III I I I I a a a . a a a v a a r a m ; i a waTaaaw -. i . ... ' . OI.UMK XVI. W ILM1NGTON, NOKTH CAROLINA! SUNDAY. MAY. C, ISS3. Single Copies:: 5; Cents NUMBER IS, -i.. LI.MINGTONEOST 'Inten d al lke.VQsloffi.ee af. iViming N. C, n Second Class MoJtcr. r. - ' " 1 ' j tATES OF AJJ VERTISpG. 'jght (8).lineH, Nonpareil tyjpe,con .utc a square. ' . fatty cent -per . line for the'lirst in iitowaivl 'twenty-live cents per Jjne c.vjh al'litionaI insertion. HI a'lvertiscments will be-jcharged he above rates, except on special -tracts. - -. -" Jlcoininiinication.H on Ixusines ran.st wMroascd to The WlLMINtnoH ,r, Wilmington, N. U., v - 1 mmmmmmmmmF ... . i IE ."-POST ANNOUNCEMENT. ' -' 1 ' ' " his paper will not be eul in future ny except to ihoae who pay in ad- ce lor it. We find it bo feard to ct back subscriptions that we are ijo lled to follow the rule long since down by.other papers; to eead only ayiug. subscribers, or to those who willing to pay in advance or it. I in your njony and you can; gwt TofcT, not. otherwine. ()ne dollar . iay ir the I'osT six; months, two this for twelve months. No less mi nit months time receivtd. : t 'lie president has approved ol the I nrrvice ruh-s, adopted by the civil icu cointmssioncrs. . he 1' resident has . selected Doston nnta and Chicago as tie names for three new strel cruisers of the uavv new dispatch bout wilt be named le or Hiawatha. 'lie .'President has appointed Wijliam V'oo ls, U: H." District Judge of In to till the vacancy; caused by rtsiiiHlion of Jiulge Ctresbam, to pt tlui poxitiou of Postmaster (T.tl. ' '. . '- : j - : : I n it r rail l" IHr. Jlnrkej . ho In im-nil of Mrs. iSarah Pamela :key, widow oftho latoDr. A. (S, :key, and mother of Hon. E. V. M. i-key, member ! of congress from ilh Carolina, wlio died at the age of ycar to k plsca from her late resi ikp, I'll'.) tJorcoran street, yesterday vi;twoi. Ilev. K. 11. Whippen cou ietl the i services in a most impress riiHiiner. The pallbearers were H. Juniins, Mr; H. . Mr Uaker, Mr; 11. lennett, Dr ..I. K. Msson, (Jen. J. 'i iitenden. Mr W. P- Dunwoody, Ifol.rt Uallach, and Mr. F. H. v. The inlerraent was at (ilei) 'I KnUnitl AVy6iVai.- . infant Engineer in ICdciiiM'' llarinr Krrvlcr. - lu- attorney general lias "gfven an lion that, the appointment, of assist nfneers in, the revenuo marine ice s 'vested in the -President, nnd in S he secretary of the tressury, thatsiich appotntiucnts are subject Mntirmalioii by "the, senate. This m w ill have the effect of placing taul etigineers in the revenue ma ' service upon the same footiug as mlssioneil officers in that service. atcordsnce with this opinion the M.lent has made the following p itments: Horace CNVhitworth and rik 15. Uaudall, first assistant engi rs.'and DanidT. Cross, Panl 11 rues, y McLenegau, Charles F. Nash, and A. Jck, snrond assistant engineers. he following are the names; of th e vuis seleeteil by the Presideut as a td of Vritors to the Natal Acad thi. year: - Mr. Fldredgeji. Iap: i ,; '.United Elates Senate, New York; Johnxou N. Camden, United States He, West V trjc'i n is ; . M r. A 1 frel C. nier, 1 louse of Representatives, ylyania; Mr. 'rhoms Uidegraff, no -of Representatives, Iowa; ;Mr. rr tj. Mills, House of Keprenta ,--Tesas; Kear ; Admiral John C. t.efl. Major General Jrwin MclVw Alt. FAlwsrd V Kinsley, West it. X. Y.; Uv. John W. Dinamore, )mini;iou, 111-; lleneral Anson "CI. Vk, New Yotk; Profeaaot Oeorg mi Uiche, Philadelphia;. lr.;S?m Abbott Hreeo, lkwttn, Mass. -OtOl AluMUr ANO IHsHirilSK retary Chaudler has written a r to Ueneral MclVjwell rrieUnj: latter to visit tbe Academy in cvn ion with liear Admiral Howell acd raid V. Kinaley, btwee tht Jith lay audthe meeting of the Iloartl 'titvrj, June 1, for lb purpoo of rnially io.pjir8gfj rat, whether th dal or scholar ahip adopted U too l. aud econd, whether the diavp during the past year haa been too re. To e ueUoiM ttl be apeci- callxi to the aUealioa of. the rdof Viailon, ami the department e the genUeJoen above narurd to thU preliaiiaary larormal visit rder that they , may b abl to r- to the Beard wbea It neeta th It of their obaervaUoM a ad tair STATENEWN, U. H. Circuit Court convene? in Kal eiglr, on Monday, the first of June. . M r. Linfee placed 88,000 shad in lie I Ncijsc river, on Thursday, of the past week. .- -. ' The leading: citizeus of Elizabeth City, are erecting summer ' cottages at Nagshead. . Hon. 8. J;'. tJox will lecture in Uai- eigh on the 9lh instant, and Fayette- ville on the 18lh. ;. A large excursion inirty have gone from Charlotte to attend tho Baptist covention i" Texas. - Treasurer Worth, exchauged new bonds for $3o0,000' old state bonds while in New Yorkl Trie residence of the Kev. Solomon Pool, of Cary, N. C, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night last' Mr. George K. P. Tate, of the firm of Thos. V?. Tate & Son, died at Moun tain Island, on Saturday lait. Mr. J., C. Hamilton has been ap pointed postmaster at Magnolia, N-C, in place of Carroll, resigned. Captain James Laughliu has bqea appointed postmaster at Swaiisboro in place of X A. Pitman, removed. The citizens of Craven county are making jfortunes truck farming, and the peopjeof New Berne are ail happy. Mr. John Craig, son-in-law of Hon. D. A. Jenkins, had his leg broken by the fall of his. horse, on the -S'.h ol April. A slide ou the W N'l C- li. K., near Swanano tunnel, on Sunday las', -prevented the trains passing until Tues day. .-'. The. westeui bound, traiu on the C. C. railroad- waa delayed, on Sunday last until i "p. in., by a sink in the -road J near-Uockhigham. j Jack lis w ley, a coloreI man was. commuted by the Mavr of Chariot t, chargetl with the rape of ;j. txe vwhis old girl, on Monday last. - --'-t Hon. Crlamlo llubbs has very line truck larm near New IIrne, and they say he will make more money this year than he received for , being congress man. .: (real- preparations are being made at Petersburg for thf'2id mu.si:il con: veolion ol Virginia tnd Norih Carol -na, which lakes plaoJ mi the Uyi of .May." ;.-' ; . ' '' f ' Mr. PiesUni Jenkins, brotluT ol state treasurer Jenkins, ol tl.tlou c.mii' ty was stiuqk by a colored man, on .Sat urday last, f ami his bkull was badly fractured. 1 ! Walernielons are the great commer cial commodity of . Carteret county. Several ot the owuers of plautaliotus along' Boguo sound are getting nch. cultivating watrruielons. j At liresham, N. C, on the 27ih ,Jof Aprii, i A. Milcheli, au.ex-sto'rke-per shot at T. W. Viuceut,; a m wi wii- is uow a. storeieepcr;, he failed his u.trfc, fortunately for Yincent. Senator Yauce and 'wilt,' are. veiling. eastem Norih Carolina, th-y were, in Elizabeth t'lty on the 2Sih of April, and returned to their homo hi Char: lotle. ou Wednesday last. A railroad froiii Ualeigli, Fayette-, ville, Clinton and thjnce to Wilming ton, i" the latest exciiemeui; and u tne people will but study their interest it will bo, contracted at oilce. J The llaleigh AVir 06 m r is out Ue feuditig Sam '.-Randall,'' and the .s7ur will uow have to come, to titne, as the OliMnrr has" madej jae very strong points, looking ironi a I'emocraiic stand point. ' The eilitor has just receive i the sad intelligence of the death ol" hi agd father, Klda John, which iKCUireI yes- tordy morning, at hU homts near tMcr- ling llliuois. Having-lived an exem plait and uaeful life, we have the cou eolation of feeiiug that, whatever the reathiea of the luturc existence way he will enjoy a eternity of reat aud The recent rain did other thing be- idea waahiug away bridge, and the urae Yadkiu that swept the lowlanja clean, caused a wdding auper to tura cold and a wailiag bride to weep. Miss KUa Me Ichor, of Albewarie, was to have been married last Wedoadav venioff loa young man from Pavid on courtly, and at the apisioted hour, the brkje tvm duly aUired, the gueu assembled and the tapper was wailing, but the groom came not, and after waiting ao til a rate hour, the Rueu dispersed' leaving the auppev onloached and the bride in tear. It was learned afterwards that the groom had aurted out to b married, bat the a wol lea Yadkia cut aim off d he weat ap tad down iU baas in lb rain effort to gel acroar Tka rirer enectaalty held him ia check aad pr-mated the weddiac froaa procwd.g. Wm Qtawnrer. Two years ago an enthusiastic sport ing man, of Canada, noted for his powers of endurance iu the saddle, bet that he cou Id ride from Quebec to Chicago and bacK without losing a day. He accom plis"ied the feat- A few months past he laid a wager that he could make the journey ou horseback from Quebec to Patagonia, tho desolate land at the extreme southern parjt of oouth Ameri ca, so familiar to the school, boy. The bet was taken 'and additions mado un til the sum was increased to $5,000 a side. Niiiu weeks ago the daring rider started aud on Saturdiy ho reached Raleigh, going due south. Bro.iz jd by cxposuro, he wasH'ue picture of heal thy, inanhoyd. He was verj reticent aud only by accident was. it discovered that he was the party i.j question- He expects to reach Patagonia, on the same horse be flow rides, . about Sep temberj 18St but will have to run the gauntlet of more wild beasts than were ever seen iu any menagerie, as well as crocodiles, snake cowboys, Indians &c, besides chills aud fever, miasma, yellowj lever, &c.i His motto he de clares is "onward." Nciva 0 Observer. Iull-utlejit Order ol' Iiuuinci lalos ItloomiiiK. Wilmikgtojt, N. C, Mp.y-u, '8:3. : EniToii'PoST: Br'o. Win. Crawford, S. D. M., of Nashville, Teunes-ee, has been in our city for eight or ten days, aud has added to liueen Ester's Court ten members aud organized au addi tional lodge of 1 m maculates, which will be known ia the. future as Wilmington Siar Lodge No. IJSO. He will tutablish savrral lodges iu this state soon, assist ed by the S, U. I). M of Ibis city, Bro. Johu Holloway. They will visit the principal cities in the rtatc sooik Look out for them. The Imuiaccuiates pay a benefit of not less than 1,000, nor more thatT?ha8ers lhe will cerUinly continue to $2,000. gfueen Esther's Court pays $1,000 each death. Most respectfully, CAVAI,EY yixy Items. S Col, A. M. Waddell- was in the city, .the past week. If you Want to buy a nh e farm, see W. 1'. Caua.l.iy. , . " r.ase ball is ail thrag lure now as vvt-ll as elsewhere, . - '. 1 . r;p It ttt rs imist have a two cent sUmj plated on eaca ot them, ' Mr. - tHri.iiir litimau tiuzun.i lut. died here ou Friday . Dr. (Jiteii is Htili, ho'iiiu wita his fiiends.- Hope he wi.l conclude tolro in a in. " '' - L .i : ; . Total number of tltalhs, for April, in this city was 2", IS-colored aud 7 whiles. . '' .The Wilmington, Wrightsville aud Onflow .' -lvai-lrord is -'-graded nearly to the sea vhore. - : ' - - - "- l'ho Ciia4iJuiy only had ontj tlay's -session during the term of the U. 1'istiic'. Court. I .;. We hac heard nothing 'lately .of lie IV'Jt Ca-'weii U.tiiroad. Hop? ik ' bt'ing fhovetl through. - r The lelltrtarrier system is working splendidly, and bids fair to become very popular with the t ili.eu-". Lew i Bryant has been apptinlcd jboaluiau at the Custom 'House, . iu plac ol tieoijte E. lrden, resigned- A young' roan by the name of I'lake ahHtndttl, leaving .t lot rt utuvtlhd "J. O. V." iu this city, a few days ago. Mr. V i i iaiu B. of this coun ty, died in 'his year at hit planta tion Ajii the souud ion Thursday last. Mr .'CM. MclVwell, placrd :h,0iH) young shad in the CaH? Fear at Mar kelt'Sireel dock on Tuunday .iighl last ' We .understand that arraugeuieiila aie being jtuade lo take St uator Yaace aud It an. S. S. Cax, down tho river wbeu thy come, which they are ex- pected lo do iii abvut eight or lea dayaJ If you waul a chtap hou and fox ae W. P. Caoday. 'h mails are nor biog ent ovrr the Cuadbourn railroad, running frvm Cbdlxniru atatioa on W.C- A. R. Iv., about lo - mile- dowa towards Conwayboiough, S. C This ia enterprise--:. ' ': : j '-. The teumony ia lb C C 15. K., ca-s, of Virginia Maltew, v Oaroliaa iCeat ral 15a'il rod Comjaay , haa beea closed by CWbMOBr King, and ,lae aame certified aad forwarded to the plaialitf, the. defendant, aad to the co4rv '. .. '.'-. If yu waat ia keep ported,. tsa Mad i aad pAy for copy ol the IVisr for iha axt IS awaUa WASTED. J? 5,000 acres of pioi land,:"all ia one body. Those who liave aach land will pleasa communicate with-me at once, giving full description el i&e iaame." ! ' ; W. T.' Oakaday ; Do you want a splendid building lot? If bo, see.W. P. Canaday., v ; . , Prof. Hobbs lectured at the Tileston school hall on Friday Bigbt, to qnite a large audience. " 'v ' ; Rev. Dr. J. B. Taylor, left for-the Southern Baptist Convention in TextB, on Thursday last. vt j The editor of the New York Observer, Dr. Windell Prime, has been spend ing sonic weeks at Wrightsville Sound, fo rj his health ' rt . ' "'.."' ' Judge Yan Amring9 mbiiefLY0 w ne-ea. exceeaingiy, on me river, Mv,fc,"av' MUA JBIV UVVU MailUL VU V f w w "I past week. Heury tittlespie, postmaster at, Pa vidson College, was arrested ia Char lotte on Thursday, 3d inst., for shoot ing at a woman, i . - - m .',''. A situation is wanted by. an experi ienced saw-mill man. Can give the best references. Address "K." Post Prluiing Office. The Register of Deeds issued two jaarrjage licenses the past week; both colored couples. For " first class ' job work Mr. E. 8 Warrock, corner Princess and Front streets, is the equal of any in the coun try, and excels all others in cheapness. The old and substantial firm of Geo. 15. French & Sons, boot ar.d shoe deal -f rs, only need to be tried and they will give, such entire satisfaction to pur- patronize them,. Dauial A. Smith, the'-Front street furniture merchaot, is certainly enti tled to ihe patronage of our people. He manufactures and imports furni ture, anil always has the very best and pretties' Jhat can be found in any mar kets ' To ltenl Estate O run, 1 Persous. desiring"to sell real estate in eiither city or country, will do well to correspond with W. P, Canaday, Wil niiugtoij, 'N. C, who has several 'in quires form persons who wish to buy. I ui vernlli or North Carolina. ;:"''iwC -? 1 We have received from President Battle a copy of the Catalogue of the' tiniversKy of North Carolina for 1SS2 'S.. , The . number of matriculates is 0S, the largest number since 1861. Of these 11 are Post Graduates. The Law School has 21. The pamphlet is well painted by Edwards, Broughton & Co., and does them credit. AX KXTEKPRISIKG COLOKED Several of our colored citizens of late have commenced business for them selves, becoming tired of being depend ents Upon others, and some of them are showing enterprise and j ability ia the management of their affairs'. We are glad to note among the leaders Mr, 11. L. IIutchm; he has been for some time engaged lathe wood and hay tralic, and by strkt attention to busi ntss has made a, success of it, and now he has constructed a lighter with a hoiie on it for the transportation of hay. The house will protect the hay from the weather and will prove very beneficial to our farmers. Mr. Hutch ins is a man of integrity and enterprise' and we have no doubt but what he will make a successful bosineesl mam. ' We hope to note .other enterprise by our coloml frieuda ta the near fhture. Western f.C. InsaaeAy lam. " For those ioterestedwe , clip the. ar ticle below from tha oraa Obterrrr. - Wc are reqaenad to aar that patients carried to ibe Westera N. Ct Insane Awylom at Morgaatoa, wiiaoui fivt obtaining pemissioa from the Baper inteodent to be carried thera, aad coat plying with the law aad refttlaUooa, will not be admitted. The taw reqairea that abut .100 patieata, wh have beret if . re beeacoafiaed ia the Ayfui at Rlei;h, hall be the first to receive accommoiatfoaa at Morgaatoa -Aftar thit eumber U. provided for the' an thoritiea of the Aaylaai at lforratoa will use every exeUoa poaaibla to uke as maav of the oataide laaaaa as taey can The Saperiataadeat j aad direc tors fympataixa ery atach wita the de aiaad made upoa theea foe admhaita, bat they are doioj all that ia poastbla to do aader tht eiiBjaUacer . Bat reatsHaber aot tv'aurt aay cmm te laa Atylam, expecliax admtwtSow, wltboat tni stalias tit required airaaxrmeata wita Dr. Marphy. Ua Saeriatawdeat. TV last iavaatka it a aaacaiaaU play aikUao. TM ) ta attartj awfai. i.'ily lloinls. We are requested to sell three thous and dollars " worth of city bonds (the Fiahblate bonds,) Persons desiring to purchase will address ua through tho postofSce. The person making the largeut cash offer will get thsra, they are a splendid investment. Address . W. P. Canaday, '.' Wilmington, N. C. Maj. W. A. Hearne. of New Berne, was in the city on Tuesday and Wed nesday last, prospecting. He contem plates putting a fine side-wheel steamer on the river between Wilmington and Smithville for ther summer travel. He says the vessel will make about twelve miles per, hour, and will accommodate about 400 people eutirelytoiafortable;. There can be uo doubt that such a i t i . MllAB question. ;,i United ,ilale Court. ':' The U. S. 'District Cou ri convened here on Tuesday morning last, Uou. A. S. Seymcmr presiding, Hon. W. ir O'B. Robinson and Willis Uagly pros ecuting officers, and Marshal Hill with all of his colored deputies were on hand keeping order and serving papers. The court was'short, owing to the fact the district, attorney had liis officers ready and shoved matters through in a business- like way Fo.- the first time in many yars the United States is re presented by a district attoniey who has the business capacity aud energy to perform the duties with satisfaction. U. N. district l oiirl. This tribunJ met at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning last, His ,Honor7 Judge A. is. .Sevmour, presiding. The following comprise Ihe Grand Jury for the terra; J. Wilder Atkinson, foreman Chas. H. Ganer, J. H. Price, Patrick Donlan, C. P. ilebane, Thos. Hill, W. I. Gore, D. II. Walker, 1. Hollings tvortb, F. H. Mitthelt; J. A. Holt, James Savage, C. ( Morse, G. M. Al tBffer.Juo. L. Wesc;tt, Walter G Mac Rae, A. J. Stanford, John FjV.tns, R.ibt H. Brown. ' r The following cases were disposed oi: U. H. vs. F. 1. Caj.ps, violation of the.uiternal revenue !;tv; conliiiued till next term for payment' of costs. U.S." vf. Win. Mclvov, violation of revenue' laws; defendant callt-Vt and failed; judgment nisi- U. S. vs. James (iohvin, violation of revenue laws; continued until next term for payment of cost.s. lion of Ve veil tie laws: continued until' next term for payment of costs. U. S. vs. Ge. Godwin, violation til revenue laws; rame judgment UYS. vs. Wilson Willia'uis, tw. t-ast-s of violation of revenue law-; no!, prts. wilh leave.. U. S. vs. K. J. Waikerr pc'jurv; llol pros, with leave. , U.S. vs. Marshall '.J.mes, an-ini.l-ing to pass 'counterfeit inouey; called and failed; judgment ni-i. U. S. vs. J.T. Brlce, perjury; called aud failed; jiidgniein "nisi. , ' U. S.Ss. Lawrence Weat In rly, con victed at a ftirnier term of mail robl ry, when judgment whs Mi.-pctidcd t'poi payment of ctmtsjaiid rtt.vt:.4 moiiey taken from letters; having failed to comply with .said judgment. was brought iut-V court ..tid m atom td t. one year's imprisonment Tai haid'L'i r. U, S v. Hintoii '.ril-klan.l, i.n iur. ; continued lor waut tu govt rnuient witnesses.;- U. S. vs. Alexander B ltou, i wo-.u-t-a of violation of .section tU.ti Reyifcxl Statutes, 'continued.:..':. U.S. va- Ida Chambers and A!. Mul ligan, retailing wilhoti. license, giiii.lv; judgment susjeodetl on the payment of coets. Ourt met at 10 't!.. k W"lieJay morning and 'he fjliowiu c-es" were dijosed of, U.S. va. II. Smith, retailirsg iijiitr without a license; gm'ty; judgment uspended on the payment -fco!s;? U. S va, Auguiu Tboui.iu, ait a Uesee TbompJo. robbtag the mail of a registered letter ia the ptv'jce at Fair Bla'; guilty,, judgment that the deeodai be iupriaed at bard labor for the term of o year. U-S. vj. Sio Ad, Kii'i.5 bikcy witbHtt a Uoeoe having Wa r.r; ub taiaed; guiUy;.'iJiVodani ca'.rocei t'; coanaemeat for aix mouib ta lb coaoty jail. . i At 4 T. M. Coart jUjtHirr J fr thl tevaa, so far as the triaJ of ax. o?a ceraed; taere beicg .m U;:'. Wuar fat tha Marshal ad tVri to 'llaba up The biada w im ri mi ih t tie auiaa f ftJeraxsjjiU." to W:.pUrel Neadeewald, aar tte 15h.a, rt;i. a too. ihe total aaoQt of acal j Uw atauaa ia forty-4r Ukv AUoraey Coeral RrewKrr l a rr--aomacad errar, aad firva rry ckwet imWdiaaere Ma bmmm irw. Ctk UcPfcrca, cJ i 1! Uiaks that Raaclall wiU W akr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- DON'T FORGET IT ! .. ..-''.. - ','' ri'UE OLD KEULABL.K lOUSK OF f Ceo. R. French & SonSi ' ON NORTH FRONT STREET, . Keeps the Largest and . Best Stock of Boots and Shoes In the state. I '- Fair dealfng with all and Belt Goods worth tho money pail for them.: Come and see us. , 5 GEO. 1L FRENCII & SONS. may G tf. i . D. A. SMITH, MANUFlCTdRER and DEALER IN WO. 43 NOllTU FKONT STREET. The Latest And Handsomest Styles; ' ALWAYS ONf JIANli ma v l oiu . ! ..-. -.- ' CITY OK-W1LM1SGTON, N. C. 1''' MAYOU'S 0J-1-ICK, ' '', I ' . :V Way 1st, !Sft3. ' Proposals y ILLBIS KECKl VKU I STIL t O'CLOCK V. M. 8ATUK1)AY, MA-TjoTJI, im for fur-iiisliiu- ttio ( ity with Ei(Jht (S) new Carts, lu t-) New Wiigous, atid 8eveu (7) Sets fC;trt Harness. Spetlflcafious can be seen at the Mayor s OIHce. I ; V.. 1. HALL, iiinyOit.' I Mayor. rj rK FAC-SnnLK-Prr.tBaaf Lai. . I.L nblo-ona black grout. -- vro fif dealer iko attvmai ata! (T I r A I lo. M HTITl TIOJI orW)RTH .'.TTrfr0"..'' ae" uavtH -'.Hi. ou are rcouine wltLeat tte SAFE. 3 ' .1 VAaEn A t Oy Rochester. M X. may - U. -J V IIIMSSOTV'K ,1 N. G. Business Directory for 1863. J-O IM'O liKM.S8l'tU, t i himvtS-i;nt KAit ok rt i t.i- s ' - - - -- -.- CATION. HI'l t -iiliiu ovcl 0-i'i JIAMKS. aot I 11,1. n'd t to be 'I ho FL"t.!.rT AM MOrlT HlLIAjTLK Ivrtf.klttfiNVK HOOK cvtr pubiijiiiovl kr Not-fit CahtU'ita. ' ' '. -,: Tiif faint.o atij rrWr j.Wual Meti of t-rry County, t'tlv aa Vu!. -will b re--.fUl anil v!ic!txl kr rvnirmvit rtlc-f-..it.-.-r. . - lt ,- ...'. - ., .. i- Tfsoc Uoin J (.id jo wi!i I'UaAv Mm-liiuni-Bi.1 wltii tiif al Klrlth. N. t. L bi.jV N, rtiUUbcr. jTtl;m Ward's White Lily Soap Uanlr aid IVIlfi. t'e. at AWAt WITH. W A 1 1 gt U R l3 i S I ISO ILKHJSi AXI'i't tS- V.i K .(- TO TURX THf :r.fcHtV itxtow. it t n in: i m:u i.iTin.ac in HOT UK (OLII W TtK. ' i- . .... '.. !. Aim ml !aK, a4 ia - 4 rw-jK-c-afcif-I aul tmljtmcJ, fey 3 a t oaaatry . Fr W -T-f . mtoa-fcfrvttti'i ; , Sa5s f GSTiiWi 3 rivd 151 . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW ' HAMOVBR COUNTY. SCPERlOa COUBTt, I- .... , Naacy Cowan a Fraucla M. Moore.' Thomaa U. Wright and others. JIUS action is brought by the above Aamed PuUntifl against the above named pendantsforjQiecooeyance to the Plain tiff from the heira of JoshaaO. Wright, do ceaaed. and ihe heirs of IsabeUa tsajjipaon, deceased, of the rati estate, or tf any inter est which they may have or claim in eer- ' tain premises situated in the City of Wil mington, County and State above men. i lioned,and which are described in theoom- ' plaint, and to quiet the title to the aaid premisea. The Deieatlaata Frank 1, Young no. hla wife Kjnma. W. Young, are hereby notified and required to appear at the next term ot the Superior Court, of the aaid county ofNew Hanover, to be held at the Cour tQonae, in the aaid City of Wilmlngtou. ' on the 13th Monday ancr the 1st Monday in March A. li, 1883, and defend in aaid action. jven under my hand this 21st day of April, S. VauAMRINOK. Clerk of Buperlor Court aprll 22 t ri'HE UEOuLAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Htocaholdcra'of the CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the Company 'a Office, iu the City of Wilmington, ou THURSDAY, MAY lorn; at li o'clock A. M. J AMKS ANDEKSOiN, Secretary. aprll : m Notice . WlLBUNOTO!, N. C. Anrll "Ikt IRu: "OlDS will be received until May 3)th, lor thirty thousand crons-tlc. said croas-tiea b be seven feet long. s inches thi 3k. bsrked , and flatteUed With at ljo.t nina ln.-hn fu.-a ' surface, iiaid crons-tlca to be distributed along the route between llmlngton and Wrlglitsvlllo Souud, under the direction of the General Superintendent. .: Ufcti. W. ritlCK, Jr., ice President for Hoard of Director, aprll 22 it, Notice. WlL.MINt.TON, Nf. C., Apnl lt,Ii. KALKli proiKwalH toj' furulsh lumber for tba coustrnctlon of Culvt-ru, llrldpea, CrosahiKs, Trcatlca, Hbt-Ua. l'lMllormo, lt IHt, ic;. will 'be received uutU the 'JWh or May. I UKO. W. I'lUCE. JB Vice lreldenl lor Roard of Directors, aprll Z it ROOK TalXLEl JjH)R BUJ LblNU I'UKl0ii2S. Discouats oik Lame Ltu. KKKNCU liKtM. ltoeky Toint. N. t".. U. TAliSLEY, Jk., Wilmington, N. C, or U pl 15 tt MRS. AVANT?S, BOarding; - House, VKXT dtior to Mr. It. K. White. m - s - . Market Ilclca Hirod awifj TbliJ ftlirta Wlimiegton. J.-ty Kfiat p ajr. tvt', prr wettt, .o. Meals S rtBU, fc-hl-U. CHAS. KLEIN , I ndcriakrr and Caklart -'-...' 'i - ."' . 'iv. XU.Otm fmtfCg aVU-aA-4 fce - " - i , ,. f iaeakaaatiatajtL TTOtata. - I s. J J ' 4 i t ; i