i l.)i l t ll.. i. J't!' Ai voi.u.mh : WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. JUNE. 3, ISS3. Siagte Copies; 5 Cents. . NUMBER 22. ' i n in id rn r n 5 airo Wir.MlNaTON POST Enhrt'l at the Fostqffice at WUming iou, Cm Second Class Mailer i RATES OF ADVERTISING. i BighS) lines, Nonpareil tjpe, con stitute a square. ''I :; ' I fifty cents per line for the first in : I iertioa and twenty-fire cents per line j or each additional insertion. !.' Alf advertisements will be charged ' ct the above rates, except on gpecial aontracts. j . , . j " . r '' v. The subscription price to The Wil mington PosT"i8 12P0 per year; six own thstl 00. i AH communications on busines must be addressed to The Wilmingtok Tost, Wilmington, N. C. Sir. Waller Evana, has qualified as : Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and is now in charge.- ; . j uny iai. rvo nope ine new rmperor will prove a liberal ruler, and wi'I grant the people more'liberty than his old father, who was a miserable tyrant. BROOKLYN II It I DOE PANIC. On Wednesday last, when thousands of people were crossing Brooklyn ' bitoe, between New York City and . Brooklyn, piiic took place from ' tome uofcnown cause, and hundreds of . people were badly injured, while six teen were killed. in the jam. sa i i . tiri . ine ueDt statement just issued by Ine Treasury Department shows fa de crease of the public debt during the month of May to, $ i,89u,476 60, cash in the treasury, $317,868,062 3 1; gold certificates; $83,460,940; silvercertifi- cutea, $80,033,331; certificates of depos it outaUndiag, $11,805,999; refunding certificates outstanding, $358,008, les;al ' tenders outsfauding, $1 10,681,016; frac tional "currency outstanding, $7,002 .110 u I IIIMTII OF A I'ltOMLNtNl COLORED WAN. Ilou. James A Uapier of Alabama, . Jied at his plantation a few days asjo. Mr. Uapier was Collector of Iiittrual Urvemit), and otin of the moat d is tin gniubwl colored meu in the south. He bUmx.I w'na Uruct", Douglass and Elliot, in point o'ablity. lie was also a mao - . vfgrnt wealth, and badoiore influence f'l lire niir, IUKU Mil J Ulllr IfD fUeil " III it. . .; -v . JftllONIW ViiiWMu. . Will the Democratic press never learu niVy hen v'l They always hollow tuo siMm, ii has ever been thus wiih Ilium- lliwv am f.rvintr at Lhn- tops of f j t . n - - . .. tlieir-voices that "Mahone ' is. dead," "Ute' readjusted party burieil," "Little Hilly MahoaeV funeral,: ' &c. f hy , should wait aud take the figure-, work ' on facts and not rumors;- they are too apt "lo go (! half cocked" and hare afterwards to take back a great many tltHiKs, which would - not hare to be done if they wonld be a little Wore cautious Now the fact is, Mahone or the resliuster nartr. hare won a Urge number of counties from the bourbon Democracy; thisi electioo was lor county tracers, ana me. resuu should be based on the spring elections for county officers iu the past to do sO ; and the result shows a gain for the re atlimters of ,mme 15 counties, and next fait when the stale election lor mem of the legislature comes off, "Little Billy Ml)one" oj the "Little UianV as bis fiiemls delight to call him, will fSt the bourbons something tot cry for. II ..we iniNtake not, Senator Mahone will le endorsed by the fxpJe next fall, as no nan Was ever befort br any people- He is (he leading mn in the I south, and the petple who want to Uheir section prosper had better stand by dim, w believe ther will. uity Items. Uichard 1. Taddisoo wanU hands to grade the railroad bstween Clinton and Toint Caswell. ie his ad. - Cot. Foster iotends to cons'rucf m telegraph lio between Wilniingtun Warsaw and Clinton. . Se hi ad. jMarsdea IMlamy, Attorney al-law liiavrs for Ualeigh to-morrow, lie U em .ployed as attorney for the defedal iu the Marine Hospital suit, U. S plaiotio". beoator Tltowaa R. runieH ot Wakf , Wa io the.ctty oa yeaUrday. To k on of our rUiac rovMt f to state, and WilalBftoo, U nativ city should b protKl of Wta. lit tip- Vnta Wake in th slat wate. The ralntoa jtateiUay eoakl onlj Ki. ,.Uftltd bv th flood. It COSB- meor4 btnii cdock a4 'fidriy pdaml dawn unUl about 4 p. dv, ao that th Ureota cMld bo aavlratedb? a asaall boat. TVo avo kw w!Ui such rale, to Urd, for the Itasth o visit to Wil p i A sT Col. W. I1, Craighill i advertises proposals. Bee advertisemeut. Pon.. W. 8. &B. Robinson, our able District Attorney, was in the city Wednesday-last. beuator Iyfiea of Lonofr, and? Hon. Hugh Murry of ' Wilson j were litre m Memorial day.' Collector L'enuy packer wnnls coal lor the KeyeiiueHJulter. AdvertisemenU in another column. ' Postmasters U rant of Ooldsborp, and Nicbolaol Kaleigh, come to our Na tiooal Memorial services , : ' 'Collector Teuu j packer adveises lor proposals for rations for crew of Reve nue Cutter , ' ' Mr. W. 1?. Mabson and family, . of Tarboro, N. C, are in the city, spend ing a short time with Col. George L Mabson. " i Hon. George C. Gorham and lady, and General Frank Uattou, lady and Master Richard Hatton, left our city on Wednesday night last for Washing ton. ' ' . Hon. J. C. Dancy of the Tarboro Sbli7icl, Mr.riinlth of the Charlotte Met senjert andMcLeaneof the Banner Hh tcrprue, werepll in this city the past week. ' " Neaslde Hotel Bull. , The grand and brilliant opening of the Seaside. Hotel took place on Thurs day night last. Mr. B L. Terry, the( proprietor, made everybody enjoy themselves, and the supper provided for the occasion was excel leut. . Messrs. Thomas Mewton and W. 1. Mibson, of Tarboro, N. C, bave been appointed by the board of directors of the Wilmington, Wrighlsville and Ons low Railroad Company directors of said Com pany lo; fill vacancies which oc cured on. the board, and are authorized to collect subscriptions to the capital stock. E. F. Martin, f- Ueneral Manager. Superior Conrl. There is 128 cases for trial on the civil issue docket, and 32 cases on the appearance docket. r " i Hon. Frank Halton was m brave mi'-, dier and helped t capture Nor'h Car olina in l8G5,-but on Wednenday last be captured WilmiiiKiou siogfe handed; stormed the fortifications, war vrssvls ana III, " nn. ..-A. .. love of all, and the best wishes of this entire pipulalion, for his future wel fare. Everybody is desirous of his return; in fact they want to becptured very often by him. Capt. Uichard T. Paddis'or has the contract to. build the railroa 1 from oiut Caswell to Clinton, and will com mence at once. We know ol no man who would perform this-work- better or with greater expedition; he a man of great energy aud judgment, and il thediroctors will back him with the necessary money, which we suppose they will, the road will soon be Un- iahed. . The Hon. E. Teschau, -Iferman ton- ul, had bis consulate flag at half-mast on tbeOih, aud all the German ves sels in this port were a!so: decorated with flags. Mr. lVschau bad the Rev enue Cutter saluted by all of his ships in the port, "as well a by the Mac over his own office, as the vesei passed up the harbor. This token uf respect i highly appreciatedby the Uuiteti States government repreaeutativea, and ahows a most eicellenl feeling between le two nations. - r . -1 - Those who desire board at the sea side can b suited by Mr. II. U'erry, h. kotel at WrichUville and one at Soaithrilte. Both will be con ducted by exporieocod porsous, aud everything will be done that is possi ble, br tho proprietor, for the.com fort of his gueata. Th asido Hotel is only seven ml lea from the ctty.ua the host turapiko In U ut. oaiy aa hours' rido from tbe city, aod righl oa the sound, with a beau tilal grove In the background. The hotel at bssKa ville U ric&t th Inltt, ia full view of the ocean, and oaljr two hours' ride oa a steamboat, with aa ex coedtagly pleasant oak grov ia Sasith Ul Tr? aoar tho holU Aa AasocUUoa was orfmawed ia the First colored Baptist Church, of WUaaingtoa, N. CL, eosarf of Flfttt aad Caapbtll slreeU, know a aa tho Wil ilactoa Mbsiooxry lUpUst Assoda- tfea of N.O.Moa4ay May SSlh, A. IX, 1SS3. Thoofier elected for th eo- auln raar are aa floa: - . . rreaWeot. Eer. A.U. Oiowar, 1so rwWsat, Ett. II. P DoraHt; t5w tarv. Doaoosi E. D. Noil; Cormrd- I.gecrtUry, A. J.8ualotd;Troa.rtr Rrvf Isaac Nlxoa; Advim, W. 1L Col, 1. J. Young,, paid mington on the 30th- NATION A lj JIE.UORIAL DAY. TLe 30th llf MiV. Ihn 1ir not. anarf . "I by congress, was oue of the mo3t pleas aui. aays or luia exceeUingly pleasant spring. The cemetery was handsomely decorated; uii'icr the mauagement of Col. Ed. lirinlf, 'chairman of the ft r " a " iuemoriai Association, and Mr. K. C. Taylor, Superintendent of the cemetery, it was the very picture of beauty !Mr laylor one of the very best landscape gardncrs in tho wlj Je country, and erforms his duty ful y to the last rest- iog place of those wh o died at the bat- tie of Fort Fisher There are some 2,300 dead, and at the head of each a National flag was flyiug- The mound, the fence, the lodged and the speakers staud were all decorated with flas and flowers. The grave of Gen. Joseph C. Abbott, which is iu the cemetery, was not lorgotleu by the maur visitors, and it. wa covered with Apwen Jy .those who loved aud honored him while liv- "g- r i . At 4 o'clock the people commenced gathering at the cemetery, and by 4:30 o clock a larce crowd had arrived. when W. P.' Canaday; Esq , the master of ceremouies, called the assemblage to oruer, aud alter music by the P. and A. Club, Rev. Mrj Council opeued the service with praycir. Mr. Canaday then stated that "the National Memo rial Association had received quite a number ol letters Irom distinguished geulleuieu in answer ; to invitations sent theui to attend the memorial aer vices, among the number there was one from Gov. W. E. Cameron jof Virginia, an ex-Confederate toldier of distinction, that was so exceedingly appropriate he would have it read." (We will pub lish the letter next week Ei.) After the readiug of Gov. Camerou's letter, Mr. Cauaday introduced Hon. George C. Gorhamas follows: 1 . " Ladks ami Genlleiuen; It ' is my deasure to introduce the orator ou this memorial occasou. The distinguished gentleman who has so kindly accepted our iuvilaliou and traveled hundreds of miles to favor us, i.i no strauger to you; t)leasi. by reputatiou. The federal sol- iers who won the battles of the late war and achieved the eraud and Vlori- us victory that hm made this govern ment a permanency arei entitled to our gratitude. But my friends there was auother class ol patriots who had a till more d illicit it task to perform at fioine, they were lite editorial writers f iiio . loyal iapers of the i'ouutry. iVnd they made impossible for the Union no v to car v the slars and uLritea vic- oriousiy irom hjb x . Graude, aud it is my pleasure to say to you that no man has done more for the honorable maintaiuance of the princi ples that the federal army battled, aud for which the meu lying in this ceme tery died than the, Hon. Ge j. C. Gor ham. of Washington City, who will now address you." We publish the exceedingly able and appropriate address of Mr. Gorham ou our editorial page. It speaks for itself aud we have heard but one opinion ex- ressed by those who j were fortuuate euough to be piesent and hear the ad dress, namely: "that it was the very best ever delivered at the National Cemetery, that he pletsed the assem blage would not be sutfijienlly strong, he completely captured his hearers, and everybody, white and black, Republi cans and Democrats and the soldiers of the federal army a- well as the late loiiftderale tidier, were all periectly delighted. We sp.-ak1 but'the truth unvaruishe't aud unioliahed. when we srfy that we have never heard a speech endorsed with such ;perfet umanimity n all of our experience, aud in our opinion Mr. Gorham expresses the views ol the trne1T uioo Iwpubiican of th- north at the preeul time. : After th? '' oration at Mr. Oorham, Mr. Cauaday introduced First Assist ant Postmaster General Frank Hatton, who come forward and spoke lor, about ten minutes in a speech exceedingly ap- propriato for the joccasioo. Aiiei music aod the benediction, the large assemblage disbanded and decorated tho graves with Bowers ' llrvrnae latter Collax. We haro nTer seen a resad look handao ver tkaa the Rer. Cutter Out- fax did 00 national memotial day; tho veel , bxorated with flag frosa teal torero. A wuumi rui-ww of flags passed Irom the bowsprit over the top of her ataau tc the saaiaspnL Tho ship was io excellent order, oeat clean, and tTenrthlog m IU proper place. CapUin Eri" Gahrielwea, tho able and couneott oaander, aaairt ed by tho executire officer. Lieutenant Uaad.l Chief Kagineer Cherera, aa4 their awwunto, were oa had diapea- aior hoapttaUti during tho day, aad they made every body kl perfectly at hooao oa their CoaUas ralaco. At 4 o'clock they ared a aaluto 0 Utlrty-aix aa ia bor of tho aatioa's doad Ahreaa' ko for saio. Uiaa4.la U aaothrr tolaAB. liOCAL 81IOBT8.. n: t Et policemarj Watkina, Is Tty sick. The white, fire department was out oa Wednesday last., y tiJ 4 -nW.. . The city is contemplating tho grad ing of Third atreet! i.t y" " 1 The U. ti. Circuit Cuort convenes at Raleigh to-morrow. J.;--';y niim l The Criminal Court of New Hanp rer, adjourned yesterday. ' : hj ; The dog war will commence jn a few daysso get ydur Wgel j Cotton is about . plaidi out. for the present season at this Jr0t,,,,-,;'t' . -i The (Superior Court most s to-morrow forfNew IJaoortr ooaatyr f ;! a j Poiiceaaaa Howland,was taken sud denly sickoa Friday ' olght last. ' " A snake was i killed corner of Sixth and Mulberry,; on WeiiJneadry lasiV ) ',; -The waits of the 100 .store 'on Front street .are rapidly going upward. Rer. T. B. Pitta, has been, called to Baltimore, on account of ricknees ia his brother's family. . , , i .-. Ex-Mayor Fishblate, has returned from the North, and we are glad to see he ia looking well. It is rumored that Rer. Dr. Geo. Pat tersou. will return to ' this city,' and again take charge ofSt. John's Church, Mr, B. L. Perry, has employed some of the best fiabermea of. Carteret coun ty, to furnish fish fur his Seaside Hotel. Mayor Hall, is winning many praises from all, for the impartial manner io which he conducts the affairs, of the City. ' - Clerk Superior Court has been busy the past week, getting ready fur the transaction of business the present week. -M1; Mr. E. F. Martini Superintendent of the W., W. & O. R. RM reports that bo has six miles of the road graded to the Souud. " ' ' ; Mr. J: W. Taylor, was quite seriously injured a few ; days ago at his mill in thisrpity, by one of the bells which sudeuly broke and struck him. Hon. S. H. Fishblate.' reports the busiueis men of Baltimore, are contem plating esublishing of a new steam ship line, . between that city and'f WiU miugtou We hope it will be dode"r - Mr. J. I. Macks, the Attorney at lw hss rI been bsenl vioiliog hia rela tives, delivering lectures, Ac, has re turned to the city. , Macks is oae of may he continue tb pTosper'.''" K" Hon. Frank Hatton, accompanied by ( bis wifr and son, and Hon. George C. Gorbam and wiCe arrived in our city I on last Tuesday night, aod on Wednes day m orning the party were invited on board the Revenue Cutter Colfax, where quite a )arge party Of our most prominent citizens awaited them, and they were received by the officers of the Cutter and citizens with great enthusi asm. Among the party we noticed Captain E. J. Penny packer, the Collec tor; Col. E. R. Brink, the Postmaster; nl VL I) Hall, tha Mavor of the citv. Gen. S. H. Manning the sheriff of the rountv: Hon. Stace VanAmrintr. the Judge , of Probate; Hon. R. E. Heide, j , . , u. the Norwegian and Danish Consul at this port; Hon. W.8. O'B. Robinson, the Uoitd $late District Attorney; Col. IiaacJ. Young, Collector of Inter nal Revenue of this district; Mr. John Nichols, Postmaster at Raleigh; Major H. L. Grant, Postmaster at Goldsboro; Judge Daniel L. Rruaell, aUgrney - at - law: Meeer. Frank H. Darby,-Edward U. King,J. I. Macks Hugh Murray, ifcouand Loftia. Tho buuneas men were reprrsented by Vfenrs. Ed. Kid der, George R. French; Jas. H. Chad f T II.iiAvl-' V W TmUr T! V I Thorp. Thomas u. aitn, taaries r. Taylor, 1. v. JJavta. Mr. u. uerxin, c. -.1 I . " 1. wamea ouvshtcisj bum of others. Tha ladios were also reprt - , -...,..!. seated by qolte a anaaber. AS HM M mm neeta www iiHwimu . .v t !. I Ui Teasel waa gotua rJ down that liver at about twelve miles per boor, giving our yiaiton a ana Jokeooa,' aiao SaaitiieiUso iAt Ue iolei tha vessel waataraed hooMward, w ha luncA was ordered, aad all had gooa appeuKa.' tow us jauca repam spread by Cabala Erk OaMalaea, the aCCOSBplkOed COaiaHadef Of the OalnU. Toe party arrived a toe city at wi a- .a . o ckME, aaa areve a ski w emmags. to the aatioaai ctsaeUry. to hear tLt able addreaa c Uesw George CGo rs.n TWiaaaa J. fVaa!hrtLaaMl has 1 - . -. MTcaased Mr. 8. A. Cwrie a livery uhW, whka auras three he Is aow raaalac ! rfy. Ca,t & W a - . . . - J1 Vaosja haver t suit aBBBMBwas BBSkSl www . . a . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ... 1 .C : " " . . 1'of the I.vr. Card- . ' 1', Will you please do an iijured wouiaa the justice to publish thejlfullowiug: The Morning Star of this cityihas the unkmdness to say 111 its reprjL of the criminal court of this d:tte, Jue 1st, riz: "Eliza Borden, larceny; guilty." Now, Mr. Editor, let me say iu justifi cation of myown case (and I hate to have to do so), that I have been a res ident of this city for fourteen years, and hare ever enjoyed a character; for honesty and virtue. I am, a married woman, doing a legitimate bu.siuess, and can prove a good character for in tegrity, by many of my "old time" white friends, and by all business with whom I deal. Necessities of the ease forced me" in' the protection of myself aud my business to use justified means in an aggravated case of assault and battery I used them; was , tried for it before a justice of the icace and found guilty, and appealed, I was re arraigned before the criminal court on the same charge by some parties, and through the medium of perjured wit nesses was found, guilty of .assault aud battery -This is truth; -and :'lFUlh is mighty," not oaliti iny yiud:cktion, but iu the condetii nation ol" such slaa ders as was reported in that paier. Some of the witnesses lor the state were convicted thieves, and one, particular ly, who is even debaned by law the privilege of voting, because ofcriiue. . Respectfully, Eliza Bjuui;'. Juue 1st, 1SS3 It. Proposals Tor Furnishing C'oul. CUSTOM HOUiSE, W1L.M1NUTON. N.C., COLLECTOK'SOKl- iCK, May oM USi, SEALED HlOFUSAbS WILL UK IJK cciveU at tbia OHice, imlil 1' o'elxck noou.of Friday, Juue Sih, ISiJ, for turuish- Idb -a Cargo of irom ooOTO 0OJ TUNS OK OEOROK SCKEKK CUM UEU L.N1 CU A K lor the 'use of the Ut-veuue Alarinc 'Sc.ryiee at this Port, said Coal to bo of best uiuuity, ? free from impurities, to weigh '. JW -k unds i, Uillie Ton, to be subject to iusiivclioii, unj to be dclivereU, free of cliarse, ou" wharf now occupied by Ho veuiie Vessels, 5, The right to reject auy or all btlj Is' rc- served. June J It K..I, PENN YI'A K Kli. r I'olltetor. Proposals for Ftiriiisliiiis Miii Chandlery uiul Kalioiis for Kevouuc 9Iarije. ceiled at this Otlice until 1- o'clock, rooo. oi Monday Juue. 11, isst. for mui!iywia r lions and Ship Chaudlery, lor u-jtfiiCrcw 1 1 and Vassels of the V. H. Ucve-iiilic Msriiio Service iu the Colic-tiou luMric or Hie flscel year enJio Juue. ;lli, lvsi. SeUcdutes of articles of.jhhip Ciniiidltiy, to be bid for will be furnished' oij uitlica lion to this Ulloe, ! 1 E. J. PEN N'V PACK Ell. - - i -. junet-U , Collector. UVILKINUTON, CLINTON AND WARSAW TKLKCiRUMI 10. SUBSCttlBEIlSTO I UK Alii'VI. ..MKl -. . -. . . .. .. enterpn are ieiursit'ii i iuctii vn-nou on Ine Tin juue, i or inv purin u . . v ... cauUatlou aud ni.ikni; an aojiciii. nis !-r the r0nspl coariructioii ul thy suit. Wktwlnclou subscriber are iciutl ! 1 meet at the oini-e of v u. 1,. siiuiii a o , I oa the Mb June, at 1 r- "-. to Insure a lull T-u Ua,hv'r w. tx.srr.it. . iki . I Vu"rcI,1,",c aU-- It xuakastik W tiik ivut .e I h ,iTOiBtoB win euforci froui Mjt hi re-mber Int u filov t houi of car r o the iiriiun i fciBUor4ckn on imra durtos the I iii ae. or us arrival, aad will cau a u 1 aal to b set la the main nrxtns tue 1 port aide. aa mom powi a crog I the Bar. I No v si nmt leave ux josraua c I uvnn, w mj l" . I Uat. tthlr. or boat v aay Mod ut su I ee .1 ama4 b saesr4 mmm Uh-i. aMr. lias atmy be bad oei rr 1 f ajMCM I .rnmi $artu u 1 r. w o04 ir. ti. TnmaC J r-- i qnnutt rt;wiu. tf ta raio. tt fZ 10 1 , A awawOty f f JW for ead aad vrrrf f- a gsBBBasrsss wui arssr n w-m mrwm, wajpesa-sai w m w-w- --- stw4 itcn ts; pn sauaw snr -1& vi-raus) it. ntm v t I J?1 rycaa. iwt oi w ur I 4 ' V ICE! ICE! ICE ! I wnKii I 1 . a Base av u aBaaHgw maiiia lna a' ek.itf-aar nanra''T. Useetttaewe a4 t)be r-55 rr2f. 1 1 ai ia a ru rt ; aav us I Wssastf s a nia s m fmUxe. I - v m t . IIBIH. . BVlLe. AHBJLMS r fca. awMS 94TW KB 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-! , Ituprovins; apei Femr Kiren pei low Wilmiuston; If. Ci l'BOJPOMAIX FOB DREDGING. U.S. E.N(iLNKEJiO Kic,jO aamtsBtM i Baltimobe, Md May 22, S83. TU0P08ATa for Dredirln lnlCape Fear i lUvor, Ji. IX. wilt be reetva iQnUt noon of Juue j;, ISS3, and opened lnunpdii atljr. tharoafler. ; tif u Blank: forms. stKM-Iflnattona anil I nf.-irhn ... lion can be hud oa application to this- ofllce. jnnea-li , V Wilmington & Weldort R. r: Company, .V 1 in SECRETARY A TREASURER'S OFECEJ T WILMiNGTtilf, if. C!,"Mayi22, S2i JN rUKSUANCF 6k 'a RESOLUTION adopted by the the Directors of the U- uiiu-ton &. Welduu Kail Road. Pom pany, at a mealing held thladajr, aBPWIAL.MEKT- INU of the Stockholders or said Company will be hed In the City et Wilmington at the Olllee of the'Corn panyrat 'li V'clook! A. M.t ou TUURSUAY, the 2U5T DAY OP JUNE N EXT, ' to take Into eonsiderattoa the localinsand buildiux of a Railroad from some DOinton i.h s.si.l Wiimi..i. . o.L d ju Kaiir-ad south of Wilson to Florence. y i ., on tho Wilniinstoa. Columbia A Aa KUsla 1 tail road, or tiome point east thereof on Kuid roMd; auu sech fuxlher actio In ""i.o.r in ine saia wcKUolders aa- l,uult " uiefciing may oonmder p'opar, . ! J, W. THOMPSON. uiayj7-tni . .BecreUrj. II. BRUNHILD & BR0., j Distillers, Wholesale Iijifoi Dealers AND-i'ltOPRIETOIta OK THE I'lIAMi'ION CIGAR FACTOKV, ' W I li M I N ii TO N ? N. J. . HICKS & BRUNHILD 1 BROS., KIC1IMOND, ,VA. 5 ! MaNUFACTURELW OF ALL KIND OF FINE t lli:it ISG TOUACIO. NAVl'M ASlt TWIST?, may -Jl if j WILLIAM LYNCH, : I THE : .tTl; ',.';r:' ! TTM6 A tiPLliNDlD AbOuTMENT J- UF ... .... :p. Cassimuresl 1 ... ) Doeskius anil Broadcloth AVl:itil'AY AU IMI'OKTKU, Which he will cut and make to order, in the latest styles. Satisfaction jinHrtiitcetl. More north side ol Princess street near Front. ; may 20 tf , ia: is u vsTto lOK THav ( Ill-I SII VL SYJlDOLv I NTKUijUETKl. i:y KEV. 11. W-'MOIb- I i 1414. I. I. The grjudekt obfi-rtoi CreaUo i.-. ttiu MjN. t voice of Ull. Heat, Atlrao lion :ud ,fh mit-41 Actios. Iu . natural wi.nJi-r-. nud ftplrllual (iw.l)iiie ar altke luarvt- iiu.. aud make a tMtok ut aoaoralbg :iii l nis-n.M- lnw-r.i Tle grsat irotieaaa l 'the M'r!.l Ciilvcns-aitlotdetlBrHl iilas. K4ic.ii .Mitiiw bun U u it IwvclaUsa i i it-t iii i a.' tiol.leM an 4 tnost Terfcrt Mach HuUiv t i.muu ujt.-d. "Evtry XI of uatur i tn vl- to repeat some lrin of His gs el. i. r.vwugel isU. HoUl BMSOUH ana Ucvoiu. liav.-A. C. eocxe. II. IK liit-ai.uk. -A t.tartllng rsrs-laUoa (Wiiwi ins Hit- womlcr- mb- glories A the UB.' Kide j. r. Mearvejr. Lexington. Ky. Mtir-.cUii, lOktrncUva and very suggas. lt.-. -l; 4li.p'Jcrrr.tf Obl.w ll sells fast i-u-ii. .ti.ir-.s, j. NdiiaiiT A (1 -iiia.lclliia. Pa-; Inrtonsll, O.; .uti-vri"-;or?vu ixwtis, aro Iiy I i '.i WW TIKS AKD SUfPKRS, 1 j . ' '" ... - E H-F:U OUKAT VRIPTT OK1 . Styles and .lakes IN I1W TIES AND KLUTEIW tVK ttENTLEMFIN AND LADIES WEAR. Good Halry, f ' Lxv t tliioc. a! - . Luw mw ia Price. Call ia ao J eaaaciae. t i X. IL FHE.S CII A bONJi P. A. S.MITH, lOOFACTJllER III DEALU il , FURNITORE so ii i'!tru vro!ct Bfitcrr. . ALWATs OX II AND. . i 4 . NEW AlVITISEMENTS. v.! QNEHUIRK1 LABORER?, TO WORK on the CMrTTOIf-' POIt CASWELL RAJLRQAD. , Good j wagea: and prompt Par . w r j, . R.P.PAJIISO. Junelt THE SEASHORE ! J HOTEL BRUNSWICK. t . '..'jr .,i . - X ti : rui " - ' - ''' ISlDEt HOTEL 1 ' WHIG QTS VILLE. A. C. B. ;PEBRY,J;ProprIetor. if.,. ' fiHX3K TWO StTUMEB REMORTH WILL be opea MONDAY, MAY SR. : The Hotel Brunswick, at Smlthville, la 25 miles below Wilmington, and accessible by 'two flrst-cla& steamers,' making two trips daily.'" ' ' . TheBeaslde Hotel Is situated in a Ur;e grove on Wrightsvl Uo Sound; la composed of cot Uses for ramiUea.and within .7 miles of Wilmington, at the head of a flue Shell Road, the best In the Southern couutrjr. BOTH HOTELS IN FULL VIEW OF THE OCEAN; Upl surf and still water bathing - Every variety of rista, aad abnndaaee of Oysters, blams and Crabs.' .1' Spacious HaU Roonib, with iloe Baud or Mosle, ' ! ' : Ten-pin Alleys, Billiards and Bar. ' A. Terms moderate. 'h mar27-U ! Commissioners Sale! BY VIRTUE OK A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of New llauovar rv.mi. IT. made In a civil mrtloii iiullnv 1 Court, wherein Ada McClammy as Adsaln istratrix of Richard aleClammy was PUt.i- ' j v w muvuuunij huu oiuers were Defendanta. iThe undoraiirnAil ibmnk. filoner appointed by said decree, will on Friday, loth of June. A, V. tssn, at the Court Hons Door la the City of Wllsainmon. at 12m.. oner for hk lv Puhiio Anpilnn ai lot or parrel of laud linated. lylnn and being in the City of of Wilmington, and bounded and dew-rlbd aa follow: Itectn ning iu the western Una of KlirhLh nitmi atapoleV-Kf feet to lroaa Tu Isleraeo- tlou with thellneof South sido of Kwann Street, rue d tug thence Moith with tha line oi vne saia w est siao of t 1-Uk1iUi t nwl-C feel and t Inch ait. thene wl im tm.. .r. 8 inches, tbenca 'orth t9 leet and Inches . thence Kant m feet and 6 Inches to th ferntS-orsate-SA e ilSTTVn: ottrtlaiir atx rooalhs with Interest from day of aaie. habbuui iim.iui , lawjanel) Commusloner. STATE OK WORTH CAROLINA. NEW UANOVKIt tWUNTY. , (sCPKaiORCOUBT Kaaey Oowan va Francis M. Moute. Thomas It. Wright aud other. J rJPdlIS action Is brought by the above I rt,niej pialntlfl against the alnjve named leenrtanlJfoT theeonveyanee lotlie ftain- UU front the heirs of Josheali. Wright, ceased, and the heirs of liahella tsampn. . dtcaagl.f the fat estate, or at aay Inter est whlchjhey may have or rlalm In r-r- tain preaaiaea attaateu in tee city of win mington. County and K'.sta above men tioned, and which aredewrtbed In the com plaint, aud to quiet the UUe to the aald premises. Tiie Iefeadants Frank D, Young aad Uia Wife Kmtaa W. Voung. are hereby notlflvU and rviulred to appear at the util term ol the Superior Court, of the aald county of New Hanover, tube I .Id at Ute CoartHoase.In thesaldOlyof U lluiloston. oa the 1 JU Monday after the it Muadar In March A- u. iw, and dio4 in said sruon. Uirea nader my haad this 21 si day of April, A. 1. InsO, r J i n. t ASAMHinur.. Uuk o( soiKriorUisil prtl CM BOCK X-IME A44re. riuvot bsmjm. .'- .' ' Roeky ratal, N.C 'or o. U rAHSLKT. iaw enUU WUsatatiBi.J(.t'. MSa a J. av ants; BOarding House. N ZXt sWaw U Mr. T. Wasi , m Market tsMwwca staaaoa M. C. 4y. ties. um f VJ Laaaralarv s4 ia t&ai wssvaukf: tajesw wW te i lsa.w absKf aresra ay S&ea, bi isa is, beys gts aa ware wiyun awstr eere iiasi.-tiaa. Asy aaw ewinieniaiaat uibi swaaary VVs, t,tmmm m. fcv is w awake saaaMf rae.y., t ssaa!a4l i a J aa.f w tm ae u es. ee esky eJaaVa Wbs Bk aaatis aaaa Smsv.: sVbb) rrasaaafXrwtasiatswa i ):