i a. o n VOLUME XVI. WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. MARCH. 1 J, Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 10. TLX V LLMINGTONPOST Entered at 1te Posloffice at Vilming oU ' y. C.,rt ticcond Class Matter. ' - ' U mmmmmm (;v.- ' iAlcx Stephens' . fuoerpl took V.ylace oil Thursday last. . - . " ; j;l8ifeTreasurer Worth's wife died in lUndiili'h county, a fen? days ago- (Jeorge W. - Sampis in, died at his ho Me in Ualeigb onN Wednesdoy last of aralyi. :" ' ' ' m tjol. Thoma B. Keogb, wa nojaina tiJ for Marshal of the Westera Dis trict ij the'. President on Friday last; far want of lime he was not confirmed. Tn.'i-clnef justice has appointed him to TiliVut the term. The President will ' sen 1 his nam? again next December, j Ki:J KTKI SOM I NATIONS. r , Merr. T. J. Siiarp, of Wilson and ! Jol. Nat Atkinson of Asheville, was j ) Bomiii i'Hl for lVBtmasters of their re ! 1 ecu.vr- towns, but owing to the oppo I I Bitlori r both senators from the state, i ;'tjl?y. were iiot cod firmed". We under i iitanil tiiiit there was noitbtr objections 'U) v v . n' erne n, both je.!ig mn of '! I.; .i. rli l r. i " 1 ''ni.i.ur.SlXTATIv iillKKS. i ' r- j. !;! uA:n-:i'ur i sa that Mr. i 1 . j.;ti.,tiri (Iri-rii i'ai inside .oiiejof I he best 'I j r .;rfr.( .ifarivci, tliw county;, has ever " , its the ).' Mature, lie ban watched p i t!iu Villi riftt ot" th people and did 1 1 evf rTtu:nr pi-ssibje ; j protect them. ! lllis aait'tiilineiit ttv the elfotion law of ! llim fy 'was ju it; thir proper tling at ' ;V:ftiitJ Jiroi'i'i' Unit?. " We liope the people will iccjllect Ureeii in the day to onie. 1 1 IKur. I").ivid,l);ivis resigned the pres 1 jiojijy l th United . State senate 'on' ! J;i.s' rai'un'lay, the '-.Sd'insL, at 12 o'clock j -jh , uiil .S!iat(r EdmuiuU of Vruu6nt, iwin t-h-Vtcd in .'iUlpiaee. No betier se- 1-cti in- could have been mads. Sena iir Ktliiiu(lfj.i one of the beit parlia A i,i iilin;ui .in coogrti', lie .i h leading iinjtr hi ilic ctniutry, i said to be one ' I (if. litst puslnl meir,nn all political mii jiiN i thrt cuate. Therefore his jlftVU"" will feivo general satisfaction to i nt country; 15y virtue of being I'rcMvlciit t tile Houate he is Vice-i're-:. ith ui 't tic Uu'ufd Mates, and Hraws t-: Uu thousand dollara a year salary. ". , . J oli u 1 'a til tiot' Virginia. t i; The nyniiuatio: '..anil confirmation of linn. Jtiiin 1'aul, of Virginia, to the Ihiitt tklates district judgeship lor the WisU'fn ilistrici of that stale irives the i IHlt-ril bvn:h an upright and an able ;; jiA!-g,;but loses to the pouucaU arena 111' lllf ru i'l'IllllJivu in iia uiniroi, trffe, -iiiitl most heroic of. champions a gimuty in . the state wh se peo have not beeu dfelighted by his elo ipUiMtce, intrUted by hi fairness of MHfcmfni and force of loeic, and charmwl aiid'capttired by his generous ftud iniblc jer)ual qualities, lie has bw4j4: xtrong party leader, and one of ib';m.vn Xalwart kulghts-ot Arthur's 'tatV ICuiiud iu the state of Virgiuia. judge l'aul has 'The- National Ejrpubti' ivt'i IhE wishes for future health and briinpY in his new sphere. May bis suotiessiif iu congress be worthy of the sea. 'he Iims honored National Re 'u6i'tt ' ' t ; AVeexcttdiugly regret that Maj. John Pnui liM li ft congress, a position that , WU wil'i such eminent ability n.4-?atvViM:t ton : "li;.iho- attti bourbons emjuett;. tmt we tougratalate the ,eovo i ln. Judicial District on hi I ri'JHU.n nt asjadgo.. No befcr man iive "hei ti e!eVlfd to fill th plutje. .New I ourrNlotinl UiMtriclw of orth lrotiuu. rifst District -lieaufort, Camden, tt, Carttret. Currituck, Dare, tuU, Hertford,, Hyde; Martin, Pam M i ra..juotuk; Penpuimaus, Pitt, TyrrV.l and WVshiuRtoti. . t0iu4-.lVrtie, Cravon; ICdgecotubf, A'-X Halifai, Jones, Lenoir, Norh mitqu, Vatice, Warreo and-Wilson., Thitd Oiul.-flr- Pcader, Daplin, Jwii.tj, Blidpu, Wayne, Cumberlaod, oroU aud Moore. - limrUi-Nash, Franklin; Wake Dur Orjnge. Chatham, Alamance and Maton. v -Cirantrilltf, Person, Caswell, uitRhan, ftokea, Gnilford, Surry Fcrsythe. ''"" feu-jj-Xew Hauotfrr: Brunawick, V bu, Kichmond, Anson. Union, ggCiharrus, lVbeaon and Meek StTw-h Montgomery, lUndolpbu IWwan, Davie, Iredell, Ca nd Yadkiu. "1 tk-Wilkw, AlexajidiU, Aahe, f! Allephaoy, Caldwell. Burke, Mklllii . n.l I liuuln k. ( UU AMUW.M u&-Ch? rokee. Clay, ! Graham, oam, Jackson, llajwoou, iJi'ioia, llndeton Polk, Ruth V Bttncombe, McDowell Madion, l47fca4 Mitchell. : V fvllowio( appointaieBU,'uad v Gvtmor, have been confirmed '":- V ton of th PenUentiarT. to fill cauMd by vth reaifoatloa of tr v . of Cnaa 11 y ti-Uwry ily Bryan, Newbern, 11 lUleigh fc trtor Kieril S'. C. LonaUc AT jd. alUoldaboro; Dr J il rT7 oniamptoo- Thoe Awards, vWro; Dr J D SPVr, Waynt. The following gentlemen have been elected trustees of the University, for the! class whose term will expire in 1891: W J Hawkins, K P Rattle; P C Came ron, Hayne Davis, B Y, Grady, jV N Mebane, A H Merritt, 'A B-Vahce, G Wiley, C W Broadfoot, John D Cameron, H R Bryan, James S Battle, James T Morehead, R S Beall S Ke nan. , ' ; Whos-n tiars will expire in 1891; W. L. Saunders, F. 11. Busbee, K. Craige. New additional trustees: D. L. Russel, I; R. Strayhoro, W, H. H. Burgwynn, W. W. Lenoir, T- M. Holt.E. A. Pagf , J. Edwin Moore, T. J. Jarvis,(ia place of J. D. Cameron, resigned.) . :' A .Card. : ' I am impelled by a sense of feeling to aay something in regard to" Very unjust attempt by the speaker and door-keeper of the hou of represenva tiv3s, to compel the colored peoplejtb sit orrowd themselves into one corner of the gallery. This- was attempted last evening to those few wtto occupied one centre seat in the gallery. I feel freo to say that that 'gallery is pubtic; and any seat iu i t is 'free to any persou irrespective of 'color, if they are there in good behavior; and Lhi. speifcer nor any one else h.s no riht, lo foroi any; one to.in v fro u on s;tt fid g ) to a certain corner. Thtsn hsi ti hi spea'ur) S.iyi", . "1 CHiioot eri.why 'the. colored people want to put themselves' with the whiles." I answer hi inland sty They d i not, wish to be wiih them sim ply ibr the -purpose of. being with them; but wnen they both meet in a pub tc place, thiv colored people arc just as much entitU-il to the choice, of r seat ; (according to law.) -as ' tlte whites, i Even though the speaker has-charge of the gallery, he hss not the power to do such as is charged abo-ter1 la spite of our rights to nit any where thit we clioosti iu a public eallery, he taken the res'ponsl'bi'-ity tb send us a very impo lite message by tUe door-keeper and .' about half a Uozin paae boys. Heie; is the message. "The speaker says you colored folks moove 'over yonder in that corner." That is the first me'ssaaje. The second ia this.,- "The speaker says . if you don't move he will have you put ouf" The 8arao words we received from the page boys. The gallery at th it time was not at all crowded. I suppose his purpose for waiting us to move was to give as mauy front seals as possible to the whites, because the seata in the rear of me was empty' at that time Now I want the speaker aud all such J as he, to understand that we, the belter class of colored people, do indignantly resent all such wrongs as they try to impose on us; 1 refor once more to t he messaged As for putting ay one out of a seat wiiere he doe not want them to sit is s imelhinj; beynfl his power. I have been informed that the speaker oTthe house of representative is a well-read ' lawyer; an don't he -well know that according in the laws and constitution of th.se United States that he cauuot put. iny one out of a ekrtn a public gtllery on tcco'iot of coloi? . ' The : above card was handed to. the AW d Obsfrvfr, and a' so the Evening Viiiior for publication but they refused to publWhjt. The advice of the AVw ( Observer was to let the matter drop, and say nothing about it- That was their way- uf getting ut of it.. The Vifiior thought that it was rather strik ing and could iiot, tr.ird to publish it on that alfcount as, a comnlunictionk but woTdtak it for an ad vertisement. That will io fjr ihean to tell I , will ay that their real escuse was thi If it had been a letier. from while to wliite or on from a whiw raii to a colored one, they would 'either have printed it, but. oh! listen. "This letter hiui from a colored m.u concerning a white one and in their mind the colored people have no right to demand respect from them nor defend them selves iu print or in - any other way. But thank God in these late days thai we bare as much right lo the choice of a seat in a public galUry, as those wherT try to abridge us of audi prirelegee and that such aa waa attempted in the gallery of the house of represeoUUvee Thursday night March 1st, cannot and will not be countenanced by the col ored people. The colored subscribers of 'the two above mentioned paper would do well to atop their uaciJ tion on a count of this and other auch matter and tmbscribe for the Wilming ton Post, which is a ."rovxl Republican reaper and a true friend to the colored people; and will never fail to publiah aarlnioc for their ioterest- '..-: One for rubta. j, Wiluaj S. MirCUKLX, Kauuau, Mar. 3d, 1&SS. SauMitt, .Nrc.Fel. 22. ISM, Kixtok ror. Wo are Ud to that the editorial colamaa' of the rwr have been .filled lately with wiae, practical Information concern iac d a cation, and that iu editor haa r-eklndled hi enlhtasiaam aad redoubted U efforU -ia bealf of popular iBtallixace, of waic aaa always been knewn as a staunch and unflinching advocate. There is noth ing like agitation to root out evils in any institution of system and to effect the introduction of reformatory meas ures therein; so we sincerely trust that the vital topic of the education of the Mnasses will be unceasingly agitated by its true friends, until all class discrimi nation on this subject will no longer be an object of legislation and that every child, eyen in the remotest district of the state, can have the opportunity of at least four months schooling in the year. Since the election, there seems to have passed over the spirit of the dreams of the Democaatia party oftjie, stale, a wonderful ichangvin regard to general education. And the more we reflect upon the actions of our legisla tive solons in this particular, the more we are reminded of a story we once heard to-wit: A member of a church preaidednver oy a colored minister called on one occasion, to condole with his pastor in his aiiiction because of the"l:ji' of his fifih wife. After an ex- prtsVi ju of his sympathy the preacher! replielTTTirudder J act sou, I'm more'n ever convinced that I'm in the hands of sin n wise but unscrupulous provi deuoe." Sufc' is' our opinion respect ing the preMMit Djmocritic legislature. Gt-n. (Airfield in his letter of accept ance wrte, ' Next in jinportsnce toj Ireeiloin' and justice, is popular educa tion, without which neither justice nor freedom can be permanently main tained. Now there is no one with the least modicum of common sense, but that vifl iickuowledgo the above asser tion to be true- We do not, however, expecksuch narrow-minded, prejudiced bigots as the so-called editor of the Clinton Caucasian with his "educating the uegro spoils a good field hand," or Bill Arp of Georgia that, ''the educa tion of the negro has proved a fail ure," to absent to such a truthful and noble seutitnent; for ihey aud their ilk are not iu favor of allowing, the negro that "justice" aud "freedom,'' which they painfully realms lie wi!l be in a posiiion lo not only demand, but com mand when hi) soil-respect and man hojd Lave been properly educated. Granted, mj'uc colored youths have failed lo appreciate and to utilize wise ly the little learning the state has so generously enabled them to secure, is that any good reason for drawing the one suied conclusion that education is uoT. asj; beneficial to. the negro as the iv.hite ..ian? We all know that there areuot ft few sons of he favored Cau casian racfc, who hate enjoyed the ad van lust's of a college course, and in stead of becoming the pride of their families and useful to the communities in. which they reside, they turn out to be first-cljiss loafers, and useless incum brances upon society. And yet there is no oce so silly as to cry out against superior benefits derived from a liberal education because of the failure in life of these uumskullo. 1 Perh ps the" editor of the Caucasian iiraws Ibis deduction respecting the education of the uegro from his own niisf -rtuutt in having been educated when he thinks that had he y been iu a blissfur state of ignorance he would never have known how to embezzle his neighbor out of Tkii sum of money which ) he had charge of collecting, lie ought to be grateful to one of the despised uhjccta to . whose education he ot jects for his not having been dis gracefully oxpused; but we are strongly inclined t-i bflieve that a man who allows himself to write such trash aa he in regaid to negro education, is bereft of all grateful emotion. We will not argue this matter any farther now; for statistic will convince any reasonable man who is willing and open to con viction that, since eaiancipation more oUou, corn, sugar, tobacco etc, have been produced than ever were raised by mean of above labor, and that too white the negro waa making such pro gress iu education, in many instance under .advene circumstance, a to wake the praise and commendations of those, wno formerly were hi ene mies Therefore,, away with such hon eue, and their author, that "edaca- tins the negro baa proved a failnrer and le. the legislature cauy out the pint t well as tne letter 01 ine con stitution in providing good public school, in which, "there shall be no diacrtminai ioa in favor of, aor to the prfjudke of either race." . : : ' y.' :: C H. M. The man who believe in a place tor everv thine and every thior ia iu place ever ha ia postage stamp when he want to post a letter. A maaV mind U' lik his bed it most be made up occaakwally- City Itemo, T Tate City SaHerleer Dea't fail to Laveyoar oooer ready for I shall call oa ytw atoac for the moaey yoa are da sor tae iw, - raOTlDXJP BXTUTT. Jft. A Good Appointment. We are pleased to learnt bat 8. Van Amringe Esq., Clerk of the. Superior Court, ha appointed John Harris Howe, a magistrate of New Hanover County in the place of J. CL Hill, re signed; This appointment is peculiarly gratifying to Mr. Howe' friends in the Fifth Ward, and from the sterling char acter of the new appointee we are sat isfied that the county has been also benefitted. . , Board or Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regu lar monthly, session at the City Hall iatsigfc.f The Special Committee on removal of city pound reported progress and was granted farther time to report to a called meeting otthe board, bat should there be no , such meeting, to deposit its final report with the clerk of the board. The petition of Columbia Engine Company for a house for engine was re jected. The Committee : on Streets and Wharves, in regard to the opening of South Water street, between Orange and Ann "streets, reported favorably upon the same and submitted an ordi nance authorizing the Mayor to cause the properj survey to be made and the said streot to be opened and established; the proper assessments for th owners of laud required for said street to be made under the direction Of the sheriff by a proper and lawful, jury , as provi ded by law; the. said jury to asess, also, the value of the advantages re sulting from, opening said street to the owners of lots adjoining.". The report was received and adopted. A recommendation of the committee on Fire Department, for the payment often dollars to the Cape Fear Engine Company, for a stove for the company's engine house, was adopted. ' Reports from the Chief of the Fire Department aud the Superintendent of Health, for the past month, were re ceived tod filed. Alderman Worth offered ihe follow ing resolution, which was adopted: Resoleed. That the Chief of Police is heieby instructed to detail a. force for the purpose of taking up hogs and cat tle running at large during the nifi-ht time: and, ihexompensation alio ted said force shail be equivalent to half the hoes imposed on redeeming said hogs and cattle from the pound, which allowance shall be added to the -present fine for redeeming. On motion the Board adjourned. Notice Ward Sleetiugt. Rooms keiv Eaecutive Com. i Wilmington, N. C.;Mar. 1, '83, The Republican voters of the First and Fifth wards of the city of Wilming ton will aasemble on Tuesday night, March 13, 1883, to nominate two can didates in each of the above wards for Aldermen. ,r The upper division of the First Ward will meet at 8 o'clock, at Capt E. Nichol's Bucket Co's. house in Love's Alley. The lower division will .meet at 8 o'clock . at Josh ileares' store, corner Seventh and Red Cross streets. The first division of Fifth Ward at New .Market House The second division at the engine house on Ninth street. Immediate'y after the nominations are made, the voters of the third divis ion First Ward will meet together and elect three precinct committeemen. The voters of the first and second di visions id the Fifth Ward will also elect three precinct- committeemen, each.'- . 9. D Manning, Chairman Repub lican, Executive Committee, New Hanover County. J. H.' Brows, Secretary. luaty Toaaaalaaioaerm. ' The Board of Coaaty Commiaaioners met ia regular monthly eioa yester day atSO P. present, U: A. Bagg, Chairman, and Commissioner Moore, Pearee, Worth and Montgomery. Th Treasurer presented hia report for .the ' month of February, which make t&e following exhibit General fj ad balance ia hand ti3, Edacatiooal fund balance ia haod $1,6?70. Register of Deeds wbsaitted hi re port for the month of February, cover iec fee received from aiarriax lieeoaea I imWating to ttt TO, and exhibited the j Treasurer's receipt for the same. The following partie were granted Uceeeee to mail apiritaooa iiaor, ia the city of Wilmiagtoe: Geo L. Schatte, C J. Moore, J. U, Crooaa, HorreU MeLaia,. B. F. Bma, Ca$bie esecft aor HaraettTowtMhi, preated hto2 ial boad in the um f II whka wae exaileU accepted and airroTed, aad ordered rejgiatared aad alled where poa he waa 4aij alied. J. W. UUlks OeajBtaUiect of Cane Fear Tewwaii? iimeeud lit JjofficjaLbond in the sum of f 1,000, which was examined, accepted and ap proved and k ordered registered and fiied, whereupon he was duly qualified j according to law. W. L.I Smith, Mayor of the city of Wilmington, submitted hia annual re port of fees collected and paid over to the County Treasurer, which was re ceived, ordered registered in the record of official reports and filed. The regular venire of jurora for the April term of the Criminal Court was drawn as follows: T. R. Utley, Jno. M. Clark, F. H. Mitchell, E. J. Moore, Elijah Lane, F. M. Wooten, F. C. Sadgwar; Richard BSasley , R. AT Kings bury, J. T. Kerr, James Kegan, Elvin Artis, A. B. George, W F. Alexander, W. M. Hankina, C. EL Robinson, J. A. Hewlett, JT Femberger, Eli Bataon, C. M. Bonham, W.- J. Penny, A. F, Davis, Geo. P. Lamb, W. W. Waddell, James Quion, Jno.D. Smith, John S. Gibson, John Ottoway, W. Cromwell. S. H. Penny. ',-, MAKttIlI. LESESNE--CANADA.4'.-At tbo rcbi dence of Mr. A. C. Hug?iiis, iu the town of Jacksonville. Onslow County, on the 'Jlst day of February, 1SS1, bv .Kev. ICeuneth Mctlouald. Dr. CHAULKS LF.SIiSNS and MISS KATK CANADA Y. ' 'i. DILD. ' , SELLEK.-! In this city, oa the morning of the 5th instj, of e jcsii-uiit ioii, WILLIAM E. K. SELLttW. ag.i 27 years and U months. - V. - . NEW A 1 V ERTI SEM ENTS. Ward's White Lily Soap ; FOR ' ' "'.' ! . i .. . .- Laundry aud Toilet Use. . . tS DO kin V A V W I T 1 V, WASHBOAIIDSAN D 'BOILER ANUCOa'l'.VliNS NO UUSIN T -TCUN I. THE FABRIC-YELLOW, it can itr. i .si:i fr:iTiif:u im HOT OK t'OLH WATKlt. It saves fuel, i time aud labor, atd is recommended und endorsed by soriie of the leading ChemUta iri lh country. For sale by ' ADItl.VX V tOM.I KS, ; .. Wholts i'e Atents. Notrce, 'HK uudersiBncd having bvt upt'oiutcd Kegistrars of election lor the city ol Wil mington, hereby give .notice to' ail con cerned, thai there will be lie.!. I a Municipal Election for the eilcctiou of two Aldermen in each ward of the city of Wltiuington, oa . 1:- '1 . Jhe Fourth. Thurgilay in March, (Marc"! -M,) 18S5; that the rHdi.-,- for . fcaid- election will, be kept open on said . iMircn Cil, 'SS', Irciu seven o'clock A. if. until suntt, at the place designated bt'iow.and that Registra tion books will be kept iieu from o'clock A. M. toti o'clolt 1. f. oa every day 'sun. days excepted," com mloc'i:);; viU AtO'day, March the 5th, KS'I. at o o'clock 1'M. at the places detonated below: FIRST WVI'VPKU 1'IVISIUN; ,, Registration f-V. M. i;vu.' '.ore, cor ner Nixon Street iwid Loot's ..U ; vo'.ing place nortIic;(.c,is Tiier x-t lur;u and Harden Streets. i 1 ! FIRST WARl, IXWKt; 1IV1-UN. i ;;i - - ,. - RcaclsLratiou a; Market itvne. r.ortb- eastern corner of Fourth nJ Cawi-U-II BUecta; Toll i) g lace uunr. Ssecvn i Ward. RegUiraUoa at City IU'!; vv'tng pUce TU1UU WAKU. tVitriio- al OlMeia lso-li building. oalh westera corner Eifith and I"rlac 8reet; voUif place me. rotRTH WAIili. - - ' lUistraUoo at Ana sr-t t lu:o How, ouU ai4 of Aea .-trcl bi Froot and s-jaJ Hwiit toUuj rc Mate. .,'' FIFnt WAsil. RrUtrauoa at Mrat ItuuMt gtlt- witer-i tSKttcr K.:th aod C4l streets yoUa f-Uc amsae. ' 1 W.M. I.VAX-. RstMm trm "a rJ. i""t-t t-j&t&-.j il, l. OflKiXt.. ' IU;uarar fir VTafd. Ut-mi l,vm. '--''- - . ; &e-catur Imw w 4 At A. 1 i ' ! sTgasxrar Tin wrar'lr , iJtO. ,1. IT3W UIX. ' Rsctsters nk Vw4. . I ruih Weed, " : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATE OF NORTH dAKOLINA, MEW HAMOVKR COUNTY, j 8UPKKIOK GOOBH 1 Notide. yHEREAS, PUnj of IneorporaUon pursuant to Jaw ha been filed in this office, of a corporation! to be known "Tha Cape Fear Enterjerislnr Company" by the subscriber thereof, and ltappearinc that ail the capital stock has beea subscribed for and paid in, now therefore, the persons who have signed said Han of Ineorpora Uon are hereby notified to meet at the office over the s tore of LJBrown, in the city of Wilmington, on Monday April 2d, 1883, at a o'clock P. M., for the purpose of elect ing officers amd organlEing under the Plan of Incorporation on file in this office. Given endermy hand and seal of office 10th day of March. A. D 1883.T . .. tZl VANAMBINaS, Clerk Superior Court and Jadge of Probate. -jnarlUt -:s, - i STATE OF KOETH $ CAROLINA. NEW HAKOVEE COUNTY. Sf PEBIOE COCTBT," BPBIUa TEBJC 1883. tv. venaoieana AL.ti.ii HvPlllan nnrlnUri HnlQer ll if - : - I.- business under the name and style of Venable t Ueyman, - .-. against . S. J. Eichlestien. V Plaintiff. rjHLS is an action to tocver a debt due on 'account from the Defendant to the l'laintitr, and a warrant of attachment has issued herein and it appeang to my satis fa;t iou that the Defendant is a non resident aud cannot after due diligence be found In this state, and that he has 'property In the slate, and that a cause o? action exists against sid defendant, and this ooartha jurisdiction thereor. Xow Jhis is to com mand fakl defendant To appear at the next term ot the Superior Court of New Hanover 1'ounty, to be held on ti e 13th Monday afier the 1st Monday ih March 1883, and answer or demure to the; complaint or judgment will be rendered against him ac- coruing io law. l 8. VANAMB1NGE, Clerk Superior Court, mar l It, ' New Hanover County. 64TATK OK NOBTH CAROLtN A, COUNTY OK NEW HANOVER. KLTKKroK COUKT "Sl'KlNd TERM 1883, Francis W, Williams and Alex. O. Black, . t radiug under the firm naide of Williams iltack fc Co. I " vs. -V'-hi ."' Edward B. Dickson. jHIS ia an action to reaver a debt due ou account from tne defendant to the plaintitls, and a warrant of attachment ha issued herein aud it appearing: to my satis faction that the;detendant Is a non resident aud cannot after due diligence be found in this btate, ana that he has property ia this state and that a cause of fectiou exists against said defendant, and tai Court has jurisdiction thereof. f flow this is to command said defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held on the i::th Monday alter the 1st Monday in March ISSi, and answer or demir to th complaint or judgement will tie rendered acuinst him according to law. 5 . Van AM R1N (.&,, Clerk of Superior Court. . i - MRS. S. J, AVANT'S, BOarding House, V KXT door to Mr. 11." IF. -White's, 'on Market Between Second anThU Streets, ViIrulnton, N. C, Ratts per Oay, fl-OU; '''.. ?"ff.- ''.' per week, Si.m). Meals & cents. - feb is tf. ' FAYETTEV1LLE UuSERVER. OnThursdav, February 8ih, l$S3, the un dersigned will revive tha pablicaiion of the KA V ETT KVILI.K Orhkkvbk.. - ' The Ou.sr.KVKK will be a large 23 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to subscriber, postage paitfcat $2 per annum, always in advance. It will give': the news of the day in as ample form as Its pae will permit and both tegular and' occasional correspondents will contribute letters from the capital on state politics and affairs (Democratic in politics the .Qbsbhvkji will labor, first of all. to, assure the , pros perity of the town of Fayettevtlfe, to de velop the vast agricultural resources of its own pud the neighboring counties, and to promote al 1 that concerns the welfare ol the people of North Carolina. i !l , Opposed lokucb innovationaonihehonest ways cf our fathers as. In the guise of pro gress, harm society, the Ohsxhvkb will be iouud In full sympathy with the new things born of the changed condition of the south which sound judgement; or enllgbUned exerience And lo be alse good, .if as to the refu it will strive to deserve the reputation M the name it Inherit. , C. j.-UALt, J a. Notice. 'I'lIK anderslraed bavtu aaaimxi a ad I tniataUmtrts. ot Lb alaS oi i FUa K now !. oa Um tlta day oT Oitobsr, A. D. ivi NoUc is bry giveelo all proas iDtiebtevt toasiddseeaeed. to ttoaae Uamedl at pay weal and aa cwrsoaa aa-rtsg eiatsa raiostsaM essai. will trniil t Umsbs twymeat oa or before the Z.4A day ot f-rvo. Ut. a. lu fs. or tat aur will tx p letd la bar of ibr rrcors-ry. tale 2AA4ay - iXLKJt T. BliUtOIg i I Wil Adauaursratrt x 4- COAL AND WOOD. t vjii. of P-ri B4 aad Wkil Asa. Urals, . CooaaV, Kd araaaes sua. W'oo Of all kUidsia fall unnli lam mm "' 1. ..-.i - , it , J.A'&r&lSGEfl. jartf'. Osctrsi .Yard i-msv sia. sti4 1 IfcXIiSUX ' --. f - ( jJ ia . iiiSi mtt (rMM f Si S lxriwMaMk NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , THOS. E- GILMAN, 5 . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, , ; JACKSONVILLE, ON5LO W COUN- ' TY, N. a J3KACTICE3 In the coarU of Carteret, Onslow, Duplin and Pender counties. Prompt attention given to th collection ot all claim. Persons desiring to purchase or all lands in either of the " above named counties will consult their own Interest by seeing or eorrpondlng wl.h me. Ad dree ; '. " ' . THOMAS E. OILMAN, I Attorney at Law. "novastf Jacksonvlll, N C S. W. ODEN, JR. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. FOURTH BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AF1 BLADEN STREETS, Repairing done in all Branches .of the Trade . - - . ' i and Satisfaction Uuaranteed. an? ly. U6l 'SEWIUGmCHIIlECO Li i.n ii.v.i i:wt rnm CHICAGO.UJ.." ORANGE MASS.-h U AMOjATLANTA t'OA.- J : .fl J H FAKiUviC WUalBgloa. S C dec CHAS. KLEIN .' v ' ' .- - - A. Undertaker and Cabinet -t';-V '::- SXalacr. All Order prosapO; aUeaded to. Tfc iasat CA&KTTB. lb es4 VOHJC i: ' ' -.-'.-" I i saost LIBEKAlr tXMMB. oa rnaeea Wtws Froa rretas E0V7ADD II. Kino, ifttTUT 111 CCEKiUMlUf WlLMiauTO.H. J . c f rrw bi rt3iUiayt to m rj IV K. tL Uiiirt tmK rrw tm fir tii fentt sMC. rt nrtass. fsiniss pisaa S-U j. a SCOTT. Doot find Choc Uakcr. cttow om nutt&m txrvtixx risd sjesMi eatrsl fy SIMPLE - wsT'iaJ -f&mm$ 4fla SSaVa1a1as!i EMEbv- inn I iillllf ja-slnaVM NOsA A

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