". -.' . J. .J fji r ' - : t - ' , ? ; I: I I i ft 5 - S V 5 V .1- 4 '- -rrrr ( "tf Pottoffice or WUming. '"aria Beoond Class Matter. gffoP ADVERTISING. Eight (8) Unea, Nonpareil type,con Jrftate i ' p-ft cents per line for the first in ; -Si wd tentrfive cents, per line . .jrertiflementa will be charged ; ' et JJ i bore rates, except on special aontrscts. j r'- . . - The subscription price to The WlL gxsawH "Post is $2 00 per year; six . months fl 00. ; - . , vJV ii communications on busines must be addressejj P. to The JYilmingtok post, Wilmington, N. 0. - ' the post announcement, Tbis paper will not be sent in future to ss j except to those who "pay in ad vance loi it. "; We find it so hard to c:)iiect back subscriptions that we axe compelled to follow the ruiejlong since laid down by other 'pap ers, to send only to paying subscribers, or to" those who i are willing to pay in advance for it. Beod in your money- and you can ge ' the Post, not otherwise.. One dollar will pay for the Post six -months, two dollars for twelre ? months. No less than six months time received T- It is reported that Mr. William Ma hone aspires to the ' office of President pro km. of th8enate after March 4, "r l883. Rcdeigh tfcwt Observer. . If he does he ought to have it, and : we hope the Republicans will give it to him by a unanimous vote. No bet! ter man could be selected for the place, or one that would perform the .' daties with mora ability; and besides his eleV ration would be exceedingly gratifying to the people of the south . HON. JOHN A. LOGAN. - . - this gentleman reviewed in part the Porter Case in the V S. Senate on Fri day -last. It was bar pleasaare ' to be in Washington, and we had the opinion of getlemen who are perfectly familiar with the whole case,; and the universal expression was that Sneator Logan had made a speech so strong that it was ab solutely impossible for any of Porter's friends to answer i General Logan Is one of the greatest orators of the coun- try, on any subject, but when he take up a question that he is so well posted, ' and has his heart in to the extent which he is interested in the Fitz John Porter case, he fairly excels himself. And It is the general opinion' of his friend-, and the country, that his great speech commenced on Friday, which will pro-! bably take threedays to deliver, will I be one of the ablest ever delivered in i the U. S, Senate. : ' . ', -''V'i'i Rte Culture. From all the indications there will be at least a third more rice planted in 1883, than was io 1882, on the Gape Fear river. Our busineess men see that the only way for Wilmington to pros per is to build up the farming country .round and in he neighborhood of the city, and rice will pay better than any thing which can be raised In this vi cinity, There is at least 100,000 nore accessible for rice culture within fynty miles of the city.":; liXV 4 BIlxigb, Dec 23, 18S2. ; . I write to congratulate 'you on youi nomlaiUon of Senator "William I'a hone, VirglniM favorite, for the next Vice-President on the Republican tick et. Every Liberal and Republican in tt tte will aid you in hit nomination. -.Will he take it? -; ; A Gejlst IIajt. j . ,m , . lsin rosT: Please find enclosed 12 00 for the Post, for 1883. I am with for Dberalism. Republicanba, "eqaal right to all men, "a free bal lot and a fair count,M universal eiaci , local self-government, atU-prcti-Juioa, and WUuam Mahoae for rice "wident. With Mahone we can carry U southern states. " ' . ' m Lirrxix.'-. : otte, N. 0 Dec 23, ItZX PATrtTITTLXX. ir. a, December 27ta7lS. Koy. ;w.p.ciAxuyt Dia Baa, werehl!:Utl taits - usue an tzizzzz o Hob. Wm. Mahone, the aoalla 1IUI9 Pt, for th Vice Pnrli :r ?y. Yea to repeatedlv t-eira el ll.li rta City Items. I To The City Subscribers Don't fail to haVeyour money ready for I shall call on you at price for the money you are due tor the Post. Pboyidence Bkyant, Jri - - A Farm For Kent. . Persons who desire to have a first class truck farm Bhould apply at once to W, P. Canaday;;. J,::;''; ; ' The cttjHhaa pat down s 'ballast side walk on Third between . Market Kand Princess streets. :;T' ; ' Mr. John P. Garrell? has estabiishedi a stock farm i&r this city." i r Oso Wilde, lost 11,0,00 playing with a "Bunko" man in New York.,, . ' r Mr. R. J. ScarboroughV store r was robbed a few nights aeo. ' ' ; - - ' . :-.,'- .4 - - ., ..tV.v!:! f Every Senator who voted against the civil service billwaB a Democrat , I 4. ; ; ' ' - Sheriff Manning treated his prison ers to a handsome dinner on . Christ mas. . " - ! , .'" ... - The Fiist National Bank has just declared a dividend of three jind a half per cent. v -; '- Mr. L D. Cherry: has jnst returned from Florida, where he has - been on railroad business. 1 , I " Save cost by catling on t Mr.' Henry Savage and paying your taxes at once See his invitation In another column. We call attention, tahe; advertise; ment of Adrian & Vollers, read it and then go there to buyjpur groceries. ; " " ' . i"': - f . Mr. Henry Savage, city treasurer says he will pay January interest at once. City creditors call and see hint. See advertisement oflhe Register of Deeds in reference to Schedule B. Tax. By attending to his advice those inter ested may save trouble and expense. . John R .Taylor, Esq., who entered the custom kervice as clerk, at sixty dollars per month, some '.two years ago, has been promoted to the high and hon orble T position ol Deputy; Collector of the port, at 11,800 per annum! This la the highest position ever held by a colored man in the custom 1 service of the United SUtei. But. we are pleased to say that the place could not be filled by a more competent person, or one who could or would perform the duties with greater ability and satisfaction to his superiors, and to the merchants. j Mr. S. W. Bower, who has acted las Steward at the Marine Hospital in this city for the past eighteen months. has just been ordeed to Cincinnatti, Ohio; and Mr. . B. McDuffle, of Fayette ville, has been appointed in his place. Mr. Bowen has, made many friends in this city, but their loss will be his gain, and in the selection of Mr. McDuf&e, the department has certainly been fortu nate. We congratulate both of these gentlemen on their success; may they continue to prosper and be happy. irv r . i ii , i " in -3- ' - TrsiTeling Palsvee A perreea , The Atlantio Coast Line received yesterday the first one of an order for sixteen Pullman sleeping cars that CoL Bridgers ordered some time ago frum the Pullman car company, for the tjrav el between New York and New Orl eans via Washington, Richmond, Wil mington, Charleston, Jacksonville and Mobile : We had the pleasure of inspecting the "Afton," which la the name of this traveling palace, last evening; in com pany with Col Emerson, the very ex cellent general freight and passenger agent of this line, and Captain Alvia Walker, the gentlemanly superintend ent of this division for the Pullman Car Company, at the shops of the Wil mington and Weldoa railroad, ad we mnst aay the car Is he handsomest and most convenient, in every particular, that we ever had the pleasure of exara ing, It is n perfcdt gem, everythlBi that can make travtl pleasant, which will add In the slightest to the comfort and convtzitnee of the occupano hs beta airaBedj amoking room, lunch rcca tzl drtirs tscraa are all fitted un la tie mcst exeiltat manner. I The altsplr 3 trrsrtaesti are the most com- (zxUlli tilt we tiTS cvtr teta: Ae fcriial chasbtr. a UcU Xlaerson stylrd tiab:j cf Us cor 13 cf ll3 ttry Izzi wcfiwsxtiis tltt ever was put lata aavcir lie zlizi U cf Trtsch pUis, tit tzzxzlz lrrt:i cf tie very Ca- ctt ilitj; , tie woodwcik : cf mtlc zy li!ill d "rt-t t'.-!scf jeroeJ, f-' U ul rcl-lil tyhtzJ,-slki --i t-i tIiU- Tle cxr U silver pliU-s tl Cirs ar Civ r lrlJi tljvtrytcat trz-ii czr r CI 3 czUliJ cf lis Cit U C. 3 4 mm ' WILMINGTON, NORTH very handsome, on each corner is paint ed "The Atlantic Coast Line," and the middle, "The Pullman Car." , -.The car rests on six wheel trucks and the wheels are made of paper costing $90 00 each, or $1,084 for the twelve wheels under the car tWeare informed that these cars cost the company twen ty thousand dollars a piece. Col Em erson informs us that; the sixteen cars that have been , ordered for this line, will all be on by the first of April. The public oweconsiderable to the enter prise and great thoughtfullness of Col. Briigers, for thus looking out and pre paring for their comfort, convenience and pleasure, while traveling: He Is making the line not only the safest In the country, but the quickest, and most comfortable for the public to patron ize, he is to day the model railroad man of the United States. : ' The Fire Tuesday Jffignt. We clip from our morning co tempo rary a full account of the fire on Tuee? day night last: - 4 The sash and blind factory of Mr. R. W. Price, at the foot of Walnut street, and the steam saw mill adjoining, the property of Mr. J. W. Taylor, were de stroyed by fire last Tuesday'night The fire broke out in Mr. Price's factory, about half-past six o'clock, and its ori gin is a mystery, work having been sus pended for the Christmas holidays and it being supposed that there was.no fire on the premises. It was discovered by a drayman employed by Mr. Taylor, who, while stabling his horse, told one of the watchmen on the premises that some one was in the factory, as he saw a bright light there. The watchman ascended the steps of. the building and found the whole of the end of the fac tory nearest the river in a blaze. An attempt was made to extinguish the fire by the use of hose attached to the fire hydrant in the yard, but the com bustible nature of the building and stock made , the attempt futile. The Jfire Department .however, were quick ly upon the ground, and the. well di rected efforts of the firemen confined the ravages of the flames to the factory andj mill and saved adjacent property from destruction. The Citv Water Works proved a valuable auxiliary in this direction. With the aid of hose attached td the water works the firemen were enabled to throw some six or eight additional streams, and these with those from the enginss soon stayed the progress of the flames. The wind was firem the north and carried the flames away from the Champion Cotton Press on that side, but "seriously; endangered the office and naval stores yard of the Messrs. Sprunt & Son on the south. In fact,.the premises, of the Messrs. Sprunt were on fire, and the damage to tneir building and; office -furniture . will amount to several hundred dollars , ' Mr. Price's books and", papers were saved, bat the lactory, machinery and etocK are a total loss estimated at $13,000, with insurance for $7,500 on building) stock and machinery, and $500 on lumber in yard, in companies represented by Messrs. Atkinson ; & Manning, J. W. : Gordon Bro and Norwood Giles & Co. . - Mr, Taylor's saw mill , was entirely destroyed, bot.no lumber was lost; the steam boiler of the mill remains intact, and it is thought that the engine was not Injured., The loss on saw mill and building Is estimated at between fire and six thousand dollars, with insur ance of $2,000 In the Wilmington Mu tual, and one or two thousand more In sured with Messrs. Gordon & Bro. ; Rev. T. Page' Ricaud has been re turned to Fifth Street U.E. Church of this city, by the North Carolina Con ference. He Is entitled to great creoit for building up this church after It was so badly damaged by Rev. Mr. War ren, and we hope Mr. Ricaud will con. tUue, this year, with the same success he has met with in the past. KevVKr.TTfcod. - This gentleman has been returned by the Conference to Front &reet Church In this citr. We are very cUd that Wilmington has the good fortune to se cure the services of this Divine for an ether Tear. He has besn a ' faUhfal wctltr In tie church, and is very pop ular with all the resple cf tils city. P.t. Rev. James W. Hood was rw-elae- t-1 Grand Uzslzx cf tie colore i Ua- toss tf Ncta Carolina; at' tie eeeUr: cf Hi UrisJ Lcii HFtjtutvUIe.ca Thcniav the li IrsUst. This b, we ttlisve, Ha IwtlTJa Uae Cole? Hood Us til till fcead'essfitrti caLla. Ia fitt Is crjinixsi tie Oxder la I?rta CU'-'tt- V ',t Cttzl Ilai'.rr, asitas caa'Jaatita t !I Hit l:z?:-U r;zIU;aTtrtita. C UC:vL-lV tit u irr- :1 C-r 1 C: t.l Zl:. C HU1 C:;-l C.:V.-:r7. ZCTi xzrj its-C.;-tt:.. i .wv- ;.!; - CAROLINA; SUITDAY. BTn. 31. ir2 We were dAlfrt fr-i. joyed, at meeting our c'4 L lend Sandy ....a ivm . vici wortny, of Moore county, in our city On US 22d 5nfnt f.'.v. STlad to BP Rnrf li.U i'n.r t,.L..t ane.-i,Awri7i "cr. rr.::.: orVtherwise. F VJ W. K. Price, Tor many years Denutv : vsiVt treasurer and CoUector. and who nas been in the TJ . 8. Treasury DeD&rt - years, has jast been pronoted after a Competitive examination j' Thia la r irratifying to his many trends in this city to see him promoted, ot as a fa - orite, but on his e 'trit ilone: "v4i.uii, uio 6a i.il gooa wr-1 tune, and hope to see him continue '"to rise, as we have no doubt he wUl. " "".iuo 1.1. j UBC. ZO. -AZ. wen. & J2. Mannina. Sheriff of " Afan Hanover County: Mt Dsab Sib: For reasons4 satiafac-1 ujjeii, a ieei u my auty to re-1 sign the position I have so longield UJailMttfNllW Hinnww. ihi. nation Is to Uke effect the 1st of janu- arv 1883. . In severing our official relations allow me to return vou mr ainem think for youP uniform eonfidestce in, aad kindness to me while holding this po- Bition. i regret on my own account to leave: bat feel ft V Ant. T nw In mw my wife rest, and my children the ad- vantages of education, which I cannot do while holding the position of Jailor, most cheerfully recommend for my sucessor,iMrGeorge W. Murray be lieving that he can give satisfaction, wishing you all happinness and success in life. -I have the honor to be very respectfully, Tour obedient servant, -v- DakielHowab i, Jailor. WiuczvQTOiv, N. G. Dec., 27, 1882. f Mb. Dabibl . Howabd, Deputy Shxbipf ahd Jaixob op Nxw Habc vbbCotjhty. ' :-'r - i Sir Tour letter of December 26th. tendering your resignation as Deputy Sheriff and Jailor, has been received, and the same is accepted to take effect on January, 1st 18S3. Allow me to say I regret exceedingly parting wiu &roBth tumimi. formly well discharged the duties of Jailor, always disagreeable, and often perplexing ana aangerous. x nare uus .1 . mAA. thm. ...at t vKf .mm since,! I have been Sheriff of ;thia coun ty, I. have never had a Deputy in whom I had more confidence than yourself Wishing you success in whatever field of labor jou rney enter. I am very respectfully, ; c ; Tour obedient servant, : S. H. MAnamrf. Sheriff, NEW AlJVJ&TlSEMENTb. OFFlCB TAX OvXLXCTOB, V I UTTOF mMlNGT6lV,-H.: C. J r . - Deoember znn,U3X " Delinquent Tsuc Payers. H ' a SI HKKEBT noeineo tnat x win oet-in. up the list tor adrei tlsement. . Costs caa too a mi tb flm or Jksnuf next, to ouute aared by paying now. HKNRY 8AVA6K. Tax CoUector. dec SI St OFFICE CLERK AND TREASURER, l CITY OF WILMINGTON. N. C -, . Deeatber X7th. 1SS3. city couroara. j -nAIXINO DTTK JAKAURY 1ST. 1SS3 WILL BB oaid oa pMSMtaUoa at the First NaUomai Bank, of thia city. 1INBY SAVAGE. Treasurer. deeSlSt FIRST NATIONAL BANK -- OP WILMINaMON, N.C. a BIVIEEND OF TUBES AND A jp Pica rcNT. has been deolarad by tiia lin&rd of IHreetore of thta B.ak. paya- bteoa aad alter janoaryiwo, '1t,- dectttt caanier. FOR TC1C 1 1 OLIDAYU - - FIRE CRACKERS. : ORANGES. APPLES, cxthon. .... 1 - - CtvDY, snasessBBB T ' ' ' 12.ATU1 U.rraat4l rvalue dnaa Usa y cr-xUg grassjCy of U.o TTtc:. ti's Crc:rr. ! Hts:r T;zl gilDct ' m mm f. . . . Im. - - - - . ' ' . I ' 6rcxH0Liria or tMs rr c elecUon of Directors, will befell at telr Banking Houaa, oa TTJCSDAT. toe TJtt DAYoy JANAitT,ic, at 11 o'clock A.U. I A.K. 1 aec 51 21 Cashier. I 14UA1U i I nri-rr-nTkirrT -r- - W : m , " ' ?Vf U M iili;D.,;lAAi 1 Merchants. Traden, Brokers, Eepera of unea mat this tax, tails doe the 1st day of I '"nary, isss. and that the lav requires !r wuw.tne nrstiea I visa the toen&itv stmnda aMinat van. I - " J. B. SAMPSON. . t jdeotllt ; Register of Deeds omcK board or commissioner. - fostrk cottntto wsrvtr hanovstr. DeeVb20.iW I ' - f; PR0?03Ala WILL BE ceivsib I inei,cra at tneyr meeting onuonday,the mUy of January, isa. i First. For farnlahlnc the Inmates of the I Poor Houm with . food, eiothiac. medicine jd attention for two years. Also, sor securing and working prisoners with food eiothmc and medicine. I tfcainsandbnrlal wiUbe required sOso, to- I such person as may die at tfeese lnsUto I uons. Second. For furnlshlcg medicine for Out Door Poor as may ba preacribed tor Snper lntendent of Health. ' - r ' - - r . " - . !, : . - .- - . .' Third. For furnishing eofllns and burial for such Out Door Poor as may . be or dered, - - - - -j ' The Board wUl reserve the right U rrjaet any or all bids. v i deo.21 T Oialnnan. HABPEB'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. . UasPKK'fl Vimr standi m.t thm hed of Auertean luuatrated weekly Journaia. B 1U unpartlaau noalUon In politics. 1U mlrabi mo iUuitrations, its ca-foUy chosen sriK short stories, contrlbutfitl by the foi ntrtbqtd by the formoBt srtlsts and ap- . abort stories, aketehea. aad ponds. poama. nterUlaeBant to thouaandji of Ameriaaa nomee. It will alwava be the aim of the oubllah- I popular aad attracuye ntmlly newspaper In 1 WOTIO. HABPEB'S PERIODICALS. Per Tesurs Harper's Weekly-.,,, , J.i 00 Barper'a Uagaslna........ 4 SO Harper'a T- , , , , 4 SO The Throe abore poblioattaa-. Any Two abore named,....,..-., Harper'a Young People-... Harper'a FrankUn' Bo.uara Library. One Yew fawtmnt.) T.. , ,., , to ot Postage Free to all aubacribenln the Uni ted States or Canada. The TOlumea of the WKXXX.T beelnwltli the flm Number for January of each year. derstood thta, the eubeertber wlahee so eota- wnea no time ia mentioned, it wui oe ua menes witn tne Humber aexi aoer ctta ro TbeUst roar Annual Volnmee ruis- ncn'a w xxxxt. La neat eloth blndtac ami free of expense (proTkled th freight ase bm sent or man. pos tare oca v.r my am not exceed on dollar par -oiuamatrr -so perToiume. . ,: -r Cloth lutes for each volume, suitable tor MDO.ng.wui Meant ey aaau. pouoa.-osi iirnlm nfll IW rh Keinittaaoce anould be made by Toet." Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ot lose. .,. . Newspaper are not to eopy this stoVer tlaemeat without the eqpruas order of Hab- ram BaorwwM. .. Address HABPEB, S BROTIICS3, New York.'-' :'J :'S.i.li A i W l-wl ' 1SS3. . . , lLLL'STOATZD. ; . titlaa- This poplar journal la a rare omhlaa tlAa ot literainrei art, an J ffcealoa. - 1U I mtmrn Msma anil Mttf are fc lh I rut. I wHteSof t-ar.; dWl;lu wrrav- - - HMatOM aa.A ua a m vajaaaaa. stn 1 arz issi saimu tan the nix beat arUsue : and ta au buuwti pvaiBiD wu la aaivaneJ iy acx aowiecrvn to oo aw lag authority UUiliL Theavw votama wul coaiala xnaay bn.uaJit aovaiUea. , . rrpcvs) PcrtsjCXemlm, narpra Pater m . .. Carper's kUxaalnct 4 mwmm mmw pexUicaUoaa abova aamed ' lUnsar Yoaag Peer: , rarpens Marsxlsa I - .."f f g Uvr Vooag aacrje I J " , larper'a rraokUa rjaare fcirmry. One Tear 01 BstaVets) ' , 11 19 TetagaTtoa to a3 ssAeerlers ta U.a Ca ede)taoeCaaSa. - 45a "Yc f lia tUrtm ar.: IV. . ra iiaaMt tjr iMMff " .aa tMUM lBMeB.iwi" tmMj t:. at ti'.ct.ir -. aSM jc-aa taa&cr a tit a-tx t- rv a.-'-. r t atr a tfcar. la Smm4 4. w aal t sai. r----' t w, a i m v.-r rr v.sw. . " ..a -I. - - - - - - Zm, t . w .1 'it ty Imu, i - - tl ft . . V . - 5 -a r- a a i t . f ; - v r.ji.i. a..- 4 - .' . j ' '' - -a a- rnlif "if t - - t. iL.it:,;r;u.jc., I Z Z-lilOl'JLZTZ Z L 11! ...;-,-,-,- . -40)1 . .- S A LI C "T L I 0 A- c r rrenra::;. Icncduie Iklief .Warm lei. " , ' Pcrmaneot Cars CuaranU?. Five ye&ra established and never K nown rll la a single eae acute ortLrc-v iArr 1o ail promInat rsylsic'. qs drusslt for the stuooiog- of bUcjiica v The on ly d! -TOlver r f c f t be pol vjtioij t n ri c add wblu exUU in La a L.ood ot rteuuiatic aad soaty patient. .. . , SALICYLiCA la known as a common, sense remedy, because it strikes ciicU at the cause or Rheumatism. Goat aed W raJgia, while so many so-called specific and supposed panaceas only to treat locally the effects. ; T . T , It baa been conceded by em I Dent sclen tlsts to at outward applications, each as rub bing with oils, ointments, liniments, aad soothing lottons wil not eradicate these diseases which are the result of the pois oning of the blood with Uurie AeM. 8A1JCYLICA works with marvelous effect on tats aeid aad so rem ores the dis order, it la now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of America and En rope. Highest Medical Academy of Pails reports 06 per cent coree la three aay s. TiimoxiiEit , : ; that SALICYLICA Is a certain cure for Rheumatism, Ont end Neuralgia. The The most lnteaae pains are subduau almost lastanUy. f ; . ,. QiTeitatriaU Blltsf guaranteed or money refunded. ? I hoaaanes of testimonials tent on application- , 91 at Cox. - Doxeafbr $3. ; : Sent free by malt on receipt ot money, ; . ASK YOUB SBUQGIST FOB IT. But do not be deluded lmta taking imita tions or substitutes, or something recom mended as "Just as Koodl" Insist on the genuine with the name of Wabburne Uow on each box. which is guaranteed chem ically pure under our slunalare, an India sensible reqaUlte to insure success In the treatment. Take no other, or send to us, f WASUBDRNB A COM Proprietora 387 Broadway. er. Beade 8k. NK W YOKE. decSd 6m. ,THPS.'E: GIIaMAN, ATTORNEY - AND COUNSELOR JACKSONVILLE, ON5LO W COUN- ; ty, n. a pKACTICES In the courts of Carteret, Onslow, " Duplin -and Pendet count' es. Prompt attention given to the collection ot all claims. . Persons desiring to purchase or sell lands lu either ofthe above named counties . will consult their own Interest by aerinc or eorroondlng wi'h mew Ad- THOMAS E. OILMAN" T ' Attorney at Law, . VJackaonvin.NO OT28lf o ffl 1 s o C 5.. 0 ffd-3-' HI I "v g 1 I T. L. HTTJiKH CO.; -' r.3,.3C:.3 C.1TTlE. c3Tc.::lo::eep, rm"Z"'l C ! rv a 1C TTnxCo u:..i. ..rutJ. L.i.-.iiT r;s4 L.n w i . - - ' ... m - . . -i. . v i .'.... rrr "ir " aa I.-... .... 1 " " 1 m I - -5. e ' S S3 1 .... . .... , , , n. - . .at ' I ! "IS- . -'T .11 i . 1 . t 51 t Jlatrt I..,.. .V k t-i:.:""ja H L . I r I '...! U 1 3 Jt Ll -53:! I " ' t O&r i ere cans;. ' '-la fau-i.u a li-:;-js-fi.m'cr i a . , It ls fuel ski ? t . ' arv c.-cr r.-.i: k if-i '.. a Acs.:- ";i e-t-i, .; H r-'T r-'.t a k :y f r v l-ru.! J . r. C.r- -uar uv t -f. vir-v r-r , n:a, ettiier ctor i.l'.:..-trt'a . J'stoBt Wrong!; t Iroa 1 rS?. !. f'T inftnti..n .! t ." BON Oorog, jj, V, i t.... A PLACE TOR YOUR DICTIONARY, rWH TOUR SSWSrFE"",' a puci row voim pciodicac. THS fcOYit S OICVIC) AHV HOLOC. iill IP f'lMqi.H.i 4 ti 1 z MGIITRyMLlIIlG KH.I& r L i7i::3r7:cni! cd- CHICAUO.ILL. deS-m Vlim'rg',oa).N 1 f 9 a j ..miaty in -9 ': a. aa a '','"-" Ats rspynxri ti tsra BEaOWTIO?.? T5rlt2V".,'' -, ... itin - ; 1 a r- . ,t .11!:; a a w ?( t at 1 r . m . . ' J V IplnllBli! F 53It'airTU. " ' 2 fY-VrA A" , "i V!