the Wilmington post. i VILiUNQ TOb JSl. 'i. ''lu ItcveIoinient of Art in America. . -The- rapid strides of progr essive civ il i.Ui'm of the highest standard in Amend, is the ceatest oi all astonish ing mirvc' iti the old world. Young in national existence young even in known geographical existence as a part ol the jrlobe the progress that we have recorded scomii to be the scientists and philosophers of the old world like a fan- cilu! mitiyaaruer . ii'ght's dream, or a i ib'e of wikleit i,nia.giiiati,on. :- , century since, art, science and do-,-vfltn ment in all-directions were of the - mis', prnniiive order, but now, -as iti ; wero, all U by magic changed. :Our ar! t"-t- tike rank, with the first and for'2-1 most of the old world; our scientists and pt4s have madj! known' their pow er, an I the mechanicaLrart-s have pro greised more rapidly thaa jn any other country. And to diy this 'wonderful development i progressing with peed hitherto unkuown, producing results of tlie inostT in,jiueatus imp rtance to all in:iikiml. 1 1 is a fact . th;H the .state of civil iz V um in a country" uny be judged, to a groat cxrciitby the status of its art de- vt'lopments. The development of art in the tfH4italrt'-ates ha cfrtainly beeii plitMi(Mxunal7a7rrrsiij? faw- years Hince we ver- fardjhvii Umswahito d .ty wo st nid .siili: by nide witJi nations Id were o:d ;4 ill? '.'time of Uie dcclaritiou -tii our independence',; JJut a few years Viuoi! u !arly all pjctures of importance were iinportrdj'biit now our own artists wHtily neatly all ih.-tver increasing ili'iaaml io gr: at 'works . qf high art. ureal virl publishing bouses have finw i nt 'i . existence, . c.ipvWo of, .mip -plynij.' any dcmAnd that cao b;3 made lur ail ilescriptiom l .picture for gal . 'Ii'iii'sand homo idurniii :nt. It is an inUTtotiiig and' ootyvyortliy fact that the- pictures ,. dciu indi.'d of ihest) art publidiing houses, by the inas.sjs, are j'i'iH i;idy buptrior to ihoo iiiiicd in the mrrrnsjil the manses abroad. Through Hie t.piiauoii oi thic art publishing li' iiri'S good . pi'ctiirt-H, that but n fjw i n snit'u i'o..t larg; s iius if money, n.iV now be f.r I he wriest 1 1 1 II-, '! il the judgement is i n 1 1 T o. b-a.r in the .siiteifl in, work I ica! i-u riv m;(y b; had; or if l:hhtHr- li.i-. i h 's uo li'ri'f! in hiicli ui titers, alt is ih cvs-tiify is .r h ni to be sure ihai iii' punliask's tlie goiKls of a reii- : .d.ithous.-.-: .1 " . " - : ...... . ,-..:;' ; In UiHo)iiKt; ism it in iy be proper ir as lo iiitnt ion . the grout art pub lisliHig irni ' Oeui:jtv .Slflnsoii . ,St Co., ill l'.iri land, iMaiue, wlio self, on an : avvrge, of all dfucripliuns, . a million ' pH-tur!s a mou'.lu 1 .is believed tlmt Un-y pay for postage atanips, not only in.irc ihnii any other, firm in this uouu ' -try, Intt more lha! any other house iu fJic ivorM at, large. L iiiini: Uie year 1S7'J they paid for . postage staiiipsover eighty-seven thous- .iinl ilollar.v ; During the year lbaU they paid tor postage stamps over one hundred and twenty two" thousand dol lar, while for tho year 1SS1 their pot- , Iml anioiuited to Over one blind red am! lor ty-four thousand dollars. - Thus it w lil be M-eit thst Messrs. 8tinscn't"fc C), jyiy1 (he two luiinlred and riftieih put ot all postage collected by the Ihvited f a'es Goverinnent, and ' it should be riomunoered 'that we live in a country h iving uearly fifty thousaud pont otlues and over jten thousand . newspapers and period iCaf ubiicationi''. NV hilo .tuch sums are paid for postage, . tho tact should not be losiS sight of that only the smaller packages are aeut by luaif, all large orders being sent by ex puss and freight. t lheir trade extends all over tho civ: ,ihed Avrid, though, of course, America io'iivs in for the lion's share; Messrs. .Muison Cii.i are not behind the tunes ui "properly understanding the i great - power' of th judicious usoof pnuut s ink, and, in onaection, we wih to state that in l,csis than a dozen . years. pat they have expended in news i i'if advertising over three hundred I auit utiy ihousand dollars. I K'ltfrpriee, industry and good judge I u(iut will accomplish great things, and i iti lie suctiss ot this great art publish in.;,' hui!f ro have a lorciblo example ilia', tacvj and now tjjey may, we feel i siire, uirly ulaiin o tind at the. head i-i the rt publishing business in this ; vouulry, ; . .V .haVe .lately received four elegant -:il engravings,-, published by Messrs, ,.piiMn iV-i'o. Ail are.very tine work ol high ari, ind do credit to the pub- i-liiTi. 1 Uise engravings are very 'lW ibjrty by , f .rty inches each; the i f-itaai paintings, and tfnvjitoel plates, i-st some thirty three thousaud dollar. Vtu euraviiigs are sold at $15.00 per copy. . lo e 'crave a siugle plate of thi aud description ot workman '"p. i. guiles the labor of a moat nkill l il artist frpm one to two years, and iVeu longer. These elegant eograviug arc f muled JSing lhrdie, t?ing," "Ke- embt ranee," "rhe lUthtr'a Attend a," and "Ihe Gxrdea UAlev Ui belieVcil, and gtnerally couce 'ed, that ihese engravings make up the , Uues; most clegaut iset pi works of nigh , t etr brought out by American I ubhshers, American , home should t mvlc beuuful by refined work of ftv and prices for really good and uiriturious picturxti nre now so low tust there rau be no :xcus for the ,.! , to remain, gloomy, unadorned, :d chesulesui American homes should b "i beautiful, and the tendency of thttwill t to mase more rttlned and , teautilut the live of all dweller therein. ; ; : . " - w K Uremic to INrHM OUR rrtoJi 4 f iravf liag rubli cravra'ty, thai we l;'H'naaijTbr atiof aad eaUog a. tcxMM tbi lac, SiTia teUy, aa4 kkov: taYttiaae alt btr. Utve a-Vtiat. , . II AU ANSA HlAtKK ADVERTISEMENTS J THE liE.ADIJda (SCIENTISTS Sir to UAY agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, there fore, the Kidney and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the re sult. Tula truth baa only been known a ahort time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find re lief. The discovery of Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure marks a new era In the treatment of these trembles. Made from simple tropica! leaf of rare value, It con- a.innjuai me e.emen necessary to nour ish and invojrorate both of these great or gans, and safeij restore and keep them in order. II is a POSITIVE remedy for all the diseases tt at cause pains in the lower part of the body for l'erplil LI vor Headaches Jaundice Dizziness Gravel Fever Ague Malarial Fever, aDd all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent t-nd safe remedy, for fe rn are during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation aid Is invaluable for Leu corrhcea or Falling ol the Womb. - As a Blot d Purifier It' IS nnequaitd, for it cures the-orans that make the blood. This Remedy, which has done such won ders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLK of any medicine upon the market, and Is sojd by Druggists and all dealers at fi.'Japer hot.tie.- f or uiabetes, enquire lor WAREll'H a'E DIABETKJCURE. It Is a rtMITIVE REMEDY, j . 11. IK. Warner A Co., . i f-r- i J ' ' i" .i IIAItl'KK'S MACJAZINE. ' ' " I ULLUKTKATE I). " llAtU'Ku's 51 auakine betel ns its six tr-hixth volatile with the l)ecemler Number. Itlf uoi ooiy toe iiiCTSi popular illustrated iori odicai in America aad England, but also the largest in its bohcinc, tiie most-beautiful In ilH appearMicc, aud the best maga zine for the home. A new novel, entitled "Kor the Major;' by (.'oustanoe ii'eniniore Woolson, the autTior of "Anne", was beun iu tin; .November Numbrf. In literary and artistic exi-clleni-e the Maguziue improves with each excessive number. Special efforts have been made- for the lighter entertain ment of its cnaders through the. i amorous stories, skctcties.' Ac. . 5. ;.. . IIurlcr" lVriodicali - I'EH YEAK: ! liiii'ioi's Magaziue .,... 00 Harper 's weekly Harper's ISazar Tho Three-above publications Any Two above named Harper's Young People..................... Harper's Magazine) ' : Harper's Vouii;: Pe4nle .' ..... 4 W 10 00 ..... 7 00 ....... I 50 5 00 Harper's Fraukliu H'lMare Jiibrary, uie Vear.( i! Numbers) .....10 00 Postage free loall stiOscriberi iu tbe'Uni tcil Slates or Canada. i N Tlin volumes of the Magazfie begin with the JS'uinliers lor June and liccember of each year. When no time is - specitied, it will bo untlersUxMl that the subscriber wishes to begin with tho current N umber. The last elht Volumes oi Harper's Maga zine, in neat clot h.biirding, will b sent oy mail, postpaid, tu receipt of 83JHI per vol ume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 00 cculs each by mail, postpaid. - index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabeti cal, Analytical, and Classiiled, for Volumes 1 to (W, it elusive, from June, IbuO, to June lsso, one vol., Kvo Cloth, H,0.. " ltemittances should be made by Post Ollice Money Order or Draft, io avoid cliance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advtr tlseineul without the- express order of Harper fe Uroiheis. i Auarcs-s uaiu'ku & iuwjx limits, new . York. ' ; ;: , . IIAUl'EirS YOVKU PEOPLK. AN.liLUSTHATED WEKKLY4-1U PAGES Suited to Boys and Girls of from six to sixteen years ot ago. Vol. IV commence Xov. 7, lsa. The Young pwple has been from the first successful beyond anticipation. N. Y. Evening Tost. Il has a distinct purpose, to which it steaplly adheres that, namely, of - sup planting t-e vicious papers lor tne youeg with a paper moro attractive, as woll as well as more wholesome. Boston Journal For neatness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally, it Is unsurpassed by any pubtlcatlou oi the kind yet brought to our notice,--Pittsburg Uaxetu ...... -- L. ; '-,. TERMS. Ilarper'M Young People, I'er Year, Postage Prepaid, $1.50. Single numbers. Four Ceuts each. Hpeclmeu copy sent on receipt of Thrco Cents. Tlte Volumes of Harper's YvUDg Iople Tor 1SS2, 3i cenis; postage, 13 cent luidt tlonal. 1 Kcmlttauces should bo made by Tost. t)llToe Money Order or I) raft, to avoid chance of lixu. . Newspapers aro not to cody tills adver tisement without tne express order of 1 larper & Brothers. Address HAKPERA BROTHEKS.New Yors. KicUmond and Fcterstiarii Railroad Co CIOM M KSCI NO Tncklay. November isth. , l.sxi trains on this Koad will ruu as fol lows: L ----- ,vri .1 - . - - 1 LEAVE KICUMONl-SOCTti Xlo P .v, Fat iUl, dUs makea Uinmgh counectiouHlor Havannah Stops only at Incrburj. Putlinau PaUce supping Cars between Milfonl-V and Charicalon. llL A M.Turwuah mail dalty couuect lag for tiaknh, CtuuriMdou, Au gust. Aiken, savannah Jack Mtnvltle. Hlo atbhopa, Ch tcr, Central U, Drewry s BJuB. du signal. PuUtuan Slecpwb IVNu Nrw York aud CUrlUa . on UU tndu. .? - JO 11 M, tYelght Uailr (catccpl buudy. 7.-XJ A M. kteiht dally (eiwr SuttUay KKAVK rETKIWBTliO-JiORTU ' S.ii A M. Kat mail. llly. Stops only at Ctiew.' Ittllmaa rr ! I we a CbarlmUMi aud MlUord. '"' - .. -.- - - 7 jo A M. JlrtMght lUily, (Mcpt Suady) :i - - - -. 1W M. TtKMich mall, dally, con nr line iUlti Ktchtnond, 4rikbur tLtmk 1Umum KaUrottd tur sal poinUnul iikIvoi AImikU - j In connect Hmb wwti Cti p' ana lhlo Kaalro4 for the Vtr ctBl Kpnr asHt alt riai north an4 wl. Tbia train of s n MsattwMr.Oissur xniOnt w trsUUa, luUmaa airr oo tai i train he w sets Crltoai an 4 uri, rrUht ditr tH ' A direct wr hour roaaecuo U anaJ vwm lUcfcaftos mm Xw1aak. T trains Uvtn Hlchsaooa IUMA, Nvftik ULAP All trains teavist ivtrarc wtM Mart rrwu tb Apraswx lcro- A I'OrCUrAIAaaV MltlU '.t.-y: '.V: 4--' -';'-.' . PEOSPECIUa THE WILMINGTON POST FOR I 8 83, With its Exceedingly Large Sub scription LIST i a the Best ADVERTISING MEDIUM In this State. It is the Only ican r Published in the Second and Thira Congressional Districts. Iti reaches all classes of thn rnnlA. - t - i WHITE and COLORED, It advocated Eaual Riehts befam the Law and at the Ballot Box of ALL HhN, its location is in the ahgkst:commercial city in North Carolina. f A ND MARKET REPORTS. IT IS" OPPOSEDHTTO RIN Cs AND CLIQUES Rail road. Political or Commerciali And Exposes them Whentver ' i Found. A1VIKT1SLU KATES LOTT SUBSCRIPTION MICE ONLY v 1 TWO DOLLARS A Year ia Adraac. v . 1 bo not Fergtt to Send the Money With YoarName. . .- ' - -', . . i i -. i - Address, TDS W1LBKCT0X PCST, Republ rape NEW AD VEBTZSEMEN1S. Midland North Caroliia Railway. ' AUJUitkJn4rli QaroliB DWUion. Time Table. No. I. In Effect Sunday, July Uih, 1882 Express, Passenger and Hall Train run on tnisroaaaa iouow: STATIONS. PM. ML PM. CENTRAL DiyiS'N SMrrariED. Pin Xt1 Atwm Holts MjU , Prmorton........... 211 2 4? 2 Si 2 0 3 17 8 15 9 35 6 7 10 2 43 2 66 3 01 Ooplnd'. OOLDSBORO 817 8 SO rail A A Ji O DIVISION ;- I QOIjDSBORO 4 30 4 63 1 27 BMVl 463 1 6CH 2 2 La U range.... rallinrCr 5 06 5 831 688 6 14 83 5 08 6 23 643 2 61 KtKSTON DoW, 3 501 4 Iff 6 14 Gore Or i k. 6 38 60 4 43 Tascaror.. 6 60 4 54 5 20 uiark' . 6 58 It: 6 68 7 80 8 02 NEW BERNE. RlTtrdal-. 8 24 SI 53 7 24, 7 44 Ctmm.tM.-n ,., 87, 8 7 HTlQCk Newport Wildirood 8 24T8 24 8 49 0 60 9 08 8 62 9 00 9 00 7 52 805 8 08 10 Holljwood... tan Son el Hotel Atlantic Hotel UOREHKAO Depot. 9 17 9 1 2rt 24 27 Train 48 connect with North Carolina irain oonna wen at IrtXJ p. ana wiu Wilmlnston A Wei don train bouad Soath at 6:44 and&29p. m. I Train 47 connect with North Carolina train from the west, arrlvln at Ooldsboro vvs p. m., ana witn wumtngion et wwaos train from the Booth, arrirlng at Gold boro. 9:50 a. m. Train 4 connect with Wilmington A .Weldon train bonnd aniith. arriTlne at Ooldsboro 6:54 and 8:29 p. m. and -bound North, leaving Ooldsboro at 9:05 p.n. -- - l Train 8 connect with WlLninglon A Weldon train from the north. arriTing at Ooldsboro 6:44 p.m. f . i' V Train 3 and 4 are sneciallv adanted for local travel, and will carry first and second eiass coaones. isaggage will oe cnecaea on these trains. . J. W. ANDREWS. Chief Enslneer aad General Manager. FAST MAIL AND PASSENGER ROUTE TO. THE NORTH AND EAST via RICHMOND FREDERICLSBURQ AND PU T0MAC RAILROADS.! Knlire trains run through from AVilmlotr- ton to WashlnKton. via this route without cnange. i Leave Wilmington. fWd W RRI aaiiy ai -o top m ana viwpm sBa 'U 4U M JLU ... '-' j Ijeav Richmond at?5 02 am and f8 22 km Arrive at Washinyton at 9 10 a in and ft 00 p m, ana tw m. Arrive at Halt! more at fl2 00 a m and f3 00 p Arrive at Philadelphia at fa 12 p mand f iO Arrive at iew I or Hfiwpm andr 30 p u t ou a m. Sunday excepted. ; " ' Daily. Pullman Palace Sleeninr can on the 8 5.) am, trains to ew Tork.and on the 8 40 a m train to Washington i UATAIUJK, i General Ticket Agent. T I atyer. Gcu'l Sapt . . novlO ti "S."' 5T m ' e 9 o CO t3C3 G3 a e S 0 . b''','!!.'i DO a 0 R tr1 i-3 it ms7 1 1 tl Hut U. CETKBLT FIUVS21, ATTOSCn AT UU, POIKT CASWCLU K- C KACnci3 imxhm rvtt a4 nwltal rwwii REAL ESTATE. 792 LOTS ON 1 7TH STREET. MARKET & MULBERRY STREETS. i : - - Size 30 Feet Front BY. 80 Feet Deep. I WILLSSI-ITIIK. rii I k A v i i I X i at i v On 17th St., between Market and Mul berry Strces in , Lots of ;:' t '''-..' 1 . 30 bv 160 Feet. '" 'f ;- . .' . - For one-fourth cash, I - - : ' I - 't: : ' ' , .- balance in 1, 2 arid 3 i Years' time. rim l w 1 riif'v-vr- 1 11 V v 1 AJ ft. 14 W il : .;'-: ! . ' . X: : L ;: Of this Property; is in the North-western part of Wilming i J; ; ton. Are high and lovely and the , p - . ... fjtct thai tho Citv ciuuiot I tsa them makes tho Investment more desirable. LOT part vt tb Otj, also, fvf avv r- f Affij ti rrMi, or j Iett w. - L'.-' : : ' 7. P. CAN AD AY. Wilxiiixiston. N. C NEf ADVERTISEMENTS, OrrtcB Gsitekai. 8upJuirTKHDiLirr Pswww D a ww a w rVitta a wv Frkbspbsq, VA June 5, 1SS2. COMMEHtlNG SUNDAY, KOV, 5 1882. train on this road will run a follows: GOING SOUTH. 1 BOSTON AND SAVANNAH FAST MAH Leave Petersbnre dallv rWaah'n at. depot) at , - 4.13 P. M (Stop only at Belfleld.) Arrive at Weldon at , &S P. If NEW TORE EXPRESS. Leave Petersbnre dally (Washing von su-eei aepeii 1X57 P. M Arrive at Weldon at &12F.M NEW YORK AND JACKSONVILLE V. MAIL. . . ; . ' ; Leave Petersham dallv fWaahlnir ton street .dep )- 11.04 P. M. Arrive at Weld U8 A. li. . -FREIGHT4 Leave Petersburg dallv fexceDl Run day) at. 4.-00 PM. Arrive at Weldon, fc!2 P. M. GOING NORTH. BOSTON AND SAVANNAH FAST MAIL. Leave Weldon daily at Arrive at Petersburg at . 1:30 A. M ... 3:48 A. M NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Weldon daily at . . 1.00 A. M Arrive at Petersburg at. 3.10 P. M NEW YOKK AND CHARLESTON MAIL. Leave, Weldon dally at...'., Arrive at Petersburg . 4.06 A. M IJ.M A. M FREIGHT. ! Leave Weldon daily (except bun day) at. 10.12 A. M Arrive at Petersburg at... HIceptuK cars and first class coaches on night and day trains.; I ' j No cliango ot cars between Wilmington and Washington, t i . ' ... i.- 1 - i i Throuirh tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points and -baggage checked lurougu.. y .... ,-, .-. I'asseuKers going south will purcbaa tickets and check Dasgage at Washington street depot. . ?: ' . i Passengers going north and stopping at Petersburg, will claim their baggage at Washington street depot. I'reluht trains on this road are' Intended exclusively for freight, and ao provision Is made on them for the comfort and conven ience of passengers. . Persons who travel on these trains are sneciallv notified that thev are liable to delays, inconveniences and risks not Incident to passenger trains. Agents are ntbl required to open their ol- flees for the sale of ticket for freight trains North bound freight train stop all night at Mt Airy. and all passenger will be dls charged at that point. , i . i . K. M. BULLY. Gea'l SnpU W. P. TAYLOR, tiea'l Ticket AcenU W .J. BROWN Dispatcher of Train. nOv 12-tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. , '.: -io- ; - -.. CoapftOji Orru'K ukneralSufkrintkmdknt,! Wilmington. N. CM Nov 6, 1862. ' CHANGE Of 8CHJDUUE. ON and alter Nov 5,'IKC, at 6:10. k in. PaNsehger Trains on the W4 W, Rail road will run as follows; i -. - : ':- I PAY MAJL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dailj No. 47 North and'. 48 South. Leave Wilmington. Front Street Depot at . ; 8.40 A M Arrive at Weldon.,; P M Leave Weldou.. : , UO P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot , J. , 9J30 P M KAHT TU ROUO 11 MAIL AN D P ASS EN OER TRAINS, Daity-Noa. 43 North and 40. South. Leave Wilmington. Front Street l-pot at . i ;, iti PM Arrive at Weldon 1: P M Leave Weldon ., ; scM P M Arrive at Wllmingu'roalSUet Depot --.i, , 19.54 PM Mail and reogcr Tralnn, Di No. 15 North aod 43 eouth. locate WllmiBclon. Arrive at WelJoct J P.M. 4.m.aM. Us a.M. lMt weidnat Arrive si Wllatsgloa. Train No WtVwth will ( owly at ttoeky MimbU Wltaca. Q4.1vu s4 it foil Tiaia oa Tartvrst btastesi Koa4 ! ijr Mai(y. Kraiag, Msve i at turn A M aaHl IKM aaily. Train No. 47 & cVm oostaerUoei at Mmm tar ail tatala Him Lastly. All rail vta KitSstasl. a4 Aatly es.f t Ss tajr vus By Uiasw Train m - ?- tlaa rk frr4 Vtm4 ItaiSas ar !raaa4 at J rjm. Karag V,is mttfmwtmM CMtlJ. Traia 7tm, O rs 5y a4 ; cossmum tar sal fwavaia SMrtn a a4 li Vaau C A:i rm.i rn fTa-are lsesai torn r.wrixK. RAILRQADS. q.ka; surjuuirrxNDXMT'B oriicx Wllalcgton, Colnnbia & An ; gtsU R. R. Conpaoy. WiuixnoToir, N. C.. NoviS, 18Si CHANGX OF SCHXDULS ON AND AFTER June SS, 1SS2, at 1.00 P. M the following Passenger (schedule wiuwrsaonuuiroMij i NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN CDilT) : Nob. 48 West and 47 East 1 Leave Wilmington .. Leave Florence. Arrive t C. C. A. Junction... Arrive at Colombia............ Leave Colombia... ....... ...... Leave C. C. k A. Junction....... Leave Florence at ........ ArriTe at Wilmington........... . 9.60 A M ,WAX ,0A.M . 6.40A.M .10.00 P. M , 10 SO P. M 1.50 A. M . 6JMAM Night Mail and Passenger train, Daily, w nest, ana juay Man ana l'a. , senger ATain, jno 4 jsa - ' Leave WUmlnrton.. . . . . ....... .11.10 P. M Arrive at Florence......;........ 2.45 A. M Leave Florence.. ,i..j.ia.55 P. M Arrive at WUmlnrton... $25 P M '.-. Tralj 18 stops ai nil'sUUoM. -'-,: I j No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, White Telle, Fair RinfT, Marion. . , . j Passenrers for Colnmbla. ani an nninta' onQ.AC.R.R., a. ( hOaUons, A f stein Jfn nnUrtM eanrl sal 1 iMslnl iSu.a A..a ahould take No. 48 Night Express. ' Separate Pullman Klnenura fur f-tiKrii.i.r, and for Augusta on train 47. ' i i --in, I Allf ralnarnn arilM lulwuti i4l..i..i,.., and Wilmington. ..:.- j -' . ; " !' - JCflN F. DIVlNK.j ' . - 5 General Sup'u A.POP Chjn'l lasscnger Agent. Carolina Contra! lia road. Compiuiy. ! OFFICE OK 8UPKRI NTENDKNT il Wilmiuqtow, N. C.Nov 12, 1SW.J t : i : ; ON andarter Nov'rls 182, the following Rchednle will be ooeraLed am ihii Kill. road PAH8KNOER. MAIL AND KXPRKttU TRAIN: DAILY. 1 Leave WA,mlSton.M..6.u P M J Arrirt at Charlotte aU.....7.0 A 4 ) Leave Charlotte at , p m No. 1 No. 2 J Arrive at Wilmington at 9.W A M Trrln No. 1 and 5 atonal rw.l 1J ny' 5 IB lb . - v. ' AWJSuluIUaAlL Dally xcit Snndavs. Leave Charlotte .w . v. Arrive at Hhelby , ii J0 p.M Leave Shelby. -. ,,,;,.., u0 p. M Arrive ai upinoiu . .x K-tn i t Trains No. 1 and mva i.. Uon at Hamlet with H A A Trains lo and rVTT i 4rf atChartolU wlih:&betj ltb:tJbefcr in Wllmlag. and C'bfcr- Through Bleeping Car between ton and Charlotte and Raleigh aiun unisb J,Trln No. 1 for itatvUU. Kutloi..' Western N. C. It. R. Aaiievl'l and poinu Allft CftrSnAri.MknM " ' .... .... AUanuand all poinU Houthwrt. i Lt. C JUN EH. FW.CLAliK.tieaelral Passenger Ascot. JOHN WERNER, PBATICAL UKItMAK ItAUIIKM axo rEiirtnLn. 29 MARKET STREET. VVILMINCTpn, N. c. ... -I ' , JJT MANY rVCNLtt UI eMlTH VltXft aa4 ta tb ccmaUry are iavtied b mm aa - . . - : - , - - i - t - -"''- - - i I . ' ! Akip5.Cs4Aldijsnat4 Ttavelew. The Mat weaaaae aad tLeAav eat sKnsaanoUU-M t taeaiy. ' ''. I W teisWa Ike raM tta 1 a -e4 j Mr.lonx VLtAUX rwv lUM ailvteaiiHtt laA BBOWN li PEARSON. piiivn mom tmoeqn x u g rVe rteart mjnmt. MtM74, fMjesl. KWf V wiiJnsQTOjr.xnc; ttnsii