VOLUME XVI. ;WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, JTMDAYi JHNE;-22, f 18S3 j Single Copies 5 Certs NUMBER, 26. Jl. - WiLAIINOTONTbST r - r Entered at the Potlqffice at .Yilming ou'. y. at Second Class blaUcrh lATS Of ADVERTISING. Eiibt(S) lines! NonpArditype.cou- finite a square., ; t 'Treasurer. a helpless condition; ht wu Uita toi inquiry, has sent the louowing jo CIeties. ci the citT kasDiUl when he died onkit uenr.' or ue wua oi : cursions.co Tbertay. 4 ' W; ' "".""T .''J -T can get their - ' : Posters and Tickets remedy I ' 4 ,. Tmr trrvi mjnrf at tha His accession to the' chief of Presr- j same that Cant. Nutt earned on the dent Garheld wag associated pot only morning of his death. Young Nutt with a great national misfortune and a I gave himself up and is now in jail. He Fifty cents per line for the lifst in acep and . rasing Tniantlestation Of a people s grief, but with the bitter dis appointment of one parly faction and the exultant expectation of another. I President Arthur has justified neither the apprehensions of the friend of hu predecessors nor the expectations' of his own ' He has met the demands of a twentr hre cents pr line poBrilon of excptioml? difficulty with ItlA llf 101 Ci.- nu'.iiiivuAi lucibtuu. i ji . All B'lrertitjements will be charged l cnh chore rates, except on special lion tracts remarkable success, and has given no one caifse to assume that either the gratification of ambition or ihejsatis Irtctiouofany feelintr of wrong has af fect d his discharge c f the duties of his high ofhee I he standard of ability which. i Jiaa utainttl H) ki p- pointfypnt tp adiniuiatratiyo and jttdi cirI Do.sitions hare been, on the whole. All communications on businet must I hiirber'than that of either Mr. Haves be addressed to The Wilmington Ar Gerr. Uraatj hia prorcd fidelity to 5 ' The'uowription price to The'WHj MfSotoN Post ia $2 00 per year; six months $1 00. . , : , , I , I was calm, but Terr pale. A coroner's jury is now sitting. Excitement la ronning high. City Items. ; ? Good weather for dtickv. : 4 ; " i - S ' ; This is the excursion eeaso- : ' , Pay yoar subscription to the Post. ' ' Advertise in the Post if you want to sell goods. ' , Gen. Manning says fish are plentiful at the rocks. . . sa'til Baling of the State A colored man Dy ue came ot jonn Smith was picked np on the atAeta, U aioneribf a neighboring county, and the ' ' V., I same paiy. .fa' of equal Jntereat hew:; j tt rbJ ;CT3Tt, L "Yon communicate the desire or the : uxri )l Izz 'ttA coatmlaaionera to know what reme EXCURSIONS! CLUBS, AC, GIVING ,EX- CXJjJCERlB, F1SSXVAUB, V ; it - NEW ADYESTTgCMgrrS. BETTER! Thecainp above ta is city,' wm ! mm KmmVaw II AttifM t M MMf TW V mkkSSttli tian tppoiated and notified and lowest prices at i . ' a. mm m n m i " s Hi w v p iv w . . . - rem l mm M dly. XBi Wtt WwiUtlPer' i jke,jrport Or t the second; Monday sows oa tb rtcmds Boncar pr I .- :1 1 ia Jane v, t , - VASTLY DETTEm I SAUX. G. D AI-L'B i if; tHAN AN " i 1 Tha aaaefwnra havinr failed to ner- v;at. a. u. varanx, nxx rnz vx jm Job PriBtlna O0cw .v. has , iorm .UMii dntv . an emerrencv rope rlhe pnrpone of aecnriES a line ariaea rsquiriHg the action of ihe com r Lmm. t.-u. I nusftwaers.- Section I of the Machine- . i-" , . j.- l1 rr ACproTiae: mat. -tue asseasmeni m u-a d ...an na . j - rm wm.wm a a m ' . M,mrwH ' rr i vnen made shall be CALL AND GET MY PRICE--" ' ' jane2X-2m ' ' : " '' -' 't ; R. H. GRANT & CO.; AUCTION. Posr, Wilmington; N. C.' Fnyetteville or trtd Which: r i Ferry t the cause of civil service reform , is all the more ci editable 'in- view; of the blundering trustfulness of those; charged with its promotion; his resolute oppo sition to congressional jobberry , ' such as was embodied in the river and bar- See R. H. Grant A Go's, ad firm is prepared to do the best work on the shortest notice. v u bor bill of 1882, has been emphatically cOBRESl'ONDENCE OK THE OBSERVER. ; Mr .Editob; I attach belpfr the I approved and practically applied by the leading editorial pf the Wilmipgton peopleraV.the harlot box rr j . foof Jnne 8lh: 1 .;fU'. i ' : f Wfnt Arthur' admlnisiraaon It strikes your , correspondent, that Wilmington has been greatly blessed the past week, moat of the lawyers have been in Pender. in ftrtm tin HI Thia CWtltmaa of energy arJ Jttdzmept.l terd- as may ho provided , by law PLUMBERS AND GiS FITIEIIS, therefore, if aayBMttixcompiiill it This is applicabie to an assessment oi . ;'v , s .t yfanon of law enacted t -1879 has been and a pleasant ttip.i'? ir ? ZtiA in the act of -1883.; It is L 'V - - tiiTT Zm imiaaionera on revising and correcUng I f ! ,. ., ' , , i MOKTII FB02IT STREET THEFB1CE I AH EELLlEQ 6G0D3 Chnrch. corner Sixth - aad tlalberry 1 he nMr assessments can take the for- Street ara eai mUowm: OnvSundavf. I mer assessments' of townshira from Seo ad; of Tbos. J. Southerland'a I mentis; prayer at 11 A. 'Ui erthing Which no rejturn has been returned tor ?Alwajri on hAnd;i; r-i r AT there is a lesson here for Fajetteville people. Shall we presume that, this "short cut" from, Wilson to Florence must necessarily come through Fayette -ville; and, trusting toour own presump tions, finally discover that.Fayetteville. alike with Wilmington, is flanked? It is a well-known fact that a route seven mite below Fayetteville is the shortest ' by xeveral miles, and that by engineers' wtiuiates it will cost, beside the per petual running expenses for the' longer iiilance, about one hundred thousand dollars for extra and additional grades sad bridges over Rocklish and other rests it claim to public admiration as much on what it has left undone as on what it has performed, let it be remem bered that the world sutlers from noth ing so much as being too much gov erned, and; that of all prominent posi tions that of President of the United States is the one least suited for the display of restless activity. For the dignity with which - Gen. Arthur has borne himself in the, white, house, for the firmness, which he has brought to the disposer of all questionable de mands made on him, at home or direct ed at him from abroad, for his graceful discharge. of , all the social resonsibili ties of Sis position,' ud his scrupulous respect for its proprieties, he deserves the warmest acknowledgements of ever- American citizen. There has been no wagonette fbi Wrightatille every evening at 6 o'clock. ' If you desire recreation, visit Hotel Brunswick at Smithville, and you will be successful in retaining it. See ad, of Mclntiie's, the ladies fur- nishing establishment,;he always has (,he best assortment on hand, V See ad, of N. Jacobi's fine plantation tor sale We know the pl&ce and we take pleasure in recommending it. KmJ ..K.fti ir it I Uw present ywuv.s biuusof ttBiformrgHANDAUEESL , Sowa, I prayer at S-.30 P.M., Snijr achool at I J. ZZKCTihBa fc. ioBMSJPAvnxt- TTrCn-1 YaluaOpa Breacribedja jisctionaa8 at .4 P. 1 57 of the Machinery Act. and this Services on Saints days, morning prayer 4 eoorae ia-reoamraended to - the board. at 9 A. M. ereeiar pTrec at'SlSO. Ilavreviaing and cotrectins the assess- a. . . -- i ..n i,t ; - menta the board should not lose ; sjgni V " St. Barnabas School House . .... i. . . ..ilAXXl XU1K3. . r ' . V. i : .WASH STANDS, And ever jmuela neceaasy f( ; , ., Plumbing at Ileeidextce, Ready for the ooenpant, ' ; FOUNTAINS,' V: - SPRINKLERS, iTT. u- -j-s- 1 value of improved property in a town e -TV Ti ' firr WP nd inarease the valuation accord mentof Mr. Samuel G.Hall, practical I ingYyj j .think the -whole pracUcal hook end job printer; we know that he i I management of this- question rests with just what he represents himself, to be, 1 the board .of commissioners, who must moth ooster to a neat visitine card. I cable for the board to appoint new as-1 W buIaMj rtjJvAaro. Mr. Hall does not run "Cheap John", I sessora. The list-takefs are now enga PUiiPS,HOES, Gives youadvantxsei tern fcldt jBTtc fti oa SilBt r fFTTWiwi'"" i r- can take your time tad eetect . that which raita jou, tad ' get Inst the quality and 1 V J quantity , that you : wkh. : ' driving Pender Court was in aession the past printing office, yet his ehargei are so Mwti8 the ,ista f tax-payers, u ,v. ... d. 4v. I -ij - I nd th performance of their duty is week, the lawyers say Burgi w ia the warmest place this side of "Hades;" moderate .that a ' miser could eaese to grumble at them. find no confined to twenty- days after the sec ond Monday in June." Batlnfactlon guaranteed," as we e)Bloy lue tes workmen, uitsui u, ,je 22tf R. H: GRANT A CO. For Vrightsville Sound I ilnitiT miKtinlw v Orn WAV fkr Vl 1 IM streams to come to our town. Ihe cut . -' f r kJft.i;...;.u mw:.u nil CAl'icssiuu ui we ivtiiiu); miu nuiiu oft," if it comes through Fayetteville, will be several miles longer and on a more expensive grade. . I am informed tbl the estimates of the whole addi jaiMial cost would be in the neigh bor h'jyl of 100,X)00. . vll is an. open, secret that through the earnest advice of Hon. 11. R. Bridgers, Presideul bf-the Coast Line system, his people will agree to encounter all these extra natural costs,; provided our peo ple will bear the superficial costs, and really desire that the road shall come through the town instead of passing be low it". Col. Bridgers has said more than once that if ; his company were g'uxn the right of way through the town and au eligible site lor a. depot, he bad tui doubt of the location ; of the road through the place. ; . V iH company, at the General Stock holders' meeting called for the 21st iatL, sill certaily build this "cut off," tad Uiey will also decide to come ftp . fayetle ville, if right of way and a depot ritu it tendered than; but if, with the 'la enlranct fet into the town, they wil trvatLFayetteville as they have treated Wilmington, and give us the go-by. It mr C. F. & f V. R. R-, KO'g ... ' .. m- --,1 - ..iml anil nerOSS lo uenneusTnio u v " i becountry for uo ! reason J why a place for direct throuirh line north and south should not be given ia the Wilwn & Florence road. We want uuv vu.j - Eoesbut feerters.for the grand trunk his official career is regarded among a community which numbers bo many of personal friends. But the appreciative and intelligeni people of Brooklyn may be trusted to inake a fitting use of the present quo, and to employ it lo mani fest alike their approval of the Presi dent and their respect for the man. National Republican. , ' mt mm . The IIckmou Why2 A Democratic editor innocently in quires why the Republicans giye so much lime1 to the position of the De mocracy on the tariff question and say nothiug about their own views on the subject. The reason Bhould beobiyious lo any ptiQ. ltcem., ,Thero is o "fun" Ui dUcussm'g the ,:Republicau positiou on the tariff. The party passed the bill through Congress last spring era-bodying- Ito views on the subject and Itev. Dr. Wilson, or the First Pres byterian Church, will occupy the pal- pit of the Lutheran Church on Sunday I night next. Josh' T. James," Em., has returned I Capk Eric Gabrielsen, the : popular from his visit north, he only got as far I and oonxteona oomaaaader of tbe.Beyei. as Richmond home sick brought him I one Cutter Colfax, for' the pasU three back. I Tears, has heen ordered to Newport. CapL G has been here the fall time al lowed by the regoUtiona, an,)very- body ia sorry to see him leave;' but our loss is his gain. He goes to the beat station in the service, and while we hate . , . . 1L. 1 L!.L DmA hd to Ti"U' th. -w -Ubli. T 1 ment of H. M. Bowden & C., harness i - - it.i- j and carriage store on north Front " S3T - ' . . . , . , u lightfu . Capt. L. N. Stodder, who re- street, before buying elsewhere. y U a nUeman Rev. G. D. Bernheim, formerly pas- whom all of our people will like, and as tor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran we must loose Capt. .G. we' are very Church in this city, has been called to much pleased with the gentleman who Grace Church. Phillinsburg, N. J. I will take his place. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY GOODS, CARPKTS; MATTINGS. Q ' 4 TTENTION IS CALLED TO A LAKGE jt. assortment OF Jersey Jackets, 4 In Black and Colors, "alt the go. -rJ . . ' 1 ;: Xairj UUniu Ul auuiv ataivt uuatuvv v I - - - . . . I cline4 to concu r in proposition of the MOa7 . board of aldermen, at their last meet- -w IW :-r feels reasonably well satisfied with iti jne open dock at foot of Chesnut n8 dtI ordinance. Alter gtying work. ' Hut there is eudlcss amusement I I tnwn f nd wlBg ttem a to wnaii uey nugai expect in utiuv, DRKS8 GOODS, 1 - SILKS and SATINS. in standing outside the ring where the hair-pulling ia going on among the free-trade and, protection-"rJLcjnoc rats and cheering oil the, tightct tt's-a free it o com to an euu njs" ""J'T7 Coretntaa- -" - . -: - j A. ltoud or I'nion. "r 1t is altogether an error to suppose If you are hot visit the Seaside Park I if they should persist In violating the Hotel and get some of those fine pig-1 ordinance against bathing within cer ; t&Tour" wora reciiag ; cent better. jeompiete Aisortmentat all seaaoua. N AND AFTER JUNE 1WH THE WAG- ONETtK will leave for WRIGHTS VILLE HOUND, Every Bay, from corner Second and. l'rlncoss Bts.j at 6 o'clock P. M. , Re turning, will lea ve Sound at? A. M. For further information apply to : June a-lm J. T. SOUTHERLANP. f OFFICE CLERK A TREASURER, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N.Cn ' Jane 30th, 1883. Bonds and Coupons Ij'ALLINO DUE THE 1ST DAT OF JULY, 18S), will be paid on presentation at the Fret National Bank In this city, JOHN D. TAYLOR, June 22 U . . , . Treaaorer. I AM SELLING Wide Percales at 6 cents per yard, worth 12. Handsome Black and Colored Bant ings at 15 cent per yard, worth 90. ' Pretty Lawns, hut colors, at 7 centa. White Scotch Plaid Lawn at 12rc, worth 25. Pretty Cotton JPtaid Drees Goods, at 10 cts per yard, oetter tnan io oenta Gingham. ' The very best 10 .cents Bleached Cotton ever sold ia this or any other city 5,000 yards Hamburg Trimmings, ex cellent quality, and veryeneap, irom 5 cents ap. Bordered Handkerchiefe at S cento each, with the largest stock la that line in the city. Good aoo yards Spool Cotton, at two Spools for 5 cents. V rw .trt between sandown and dark, vvw. r . .nrl .nTwhere south of Bed Cross ana .. T m n W R ' CHI" tt-- If. T1Kan fit intl LlUUlCIWI mmH h nf Krim UW m . - , r.us. .in m to Newber-1 lUn then narticularlr against swim- that the Republican and Liberal party fJ g 0 ; delifer the annual address, 1 ming Cross the rirer ia the dayume. are Uot In full accord and harmony nemt Bunday nightj to the students of , nwl ' ttheHUte t'svlr Newberry College. nnmnanTV of Chl- cago, will oner tnrouga.uw . a site not only in this state but others, lhere is no eaithly reason why they should be i.h.rwlM. - Both stand on tho same S SIS SrWl-8 p,atform,both advocate the equal po eurtnarkeu This grand through route ,Uicat rigllU, f all the people, and a hould be twlcomcd to rayettevlIK, blinolin6 essential principles of -ui. n limit Innt about it. MUBim uv,..-"v y y liberty.; This carries all other coguavc I rrid to measures: ivruucauou, 8n..-. nar a week . .u ti-. ,ih hi. familv on his 1 r-- Arricultural Society at the stave ai me iuir, " - , . : water palaee. We undertand that he uUihis fall, a fine forty-two inchbi- will leave for his usual nortnern viw i cycle of vne aaoa. mWW w - ""i about the 1st of August. No House in this City can tbowsUch a rarl i t. f Rime and Colored 81:ks. I Mattings, Mattings, - .... At 25. 30. 5, 71-3, Wattd l VCSIS; R. M. Mclntirc. Mira. a eiverm ar aav A saa eaaraar awmRrfwifJF DREBB GOODB. .in mndprmta and tifctory arranf- rnTO I deal for-h, and cater to ihoe. whe u ma nt Tttia win na ilia lubi i ..... get their money by hard licks, ana jane S2U -rhe Bourbon papers of the sUte are lfce greate8t uuniber, material prosper S ptofuHsly furnished with coriopona r.n. .riTior the views Of their promi nent men as to the prospects for 1881, i Wor j, Ransom and Representative Ystw hive become somewhat notori i oui m "ptophetio luminaries," and . Aetr aotions are heralded lor the con tortion of the heretofore unlerritied. "V The latest onslaught upon the con- wvative and Republican linesi is an at Kev. C. M. Payne,1 by I Preaby terian Church of the Second left Monday for Lexington, N.C.. where he will spend . nortionof his summer vacation, I probably being absent a month. it. f .11. ami pursuit of happiness gdl. What more is wanted, or can be, to secure the co-operatiou and endorse wt of Ihe people? Nothing! t . The party that saved the govemroem etkih oT longreasmsin ureenre -...i rl fa restored Unwu-that Wlf. snilled blood and'expended vasttrew- he wUe of Wharton J. Green died urea CITY OF WILMINGTON. N.C. T 4 MAYOIIH OFFICE. ' Juue IJ.InVJ. ' AIT HEREA9 INFORM Tlo: has be a t h considered. Bicycle riding I ttQ the undersmnca. a Major of r popular ia Europe and to rap- , , ; I with hollow roller Bessemer steel lei- lloes' and genuine rouad raooer urn-, for the beet bicycle riding by aay rear mm mvj T, j, , dent of North. O-roiiaa, naceto 1 mmmIa hMwtasin rerr sauw msamw mew-- mm - - - ttaeaty of Wilmington, that crtn rr conntry. ThS toafiaachanoetogetalareiubie j good imachine oa easy terms. Ttoe Mr nesiely Hermlaig redlt lofomc, stock In tradciand mouo- on hand r deposit. We wiUuUy tailed nd About half put 1 o'deck thealarm I rror retvrn or ueir this point. Tnls win re me nj Hoiue of tne aina ever " - the adjoining States. We will We A. FREE rIPVB2JEl. . ka HKAin nn IViai rtaLl on tneoorawion -i ""',- r-i.I"j. bve sl rorin ana idiiw "r. , Z'1m be preenu The following dUUngnlaked gen jeiuen have been Invited to make ad drcmies on the ooclon.- -! . F.nher. Kev. J. rny. vJf:. Mel.-vn. -Rev. J. R. ! Fanl. Trot. Ur Ine of Waahlngton City, . These gentlemen are too well known to re quir introdncUon or oommendaOtoBaioar bjhe excureloD bids fttlr to be i rraadi ud oTrrecldmted suoeees. ToejMaod the p"Pl we -.have charteredlbe PtOaoe Kifaincn Hbensndoah and Newerm. Round Trip Only fl.OO, DINNER FREE! . ,Tbe Htaraers wtU leave Elaett CMjat s o'rlork. A- M od .wlUmnrn Ihee-nj a m. Tlmn Of BS1DS11B W1U tJweenw" "J a.- r.iher MrfJralahra. ine nrvnaian. r w v- - . va bv-u eaaf U TTw j a.a a propose to gi ve yoa good ralae for Jyoor money. Yoa can bny a DRESS from me for a low price that will make , a young iaay LOOK LIKE A PRIHCKSS PDlV U JAMES Wl :co. 4 i.. the cause which should be dear . re.id.nce, near Fayette-1 ef fire was aouaded w I Taxable to the Tax uur, arimtrd by to all menth PXUHe. Saturday last. She had toUU uOTth-for Jnvalid for a long time, and a gnat, so.- S Sc. of T ; vSxii all where the J5 n arlnr the M rrUe will and hall shrunk not fr$ni war to tempt to create the impression tnat -&u the worM- ferer . . . . .i.iawi irt. vnisj ia i . . a Miaraii nar lducid i Kepunivcaos wno & " '7" uch a party cannov y " 7 . . . :- I i. nerebr given m.m erwe - w - - it wea nraiMBDia maw. a ixani wvi :,, mi w. n. nuiuisNiv. a . -r . . ..wt ihi ... . - a 1 i j I UM ID U w at nnnT LJ.ii uv wj" , i , - tr . biii anAsi si saa. . . . e - - in i ne can a . wA mwi nerii rrnnil nenw r . i mi ..... , ii www -- ... - alvOL-NA CENTRAL RAILROATX okneral'pamhkngkr PEITIj. Wilmingtoe. N. C Jane !, ISM .L Ik. .alva.. same ctmrse, anu tuereiw"? , '7 lion of bourboDum is secured, ThU lar-fetched crumb of comfort is ten dered 4n a iecent correspondence to i the UoldnlHmj Mtvjer from Wfahington City. How delightfully delicious are the delusions which find rest ia Bour bon bosoms. "Man never is, but al ways lo be blest,' -AorfA ou. :.-'! Tpreeldeal "Aatar- The J following candid expression from the Brooklyn LWea will be wl nsiciallT by those who know that it was probably : wrlttea by th man who was for years the editor J- of the New York 7Wi. aad who did store to make it a great metropolitan journal than any other man eter con- oecd with it: personal right- h.kbubii Pa.. June 13. -i-..-. ..-Ul sats: Jamee Nutt, I knUin, murta in thto district. We I . - mmJ. from the httra- extent or the law. I). MAU. --.i. r. rr v-anu as he will hare to I m , M nLiiT that3 ft' was 'with I jtmeat., . r -1 -fcft m, nf.-tiBlp CbbIp tl I . iuc j i , .... aimiiil oi u i v .tHKMttitv lb ax nn. pw i .i..n- Funminn anu iit.;i- rTnUnia.fi siiecial aaya; son of ihe lle Uts treasurer, A., C. ho n) wiU wjoy the trip a. ... . TL '. MiiVita nit I Null, shot and kiuea x. "7 falher'a murderer, Ihw evening at r.SO. He shot four times, all the balls Uking n..Ve- died inatanllT. Pukes had been freoueatly warned of his dan ger in rtaudning itt Unionlown, and he V Lands far Sale. Great BargninB GLOVES, HOSIERY. OOBSETS. PAHTSOOODR. SHEKTtNGS, TOWZUNO, Ac Colored At a meeting of Gibleta liodge No. 2, the following naated ofSears were elected for the aaaoinf yean W M-Joha HoUaway. W--SamualE.Ro-J WGeorge W. Marwy. Treasurer- James A. Lewery- i KecratarvThomaa H ! THer Jms D. Dry. S D-Lewis HolUnsworth. j D Caleb Hardy, g s-Joha A. Bheridaa, J SHeary Taraec. Chaplala -Joha IX Nlaesw V MarjJM F. Qrtea. These ofiears, toC-with the elected by Mt. NeBo Ledge No. li, will he iasttlkd at the Opera Haaaa Oathasasaaaay we fraxemiry wiH.haT am w - - . . n - aAaa it. k.. Ui aoueeu I . . ki. iMi-Mirii boot, one l . mm) raradt aa mm mange. r -f .v. more anots , a . .tt for hi discrlmlaaUoa in v!. Ilklnr ntct i . rwT-7 tjavlthvUie; taa waote 7T"" eoalsg the ocjtcl ai inew Tiwr7"'. " t . ! ! - - - , iH knUdimr. the furaitara ' aad eloth- i imw all dastnrved. The firi aext coaxaumicated to we nonsea w?pw a taia;abuc . w wii mmA A J- YTalkflT. aad I A-. wilmtaclaa eonUdntax abort py XXBSMJ aw lOUBJT'" " tt the bouse on the aoath, l tk0ttttj4 T, aaadred acres. Taere MOt'HTAlJiW. v " t.. ..1J jiithar atav Utajf said ma ne oriathecVmetery. ItUaaidthat he had eiprrssed fear of CapU NuUs r.. Jaaeea Nutt was aeen Mactiang with a revolver at hi bosae, Ind UxU CTtning ha was standing near U poatomce when !C. i..v.a Msaaimr he tamed his There have been, but few presMenU , noaced yoang NuU jast as ha ahose blunders could be paca ftoka ' the . doorway ,ad. rL?L"."t .... t.und and fees alike I ,.v.. .t.rtM to raa. ahea nu - expected from him. . . . .5r lowed and shot agaia. Doko. waa on the rT KS of ctard BJee LA, of ar andcr cnlUTaUoe . lie naa own ... . wm i vw. i eta lb mw hen he realljr derrea c , - . . ahc4 aiJ toU laaide u, 25thlC resolution witn "-""Jr. "c T'" v.. ited and tredtwo Ld Masoak rA'TTXr." " li. haa beea abueea , y j sake ef change. r. nak t. fivhetiaaadexxssladvy al J ... .umJ Loca. all whkh 4 I mantled be Dacalir Saeed, I pod fjesvWwaa,. W a4 -in.Ml4Il desireved. the loss belag I telewra au I d w . - - , ar;. . . . .-..i . coratasl Vf laawaaca. ; : ? y T K aala Umbst,.. U is aeei-iwe M r Ui, StrkUaad- koma jwia axei - iCMinr a mi wx u. for fiOO to th Wilaktegjoe ami'--jaa4Tael Itw-v C w -' mammtai hy '.f mmmt U,aa ! . - s. mmA ty eniuvaiioa. wS rtraasils af llattfnrd, " tli I rl7-J' . . a-an W i-a T pkedty Naa was rrw . um-wu lOWaU " t - lljajssasmsj rai tit -it tk-t aa-. oi The lVtaix Cesta uaraaj : w i . f usawt ne rreslya aecei aaa iwsi BHaasaa iv. in faea aa aCaceat kyrasi aad -neattd the fjrthei tTttall ci the I reasf - 12 IBTTT mOW I T -wiT.-tr biil a 'r ; -V -v''v '"r ': ; ; : '" ; : 1 i "" ' - UXCCBSIO TICKET ARK NOW O t id. . ' - : 1. - ' m-Tt w Ki.rrrnio cah raw lashorVeTaryhlnitos Inns! cm- det toon -uiE I theno. to AahrrtU. rteHrwj - j j tVlaa F. W.CLAAK. Oral l Awl ,YV koCk la wiaUt COTTON ' PRE00E0, COTTONQINS txr uuoiM or raj; euro- as& r -'"T-.f TtXV tlK KVERY CK?riXT. km. k. sroso CO. ml. Cheap, Cheap. Cheap- GIVE l A CALL. JOHN el. HHDHICK SeallS Aftffect ! ?. A'" V

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