s VOI.UMK.XYl. WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA, I SUNDAY. APRIL. '29, I883. J single copies 5 cents NUMBER 17. fcVfv ifAe Posloffice at Wilming ( . iV. C, Second Class Matter. RATES OF ADVERTISING. jjjlit(8) lines, Nonpareil type.con Uitutpa square. : . -, ? Vitty cents per line Jor the first i.nv JPtlmaQ' twenty nve cents per line or each additional insertion. . Afl ddreHisementa-will.be charged ct the above rates, except on special The subscription price to The WlL M,.soj()NPosr is $2 00 per year; six month's f I 00. V All communications on businei must be aMressed to .The Wilmington j . Post, WiImiDRton, JN, U. HiiitiH FROM HOME. The Mnnnn'j tSlair, a newspaper pub liahe'l in this city, which devotes so much of its sjiace io copying fluttering p notices of its editorials, and in notify h'' ijitac readers after the happening of an? event, let it be trivial or important,J.8Uch tne Rockingham ftiia 300, .i A - C.'- L. .1 1 ' J il I i .i ' - i 1 r -that the Ma? : had predicted that very i thing, ileserves a notice at our hands, - and we entirely coucur with that paper ' in its issue "pf the 25th insL, when it i pieict the defeat of the JJemocratic lTty in 1881. Lest it may be thought that we- have 'done injustice . to that -vainest of editors, we quote his words ha itttbibel; "It is vi ry certain we ma? ufvw?i that the Democrats must (grfi more northern states than they (hiKn.lS?!', or they cannot elect' their I'liu'litlate, a it is probable that in J,? SI, the south will not be altogether aoliil. ' It is fair to -flti male that at pA two southern states will go for the lieTiwbliaui . ticket; r- Virginia, North rarolmaand Florida are counte' upon 'by the Republicans. , . Virgi nia !is at lensi (l-mhllul, RIahone has dune much tlainsicp to Democratic prospects in that t ate; North tJarolma is not so - i- . . !si riuity I letnocratic that the Kepubli iniiM are out of heart, so far from this, wo know they are making big calcula tions ii poii capturing it.i. That the He 's, publicans will be recruited" cousid ' rrikhly from the DeiMocratie ranks in 1 ' 1SK1 vyc have reason for thinking it only, two probable. In every party I there are thousands who hare but little ; . knowWile of the great differences that i mjmaie .vnes, airl cause them to tiriiiiate. I hat the Democrats are not - tmi(ed at home. There are many ex isthig cAUrffs- that serte to alienate vo ters ill various sections, whether the (Uncords can be hushed or not time will show," - '' l ; Thus we arc.inforrael by leeadinj v"" Democratic jiflper of the stale, that the - t'hwices of carrying the country for the Kupulbicans in 1881, are decidedly in Y i fnvor of thatJ party, and for ournel ves wu entertain but little doubt of lUch a reitu.t, if the liepublicaus will but do .their. duly to-their party and to their vounlry, and when the election is over Hit V(jr will be able to annouuee to the world, -.(hat in its issue of the 20 lb of April, 18Sd, "vxold you .'' It is rather early to open the cam I'aiRu, and we ifo not proHse to take (he load in that mattery but we thought it not out of place to Jnform our read-eis-uX the prognostications of the' Shir, which seem to Us to loreshadow the I, teuil. ' f I Mr : ; ;.i a qire'liug of the Wilmington 1'isiuh ot (he Irish National ,and Usue. held Thursday night ' last, tVpu Johu lUny in the chair, aud Mr. Jaitus Oorbctt, Secretary, the following rrolitliGu was adopted, vU. . tiffotiftL That we extend our heart- hell sympalhlea to the convention of Irifth tocietie now in Denwion in the ' city of. 1'biladelphia, and wish iheoi : Itiwl sjMped in their ell'or(s for the melioration of the condition of our . Kouitrjf men in lrclaud; and tru?t that counsels may prevail withrthew, jm order that those who now live under a thialdom ofiyrauny may with con; tulruce look forward to the bright days jo.f Liberty ' daw n. May I he Hod of jthe iiile and the waoderer from Krtu'a shore . direct them in the path best' ' calculateil to- benetit our ill star rtd lherlaud. We say to them that; though lew in uumber, our heart pul ; sate with thet ra i o every aim tor our ixvaunun object, and we pledge to them I'M united, cordial and .hearty support (vl sympaty. ,. The" following Njluuon waa also ' adopted: " : r' . Htf,vt, That we e a tend to the btuhbien and their descendant ' tarvughoat the stale. . 'cordial jnvila Uvo le join with u ia lurthenuc the pur jhw ul Utie cwnveulion now XHBbted in Thtladelphta, lordtr that e may; give an orjruit support a4 vaipathy to the efforts of thoe now tnrsged m aims beoehcial to the cause fir viand freedom. I U is, claimed by partis that there b 4 man in eastern North. Carolina who has ti saaoy child r that when one leave th table he marka hla aae so that the child, cannot ewe back to the aan uealf withoat " hb knowio( iu oo t aaj, this U a farmer and wtU . -.. r ( "r ! 1 For the Wilmington 1'otsT. CAUt.Y .Mills, Pender Co-, N.O. j .. , M ; March 80th 1883. Cauly - free school . vacated to day, which ends the two months term, com mencing February A8S3, with.I'ro fesaor f, ASharpless as principal' Tii'e examination look place about 10 O'clock a. rn., and ended about 3 o'clock p. m., after which the pupils and guenta were invite! to a sumptuous dinner prepared by a committee, of which Mrs. Frank Pridgeu was President, assisted by Miss Mary Cromarty. - The school was very ably addressed by Messrs.!!. G. Lewis, J. G; Cronvr ty and tSandy Holmes. ' : : ' ' '- We Wish to mention a few names of tha pupils who acquitted Uiemselvts most beautifully, and proved very prom ising in their studies,' to-wit: Misses Mary M. l'ridgen, Aunie J. Pridgen, Margaret J. Andrews, Mary J. Haws, A. J. P'ayer, S. M. Herring; Masters George G. lUnnerman, Lewi Audrews, Wm. Andrews and Isaac Heyer. A waruing to tax-payers, is empha sized by the large amount of property being advertised for sale to pay -the taxes all over the state m the newspa pers. ine ast uazeiie puousueu , at Wa.Kinirlnn M rnntaina nAarlv 41)0 and many others we have noticed are upon the same large 'scale. It U ery evident the people are already terribly burdened with taxes, more thau they can pay except t great sacrtlico and family hardship, and many will lose their homes entirely, - Yet the legiula-, t'ire decided to increase the tiX's by raising the "assessed" vaJyvj of proper ty, adding several thousand salaried officials to be paid uiwy iliouaml of dollars to the whole cost- Besides that an initial Jaw was passed lookiuglto the coustruclipu of a "costly palHee" for the tioverpor, which to build and fur nish will cost at a low estimate 1 00,'-" 000. , ; Tax payers, what nay you to such vx trhvagance. and tolloy? We wlrise homes are humble, plain aud frugal, and others, look into this matter, and decide if it shall be done or not, at the polls the next lime vou are called upon to vote. The lute legislature enacted that every male person returned in the insolvent list, and not previously ex empted; ironi t taxation by the county commissioners, who shall lail to pay said taxes for sixlhouth's af.er such re turn of the insolvent list, shall be guilty if a misdemeanor, and upon the con viction lefyre a justice of the peace, shall be fined 'double tbe value of the taxes so due, aud may be committed to prison for failure to pay said .line and costs and may bo worked upon the public highways until such line and cost have been paid. This is the law and it i" now io force. -Slatcsvilc A nirricjH. ity Items. . - , , , ' : U IS. District Court convenes here to morrow, t; ! Ex representative V. V. -Uichardsou, of Columbus county, was in the city a few days ago, liev. Dr. Milburn, lectured at the Opera House in this city 'Wednesday" and Thuriday lant. and those who were fortunate enough to hear him, speak in glowing terms of it. There was considerable id a hail storm in lJruuswick county on Monday last.- - .-f-V- - ' PostiiiasteriTullock, of Washington 1). C, is still, in this city, and in very bad health. Mr. George: l. Robeson, of CJoliiiu bus county, djd Sunday night la.st of pueumonia. - ' X , Sail teas, . ' I The sad news reached this ..into ou Monday last ofthe eeath nf3Irs. Thil lips, the wife of Hon. Samuel Piiitlis, Solicitor General of the Department of Justice. He ha the sympathy of the peo le of North Carolina iu his great atlliction. ' f Preaching at the First mptitt.Chuich ou ihr corner of Fifth and Campbell street to-day, by (he oltowiug named brothers:, llev's. D. Conuvll, t II o'clock a. iu , aud U 1$. F.llerby, at o p. m., and J- W. WikikJ, "at.:S p. iu. ivaptism will also b admini.-ttervd at the fort ol Prince xtieet at 5 ; o'clH.k by Hev. A. M. Conway; The public ate te peel fully ,1a tiled. ft Kev. L. licauswn, the pubbahtr ot Branson' North Carolina directory, baa been in our viiy the past we- k makieg a rauvaaa for the next iwue of hi directory.- It n a book that every tnerchtut, banker, lawyer, doctor and railroad man ahould have. He is re vising it al great labor aid txpeuse. and it will be beef directory ever issiurd in the state. An atteuirC was made a. few morn ingaaince to bnrn" the ha occupied by Henry Hall, colored, oo Mctiaebe twtea Chwant aud Mulberry lret. A 'neighbor diacovered soaoke Usuiag fnm the wtiherbAardinc ahgave the alarai when it wm ascertained afUt the flame were estiaguWhea, that fir had been placed awder a corn.- o the buildiog and beeealh pile of hingtee, while light wxxd ifdlaUert were fonad in twn other place under the altl of the hou to which fire had hoae. The ; residenco of Mr. Peleraw of Pender county, was destroyed by fire, ou Monday night last. Thanks to Hon. M. McGhehee for a copy of the annual report or the North Carolina agricultural experiment sta tionsor 1882. I Once Wanultoy. The boys waited on Mayor Hall a few days ago aud demanded to be pro tected iu their rights; and they wanted to know if Col. If all had not been a boy once, himself. The Colonel admit ted the poIl impeachment, and prom ised Uie boys to do better by them in the future. ; The Scarborough House (we mean the old time, simou pure Scarborough House, presided over by 11. J. Scar borough, Esq., iu person, with that other young man),' ou North Water Btreet, Becond door north of Princess street, will be cpen for the;reception of guesti in a few days. We make thia statement simply to inform the public thai Bob is on deck again; at his same old tricks of furnishing the best the mar-, kct affords, to eat and drink, for the hungry and thirsty. Everybody knows that Ilob is a generous feeder, and he also knows how. to mix the nicest. sweetest" and coolest dr lemonades you e,ver tasted. The house has been thoroughly overhauled, and furnished new eveu to that red cedar wash bowl:1 " ' , 7 - - -: -: -:. New Letter Ro.ies. The new. boxen will ba located a3 follows: North Water7 and Chesnut, Seventh and Mulbrery, ' Eighth and Nixon, Market and Niuth, Market and Eleventh,. Nu'tt and Mulberry, Turcell House, Third ami Chesnut, Fourth and Mulb' rry, Fourth and Brunswick, Fourth aud Harnett, Fourth and Nixon, Fifth and Chcinut, Sixth and Princess, Sixth and Brunswick, Seventh and Harnett, Eighth and Chesnut, MacRae and Miller, South Water and Dock, Front and Ami, Front and Church, Front and lueen. Front and Dawson, Third and Nun', Third aud Castle, Fourth nd tiueen, Fifth and Castle, Sixth and Orange, Seventh and Castle. Col. Brink has laid oil the city into six districts fof his letter carriers: The first district is all that part of the city north of the W. &. W. li. R track : , i The second district commences at the interaction of Second street and the W . & W. railroad, aud thence cast wardly with the railroad track to Sey cnteeth street, thence south with Sev cutceithstrcet to Chesnut street, thence west with Clieauut street to Fourth street, thence south to Second street, thence west wit' Matket street to Sec ond street, thenuj north with Second street to the Wilmingtou & Weldon railroad. " The third district commences att'ue foot ol the Wilmington & Weldou rail road track, at the. riy.er, thence up the railroad track to i Second atrcet, theuce south with1 Second street 10 Market street, theuce west with the river to the railroad. The fourth district commences at the river and Market street,- theuce aast with MarkeU.rtreel to Fourth street, thence - south with Fourth street to Nun htreet, thence west with Nuu street to the river, theuce north to Market street dock. j The. ti fill district commences at Sev vciilcculh and Chouut streets, thence south with Seventeenth to Orange street. Iheuco it witnOrauge street to.Fourlh street, theuce north with Fourth street to Chesnut, thence e ist with: Chesnut street to Seventeenth at Sixtlt.Difirict commencea- at the river atad.Nutr lreet, thence up Nun to Fourth street, theuce north to Or auge atrcet, theuce east with Orange to Seventeenth sUeet, theuce south with SeveWtoeuth atrcet to Greenfield street, theuce wet w it h Green held street to the rivT, theuce north with the river to Nun streei- , Triere will be a carrier for each di tricl, and the "work of delivering letter in tbe city will commence ou the ll day of May. : ' Th First District will be ia charge of T. .E. Green. J The Second Db.tr Kt will be in charge 0 Fred V rSadgwar. The Thin! lHtrict witl;be to charge ol A. A. McLeaa. The Fout th District will be ia charge of James M. Barlow. The Fifth Ditrict will be In charge, of W. K. Leman, ' The Sixth Di Uriel w ill be in charge oTho.C Miller. r There will be abui thrre deliyehe) a day, at rirt, land more when the busiues demand it- There will be f.rty letter boxe placed at the cooToieot place foe the Jepoait of letter, and each Kix vill be vUited at least three time each day by th carriers.. ' - V-'. Mr. A- A- McLeaa U the OhiefltiUc 1 carrier of tha city. To Real Estate OMraier t , Persona deairingto sell real estate in either city or country, will do well to correspond with W P, Caiuday, Wil mington, N. O., who ' has seteral in-, quire form persoas who with to buy. Don't fail to so advertisement of Hon. Geo. W. Price, jr., one of the directors of the Wilmington, Wrighta- ville and Onslow Railroad, for bids to furnish lumber t cross-ties, ' &c. .Thia looks like business. , ; ; ., ! ; L'niveraity Normal Sehaol. 1 The next aaariaar of thia school will open Jane 21 and close JalyioV v 3 Hon. M. A. Newell, LL. D.( 8aper intendent of Public Inatrtiction'in te state ol Maryland and Principal of (he Maryland State.Normal School will be Superintendent. The facalty will con sist of a full corps of able and experi enced teachers, among whom will be Prof- E. P. Moaea, Baperintendenf of the Goldsboro Graded School, - Salem, js. O, April, 23rd 188 The Board of Medical Examiners of the Sate of North Carolina, will , meet in Tarboro, N. C., on Monday,, May j 20th, 1883. ' Vi?. 'V Without a license from . thia Board, no physician who commenced to prac tice in North Carolina, after April 15th, 1851f, can collect hia fees by law., ; ; Applicants for license will .be ex amined in the various branches bf medicine, and must give satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and that they have attained the age of twenty one years. .. (See Laws pfNC. 1858.5, and 18707LU' ':-r n Peter E Hikes, M. D., Preeu Henry T. Bahnbon, M. b.,Sec'ty, National Mnrpjieal Institnte. Two surgeons from this old-established and widely known "Institute of Atlanta, Ga., and Indianapolis, Ind.," will make a special and limited. visit to Vilmingfoo, ,N- C. May 19th, 1883, sjoppinK at the Purcell House 1 They will bring surgical and t mechanical appliance, best French artificial eyea, and everything necessary for the treat ment of accepted eases. ' ; '' i ' They treat no one unless there is an undoubted prospect of great improve ment or complete restoration. '- De formities of every description, mclud ing Club Feet, Diseases of the Hip, Spine and Joints, Paralysis, Piles, Fistula", CaUrrh, Female and Private Diseases. Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Chronic Diseases, etc; treated. - '. MgrCome early, : as Lhe vhnt is-Hmi-led to the time stated. For circuiara and lull pardSculars, address ; ' ? ; National Surgical Institdte, " april 28 3t Atlanta, Ua. Iuterestiua; to Farmers. . At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Board of Agriculture, held last week, the Commissioner, Mr. McGehee, was authorised to confer with a committee from tbe North Caro lina; State Agricultural Society, and agree upon the apportionment ol the $500, appropriated by said hoard for premiums, to be offered on Held, crops at the state fair this fall. .1; ; .. :" The committee, Messrs. W. G Up church, E R. Sumps and T. a Wil liams, held a conference with the Com missioner yesterday morning, and the premiums were fixed at follows: $o0 lor the largest yield of cotton from fif teen acres of land; 30 for the second, and f20 for the third. -' Fift dollars for the .largest yield of 'corn from fifteen acres, $30 for the sec oud a ud $20 or the third. Fifty dollars for the largest yield of wheat from ten acres, , Tweuty-five dollars for the largest yield from rive acres each of oats, rye, - ite, held peas and ground peas. f Twenty five dollars for the largest yield of hay from one acre of either clover, orch ud grass, herd's grass or Timothy. V j..; .- p ? j Fi Ay dollar for the largest yield in value of bright leaf tobacco, and $50 lor the largest yield in value of heavy shipping tobacco, froea one; acre each. Accurate measurement -ot land and a detailed statement, of the mode and costot cultivation., and maauxiaxwill be required of each exhibitor. Adsie 11 oilier ;; I Are you dtturbed at sight and bro ken of your rest by a sick child saJer ifg and crying with paia of caulag teeth; If o, cad at one and get a bottle of Ml. WixgLOwa Sooxbmjss StECr LOlCHJLESaJtTKXTMUia. Iu fslue i iocaJcmlabla. It wUl rtiirvo the poor liule aoiTersr immediately. Depend upon U, mothcrv thcra la a mUtake about it. It cures dyseaUry sod diarrhoea, regulatas the stomach sad bowel, cures wiad colic, .softcas the gums, red ace iaffamstkm. aad gives too and eoexgr to the whole rjrs . JIx. Wimlows Bowrmn STarr roil Cmixnn Tsjcthut) h plaaat to he tajta, aad at Um pro scririiea of one of tha oUest aad Wet frsmala physiciaaa aad .aarsaa la Ua U aited dtatev adis t saJa hy all druxxMta taroughoai taa work!- frfce $ csats a hottioOj ' , . t. ; - " i The members of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, and Orion Lodge No. 67, I. O. O. celebrated their Cllh anniversary of the introduction of odd-fellowship is the United SUtea. Rev. F. W. E. Peachau delivered an address'. IteUeyue Cemetery. ! The stockholders of Bellevue 'Ceme tery Company '', held their seventh an nual meeting; Wednesday night last. Capt. Manning was called, to the chair and Mr. McEachern was secretary. The Treasurer reported thirty-live intesrtnenta' and seven re-interments, during the year, and also reported an increased sale of lots by the install ment plan, besides sales for cash. The Company was reported also, to be en tirely out of debt, with sufficient funds on hand to meet all immediate demands for improvements. v The following officers were elected for the enauinear, viz, - President E. W. Manning. ' Directors J. D. Bellamy, Jr., John A. Everitt, Jamei Bagley, William GenauBt, P. if- Smith, S. U. Morton, J. C. Bornemah. ' At a meeting of the Board of Direc tors, Mr. James Aldermen was elected Vice President: and Mr. J. S. McEach erii Secretary and Treasurer. We hope the Board will continue miking improvements" aud iu r. few years it wilt be a beautiful place. "' i ; - Market iitallM Keutctl. In accordance with Alderman Dud ley's motion, published iu our lsst issue tbe stalls ia ihs market houses were reuied on Tuesday last, 1'EONT SIREE l'M ARKKl' MEAT .STALLS . Johu U Melton, three stalls, Nos 1, 2, and 1. at $100 each;' 1 400, Geo F Tilley, one siall, No G, $150. . TjjP Sike, oiie stall, NoS, $100- ' J H B-.irnemanM, ouo stall, No 8, $'J0. , W' M .Hays one stall, No 7. $50, Also one stall No 10, $50. j I John R Melton. bne stall, No 0, $35, Ambrose Moore.'one stall, No 12,$20. , T P Sikes, one stall, No 15, $10. Also one stall, No 1G,. $10- Henry Muiford, one stall, No 1 1, $30. Tbos A "Watson, one stall, No 11, $0. Also one stall, No 13, $0. - VEGETABLE ol'ALLS. ' Jno 11 Melton, one ci'cular stall, No 2, $120. . ;f O H Kennedy, one stall, No 1, $10. S All.en, one stall, No 2, $18. W Jlottrtwo stalls, Nos 3 and 1, $15 ea$. $30: C H Hill, one stall, No 5, $10 r Alex Morris, one stall. No 6, $7.00. - Isham Scott, oue stall, No 7, $7.00. H 0 Turner, o ae stall, No 8, $8.50. POURTH t I' RE LIT MARKET. The stalls in t lis market were then put up aud Ih i following premiums bid: ' , : MEAT STALLS..! Jno K Meltoul two stalls, Nus 1 aud 5, $65 each, $1301 T A Watson, oue stall, No 2, $ 10. W J Mott, two stalls, Nos 1 and G, $30 each, $60. T P Stkes, ouo stall, No 3, $00. VEGETABLE STALLS' T A W.-.Lsou, one stall, No 1, $11. J T Bo wen, oue sUli, No 2 $a. EG Baruitz, one stall, No 5, $G. ?T A Watson, one stall, No 1, $5.60. J R Melton, one stall, Nr.3j-$0-. Total amount of premiums, $1',572;00. ToUl cash paid in $786:20. Tno annual rental of the stall, etc., is 'fixed by' th'e Board of 'Aldermen as ioiiowf: ; Front Street Market S meat stalls at $U o0 per month; it stall's at IS per month. Vegetable' stalls 1 at $6 per month, and 4 at $1 per month . Fourth Street Market o meal stalls at fS per month aud 5 vegetable siall at $6 per month. The fish market which u already rented and ccu,ied, is ia live sections and rent for a total of $i per month. Three store on Front street bring in a rental of $12 each, and three Mores on Water street lor $10 each- A roum up stairs is rented at & per mouth. - ' N EW ADVERTISEU ENTS- IALC OK RliiL EfltTATL, Oiier ftmlcarr Of Hirliaic. JT V1RTCE AXD IX PUKhAKCK or a aer f lb mirrfc i ourt erf 2tw Kaavr Coast, rwdr4 at Um lavt Trm A. U. VU CVurV. la crt;n xila Uirrvtn ridtBr hfm9n W. f taaaday .rtainUCaa f. I. Mmll. -4 C. D, Momit m A4M wuirator of R. H Mu nH.Jt.Uits lidmtt. MT. IV tmi,u4 vM Aaa Abciuia Karrvw aad 1 Mar ftta aMla., tfm Tb -aw4ir4, Ob aHawwier aryoiaW by uu4 drr. will anil by rtb! awrU-w, at i iort Smm IVw ta Um OVT ci W uaiaUm. os OBxUjr UM fta day ml Jim, iM m ij Sartwa. UNlrtruia to or pwetl of t4 trlac. bctaa a4 ilml4 la um Ulr 4 WUwaUaciaa, tmatr aoJ tUat jtarvaM. aa4 wawwui ssm OirnM aa Him H Siaauas ta Um waaww Um x.Tium MnM, Msty-ws av MrtkwaUf trnw i t. mom mtJM um marutmrm Umm mt HMm BUwArauiai Um tiott ta im t ThirA an( erutrat itr- em ti atair4tv :n aw, ifcatt mtawsr:, saraaa ita tsspc smi itt Sm. Umsu wtnOwCy. rali vt a. mr TK m WrM 4 ataty-a mt 9mm km Um m ltac Tur Mmt, IstW'iiiii ta srui r mt ah l j-w. laJEStUu3C aaXLAkT? rtlei . Ommm, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO L.IHUOU DEALERS. rjJHE REVENUE LAW jOF THE STATE, ratifleU the 9th day of March, 1863, requires all rersons or Firm sfillnr Liquor, to pmj A LICENSE TAX Quarterly on the 1st 'of January, April, July and October. 1st. For selling quantities less than a qurt............. . 2nd. For selling In quantities of one quart and less thai , five gal- iODJI.MHMiM.M.wimnm'iiilnitiiimiii od. Forsellins In quantities of Ave gallon or more, (whslesale dealers come under UiU)-...,.,. LUi. Fo selling Malt Llqaors exclu si vely.............. i , i.M, r ! .i- SLUO $30,00 . A' iU0 Dealers lnterewtetl will take notice AND l-KOC'LHS LICENSE according to law. ; HOUACK A. BAGU. Chairman i april it Board oiCommlaaloners; BBAISOK'S N. C, Business. Director? for 1883; isOOii TO BE ISSUED, j 6TH ED1TION-17TH YEAK OK I'UBLl- CATION, - "i Will eoutain over MM) NAMES, and is intended to be the FULLEST AND MOST KELIABLE KEFEKENCE BOOK ever published for North Carolina. The Business and Professional Men of every County, City and Village will be re corded and class! fled foe convenient refer ence. Price I5..00. 1 , Those whom I fail to see will please oom- lnunicaie witn me at Kalelch, N. C. L BKOWN, Publisher. april 38 Um FIRESIDE PUBLISHING CO. ) " ,.--'-:- ' ; 'i - Pnlilislieru of Saliscriptien Beats, 20 North Seventh Street. , Philadelphia. Pa. JNTELLIQENT Ladies and Gentlemen are wanted everywhere throughout the tstatc ol North Carolina, to introduce the Popular Publications of the F1BESIDE rUBLISHINO COMPANY or Philadelphia. Fnll particulars will be vent free upon ap plication.. . j- K aprlia3m j JUST THE PAPE K THE PEOPLE WANT . ED. OLDHAM'S. HISIEKX SENTINEL! Txt '. '' (EsUblisbed 18oi) tjbould be Keiid at Every r iresld la West cri ,!NortU Carolina. Full ot News. Fun. General Iuformalion "1 Suinetlilug to Iniereat'Everybody. : 8KND 5o CENTS AND TRY IT ifiRKK Mol(TU!t) WIN8TOM N. C.1 april &:iui. JOB Xidwest !P rices, jf you wish Whavk tour Bll 1 leads, Letter Heads. Not Heads, llaud Bills; Cardf, Tags-, Circulars, progamiuca,' P.iuplilcU., CaUttucs. I rrlTUsU. La- ' t I M - - .-. ble.;' TlckeU, V iiiiuK Card. Wedding Card. Blank of nil kinds, Ac Printed pmiupvlj aud E. ts. WAKKOCK, , Jt.i A.. ueatly.rWrile to P.O. 15-n f - WiHiiiuslou. N. C .Bftcr Ut lliiof ol this papr. tpril if Ward's Whitd LUySoap V KOI Laundry ani oiietfUsc. IT DOEril AWAY WITk- , ,WA?HBOAKDcAD BUILEPJi ANLCO?tTAiNi4 NO KOSXN TO TL'BJt THE FABRIC YELLOW. IT X 'AH BE I JED I IT1IL.K IN HOT OR COLD WATER. It um fnei. time and lar. and teotoiBDelj and endorse 1 by icaie of i - - - ( . Us leading CheoiiMs ta th country. Fc aale by tURItXa tOLUM, . yUSfuk Ajttsla, T"f ft ' wmmJ at j t lw- 4. UI &a ywm ! Umm. i n i x . mm mm, Hmm UIM Uaw ' mm tmm tw ta foare linm. mt ft rmmt iaw U I ifc, U m . mmmmr n mi ww -rut m pmm mmmrtr m ws 3tm mm mmm sWiw ""' tr.T awata at UMa wttt 4 umm traa jmtmr 't tmm wmmus. mm m tmmmtf . A Ifmmt Tmca a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HAWOVKR OOUKTY. , Scfesiob Covas, r KaacjftJowan ts Fraud M. Moore. Thomas H. Wright and others. , rjlHIS action is brought by the above aimed Plalntin against tbe aboTe named Defendants for the conveyance to the Plain tiff from lbs heirs of Joshaa O. Wright, de ceaaed, and the heirs of Isabella Sampson, , deceased, of the real estate, or of any Later est which they may have or claim In cer tain premises situated in ta City 'of Wil mington, County and State above men tioned, and which are described in the com plaint, and to quiet the UUe to the said premises. The DeXeadauU Frank. D. You n g and hi wife Emma W. Young, are hereby notified and required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court, of the said . eounty ofNew 'Hanover, to be held at the Coar tHoose. in the said City of Wilmington, ' on the 13th Monday after the 1st Monday in March A. D. 1883, and defend in said action. Given under my hand this 2Ut day of April, 8. VaxAMRINOE. 1 Clerk of Superior Court april 22 6t NOTICE. rjHE ItEGuLAR ANNUAL MEETING ot the Stockholders or the! CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at tbe Company's Office, in the City of Wilmington, ou THURSDAY'. MAY 10TB, at 11 o'clock A. M. JAMES ANDERSON, april tm Secretary. Notice WlLKINGTOie, N. jC. April 15M. until MayVth. lor B IDS will be received thirty thousand cross-ties, $aid cross-tic to beaeven feet long. 8; inches thUk. barked and flattened with atf least nine Inchea face anrface. Said cross-ties to be distributed along the route between llmliigton and WrlgblsvUle Sound. Under the direction of the Ueueral Superintendent. i . GEO. W. PRICE, Jr.. Ice President for Board of Director, april 21 i Notice. . ' WlLklMTON, N.C. , April 2UI.1S8S. gEALED propobals I1 furnlh lumber lor tbe construction of Culverts. Bridge. Crossings, Trestles, Sheds. Platforms, De pots, Ac will be reeelved until the -Mil of May. GEO. W. PRICL Js Vice Preldent for Beard of Directors, aprilSSIt BOOK LIME JfOR BUILDING PURlXISMi. 1 15 k'JEll. CAK. r ( - Discoints on Large Lets. Address, ' FRENCH BROS. Rocky Poiuj.N. c, : or O. G. PARSLEY, J it., pi LiU WUmingUm, N. C. MRS. S. J, AVANT'S, BOarding House. N EXT dour to Mr. L. IK. Wnil . oa Market Between ad and Thud ?ieit Wiimiogton. N. C, rata pu ti-v -. rr ve, MealS.Sj ceala, GIIAS. KLEIN LndcriaUrr and C'abinrt Maker. Ait Ot 0 eiy mVmm S rHtMrftAixtniMWMvniM mm ia bmsi iuuul ruuts. aSH aa lYtaaase Maaa trmmm

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