rr. J vv j VOLUME XV. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, DUIIDAY. NOV. 5, IC32. r -v.. . . , c. 4 wxLMiisraToyr jpost :fydeni at the Poitoffi.ee at Wilming lou, Jf. G-t a Second Clou Matter. "BATES OF ADVERTISING ''Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type,con stitute square. ' i Fifty centa per line, for the first in aertioa and twenty-five cents per line for each additional insertion. All advertisements will be charged ctthe above rates, except on special aontracts.. i The subscription price to Thk Wil ifurGToH Post is $2 00 per year; six Bonths fl 00. v ' V " '-'' . All communications on Dttslnes must le addressed to Thk Wilmlhgtoji ; Posr, Wilmington, N. O. ., , !; : KEGULAR BiiPUBUCAN : New Hanciver County For Clerk of the Superior Court, stagey vanamringe. For Sheriff, , STEPHEN H: MANNING. ' ' For Register of Deeds, 4 JOSEPH E. SAMPSON. ' ; For Ooantj Treasurer, . . . OWEN BURNEY. ' For Coroner, " DA VIED JACOBS. For Surveyor, ' LEMUEL D. CHERRY. ' ' LEGISLATIVE TICKET.. For Senator, HENRY E. SCOTT. For Howe of iiepresenatives. ' WILLIAM H. WADDELL , EUSTACE E. GREENE. ; For Constable Wilmington Township, ROBERT BWEAT. ' (Cheek Vote for Canaday, he made the best Mayor this city ever had, and he will make the best Congressman, we have had for many years. " He will help his own town you can depend upon it. ' v j Ilovf Many, V :-y.. f How many poor white meo has oar: Democratid board of county commls sioneis made places Jpr? How many has onr jDemocratio city government made? And how' many : good places ' have they made for their own c1assoI society, those, who are too good to work; . with their hands. A i ; : - i Attention. '..,,. who from pecuniary reasons is afraid to vote, stay away from the polls and not vote against his con victions if he does not vote for them," V : - I I . ; Hear This. There is not business mau or farmer In NorthCarolina whose interests would not be ivjured by free trade. Many branches of Industry would be ruiaed by . it; and yet Colonel Green says he will vote for,; It If elected to congress. Be cause Col. G. represents a class who never worked a day in their lives, and wear fine clothes, 6Vc, &o', which now pay the duty Instead of saddling It on out working people. V yv " j Very Important. y ' ' "Any person desiring to vote a folded : ticket has the right to do so, and they can do It this way ; Fold up your tickets, hand,, them te the poll holder r and tell him what they are, so he shall not open them to find out, HtDd him one at a time, say "this is for coogresa, this is for judges, this for county . oScers, &." He hM no right to open them, if they go wrong they do co( count unless they tally., i Jrl ' j ; v tteaa tuu ij ' There are a number of gentlemen lo this city who are determined to see the election law thoroughly carried out and to this end trill interest thesuelves to see that oCendors are brought speed lly to justice.5 , j ' Let it be known if any man atteapts lo threaten or imrede you in exercising jour privilege to vote as you eta CU 1 1 , ToUie IXarU-rUlsd. 4; Working men, next TeciyU your chance to show that thoch yea d nst wear kid gloves, nor susi ca Hell kenny's corner, aal da eara jc.r trtil ry the sweat of your trow.thit yea art a factor, and aa Ic:;cxU&t ose ia Cn body poliUc , 1 j CoL Green aajsi I uUerly I:s tad rtpuikts Ac:::!:ia'r.c.ii!cs t-3 r r?tecUoa f.r Ac:..:xa nt-u.r:tur:rs. .. . . We appeal tier:: .V.ir:'.-: ; 1 v.V.'.j c:ta L.:':: r..:.::-j.s f;ch. arlt;t5 j tl c. i::r-,lo r.r.tHLa c:i'": t 1 t.tiUr-rit- c'.::lr::. . Welt-rlVtJT T : ":tl: -t s.y tt:l ...;lt .1 Lira t: ; ':a'err:r ' r ar tfi- .Vote For Canaday : - . . Because he Is a working man. Because he is a true man. ' Because he will help a hard working man. - ; , . ' Because he has no false fde. . . Because he can do somettoig for oar city and coast. .'J. .' - y: ;. Because he is one of yourselves. . Because he was a gallant soldier, and brave men are seldom mean. Sham' Exposed. . - I9 not be scared b jr the negro rule sham. Remember that the Democratic Legislature appointed gcolored magis trates in one of your wards when white men's names had been sent in to them for these positions. Ii the "bloods" can stand it you can. The negro will not harm'' you by his ; vote it i the high-toned ,gentry who holds office his Totelojureb, and that ia why they hate him, as they will you, when you do not do as they say Ransom, the negro hater, -says that "Canaday was one of the bravest men In his command. He never flinched in any emergency, he never shirked his duty, he went in at the beginning and come out last." How many "of the loud talkers and bomb-proof hunters, who Infest our street corners, can show such a record. - Hem ember Hatchers. ,, As soon as the election is over you will all be hustled into the New' Mar ket house.. You would have been there now, but for the 7th of November be ing so close at hand. Whea you vote do not tail to remember who caused it. " ' i aw ssasj p. imp .- : :i: " Oh, JMjr. y : ; 4 The Xiberals were very hopeful of success until they learned that Shack elford was on the war path, and then they, just wilted. They could stand 8taples's taffy, Ransom's negro har angue, Vance's funny business, Moise's well turned empty periods, and even Col. Hall's old time remembrances, but but when the . silver-tongued orator from Onslow . took the road they col lapsed. The idea of any ordinary mind being . proof against the logip of the man "who held the house of repre sentatives spell bound by his flashes of oratory (printed on the record.) was out of the: question. The jig is up, the campaign will wind op : with Shackel ford, 'and Shackelford will wind up, po litically, with the campaign. T, ta, Shack. . Private. ' Green to E D. Hall, Nov. 8th. I do not care who is elected, so I am nominated. As the old "Reb" said at Appomattox, "hurrah for our side, if we did get whipped." , ' Consider - Every workingman, white and black wants Canaday for congress. We have, tried aristocracy, it got us nothing for 17 years, let us now try a little home spun. - ' ; Snpervlsors. The U. S. Supervisors appointed for the polls are selected one from each party. JSuch Democrats asT . 0. Lewis, 8. II Fishblate, and men ol like charac ter have been selected for this city. " y Colored ; Men, Read, j J Colored men, this is your great op portunity. 7 Can you, after hearing Ransom's speech hesitate as to your coune f There are good white men with you this time. They want to see you have justice and right. Stand to them as they will to you, and the 7th W Nf ember will see you successful. Tie watchful, for you have an unscrup lous foe to deal with. Vole your own ticket, make no trades. Captain Ed. P. Towers, one of the leading Liberals of the state, and one of Mfj w Stedmau's best friends la the canvsss of 1SS0 for congress, is doing everything , in his power for Wm. Pi Uanaday. CapU XZcga ITattdell Can any man in the Cape Fear dis trict hesitate about votlcg the liberal t!cket, whea the brother of Co-VAlfted 1L A,Vaddftli supports it. He Is one of the cost gtilast cn ia the state a&d Ilia LU brcthcr is very pcjular with tli fiksis and he wiU carrj atleaii cse thuixaJ DsaocrxU into the Libe nl party w;h tla - : Every nia x. -a rLl:i ta ta kxs a r! ta nte a t;ti f;li;I hxWzL Ml ts ha ta ) UU tiU the rc-i t;t: ?t wlcu Ls li-li Lis I -r.;!, l;;h Lis it U ta c l r.: "j ria 1 1, j tu.1:s ti 6t) its tal :t t) Cli tt.:l tlij ;': William - P. Canaday is in favor of re-establishing of Harbor Island light house in CartA county, and if he is elected it will be done. ' Will-am P. Canaday has been, and is to-day, in favor of dredging out the channel along the sound from Mason boro Inlet to New River, and if he is elected it will be done. t, William P. Canaday Is in favor of a large appropriation for the Cape Fear river between Wilmington and Fay ettevjlle, and if he is elected he will do all in his power to secure the same. William P. Canaday has hsd re es tablished the tri-weekly mail on the Cape Far river and if he is elected he will have a daily mairon?, the river from Wilmlngtcn to Fayettevtile, leav ing each, city at T o'elockrt run ning through in the day Ume; v . i'tHj..'v-'t":,.::V'4. ; William P. Canaday being amative born citizen. .or Carteret county will do all within his power to benefit the peo ple in case he is eleeted. He wUlhave life saving stations - put np- along the coast, light houses constructed . at all the -places necessary, and have Fort juacon garrisoned If possible. - William P. Canaday will have New port and North rivers cleaned ou the sounds, from Hatteras inlet to the Cape Fear river,: made navigable, New River dredged and White Oak river put in an improved condition. " William P. Canaday having been for many years In favor of the canal from Newport riverr ' running through the western part of Carteret,-Onslow, and into Pender county, entering the North east river about Bannerman's Bridge. In case he is elected to congress he will use his Influence to have this great work accomplished. William . P. Canaday is in favor of improving the harbor at Beaufort, and if he is elected he will advocate not only a large appropriation for this great work, but will see that the employees receive the same that is paid by the United btatea government for the (same class of work at other places. - William . P. Canaday is in fayor of so amending the internal revenue law that "farmers can sell tobacco to their employees without paying a tax. A vote for W. J. Green is a vote to throw open the ports to all the crimi nals, the Chinese laborer and the pau per labor of the world. He advocates this openly on the slump, and il he is elected they may expect nothing but ruin and bankruptcy. IoocX yy y ' Rather refrain from voting at - all, than trade. When you trade you elect Democrats by your votes, do you not see it? A BOMB SHELL ! Senator Ransom got $30,000 ofSwep son's stolen money, so General Cling mau ssys. . 'And Another t ' Senator Merrlmon got k$17,000 of Swepaon's stolen money, so General Clingman says. - And Again! r CoU Davidson, another high-toned bourbon, gets about $10,000 of Swep son's stolen money, so General Clingy man says, and he proves each charge How are you, special tax bonds, Dem ocratic retrenchment, reform and honesty? . . - " . ; De True to Yourselves. Let every working white man be true to himself and hia children in this election and vote for his Interests, On oneside is all the sham aristocracy, all the Mblood,N all the pride, all the as sumed superiority, and all the old bourbon lust of poVer. Oa the other is the party of liberalism, the party which gave you the homestead, the mechanics' Ilea law and has fough for the free school system, the party which looks cpoa yen aa the equal of any man or set of men, and wants ta la prove your social status by giving yotr children an opportunity to go to school tea meets lastesd of 51 day la the year : ;y . v "l ' y-rr ry '.yi Willlasa P,Cisa-ay is ia favor cl protectlcg Americxa Utcr and Ameri can prodact-s and will ever stand ty the raanuCicturtr aad his er';jets tsiaU f;rt!a :; ccapeUiioa. ' If czs ilea' pUater, peanut grawers; tcbacsa exsafittrtrs, t?rtr cxkers asi lis ctchxika wsttta Is prettt'.jJtlzst fcrt!-a cancfActart:! arl f-rt!ja pra d arJ tie ricrt liter efLUrrr. tlty vc: f.r VrU.Iia P. Czz C:7 ta rtrrr-t tita ta tie ctit c: i ' . w r- f- -,,... w - . - - - - - en f.r tl! c: c:;:-;a tri ij The Great CtlHozIz For a great Llher&l Ilcpulllca vic tory in North Carolina is truly eacour aging. The result in Chia tz3 iillei to Tjull" up the fortunes of the boar boss on the 'contrary, the nme isue pending in thb state, which hzS just been decided in Ohio, has had a most depressing - influence oa the bourbon prohibitionists and -that which they viewed as a contingent victory, proves now to be a certain foreshadow!: of defeat ; to them. If the EepuUicsa party of Ohio, in a sp-amodie moment fell into error and found defeat, we can pity them, but if the besrbons, having once been defeated by a most decisive majority of over one.hundred thoosana, now asln with na!:;s " xf:dtv" buckles on CSf some old armor of pro hibition, and makes anew their; fht, the certainly can expectnothing short of defeat, and see the state, andiu pub lie ofiSces pass lrom their hands! -7 We feel more than confident that Dockery will be elected Pool, Cana day, Devereux r and ; O'Harar we con sider; with confidence, as safe, with fine prospecU for Winston, Johnston, York andi; Cocke, end we look, without y a doub to the election of a majority of Liberals and Republicans to the Legis lature House of Representatives, with a cheerful, hope and a fair prospect of ruling the Senate. We trust our friends, therefore; throughout the state will bo active and energetic during the lew days they have left for work, and vigilant on the day of election. - Keep It in Tievr. : Don't forget the mala issue. It is a question as to who shall rule in this state, the people, who are the source of all power, or the favored few. Remem ber that the Republican party ,when the state was under its control, gave to the people all the rights possible, and that the Democratic or bourbon party em braced the first opportunity to undo thekactlon. The people should re member that the Republican party keeps pace with the progress of the times, and is In favor of allowing the people to regulate (heir own internal afiairs in their own way. The Demo cratic party, on the contrary, . are In favor of restoring, as far as possible, the aristosratic rule that existed before the war.. Every working man of prop er age, can remember , how the old bourbons used to browbeat and deride them. These same working men can remember how, when the tug of war came, the soft, handed gentry hid them selves in bomb-proof positions and left the yeomanry and mechanics of. the land to bear the heat and burden of the fight. As it used to be, so will It be again, if the bourbon element are allowed to retain their sway The peo should not allow themseves to be hood winked in this matter. It : should be constantly borne in mind that the bourbons are continally Jon the; alert, concocting measures for stealing insid iously what few rights the people have left, While the working men of the" land are at work earning their daily bread, the bourbon gentry are planning to keep them from their just participa tion in the afiairs of the land. Be oa the alert, therefore , and watch with a vigilant eye these political anatchtrs. Every man who wishes to do so has a right to rote a secret, foldedjballot. All he has to do is to tell the poll holder to whom he hands his folded ballot, which box it Is to go Into, whether it be judges, congressional, legislature or county. . - - . r Dinner BneSteta ta The .Front. Let the dinner bucket brlada stand firm on the 7lh; they wlU all shake hands with yon on that day. Yon will bs astonished to find out how each you are thought oi. Cat remember it ia all fr your vote. s -, - Peanuts and - Hire. CoL Canaday, unlike HorneJ Green, favon a protective ttxll ca rice asi peanuts, He knows froa cx;crleare that they cannot be made witaeul tu He has worked at It hlsistlf la the field and t peals fxoa'experteace. ' . ' ;';;;nD:J5iii xt ?;;;; Gta. CHrnxa has ttsa w! cs ht?t la Hals' h 1st ssttnX izjf, as J UiU cs that the Llltrxl cmtat wUl as- taalsh the;h3arl3ss.:;VCi3. drnxa cals a seeth at Oxford a faw dzjs ta ad Ii.-:rJ tU tlzll tzl tzl-x iita tie rtUuat-'j tf tit t:l:rl?ji. Oa IisIiy t west wwi s 1 mill be LgltI aaJ fJt assrt lis t:c.itil; Ea:lc.-a cuu 1;: ; tr c;; ry x. Uh lis Izli izl t-ls ti a t.ll lis jr:::-; Mi c.:l : i Carefully scrutln!z3 your tickets asi sea that they confer with the regular ticket at the head cf the column in this paper. " . ;: " ' ! All Republicans and Liberals. Tote the fall coalition tidet. Xsssabei all the . nominees were-. .nominated by the Liberal State .Convention and en dorsed by the' Republican -State , Ccn- yentlon, and all are tho nominees of the Liberal . and Republican State Conrentiocs. ; ; . - .. y- 'y. , -1 Be careful about your tickets. ' Take no tickets except from those you know, to be honest and true Republicans and liberals.' i " - :" :-N ; No swspping. iRemember f the only way ta tlact the fall ticket is by every Republican and Liberal voting the full Republican and coalition ticket." ' , 1 i Remember f every swap is a vote for a bourbon Democrat, who, the day af ter election, would deny your right to elect even your local ofJcers. " ; Republicans,' manfully and nobly support, without flinching, those good and tree men who are joining with you in striking down the bourbon prohibi tion, county government, ostracising) insolent Democracy. : Liberals, man fully and noblyj sustain those good and true men -who are making' common; cause with you opposition to' bour bon tyranny." 4 ' - ; To the front, Republicans and Lib errls. Do , your' duty like freemen. Remember your right to vote asyooi please is a divine unalterable heritage guaranteed y you . by the laws of your country. Dare t to be free Americans and not the slaves of a bigoted, puffed np, insolent ; oligarchy... ; Show your manhood, your right as a. freemen and rebuke any , one who dares to intimi date or coerce your God-given right of free sufiersge j t '. : ,t C ?1 -Beware of buji tickets. Tak? no tickets from any vf r1kfr Whom the bourbon Democracy ltv paid to defraud you. .Take no tickets from any one but true and tried men; whom yea ' know i to be honest men and worthy. Beware of the hirelings of the Democ racy, v . .', , tv, . -' "''.:.-,-! " The hirelings of the' Democracy, in the garb of Republicans, will be found hanging around the polls eager to de lude the nn wary voter, ; ' Watch theuu They carry the mark of Cain on their puce, and their hypocracy Is so transpa parent they will only deceive the igno rant!. Let our friends spot them at the start, yy:' - V- ? ' Vf y. X t'--i'::. All complaints of violation of elec tion laws must be msde on oath before any person ' authorized to administer oaths, and sent to the Chief Supervisor at Raleigh. : - Let : the , name of every offender against the registration or election laws be sent to the officers of the" United States, or to Republican headquarters in Raleigh. Send " the names of the witnesses also. The per diem and mile age of the witnesses la payable by the "Dniled Stale. lly:- i-A --,-.--a..-,,-.T:-.. ,t;-:,i,U The Republicans and Liberals of North Carolina; are wedded, without the probability j of any divorce, to the system of county government which allows the people to elect their local oScers of every description. Remem ber i that the bourbons are not wedded to any plan, bnt should they remain la power, will continue the odious system new la operation. Do yon think ! yoa and your neighf bors are competent to elect your coon ty commissioners, jsstlcrs cl the peace and school eomnlttcmea? If yoa do, vote far Republicans and liberals, who think yoa are, and are plfctd to re. stare yea the tight to do so. The good people of North Carolina, twelve Booths sgo, give the prohibi tion Democracy aCblack eye, and they are gotcg to do tie sane this again ia November text. Dayeudnirsto have the pnvUege of Totisg for the xaea who ahall act as jasUert-- f the peace la yocr coaa:j? If so, vote tha liberal asd Reps ticket-;, Ecstlcsa say ; yea have ' ea r!ht ia tlooe tie cea who rcte awxy year taxts. HrraV.Ics.as aal Ltltrils say yea ksve. i C exx!yat lis f ills ca- T&txZzj ctrt, 7a Iz-U Ciit jtzr Tt.Ua tzl tl:a laci - c? year ntUtar '-."Cra la U till Tr LltzZ aa Ca VLzli Czij. . 7ly OJictta lie t;;;'.:Uz:il tl C-. u-.l .st tlry a- t'y twi ih ll 3 t'z zl SwXl s:t fJr ; 1: : I : ..;t c--j ; I tlii r-j j r i t-"l5,T.,.j sl-'.V; c:-j c :r -. The canvass ij tlc-t C:xlrz t lis doss. Tha e!::L:ia ii rt hzzl, tzl V: s ExecSJve Coaaittea cf jc"T c;zr!y desire to cr-j you ta etsrl L.zi ty ycrr convictions I end ts cct e:rvsi frcn your parposa to vote accordic ta the dictates of your reason. i It is aa cportanity that c-y cctr-ain occur for yea to show tie , ari3!ocrai:o prescriptive8 bcarbcra tl&t yea trs r:r who "know y oar ri'hts and knorirf. dare maintaia them. You have every- uuog to gain, octlinj ta lire; la tlis contest; ciay cf Jyea . havs felt tls stings of contumely heaped cpoa you by a class of shan arlctacrits, rla lita, move aad kaTa Heir fcdrcaHa i.rrsit ot you fjkeks. . They care , nothlcg for you; there, is no chord of sympathy in tneir hearts lor awtue wcrxir eta. They look down upon you as a necerry evU. They have banded together to .deprive you of the . right to elect your county officers or to aSbrd., yea the means to educate your children, they have given thousands of dollars to thtir University, out of taxes wrung frora you, bnt dole out te your children 6 days schooling, in a year. They are again trying to use your votes to retain themselves In pbweroi2ceis their God and to obtain it they will grovel in tne dirt for your vote, and then ignore you when elected by it. ...y ,y btana together, spurn them now as they would, you had they no use for you. ue not fooled by the negro rule i shaui. livery man who earns his liv ing by the sweat of his face has a com monrinterest in the success of the coa lition ticket, , Our platform is bread 1 and strong enough tohold us elL, ;We ruai put our. wa Iq. line with the national government. We ' inut kill social . ostracism and bosslsm, and let this class of aristocrats know at once and 'forever that the day is over in North Carolina when honest labor is a disrrace.' ' - - r--r t.. . , By order ot the Liberal tOountv Ex ecutive Commtltee, rt';ri.-f?4..F;:2 ' , . .' - ; E. H Kzxo, Chairman. , To Tne Polls 1 rroThe Polls I .The time for argument is wen nigh past, the time for action approaches apace. Tuesday next will be. a day big with the late of Home and CsHar," a day that will mark an "epoch in the state's hlstbry;'a day lole recollected as thr cud of iheelgn " of 1 prejudice and paxsiocV for then; ' Liberal ;l)emof crats, .themselves " anti-prohibitionists, will joia the great army of Republi cans, liberal at aBejand'to&chlns elbows, will move against the works of of the enemies of popular rights, and rout the bourbon cohorts I Friends I are you ready t As for as, 'our soul's in arms and eager far the fraw." We enter a fight from which good results will. flow. , These . results yoa know, indeed, they may be sum mod Up in one sentence, to-wit: the resferation to the people of the right of local eelf-ttovernment. . X: I The long roll will soon; be ' heard. We adjure yoa by the memory of your past achievements, by every considera tion of pride and patriotism, to strike as freemen should strike la delense of the rights of the people. "Up, guards, and at 'em T ; - Are yoa ' competent to vote for a Oongressaan T , Mr. Greea admits yea are; bat Mr. Green says yoa are not competent to Tots for county commis sioners or lor township tasgiitrates. Mr. Canaday declares yoir compe tency to vote for both Cocgresaea and your county com&lsxloners and tsagtstrates. Rsaember tils ca the 7th cf Noveaiber, when yoa gi ta the pclla and let Mr. Green find out that yoa art competent and able ta give tla per mission to suy alkcze. Xt is wti?r that the tttf eetta ta U.S pubUev tf it soeata ot oettiber is aboatao3JBJa, i A . . ,,.iy ... ' '. ii i i I. : rneltfast Artaar aaa arpoI&UJ aa C&j at mute Tbaa ajglvtag, nmradar, 2v. ' Tcxrtsr Ctcxsalxalea tervpertes t&e Tartar Com m :x:e Is atwas seat jir. 1st ta rtrcrt wia act t asaiSe fcaewa maUJ tStlr cnc:U roori ia Coejrtsa at Vtn tjrziz j tX ti s s txt tesU-ra. Ittstlse;;i:-3tr rs alsluvstal X Us niinicr fa Csassisisa cat aatsrrtAst ciarr ta ta u.n? wl te Tierxar.a Ttx O raetUtli t:rrrsJs UxtX t-e e:a Xiurtlzj Ur aa tm-z s t'--itcf atj urjc-ti. Tia JLnsjgJTZt. l-:r'.it,ts Wirt ;:..t as-rt l-1 rw-f n sr 1 1 x t s a nz ta tiit ;.it iz ti... a c: r v. : y w i Lira aaAaiiT trzz, ta V- j t:y tlitcia sir. j t - t t . : " f : i r t ; . a was aUxc!y sidiiirl..-?. - - - v - . . Tls U. S. t:.;:l:t Cc r :t. r . r tU C : 3 1 t r::trlctccaTcitatL::T .r ! . andaSjocrsciTccsIij. Z". :re wrst:!y a faw dTtlazl tlr:3cr f:r cz!rr"'. CKzaal e:s;s tc.'.r tl cc-it. v were . dlsposti ct la siort c: - :r, e bislae?s cf tl a t rm tro" :.t t j a e : T.etaU tlc5 Tlo tave act re-'.:::! d o early to-iaorrow ticrnlnj. Estcaefisy rr.crsl;.': lit! .. rzit:.: rtjlstsr. , Twotaore iaj and then we'll Ixyt Democrat!) frr TTe were r ! ?' sed to meet ta or c " r C r lei tie yiit wcrtJa-e C;rr-; ' : Attorney -riL... i i;ir.ll i:..:. They were U1 lct! - j well' and x r r . . I themselTts well x teamed with the rc'.lUcal out-looaoT the Llheral-IpcfcUcsa I'.r'.y on Tuesday, nextt i y Ur. A.Q. i: errls. of Teachers, wsa xls la ourdty dorinxthe paurt week, aawere also a number cf our up-cbuntry t. icz .t who gave us jlowlz j accounts from the ir fiiTarent aelfhborhoods sa to the tneeesa of our ticket, ? Vedaeslay last, was what Is known as All Saints Day, and was observed as saca by the Eptsoopal and CathoUcs oftMa cJty. T, Dest cf rir.'C C. Ilyers. 7s are very ranch rained lo hear cf ilx death or ltr. C O. Hyers or this clty.wtlch occurred la New York oa lloaday last. lie had bwn north for soms months past cn- dsr the treatment r aa ocuiist, but of late Us trouble had take the form of paralysis, which has at last resulted In bis death. ZIr. Uyers has held a position In the Cas" toss House of this ettv for some yari rast andatthetinteof bis death was Epeclal Deputy OoUector. He was at one time an Alderman of this elty. t , ; ; Ur. IXjers was la the SSth year ot Ms f e. and leaves a wife and child to riurn ti untimely end. - His remalcs ete interred on Tuesday In the family vault at Urecn wood Oemetery, Irooklyn, 17. T. . ICr. alyers was a centleman of many ad mirable traits of eharaeteri and bad hosts of mends la this city, lie was a gentleman of excellent business ouallacaiions and nlled all peatUoaa la which he was placa Witt great credit, Be was a member Of U John's LoJ re of llasons of this city, and be was also a ben eflolary member of the ' Order of Knit hu of Coa or and Lesion of Honor. In the for mer he leaves his widow an insurance of 12,000, and la the latter fAO 00. We under stand that there are other policies on bis life. ; ttew ai) VTz;TisiiE:rr3. m;;:yJ:, y v :; n TELLOWBACZ ACCOUNT BOOK 02J or about the 17th Inst, with bills paid and. to be collected. Book and bills are of no use to any one but myse'.f. I-will psys reasonable reward for there recovery. Oct a St JOHjf o. NORWOOD. TO THE VOTERS OF THE; 15 SENATO RIAL DISTRICT. AT Tins SOLICITATION Ol A LARGE DOIBbr Of EDT fM I hrliY 4. OC&ATIO CAaLIDATU to trrMat t.e kus enaionai iiamc, eomprtamc the ceontlte of Columbus aod lio.on. The ahortnM of U time avtMt any r1vt batani wUl prwnt tor Boaalrc lbon Btb eurw U LrlsUkcU 1 wul o4rv. or, bowrrer, to see s many cf youaspos slUe beAjr the eleeuoa. lour cews wtrra - feiiaxiiiACii wonrsy. WToodrttb. Onlatnenu oa, CUukloo F. ?T. Utvobiviattui i octuu CAixntosr. v. c, Jate rx 12. yc srsnts to isronu oca rxieada aad the traveUag public reacrally, that we have cpeaed a barber shop and eaUcx ta- leeaat this piaas, Chavtac doaeaeatty, and meals faralahed at all hoars, Cve as a trial. HAaAT3 A IltTSr taaentt Tre;ltors a n r 1 1 m if n Hi r ii tr t : i it 1. ! - 1.1!' 0 r ,' a T . t l ;:ti r - - WttWMrl . ; t . . . , t ltl. , ,; i " X t I , a I t t . - f V t t i ' t . . 1 . t - ''!-.. .1 r 'i,,.naiu....; 1 ! :j it : ; It " " : t-ta t t a t ' i t " ' i r . :. t ; : -" . : : ' z C : " r:l I V I V , V. . - : I ' tj r. 1-'?, It 4 . i . . ii - . . C. c ... -... ,w. . .-I . i

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