VOLUME XVI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. APIUL. 8, ISS3. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 14. v i luMiisraTOjsr post ICncrol (it tie Foslqffice at IVilming oti' y n Second Class filalfer. RA'fKSOF ADVERTISING. Kilit'(S) line's, Nonpareil type, con - ,iUutc .a square. 1'iit v cents per line for thc'lirst in ; 4 rtioii .w twentyifive cents per line lor cii'.:li additional insertion. All advertisements will be charged -; ct above rates, except on special uon tract. . '" - " . 'The siibscription price to The WlL- HhnTiiN' rosx is 12 00 per year; six "'man! in 00. i .. r-. AH'communications on busincs must tie a' 1 1 ress'od to Til E W ILMINGTOK I'u.-r, Wilmington, N. Cr' . LtirllTmarck is sixty -eight year, ol'i'Kt' Ve know hundred Americana btH'. r nun than Jjisittarclc who are ! nixii -eilit, and it is not telegraphed ' MV'r the country.'. '-.' : ' - -" 'resident Chester A. Arthur, Becre-la-y of ihe Navy William ii Chandler, ' atiil the' Vrc-iiJent'rt private secretary -jtjwued through hi city Thursday night tut their way to Florid y. They ar rived . ht'cc at 10.55 m.,and only re ui:iiiiid at the dejpot long enough to '"c'iia'-jrtt -'trucks 'under their palace car. Wo are iuVorraed that tho party seemed tu iuj'y ihcHirtelvft: cxccecdingly, and vyiU ri in iiii in ' "FUrid lor about two i Hks. ..There wou'd have been a Urge . party at, tho depot lo.welc uin the dis flli'ltl travelers, but the iutima l'itiji ilij'. papers i.htt the Prident re- L ally iir.Hir-.ni- to make a guiet trip for. .ri"ii, airdil not desire any demdnstra-ti-nH, rcyeiite l our people from going to ll;r depot. i Itoilcr Explosion Two Jli-ii li i II1 aiil .Several Icr- - (iis iYOiinlcl. : . Ni.h: I'.kkm:, N. C, April G. A ": b r!ei 'attaelivd loan engine of sevcnity-iivi- 'I.H'-i-pt.wtr exploded in the lac ' j.try ol ( Jt-o, I'iliop, at this p tee last A v!i ir nt liiigii.viT Aliram Brown, and iiriin.iii Frank ' lOitfielt were, la lied, ''in- iirii-.!. iif Jacob Wood,, uno hun iln .l y.mU distant, was destroyed, and . AIi.h VVuotl wax, t i'a'bi-lievcd, fatally injured. Two employes in the fietory, nauie I I hiiigaoaiid Suub, wore hurt - . l,iy il . iii , li ioH.. Hall of the . factor f v. ilv uciliJu (I .tin I all' the lunno i in tnc vi i"1 wore more or lest damaged ! i f i' i l aril lit agriculture met i'fi li fi i--ti, o-.i W-lut'sJay : U;';j. t iitati'. e V-ox -. and wife, has gon i u Ktij-iH'r-tur the summer. ; j KciM-ral Torn Tuumb and -wie, ar-rjw-vl i o ( harlott'o on Tliurnday Jant. 'he Kites Ob'tarer says work will com ' Jin-nee tiiU! month on the Governors nansioii. -: v " A ll.ipiist.cojifercuce lias been called to j.nwt at' -Durham, N. C, the 1.8th of y A i i i t nt-m. lii-v. Cl .M;- l'Hy no was called to Wi!ns: a l.n' .wif k t eo I1T.1 child, who luu UV:i f ory wick. 'Mxi r1. V. S nith, a! brother of Col. ' W- A. Miuiili, di-d at his home in John-. 1." . .s mi '.unity, a -fi'W days "ag. y H e s!a cv aiiln the North Carolina i ul Atrial . Asaociation, to hold its ex hib li litH to tho aaiouut of $500. ti. yiVT. Wassoni of tioldsboro, y.uvHmit p.'htio. and has organized a uu.lay m;!u j!. 1'iotly good for Keorge. VC.'.. J.:ui ,1. Long, lVt'fident of :iniKf's.U : association, of the state, .' 'h' I ijs.ih'rcctors.'togetlier yesterday , a'. i:..".ri;;h. ' ' - -'.'.'-' ' ,: . : ', Die (irnt. presbytery of the a.siciated retoruuvl rresbyioriaa svihkI of the south, iwa iu sovVioii last week at Charlotte, N.. C : l'uo state l.or-l f ari.-uiiure have dectd.f t' ai.ik' a j'.i.l 'dMpUy.of atale Muvs, iiw'. N,w Eagtaad me cliauu'H uir. 1 ". ' " '-'At tlu- Lint term of the HUeri(r court ot .Uu'y county, a ruo bill was fouu-l asii -it . Dr. A. Anderson, for the wurdexl of young Charlie Coxx Tht prt-Hnur who was at, large lot mediately urrtud; d himself, tued out a 'writ of haWa corpus before-Judge thipp and , was retL-assd on a bit of $10,000. Lei jiu;ict b don,. The upertor cvuut v f I UUfax decided last week that . J- II. llirms'i was rntiilel to the of Uv 0 Of Ui.;str of Ieedv .At the last c:cc ;': of Halifax Mr. lt,ariuan waa rlectel and bccauio he had been. Uatdiug u olhc -hr Washtogtoa the i)".aty tMtumitsiducr dcclarevl that he s tot "a ciua.Mt of the .state, thfre- . tbey rc'asl tu qualify htm. We nsuiuUtt Mr. II. ou at tsi gHUnc juiUc. j, j . - i ; ; - . i r - .. Johu i l.r-ejr rortcluJed hU direct tfslitn.iuy hi the csvr Uu'. tiial with the bruad daial wf cttt hating vaid any moury fc any otcsr of the fr)T- MY YEARS. . my i. c. tosa, . D. Some were like rare and costly pearls That, dropped Into the Bea, , Back slowly many lathonis down, And come no more to me. And seme were like light-footed winds, That have no thought or care, ' And, danclnz on, am track lets leave Upon the yielding air. And Rome were like the golden grain, Ah, would that they were more ! That, fallen into melle w ground, Rise fairer lhan before. The traceless winds and scattered pearls Kemembered oft with tears. And here and there a fruitful grain Such are my vanished years, iSru. v ; Personals. Ex-Senator Tiiurman, of Ohio, ha broken one of hi arms by a fall.y Carter Harrison has just been re elected Maynr'of Chicago I linois. r The cashier in the New York Cus tom House had $9,000 stolen from him last Monday. Peter Cooper, of New York, who had a world wide reputation for his chari ties died last week in his 031 year U. 8. Judge Walter -S. Greshona, of Indiana, has been appointed p s mas ter general, in place of Timothy O. Howe, deceased. Queen Victoria is not impoving; there' is evidently great danger, and and her physician ""see it. We should not be surpris-id to hear "of her daath at any moment. The new Democratic mayor of Cin cinnati triea, the morning after the election, o shoot a Democra ic friend. Both were drunk. Such i Democracy out west, wo suppose; won'J, the Star tell somelhiug of the demoralizitton of Democrats north. - City Items. To The t:ily Subscriber Don't fail to have your money ready for Iliall call on you at once for the money you ;re dt'iaf lor the Tost. I'itO V 1 1) EN i K - B It A N T . J R . Criminal court past week. was in session the There has beert coiisUlerable freshet in the Cape Fesr river. if a ,Mr, J. j. Holmes, who has been very sick, in out. again. i HherilT .Manning denies the charge that ho warned a "male" for Lin "Gou- dola." Joseph Beno lias resigned the presi dency of the Southern Ore Company In this city. vCol. f5. L, Fremont, haw been elected City ,t?urveyor; the city is to be con gratulated oh the fact, " The Board of Aldermeh, will elect Mr. Savage's successor, as City Clerk Vand Treasurer, uext Wednesday. . Mr. Thomas E. Gilmaij, attorney at law, Jacksonville, N. U , was in j the city, attending the Criminal Court the past week. ; Ilitthof Payne. ' . Vc learn Vhat Bishop D. A. l'ayue, of the A. "M. E., Church, will preach at St. Stephen's A. M. E. ChurcH U day (Sunday.) afc 11 o'clock. ' ! Mr Henry Sayage, who has been City Clerk aud Treasurer, far six years past and just re-elected for another term of two years, has resigned that oflica to takjj effect March 15;h, neit O, Itsteu to the yiorklns Birtlin, The Mocking, and other bird, that' our woods abound ao plentifully of, have commenced singiug to the great delight df the ladies and little ones, w Saw aud riautug Mlllj Mr. J' W. Taylor's new steam- saw aud planing milt,3- erected upon the ite of the ouo burned c-n the right; of the 2Gth of December last, commenced on Monday aud is now in full blast. The mill has been enlarged and equip ped with machinery of the latest pat tern. ; '.J ' . larked Vp. ' --.' Obediah Jenkins, a poor, unfortu nate fellow, and an old offender of the law vfas eecotted to the station house by officers Gaflbrd, Howlaod and Hays, yesterday afternoon. Same old charge drunk. We sympathix with him; but rfon't think, from the number jef policeman' who had charge of bin, Mayor Hall will have mach mercy. ! Barglary. A dwelling on Fourtm street, between Brunswick andt IUadeo, wa brgla riouaW nteredflaat Thureday autht, aasi a .room orurded by two yueg men raided. - The thief only took arti clr froat ooe'of th above fan mea, leaving the other to r ecot fire. The articles stolen wre a valuabW. wale ( and about $1 W U nooty. L Assigumcut. . Messrs. J. H. McGarity & Co., made an assignment on- last Thursday, to Mr. Gfi WLiuder, xf their stock of groce ries, &c. No preferred creditors. . Col. C. S.tiraUlin. ! The aoove.nreatioued geutlemau has j ust returned from a trip to Florida' lie seems impressed with its desirability as a sojourning place in winter. He gives an interesting; account of the scones on the fcf t. John's river, of the numerous boats, many of them floating f palaces, which ply its waterfphci- pally between Pabitka and Jacksonville.'---- . '. ' . A fire occurred early yesterday nxorn iDg which destroyed two frame dwell ings on Fifth between Brunswick and. Bladen streets,, one of which was jwned by a Mr. fcilyey who is employed at Mr. Taylor's mill. Both houses were unoccupied, and we understand the one owned by Mr. Silvey caught from the one adjoining. Cause of fire unknown, arjdiveyere unable' to learn if there J-was any insurance. AtosauU witn a Ieatlly Weapon. Mary Jones, 'Jiad a hearing belore Justice jMcQuigg, on the. charge of assault and battery, , against Willie Drake; a shoemaker, also on the charge of carrying concealed weapons in the shape of a razor. t Required to give, bond in the sum of $100, for her ap pearance at the next term of the Crimi nal Court, in default of which she went to: jail. " 4a Word to the Wise is SuIU eient." Ye gentlemen of the police force, privates, sergeants, and captain, who are iu the habit of taking stimulants or suodzing jon duty had better beware. We Understaad there are several on the force of that stripe, unless they have re formed reccntiy, aud sleep more while ofTdutyv Our friend, Cot Hall, the mayor, siys, for the first otTence, they will be iUsi-huryed. The .Mineral hi jp ring. JSuperin tcnitent " Ilaar, of the Wil mington aiid Wrightsville turnpike in forms lite public that" the Mineral Spring, 'upii that road, will be put in ord r, and tho buckets and chain, for the c-nvi;i.iMice of paisers, bo rest'irod later in tlie sht.son. While one of the biickt U was undergoing repair some rascal etole the chain. ! Tl e Wilmington, Wrightsville and Ouslow railroad is making rapid pro gress. E.-F; Martin, General Superin tendent, informs us about a aozen bauds are at work'gradin'g the street iu the southeastern ectioa of the city. Mr. E. E. Green, at a meeting otthe direc tors, held March 2Gth, was elected Treasurer, and having qualified is now ready to receive the money frou sub scribers to ttio capital stock. The TreasuriT may b- found at the office of General Superintendent. ' Larrrny. A coiv'.re.l ! y by the name of riobt McDutl'y. vti arrested Friday, & the iustauce of 'one Jane Macks, ou the charge of stealing two. pots. ' He had been hanging around her house, and when she went to use the utensils found them missing. They were fouud in a junk shop, the proprietor'of which said that he had bought them of the boy. McDuff was rtquire.l to give bond in the sum of $-30 for his appearance at the next term of the criminal court in 1 - i . Udcfault ot which he was committed to the. tender mercies of the jailor, Blackman'jj Mii.lv April 5, 'S3. Mr. EniTbr.: rieasejpu'clish the death of Mr! Henry Dudley. He died tho ' 231 of klarch last, very sudden. He di J nat live fire minutes "after he was uken. Mr. Dudley was an affec tionate husband, .dutiful parent aud a useful and upright citizen aud leaves a large circle of relative and friends to mourn their irreparable loss. H. B. Dudley. asoo Needed. i ' . Will you help ns; our house of wor ship, the First Baptbtt Church, on the corner of Fifth aad Campbell street, is in great ueed of repairs, and we are not able to raise .the above named amount of money ourselves, therefore, we come to the citiwu of Wilming ton and commntuty at-large. Will yvwaid us? Come to our relief and we will ahow our ;iocere appreciation of your free will offering by publishing the amount you give in the Wilming ton papers ef this city. Ue that hath pity apn the poor, leadeth to th Lord, and that whka he hath giren, will he pay hin again. He that giv eih unto the poor, shall net lack. Oar r.tor, lleT. A. tM. Coooway, b aa- thomed to solicit for L& Oarer, C l. XftlL, QkinACerk. The funeral of Mrs. Selia WOliama, will take place this moraine - at 9 o'clock from her residence, on Second street; between Ann ana Nun, aud thence to the Presbyterian Church, and thence to Pine Forest cemetery. . Wilmington Slntual. At the annual meeting of the Wil mington Mutual Insurance Company, held Wednesday night, the following officers were elected foe (he ensuing year: j "; ; ; .."' ; 1 ..V President Wm. A.French. ? Vice President Wm CalderJ Secretary and Treasurer J ohn Ken t Brown. - - -'?. ' ;. - . Directors Win. A. Prench, R. E Calder, John McBae, IL. VonGlahn, H.M, Bowden, E. 8. ?Eadciiffc, D. O'Connor, R, 13. Heide, W. P. Oldham; J. A. Freeman, "W. Larkids and 3. JSL. Brown. : . -t. - i- . -' - '' " ' Bmsebitll. N - v. The "AlertiKancr MUnus,M two'tase ball nines composed of young Wen of this city, played a match'game at the Athletic Grounds Thursday last which was declared to be the best and most hotly i contested ever played here. Nine innings were played, the time consumed being one hour ond thirty minutes, and at tha close the score 3 to 2, the "Alerts" being pronounced the vic'ors. . I . We understand that the "Unas," the defeated nine, propose to challenge the "Alerts," the victors in Thursday's contest, to another trial of skill on the same grounds, the match, to come off sometime during the coming week. Due notice will be given of the day and hour, so that all who may desire to wit ness this exciting game by good play ersjnay have an opportunity. ' 7 ; c-j -' 'Board ef Aldermen. The Board! of Aldermen met in regu lar Smooth ly 'session at the City Hall Monday last. j 'The committee on Police ; Depart ment reported the following nomina tions for the same, and of whom were 1 elected: Captaiu-A W Wfggs. 1st Sergeant G W W Davis, 2nd j do Bxbt Green. 3rd do RMCapps. f rrivates-E Alleo, G W Bishop, W. B Bowdeu, B F Bryan, D S Ber.Uer, M. F Costiu, J F Everett, Geo W Gafford, Lewii Gordon, R Grant, W U Griffith, Sam'I Howland, B F Latham, T E Mayer, M McCall, H J Mints, J M Nelson, F T cSkipper, M E Walkef. W. T William, H Woebse, E H'Bataou. J. D Orrel, W K Smith, Wm Martin. , Day Janitor J D Poisson. j Night Janitor W W Mints. Committee 011 Streets and Wharves reported that they hadjnado a contract with Messrs. Richards & Turck, and recommend that the plan of numbering the hduses be changed, t' as follows: Numbers to run from 1 to 100 and from 101 to 200. The report was re ceive aud adopted, j The same committee was granted further time in reference to grading Third street . j On motion of Alderman DeRosset, the resolution adopted at last meeting reference to sign boards for streets was repealed and the whole matter was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. j 4 A petition from citizens asking that the dock, foot of Chesnut street, be opened, was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharres. " -j Further time was granted the com. mittee on Public Buildings in reference to the division wall between the county jail and city pound.; j The committee on Fire Department made the following report: , j 1. That the horses of the fire compa nies be not used in the old street wac ons which are reported to be excess ively heavy and so badly worn out as to be a load tot the hones without any thing in them. Adopted. ' 2. That $100 to $125 be allowed to the Liule Giant Ca to exchange one of their bones, which Is lame. Re ferred to Finance committee. S. That when Ire cosapaay hones are worked on the streets that they re ceive credit for the same at $LS0 per day.' Referred to cosamUte. A. That the dri ran of fire compaay hones receive the saaie pay per day that street hands receive- Raftered to com mi l tee, Mr. K. O. rarsaaiea declined the po sition of Assistant Chief of Ue Fi re Departsseat to which ae was elected. On motion. Use etectioa of h is saccsesor was postponed nalil next ratalar meet iag and the saaUer reierred it the com mittee en Fire Deparuneat. A pe'Jtioa reUUve to the reaaoral of the portico of Uo XatiMal Bank halkl lag oa Front street waa referred, to gether with Ue report of ti Calef of Police oa the earn, to tho oomaaiUe oa Streets a4 Wkarvesw V .; The apexiai comrglw to coaier wSUt the butchers relative to 'the occupancy of the market houses, reported an agree ment by the terms of which the butch ers agree to occupy the public markets on the 1st day of May, 1SS3. The re port was received aud the committee discharged.: . ! On motion of Aldermau Cuadbouru the report was referred to the commit tees, on Ordinances, on Markets and Fes, and on Finance.1 , Aldermad Fifihblate offered a resolu tion that the Finaaco Committee be empowered to effect some, arrangement with the City Clerk aad Treasurer, so that a deputy tax collector may be ap pointed. Jleferred to Fiaance Com mittee. -; jA resolution, offered by Alderman Fishblate, was adopted, caliiag upon the Treasurer to furnish suteuaeuts of the debt of the city, Appril, 1S31, and April, 1883;' the amount ot the Sinking Fund: what constitutes tha said fund; if in city bond by what Authol-ity Ciey were issued also if the chairman of the said fund furnishes a bond, aud to what amount, i Aldermau Dellwe nominated , for .City Surveyor S. L Fremont, and be was unanimously elected. , j Dr. F. W, r:.ter- was alao ' unani mously electea Superiuteudcut of Health. j , . Alderman Delloasot moved th it the Mayor be allowed t j appoint a messen ger lor the u-e, of the city oQicials, Adopted. j. A? resolutioiij was offered inat. the City Surveybr' be itlruetei lo make such survey) of the lroets at the city by which th0 grades of streets may fa established, J A claim h-oin Geo.. Harriss & Co., relative -.to- jtuwage of schooner Aliee 'Heard, was! on motion, iudelinitely postponed The committee ou Streets and Wharves were instructed to couferwith the railroad authorities relative to affording ir",per .-iccommodatiiwus for passengers arriving and departing by rail at the j northern er.d "of. Front street- i ' . . j The commt!eo oa Street's audi Wharves were instrucu Jto Uuy two new wagons, jsuitablo for afreet work. Aldermen-Fishblate, Chadbouru aud Deliosst vere apj-oinU-d a committee to define the; duties' of the City Ajlor- ney.'j -.. '.-... . . Oi moiiynj tiic iitvelitig odjoumed to Thursday ftight 'next, at 8 o'clock. The Board bf Ald-.-rmeu .- w tjS in ad- jourucd ges3ii4 at llii City 11 last Thursday uigut. ? Ou motion jsn e'ecttO!i I r standard keeper . was-Urdercd. 5 Mr. Juj. H Pugh was pj.i!t,i;u uonuuatio'ii aad uuaui- mouly elected V Contract; fr 'lvedig' and keeping City miiit-s rtul c-rts, tyruishii.-j; drivers, &c, was awanled to T.. J. Southerhuid, at his bid of 4-5 i per raoiiiii for each mule and cart! Contract- f jr 'furni.iag dumber, for the use of the city was awarded to North rop & Uusutui feet. ig, at ?'!2.'j.j p--r .thousand Contract,, fyr .--peciii-. ptiitii'.-' was awarded to S, G. Hall, at hisbid of'.rd7. Contract fof fee-lin ri.risneri w awarded to W W. Mi-its, .t Lis hid oi ten cents pi r C-Oniractj f. awarded to W meat. . r fCVC"l;; . M. !I iy . sciv.-n-'..T wtr was '; nii.jU;ii was ;.;('. iio-r an additional ized, aud- Beverly Sco:S was el.ct jd to fill the place- V . The resigu-ttioa t ilenry Savage, City Clerk a nd Treasurer, was read, as follows: lothe lloMroU lke Mayor m l Hour ! of Alder in? n of WUt&uvj'.m, S. C. Gejttlexiex 1 dt-Mre t tuan. you for the honor conferred ou mj iq elect ing me as j City Clerk an I Trexsurerj which office I have filled -for nearly six yearn; and alsoj, for the oaiplinifcntary manner in which election was made : - .- r. Since my -'election;; however, I aaTo made buslneis eHgagcents whicii would prevent to? from living the da ties of the office tat. cbw aUemijq wkich is required, aa 1 the'efjra -I br io lender you my resignation. T would j bei glad if my successor could bo elected at such a time as would enable me to surrender the oifice to him about the middle of the present month. j''-'.' j Very lespectfa'.ly, -';".- i iiK-xnrAVA. t' -: ' ;. CityjCletk sod Treasarer. Aklertuao! DeUwet mared that the reaignaUoa of Mr. Savage be accepted, to take effect April IS, and tisal Use election to fill the vacancy be Tjtpard atil Wednesday next, the UiU txii. Tae moUoo was CXf.ried. A resoIuUoa offered bf AUassin FiahbUte. lhai lowed west of N m'.h 9lf:' xti btiween I adopted---repflArly U - him excepw, 1 ' 1 j " ;'"r ? the word WiesiUd by tW b4e' a Um fjarta pr-Jr,uJ sai v th f feaiar, wa 'strwek '-'- k . !.'.'. . . ... AMmnaa ikj ifc;4 .. Oldenbuttel as assistant ; chief of the Fire Department, and he was - elected by acclamation. 7; i-v .;vv,' ; f ; ... A petition from the Little Columbia Fire company was referred to the com mittee on Fire Department. . The .board then adjourned ' to meet Wednesday, April llth, at 8 p. m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T , CITY OP WILMINGTON, W. O, MAYOR'S OFFICE, AprU 5th, lSt. Notice JSUKKEBY GIVEN THAT THE CITT ordinanco referring to the runnlnx at large of COVra and HO as, wiU be rlfitUy eh force J, and when the offence appears to be wilful that the full penalty will be exacteo' ' E.D. UVLL. ; aprll 8 2t M7or. JOB : IMtlNTING. Lowest: Prices. K YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR I Kit lleals. Letter Ileads, Note Ileada, i SJJand Bills, Card?, Tags', Circulars, Prolamines, Pimphlets, CaUloguesj PrlccJ Lists, La- j bles. Tickets.: Visiting Cartls, Wedding Cards, Blanks of all kinds, Ac , &., A., routed prooipvty and; neatly. Write to E. S. WARROCK,- - , P. O. Box 402. - Wilmington. N. C. a.Uieler to Editor of this paper, aprll 8 it $72i A week made at home br the in- duKtrious. Best business now be fore the public Capital not need ed. We will start you. Men. women, boy 8 And girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time- You ean work In pare time, or aive your whole time to the the business. No other business will pay you nearly as well, No one can fail to make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tsua Si Co.. AususVa.l Maive, arrUStf .! - : ' ; . V ' ; - Ward's White Lily Soap H)It 1 ; - Laundry and Toit Use. "' I ' -;.f ' V - IT VOV.-i AWAY WITH WAillUOArf.D'SAND BOILERS . . '--ii ' f - " . . - . AN l .CON TAINS NO "KOSIN TO TURN THE FABRIC YELLOWy 1 - 1 . .- . - - ' I ' -"-V:-- it e vs hi: i sr.D i:itiii:k in ' "i '. ; IIOTOK(OII) WifEIL ''" 1 ;.'. .. ; . .. i-4-"': i - .- ----- " -. It saves fuel, time and labor, and is recommend! and endorsed by some of tLo leailiu; Chemisti in th country. For sale bv i .-- -V, - -;:.- - - AURItXA VOLLERI, ... '' Wholesale AcsnU. THOS. E OILMAN, ATTUKNEY AND' COUNSELOR AT UW, JACKSONVILLE, ON.SLOW COUN TY, N. a J VCTICR l. ijm wa orcsritnL lnlo. IapUa aa4 tdr Vrvnf At09iUtm ctv to Ue call mil elkm. Fr 4wrl ac to ! rf um A4- . '.. t .-.;' ''iMtUtt-'. I ' msc l iwa eta. c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS." LOST: rjiHISls to glvelnoUce that appllcaUon wUI .be made for a new certificate of 20 shares of capital stock, of the W. W. R R, Co standlg In the name of EUsa V. and Kary; F. Emery, the numberof sfuue being i.363, it having been lost thronghno fault of of the undersigned. " B. ku PERRY. Executor for Trnuiiee. Vprtll it. i CITY OF WILMlNUTOii.N. C. MAYOR'S OFFICE. March Sth, 18S3. Special Notjce. rjHK CHIEF OF POLICE HAS BEEN IN tructed to arrest all boys, white or colored, Who may be caught osing or having In their possession what is knewn as "Slung Snots,", This order will be rigidly enforced. E, D. HALL. .Mayor. aprll I2t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY 8tJPKaiOR COCKT SPKVUa TXBH J8R3. Francis W, Williams and Alex. O. Black. trading under the nrza name of Williams Black fr Co. 1 " ; . vs. Eaward B. Dickson. rjHI3 is an action to recover a debt due 00 account from tn defandant In ilm filalatlOs, and a warrant of attachment has ssned herein and It appearing to my satla facUon that the4etendant Is a non resident and cannot after due dlligenoe be found in this State, and that he has property la this state aad that a eauso of aetlou exists against said defendant, and thia Unnrt hu Jurisdiction thereof: . ' now mis is to command said defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held on the 13th Monday after the 1st Monday in March l8&i, and answer or desnnr to the complaint or Judgement will be rendered against him according to law. IS. VAJf AMKINUE, Clerk of Superior Court. ' MRS. S. J. AVANT'S, BOarding House, EXT door to Mr. B. ;F. Whites, on Market Between Second and Third Streets, Wilmington. K. C, RateaWper day, tl-w, per week, tj.00. Meals 33 cent. ' feblstf. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NaVt BcrxilioB Count; Notice. yHEflEAS, ! a Han of Incorporation pursuant to law-has btn flll In thia omce, of a corporation to be known as 1110 uape rear Enterprising Company" by the subscrtbers thereof, andtt appearing; In.l . 1 1 1 . 1 . . 1 - . . ..... for and paid in, now therefore, the persons who have signed said Plan of Incorpora tion are hereby notified to nwt at tha offleeoverthe lore of IBrown, In thenty of Wilmington. 00 Monday Aprll 'Al. l-t. at s o'clock P. M for the porr-wc of e: rct-iagofflcc-ra aad orgaalsing .Ddcr Mil IT an of Incorporation on file In this nltlc, Oiven andei'my band and seal of office 10th day of Msrrh. A. l l.t. evj Vasaurikue, Oerk Superior Court and .lodge of Proal. mar lilt s ! STATE OF JIORTU CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Kcrpsion Oocet. Bratno Tsars l-o. n. w. Vmabie aid M. J.V' . . ... . nrcisso, panaera noiDg 1 basinsas under the name and style of Venabie aPUhUff. ateymaa. against 8. J. EtcaJeauesu MlLSUao acUoa to rtwr a oaot dee 1 '. "' oa aoen-snt frotn the tteJsndaal Us the rkaintlO. aad a warrant oi aurhmral (uaa laeoed berssa aad it appeartag 10 my sauta tu juoa that the Uefeodaat U a aoa raidtt aad aaaaotaUr do diligeaee b touad la lata etaua. aad taat be baa prasMrty to it taXSk, aaxt taat a nw of mmtunt taca acalasa aMjAs4aat. aad UUa eort luaa jnrlaxlmioai tliwauf. Cow thia Is to cu-at- snana aaid sMeaaant xmrpmmr at hm nasi Ursa ol UMta-rawlorCcjrartos' N-w Hvnn Coaaly. to a taal on I ha IMtt M-a.lar aAaw tae tat Moaaay la Marck tsa. aa4 aaawer'or dasaon to taa csasaaiaiat e Ja-lgmamtwiutseraaa-rsaa-aaaaa bias a voraiag u taw. a. up Asst.iui. T Clarh tfmpmnm fxmri, saarttt e-w Haaorer Caty CHAS, KLEIN L'ndcrtakrr and Cmblnct . SaJakcr. . - Aaosatar ifUyUsa taa T laeaa CAAa KfJJ taj WTtKX ami aasg UKKJLaX. TKaJta. - WsatW aa Pt '--' HW ion ersat a ft it I sit