7 P 1 , o n ft TO 3 VOI-UMK XVI. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, "SUNDAY. MARCH. IS, 1SS3. Single Capic . 5 Cents NUMBER 11. v- .--. "it -1: Vi I.MINfiTON IOST I'.iiU' H llir Vrft)ke af, Wihiiin'j ,. X i,-., 1 Second (Jhitt Mailer . RATLS Or ADVERTISING. , - -; 1", i f. I " M ) 1 1 a . ' I r c 1 1 y i r , co n - .lit'it : -pi:re, Il'iiiy 'uitnj per line lortlic lf'rl iu-VrVrt-ii ifontj live cents per Hue (,u l A'l'lil .ional insertion.. ' :rlvpr(ifinpnU will be charged (jif ?l're rales, except on apeejal ';ro(ir.:tc!'. J . ' . .;j iiH :.-" l ion.jirice to Thk Wif-umii-n T'osir :isrf- 00 per jtrif; U; inolll lis i I 00. y h- . , . " t llfioiijinuiiicutions on Imi.miics mux I .jeMre'-iked to T H R W f t. M I X U 1 OK h r, Wi'Imifigloii, N. (J. Til Ij TOST ARlAOXfNC'KIKNT. k;-TJiM:jprpyjlt riot be ecqt in luture id'iv.ny eicepl Vrt u:r UiT it. to tlrose who pay in au- We fiml - it so hard to iic t buck nb.Hcriplion iliat we are i'juitpV I?V to j'oilow the rule long since Uhl't';vvn. hy oilier paper, to nenl only i V vtu7; oiD-criber, or to iIioho w'io L'j i' j in advance for it. nV v'xir mouyr amf , yoii cau get V i , ,o br-w 'me. :) i dol far '.win m ilj-'0ir "'A months, two ,(,,(- itMilve ino'itli". No lens Hi in o t ui'iiiilm tim recetvfcil. v i I Hi t- Hi?.-Try' many congressmen .Klill'lyinj; arouiiil Washington, I hv Vn ion I .vaguti -i America will met I mi I'liilailelphia on Saturday next. "iti i imx'tiiin i xjioc'.ed, as import- H'lil; I'liwl'if hi Wlli tH. attendfil lo. . . I In--1 1 1 y eli-i-tto'i, ior ten aldermen, jtm'-V-i.ll' "ii I Imr-'d ly Jiext. ihc 'Jud iat "I l li' mo.itli The nT ho.ird ol vfl lrtiiMi will, iiiKiUlie follow ing day 411 I tl";l. one ) I lo ir number to act i'i:yoi , wii wi'il aeive lin tyj yer., I . . si riit;m-: oi iit iK- lurin: tlo. la! cauvaiv llie pcuin vi ui j-ailv '! kern 'argued lliat hvmu- u.i uy. Ic olet-ied to c xireas 10 l-uf"l l;i"'.d'" o( tlic Mtatc bonds i ii'iut ji'iMsing the stale, to pay them thnmuli iic V S. .w'upreme I'ourl; but 'oiiil fiHi jur eKdereI n decision in v hicli llie your nay' ihst ne Plate ;i.iuiot"v Mie ani'llo r. What, will the 1 '' UMicratrt -tlart uext'.' ' 1j V te wlHrr Mrii lo Hie I'rviil. i ' ",'Ii h.hii E. il. iMiuiieil, of Ibe N; V. j a- , I'. J. .'Mnanls, til ihc N. V. -64 .ml 4-. IVlViwcM, i the Chicago 'Jhiirn, I flire acU vergt'tilleineii a erer nhoved ! . 1 u 1 1 1 lur any pper, wire-in our city i ' 1 1 riday lat reiurning Iroui the wed J .ling ol Senator I )avi?.' It i by jut j .jrh i energetic men these that the j.iunld m kept poaied of the importatH ! iiii'ns thai . i f itf.4pirt. each day. We are glAl ol any eyeni thai, will bring our ciiv aucli sidetidid fellow. Wo li 'pe l Ley will Tepeal their visit: 1111: it u 1 riiom.r.M anim: . iltO t'ATIOX. on 1'; 1 end '-"Mr. Jr. Murrcll of ths 1 ' Oiivluiit'i, nan the beat arlic'e e--Ue- seen from any -leiirocratk: l'pr ibe otate, ou the above subject 'i educating the. colored people, and had we .vi. e we would publish it In t (VI We kio.uuable to fee how any ij otii cau make up'au honest argutueut iu v'U the otier side ot the uexitoii. The Mi mail tnuaC le a fool or knave who de- i nre to keep the coU nl raea in iguo- r rmu e; and we t au t for our life make up our iniud that the editor of the ttia -.vi'i i a iWI, therefore 1 tuiint be af j f!iv ted n uh the other diea-e. The coU orcl people- ought -lo be, aud must be, s e.lucaleI, and it U the duly ol the hrlea to o to it and place theoi i a condition to.becoiu goxtand uelul citueua. Vaptam K- M. lioaafj, who baa bea a life long -Jiepublicio, who aerTeJ throughout the late war iu the Uaiou , x-army with great dUtiut tion, b pokeo of for the otilion of aecretary lo the civd ct vice boanl. lie would make a teiy pro it apioiultueut hr,(eaks at leant eeu languages fluently. He i vry poputar with all clasaea of our l)ple. varticubrly w with the liepub ltv u. We kuow ol no wan who could be tcvguueU by the autho.itie that outd give tuch iveral aatifacUoa in thU slate a that ol Captain lwafy. Wt all waul bin prom ottJ and bop u e n done very aoou. At the same uiue ii wilt b higblj appreciated by the lirand Army of tbt lpublic, ot 1UU Captain KTu ao boaoreU and tr ievied tueatber. Krety brave con fed erate told ice la lb oiita will be glad U hear of the pjootal of CapUla R)aafj. .-. i ' fliTATE XKWft. Hon. J. I),. O'Hara, member of cou greaa from llie -J Diatrict, '- wentto Wash iug ton on Thursday last ou.buv nesa or hi district. The legislature ba finally adjourned" for good; the people of the stale ahould give tbauka and pray tiod never lo be cureed tby another legislature of tbe kind. ' ' ; :"' ,':. . Wt notice ibal some of our exchan ges say;.. that' the late -t'. N. B. lans waa.tlie oldest editor in the ftate. Ther is a mistake, if the date of Mr.: Evans' .birth in correct, in 812. Tliecdikir of the American had tLe advantage of him by four yean, being born in 1808,. and cativ.' of Chatham county, this state---tilu(nvi(lc Avi'ricdn. f r tJol. Keogb, says the I'alrhl of Tnea dy has filed bis bond as Marshal of Ibe western district of North Carolina, and it has been approved by Chief Justice Waite. To day the oath of ofKce was administered by Juige Uick and he was formally iuduclrd into office. l ut$ton licju0(ican. , The worsi impudence over known is fur a North Carcliua bourbon journal to siiug the epithet of "repudiation'' at Virginia, when .' 'Virginia assuiue her whole just debt, while Worth Carolina has aetl Ld lo r debt rf over $;'7,0tK),W0 "with millions .of in U rest, by an lusue if lesn tbau i tWO.OUO of per cent. bonJr! The Kaye.lieville N. C.) Ob icr or says that it is the put denouueing Kooi! or words to; that 'rtlecu.- Riihinontl Wlivj. '. Wklminciiox, N. C.Mar. lo, I880. 8. VanAMRIN.'E V&l , JtLMiK Of I'ko- hatk, Nfcw Hakovkr County. -. fJEA n ?i 1;: I am io r;eipt ofour letter ol lue HKU insi.., juloriutlifgrme of my yppoiutmenl to tttotlic of Jus lice of Peace! T I'll an king "you Tro h coniplimenli you have paid ins by: UeeuHog me worthy of the olfice, I do re?peCtl'uHy,decline, and ask you lo ap point in my stead some one who can iMve; more lima to the biisiuess than 1 can atlbrd at presentl, and .thereby I'iold I 1 A - ' ' 1:. . . l :...lr-r the. other with more, credit to hiwaelf And honor to thextaie, I am well aware thai you can liiid one just as, worthy. Very rejecll ully, Jxo. H. IhiWli.-; . - - i 1 A liuii'er liretl al bird as it llew over the donryard ol an A rkausaw residence. A boy that was playing around was struck by a couple of shot a'.d hi. Joiid cries brought the fanner lo the scene. "What have yon done'- he demanded of the hunter, drawing a revolver. "I beg teuLubusaud'paidons," exclaimed lue j burner, "fn my eagerne ss to se cure the bird, I tired thoughtkssly, aud and 1 fear 1 have seriously wounded your sou." "jot!" said the old man, "I thought that" you hd hit my dog Miud how you shoot around here, for if you put a shot into lhat dog I'd cut oil' both your ears.'' iArm3i 7vir tlkt: ." ' . T V : . " '"'-'"-".'. f City Items. , To The C'il Snbrlbfri' - lTont Tail to haveiyour money ready for I hall call on you alouce for the money you .1 re du lor the l'osr; j I I'KovtuENPE Bryant. Jr. The tuagistrale seeuu have Ineu verv busy lately. :- , " 1 - .-',:,, . i Let every: li-pul,lcau in the eity register, . .. . ' The cottou Jconipreae of this city aie sli'.l runuiug. . ... V Register yourself and see that your uetgbor does likewise. Hou. U. Ii. Hridger., went to AllanU Friday laal ou buaineea. Tbauks tojfrid Mcliae of Wades boro, for va'uabl? aerviceii in behalf ol the Fusr. Winter teas passed away, aud we will probably have our usual spring weather. 4X0 entire uew reistration, if you do ot register you canboi vote. The leniocrat repudiated all ol the old board of alder nieo, they refused to nominal a aiogle meuber of the old board, . tv hy H4i, f 30,000,000. Wheo the tolaf low by recent flood ia jibe Ohio and Mississippi Valley bate b-wo approximated. oV.lW,00t) will hardly cover it. The brightest ieatur amongl uch niistrj ami rata ha been the ; poauovu charity bow a by our people. None have coo triboted more geaerootly than tbt Com mon wealth litUibutka Co To thosw wha have given, to tbo wbu have Mil; and to all others tki Compaq y orfan aoother grand drawing la Loait ville, Ky., MartA 31 1S53, Ut.40i) dlsuibuied ia l!Wipriaea. Capital priM $30,00. Tiku oily It ??d your order to lv 31. Boardmaa, Lou vUUKv. KeHiblkaA it m yvur duty U rgi tex.yoar voU may do gl- independents are spriugiug up in all parts of the city. " Hou,- E. E. ,Creeu,-'oue of" the rep re3eulatiTe8 Jroui this couutyi'returued J lo the city, last week- ! Catdain Al via Walker, lbs efficient superintendent of this sleeping car di vision,, went to Washington on Thurs day last, oil a business visit, " We have received the April number of1.be North A mcrkan licyicw with the letter of b'e nator John A. Loau, which we shall publish hi oiir cet issue. Mayor Hmith, whose term expires ou Friday uext, has uoadea very satisfac tory mayor, and we hope he will con tinue to eujoyhe good thing of life. Mr.ffamea Uutchins, the efficient aud popular Deputy of the city post office, was yisitejj a few days ago by his brother, lale o t-New . Jersey, but now of Columbus county. .... The old. ferry boat at market; dock would be a disgrace to Washington Territory. , It is the same kind that was on the river when Lord Cornwallace crossed over the Cape Fear upwards of a" bund red years ago. , William Devaue has1' resigned the pjslniastershio at Nat Moore, Bladen onnty, and Charles Corbett appointed; and John Ii. Colo has Yesigued as post master at Hraius Croek, Moore couuty, and Jasper Conmess has been appoin ted. Mr. P. Lewis, male of the schoon er Alive JJeurn, Capt. Pennewell, which arrived here fromBallimore on .March 1st, with a cargd, of coal aud guano, died at the Mt. Tirzih hocpital, about for milqs below this city, on Tues day night. 4 The Kt. , Key. Theodore Lyuiau, D.D., Uishup of the' Dicese oJ North. Caro lina, is expected to visit St. Mark's Church, corner of (th aud Mulberry . . t , -. .t ?. r street, aud administer the rile of cou lirinalicm ou rMouay evening, March lVth. ; .er vices lo commence at eight o'clotklif-A ee.ueral;. invitation . is ex-, teudedj S?als tree . i The newspaper delegation that vis ited tun city on Friday last, visited Mr. Alfred. Martin's distillery, and through the eourlesy of Captain MaHitt made a thorough inspection ofM lis manner of getting the mdrils outcf the raw tur pentine. Mr. Martin has a splendid lot of stills, ': and all of his . arrange ments are first class, -and the geutlcmen of the press went away very Inuch pleased1 at their visit. . lvroiiHl. Jlo.' Ii.' K. Bryantj late of the Fay ettcvillc Kiyminrr, was in the city a few days ago. Editor Hill, of the colored lmljienl ait of Wilson, N,- C, was in our city I'hursuay last on business. i Hon. J. Duu Cameron, is in Florida with bis family The Seuat-jr is very rapidly recovering bis health. ; Col. O. H- Blocker has beeu sick for the past month; at his plantation near the city of Fayfttcville, but is improv-ng- k .. , j. Mr.. A. V. llorrell has purchsed the old staud occupied by lha lale John Carroll, where he will' be glad lo aee his old friends.. ijt iknalor Tavid Davis, of 111., passed througti this city Thursday morning from' Fayette ville with his bride, bound for Florida. , The HjVwi JmUjwnUnl has nomina ted II oa. i. L. liusaell, as the uext liepubiicau and coalition candidate for itoveruor of North Carol iu a. rbj Newberu Lawur say Hon. Orlando llubbs baa returned to his home looking well, alter hU arduous labors as representative iu congress. . ! Mr. IX A. Oldham, late 61 tb Arte South, will surt a paper in Winston in i few days. Mr Oldham is frood niw8(apr nan and " we wish kim baancial success ia life, ' Hon. John C Dancv baa started a laper ia Tarboro. If any colored man ia the state can make a paper a acceaa he can. Me i a young nian of eoer gj, integrit aud ability, Representative U. Beverly Frayser, of Feoder county, hat be so ia oar city tbe past week, lie .does not appear lo beiu very good health. ,Ue has made a very Lathful representative Mr. Ii. I. Perry, of the Purce'd Uoue of this city, has we learn, leaaed the Sfea side lletet at the Sjund. tie iaiead to make very uaay seeded improve teats and ma a irl-c!as bue. We bad the plearar the past week of welcjotinf back seoaton coU aad reproeauUra WadJeil 0 New ilaao ver coaty. They have not exprussil aay (rvat amount ol eaUatUaai over the legislaUrs. Thing look very calm ajound the court house and city hall. Not much for thoso officers. . : W. II Sellers, who was for many years connected with this papier; died on Monday, 5th insC from conuurjlion. lie was a long and very pal lient sutT erer. He was a very industrious, reli able, good man. He had tery many friend in this city who sincerely sym patbiz? with his wife and lamilr' ib thur loss but their loss Is hia gaia. r ... , - . -r:h , ' Democratic city, nominations; for' Aldermen on WedBeadajiiTaal. ;were made as follows z. MessrsT Boney autFj; U alfji fori .he Second Warder-'r'.O Li'i ' Messrs. Bear and . Dudley, for the nsi a v a Antra vara. - Messrs. Fishblate and DeKoeaet, for the Fourth. Ward. K . f " The bair - pulling will commence Thursday morning next and and about 8 o'ctock on Friday. It In not our fu neral and we take uo stock in the fight Pope the best man will be elected mayor of the city.- Messrs Chad bourn, Sweat, Howe and Guyer will be the Republican representatives' aad 'wi.l . lake care ol the City 'a interest. "Those Pretty 6t George ; Girls," now iu press and shortly , to be issued by T. B Peterson & Brothers, Fhila delph a, treats of fashionable life in London, picturing the details of a Lou dou "season," with its arisiocralie flir tatious, followed by sketches of life of the English Nobility and those asso ciated with them at the oeulers of Eiig liah fashionable life on the Contiueut. Glimpses of London Clubs and Club men, also an exciting fox hunt, and tbe races at Ascot, give variety to the development of ibe -.lory, iu. which, of course, there is an element ol roman je and true love, to which fashiouable follies serve as the foil. ,Te dialogue is exeediogly brilliant and witty. The author f the story is a lady of prouti neoce in New York society 1 Kepublicaus if you fail to register you cannot vole city e!nclon- m at the approaching Peierhon's Magazink lor "April is is already on our table, as welcim as tbe flowers of Spring, tnd quite as fresh and beautiful. The embellishments, as usual, are very- nu, 'particularly the steel-plate, "A "Modern Cinderella"; the colored steel fashion-plate; and tbe colored pat tera'ia jy-ewelal ,JiuVv-'Jr dog daises. But the specialty ot the number is its stories, which, though always superior iu rPetcmu," are better this mouth thau ever. Mr Benedict's novelet, "'a Professional Beauty," is aloue worth ibe subscrip tion price, Teu ihereiis one of "Josiah Allen's WifeV. humorous sketches. "In Kiitery," by ibe author of "The Second Life," is also such as one rarely reads. The illustrated Btory,'My First Ball-Dress," is charmingly told; and so is tbe romantic "Modern Cinderella." All the Spring fashions are given in ad vance, and the fashion cuts, work-table cuts, etc., etc., are without number. No lady should be without this maga zine. 1 1 is not too late io subscribe for 18$:, as all the back .numbers can be supplied,; it desired. The price is but two dollars, and to clubs it is much cheaper. Specimens are sent, gratis to those wishing to get up clubs, and handsome premiums are given for pet ting them up. ubecribe at once. Ad dress Cl AS. J. PETKRSOSr, bO Chest nut Street, Philadelphia Pa. You are not compelled to f ive the uumber of jour block and lot at this regislralion- A A HIO, OOO ltataamaec! A true romance ia real lile recently took place in Louisville, Ky. The cir cumstances were these: Mia Alcene Vanderespt, tbe beautiful and accom plished daughter of oar well known and ' esteemed druggist, bad a welt koown young centiemeo, also of Louis ville, paying her attentions, and both, being possessed ot speculative epirit, aad unknowa to the other, pariased a $t ticket ia the Comaoawealih DU tribalioa Compaay. It ao happeoed that each took a half ticket with tbe same- number, aad wacav the drawing terminated tkey bad drawa Id.Odd each, their aatnber bavias drawn the tlO. 000 prise. Wbea tbeyaaacgeaUeaxaa called to Uil hi good fertane, bit sur prise was great to 6 ad his sweetheart was also ealilled to coexrataUUoas. Of coarse, a waddiaf eoo IbUovad, for it was elf-evdea.t; they ware latettded for each obr, aad tbo yooaf f atle caaa is now tb owaer of a tfperxu businesa, aad at hb rematt wo reCraia trosa givias bis oasm aWo. Saw let all yoaaf gatleaie aad Udtea (4 aad do likewise. Next drawiac. Satarday, Marcb 312, poaaa. K Capital priM, Tickets oaly fl Sead yoar ordet iara.?iir?y to R. U. Boardmaa, Loaisraia, Kj. The value of h urttcle is almost always indicated by -its' irice, and for years the people were content to pay $3 for agenuiue Livcraiore Stylograpic Pen, and the f ame pecs a'r'a yet doiug good eerTicc. The success of these ens led unscrupuiottR persons lo get up inferior imitation's, . which they ofl'ered at such jrices that.' many persons, not uudertandiug the dilfer ence were Induced M buy them. The Livermorc Company thjerefore cutdowu the price of their abort i'!io Pens to and abort gold mounted to ?2.o0 eacb to give cveryb'Kly a chance to liave the best article of the kind, lou cab buy them for tb at, uiojiey . by -remitting the amount to Louis E. .'Don jAr, Manager Stylograpiiic Ten Co., 290 Washiaglon Street, HoeIou; the pen together ith a package ofaupe rior ink, will be scut by return mail, and the money will be at once refunded if they do not prove to be perfect and satisfactory in every reaped. The Stylographio Peu Co., who inauufac; turelhe Livermore Pen, h.thc largest concern of the kind in .i-hoi world, with branches a!. Ne- York, Chicso aud li'jndou, Eng. The Livrriiiore Slylu graphic P 11 is ;i pencil v. hi- h writes ink, never '-'needs -sharpening and never wears out,, and has Iki-u adopted by over 000,000 k night. Vof Uk; uill in thia country and ahfoadj i'JiIylorajihic Pen Co., bav'lj recen'Jy. been matiiig great iiuproveiuciHs hi ihsir 'famous pen. Fu'l particular-) tar; be obtained by sending for I'iicular. ;L'EVA NtiKMsiK," fre'i from the peu of that chaiinfng French novelist, Alphoi)5. ).tud!,' it a romance that everybody 11H only .uught to read, but will' rea 1. I, is .the roguii'g and all abs'oibing i(cr.ry sfus&tion ol two cou tinent, aini iis w in l'-rtii f isctnatiou is of a kind pecuii.tr t j itself" From the first attention is aroused, and the in terest deepens all the way .ioug until the exceedingly j dramaid: ciimas is reacfied. In it Daudel 'takes up the cudgels against the Slvaiio;i Army 'de uounciug it as ' Th? Auglic-iu'Pejl." He expo-zei the -doings of llie reviv.il: i.sts, lays bare their ui- iiiods ot cou verting peopict and shows the ravages of so-called; religious ecstasy in the gay capital of France, Iriiiio ,vitu fanati cisni as a nervous and meuiat' disease: The book is h book of real lite, founded 011 facts developed in Mr. Daudet's own household and 'dealing-with ctil- au impressiouable Piiisituue, who from asHociatioii with Ui,o revivalist bo-couu-s cou viuced thai (ijil has c.illtd her and lhat she has a uiisiou. - J. M. McArthor, a jromi.ii"ijl"coloied merchant l ! li-j(3 Heel, d"; d h t his residence of typhoid pneumonia, March h. .it o'clock A. M. De ceased was a meuibT ot I he Methodist Church aud dtd a's.huch, having faith ia Christ:. hps Savivui, aid he was at peace with all on earth;, and 0:1 hii de parture woii!l -mi.-ei bia i.ij-1 in j-eace. He was a.te-ded by Dr. W. i. Byrns, who gave .him hi? .undivided attention during his illucss, which was" -about one mouth. His In ly was cuiini.td to mother earth op lOvh ins.., wiiu hon ors J. S, U ll W.K50S ,. 1 aatot. NEW AUV fcUTlSEMENTfr. Molasses N ! kw ui't'v ri:. M'ivut"Uua In Husm ml,. Tlrret wii'l I'-ant-l f,r K'e lUtl It ' AUlilAX .v VuLUlis, Butter! Lard and Meat. j Kit.a Tiibs Hi'ifid;. Uo I.AIH'i. Bov MtA r. 11 .vuKii:, f . tub t If Al'ElAX a VUt-lXR. Bungs, Nails, &c i i ! ' ' ' .' .)' 0Lt' i- Fw AIRt.V IX1 U.-S- Sugar, Coffee, Flour, A AtHtlJL J VOUHi- ... ' - !' . - Wssiii refx NEW ADVEUTlEMENTS. (iTATIi OF NOKTlTf CA'llOLINA, JJEW. Notice w UKKEAfs, u l'lan Jr Incorporation pursuant to Jaw lias Cceu filed la Ibis ouice, 01 a eorjHirmtiou .ao be known as "Tbe Cape Fear Eutcnrisiinr ComDuy" Ly tUe sun.scritK.rs tbereorjand itappsarlng mat, all tbecapltal stock bis bees, subscribed lor and paid in, now therefore, tbe persons tviio Lave signed said I'lan of Incorpora tion arc hereby notified' to meet at-tbe oinee over the lore or UUirowu, in tbe city of Wilaaiuston. on Monday Anril 2d. IMS. at 8 o'clock P. M., for thej purpose of elect- iins umcvrs una organizing unacr vas fian Of Incorporation on file im thla nflic.'" Oiven nnslcrmy baud and seal of office l'.H b day olIan b. A. I 13. ia SC. Van A M RINUK. C lerk Superior Court and fudxe ofTrobale. mar 11 u r , : , .- -, - STATE OF KOKITI C.KOLtiyA. NEW I' ' HANOVER ClAWTY. . - - . 1 "' HtrtBioa Codbx, BrKiMO Teas. laS3. G. W. Venablo and M. J.f, nyeman, partners aoing bntiiness under tbe name -1 andbtyle of VenBble A rtlutifl. ucymao, 1 HgaiuM t$. J. Kichlcstien. flMIISlsa'n acliou to rc iov cr a Uetl due i 00 account Trom the ljcfeudant to tbe riaiutiir, aud a warrant ol attachment has ixbucd herein aud it apoearin lo mv uiUs- la ;t ion ,that tlio Defeudant ia a non resident and eauuotalttr due diliience be found In this state, and that he bass property in the state, and that a cause of action exists agaiut sj'iddcleudaiit, jtud this co art haa juiiKaieuoninereor. Sfoyf this is to com mand haid defendant tosppear at the next term ot the Superior Courf of New Hanover County, to be held on the I3lb Monday after the 1st Monday iu fMarch ISSt, and answer or demure to ttie comolalnt. or jiidgiucut will be rendered against him ac- tvr-.iiUK itj-iaw. : ' :-. . H. VanAMBINGE, Clerk Superior Court, niar I it Newlanover County. HT.VTK Ol- XOKTHCAHOLIN A, COUNTY UlM.WHAIVOVli.it StrtKiui: -oi;irs?i'i;iN- Tkkm lSSJ, t ittDeis W, Williams and Alex. O. Black, liadii)- under the firm name of Williams iil.u k l- Co. I ; .-' : ' vs. r - . ' h ;- '" Kdward Hi DiClcon. -. 'MU. ts an acliou to recover, a. dcbl dne on ' account from the defendant to the plamtills. and a warrant Of attachment haa issued herein and it apptiarinic to my satis faction that tlis!deVeuiaut is a non resident bud canuol atttr due diligence be found In 1 ins &iuie, hiiu luai ue uhh property la mis suite uud that a cause; of action exists against sutd defeudant. and this Court bas jurisdiction thereof. : . - . ; Nov.- tfth is to commaifd said defendant to appear at the ext1errut the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held ou 1 lie K'tti Monday alter tbe 1st Moudv In Murch 1-i, aud answer or demar to tbe coiupNiut or Judgement will be rendered asul!!"t him nccordlug to law. . . . tS V ANAHKIfiUfc, . cisrk of Kuperigr Court. MRS. S. J. AVANT'S, BOarding House, v VtXT tlw l,i Mr: II'. While !", on J : . - . - :-'..'; . Mai Kct littwevu ttccoud mid Ybl.nl .Streets, Wiluiliiton, N. 0, rutfs per day, f-0i; per wrvil, ?.. .Mts; C3"l i;' ki. itt. - : - 1. 1 ... - -.. 1 : FAT ITIKV 1 IXB OUsLRVlllt. OnThnrsdav. r'ebriiarj-sth, tbe uo I'ertgucd will revlvef tli publication of the l AYETTKVlI.I.K UltHKltVfcR. The OiiM.r.VfcU will be a large "J column weekly newspaper, ami w-ili le mailed to subscribe .ro!iiac iald, at Si per annum. always in tulvswi. e. .it will, give tbe news or UieUay 111 as ample (orm a n fcpaee will permit and both leiilur and occMstonal C'-rrtpiid-uts will i-ontribulc letters from the capital on stale politics and a flairs Democratic iu pontics, the Oilikkvku Will labtr, lirt of all. to wbure the pron perliyof the town olyetlevUle, to -de-veton the vukt usrh-ultural resources of its own tud the neighboring counties, aud to lu-oh.iote all tbst concern llie weitsreol Ibe people ot North Carolina. opposed to iuch lDuovaiiouKoo the bouet ways ol our fathers as, is the aulas of pro git, harm oeiely, the Onisuvka will be louud 1 11 full bympiiihy with th newtblngs born olibedhauKcd coaitlun ol the outb which eouii-1 Judseuiept or eullgbltncd cxierieuc! ttud lo be abte good. A to the reiu It will strive to deserve the reputation tthc-name liLluherlts. k ;-. K. -Ji HA I.E. JK. drill.!. Notice. 'I'Jll. uuUrrk!ued bavag ,qullnd as ad 1 nilah.trUiK. ot the etat ot Kile Knm!K.oa tb;iih dajr of October. A. 11. Notice U hereby given to all person m:?OtNi 10 fcAiddwroair.il. to mas tiamedi al payumtaad all terioaa Imtibc clalnia aalnttikaid cstaie. wilt present tbta fcjSr rmymeot a or teiore the Zh day ol Octo ber. A. I tvvi. or tbu NuUcs will be pujwi iubro(tbtr r toTery .tbu:iuiay efCctobr A. lVt'Sd. J 1 EIXKNli BIHOr. trblH H Adsainistratrt a. T.- COAL AND WOOD. (J". r tt WfctU As, Urabs, e mXi ki-l tw fail .ry. l ftKW, i. AriiiNouK, If Cmu4 .Tar SEEDSsoijfHl ' Jha r.3r aaast. - ... m SKIS. I MirMHIIll.4.f'nm, wimp! sail, 1 NEYT ADVERTISEMENTS. t THOS. E- OILMAN, ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR AT LAW, - - 1 T - ! JAUKSON VILLE, ONFLOW GOUN- - i ty, n. o. ; . ' ' T)KACT1CK3 In the courU of Carteret. Onslow, Duplin-and render counties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims. Persons desiring to purchase or sell lands in either of lb soots named counties will consult tlielr own lateresl by seeing or corrpoudlng with m. A-l-dress . ' Z TUOMaS li U1LM.AN, . ' Attorney at Law, nov a U - JacksouTlU. NC ssfrllM -..er -S. W. ODEN, JJ1. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. FOUltTH BETWEEN BitUNnWlf'K Aril Itepairiug done In all TTraucues ol the Tra-Js and Satisfaction liuamulrMl. an 7 ly. t "Jii'Jf.i l 1 1 sf.i f w, a k ;.i r an M.i.iiH:nuMani,nn sisaniMi SDYIHGMACHiliECO- CHICAGOJU. r ORANGt, InASS.Jt J. Umo. ATLANTA OA . J U KAKivhll. dec Mm WUmlmloo. N C CHASY KLEIN t'ndcrtakrr and i'abiuct .Haker. . r - if All Orders piotc ly aiu4ed W. .-. Tbe arl CAlKtm. lb Wat WuKK s ' ' ' '. ; '- v ' ' " Ue atdst UBUlAL TCEXS. " Kbmp mm mr bvtwvrw r'roat aas su AtUnu ai CciiitDcr ii Ui WIUMluTV.t. n.v. ( Kr r rits rrKMi-v.io tx m tu t- S. lNrws. t-rt4s) rim jimm) W4U M.SW Um. r(SaW.t ua as rw j j. a SCOTT, Ooot end Ghoo Uaker Smtn oa natocian'trrt4 M rsna,sM t rri ! u- IM WIS ae fwaiiiss Sbnaa-. sasiiuj iiA, Wm We w ans : jm arssvi I tnaOssl mmm a 1. a Taanaaaari n 1 1 s awant -s- it

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