- 0 i U 4 ' A' .3.1 a-.. -, 1 1 w -l j im j ,1 l'"J my M r V H ':. .V, 14 1 I I I I I I I . I ii , VOLUME XV .viLMINQTbK POST Second Oast Matter. , (AM. . ; fsOFAOVEBTISING. EeW(8)linc?' onpareiltjpcon JtituteWare. , ; JT. viftr cenU per line for tn first in " ZkMtai tweatyfiye cents per lioe jl , jrertisements will be charged .'flboT rates, except on special . contracts. ., r r ' ,v j; : Thaiabscription price to Thk Wil toS Post is $2 00 per year; six Jonthsfl 00. . ; : , i iicommaaicatlons on basine mnatt k iddressea to xu itiljauiva Post Wilmington, N.O.- M TBil . POST ANNOUNCEMENT. Tbis paper will not be sent ia fatare to Mf eicept to those who, cpay in a- wnc9 lor it. j We find it so hard to i ; collect back subscriptions that we ar tl compelled to follow the rule ioog j tnei i laid down bj ther papers, to sead only to ptTiDg subscribers, or to' those who itre willing td py in advance for it. Send in your money and you. can ge t the Post, not otherwise. One dollar will pay for tie Post , six months tiro dollars! fur -twelve months. Nd - less than six months time received; 4 THE POOR. ; lul This has been a verr cold soell of weather for North Carolina, and we wonder if our readers and the comfort ablj fixed people of Wilmingten hays bought of ihie poor, who have npthing to kep the body warm, neither wood or.cioines. we enow some or the poor f of our city who are eufiering with cold ;and hunger, while there were thous anda In our midst who threw away eoough od Tbanksgiving Day to have made these poor people comfortable I : for one day at least. But ThjLliTtKl : Day nas passea aha they are 'still cold and hungry, and we appeal to our peo ple to something of their abundance to : reliei the. distress of those , who are jiofferiDg.' j'.We would iketo.aee our Jbusiness meo form an association -nd' tppoint some of their Mmber to acl M VcQmmHtee to hunt 'tipHhose whoab-' aolately need aid, and relieve them. p'w ii a matter that should not be left Entirely w the ladies, from the fact that they cannot always give the proper in vesication to such matters, especially in cold, damp, windy weather, the vey tsae the poor aeed help, therefore tb teen; should take bold of the matter. ' i Whf can't we j .have a Young Men's Charitable Ulub? we haye Young Men'e fiernp?ratio Clubs. These young men ' cao be of great service to "the poorTaid wjil have their thanks if they will give some'of their energies In relieving their wint. Come', young men,' we "hope JMwill take hold of this matter and orianijea Young Men's Carltable Club, and ee how much aood . tou can do aunnf this cold winter. " .1: I CiOOD ADVICE. ! Oar friud Unn n rin.u . U vwin u uuiubmi liabwi at WaahinKtonrhas been, and h. wriUogaiid: publishing aorae Able dUotials in hi pap-er concerning the true aituation of poliUoU affaire, nd the coarse that should bepunued by those whp prefer principle to prtjud.. There i; in .our opinion, no paper de r aeniog more the confidence ot the ft .4le-publUbed in the country. Ur. Oor baiai in his Wedneaday morning's paper ,-:ks r-sr:iny c eHiarnua n all future comblnationa for the acceasl of Republican , rrlnclplee in political archltecu will do well to coMlder that no bourbon svmrathker w apologist in the RepabUcsn ,xanxs , n command the totea of the northern trV9t er of iny white men who Art , thorbtfKbly and honestly la ravorof taJouinidg manhood lu&a I Tkert Hprpotitioa.for tfie goverament to aaythiag in support ot tzn f ltbe south That fcaa Icrj ilsca barldooed. But the Cepublicaa Hrty cannot hold botlt the friends and Ses of a free ballot and a fair essst JtiU in lUtedlth tlzti U; J; fug ia which ladlvidaala are com Jof, or U wUl not fcf U e t$, eMot mirabal the oijorlty t ai Jtiou of or heaUUty te aaycaa, hvf or VeAdtfwho iraict tc.ri w or thdfllll5s txUmta l t-k ad the candidate must he cae who iMpirt coafideaca, Oarfirtycia Wu only be acrtit f.ctcrla the j al. It must have the ccc?cn- of; or act lts;:;jL; M MJ aectlooa cf th gtt j-!a wlA X4x m be ccc;'..::-. c:!::l. 9 "Above aU thlr; tl rt:y cz:t shoulders it moanted to power twenty one years ago, when cottar proclaimed itself:king. Another king there'is now to be resisted.. A power sits heavily on legislatures,. and makes Senators with money extorted from the people, state and national conventions and electiocs are? pointed by effyrts to put private mortgages on lall who ae likely toob tain power. Subsidised newspapers de4 file with their venom all who do not bow ta whatever Gealer'! cap may be placed on a pole in the service of their masters . The Republican party must not be the weak fav.Orite, but the reso lute rebel against this king.This it cannot be by whistling to the people to come and further schemes of one' or an other faction, but it can ir ju m ph by ac-' ceptiag the late elections as a call for a recasting of parties, and by rapidly moving the support of the heaviest bat talions which may be found ready for right action. , v f Special toTbe BepnbUcaa New Orleans, Nov. 29. It appears that St. Mary's Pariah was thrown out because the clerk jof the c5urt inadvert antly failed to attach the certificate to the returning officer's returns that they were correct. Copies , of ...du plicates were, in his office. The law requires that two duplicate returns, be - filed with the clerk, which was: done "--'one to JbV forwarded by the1 cieflt to the secretary of sta.e.' Thia was done by the elerk, with the necessary certificate that the returns were correct. A copy of the returns were sent by. the return ¬ ing officer." This officer is a Democrat, and he and the clerk afterward, to cover any contingency, again "certified ' to: the governor and secretary ; of state tha the returns were correct and that Kellogg recei?ed 1,891 majority . They also sent all the poll commissioner's retnras, sworn io, and the .'tally-sheets from the different polls.- Assumption; a 'white parish, which gave. Kellogg I JOO majority., was also thrown, out upon a technicality. Kellogg'a large white vote in these parishes seems to. have exasperated the governor and the canvassers. Notwithetandipg' the fact that thi whole election machinery was io the bandt of McEnery and his ap pointees',' the fiaal compllaion has been : signed by the- canvassers; 'and notwithstanding the throwing out of these parishes and several polls of other parishes, Kellogg has about 2J000 declared ' ,mjj rity. ' ; Every poll" thrown" out gave: Kellogg f a majority. McEnery canvassed on iy In Kellogg's district.' In a speech at Lake Charles against Kellogg he said: "Re member that you are citizens of Louis iana free from federal dictation, and have a Democratic Governor J' At New Iberia he aaid: uIt is the dutyjof every Democrat . to vote again'ti KeUogg,for there will be bq pease in the state while this political agitator remains in office. Hie defeat wili wipe but "he last yes tige of the Kepubiican party in Uie sute." The New Orleans Picayune thil morning editorially says:"In re alitf we suppose bo one seriously doubts either that Mr.t. Kellogg U a citizsn of thia state, or that he was duly elected by the voters of the third district Every attempt to defeat the will of the people by legal tubtletita and flimsy pretexts Is a blow at popular sovereign ty and a stai a upon toe honor or. we party which, makes ivThe pressure of the-busiaeM aaeu from tha city, the planters tfrom 1 Kelloyg's' disulct, and the tone of the press (all, both city and state," conceding his election) will, it Is believed; compel the Governor to re consider1 his : determination (and give Kellogg the certificate. : " ' - H 1 ) i ' h; A. J. PuMOSTLh President Republican Bute Csntrall " ' Committee i ' " IThe Clgbi nam In the Riga l j : ; rime. r - ' ; About a vyear ago the Brooklyn Al dermen voted away the use of certain streets to the Brooklyn Elevate Rail road Company, more comonly known as jobw?.-.The-;reaolattoaa were press pUy re teed by the ) Mayor and aa!lrjuncUoniwaa granted by Jne, Crbert, of the Sopreme Oourt, rtsUii-lci he AUertaca fxom ottrri dicthe yeto, Cut io their atal to tar ther tbo job the" AKlermea rode osh ahod ottt both Vttla a4 'IrjaRClioa They re ' accuriiogly arraigned fr eaontr met1 of 'court; : when " fifteen ; c- tkea wtrt tijudd- fuiltj tad ttsi traced i to Raymond ttreei JaU, frost hlih they were-aawrd nleased on 't'ilr-"2: MiT?1 cf tit os-' TteCn ; tf "'Arj'talJ jtsrijjja C ret 1' the lrllty of the commitment aad no ti CUea AUcrriirh tZ:zl cn trUt . tate to retaact la kRJ; ess J Cttt Jitl ; laf rrios rxrrj f.:a tfa la t-lry days c tch. Ta tla srir-i.'. cb:?x.U It! j, ta crtcf t: :.:Vr Is. V:": Tit r.xi. l;a Y ! tC t-t' .-.::!: -cl!.h Ciild a-. i !:r.ry i j t' U c'. y . ... . . . ' . v ... ,,., h r- -' .. WILMINGTOy, NORTH . they will do the least mischief if riot I3a Colored People's) Carolina ! t Agricultural Society- 1 f jfs: Will hold ' its second 'grand annual Fair DAcPimWI is JT' ir i8- : ' r. '. . .1... . .(fTr t,Wade8boro,N; C.' , f m ' fThe ; colored ..people of Nortk and South" Carolina are invited to:'partici; pate in the workings of thla socley - We are laboring to 'elevate' our race in the things that are JastingJ It ii for us alone to' advance pur future condi tion and render our destiny a;gloriomf one. There 'mast be a unity of action; among us in the attainment of this endi One of the highest obXect thla' aocl etjr Is to produce this unity and f Incite the'coloredf race to a. deeper Interest In the agricultural and mechanical arts: and we ask the colored people to bring to the Fair'a small Quantity of every thing they have raised this year-fcorn, cotton, " wheat, oats, rye," peas beans, potatoes, dried fruit, pumklns, turnipi, beets, cabbages, and all other things raised on the' farm Bring your finest stock horses, cows, hogs, sheep chick ens, geese ducks, Ac. " ""l " , j i Be Bure to aid by bringing something hat you have made'or produced " ; The amusements' will be worth seei ng, and the white people are cordially Invited to attend our Fair.Aaaji v.f v , il Reduced rates on all the Jiilroada leadine to Wadesboro will be airem -Ii.''- "! For further particulars : address the Secretary at Wadesboro, N OJ- :i: B. F. Powel, Assistant Be?j. Sidney, Bboxway, President . .Dublin Under Carftw Xavv. t 4 One murder and. two attempta jto murder having been committed in DqV lin Mr, Gladstone has placed that city under what is known aa, the Curfew section of the i. Repression act The auction reads as follows;. 11 1(8.) In a proclaimed-district' if; a person is out ofbia place of abode at .any time after one hour later than sub set and before sunrise under suspicious circumstances any constable may arrest that person and bring him. twr with be fore a justice of the peace, and such justice, after inquiry into the circum stances of the., case, may either dis charge him or take the necessary steps, by committing him tos prison or taking bail, to , bring him . before . a-; court of summary jurisdiction acting under this act, and .if such person,' en appearing before a court of summary jurisdiction, acting under thia act; 'fails to satisfy the Court that ho was out oi his place of abode upon some lawful occasion. of business, he shall be guilty of an offence against this act.' . . " ": ,. 1 1 The section, of course, WbtIgv nal with Mr. ! Gladstone.' .It is gener ally believed to have been contrived by King William the Gooqueror; . and In troduced from Normandy . aa a Veans1 disciplining the vanquiahed Eogliihl King Henry L, ; finding them saQciently tamed, relaxed It, and it waa " oa re vi ed at intervals when Jack Cades and Wat Tleiribeg' to.'.ahpw-.'iheif heads. Ireland has often " been sub jected to it, but It is instructive to see thia fine old mediaeval custom, enforced by a liberat government ' la , the '' last quarter of ihe nineteenth century. ,; . im , mK - t i ,.'a 1'.. . DeaUa ot Col. If . H. lUag. 1 & j Col. Ki U. J ong died yesterday morning at 1 o'clock, after a protracted illness. He was taken ill laat pring and never. entirely recoYered, but fm proved so as to relicte (his faniilj of anxiety and a " few ' days ' before, his death was especially cheerful. He had a chill last wees end took1 cold and continued to grew worse until his death yesterday morning. ' , ' 1 ' , Col.- Longvln the course of a long life did a great deal of good with his large property. He never turned the poor away from his door enpty handed, bat always responded liberally to the cry of distress. f render oar aym pathies to his family In their distress. On the report of AUoraey-General Erewlster, . the President has ordered the removal of the marshal ot the Dis trict of Colambla, Charles ,E.';' Henry; Pdotmaster D. & Alcjtrv Aatiatant roatmaatet IX. iL Parker, II. & Helm, foressaa ot the CoBrsalonal Record, and Oeorge R Speucerj commissioner ef the Caian litcif 3 Riilroad, They are charged with ijtrferUj with , ad mlaistratioa of jaaUoe iavahe atar-roato tttvk " : fc'iH-tat!: ! 1 : " ! Rartholome Fuller, Eaq t a proaai-. seat lawyer tiled at; Ua -mMeoce ta Dirhia.ca Tttriiy li. Ha Ia trly rtetlad al rayaUsv:. sThre years t- ha chati all mlissea t DathiaT The Catacilss a kaavj La ia tit d;it tf lh""gtaUtmaa.r Accrs lha csst UU-ata tlesiief U3t HzzL: Ha tl til at-Js:r.a in.& b t-n At - j v . iravtur s::,i:.r.-i CABQLINA, 'BUHDAgi pGal Vote of the State fr pai Democratic -,t'?t' 11023 . 9Xj Xiiberal4 a i 4 u. a 10t& Dueppard; Democrat,! i i Njiiv! 109JBC5 i?oolIiheraL:.d -huh dm ,A 104.818 v r," bir in ui&urj "J. V.l 1 l . . C - - ' r ntvr Phillips, Democrat,? -.'& iao,vw JXoore,Jibentt,a ao; r 4 ..104,891 tlcKoy, Democrat,; Darby, Liberal i' 109.977 I n -t J J 1 sc. if '5,616 JUacttae, Democrat, . 109,733 105,861 1 . 4. J - . v, t 5-. JL,r r G il more, Democrat, ' ; ; 1 110,029 Edwards; Liberal,((. 4 ' !l04,942 6.087 i; vio'v .7-,. u v'c r. 1 Shipp; Democrat,',. j. j c 109,153 Churchill, Diberal. i.n-j 1 1 & j.104.681 ' . 5,272 The Baleigheirs &r06snTr speak-' ingv of the returns, says: ' Gilmore'a vote is the largest of the Superior . Court Judges, MacBae'a the smallest, the difference being 296. On the Republican side, Guthrie like Dock ery ran ahead, 4hd Darby like Folk fell behind. The difference between Dar by and Guthrie is an : even 1,000. ; iThe Moore vote probably represents the ac tual Republican .vote, 104,891. ' Darby fell off from that 630 and Guthrie ran' ahead 470.'. These figures fully sustain our estimates published on November 19, when , we said Rufiin'a majority is apt to be about 6,000. The candidates for superior court judgeships ran pret ty much along -i togetner, there being, perhapa not more than; 800 difference oh either aide. The Democratic major ity for these offices appears to be be tween 4,600 and U.OOOr" We1 missed Ruffln'e majority 148.L The difference between the highest and lowest vote for J Udges on the Democratic aide is 296, not quite 8000. The average of their majorities is 6,081. Darby fell off more than we exoected. henco McKov's ma jority ia 600 larger than we anticipated, ana uutnne ran anead more than we expected, 'and hence llcRae's vote is 264 lets - ihan-WcKoj'a, bat MeKuy'a majority U 144 greater than BlcRae's. That comes apparently from the fact that , the Republican brethren , did not give Darby a hearty support but worked hard for Gathrie. Although Phillips and Gil more both received more votes - than McKoy, his majority is the largest. In like . manner they did aot give Folk a hearty support' but worked hark for Docker j. --j-i- : i But the tm d Observer Bays nothing about the 450 Totes thnwn cut by the county canvassing board of North hampton county on ; account of the fact that an Ignorant Democratic regis trar made the returns to rea Frank N Derby in place of Frank' H. Darby Add these Totes and Mr. ' Darby will reduee Mr.!McKoy's maiority to 5.166. I CItY Itcmo; If you wish to continue the Post, end ia your subscription or your pa per will be "cat off." We wiU not car ry neadIhe Pw! ia 12 Of) a year, payable la adranoo. i Ur. 1 W. .' N. 8ellers is our only etty agent. Bend in your subscripUon'to the Post at ODCe. ; ?,rr-i in: Newly elected county oQcerj board aniMt tAtmnrrnw. . . . : -i - V';-. ' - TheLeglalature aaeeta tho first lfon day la January next. . i" 1 a-. Xhe crimiaal court has been ia aha the past week. Cbttoa Ia comlag In fast OnnQnne sending it la our wlah. Thanksgiving was generally observed aa a holUday la this city. , - ; Cherlff llaaniag has been absent ta Ealsigh lor aeveral days. - New post ofioa v oa the Capo Fear River wUl bo called RiadaL- if yoa want a Democrat to tako wa tor lavito him to Sooth Carolina. . Oar AstaUUr. V7; E. rUara, hu quit sick feclho pas two weeks. reillla,- will caareao ; here to-asor- : Theboca cf liacciisa rro eoa- ! i Ccr J La year ai fr C,rirrvs al csaa'-If jesr wait t cU grwia Tnl. la Peer. - J rrtr! !-c It--. U t-U ciU ta C-.ir:!tr"::-!rln la n2if r 1 1 Ar jo raorrov it wUt te cTtkt Forney, and nolZnapvetor f Xarney. He wfbleUsl Ifo Decieioa; haal yet beear rexctid Ia jthe'etsv agiisxl the 1 CsroIIax Cca trU Railroad,' so 2 fur .'as thw pmhlie 3 w'LtimjaV his, fcoasacldthV tonitrpction ' of another - larse Jbrlck residencipj, f on Third - street next "eottti 6tKe one lately completed: vl m' .f ? '4a . ,-, ;rym!ii.u 1 W. J. Button, Sheriff of leaden cooa- iy and Jnoi A. attou' Chilraa i& publican: Committee of Rladea; vrxa ial the ty oh Thursday latt -ai v Mr. Frank H Darby waa. on Tester 1c I day telegraphe ror to; gw and Uke'ja very, important case In, the ,U. B. Dis trict Court of JackaonviUe, Florida. We congratulate .the part . who were so; fortunate aa to retain, ilr. DarbVa I si : Cot John W. v Atkinson : aas-j par- chasedj the hfeUheuny doe plantation J one of the best on he Cape Fear JEUrer fryia Ur. Isaac. Bates, paying aa we are iuforiued tea thousand dollars cash, Thia i three rice plan tationa, owned by Col. Atkinson, iworth at least 30,009 cash, he got ihaMcIlhenny plantation for about half its : reaJL value, 'jf W-.- Hon. Waller K j WlUiamaon,r poaU master at Tarboro, waa j In our City jon yesterday looking In' splendid health.' Waiter is one of the tising young then of Nerth CUru He1 wUl bo heard of ye t la the boVncita of his State and county. He has" our best wishes In , - i - H 1 r I f. 13.1X8, i. . Mr. .Th os. DArby of Florida, was in this - city. We are alwaja glad ; to sea this young gentleman back in our city We are clad to learn from some person! friends of Mr; Darby's that he has ma4e a very large fortune In the pail fife years, in the milt business, in the or aoge grove state.. . 1 We have received from Captain J. 8. W. Eagles the proceedings of the Sua . day school convention at Sand Branca, of Ihe A..A1. . Church. August 23d, S2. .The , .report is a splendid, one, and speaks well for the teachers, and managera; Wo hope thej .wlU go oh in their gi0d work. f'H-J-i The WaihfntrtiM'-'iVaft thinks It ia ''morally certalnw that Judge Kelly will fall ntteriy in his effort to abolish the liquor, taxes. Perhaps ao, but If the Democrats do their dutv he wiU not! ' If the North Carolina delegation abids by (he pledges' ot their' party In thia Sute they ; will vote against ; the whole internal Revenue taxes.- Chat, lotte Journal. , ' ;v:; ! : by' ' The A. U. E. Ztotf ChUreh confor- enee of 4he eastern ditrfct of North Carolina it in session at Sr, tJaka'a church - in thia city, j Bishops: Hood, Jones ' and Lossox are ail hero with ft very largef number of -d elegt tee, all of wnom are ,noe looaing men ana awe ministers. We congratnlata Biahea uooa on tne very great succeaa nn nas attained ; in his labor la this aUte In the cause of tha , chuVchJ ;TH organ tzed the first congregauon or the A. U hi. Zioa Church a thia atateaoveatloa years ego In this city, mad to-day there are over 50.000 members, wit upwards of one hundred ministers. Bishop Hood is one of the ablest most eaergetio and successful colored dirinee ia this conn- try.' He is never at testy wherever aad whenever you hear of him ' he la at srork in the glorious cause, and his la bora have been crowned wUh , a great victory. . Biahop Elood has cowa4id other fields, we hop he will conCane to pay aha; annual visit to his many friends ia thia dry. He baa the prayata of therhurth aad the people x a long and happy life, aad that bia labors In other states may bo aa beneficial to tha charts aa it has been In North Cars St. lake's coagrrgaiioa aaa Just fin Ished their new, handseaa as4 eic&st brick church, which would da credit to any peopW. It has a aiuls capacy of least twelve hundereJ, aJ we ta- dentand it U paid fr. This ksIl as coaassaaced thrto years; ego aad ts worth at leaat flS.003; This fcst (Ua it U kbva thii tUrt Ii lit ? a eia b the cosgreiaUoB worth tC3) spcaia volasses fr tie aaaxirtat cftla the coiiur a f tla a.l! ccr-r- gailM,H and la a fea: ta ts4 tf tie wUucirirtp'wiiSla kiiatata &Uwtx tie izztxzzatt tirlr clerclca, & ycarW'' Clittln isacsira tf&.'XtlV5 (uriTiilka;-west ti wiiVllest Jtu, ISrC,'aai 11 tie 'muli taci ta f -zU.z v cvtS C al tt'J t-ti f ii.ua cla i a'- itcn filJ ; ta'f !ci:y.': Tly wrra r'.ici c:a til arir; Cy iiv ta; t -,VvrJ ta L2. tla c: a tr;taica tliy t . ;r: I 5 la tl crsssrrJUa tf ta lyLi a tlrJi nnl. trill ta't.si . ;:. fOarJ&j jcrtrs eta tcry U;to lute titirxU-cIci tlU irtt!?.to the ktssi cfirrovttta la til BKJ c:;r4 Cf ecssU8 la fUnieBts, tha9w!r2 pacVne,?,! -J IK? tictlicttt fxn cf aU thes ? req!resta; .lt j ahcuU ; bo, aiaplr liairsc!ial2ia lt !t!?'1i tsi Mi! lIlfillLi hm sll - MMrfv . aa si. hie; 1$ aheaJ4cfll;te5ao, durT I .. Lis. asd as ct t&lt r-tit wiih 1 ! axaSaaao Kiv''.l'zT. , .1 M.iiHt... .l: ,r tv t 1 1 nisg New Jlome" certainlj Aeua has also several Tery Important and I mefttl attachmenta and .fxotiona';. of J Ua own j which ip far to make good it. I w.pcpuir iiTor. s 1 Kow. i a jrreat Jsanr fxailies havo I been and. .are atill 'uaias, the old ma- ebtaeawaltin& Iqr .the times to ira j Bat why delay longer? . Conaiderlng I them pricee ah' which good machlaea t r now, soldt and, the improvements 1 tm hare ;)toidj,jotl is a good 1 time buy, and the t?New Homo" espee , ially recommends , Itself to purcheaera oi aixount ofita,,iiperior nechanical eomstrucUpn ease of , .management and reaaonable rice, , Nearlj ,half a mill- on imTebeenaold.In: ha..last three years, all of wMch-aglsina: universal saUafacUon. 3jrniriva;bi ntachlne is manufactured by the. iW HOME SfiaiMACECQiO, Union squaree jfork vrbo.wlah us to say uw aa wnu wui aena ror tn bit rew il lustrated ; catalogue andv cncloso uu advertiaement (printed on another page.) mill receive a act of fancy ad ver- tialag novelties ofyalaea to those col j A r COMMON-SETtSB REMEDY. SALICYLIC A- Wa 'aaara i Ekeasutisai, ' . Goat j . ir-ar ffeauntlgla. l . ssmedUte Belief Warranted. l i ; Permanent Cure Qaaranteed. 1 live years established aad aover known o fail la at bImi mm mom or chronic EtaSar t mil promlaoKt - pkylatoiaas mm iroxawior aae atMaiaa.oi mueuoa ' The only dlMOtTer.or orthepotsonoas arte said whloh osuts la the Mood ot rheaaootlo &m gxiaty punu. . ' 8IJCYIitCA, ta kaowa as a common- raaaady. baaaaaa ta strtkaa cineUs at am of KhMmatUBB. Govt . Md Nu- th MAM Of Hh m.tl.m QmI Ud raJrU, while ao anaay ao-eaUad apeolaea tt etrSoiiL ll 9 um lmiy ' It baa hea eo&Mdad by aiilnartt ralan tUta ihmX eatward appliMUoaa, aacb a rub-1 laxwna-oua, oinuaeata, itat mania, aaa soothlBC lotions wilt noteeadlaata ihM dlawaaa whloh ara tha rami 1 ta to4a- aataa or na aioaa wtu uana aai. BaUCTUCA woras with aaarreloas ! esamaa taiaaod aad aanaimi tfeadta- ordar. It Is bow azelnalvair aad by U aataataiea payareiaaa or aaianna aaa . rap. Hthtt htadleal Acadamr of tmn 1 rcparu as par aaat outm ia wm aaia that SuertlCA la a efrtala cor hr 1 aiini iMk- mA tiMnitiL Taa The araat lataaM pains are subdoau almoat f uivauamakBaUargaaraataaaoriBOBx lafaadad." . - - - 'v:i-.-- 7 Tboaaaaea of tattiasoalals aoat aa appU- CI Cnx. G Casta far f m4 free by audi easaeatpa efaoonay. ; Ar TniTRTiinToowr rna IT. Bal do aot be daladed tmto taklna: Imlta- uoaa ar soortnAtaa. or anmethtaa raeoaa- , maadad aa Mat aa coodT InaUt ao la raaalaa wUh tha aaaaa af wa abai liailr aora aaoar aar aCaraaaarav aa tadla- paaslhta raonUlte la lasoro saaevas ) the weataaeat Tt no uar, or td la ax 1ST Broadway, aac. Kaa.la b7lfc W TuaUC ,TH03;lj6n.TTATI kT L1T7, JAClKONVILLi; ONFLOW COtTS pKJLCTlC33 la ' this eoarts aw t arlaras. Cawlow, taatia aad IWer aaaat'a rrtsst attaatioa fttaa to tha enUastiaaaf taeOMraruat. eooiUaa VcGuatlc'r aaa tatcntt ! -r.-f a r itfia.w. ,rrrtimt . - :.Atiavaep. at aaWj ... : " i i tin . i . 1 1 f n t mots ,in deaina. and mechanical . ex . In sg J cailence. snak' 4j'cr 'hi' 'w-h'i i !laS1 rATr:rT3 IO rrrra r :-: rTt. Is'tl l cut 'lJ.vuJ IS. ef I - a IiM Lor4 ia 11 tonr tZTLiS lj tea i fi;B- if L to Hf S r J iutt t em lock bOftKU im li lonra. tor 1 5 x-jtm Pii oU lO.Cv eat ta wau time. , - car una r ciuimu '' ; ia fsrc 4 a korae-roiur oa ' 4s fuel aaj v. -t t?) I Zj . ti.-i.i aa Aaw. - t:.t-u M yoa wat av L. U-urr or eola 6 lu...U : aMioina; or PuUtaa. Htkr cm! or lerfm ZzZTZT " 2" aut " ivy. tuss h 60x4, Conua. . ;J A tinCa roa you diction any. A lacx ron voc. pctsoiSALs, flf4l Ii i -?f ' I tsjaia Vl 1 Aim 1? JjlflS Ml I :'.i'(C In - 1 1 1 ML a JUa. tVUaalc -. I C dra-a .., ... . r -1 m V. CIja n THE UG?iLD TV-l- 1IV -tAatC L gt-;j la l. jr-r - - ' ii X-'- " ... J U ail . mi- 1 a a eiifsti r 1:11: ly 1 - -: "L' y( usipysiiiitiB i r T;.T:nnr.c"ir-jcr !:V, t mm a . m 1 ' - - 'A I :: il ' 4 ' i i i . !

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