THE WILMINGTON POST. Wilmington, vjv, a. .FHIDAT Mobin, June 23, I8f3. Seeing Nuperintemleriit. Io the ofticeof a certain western rail , --railroad superintendent it was under- ' stood th.C when a common-looking granger entereii . tbo outer office and Coacernine T wipe a! k hfvtfll 4 ulii i, - e ai ways looks eTervbnl he baUjd and fu!.?6 86' H -s to look M "?-;JWbut he-does', xripe is ludicrHiihlo o.wi .: ... ' lodu rubber apron for a cbiid to put on When ,t is pickled it looks like t:lf. it I i 11 00,w as lhSh the cook "" uoning me o. ADVEETlSliBIENTS. not. OFFER GREAT VARIETY OF KK TIT! fairvxpto U ; . " I ' UAEL KUJiiyMToi PEOSPEOTUS. ... -,, ;-Mi,n.-,. .... ' - 1- . I.. , I THE n, AUY iUi&TlBEMENTS. . i i S RAILROADS. WlIniBoa & Weldon RCU I surrjUOTipijrrjB oreic Styles and Hakeo ..bail for (lie Great Afncii! Hmal juuok men therein employed Lto' S, , u" Sl,k Umbre Ter. A should claim to be the official wanted .,. 'a ' 1 lluea WItu corru- ,d, thus turn the bore away. 1'hr, k . T ?. U turued rMMe.out other day a web-footed Btranger wilh a busipeiS Hluiat to bis eyes, asked t6 see WEAR. the superintendent, Pand chief clerk promptly replied: yes, sir; what can I do for you" Mlrarnll thn man?" 4 'Ism.' "5o mistake?" - oneat alh:' . t . . i ti1'l.M II- CJ nil - - . . jbwi o ., ,-rigni.. bix months ",B BUieu ot trine. A man l.rtno or a i . . uwl lookalike an Arc Uc explorer .Uiuimr on. r.i- k.,. chewing pieces of frozen doir. Vn eaoDot :look at a man eating tripo but be wUl 8h,and look a, though; he wanted loanoWf p ? , . , r-"- " uonTince you he r, taluDR it to lone up hi3 syalem, A woman never eats trinn tj. W.wl7ur. traini killed a cow for 3 uot my enough u ih world to me, im you liare bmn int liirn a. ... tttOUtn IlOt to annnrer a 7i . 1 1.L 11 i ' . ... i, T , . vuiuci 01 a aut oi you!" 1 0 vv--.:"VW! Oood Quality, i Easy Fitting, and. Low Down b Pricet. Call in and examine. mayl3-RFREjNCH&SO-N8- PAcoGrjcErn,yttoufG . t -- ... , I " N0RTB,4ND EAS3J via WCHMOHD J! ttfJjjiiKlULSBURQ AND P0- JUMAC.HJULROADS. - i WILMINGTON POST Conpauj. manda 40 1 Wilmington, Vrihto- ville & Onslow R. n. - JHE TREASURE f aKlXON. ,ke I S8lelantaeoretrj it. A.8war, will -. -, ..i ... .... .: .. . . . out ol you!" 1 - ' "J. i 1'U.i on piece. Those whn rt "But, sir. vou m.--.V i I trine art) -m.ii j . hi i . . i i . J mo uhu ineir i "i see notniuir 41111. jbe licked!"- - eparo 10 mean mess on theui, J And the irov 1 "" get even with L- "777. r xon.ob oPPed ound I ih" room ami 'f10:0"' aud l,e B d take I Ai,8l8tant ery ii. A. 81, war, will b. P ' 'f ',:L" lVe W0.O(I Mox as limp 8 a iU,ll,', oatu la weat it out of Ibe l th8-Offlc? on Market betw-n - ciomcs hub, 0111 me cow nPF ti,.t system. Tr inn U u ......,. ... . .... vw" lArrt.t. - . brother, outdoor and upset Ihe down Iroui t V 7. Z ! ?ana " iiS tWmdWp butchers who mM n ,i. ..l v , . o clock P.m.. to i'-' ! ' t.-l 1 p J f : ; c ' ' i j . nd UWea with the remark: lito rfext lime I do bus u m. I i- . .. ' . . " "; uieab and l rivix., .. I r - thi, corporation I wand you to not X 53 W.11' and . the " J I ,P"n l Htock of lh W. W. "J&Wpn at iepiy 10 bo your ne miM mil i.i.i i... , . 1 II i H. r Pm,2 30ani, tailpm andflS Kchsou Enough lor Pawning . Mmtrt tVRIfll. ...v ---j - wwan pawuoroker received a .call Irom a young man with tjie tan and freckels of .iU faoR aud nose, and a bult't eye watth in his haiid. the country on n o.d fashioned r" l 'V8 ..' between his o,uu KU on anu uate you. Tfipe u v mwK m u o inn l. & : - ,- v 1 7 : um ii is not lOOU. It inaV III. rrr.,. ... :il t . and r.hill,rii. " . vcu,eiJ 7 V . mai answer to ICE! TCE! ICE ! nSAVS"?""' VAJ . I fpafi- Handar value, hut if. i ' . I WORM) t.c.... . - I . -r- uu sa ior;ii!UI.r,V Mnvrw- J. . x m and f9 80 p 1 0 03, . i With its Exceedingly Largu Sub scription LIST is the Best 'ADVERTISING MEDIUM In this State. It is the Only Republican Paper WU&lcstoa, Colanfcli ft la- JK"yW"uart4iiUirxri Wllilttgtofl,N.CiMayls;i88il. CHANGS OF 8CHXDULS. ' "t-j . .... ' " DAY MAIL AND EXPKEoS THAIN Uaily Noa. 47 North and 48 South Leave Wllini mrlriii Vrnnf a..'.i I ;' Wiuuxerur, Sm q, MaTU, ISO. . ' . i ' !- v . ........ : CBAtOX Of 8CHXDUL1 j NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily) oa, 15 TVest and 47 Eat ' ' ' ' ' ' Leave Wilmiflgton. ....-JVm p w Arrive t WektaSr:.T"r S 1 ArriV.Vt V""! WAM epou P k Leave WjVr.VSS&a rASTraRdrjarf mail and PAflsllV-i'.'.:'.::. SAS xttAix . ually-ire. M Bofitn, - t 1 Leave WrMnn Am jre al WUminto" JrtSit siiiJS 1.. eioPM tralnj Dally, Mail and Pjenger Trains Daily! IteiS" - Noa.4S North. I a-A.Msl ItlinDLnn Arrive at Weldon ..' North. 1; burglar-proof aafe.whh 7 RlW ! PuWle ..ner.,, VI.IIJT1II I. ' v iHiu in a lllll aiintsl . "TO am lUlly nrpnaroH lA Aut ivj points on idn lS2ta -SSi iJ!1 ordr l Mail and Paasenrer Train. n.n.v f in . w I v d the broker. "Vhere you ill" aske "Wiout here a few iniles.' ' "V'ere you got dot! vatch?" "It used to be dad's, but he cave it to me." - - j . IIib broker looked, him all over with fwspiciciou glance, and I asked and re crived hw name, aud then added: Vj you yhants to pawn dot vatch, "NVH, I need a little Tnouey." "Out looks BinpicioiH to me, and 1 giiM I tall de boleece."' Pol Kfi t: II h jo mm .hi art a sbeep ranch. u i. dot vas it, eh?" Veil, I Kif von UHH AM a ir..,.i..Li - 11 , ""i-m3 ju mne ol war. or It would bo good to use as bumpers be- v. B,(ur it would make a good ace lor the weight of u pile driver but When VOU limn In un. I. : stomach-you do .-wrong.', Tripe! liah ' " l'10 o inrkish towel cooked in axle, grease-would bo pie compared with.tiipe. iViWe Uawkeve. ..t June3-im : i?iew ice House. AGENTS , WANTED " , FOR TH CELESTIAL WVtinOL, pTERQRETED. Ily REV. H. W-MOR. LecirctM had k-fi town and there wa, S2S?J rMitaS?.Jra to be no exhibition? and InSeVesU The t1'80, I. . kfAMatertal '. 1 u,lU 1 UOU't JM?a'. ture shown ti ZrnZLV' 1 a., a I . " I m trains tn wki; ne 0 a 1 CA TAYLOR, ?Wr? .. "My dea fai-i tk MIHpK'IOUK! Plunder and a'young man in "',M18 .oircHea. Tbe.e' aome- t'-. A. a G'TO 'u with Ins gal, and that kmI want- wing so youthful and in7IEoralinir initoSK prtnuui and candy ald sodv ai about them. Thr, ., i... w?r J- Mr. Mcaai anirT " n ".. i near llie shiiih i ri ' PblladelnhiA. p tee dollar.- Dot makes it all m blain wler frtce on my nose, and I hope you ihI some goot limes. Here - -two uud tie nukq tree." - J Wc J'roi. Y': The I.ilo or J?ln. Manbcrn of woman, liof few daya tii no just'ii he heard when he was a little ooy, oni.gH hack .loud recollections of childhood,, and renews his youth." "U doesn't strike me that way. All I have ..been able to see in a clown and a donkey trying lo see how naicU worse they can make themselves than their WILLIAM LYNCH, THE Second and Tairii Congressional Districts. It reaches alt classes or the nople. - ; WHITE and COLORED, It advopatcs Equal Rights the Law and at the Ballot Box of ALL MlN, . J"'n go o South will stop only at Rockv I Lwk7KoreBcif...: Mount, Wllwn.fioidaboroandMnolU7! Arrive it Wllmliirto. ' ..... 8.X5P.M daily. Train 13 stops at all stations. r&R&Z". Wail- Irani 011 Seollan.i 11a nli daily. leave iiirv .X"?".". " waech Road I on h a r" 'U.D. nd all pointa - BMW tU ' IVA AM Nt.hl t- . " - - - ..SuS 1 I l 1 1 SS Trnlt. it . I Separate Pnllman oiu. . ' U'Viri ,Xl V..-.oe connection at I and Yor Anrn.u n. wwiarieaton :y " I'winia iNortli ImiIt aiiI . day, via Bay Llnef b4 du'wpt Bm" I :r"" ran 10l,d bnw. uuuiimio, Train No. 43 rnnti . ' conaecllon rr .iii..' s close mondand Waahinston. WM1 V1 Klch- OenerallBnp't. UK- O.'HCIB CHEH UJ-Nffl Williams 'Sfeing Machines ACXNOWXiXOKD IO BK tH i oi k A n.l J i i. . . "v"" """ wouiu creator loteu.led thtsin t bo ' ,aT, III" -r so uscu 10 it, but e money m hU ocket Imimetioies if I v"Don'Cyou like; 16 seethatf" ) ixniA lens of either iJ r..r i.: .i, I '1 niitrht il I wasn't. Hi nao.i i. wastftfi oue-lhird of iheni. and as lu., u C ,a,uecomWoaliop right Cassimures. TaUor and Clothier, t BESf ET THE T7DRLD .i,;,i,l , , J , . i "cic m me with me mi ontr that t lim teeth, he has convulsions when the novellv is .r. .m X. i . 5 . . I 1 nuu i nuui to t'lltS theill. Iltld UM l.lin laut ,.... ....... I SPA Hrml l!r. ..I 'i . t pugh, lo, Iho dentist is twiming the I hS,w" :' . .lopnoouyguiicjd at himgdf in the glass, and went out without Hjeaking. rou i one out, and the last cud of that in s jaw u wcrso than tlie first, being i ol porcelain and a roU-idalo built miner. hold blackberry seed. ' toue bruises line his pa' h way lo I - NKW a it v KKTISEMPNTS. HAS A SPLENDID AisSOttTMENT I ' Af Auutatioas held in Europe and America,, Factories located at Montreal, CanauJanS ihe wiluais iiliwi(mmGci m 347J rami StieV Iteto ' v -rim Doeskins and Broadcloths, AMERICAN AND l.tll'ORTKD, Which he will cut and make tn nrdr in Ik- 1-1.-. . mo miest siyies. - KnliMlkrtioii t3n.r.. -Store north side df Princess street nar Front. , m., 'nf uhoo.1; his father boxes; his ears at) pQr Wriirhra'villn' .. ne, the big boys cuff him in the r r,6nisvlP OUnd ne, the big boys cuff him in the jground, and the teacher whips i in-the school-room. ile buyeth tkweslern at 110, when he. hath sold rl at uinoty six, and his neighbor loadelh upon him Jron Mountain at and it straighlwav broakcth down CJ. He riscth early a. d sillelh up i that he -may lill .hisf barns aii.t 'eliouses, and lo! his children's law- divide the poil among themselves I y "Ha, b!" Jle growleth and is 7 )N and aktkii junk i-jtiitue wau F crop U loslf" because it raineth Hovm Kvrry Iay. from toruer Sceonc . The late rains blight his wheat I the irost biteth his peaches, if it hi itiHi the sun shlneth, eVen among Bioeties, beaayetb, " Woe id me, for o, ami ii ino northwest wind th doun in forty-two below he Hi, "Would 1 were dead!" If ho r sackcloth and blue jeans mtn say W a trauip,' and if lie ioeih forth feu andclad iu purple and fine linen he tilecryv "Shoot th dudef" lecarrveth iniirnv f.r t iXe Second and I'llnct'si. SI., at o clock 1. M. Re.x ...-.. i .... ... a k iuiuiuk, win leave ttuuml at 7 ., 41, por flirlher lufortn.uloti aply to June .V-lm : J.T.SOtXTHKRUANU. Try goods, may L0 tf ROOK LIlvIBC JOR BUILDING PUR103E. 1 in PER CASK. Discounts on Urge hut Addresfc,, rUENCH BROS. Roeky Point. N.C.. ; or O. U. PAR8LET, Ja Plljti Wilmington, n! c. Kicnmond aodPelenlioriRailroai Co BSBBSiS'B . CARPKTS MATTINGS, gaia fibttireaeatroyetbhuVtore. Ue ..." i I ,.fc-.v L.. ftkio Kansas, and a cyclone crry ouse awav orer into Mhaouri, prairie tare aud ten million of grasshoppers fight forThia cnp. J, there tin no rest for the aole of mnl if he had to do it over would not be born at all, for J of death U better than the oue't birth." Xurxktt in TwsTk'oiTir. ;. j: iolertatlhg story come from Lou-1 bout a pair of Texas poo ice were inseparable in lijeand in MlonsfiJitided. They jlpeotthe in a Kentucky pasture, where picked together like kittens front S Ull nigtvtojhileli loujht of uMogone of them wilh- ting the other follow after for Its usemenU A fortnight ago woe of taken sick and soon died, and the other acted as if tt were ku.b indeej it probably wa. rljtul and duciU cre4tre ii J veritable demon, kickiuf iu '9 rc, lashlog out ia a perfect " upone wno attempted to ap- LEAVE RICHMOND SOUTH -.vx wirj. run man Minora w m un 1 inapiMiMt TTrjr 1 'TaM Bp 4 -. C In at a . Aiken, Savaanaa i7aek vfiis, . tnops at Shops, tW. t. 1 r i , r 1 . DRESS G00U JIILKS and SATIXS, Linen Ulsters, No Houm in Ihuoiy co sbowah a rati- ' tr of lUak and CVtkxrvd q.a. - w, Avatraiia. Drewry-a Bint. I V N Tork t lkrWaZ . H M. r,ltht dailv (iTi8aday.l M, fwlahi dally (lorpt Saadaya I LEAVE rETERSBTRO NORTH. S.4S A M.JPMt manually. 8of oatly at 1 twe (.harieatoa aklUbvxl,, 7.J A M, eiht daily, (except 8sMUyl polaU eaas sad wss Also Irak I uiisw mitmaa 1 1 1 at osi tata m Tofu. . T . ' 1 -2 - f S w B ho clg;J CI t . I s rir. I Its location is in the HRGESMOMMEKIAL C1T1 ' ' t . ; - - - "'1 ih North parolina. LXTUHl MAItli; . -. ' I ' ' - j. . 'V " : 'AND':'.;.,. MARKET KErOKJ1. it is oppotseDBrru RINGS AND CLIQUES Railroad, ...Au.! .un olid between Wiimi ailfl W aklilnr. lnM . " ralaceBleer7.r.r.rua Pullman For aCCOUlltirwlaf fnaw i -nSer coach will iv".-V5vi .P e ?ht lcavlbR Wilmington a't s iTa m Laily except Bunuays. a..UA.Mj ". -j JOHUK.D1VJNK, -, Oeneral Snp't. T. tt. KMKRKiir .. may 13 u 1 1 aouKer ABenU Carolina Central Ita road Company. KwiF Cr BUrEIW NTBNDKNT I Orricsijrvrp.i u.t... : rirrKJwoaBa. Va.. May 13, "ssij I ' SI COMMENCING SUNDAY vTav 11 n, trains ou ibis Zfl?;l P.: i ua aa ichOW,: r 001NMKnirt BOSTON AND SAVANNA II 'KAKT MAIL. trKrM tWaikinaton PasaeuKer trains, daily....; lit' and 1:13 PJI. I ' , 2 Arrive at WaldoaU KreiEht trains dally, ex. .eeplHnnday ..Z... Arrive at Weldon......... Political or S:'and o:i6 P.M. ?SA.M ) 219 p. M. vt. WxLuoy. tfllNGE OF S'CflKDULE. road; - " ""wnnoi intoBalf. PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPREM TRAIN; DAILT' ai 1 fv" WllmlnBton 1 ia u 1 f a. 1U,,"h "T P u J Arrive at Charlotuliti:: T. o. a tArrtV-.?' 5 r.M j J Arrive at WlimiaVtonTi eS A M rasseni onij ay sxiaaaTahia Train ki , .V... - . . . ... .. am ii. a . . . "v. no. d0 Jo Uinia- s SHELBY DI VISION, P AflMENOKR. M All a r llsUUB J( iily except Handays. lavci,arlolt - Airlvetli.i'i; --.II? A- Commercial, r Ser Trains, dally Arrive at VHtttn,VTz , . . "U USA TMIMI. .:35 A. M. I P H. WKZJZF?? Cnou. wiu"Wnv ;And Exposes thpm When??er FotLnd. ADTERTISINC RATE LOW v - r . s VBscRiPTios rmcE only 1 relKh liatDrd;;: f ai.j W P.M tjUDvlay,......,. ) 1 Arrive at IVtertburK. 1J0 r.M. I lotu. " b Char. H.OT P.M. Train leaviria Pnbir -1 t? t ii . .... . . . - " i UtuBlyal iitlflelj. NPlns rars aod flrit class eoachea ni&hl anddajr Uatna. ummm ocnt on I tX JONEfl. P. W.c-t .nir "1t. VSBKtr ... JOHN WernebT HU M4 depot. " waaavciaaj -I 0. cevehly nurssa, Arrcann at un, I ronn castteu k- c TWO DOLLAltS A Tear ia Advance. Do lot Forgtt to Send the Mc&ey iik.. r.r-,,f VaTaT l2. 1. , P"Wcat truni m iki. . . : . ad rEixrmto. S BABCBT STREET, tiMla dai. .iZrTJ"" I " KAtVTCCT Ia Ika etvtl d rrtaaiaal 4 tlvrat far Lb oaaJbrt s!Ed 1 rata am fwrt W la iki. iua aot iMr4ai to t la auy are favMdl -.-j. , rtwab uatM d at Uuat potau, IU1 "FlM S Mattings, Mattings, :ja P M, rrvixat dally txcH 8matay) mads at yUMtt UmhiMjc. cart tail Aduaet lovrlMMra tmumm im I rr -7 " " 7- . and Inally dying, not o( a JT SS fSi a ttiSL'? u ZZZZZ aTT.1 Jrt bnt of a broteu neck, the I At , SO. 3. 37 1-3, 10 til uSi ,VLV" Vfct 2KSSir g- TJT? 1 All iTalu laartar rta.M i.. I ?W. J6 t feuf a rAlwU. i. r.- .v. I U. Ms MCint rO. J H KEXLT.IUsan.ta 1 77Z-?tLZ? tr?"' rTw, a rurKt uri Aa4 asreitai aaiuVtl Andersen has rsAusd tin na nu3 for her bj Oscar Wilde, 1 iw n-u WiU Tor Ntast. Address, Tn;nnj:KCTox rest. EDUACD a KIC3, Atlintr? ai Ccffilr ji u? MaiuJc. M - -- niaM ) BBOWN c PEARSOn. v.iMm mm$rm,' tmmm en a t 1,