VOLUME X VI. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY, JUNE. 8; 1883. I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaawaawaaaa J 1 -'Single Copies 5 (Teats r i 4 NUMBER 23. WILMINGTON POST ion, Entered at the Poalojfice at Wilming- jf C., at aecona uiasa Matter. RATES OP ADVERTISING. , Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type, con ,titutea square.: ' .1 Fiftv cents per line for the first io- ' ,ertiB and twenty-rive cents per line for each additional insertion.: S All advertisements will be charged ! tithe above rates, except on' special ! aontrirctH. ; : The subscription price to The Wlp i jji.noton Post is t2 00 per year; six , ! months II 00. ; 11 communications on busines must be addressed- to The Wilminqtos Post, Wilmington, N. C. , i;s j f-- 1 aa-a-aa The new dapartnrejthat, the ost is in :iTo.r of' is the fufll recognition; ol Republican principles', to be enforced by men regardless of their past politi ck rord: J-;i rut Equal rights before law and at the ballot-box,, for all men, regard m of color. ' iSecoid--The education of every child in the land, regardless of color. Third Local self goTernment for every town, township, city, and county iu tbj slate. , ' Fourth A tariff for the protection of American labor. t Fifth "A reform of the city, county 'v.tvlstate'governments, and a reduction 1 0 the burdens of the people." t I i mi :il unoewer win cums wnu us on LOCAL SHORTS. Peaches are getting quits plentiful in lhi market. , ' Captain Swift Galloway was in the city the past week. Tx .listing will commence the sec ond Mondav in June. 8ee VV. P. Canaday's advertisement of land for sale near tl.ecity.: ' I Col. G. T. Wassoml Goldsboro, was in the city yesterday." V. ,V. Rich ardan, Esq., of White- Tille, Columbus county, was it. the city yesterday. i yw'.t i-i The Sanitarv Committee reported fa-1 The motion of Aldermau r iaa)D.aw vorablr on the petition of. certain citi-1 was put fend lost. , v zeni for . sewer in Iheallej south -of ' fAldefman' Guyfef ,Tuov'ed that the ) Market and between Front and Water Mark be kept openi frout sunn to streets. Adopted. -;--.7..:x-.t auaset. ! J&eferred to the committee ou The committee on Market and Fees, Matketu and Fees. Hon. James E. O'Hara, member of to whom was Referred aetitton torn; a I iTtuftaui then adjourned: congress, delivered the address on mi- large number of citizens, plue, f pirP morial day tt-alisbury, N. C. markets be established in their..re- fiftTTON PRESSES. Superior Convened on Monday last, Lw,ilP w.r,U rnorted the followier- h s H ' Mr. J. A. Hamilton, .of Magnolia, Judge A. AlMcKoy presiding: It will r Mnlll io n wh h waa footed: ' il - HOTTON G-INS wa, in the city on Thursday last. be in sea,ioii next week abo. All city papers will hereafter be de- .ir ..." - V, n..thari(r ted, the Board of. Audit and Financet , , . 1 l . .-v"' ,xu-uiu6 oo. ukv i concurriBs.' and thai tae commute eat .,,w , w . tiutor Bojiin, of riarajvrton county has been in the tity attending court. The storm of last Saturday did con siderable damage ; in and about Wit-mington. See ad. of Mr. T. M. Emmeison, gene- vir"Jni . Mu.hw irnlint I riii mnuiiUtiMi'ani tira:ma'ttet tXw l;Miri until- iviYtT 'tttvTi? cal passenger agent of the Atlantic and Centrt rallroad wa8 argued on Wed- Ninth Street Engine H6ulerJced,x 8?MfU v - f ; ; , Vhm sriArial niimmir.tw-O' m.i ... I. a. L ' y lianam engine nouse io, is oe.ug n . , fc t r, of chesnat V1Ti;Anrsti15MKJl enclosed with a new fence, which will .... i u-.'--- JWi-tlitHv . r f h Murray tu Kteigl yejeerday to carry Markets and Fees be authorized to get OTJXLITi' AND PRICiva GUAUAN- three convicts to the, penitentiary, Elii up estimates as to coat, etc,,, andeport ----t :. , , - , aha Brown, Libert ftipDurle, and Phil- the next regular. ; meeUng ofVoit TEED i EVERY REf PEL t .. M- . . . Board. ' I 'JPt i : , , - Ilp ",s- - i ' . The Finance CoMmittee' revolted that , W J M. k. spkinoek & oa Parties from Raleigb. inform us that I the matter of the claim of George Harf me Dig sun now penamg in tne circuit i nss a jo.t naa oeea wmwt . f cour MEW ADVERTISEMENTS-: x Iuiprovius Jpe Fear Riven be. low HUBiiagtoa, N. C. J . I'llOrOS.VLSFOU DK.EDGIKU. . u.. KGiSKKOttica,70SartoiBli BaLtimobk, Mo.. Mjlj 22, 1SS3. lBOPOHALa for DredglBc'lDOpe rr m. j.iver. - - win M remm Bniu noon of JoaeSi. 1SS3, and. opened iBUiioUl alely Uisrealler. '.. f i I j' HiaDk farms, speciflcattons madlnforma tioa ca. b bad o- applieatloa to tkla t WM; P.ORAIGHItli. Wilmington & Veldon R. R. Company, . ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BETTER! VASTLY BETTER ! i THAN AN AUCTION. 1 Successors to Jjio. Uawbon. the 'ore platform is a good enough jifjiuMican for us. It i-t h departure thai we shall stand by, and we believe that nitre hundred and ninety-nine out 'of every thousand true Republicans in the Ute will .do likewise. We will "welcome with open- arms every man i ttbo will join with us iu this noble cause, let bU i-at record be Denfocratic, libe; ml oi KeiMiblican. We are working tr the future, and care msn's name or co?or may be, so he will Jielp huilding up schoil houses and iiii xiini' ih whole DeoDle. and mak- n . m " ' Coast Line. Ijieut. 'Robert Craig, of the . signal service was in the city on Tuesday last on an inspection tonr. .The city-assessora are nearly through their duties assessing the property, in Wilmington township. . ' Messrs. Thomas Evans and Wm. A; Wilson have been appjioted, by the Governor, notaries public. O'ol. R. R. Bridgers and family, who have, been absent in Florida, returned to this city on Tuesday last. Alexander Holmes has been missed from his home in this city siuce Sun day last, i Foul pliy i suspected . Rev. W. T. Jones has beeu. called to take charge of three churches iu the neighborhood of Wake . forest, N. U. Mr, W.W. Perry has been appo inted postmaster at Clinton, N. C, and Mr. S. R" Weeks at Pelletier's Mill, N. C. Sheriff -Maooing; Col. Brink, Col. Foster and others wept down the river fishing a few day ago, on the Sheriff's not what the gorjdolia. y Rev. F. Wi'E. Peschau, of o. Faut Lutheran Church in this city, has de- be sufficiently .high, to prevent passers seeing iu the cattle pound. ' .. 2 mK9 o WilmloKton. N. C, Juno 1st, 1SS3.: JiXUUlWfON street reported that they Tiad a joint I godu, rel,ira uuia Xforember 1st, meeting Wlin tne Doaro oi 188fcto Virgtnia juid North troltna Sum- and that the said board would not, agree I , . -; . .. . . - 'A BrWBMorw, are now on sue at, i.uniuu The city fathers have passed an ordt- to the opening of the said dock, a to.e 1 - , - , - nance' prohibitiDK nogs Deiog Kept in I ground mat in tneir opinion iv wuum- . , . , , . . .... thecity limits. "Cur friends who have injure the navigation of the ri that kiudot property had better take I committee conm noi jsrro mm voi jqneiu-it notice and act accordingly. I board, and recommended that J he dock be reopened, with , the approval of the .Ucti'l rassini;-r Aceul. Kli- - - BIDS, W rhmi'irf Mm Hatn r.f imhlishintr I I?..l ..f k,.Ait nA Vminr.- nrnn I GKALKD PRUrpSAI.S W1LI, J.h o- t - a xjvmu hi nuu.. u. i..u.,rvp. n the PosrJ from Sunday to Friday for, Bafe guards being erected to prevent ceiveu at my omw, at tn yity tjti, on or the benefH. of country subscribers. Now sand and trash being carried into the I befornJutm 2iKt, mum, for iiim-wkm . r. . ... j I, V- ' - , OK WHAKF,ftot of 'iet!iut Strtt. Ma- tiEcliUTAUx' TKEASUIiER-BOrECt; ' n -. WILMINGTON,!. Ma'y 2?. 1813. f N TURSOANCP OF A resolution udopteU by the the Directors oT the Wll-I ; udugton & WeUou Kal Rocul Compaay, at a rueetin- li ci d tULs iUy, a BPxaAL M EET- INO or the Stockholders of said Company will be hold ic the City of Wilmington.' at the omce ortliq Company, at 11 o'clock A. M..' ou TJlUU-illAY. the 21ST DAI or JUNK NEXT, "to taka into consideration i ilia toetiniraud bnildtoc'of Railroad from KDiuo i-oiiii tiu the iaid Wilmington A Wei ll u IC.iilrwad sotitli or Wilson to Florence. :y C, ou ili') Wilmington.- Columbia A Aa- usi.i Kaiir-oud, or some point east thereof ou said niad; and soch furlher action In iius maiicr-ioi mo saia tstoeunoiaer as- Keiublctl in metttug mny consider proper." 'J,: W. TavHriMir'i r THEPBICE 1 aQ SELLlhQ GOODS . - .' AT ' ' Gives youjad vantage tea fold over an Auction Sale, for the reason you " can take your time and select that which suits you, and getjuat the quality and v quantity tht you . wish. j . . luuy LT-t in secretary, ; we dope our country friends will send dock' in their back dues. Alderman DeRosset offered the fol- pjik'-m inK onr'oM mother state prosperous: dined the presidency of the -college i at I ture he , says Bhall be on the proper MjPleasant; N. C. rade, and alfJCeucca shall beerecteci on M...r Hall Via .n hand til lin inLPI- I uui. . i'lnj 'k w ... i.v ' viewed every morning by the evil dis- uity Items. ,, the Hardware House of V-.. whm he makM VI lor the .Mwrs. W. E. Springer & Co.. Hie ChHinpion CVimpress Company li.a iheu annual meeting on Wednes ami elected the following directory F. E. uuriiMS, E. J. Penny packer, J dines 1 siprunt, A. H. Green, Eugene JUDinnell, alter wards the Board re! tinted E, J. Pennypacker, President, Ihom i. llarris aecretary and tieas uier. . ' ' l. . (VI Juhi. J. HrMlrick, hasa splendid .lai't inn of drv-rods. ladies furuich ing K;,,, hoiHe-hold goods, Ijood uit the children, and in fact he cau fill nj bill for the women, that.may bede sired by them. To make a long atory short, but at ihr Vame t" truthfully short, he is a judge of the kind of goods that will -uit the ladies, and keeps them on hand and for sale. Kev.-r Father Oross, for many years io tharKe of St. Thomas's Catholic Vhuti h ol'fhis city, resigned on Sunday to the reg.et of all our people. He wiVeiceedinely popular with this en- ii L.ml tr love him I .... I.IC VKWiUUUitj ,,r" " , loll. . ' mny y tars ago.'and the longer here yhii-glrs-TS,. valued at o9 the greater his Influence nas pleasure of seeing him flai.iain Ri E. .Rferitt. of the C. C. Railroad was bitten by a spider, and wati detained at this home several day the past week.in cooaequence ' Da yvu "want the P.osr? If so, seud in yoiv subscription immediately. If joii d not wish to contiDire it, act like a man, pay your back dnee and atop it. Foreign ExportM iVom the Tort ol" Wilmington ror the Month ' of nny. . : Below we give o statement oft be for eign xioits from the port of Wilming ton from the mqoth of May, as com piled from the books iu the Cuatoui House: i Cotton 1.57G bales, weighing 787 pound, and valued at 175,137. Rosin'.and Turpentine 37,639 bar- tela, vaiuea m Tar and Htch 2.2&0 barrel, valued at f 4,317. N Spirits Turpcntine-20i,3i0 gallons, Valtitd at $78,700. 4 I . Lumber 971,00V feel, taiueu at Innrinor arhir.h wh adnoted: , r- .1 . 1 " 1 .... ueorge rrencn miorins . ia uo Th,i it h- ramrrd rn tha carrying qune muo wueiurw iu ymgiittee 0u Ordinances Id prepare making vegetablo and lruit boxes, at I and report to the next meeting of this his place, and at the same time he is Beard an oruiuance pronioiung 4aB oc- increasing hi facilities for the nianu- cupation of any portion of the open - ?,. , docks of ihe ctty by any flat boat fact u re of lime. ... - ' .j .m.;.i Article 26, page 9, General Ordinances, to read two dollars Jostead of three dollars per month, the ' Board of Audit and Finance concurring. v 5 ,! Alderman DeRosset offered theT fol lowing resolution, which was adopted: Reaplvtd, That the committee on Fi nance be empowered to appoint a suit able nt ison to take the tax lists of the city, and to record the real estate listed ..... n a a a .i ia the UlocK iwox proviaea ior tne purpose, under the provisions of the tax ordinance; ana. wim tne concur rence of the Board of Audit and Fi- nauce, to fix the compensation for the same. - , -, v- , Alderman Fisbblate "offered - an Col. tS. L. Fitemout, City Surveyor, 19 busy in csslabUhiDg the grades of some of the principal streets of the city Mayor Hall intends to work to the line whatever improvements are made in fu. terials of present Wharl to be taken, by I Contractor. . K. 1. 11 Al.l. JuneiO-U . Mvyvr. SMALL FARM FOR SAL!;, I UST BKYOND CiHEbiN'S M ll-L. I'UNh, o the lelt liud faide of tho old New Iieru Koad. - W. P. CAN A DAY. June HMf PLANTATION FOR VALK, TdK OLD TUliNPIKt;, TWO MlbEfi from City " limits, Oood' Hwelfug. aud plenty of Wood Laud. June 9-11 W. I". CANAl'AY. County OiiinilMNioiierM. The Board of Co.mmi.'siouers of New Hanover county met in regular session at'hiilf pa.it 2 o'clock this af'teroooo. Present II. A. llagj;, chairman, and Proposal lor Fiiruisliiii i'oal. CUSTOM llOUStinVHiMlNUlON. N.C., coniniisdoueis li ti. Worth, Roger, Moore, James A. Montgomery aud Ji. amendment to section 17 of Article 4, L. IVatcc. COLLKCroli'SOl't'lCU, May olst 1 00 SEA.LKL) PR01"O.SAI,S W I LTi 1K Ki ceived at this Ufflco, unlit 11 o'ctook. II. BRUNHILD k BRO., , Wholesale Lipr Dealers AN1) rnOPRIETORa OF thk , CHAMI'IUN CIGAK FAGTOKY, DICKS & BRUNHILD & BROS.," - K1C11MOWD, VA., ! man UFAuruuEiw of All kind OF FINE tiu:tt i i 'I'oit A"io, " , MAVl'N AMD Tlf iNTSlj . may 1:0-. tf - i - Minutes of last uieetmn read and or- I Dg t . : .1 for the month of May: General fund showing a balanco ou hand of $15, 991 IS. Educational fund showing halAii.cn on haiiiLof $11,9-J 71. .j - - 'Itegisler-of Deeds .submitted Ins re--H)rt for the month of May of fees re ceived Yor marriage licenaes, and. ex hibited the Treasurer's receipt for noon. of Frtdny. June Sth. 1S5. l r fttrulsh-: page 100, uvonst vraosnws, vj wns- 1 1 g of llulIl TO mo iosS oW iogout all after the word "within'; in I , i , . ., . ...... ..rvi. I lor tuo use oi iuo igyiu .- a I AM SELLING. f, - Wide Percales at'6 cents per yard, worth 12. Handsome Black and Colored Bunt ings at 15 cent per yard, worth 30. Pretty Lawns, fast colors at 7 cents. White Scotch Tlaid Lawn at 12c, worth '25. -' Pretty Cotton 'Plaid Dress Goods, at 10 els .per yard, better than 15 centa Gingham. v The very best 10 cents Bleached Cotton ever sold in this or any other ', citf .' - ' ' 5,000 ysrds Hamburg Trimmings, ex cellent quality, and verycheap, from 6 centa ap. Bordered Handkerchiefs at 3 cents each, with the largest slock ia that line in the City. , v its." Adopted. ' , , Alderman Cbadboarn offered the fol lowing, which waa adopted: : Kesolecdl That the Ordinance Com mittee be em (towered to codify the or dinances of the city as soon as possible for publication, including uch amend ments as they consider desirable. , c Alderman Chadbourn offered an or dinance, to the effect that any person or HAH OF at this Port, said Coat to be of bed qiuuity, Tree Iroiu liapurltivs, to wcin W pt uuds i Uitiie Ton. to be subitct to inspection, and .i. .iMiiv.rmi frt-c of cliarc. ou what! I "9 SSlITJiirPS. now occupievtoy 1U)VcUu Vcsbtls. Therlsht to reject any or all l.i la i- . ie WILLIAM LYNCH! SW' iU tw Tailor and Clothier, H A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Doeskins anil Broadolothti, i aerved. ' kU J. rUNNxx'AKKli, . .. -r- flHIH ll. minul been lor rimhI. We are sorry that the Rev. lather found that his heaUh com i pelted kirn to leave, but hope H may Vewhif improve, and that we may see Vim kg.ui in charge of St. Thomas s ; fhurch. . V , . . , Total on American veeis, io, -. on foreiga teasels, 2 13,487. Grand to tal, $224,116. 1 fl, iu, pam over. , persons haTiog to sell beer, ciderine Ordered ' that a public road be lam 1 Pe"uua ' , imiert i i apirifuous liquors, who shall open ..run nr to aw. leading from the I or i .... landing on Middle bound, known as Oak Landing, in Page's creek to some convenient point oa a public road lead- ioe to the city of Wilmington. I re vided, that the owners of'tlie lands over11 which said road shall pas, will grant the right of way free ot all char ges to the county. Provided, further, that the parties dcsirmg tne opemog of said road shall, before the road shall Proposals lor:rnrnihin SMp Chandlery aul Halin lor "... . . Ull I 1 his or their shops on ounaay, snau oo; Hevonne .Marine, liable to a fine of twenty dollars, one coljLKorou A oVnui:. half to co to the informer, for each and eery offence; and any person, except WiLHtNUTON. n. C Juoe ,nd. the proprietor or his clerk.-seen enter- EALED PKOi;yAl Wii u uu ui. ing or coming out of said sho,s, it shall calved at this ontoe u'btil u o'clock,. tu, be held prima faci eyrdeDceJof the of- oiajooday Juuc.u, is;:, tor mn-ij i'- ia fence. ' if MonaindbhtpChaaUlety. lr .wmmhCicw becimn ou pruviur. ,,u.. -uy . I;'' H. .;uo M,u liceman who shall see any person ex A!Ii;i:iCAX AMD lSr.ORTED, Which he will cut and make to order, - , in tho latest styles. Jatisl'arlion Uaaranteed. foro nurth aide of I'rinceas street neat, 1 rout. may -v n V W.ISiTED - ' FOUTHK COME AND LOOK AT MY STOCK DRESS GOODS. I deaforcash, and caler to those who get their money by hard licks, and propose to give you good value for ;your noney. W. P. Oldham's grain ken .oren, robed, and set on . . I . ..um.;aav nr tin rlArki VOlOff - a - x . a a r i iniiifi w. a.u a. a u aw w - v n Im laid out. imv liUo the hamja OI me r .... V..: w nel ear endlna Jsoo.-nh.!, - - . tfiii i. ill anw UBI'IUUIU VI I ' w anerui or .r j l r.ll m rrairt tha ...iH. ip.,t to i.av a I cols and noP -r--- IliMorleal and Melentltlr. Aftae rerular anaual meeting of the 'tiittoricaV and Scientific Society of WilmingloB, N. C, held last Monday v-lUdav ninht last lortunately the l... ...1 i. Atn a tl I Ir tire was uiscovereu oy. jviivr.-- , nill hro- I of mo - I - . . . .1. - firo charge nt tc premises, inciuuu.S v sheriff's cota, fees for jurors, Vc. - Aonli.alioii of C P. Mebane for re-- "ii ; Kl . l. t. The tl .indent o'fe t ol CreaUOB t- ihtf .IjN. Centre ot Liw, Ueat. Attrao tHn mil i hl-al Artioa.. lt natural wond.-tf aud 4ii rtlual lmM-hlnt are aUhe . i: . ... . -.. in.... ' ., ... . . . . . . i lTalu galore micwb io ..Hi.. I in Hip oiilolnl inoat prrtoct n. HtkkIv .oiiiiiM'oded. "r very ran or nature I NiKuuutffcV ny uev, h. w- mor: You can buy a DRESS from me for a I . , I low price that will mak a young lady LOOK LIKE if R1NCESS 8 hedulcof arti. !cv u: Hp li-d)cr; Vu hi'H ,- .. , ...i K.fni much' mission ou the county portion .u reii, anu pii"au- w-""-- i. K.J. r.EM5ivrAvKi:t:,- damage was done. tax was ordered gianted. On ihe'ietition of V . P. c anaday to ....... . 1 !.. twain John V. Wflne, supenntea- be relieve! ot -uouuie tax ami rauy, it.ninc 4h- r.dinlH ara Wtd of- k.. . r id. W. A W. and the W..C. It was ordered that he be relieve.! oi in. ticers for the ensuing year, vix: A. railroads has just ret u J ned from a double tax buljiothejenaUT. iTreaident-james.O. Burr, business visit to Chicago. He carried r tlderniea. iAice rrtsidenfe- liev, a. a. uataoo. hU daughters v ... . . m0nthl - ..w ina toaru iur . h. trip ,ion Monday lt.t4. r. M-prea- Mplrwdid Welretl". eo His Honor, Mayor E. D. HaU, and Quarantine Notice. L'AKAVTxAU KH THK nUT OP WilmlBgtoa witt tw entoict t.on lV tt 1 to Novmbtr 1st tu follow v. rootawlM brlnz all vr?i miu vv .Secretary and treasurer S. A. Story, Cotresvnding Secretary Rev. F.W t,re.ku. j .'-a'!'- ' (Curator-1. CashweU. Maoding Cotumittee on Kev. F. W. if Tetchau, W. B. McKoy, J. IX Bellamy, jr. r m. VanAmrinse, Clerk of the ..x-.-e- DeRowet, Boney, Dudley, Donations- Super'ior Court, has appointed his son, FlshbUte, Cha lbourn, Swea Howe SUcy VanVmrinie,jr.,vui-I-.j aoauoyer. - and he was swtm to H Jol A. A. Tbe Committee on StreeU and McKoy on WednesdiJ last. Wharves aaked ,for fartherftisse on gradiBg Third street, and en repairing A1vtet Hotfcer - . . , nlberrv: . v . iw. ...1 Km. water svrrc i.v- - v wijrV' wiuis w I-....V- - jj..i at niahl ana oro- r j w sWcoiress. and du. leg the war in . Are dUUrhed lf pwpta)l 0D oroln dock U confute eongresa. was iu the fffjU'Sil-? Vii pd f Uf foot of Davis street and the improve- y on Monday last. Mr. Joowiaaald th? If -wd at once .'JJJ meot or Paraley atree U ..1 . ' titu of lias. Wisslow SoOTMi" fc-M-K.r lima waa cranted the Com -Bare peen one oi inj vrry f I i TtKTHlXO. IU I , t, .lrM,i 1 e io either coogre,, and the lead- jBSif W wittK maradamwiog MarkjiUeet- w cf hu ran, i. the .late ol Tennea- UJL,,utlu, offerer imwliaUlj. The Cvmmittee oB 1 irt lUoeoi same shall be lined five dollars for the I ta be ixi aw trMi ' tot iined first offence, and be Uiacnsrgea lor ine i lua lo th urtiett second. .! , ... a a a . tf ika tvt Alderman CTsaaoourn eunw.u 1 JttBe lowing, whicb was aaopieu: Btfolmt, That the City Tax Oollec toi be required at every regular meet ing to read the liat ofalliiceiwe tax payers one month or more in .arveart; and thb shall be considered as anfia- i.v.1 hninm ine a ax wwwwi hall aho be required to ahow cause in saih oi p t tmt to M viwarajaunr .it- 'each case of sn delionueney. why the tf cot been eniorcco. , r- . j ? ZartTidB, aa aooo a poiW an. craaatng The petitioo of ciUxtaa, tor toe ub- i oaua'. r Ki... .. waa Nlimd I .iu.. . r. axcauavr. las to iha committee on leUeeta aadJ SLJ. .w, fc3r r.u au.urny W halve. ! ' I vwaUawrt.b eHirda la w The report of thecosBsaitteeosi lUHa I wtot ia bei a n't .r V . waa anfirawd and OtdeTew I K-.lxlkuM ronil t Mel V hit la . V . v .L - - 1 Uaaranltaa may ue taI on ri li. .;Kmi printed for diaUlbaUOB. V; iimcal U vlnMUua fyia at Ordered that a .gas lamp be rlaced 1 Tf-.. a, it- u, .1.- - . r final itaftftaJ PoU'a I iouni "a u. t.rvf. WinTivini I ii, (M. ii. Ttawi. 1-- The Board went into ao eiecww oi m i Mta M axjo wwiuxk u-.xvii-. uk4 Miiue ixn or xiia aw ml". N. Y. kvanccJUtt. "BotH actentinc and dtfBi." llv. .V. C Utvrf.: V. iiiira?.!. V .lArtlliii: rcelaltn owcTn - In Oie-w-,tndt'ral Klorl ol lira tn hjdr I V. Mov.anrcr. : -lil.-tH.1iilroctif and vrry ncsa- tut d'.iuvM JjtAr.i Uhlo. Haelka taat ! an t '!frtl. Addri, J. c. Mrt'1'HHV ; iXK. I lHladiHla, usouaxn. v.; fhirm.'. HI ;of .V Uii, M. , N may I S Jut - , . urn Tu;s ixb sur pkbs. Styles ana maKes IN IaIW TI Erf AN D FLIPPER FOR OENTLE3JK3I ANDLAD1KS- r WEA1- Ul t Jtlity, r-y rituog, ai - ' lw Iown ia Trite. iCall ia aBdj CxaariBe. - ' 1 " . FKP.MCH A.SJSft. Great Bargain OLOVli. 1 HOSIERY. COBSETS. PANTSGOOIW. SH EATI NO. TOWELlNU.o i I a abort, etarjihieg to bth4 ia a FIRST ULiSS DBT GOODS ITOEE a naa iwjvi w - - . . .a . wi .. - . v r. ii... n.. 1 , : tt MikxN lhara is -BB 1 . minaJisr Ml I taiw" wa. tie wa onerea y rTiura uepena upo JI.-w.r I 7 , u aa f rai ki-l.-:...." .... V. .txHna.1 I ---- ,.i1-ii...uJ L. AordSBCB W ItU U IWMV iuiin ouiira wnw ik roms. ? i ;. s " l ... aittV I tli. tturU. Hoant ol iaviruow a a xiw - " T,, j TrV the loliowiBg rewilt JILCBadooari, f .1? Txaaaa MttML" IX G malln aaf W ta varasUo trvSa loltMIVn., - ; ... , m.W Don JJcKae, James tptwa,' P. Q it eoM dftrter - t,r .h. Columbia , ... ; w " "TT: " now iv- ... - . .. i iLkiautatlUtt mwsuhw caotnet. out i aiisuiav v.k gw i iu ..j - -x asd diarrhoea, reaaB wo w- aooa aa fracUcaaie, 1 --"j" . j-i.i i i aotev o --i xi. cra wind COMC, - j,; . . - ..Uk I offcCB Oi rHaauaro. a,n- T 1 1 J1 Aifntd. SootHWl ir, iHnmiUee aaked foe tSuwaa a position in the cabinet, but latah about H i i .. .. . . . J a. -lx I IN - frnia. ivjin paruea waum . . . nr .v. Mm reaoccB muav-. Ik.. .-I x.. . .Ia.la.1 fiw I VaJ aABTTT tO the WbOl , am4 worn uc wa v . rnn w-. - , ft--.-' ... X.. Jl.li.1 aaw4 I r. UtX WIWLOWTB iommMed Andrew Johaaon, H.l .g'tJSJ further U on the .retto. i. lo b. decllBod sBore high and, of one of the ehjeat m4 Vest toCaxtHoue. Iv ' HooraMe othces than any other Baa fe.il, phyakiaas aJid ureea la Ue Oommiuee o CMy Ut Africa. Z Jones was the guest Hrotworid. th.ul. rv to f ito old aad rereonal friend, OeL E. ia- Ut k4 bt-3 came4 oat. & Bridnr. whlU hert 1 -. v -..1 ICE! ICE! IClv! i vacant. KoUoo. kat,; ... IV LVI.i. . x ITlaxara ha raw 1 I tjoar Oi . Z. hMtBBratkaa t t. qneated not to smrchaaa nijw I I , . ru nrw; J-' aeaaarra. r- I aaaia a4 auvrk. aaa r AUcmaa Duey aewt-4 MMJ tat it-- a. . ll. k Ja-J: meuoa cm ta laa, aaara lia T --? oa aHMnaafc4, kV. M-a. Jaw av-". t .r, tot u D. A. SMITH, HiKUFACTdEEa ili DE1LE! II 1.. '!' FURNIT0EE, u uutti tuuax rjBBr. I TW Mtrt Ai4 Hti4r5i STjH. AUVAV tN 11A5D. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. IfclYE ME A CALL: JOHN -9. HEDEICK Sw IIS Maurkct aUttNra.