Horrible Snicile in Charlotte. The people of our city were greatly shocked to hear of the death, by bis own hand, of 3Vir. Frederick Severs, a well known citizen of 'harlotte, and a man whom, everybody thought well of. The sad affair occurred at 11 o'clock Thursday, night. The family were aware of the disordered condition of his mind, .hut it was not until Thursday evening that any fears that he would do himself harm were entertained," About ten o'clock that night, when the family retired, Mr Severs went to his1 room, locked the door and prepared for the ileod with a coolness that was surpris ing. He placed a wash basin by the side of the bed, and then lay across tbe bed with his head hanging over the ba tiiri, and an 'oil cloth placed under bis tieck .to run the blood into the basin. Having made these arrangements, he gritP'd a razor in his right hand and drew it. actoss his throat with, a de jitrate wirofce, severing the wind pipe anil the carotid artery, and milking a gali that extended rona ear to ear.- Wrn. Duckworth, hU sister, who was awakened by her little boy and heard : a Mrange noise up stairs. She waked her. husband, who hastened 10 Mr (severs room, only to find the door looked. He knocked and called sever al times and receiving no answer, went across the road a short distance to the houso; of Mr. Henry Hovers and ac qiriintcd hi in with thb circumstances. Tbe two men then repaired to the scene iiiid by the aidof a screw driver soon lUd lh-3 door opened, when the gjiastly slight was revealsd to their gaze. The unfortunate man wsa iying acfoss the btl witti his bead alinoal severed from it 1.1 body, hangiiii over the b,'..iu, which was about half full of blood. -Hi right arm hung down Willi the hand nearly touching th? il;r, and the bloody ra .)x was lying a few inches within reach of his hand; Charlotte Journal Ob- server, . ' i- A IJimton chcniHt, named Humiston, us ji vented some kind of a chemical irpparatiou that -is said to preserve meat, full and other articles of food, at an ordidary teuiDeriUire, for an almost ..indefinite time. '; A YaierGoUego pro 1'cniior, who n.n I beau experimenting with the thing, reitprls that he ate beef, ; poultry, oysters aiid milk that had been preserved in his laboraUP for sixteen : . days and at the end of that lime were perl ftly sound and sweet. Other por ' .lion's 1 the same articles he kett is .r. lou'g-.ak thirty -five days, in an wra' letpjcraturo of 70 edogreeH,' 'without I their showing any Sign ol putrescence, 4 and examples are cited whyrs -trout IreaLed with this preservative wert sent home in summer without ice and n'.en ' a week alter they! were caugUt. . Tbe nature of the preservative is not ex. plairicdjj thougli.iisl harmlesstiess must lie inleircu, but unless the pubh.shtu accounts are fiction it will bo a most . valuable invention At'l'ree Tlittl Angry. An ."angry tree,' a species of acacia, M'enjng ou it 1 arm in Virginia, Nev. It was brought from Australia, and is' now eight feet high and growing rap idly. It shows all the characteristics of tho fensitive plant. 'Vhcn the sun sots il.VleWes fold together and the ends of the tender twigs coil up like a pig tail?. If. the twigs I'.ro handled the leaves move uneasily for a minute or more. A s.ingular thing concerning the "tree wm its apparent resentment oa be ing removed fiom a pot in which it had matured into a much larger pot. To imo (he gardner's expression, it "made it very , mad." Hardly had it been placed-in its new quarters before the leave.: began to stand up in all direc tions, like, the hair on thetail of an aupjry cat," ami soon the whole plant was in a quiver. At the same time it . gayo -out an odor most pungent' and - Mi ketung, resembling tho odor given oil" r hy rattU-snakes ; aud other kinds of aiiskes when teased. This odor so tilled the house that it was necessary to i',peu the doors and windows. It was fully au hour before the plant calmed 'ih.wn and folded its leaves iu peace. The Olil Null's Esllninte of the IMhiio' . A Captain who was asked by his wife U look at some piano while he was in the city with the view of buying her on?, wrote borne! to her: !"I saw one tht I thought would suit'you black w alout hull, strong bulkheads, strength ened fore and aft with iroa frame, sealed with white 'wood and maple. .Uiggiug, steel wre iouble on the rat- lides and whipped wire on the lower tars, and heavier cordage. Belaying tins 61 steel and wetl driven homo. ngth of taifrail over ail. six feet on . inch: depth of hold. fourteo. iuchea. Hatches can be battened down proof against J 0 year-old boT and comtner . cial drummers, or can be clewed up. on occasion, - and sheeted heme tor a first - class instrumental cyclone." -,: ffTpnol. lll t wplc by, so and Uk I uar bvfor jtau Ul. MWuvlhlnc i II I Uilshtyaud iubiltu Imt b hiud to conquer rltu.".f a vnk lo your . n lowu. Si ouUU rrtxs ?Co riak. try. iWnj mw. CapluU to rtMUlra. WwtU i ruruiti you everything. J4aay r maatuc kftuufc LadiM ruak aa much m tuo, M tH;nJ(lrliiuUrMl rajr. K4 Kywi wni butiava aivhieh you caa ! aii (.rr jy mli th lliu, wril ftr pr t .iftr 40 It. llAlxrrr A Sk IVrtUaO, .I v .! - 10 A L AND WOOD. vm). of Cii Pvesl aud V IUU Ao, OrK ;cmmi. m4 r umux al Vfood all amds la fU appljow frtMk ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LI,AD',JNO SCIENTISTS OF TO. DAY agree that most diseases aro caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver, ir. thnra- fore, the Kidneys a ud Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be tne re sult. This truth has only been known a ahort time and for years people suffered ;reat agony wunoai oeing aDie to qnd re let The discovery of Warner'? Safe Kid. ney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treatment of these . tror.bles. Made from a simple tropical leaf ti rare value, it con tains )ot tho elemeu -jt necessary to nour ish and invogorato both of these p-eat or gans, and safe iv restore and keep them in order. II is a POSITIVtE remedy for all the diseases teat cause paths m too lower part of the body-- for Tor pld Llvor Headache Jau ndi ce-- i Uzzl ness O ray el Fever Ague Malarial lnever, aDrt all uimcultiee of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent i -nd safe remedy for fe males during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation aid is invaluable for Leu corrhoea or Kalline of the Womb. , As a Blocd Purifier it is unequal!, for it cures the organs that make tbe blood. This Remedy, which has done such won ders, is nut up in tbe LARGEHT fclZKD liOTULiU oi any meaicine upon tne market, and is sold by Unionists and al i; dealers at fl.Ziper bottle. For Diabetes, enquire lor WAKNEIt'H SAFE IHA UETE!3 CUKE. It is a POSITIVE REMEDY. IT. II. Waruer fe Co., Rochester, N. Y, YT VNTKL), Agents. Now ready for TV Hohucribers. The leading book of tbe century. Eve's Daughters, 6r."i;OMMONKEN.SE FOR MAID; W1KE aud MOTUKlt.' Uy MAuion Harlanu, Author of "Comuiuu Ueuse in tbe House household." etc. A book whieh the best judges, predict will outsell, do more good anu create a greater sensation than any work published Bince" Uncle Tom's Cabfn " This volume will be eagerly sought for by hundreds of thousands ybo are lamiliar with her other popular works. "A standard and iudispensable book for alt women who seek beaJihandhappitieas." New England Journal of Education "Wecommeid this oanest book tn iier wide circle of American sisters, to wljom it is dedicated." Express and Mail. , " We trust mothers and teachers will give It the thoughtful reidlng it descrves.'Vf Christian intelligencer. ' I can heartly endoise every word, uttered by others in commendation of it,-' Benson F. Losslng. . "No home should lack a copy where daughters are belug reared." Mrs. Mary A. Livcrmore. . 'Bright, varied and attractive iu style, tmo and solid lu matter," Rev. John Hall, I). I). ' A bM)k no mother or daughter can afford to be without. . SUUCI-S ASSURED liO.M THE START. KO EXPERIMENTING, lo.owO copies ordered by agents in advance ol puuilcailou.: Royal 12in.v lleautlfully bound in now shade of cloth S'J.OJ, same, full gilt J-VjO. l!v ttubKcriDtiou only. For liberal leruis and choice terrliory uonly at once to J. H ANDDRtiON A-il.lS. ALLEN 55 Chambers Ht. N. Y. aprit It ' ii aicpi:kn voi.vt; ikoim:. AN;ILLUSTBATED WEEKLY 16 PAGES Hulled to Iioys aud Oirls of from six to nlxteeu years ol age. ' j' Vol. IV commences Nov. 7. ISHiJ. The Young people has been from the first successful ,' beyond anticipation. -N. iY. uvenina rosi. It has u dlntlnct purpose, to which It steapily atberes that, namely, of sup planting V e vicious papers for tho yolieg with a paper more attractive, as well as well as more wholcsomo.-t-Bostou Journal - For uuvtness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally, it lsT uusurpasseil by any publication ol the kind yet brought to our notice,--Pittsburg Uaaetti " . - p ' TERMS. ' j Ilnrpcp's VounR I'cople, Ier Year, I'oMtue rrepaid, I.50. KlDsfe numbers. Four Ceuts each. - Hpeclmeucopy soot ou receipt of Three Cents. ' i The Volnuiesof Harper's Yung People for 18S2, oo ccntF; postagp, U cents addi tional. . ! Remittances should bo made by i Post Ortlee Money Order or Bran, to avoid tihauco of loss. " '-- I Newsi-apers are not lo t'ouy this aaver- tlKeiueut without, the express order or llurper A Brvlhers.'S' Addre ilARPERA BROTHERS,N'ew York. .. J KicMoiii aiJFclcrsliuri Railroad Co fVt, 0 MM EN CI NO Tutaday ." Noveiabef lMh. j lvC, tralu ou tut aua win ruu aa ioi Iowa: LEAVU RtCHMOSD-OUTU- it P ,v. Fast Mall, dally. mak though couuocUonafor Savannah fcHps onlyat lVlerabune. Pulltnau Palac Sleeping Ors between MUford Ya and Cbarleatoa. ll.il A M.Tumutn mall dally eonnevt-.- Tf lug for Raieigb. Ctuurleatoa. Au ' ' rguataw Aiken. iSaranuanJl Jack i ;vmyli. Htoi atfihopa, Ch f r, Oaatratia. Lire wry a lilutt, , v on signal. luUman Hloeper t- , Imq York and Cbarkvloa i on this train. . II M, Freight dallr (excrt Suaday. IJO A M. rrUht dally (ascpi Suadays ;UtAVE rETE12SBTlU. SfOOTK JLii A M. r'aattuall, lBy. SUpoBtyal hir. rullnxan Sieewra b. tva Otartwtan and XUford, '-'.- V' ;-."-,'- -TJO A M. KwUht dally. Saad-y) JLW P M. Though ulall, daily. eonnarUng Kith Richmond. Fr-jdr1cktur and lxmM Railroad tor ail 2k . foists taut aud wl Also mak In eMntrloa with Chsaata - ' and Ohio Railroad &xthYlr data ttprtaga aad ail potata Dorth and wl Tnu Iraia auvpa M ManHfrtar, Cnir and iiaa ualia rttUmaatitrMnoa Uui trnta lw(wa Chart ea ton and ; St Tort, v T J Yright day 8nday . AUra aWr boars (VMinsettaa itcaad ;Wiini rUtfhaaood and XoT&ilK. ' traiaa " frng Richmond lUtfiu, aad Xrfck ytsirm - All Irata iMvlag P-aronrg wlU trt frvtn lh Appomaiux LVrvt. , ,. . J R KENLY. 5prlaUdW Arorcuria(si mtuu .PEOSPEOTUS. THE WILMINGTON POST I 0 03, With its Exceedingly Large Sub- scription LIST is the Best ADVERTISING MEDIUM In this State. It is the Qnly Republican Paper . : ' : . i Published in the Second and Third Congressional Districts. It reaches all classes of the pople, WHITE and COLORED. It advocates Equal Rights before the Law and at the Ballot Box of ALL MEN, -: : '- '-. ' - . f : . . v . - " . '?- Its location is in the RGESTICOMMERCIAL CITY ".' '.'': . ' - ' 1 ' . in North Carolina. GIVE? xIFJ LITEST JMA-ltlNE t -, t Ft ' ND MARKET REPORT. ' - . ' i- ; IT ' IS OPPOSEUnTO RINGS AND CLIQUES Railroad. Political br Commercialt And Exposes them Whenever Found. AttYKIlTISlKC. KATE$ LOW 6 UBS CK1FTIOX MICE OA'L Y TWO DOLLARS A Year in AdYanct. Do not Forget to Send the Moity l' With YoarNaae. ; Address TDE TTlUlDiCTaX FCST. NEWJUjfiRTXSEMEms. .i Tin i.iV h . mdlank North CarollM Railway. AtUntie and North Carolina Dlrlslon. : Time Table, Nol I. In Effect Sunday, JuJy 16th, 1883. Express, Paasanrer and Hall Trains ran on this road aa follows : . . ., 7 S : . . . : STATIONS. j P.M.1 FM. FMJTM. J; L CKNTKAtt DiVIBTI e is '685 6 20 6 40 Pine Level Avina HolU Mill 3 43! 2 58 3 01 317 2 41 2 81 2 02 IT 4 30 4 6S aM- 5 23 5 43 14 6 33 6 SO 6 68 70 302 8 OT 834 8 62 9 00 8 08 9 19 9 24 5l rnnmni 7 10 711 oooaland'a. 7 26 OOLtDSBORO saoj A. N O DIVISION 1 00 eOLDSBOftO 1 27 1 321 BNt'l 83 1 fiM 2 Hi 2 061 LnOrnnn. 5061 2 85 railing Creek- S23 2 61 S Jt S 88 14 3 60f 4 lol 8 651 DoTer... 4 21 OoraCraac 6)83 a so 4 48 Tasoaror. 4 54 4 66 5 60 Clarke's . 658 5 30 NEW EKBJf JL. 7 201 8 24 U 53 6S&J iuTraaate. 8,02 8 07, 6 65 Hnveloek. 8 '24 7 24 7 44 7 62 7 35 Newport.... Wildwood. . 84 oool Holl y wood 8 05 8 07 San Souei Hotel Atlantle Hotel. 8 08 8 131 S 18 9 27 Train -48 oonneeta with North Carolina train bound west at 1.-00 p. ni and wiui Wilmington Wei don train bouad South at 6:44 and 8;39 p. m. ( , ' Train 47 eouneeta wltti North Carolina train from the west, arririnr at Ooldaboro 4:12 p. m., and with Wilmington A Weldon train from the South, arriving at Golds boro, 9:50 a. m. Train 4 connect with Wilmington A Weldon train bound south, arriving at Ooldaboro 6:54 and 8:29 p. m , and ! bound North, leaving Ooldaboro at. 9)3 p; m. " Train 3 connects with "Wilmington & Weldon train from the north, arriving at Ooldaboro 6:44 p.m.,, K , j Trains 3 and 4 are specially adapted tor local travel, and will carry first aad second elaas coaches. Baggage will be checked on tneee trains. .. n ,- J.W.ANDREWS, Chief Engineer aAd Oeneral Manager. FAST MAXL - AND PASSENGER ROUTE I .. TO THE -" ' i - 'V -: ''. , ' .-. " ; -. . ' ;. " - NORTH AND EAST via RICHMOND FREDERICLSBURO AND P0- I TOW A f! 19 ATT.Prt A TIC Entire trains ran through from WUmlug ton to Washington, via this route without change. i . Leave Wilmington. TW W RR1 dally at 545p m and 9 30 p m and 8 40 ami . .v i Leave Richmond at5 02 am and f8 22 am and4 47m. . .. . ; : ArriTe at Washington at 9 10 a m and fl 00 p m, and 9 30 r m. - Arrive at Valtlmore at 1 12 00 a m and t3 00 p m,and1120pm. . Arrive at Philadelphia atf?4ipm andf616 pm230am. Arrive at New York at t9 30 p m and f9 SO p p m, and 6 50 a m. f Daily, Sunday excepted. Dally, i - Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on the 8 5J am, tralos to New York, and on tbe 8 40 a m trains to Washington i C A TAYLOR, I ... Ueneral Ticket Agent. ETD Myers, ueu'l Supt nov 19 tt ' - . . .. ; : ; . r "2. 1 ' 5" fcd o d CO C3 m S3 oa a e 25 0 CO X 0 a h XL CaeTCULT Ancann at uu. POUiT CASWCLU N d i PKAmCS3l ta is mtl s4 wane mt tNad r. !w Mas REAL ESTATE. 792LOTS ON 1 7TH STREET. BETlVMiEJy MARKET & MULBERRY STREETS- Size 30 Feet Front 80 Feet Deep. i vii,lsi;li, the TRACTS Of LAND On 1 7th St., between Market and Mul berry Strees in Lots of h "r i V v ' ' , - - 30 bv 160 Feet. For one-fourth cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 Years' time. THE LOCATION - . . , - Of this Property is in the Norttt-western part of Wilming- i i ' - ' . . ton. -. ' - Arej high and level ;uftl tlie '; I- " Ud that the City cannot ...' '-.' . - r '. them makes the' investment more desirable. LiOTS psuta of Ut dlj, ako, for i;-' SATtL. " : ' . f . .., - ' -.- . ; pfij U pcnoB, or bj ItiUtla, NEW XdVEBTISEMENTS. OwriCJt Gary Krai, auf kkutm timjrT PxTKasuaao, Ya Jane 5, ISSL (COMMENCING 80NDAY. NOV, 5 1883. j trains on this road will ran aa follows: GOING SOUTH. BOSTON AND SAVANNAH FAST HAIL, Leave Petersburg dally (Wuhn it. depot) at , 4.12 P. M (Stops only at BeineldL) Arrive at Weldonat 5:56 P. M NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Petersburg daily (Washing' i von sureet aepeij Arrive at Weldon ton street depet) at 12.57 P. M 8:12 P. M NEW YORK AND JACKSONVILLE Leave Petersburg daily (Washing ton street dep ) 11.04 P. M. Arrive at Weld - LIS A. M. . FREIGHTS , Leave Petersburg dally (except Sun day) at- 7 L 4:00 PM. Arrive at Weldon..... 9:12 P. M. GOING NORTH. ; ' ' BOSTON AND SAVANNAH FAST MAIL. Leave Weldon daily at.-. Arrive at Petersburg at 1:30 A. M ... 3:48 A. M NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Weldon daily at................... 1.00 A. M Arrive at Petersburg at 3.10 P. M NEW YORK ANI CHARLESTON MAIL. v V ' - J .',''' ; Leave Weldou daily at. 4.0b A. M Arrive at Petersburg . 6.54' A. M FREIGHT. Leave Weldon daily (except Sun. day) at ... 10.12 A. M Arrive at Petersburg at.......... .. 3.30 P. M Sleeping cars and first class coaches on night and day trains. i. No change of cars between Wilmington and Washiugton. t Through tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points and- baggage checked through. . Passengers going south will purchase tickets aad check Baggage at Washington street depot. Passengers going north 'and stopping at Petersburg, will claim their baggage at Washington street depot. Freight train b on this road are Intended exclusively for freight, and no provision la made on them for the comfort and conven ience of passengers. Persons who travel on these trains are specially notified that they are liable to delays, inconveniences and risks not Incident to passenger trains. Agents are not required to open their of fices for the sale of tickets for freight trains North bound freight trains stop all night at Mt Airy, and all passengers will be dis charged at that point. K. M. SULLY. Gen'l Supt. W. P. TAYLOR Gen'l Ticket Aeent. W J. BROWN. Dispatcher of Trains. nov!2-tf Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Coiapanj. OrncK OantKAi.Kcrr.a!WTKHiKirr. Wilmington, N. Cn Not b, 1SC, i CHANGE OF tSCUKDUUE. ON and alter i Nov a. 18JC.. at 6:fo turn. IWuicr Trainaon the W W. Kal road will xun as followa: : DAY MAIL AND EXrRrS TRAIN Daily Nos. 47 North and ,48 South. Leave Wllmlugton. ProBl Street , lepol al . . a m Arrive at Weldon ..... 1XW PM Leave Weldon-. .....' . U0 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Kront BU Depot- . ... tr m FAST TH ROUG H MAIL AND PAHiEN- GER TRAINS, Dally No. 43 North -and 40 Bourn. ' IPave Wklmiuglon. Front Street Depot at. J ; ii Pf M Arrive at Weldon j. 1: P M Leave Weldoo : 9x19 P M Arrive al Wllmiagton.Froat Street Dep-. P M Mail and 1'aiaeoger Train, Dail 'o. 45 North and 42 tkrath. Leavtf Wilmington. Arrive at WUoe 9JP.M. 4oo A.M. l- A.M Leave Weldon Arrtve at WUmlagton-1. Train No M Bonth trill atop oaly at Rocky Mount, wuaoa, uoMaaoraaM juaaua Traiaa oo Tarteoro Branch Road leav Rockjr Moaal 9ar Tartaro atU at. aad T.li P M. dJkUr. fUaaryiac laatve Taxkore at m a M aa irs oaiuy. Trala N. C aaakas) ckai oaaerUo at Wedoa for mil Mats Nerta taUy. Ail rait via KickoMtavd. nad daily carvfi i aay via iiay ua. Tral&dtaa fretiaa4 Nr ftraa9 HaUIaa Jar 8Watrig Mave auy. r a4 jsi rjL. it c arf Trala Xa a ran aliy a4 aaaaea naawUM aar mli snaieMi awrtai e (rnrw;,., . AUtraiva rea ae34 Wti taw a4 'aas iac 1. 14 Pa ; are ttiufm attavjei. . tSaitf jaaui r. DmjiK. afx. BAILBOADS. Q.N. 8UFERINTXNDEN-r8 OFEICE WUnington, Colombia L An gwsU H. R. CoopaDY. mil WlXJtlKGTOJ. N. C, Nov5, lbii CHANGE OF 8CHXDULX ON AND AFTER June SS, 1S83, at l.U P. Mn the following Paasenger Schedule will be run on this roadi NIQHT EXPRESS TRAIX pailj) Nob.' 48 West and 47 East. LeaT Wilmidston .......... 9.&0 A M Leave Florence. a n w ArriTe at C. C. fe A. Junction 8.90 A. M Arrive at Columbia.. 6.40 A. M Leave Columbia.... ..10.00 1. M Leave CCi&A. Junction.. 10 SO P. M Leave Florence at.......... M. 1.50 A. M Arriveat Wilmington.. ......... 6JAM Night Mail and Passenger train. Daily. No 40 West, and Day Man and Pas senger Train, No 4 a fieave WilmlngtoB 11.10 1 M Arrive at Florence ; 3.45 A. M Leave Florence .......12.55 P. M Arriveat WUminr ton....... . . Train 43 stops at all stations. Noa, 40 stops only at Flemlngtou, While. Telle, Fair Bluff, Marion. Passengers for Columbia, aud aff'poliiis on G.4 C R. R., C V. & A. R. K. SUlioun. Aiken Junction, aud all polnU beyond, should take No. 4S Night Express. - Separate Pullman Sleepers for CharUslou and for Augusta on traiu 47. Alf trains run solid between Charhstou and VUmlngton. ' JC11N F. DIVINE. , , UeaeralSup't. A. POPE, Gen'l Fasscoger Agent. . Nov 13-t? Carolina, Central Kn road Company. OFFICE OK SUPERI JlTENDKNT ' WlLMIMOTOM, N. C.NOV U, 1SS2. CHANGE OF SCHEDI L ON and after Nov'ris, lsc. tbe following Schedule will be oDentUnl on thl itaii. road: i f h PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPlttiS ; TRAIN: DAILY. I Leave Wilmington ...,...,6.13 p to No. 1 t Artkxt at Charlotte at. t.40 a 1 Leave Charlotte at.. 7J V to J Arrtve at Wilmington at 9.00 A it No. a Trains No. 1 and 2. at on at nrHrn.iu... on,.3rtnd Pp' nu designated In the Compa ny's Time Table. . SHELBY DIVISION, PASS EN U ER.MA1L. JU.rHiSB AD FHEIOHT. Dally except Kandara. ieave rrhariott ta a. m ArriveaVHaeiby. SX3P. M Leave 8h el by ..... Arrive at Charlotte.. . 1:40 P. ! JcH P. U ..Tnlni Nn Uml n ..w. Li . Uon at Hamlet with HA A Trains to anU from Rale4gb. and atCbartotU wiUMbe'Uy ton and Charlotte and Raleigh aud Cliat- Taae Train No. 1 for (HateaviUc. hta.UR n eatern N. n It ft A.iati n. ,.... Weau " ' A A lso, forPparUnburg.UrecuvlUe, Athens Atlanta aad all point boutbweat. 1a V- JU.HUt, H o per I n luUc n U r. w . CLAliK, Oeucrai iaaaenger. Agent. JOHN WERNER, iR ati t l a kbuji n itAitit&.u - - ' V, . ' i ARD P Ett r t'H KIl. -3 M All KKT STREtT. r wiLr.iiricTori, n. c. m .' t fY MANT rBJEXlH IN tiMmiVHX& and la the eoaatry are Invited W mm ''..' : ''. 1 ' k- AlaoRwCertalas aad Ccamaaer TrTia, The html wot tats aad U Aav tMtnJlMejtly, 1 te laioraa the pmbit Uta t te4at.Jon VEJUKCJtH. ta wait aa wW w ae wii a oak James at. CAJuutwaa'i any Is u BROWN It PEARSON. AXaUQiAis tmamsuw ad ! i ! 1 A a- u 1 1 "f- . I T7. P. CAN AD AY. Wllminstoxi. N. & Vwtam eaajaywa. a x1 U OMtnl .Yait WILBIXOTOX. It; ft MIBU ,aXJ ; eaeeaJ , e4 i?