. ' . BUADAACU VVUOTEN. Woodrtth, Oolombus oo Uaiatoo P. ., N. CnOet.90U,liita. . ootzau NOTICE. rjrUBJS UICDERSIGNKD HAVIKQ QUAXi fled as admlnlstratnz of the estate of Mary Kllxa Looaa. deceased, reo nests all persons having claims against mf'Leetate to present them at onoe for pevynnt, ana uose in dented to the name to snake settlement. octiseu 8AHAIZ K. BAILET. Administratrix Sale olXandfbr Partition , CHARLES ' 1 HAWrORD, BT BIS IOBX- EttAL QuBAfiDIAN CHAKLKlS C. UANrORDaad WICMQL9 MOiUUa " - ' - xxrAsra.- v.-r - T3T vmrrjit or dbcreb or th k jj onpenor ooort or Vew iaaover cree, will oa Monday, the SCh day of No vember, 1882, at U M,at the Ooort Uonse door, la the Oty of Wilmington, ezpM nr sale, by publie aaetioa, for oash, the lands and premises la the petition In asid cease described, and by said decree ordered to be sold, which said lands are sltaate la the City of Wilmington County of New Hanover and the , Btau of North! Caro lina, and are bounded and described as follower Lying oa the east aide of Front street between Church and Castle street, bettn alng at a point la the eastern line of r roe t street, one hundred and thirty- wo (Ui) feet sooth of the southeastern tntsrseeuoo of Church street with said front street run Bine thenee seath with the eastern line runeing thenee south with the eastern une of Front street, one hondred and alnty eight (US) feet, thenee eaetwardly parallel with Chnreh street one hundred and slaty- Ave (166) teet. thenee northwardly parallel with Front street, oae hundred and aialy eight fjas) feet, thenee weatwardly paraUel with Chareh strea. and haadred and et sty five (US) feet to the eae street the beginning. ; This 1st day of October, eastern line or front USX MABSDC2T BBLLAMT. . .Commissioner I BROWN & FEABSON. TJASIUOSABLrniAia DBXSSCCQ AJTD thavlag Balooo, Kovjn Borth rroat Street. Best Workmen em ployed. PrWaae usual. Give aeaeaU. ' , . .1 ' apt ajy : JOHI? mLLUTEB, " FIIATXCax CIinnATf DAHDHa . S3 Qi&KCI 8TBEIST, iviLnirjCTorj, n. c. j ct mabt tmraim m KMrrnrxLUsi alathweeaatryaietavttodtoeaMsaai I Travelers. aadtbei itatbesuy. I tataawm UepebSe aim. JOB3I tnssnsn,, so watt aawbemvw aeewtib aeaa JAM23 n. rirnfAH CABXS03, JL f4 ie-M SL ISO. 2 TO QCrCSSf OTB CrSeada a4ltweJUfwAOsgasirs,taaswe bsrec7aadateba? abey and eaU ea m x sataiawaaaaaaawsra, (Sveae a tnat. -; . -r n I f Tf a Ciasa xnzuzzirzz ? n. c - i 4 i j- i : :t a . . i.(V.....t,naMcn irs. u t - r.

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