Socialism, ' Mk. Eiu'tok: It has been some time since I have appeared in public print. I)uriDg last fall I suffered greatly from typhoid fever, but have perfectly re covered, therefore allow me a little apace in your valuable columns to say something tffits many readers concern ing the fapid progress of the youag colored people - of Cypress Creek town ship. Bladen county; I am proud to say that about 200 men, women and children at Beaver Dam school house, No. 30, where the writer has just recent ly been able to resume his duties. On Friday, the lGtb, at the close of even ing-the young ladies were seen beariog their heavy , baskets of refreshment to the school room, and preparing gifts for their teacher. In a short time all wore comfortably seated for an exercise in scientific improvementhad quite a lengthy programme. The progress be ing made by the youDg people of Bla den is astonishing; the young ladies of Cypress creek township, and of Mc Dowell's are thrifty and' enterprising, A very nice supper was thenvprovided, - IJuite a large crowd" from Sampson county participated inthe entertain inent. Y e must here tender pur best wishes to Mr. llicLurd Smiito, a double and twisted Republican. Towit Ceeek, Feb. 9th, 1883. Dear Post: We implore a Bmall space in your valuable paper, in which to give, utterance to our feelings of gratituda to the teacher of our public school ,f 7 Socrates admonished ' his son never jto be guilty of the crimo of in " gratitude, sayinjr that it waa a crime so heinous, iL;it no one could be. found ' who 'would couf.-si beiug guilty of it. . Therefore we ireTtrtoex press gratitude, rather thau be -charged with this sin. Our school in District Njo. 5, in Town : Creek Toprirfuu3tick'X)ounty, has just clohfil its session, under the tuition of Joseph ypells, who came amonjj us a fitranger, but his efliciency aia hi the school,-together with his urbane aud geotlemanly- conduct as a citizen and companion has rendered 'his sojourji 'auiong. us very pleasant; and himself a favorite in uurcommunity and we freely epresi the vv'ish that he meets success wherever he may -choose to travel , . Sfignitl, - Fori u k-.11 amkis8J-- ' . . J AM 3 W. G REEN. :' Schoul Committee, Easy Hill. , UqilSE OP IlEriiESENTATIVES, 1 JUi.eigh, Jan. aOth; 1883. J ' . D.EAit I-'ost; There i but one idea iu this body, auiTthat U how and by what mcaus can wo regain our position as u party in Xw&bT Carolina? The j3ewocralijGTeWdv cunning and uni ted, are' working like beavers to accom plidh thn end; and wjiilfr they are afraid t) pass general laus ol a political char acter for-tSs purpose, the calendar is ' burdened with local laws so fully tain ' ted with Democracy. j to demonstrate most clearly that driven froni the more iuanly mode of legislation, they resor . tQ this as the moat t tl'ectUiil but covert mode of success. "T The contested elt.ciion between Moore aud -ralluuu i coutiuuid until Tuea day next, when iu all probability serae further cause for a continuation will be shown, and then before a disposition of ' (lie matter can be baa, the session will terminate, ami Democracy will ; tri umph. Kfsptctfull, i Cvis AlIce to JTlotker. Are you disturbed at night and bro keu of your rest by a sick child suffer mg ami crying ;with pain of cutting teeth? If so, st nd at once and get a DOllle Ol .MRS. Jk lNSI.OW S.SOOTHIKQ " SYRiHvodit,in.!Rt.N Teething. Iu value, is iucalclrtablo. it, will relieve the poor IuUe sufferer immediately Dcpeud upon it, rm.ilu rs, there is no mistake about U. It cures dysentery ana diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cares wind colic, softens the gums, rtdiice-4 intlamatton. and gives toiu and energy to the whole ats- ICUi, .MRS. mXsLOWS 900THIQ Syrup ion Ciulkrkn Testuiku is pleasant to 'he taste, aud is the pre script tou ol one ot the oldest and best female pbysician and nurses in the butted butts, and is for sale by al druggist throughout the world. Price ceuls a bottle. . ly . WltininUTON MARKETS. Spirits The market quoted.urni at 46 crnu per callon, with ales rrportevl of 5, 0 cks U43 centa, i:tvsis.Th market was quoted nrro niiM lor Mrainou, and f I AO lor ihwU riutl. With sales as of- fertd. iAB lue ruariet waa firm at llWr bU of $o lb., with Mtl of receipts at qnoiauons. Cac v s Tv ariutTi mc Market steady with tales of recti pU at W 00 for Soft ad f 1 73 for hard. v . Corrox Quottd quiU Sales oa a ivaau of n ctau far middlinr. Tkm follow in were the official quotations f the day UMiaary. (.rood Oruiuaty 13 tidJluJ:, Middiiag. f Ootd MtddUur. W cts $ 316 4 9 10 I U Cotton, SpirlUlufjxhUne, Tar. . Vn-' bale 1 casks Ult bbls 4? Marth 3u - brmrs Tt arotiat. The aaar let was quoted qal at U ct ht gal loa, mih a aale. IU)I x The ssatktt vat tLrta at tl 45 or tiusdai, and II o foe Uoo4 Ctraiaed. V bt et asJva ef l.iW bbu coo4 sasintxl at tl 40 rr IM, TxmTae Kttt( u mcs4 Cm 4 tl CO ft hU of K w ilk aU os rtasirU thai ttr?, r C&CCXTaJrrxrui-Uatk:taJf ... i" . with sales of receipts at f 1 75 for Hard and $3.00 for Soft. Cotton Market quoted quiet Sales on a basis of 9 cents for Middling. The following were the official quota tions.: Ordinary, : Good Ordinary Low Middling, Middling, r Good Middlins. 0 000 8 3-16 10 1-1G cts ' -ft; itjucjsirrs. Cotton, : Spirits Turpentine Rosin, Tar, Crude Turpentine. 719 bales 157 casks 4381 bbls 231 bbls 00 bbls March 6. -The market Spirits Turpenti.- jmm nnotAH nnlt at 47 nAnta ner firallon bid and 48 cents asked, with no sales reported, ' RnsT n Th n market was firm at $135 r - r , m , " for .Strained, and $1 40 per bbl for Good Strained, with sales at quotations. Tar Market firm at $1 60 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales of receipts at quo tations CitUDE Turpentihr Market firm. Sales of receipts at $1 75 for Hard and 13.00 lor Soft Cottoh Market quoted steady with sales on a basis of 9f cts for Middling. The following were the official "quota tions: r . . Ofdinarr. 6 15-16 cU ft Good Ordinary, 8 3-16 Low Middling, i 9 Middling I 9f Good Middlinar. 10 1-16 It ((' ( RECEIPTS. X Cotton, 1 Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, , Tar, . : . '. Crude Turpentine 630 bales 163 casks 1945-bbls 33 bbls 283 bbls ! . . . March 7. PIBITS TLBPENTINE -The market quoted steady at 47 cts per gallon, with sales reported of 300 packs at that price. i . HoslN-Thr marketwarfirnrat $1 3o for Strained and tl 40 per bbl for Good Strained. Sales reported OTVJ.OOOLbbls GoodlStrained at $1 40 per bbl. TAB Market hrm at fl 60 per bbl of 280 lbf, with sales of receipls-at that figure. - CJeude -Tcbpentinb -Market, hrm. SaIps nrrtWAina at fl 7.V2 for TTardl . .. A . r . - rsi'--r -i iuu h vw iur oun. , Cotton Market quiet with! sales tin a basis of $' ents Tor Middlidg. The following were the officialquotations: Ordinarv. j 6 15-16 cts lb Good Ordinary 8 3-16 " " Low Middling, , . " Middlinsr. ,:"'t '.." " Good Middlings ' 101-16 " itECEir-TS. Cotton'7 ' spirits Turpentine Rosin Tar, . , , Crude Turpentine 447 bales 76 casks 831 bbls 70 bbls 225 bbls i March 8. ; - Spibits Tdbpen tibb The market quoted Hrm at 47. centa per gallon, with aaJes reported of 70 casks at quotations closing strong ana neia higher. I h mark-Af aaVaa firm at 1 wmwmm ui ui v aij 321 for Strained, and tl 354 for Good strained. bales as oflered. Tab. Market firm at $1 60 per bbl f 280 lbs, with sales of receipts at thrr " -vv "'0 .WT cvwipta i iui r vx i rm aavi r t m i Am a sma4 nin a w a ugure. -.i vauDE aubpentine Market steady wifh sales of receipts alf U5 foTHard and $3.00 forSoft, with sales of receipts at that price. COTTOir. Market steady, with sales reported of 150 bales on a basis of 91 for Middling. The following were the officialquotations:' Ordinary, 6 15-15 cts $ & Mooa urainary, S--lt Low Middling i4 Middling, : 9J . ood Middliae lU'1-16 KECE1P. Cotton, Spirits Turpentine Rosin, Tar; . Crude Turpentine 311 bales 175 casks 937 bbls 547, bbls 52 bbls March 1 " piaracv I was urm at k cents per -gallon, wan ales reported cf 50 casks at 147 cent?. -ROSXJT. Qnoted firm at f 1 S5 lot Strained and II 37 J for Good Strained. Sale reported of 500 bbls Good Strai ned at quotations. Tan-Quoted firm 11 60 per bbl. of f 2S0 lbs, with sales of receipts at quo tations. ! Crcdk TciPESTiSE Marktstead j wits aaies oi receiDU at f 1 75 for Hard and $3 00fbr Yellow Dip. : .,vuiivar-HuKv arm, wiui aaies reported ot 250 bales on a basis of 91 cents per lb, for Middhnr. Tha fol. lowinr were official quotations: T Ordinary, 6 15-16 cts lb uooa uniinary, s i6 Low Middlinc. 81 Middlinr. 9 " Good Middlinc. 10 116 RECEIPTS. Oottoa ' - ' Spirits Turpentine, Roaia. ! : 255 bale. 150iaska. $41 bbls Tar, Crude lurpentiae. 6 "f ' Marclt 9. Rit Wa ouote ta saarkct fot ih I . J, ... - . - L. I Uooai adraaced. Salea fur tbe week 95Tkeea deaa. ' (aroliaa 0. IbsBssoa tSUil Kia, Caoka K)a7, Fancy ff7j. .reliaa rosea rice tacaoted at kVa tt 15 it boaaeL for arJaad $1 $5ca tl tida rakUuaa. WEHKLY WTATKJiCXT. 5C L I ..W. ifau, -a. -.. . . ":' asoSM, I,tS (A. tal JU I a sshofw 4.505; atoaL 5ifc ratal lZ-ZTZ? ian. a avir av at ' 11 EXPORTS FOR WEEK KNDING SEJT. 23. .; IXiMESTIC. Cotton, 105; spirits, 298,roein, 1,171; tar, 6'J1; crude 250. I FOREIGN, i 1 None UlSCELLiNEOUM I1ARHET. Oorn per busb... Meal, " " Hominy per barrel Flour " . 11 05 I 25 & 50 9 00 3 75 Irish Potatoes, per bbl Sweet Potatoes, per bushel..., II 00 l) a siaes, per id.. mi Smoked Sides, per ib D S Sboaldeis per lb., 10 . 18 IS SO Smoked Shoulders per lb.. nam s, per id N C Hams per lb sees, per dor. c: :hickens, a piece. - ao) Beef Cattle per lb Kneep, per neaa 2 2&J 50 wool, per id... 20 25 Beeswax.per lb. 20 10(320 8DKar, per lb Sll Coffee, per lb . 0i?.s!l8'J,.er,al- 1015 2950 osgiiug, per iu.,....., I Cow Peas, per bush . 1117K Salt, per sack... 85 French's Carbonate of Lima . 17 00 & 17 50 renen s Agricultural ume. sa a & sv w A CO MMON-SEflSE REMEDY. JI Q Y L X G A" or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Five years established and naver known to fail in a single case acute or chronic Ilcler to all prominent pbyislclans and uiuKibi mr lue sianaingoiuaiicyuea : : SECRET: : The only dissolverjof of the poisonous uric acid which eiists in the blood ol rheumatic SALIC.VItCA is knows as a common- sense remedy, because It strikes directly at me cause 01 KiieumatlBm. Uout and Neu ralgia, while so many so-called specifics fj?d sppo8edpanaeeasoDly to treat locally the e fleets. It has been cod ceded by eminent sclen- usis inai ouiwaru applications, such as rub bing with oils, ointments, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the, result of the pois oning oi me oiood v.:in uuxic AcW. SAHliLilCA- works with marve.'nus eneci on mis acid and -so removes the dis order. It i is now Ticluslvelv used h all celebrated physicians of America and Eu rope: Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports uo per cent cures In tnree days. V.'at oALXCILICAt is a certain cure for i nneumatism. Uout nnii -TCciir&lfriA Th The most intense pains are subdued almost instantly; , - - . - . Give it a trial. Kolief guaranteed or money r,tfJSfis1!;v te8l1monlals sent on PPU- 1 a Bifx. ft Boxee lor 85. V 1 Sent frecOy maJlon receipt of moaev ASK YOUlt TJRirnniRT i'OR tt I . ' k " " i But do not be deluded Imta taklne lmila-1 tioDS or substitutes' or enrnflthinv rrnim. mended as "just as uood!" Insist on the genuine wnu me name or wasbburne A KX on each box, which guaranteed chem- icany pure unaer our signature, an India pensibie requisite to insure success In the irimiueui. j aKe no otber. or send to us. WA81IBUKNE & . Proprietors 2S7 Broadway, cor. UcadeSt.,- HKW YORK, dec 3d (iui. 1IAKIKUN 1VEKHLY. -. 1 LLUSTRATED. lliBPKu's Weekly stands at the head of Ameriean illustrated weekly Journals. By its unpartlsan position in politic, its ad- WllMri a I lit' f m 1 av a m. I uar a a UV.A Z I xviiniouunaiuiiCB, Dm CTlllCS, IaUU IHJOXAIsl, ?trlbnted by the foremost arUsU and an- thors of the dav. it came, initmctin. l entertainment to thousands of American I I homes. eriVo mak 1 er8 fo maKe HAKrKB's Wkeely tne most w " v w vuu ami ui ui aait: uuuhhii 1 popular and attractive family newspaper In . " ,,T(, ' i "ARPER'a PERIODICALS, Per Year: arr 8 v eekiy.... Hsrper s Magazine ..W 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ..10 00 ... 00 Harper's Bazar.............. The Threeabove publicat'ns Any Two above named..... Harper's Young People. ..... HriMr' Muo-arlno V .. 1 50 Harper's Youd l"eonl(-- ..... 5 00 - w . J Harper FranKlin Square library. fjua ier jii umbers) ,10 00 Postal Free to all subscribers in Uie TJnl ted States or Canada, i ' Ihe volumes of the Wkckly besla with the; Orel dumber for January of each year Vb?u no time is mentioned, it will bi na derstood that the subscriber wishes to com mence with the N amber next aner there- uripi ui unirf. t ThelaKt Four Annual Volumes ofHi. j-ek's wkkkly. In neat cloth blndinc. will be sen t hy ma : potae paid, or by express. free of expense (provided the freight does noi exceeu one uollar per volume), tor 17 00 per volume. Cloth 'aes for each volume, satiable for uiuuiug. uni uihqi oj matt, postpaid, on r-v i pt of tl 00 eavh. Kcmlttancea nhould be made bv PnaU .Newspapera are not to copy this adver tisement without the eiprera order of Bam- rua IUur M rn.Hr. Addresa IIAKPKR Jt BROTHERS, Jit w York. II Altl'IIIt'N BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. t This popalar journal Is a rare eomblna mwi pi iiicratut. an, ana Ihaatotii, riea. , povma, and essays ar by the fees f itcra ui luircp aoa America; tta aocrav Iocs pom lh hUheat uuiumui. and in all nut Iters ptalBin to taahioa li las authority lata land. Tb Bw vq1 wui contain buit brlUianl novviUea. Patrprm IVrieMlcaUs. Ibm PER TEAR: liaxpr B&sar . Harper a Kacaat Harcr's vTecftly Tne Threw above pblkUod . -Hi T i ay Twv afeov naa ' Har Ya r..i. " Harprr a lopi - 4 00 tlarper rraaklta a are Library. Oct Tear S Ktakm "6 rv hvui sxMwrrtiwrs la taw Ck ia or caaaxXa. lh tm .Ntabr aar Jastaarv oHZ. ,!LW2!5J a afuv tat re ' r oi orw. Of liar. ?i!rM ywH taw iraMril rwssmiiircei rwri St s sc .. ' ' I T KMansasKva aaii4 a au, a n. 1 t sa Swjsm"- taje avr-1 ta. Vevt tWMiwi A.WEB. riSEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 WE WILL GIVE , Fiftv Dollars 1: '.'!'' ! - : . IN i 3r O L 13 To the person who sen us the Jargest ' ; number of CASH SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1883, and 1 TWKHT-FIVE DOLLARS IN GOED For the second largest number, ' tt VICK'8 FliORAlV GVIDK J PR 1888 1S KIaANT BCX)K OF I loo pagss, S Colored Plates of Flowers and Vera tables, and more than 1000 Illustrations of thscholesat Flowers. Plants and Vege- taoiea, ana cursouious lor rrowinc it is tables, and dlrsoOloDS for rrowlnr, bandaome enouth tor the Centre Table or a Holiday rnMBb etna on your same ana Foat Ome address. with 10 cents, and I will I send "py. rtage paid. This is not I KBg-iish and German. IT rou afterwards order seeos aeo act the 10 cents. , VICKjS SEEDS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD! The Floral Guide will tell how to ret and g-ro 4 them. - . let's Flower and Vegetable Carden, 175 Psges. s colored Plates, 600 Engravings I For 50 cents la paper covers: $1.00 in elegant cloth. In Gsrman or Etelish. V ick's Illaitraled Montnlv Masazlne 32 Pas;es, a Colored Plate in every numberand many fine Engravings. Price S1.V3 a vear : Five Copies for $6.00. Specimen Numbers sent forlOcent; t trial copies for 2.5 cents. f " ui.iw.n Kl m " ' THE IffiiV YOKK TltlES. FOR 1883- ; -:f. ESTABLISHED JS..1. i .. -The Wiikly Times, conlalmcg'selected editorials on topics ef national and general interest from the columns of the daily Issue as well as a concise summary of political, social and foreign news, besides other lea lures whicli recommend it 'to all classes of FAakslArtl 4M 4 nftraa'i orl miMU i ' late In every portion of the United States 118 conuuclr" Wlu Pare n "TO" not only w " weu-carnea supremacy, but Ifa mora 1 fa ABkM 1 a ! S 111 i a. l" ai"' V "ur ueciuea, " TEiytfJS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS Postage pre-paid on all editions of Thk 10 sapscribers laahe :-. Uatted SUtes. : The DailtTiMeu, per annum, iaclud ing theBuaday adiUon . $1200 Ths Daily Times, per annum ex clusive of tbe Sunday edition. ..... 10 00 The Sunday edition, per annum . 2 00 The Semi- Weekly Times. Single Copies, one year . ... . 12 60 tive Copies, one year .. 1200 Ten Copies, and one free for club 20 00 subscriptions for six months 1 SO The Wkelly Times, Single Copies, one year..... SI 00 in nu Ten Copies, and one free for club. Subscriptions for six months... 60 Subscriptions for three months..... in These prices are Invariable. We have no traveling agent. Remit In drafts on New York or Post Offlco money orders. If poesl- ble; and where neither of these cau be pro- cared, send money In begistebsd letter. Address Thk Mew York Times. New York Cliy -Sample copies sent free.-a ROCK LIME FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. FKESHLY BURNED DELIVERED IN WILHIKGTOK . i t At $1.25 Per Barrel- Also : ATiealtural Lime and Carbonate of- Lima French Bro's., ROCKY 1X)1XT. N C Jaa29tf. Sam'l V. Holden. T HAVX A GA9-F1TTINU and PLUMB- IHO EstablUhment on the Mouth side of Market between 2nd and 3rd Ktreet, 1 am prepaitd to do the vert t avek a reawoashla Urana. 1 gstarantec MUlactioa I Invtte the iMBMie, who Baay nd the ar. TVoatm-laanaanbr,wallanda, saaaine arransvamu elaa JUrMMewaMssJirfSia, J UsalAfU-,JI.U stptMf K0BTD CiCCLIM O0DSE j J. UBTtUJES, - PKOPKXKTOR. CORNER 8EO0SD ASD PEDiCEBS Sr&CETS. 'i.' f tUUsTXUaat aat4L THT mt nfioraeoma aw kd al all Saas U4f mm.97mm9; AJI nrjUrrt TQ MAEX itb av ,wwrofi. vsasa sasa to Jtajcrs w. TATXCML; ! AD VEETISEMENTS. CAUTION. WOLFE'S Schiedam Aromatic SCHNAPPS, JT HAVLMQ BEEN BROUOHT TO OUR attention that lnuutious of our article. are being sold In this market, uollre Ustierebv aiTen toU whom It may concern, that the vending of any arlM-ls, wubjasy altraUoas ol trade rraarka abo drarrtld, will ! I ud a adar a recirtiar taC V 8. Coagrem Kiajccu NEW ADTEX7USEMENTS. GEO. Ni. LAHPHEEEj REAL' ESTATE AGENT. ' , Morchcad, IVIinn. FOE SALE. Town Lota in Morehead, Minn, and Farp D. T. IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED KARMS Large and Small, in Minnesota and Da kota, all In the famous RED RIVERVALLEY, where the soil produce more Wheat, Oats, Barley or Potatoes, of a Better Quality ; and at less cost and labor per acre. - man any sou in me world. Land is advancing in Value 50 to 100 percent, each' year. LOTS for f 100 to flOOO each. FARMS for 15 to 530 an acre. Bay Now aud Reap tbe Benefits or Bise next Fall and Winter. Money invested at 10 per cent, per an num, net, with the best real estate security, i For descriptive circular, list of Dronert v prices and terms, address with tam p. GEO KG E N. LAMPUERE, .. Morehead, Minu. Jul 30-tf 2. 3 1.8 4Me. Wsi? p litis f. mi iffi THE CIIEAPm AND BEST. PtTKItNOX Ci AZiXL. L uequalod 1'rciuinuiMFor !!! Thft lirinrinnl ' t,rn,iil,a,, fri- ..(Mi.n .... clubs lor.l83 will be a snpeVb steel-engraving (size 17 Incites by )) for framing, after Mt'NCAkSY's world nnownd picture. 'Curist Be)kk Pilate - for which the French Government has Just paid lOi.uuo francs. Jo such premiums was ever ottered before. . . CHOICKOKPREMIUMS FOIt GETT1NU H.P. ..L.UBS- TUK "CHRI8T BK1-XJKE PILATE." PllOTOGKAHH OK OUABTi) ALBITM. EXTRA CUPV OFBIAGAZINE -OIl 1883. ' Fnll-Sfae aprr l'Mtterna; ' - .' ! : ' PETEKsnN'X MAiIAzimr la l.oil ..... I cheapeot of the lady's books. It gives wore i jPr me money, and combines greater mer. i Its. than anv rkllior. 1 1 a i,mncA tipn and lons-csUblished reputation ena. i I'tvpneiw lo aisianco an coiopetl. In short, it has the BEST STEEL ENUUAV1NGS, - I B1XT I'ATTKRK'U HKHTiminiMir. uiv-aiVivu BlljTWOKK.TABLK P1TEUN8. a v. 4r- . w a- w a v arn . . . . . . 1ll at nrln. nnvalct u l,.iti.i I. ... the most popular female writers contribute to IU In Iv5, about Ku orli;lnal stories will be given, an In ddltlon ix Copteksitt lienedlct, JaneG. Austine. "Joslah Allen's wife." etc A specialty ol "Peterson." as a lady's book, la its splendidly illustrated ar- I COLORED NTJbKL. " FASIIIO.V- : PLATES I engTavedon steal, twice thk. size k a 1.1. V . v. ' PWU1J WIUIBU, itouse- r "'JTtl u "lu" rceipia; articles ?5 Art Embroidery. Plower Culture, House imw.uua- snort, everything interest lng- to laales. j f TERMS (Always In Advance) liw A YEAR Li i'AlUIXELKD OFFWWIO CLUBS. Two Conlea far tt Vi tiira iw,t c, r "Christ Be lor o Pilate." or a fauawmV PAoTOtiRAi-H, Pictorial, mr QcabtoAi BCMjfor getUng up thecltUi. , ' our copies iur ssu. 81 copies for fJ W 1W3. jasa premium, to the pentous getting up the Club. f 10jO, wfth both an extra couv of Uie Hut. s netorlSrCI n,l ih. i . . . f . . 1 ?1 orelttiernfth Ali.m. V.- JzA Ung fiphe Club. - '. - yrgr "Obastlll greaUr Indue meats Addrena, post-paid, j ClAkLKsJ. PKTKUSO.V.' . 1. 3 Chestnut mu, PhlUdelphla. 1-a. rM w r : .'-.v tu pROsi'Ecrre At Home and Abrcad IOn ITS KLIOX D 1 EAR. ' V roret U Ar lionr vnd tor lis ar4 jenr fea nwt a,c Wltu rr- It vote ha owa . . . ,( J.. . . IW IS tMlK 'rwriod oriia .ul , (Um laatofayux,. enlrrrrt ar km 1U t, kJcfc a4 r- Uim. Uw;, Ka Saaatagvrt paytortu t tait. awraiaUa4isossstrt: L ss4rM m avv U fa aacireliiBf A? Hewn aaaAaaoA, rear ikavtiMM imrty; aat'BjBr Pta ta. UVrraJ iwvrywbma i W II g ass " I Nt W A D YERU8EM ENirt REAL EOfAfiT -A- C2r 22 N C V FAYiSTTEVILLB, N. (j. : WILL BOr AND UtiLh RUl 'ti TATE: . J V Negotiate Loans on t Anywhere in North Caroliaa.1 Office with B. R. TAYLOR, Esq., Door West of Poet Office. O. H. OLOCKCR. Mchl9 U. Greater Inducement: PURCHASERS OF GROCEhlEa MA V BE FOUND . At m Laree Wholesale Eslablistawi Adrian & Toilers; AT H. fc. C orner Front and Dock Thau can possibly be oflered elsewhere. U IN TULIR MOCK -"''''). v WILL BE FOUND Every TMdj. inic Grocery Liw 'That a Dealer or Consumer needs j . tsr Select! ona for IheCoaalry 4 ' T T. "M"TT.T Vi: '( HEREFORD CATT1; COTSWOLD SHP RCDICUIDC cttJltJt: WhlinUIIIIIL. OSVIHI . Baxcitta, Will Co., Iu.ioi; aec I7-I3w, -1 T II E 9T ATI O A A L It EI tfJ LI CA , FOR IM, The Ural Paper Ever Pnkllalied "ai lapltal. . tm .f U.! atad at each foal- Offlca la.Uie United HtUa. to whom liberal r .ViT,, 1 EA LLItM can Mnra tbe sale u( T"KRreucAst literal ntut - ' Xtia Hart aucASt rotpt a rtrrr t0 dLaJrlUia torlill clai It IS U fft v I. I-m MA . . ia to B . ?r. -1-. Canaan, oi S. ttaelalKSi T" ' ' i r ... ., , ,, " JtHUU Month THE .WETJCr.V Pl-prrn . . JT" Jt eight raratof ri:y tatatlve. aad JadlcMj ratraa ! 'r"l. logetaor wlUi ail srroaUa-iv ffioo.aatgnau.andtitsaa)sats ta dibilru,,u tw gwwaaasau aar wtU snaae u owe taw sa i valuable vasitora to Lfaa a nit tfea aa M wr- - i ti smi yaximf mom advan. Uges 'tor giving ihla ctoa ol aews ta aa rvikAKi t..M . . . loMa tonattow at uo Mat at wrart, "addition) tao SMCtaJ SaoljUaa tt cnoy for Hactng toJor lunaMitm- fIl-.T7 ,Mi au the valaaai aad ta lag htksuat. AmrwSiaral. and mtUt mUt ctard uuy froca ta vartaea W "n ana utwuuast pi inifiwwL ail wfcKh to oarviali mmUI ututal tnloa Uraiy. sua a tag iits smm vawaa big awyo to Aienaa- IKI WlULI km mmmi Lm aAAj k tor luet dt saowtaa, n rat dab Wai argsaora lo oo oadraaaw ow awr."ll twr " tar term to stau. aaaaato aat trre w,arf4KtJoa. rvwf to ail m X A Tluaia.i7tt t-arrat j-A a y, 3 t o LLi CI ft i- t r Ei ar -i m wsa Bkaaa . . . ? ,, 3 as Si - at "S , a. - , a-.x a v. . " a a tm ii a a 3.' X) 'A t Tata. aOMy. IT OX Aii yjtaaiaw

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